UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /13 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
=== bkerensa_ is now known as bkerensa
=== balloons_ is now known as balloons
=== topyli_ is now known as topyli
=== duanedesign is now known as duanedroid
=== duanedroid is now known as duaneiphone
=== duaneiphone is now known as duanedesign
[08:12] <czajkowski> aloha
[08:30] <bkerensa> hi dholbach
[08:30] <dholbach> hey bkerensa
[08:31] <bkerensa> dholbach: Does Dev news restart next week?
[08:31] <dholbach> yes, definitely
[08:32] <dholbach> if you have something new to add, please do so :)
[08:32] <dholbach> I think I'll blog about the initiative soon again to make sure we get a few new folks :)
[08:33] <bkerensa> dholbach: I will look at our stuff to do list :) and work on it.... Kind busy this week I have a Ubuntu User Days session on Saturday and a talk at Yahoo coming up in a week or so
[08:33] <bkerensa> :P
[08:33] <bkerensa> so much writing
[08:33] <dholbach> oh wow
[08:33] <dholbach> nice
[08:34] <bkerensa> fun times ;) I'm hoping sometime in the next eon things will slow down enough for me to continue learning python
[08:34] <bkerensa> ;)
[08:35] <dholbach> :-)
[08:36] <bkerensa> dholbach: Was Morocco nice?
[08:36] <dholbach> it was, very :)
[08:36] <dholbach> when I'm back home I'll post some pictures :)
[08:36] <bkerensa> cool :)
[09:28] <dpm> morning all
[09:29] <bkerensa> Good Night All! :)
[09:30] <AlanBell> night bkerensa o/
[09:33] <balloons> good morning dpm and good night bkerensa
[09:34] <dpm> :)
[11:02] <s-fox> Hello :-)
[11:04] <balloons> morning s-foz
[11:05] <s-fox> Hello balloons
[11:05] <s-fox> How are you doing?
[11:05] <balloons> pretty well.. hanging out with dpm, dholbach, jcastro this week has been alot of fun
[11:07] <balloons> it's exciting to see how the precise release is shaping up and to see all the community member involved -- this release really is going to be awesome; you can feel it
[11:12] <AlanBell> it is good, but precise broke my USB dongle :(
[11:13] <AlanBell> I did an update and the wifi driver stopped working for the USB wifi dongle, so I moved the desktop over to where a wire could reach and tilted it up to plug the network cable in the back, and as the USB wifi dongle was still sticking out of the front it snapped in two
[11:15] <balloons> AlanBell, ouch! sorry to hear that
[11:16] <AlanBell> is the unity testing launcher icon thing yours?
[11:17] <balloons> AlanBell, no didrocks and some other folks did alot of great work on the tool. I'm very happy to see the commitment to quality this release
[11:19] <AlanBell> would be nice to get an orca section in there
[11:20] <AlanBell> I am thinking of knocking together an IRC <-> Ubuntu desktop gateway
[11:20] <popey> AlanBell: i have a spare wifi dongle if you need it
[11:21] <AlanBell> so I would run a desktop, with orca, and in the background have a python IRC bot that logs on to IRC and speaks everything coming out of speech dispatcher, and listens for commands and sends keys to the desktop
[11:22] <AlanBell> popey: thanks, would be interested (no massive urgency though)
[11:23] <popey> i wont be home till tuesday, if you want to pop over before I can pre-warn clare to dig one out
[11:24] * AlanBell suggests a beer related meet up some time after tuesday
[11:25] <popey> yay
[11:28] <balloons> AlanBell, you mean some orca tests in the unity testing tool or ?
[11:29] <AlanBell> balloons: yes, a section that starts with launching orca, and then navigating around unity using the keyboard (orca users tend not to have much use for a mouse)
[11:30] <AlanBell> testing for stuff like multiple languages, and it saying stuff that makes sense (like indicator menus actually have a name and are not all called "image" for instance)
[11:33] <balloons> yes, I'm not sure to what extent checkbox supports multiple languages.. it would be great to have
[11:37] <AlanBell> one of the first questions is asking if the user sees translated strings
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
[14:04] <mhall119> morning
[14:06] <balloons> morning mhall119
[14:06] <mhall119> hey balloons, have a good week?
[14:07] <balloons> yes, I did.. very much so
[14:07] <nigelb> Heh, I saw a tablet with intel processor the other day. It had a *fan*!
[14:07] <nigelb> Now I realize how much more awesome ARM is :)
[14:08] <Pendulum> nigelb: too you this long? :)
[14:08] <Pendulum> *took
[14:08] <nigelb> Well, I wasn't aware how bad the competition was.
[14:09] <mhall119> yeah, it's not pretty
[14:09] <nigelb> On the OS front though, things should be interesting with the competition.
[14:09] <nigelb> Windows on a tablet was actually pretty good.
[14:09] <nigelb> And they have enterprise offerings for phones and tablets.
[14:09] <mhall119> yeah, it'll be the apps that make the difference
[14:10] <nigelb> And the freedom to customize.
[14:10] <nigelb> Windows tablets have a bunch of usability limitations.
[14:10] <mhall119> so do windows desktops, but they still own the market
[14:11] <nigelb> Well. I mean. You can only swipe left to right.
[14:11] <mhall119> wha?
[14:11] <nigelb> Yeah :)
[14:11] <nigelb> Right to left is a different gesture and apparently its not cutomizable.
[14:11] <nigelb> Bottom to up is right click gesture
[14:12] <mhall119> .......
[14:12] <mhall119> that sounds awful
[14:12] <nigelb> Yeah, I was wtf too :)
[14:12] <nigelb> Its a "Metro" thing apparently.
[14:12] <nigelb> Its still not alpha. Maybe there's enough time for them to see the light.
[14:13] <nigelb> mhall119: It is awful in a way. But overall, I think its learnable.
[14:14] <nigelb> But, a big win, is that apps are going to html + css + js.
[14:14] <mhall119> in windows?
[14:14] <nigelb> No silverlight, no flash, no c#, no dot net.
[14:14] <nigelb> Yep. Metro UI appps will also be html css and js.
[14:14] <nigelb> s/also/all
[14:15] <nigelb> That's a big win for attracting developers.
[14:15] <mhall119> but then won't their source be visible?
[14:15] <nigelb> Dunno.
[14:15] <nigelb> Actually, I never thought to ask.
[14:16] <mhall119> I can't imagine proprietary app developers allowing that
[14:23] <mhall119> jcastro: ping
[14:40] <mhall119> jono: is aquarius in Budapest with you guys?
[14:40] <jono> mhall119, nope
[14:40] <mhall119> Vegas?
[14:40] <mhall119> or at home
[14:41] <jono> mhall119, on his way home now I believe
[14:41] <mhall119> ah, ok
[14:41] <mhall119> I'll try and get him on Monday then
[15:02] <jono> mhall119, quick G+?
[15:03] <mhall119> jono: sure
[15:03] <mhall119> dholbach: are you around?
[15:03] <jono> mhall119, cool
[15:03] <jono> mhall119, want to discuss the accomplishments thing
[15:04] <sense> If you need a replacement for Lernid, some people from Ubuntu NL developed a nice webapp: http://www.sehofstede.nl/just-for-learning-an-online-classroom-from-ubuntu-nederland
[15:04] <jono> mhall119, will be one sec
[15:05] <jono> mhall119, just wrapping a convo
[15:07] <jono> mhall119, invite sent
[15:15] <mhall119> is dpm around?
[15:23] <balloons> mhall119, yes dpm is around.. ping ping dpm :-)
[15:23] <dholbach> mhall119, yes
[15:23] <dholbach> mhall119, sorry, didn't see your ping
[15:23] <mhall119> dholbach: sent you another patch to bug_stats
[15:24] <dholbach> yes, I mailed you back already
[15:24] <mhall119> cool
[15:24] <mhall119> dholbach: do you want to set that up in a branch on LP?
[15:25] <dholbach> if you want, you can take over and push it there :)
[15:25] <dholbach> (and get access to cranberry, etc)
[15:26] <nigelb> he already has cranberry access :P
[15:26] <mhall119> I have some access to cranberry
[15:26] <mhall119> not all
[15:26] <dholbach> then you need just to be added to an additional group
[15:34] <mhall119> dholbach: where on cranberry does the code go?
[15:41] <dholbach> mhall119, /srv/qa.ubuntu.com/reports
[15:47] <cprofitt> cranberry?
[15:50] <mhall119> cprofitt: a server's hostname
[15:51] <pangolin> where can I send someone with ubuntu friendly questions?
[15:53] <technoviking> pangolin: #ubuntu, askubuntu.com, ubuntuforums.org
[15:53] <pangolin> technoviking: Ubuntu Friendly is the testing suite thing
[15:53] <pangolin> #ubuntu really isn't the place to ask about it
[15:54] <mhall119> akgraner: ^^ do you know?
[15:54] <AlanBell> go talk to Victor I think
[15:54] <akgraner> #ubuntu-qa
[15:54] <akgraner> or quality
[15:54] <AlanBell> http://victorpalau.net/
[15:55] <akgraner> AlanBell, yes victor or ara
[15:56] <pangolin> thanks everybody :)
[15:56] <akgraner> actually it's #ubuntu-testing now
[15:56] <akgraner> pangolin, ^^
[15:56] <mhall119> thanks akgraner
[15:56] <akgraner> yw
[15:56] <pangolin> akgraner: #ubuntu-quality is set to forward there :)
[15:57] <akgraner> oh good
[16:01] <akgraner> pangolin, sorry I was on a call is that all you needed about UF?
[16:01] <pangolin> yup, thank you.
[16:02] <balloons> yes, we're attempting to consolidate all the "qa" type stuff to #ubuntu-testing
[16:06] <akgraner> balloons, that makes sense :-) instead of having to remember 3 or 4 channels for various types of testing - rock on!
[16:28] <cprofitt> mhall119: cool...
[16:28] <cprofitt> I am currently using Finnish Mythology for naming my servers
[16:33] <snap-l> cprofitt: pardon the ignorance, but is Finnish Mythology different from Norse Mythology?
[16:33] <snap-l> (Thor, Odin, etc.)
[16:34] * snap-l is a bit of a mythology nut
[16:38] * snap-l looks it up in Wikipedia in the interim. :)
[16:45] <cprofitt> snap-l: yes a bit
[16:47] <cprofitt> mielikki is my favorite Finnish deity
[16:55] <mhall119> jcastro: you still around?
[19:55] * AlanBell takes a load more viagra
[19:55] <AlanBell> off the wiki
[20:10] <Pici> nice place for an accidental carriage return.
[22:29] <bodhi_zazen> 'lo nhandler
[22:44] <akgraner> AlanBell, are you still around?
[23:00] <akgraner> Freescale fuel injectors in NASCAR check it out - geekery and rednecks - I knew there was something to that combination - https://twitter.com/#!/FreescaleRacing/media/grid :-)