UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /15 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
Initial commit
=== tenach_ is now known as tenach
=== duanedesign is now known as evilduanedesign
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[11:58] <coalwater> hi :P
[11:58] <coalwater> o woops, wrong channel
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
[17:40] <dfgdfgdf> fceux problem: Every time I run the program it starts up, can play with some minor tearing, but when I exit the screen is blank...lost?
[18:34] <goddard> whats a good router that will let me hook up my printer and an external drive?
[18:34] <goddard> im talkin like fast wifi and stuff
[18:34] <goddard> i got a linksys e3200 and i cant get the external drive working
[18:36] <holstein> goddard: you'll need to elaborat on 'the external drive"
[18:36] <holstein> if its a lan drive, with networking, you can configure it to work anywhere
[18:37] <holstein> if you need a USB port, then you'll need to look for that funtionality, and make sure it supports linux
[19:00] <goddard> holstein: that is a little to generic my friend you need to elaborat more :D
[19:01] <holstein> goddard: sure
[19:02] <holstein> when you say "external", more information is needed... is it USB? is it LAN? is it in a NAS box?
[19:43] <bobweaver> hello there could anyone please tell me how to change the default ports on a ubuntu server for well anything but ssh in particular thansk
[19:43] <bobweaver> thanks *
[19:44] <holstein> bobweaver: not ssh?
[19:44] <Unit193> bobweaver: Check /etc/ssh/sshd_config
[19:45] <bobweaver> also can I turn off all services mysql apache ssh vpn with the services stop <name> or is it better to use sudo /etc/init.d/<name> start ?
[19:45] <bobweaver> thansk Unit193
[19:45] <Unit193> holstein: "Anything would help, bnut really need it for SSH" is how I read it
[19:45] <holstein> i literally purge what i dont use
[19:45] <bobweaver> holstein: good idea
[19:45] <bobweaver> Unit193: you got it right
[19:46] <holstein> i wouldnt trust changing the port only
[19:46] <Unit193> Awesome
[19:46] <bobweaver> but I would still like ssh but on a different port and also can I do that with any servvice ?
[19:47] <holstein> bobweaver: you can check the config files... AFAIK, you can use custom ports for all i have encountered
[19:47] <Unit193> Config files, and man pages
[19:47] <holstein> though, i never got freeNX to work on anything other than port 22 :/
[19:47] <Unit193> Man pages have a "see also" section
[19:47] <holstein> my fault though...
[19:48] <bobweaver> I also read that it is good to have apache installed on a different patition. any thoughts ?
[19:48] <bobweaver> partition *
[19:49] <holstein> i have strict "do what makes you feel safe" rule
[19:49] <holstein> i would say, the user permissions would be more important
[19:49] <bobweaver> thanks holstein
[19:49] <holstein> virtualizing is a nice way to isolate too assuming you can afford the overhead
[19:49] <Unit193> I personally prefer cherokee, lighttpd, or something like that over apache now days
[19:50] <holstein> Unit193: i need to get into lighttpd
[19:50] <holstein> apache is totally overkill for me, its just what i started with, and half understand ;)
[19:50] <bobweaver> I was also wondering about that holstein should I install say lubuntu then virtual box like 4 or 5 with ubuntu server on it or is there a better way that I should go about that ?
[19:50] <Unit193> holstein: I'm not sure I'd be able to help much, but I could pretend to
[19:51] <holstein> hehe
[19:52] <bobweaver> Unit193: I have not looked into cherokee but have heard real good things about lighttpd
[19:52] <Unit193> I use both, but on different computers for different things
[19:52] <bobweaver> COol
[19:53] <bobweaver> back to the virtual servers. Do you all think that I should install lubuntu (light) then install virtual box on that with like 4 ubuntu servers on that? Or is there a better way to go ?
[19:54] <bobweaver> I have 8 gig ram 1 i5
[19:55] <holstein> LXDE is light
[19:55] <holstein> you can run virtualbox headless without X
[19:55] <holstein> but i have not had a chance to play with it
[19:56] <holstein> if you got the ram, just do LXDE and "get your feet wet"
[19:57] <bobweaver> sweet holstein that is what I will do
[19:57] * Unit193 thought there was this "lubuntu-core" you could install........
[19:57] <bobweaver> great news is great !!
[19:59] <bobweaver> thanks !
[20:45] <eyadof> hi , i have a problem with sound , no sound appear when i play a video , in last time i enter sound setting and put it to analog but now no thing working , any help
[20:46] <holstein> eyadof: you can try install pavucontrol
[20:46] <holstein> i would suggest troubleshooting with a simple audio file in a simple audio player
[20:47] <eyadof> holstein: what is this ?
[20:47] <holstein> eyadof: ?
[20:47] <holstein> pavucontrol?
[20:47] <eyadof> yes
[20:48] <holstein> its a suggestion... its a pulseaudio control package
[20:48] <holstein> not sure what you have "set to analog"
[20:49] <eyadof> in my sound setting there is two hardware HDMI and internal audio i set the internal audio profile to be Analog stereo
[20:50] <eyadof> anyway i installed pavucontrol
[20:50] <eyadof> it's show me dummy output
[20:51] <holstein> eyadof: OK... so that might mean your audio has crashed
[20:51] <holstein> thats what i see there when it crashes
[20:51] <holstein> i say, work through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting
[20:51] <holstein> try restarting alsa
[20:52] <holstein> if sound used to work, and recently stopped working try booting in using an older kernel
[20:52] <eyadof> i will
[20:54] <eyadof> i restart alsa nothing change
[20:55] <holstein> eyadof: right on
[20:55] <holstein> what from that link have you tried?
[20:55] <holstein> have you tried an older kernel?
[20:55] <thewrath> hello all
[20:56] <holstein> have you looked for and applied all upgrades?
[20:56] <thewrath> i am using fedora but can someone help me with setting up my logitech quickcam on n linux
[20:56] <Unit193> Might be better off in #fedora....
[20:57] <thewrath> Unit193: i am in there too
[20:57] <thewrath> but I am thinking if soemone could tell me how to do it in Ubuntu I could do it in Fedora
[20:58] <Unit193> It's generally not liked if you cross post, and since Ubuntu uses Unity by default and the core is different, things wouldn't be the same
[20:58] <holstein> the one i had, i literally plugged it in
[20:58] <thewrath> ok
[20:59] * Unit193 The Grouch
[21:03] <eyadof> holstein: i tried older kernel its work untill now and my system is up to date
[21:04] <eyadof> this problem appear after updating
[21:06] <holstein> eyadof: ok... so i would say the kernel would be a good place to start (im unclear as to if you have tried an older one as a remedy) and also the ALSA version... also, im not sure what settings changes you have made or what, but you might want to try and reverse them
[21:07] <eyadof> ok thanks for helping