UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /13 /#lubuntu.txt
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=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
[03:27] <average_guy> what packages do I need to install to get the appindicator in lubuntu 11.10?
[03:28] <average_guy> i have dun it before, so I know it can be done..
[03:59] <Unit193> average_guy: Howdy, do you happen to be talking about lxpanel-indicator-applet-plugin ?
[04:01] <average_guy> howdy Unit193 didn't know you hung out over here too
[04:01] <Unit193> I sure do
[04:02] <average_guy> I mean the the applet in the gnome panel like a drawer that holds tbird, gwibber, pidgin, etc.
[04:05] <average_guy> is that it?
[04:07] <Unit193> I know it's disabled by default, and the LXDE one isn't as great
[04:08] <average_guy> I just tried to install it and it said I already have it
[04:10] <average_guy> yeah Unit193, I don't even get the point of the LXDE one
[04:12] <Unit193> Give me a sec, working on something else too
[04:12] <average_guy> it's cool, I still googling
[04:15] <Unit193> Are you looking for Right click panel > add/remove Indicator
[04:15] <average_guy> yes
[04:16] <average_guy> I mean, that where I WANT it to be
[04:17] <Unit193> You don't see it in the "Add" list?
[04:17] <average_guy> you know how in GNOME it looks like an envelope? I want that Unit193
[04:18] <average_guy> that just says "no indicators"
[04:18] <average_guy> when I open it
[04:20] <average_guy> I feel like last time I turned that one into what I'm shooting for
[04:20] <average_guy> somehow..
[04:21] <Unit193> Do you also have indicator-messages and
[04:21] <Unit193> indicator-application
[04:24] <average_guy> yes I have them both installed
[04:36] <average_guy> sorry Unit193, busted it. Had to reboot..
[04:40] <average_guy> ok, I think I here now
[04:44] <average_guy> actually Unit193, I think I've done enuf damage. I'll try again tomorrow. thx anyway
[04:44] <Unit193> Heh sure, from what I can tell, that's what is supposed to get it to work, but I'll have a go at it in a VM
[13:32] <average_guy> alright, I'm at it again. There IS a way to get the appindicators like GNOME in lubuntu. Does anyone know what package I need to install?
[13:34] <bioterror> nope, we tend to like appindicators like in LXDE
[13:34] <bioterror> can you explain what do you mean like in GNOME
[13:34] <bioterror> +by
[13:35] <average_guy> an envelope in the panel that opens a drawer containing tbird, pidgin, quassel, etc.
[13:36] <average_guy> I installed something once that turned the indicator applet in the lxpanel into it
[13:38] <bioterror> I have no idea about the envelope
[13:40] <bioterror> and I have few gnome 3 computers running ;)
[13:40] <average_guy> http://imagecdn.maketecheasier.com/2011/09/oneiric-appindicator.jpg
[13:40] <average_guy> I want THAT
[15:28] <average_guy> Xfce has it..
[17:03] <kvarley> How can I change the default desktop session?
[19:43] <Wulong> How can I make lubuntu automatically reconnect wifi network?
[19:44] <Wulong> It probably reconnect when it loses connection, but if it fails again it gives up like a little girl.
[19:44] <Wulong> cron solvable maybe?
[19:45] <MrChrisDruif> Unit193; you might have a solution for that? I can't remember seeing anything about that
[19:45] <Unit193> Should be an option in nm-applet
[19:46] <Unit193> Workaround, get a better router ;)
[19:46] <Wulong> nm-applet you say. So it's a Ubuntu issue. Not surprising. It has always been this stupid.
[19:46] <Wulong> Not my router. I'm just paying for access.
[19:46] <Wulong> I'd wish though.
[19:47] <wxl> i think i filed a bug for this if i understand you correctly
[19:48] <wxl> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/892454
[19:48] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 892454 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "network-manager starts up with wireless disabled" [Undecided,New]
[19:49] <MrChrisDruif> I know there are other network-managers, but I always forget how they're called
[19:49] <Wulong> It connect's on startup.
[19:49] <wxl> Wulong: if that's consistent with your experience, please confirm
[19:50] <Wulong> I know about several others, but I'm not sure if they are as "light" or what.
[19:50] * Unit193 just used /etc/networking for a while
[19:51] <wxl> i tried one other one
[19:51] <wxl> i forgot the name of it
[19:51] <wxl> it was pretty but annoying
[19:51] <Wulong> wxl: don't seem the same. It connects automatically.
[19:51] <Unit193> wxl: wicd?
[19:51] <wxl> Wulong: that's a strange one, then
[19:51] <Wulong> wifi radar
[19:51] <wxl> Unit193: yeah, hated it and it was a pita to uninstall
[19:53] <Wulong> PITA to uninstall.. sounds about right. Probably therefore I feel like skipping those.
[19:54] <Wulong> I'll supervise nm-applet and file a bug report if it doesnt improve.
[19:54] <wxl> Wulong: did you already search lp for a similar bug?
[19:55] <MrChrisDruif> wicd, that's the one I'm talking about
[19:55] <Wulong> I did not, but I have seen this as a problem and ideas on brainstorm for Ubuntu several times.
[19:55] <MrChrisDruif> Never used it thou
[19:58] <wxl> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/150180 ???
[19:58] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 134660 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.24 (Ubuntu Hardy) "duplicate for #150180 Ralink rt2400 / rt2500 / rt2570 / rt61 / rt73 do not work out of the box in Gutsy/Hardy" [High,Fix released]
[19:59] <wxl> a cursory search reveals what i would suspect is people complaining of random dropouts which i'd say is more an isp/router sort of issue
[20:00] <wxl> but these are usually short
=== Alcine is now known as jalcine
[21:22] <AmberJ> Hello
[21:23] <AmberJ> I used this to autostart programs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_I_can_autostart_a_program_when_logging_into_Desktop
[21:23] <AmberJ> But pcmanfm won't start at boot...I instead get a (error) window saying "No such file or directory".
[21:25] <MrChrisDruif> AmberJ; what happens when you use that same pcmanfm.desktop to start pcmanfm?
[21:26] <MrChrisDruif> Are there other pcmanfm.desktop files in that folder?
[21:27] * MrChrisDruif isn't using Lubuntu...again
[21:28] <wxl> AmberJ: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXSession#Automatically_start_some_applications_on_login help?
[21:29] <AmberJ> MrChrisDruif, Which pcmanfm.desktop? the one in /usr/share/applications/ ? or, the one in ~/.config/autostart/ ?
[21:29] <wxl> actually
[21:29] <MrChrisDruif> /usr/share/applications/
[21:29] <wxl> AmberJ: cat ~/.config/autostart/pcmanfm.desktop | pastebinit
[21:29] <wxl> and if you don't have pastebinit, install it
[21:30] <wxl> also If the name of an executable is specified without any path components then the $PATH environment is searched to find a matching executable program.
[21:30] <MrChrisDruif> Ghehe, wisecrack
[21:31] <wxl> well it's a good point!
[21:31] <wxl> i would expect $PATH to be set appropriately by then but perhaps not
[21:31] <wxl> /usr/bin/pcmanfm is what you wnat obviously
[21:32] <wxl> so your .desktop file would be:
[21:32] <wxl> Exec=/usr/bin/pcmanfm %U
[21:32] <wxl> (or would have, rather)
[21:32] <wxl> instead of Exec=pcmanfm %U
[21:32] <wxl> betcha that fixes it
[21:32] <AmberJ> wxl, http://paste.ubuntu.com/803462/
[21:33] <AmberJ> wxl, 'pcmanfm' on terminal starts it fine. So, I guess the $PATH is set
[21:34] <wxl> but may not be at the point of doing autostart, AmberJ
[21:34] <AmberJ> Ok...let me try
[21:35] <AmberJ> So, I need to logout and log back in to test this?
[21:35] <MrChrisDruif> Prolly
[21:36] <AmberJ> Right let me logout...brb
[21:39] <AmberJ> wxl, No...I still get the same error :(
[21:41] <AmberJ> wxl, this is what I get: http://i.imgur.com/AMvjc.png
[21:41] <wxl> AmberJ: open ~/.config/autostart in pcmanfm and double click on pcmanfm.desktop -- what happens?
[21:42] <AmberJ> wxl, Another window of pcmanfm opens when I do that^
[21:42] <wxl> strange
[21:43] <wxl> i am kind of at a loss
[21:44] <AmberJ> MrChrisDruif, clicking on /usr/share/applications/pcmanfm.desktop opens another window...
[21:45] <wxl> so we've checked both of the .desktops AmberJ ?
[21:45] <MrChrisDruif> And so does the one in ~/.config/autostart/ ?
[21:45] <AmberJ> yes both
[21:45] <wxl> bizarre
[21:45] <AmberJ> both open a new window of pcmanfm
[21:45] <wxl> i doubt it's a permission problem
[21:45] <wxl> maybe possible
[21:46] <wxl> Unit193: ping
[21:47] <AmberJ> Should I try TEMPORARILY to give ugo+rwx (all permissions :D) to see if it helps?
[21:48] <wxl> AmberJ: no i'd say you'd want the same perms on both files so check what it is in /usr/share/applications and then apply it to ~/.config/autostart
[21:51] <AmberJ> Still same error...
[21:51] <wxl> unfortunately #freedesktop is dead so that's not helping either :'(
[21:51] <Unit193> wxl: Eh?
[21:51] <AmberJ> Is there a way to save a log file when pcmanfm.desktop is being executed during login? (this might help)
[21:51] <MrChrisDruif> Unit193; AmberJ has issues auto-starting pcmanfm
[21:52] <wxl> Unit193: have you ever experienced an issue with a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart that wouldn't start with an error of "No such file or directory" yet the .desktop file loads pcmanfm once in lxde no problem???
[21:52] <AmberJ> Unit193, this is what I get: http://i.imgur.com/AMvjc.png when I try to autostart pcmanfm during login
[21:52] <Unit193> What's the command for pcmanfm?
[21:53] <wxl> Unit193: pcmanfm
[21:53] <wxl> /usr/bin/pcmanfm if that helps
[21:53] <wxl> AmberJ: have you tried to grep /var/log/syslog?
[21:54] <AmberJ> wxl, I just tried...nothing useful in there :(
[21:55] <Unit193> /usr/bin/pcmanfm $U
[21:56] <Unit193> Or /usr/bin/pcmanfm /home/amberj/
[21:56] <wxl> maybe /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[21:56] <wxl> Unit193: %U
[21:56] <wxl> we already tried that, tho
[21:56] <AmberJ> Unit193, should I put that in pcmanfm.desktop? Or, do you mean to ask?
[21:56] <Unit193> What is the file now?
[21:56] <wxl> she has Exec=/usr/bin/pcmanfm %U
[21:57] * AmberJ is a guy :D
[21:57] <wxl> ooops
[21:57] <AmberJ> np :)
[21:57] <Unit193> wxl: I thought it too
[21:57] * wxl decides to not use pronouns
[21:57] <AmberJ> Now, please don't stop helping me now that you guys know that I'm not a sexy chick ;)
[21:58] <wxl> well i'm certainly over it
[21:58] <wxl> you can get someone else
[21:58] <wxl> ;)
[21:58] <wxl> any luck with Xorg.0.log?
[21:58] <AmberJ> :(
[21:59] <Unit193> --desktop-off ? or try a different program, make sure that works
[22:00] <wxl> get this, Unit193 -- double clicking on the .desktop files works
[22:00] <AmberJ> wxl, No luck
[22:00] <wxl> so the Exec command is correct
[22:01] <wxl> obviously current $PATH is correct because HE can run pcmanfm from lxterminal without specifying full path
[22:01] <Unit193> Yeah, but pcmanfm can be picky on start, I'd try something simple like leafpad
[22:01] <AmberJ> Ok...this is weird. Typing 'pcmanfm', 'pcmanfm %U', 'pcmanfm %U /home/amber' won't start pcmanfm now
[22:01] <AmberJ> It won't give any errors either
[22:01] <wxl> weird
[22:01] <AmberJ> It just drops back to terminal prompt
[22:02] <wxl> maybe $PATH is messed up?
[22:02] <wxl> echo $PATH
[22:02] <AmberJ> I guess not, wxl ...here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/803488/
[22:03] <AmberJ> pcmanfm starts fine from terminal once I click on it's icon in lxde menu
[22:04] <AmberJ> Let me reboot and confirm this...ok(?)
[22:06] <AmberJ> Come on guys...say yes!
[22:06] <wxl> yes?
[22:06] <wxl> i've got to tell you though
[22:06] <AmberJ> yes AmberJ you can reboot!
[22:06] <wxl> i'm not a guy
[22:06] <MrChrisDruif> YES!(?)?!(!)?
[22:06] <wxl> i'm a sexy chick
[22:06] <AmberJ> Shut up, wxl :D
[22:06] <wxl> :)
[22:07] <AmberJ> I don't want any chick jokes behind my back while I'm away rebooting :P
[22:07] * AmberJ will keep a close eye on #lubuntu logs
[22:07] <AmberJ> ;)
[22:14] <AmberJ> MrChrisDruif wxl Unit193: got it working. I replaced 'Exec=/usr/bin/pcmanfm %U' with 'Exec=/usr/bin/pcmanfm' in pcmanfm.desktop :)
[22:14] <AmberJ> After reboot, I noticed that 'pcmanfm' worked from my terminal but 'pcmanfm %U' gives the same error "No such file or directory"
[22:15] <MrChrisDruif> Oh, what does the %U do actually?
[22:15] <AmberJ> And, 'pcmanfm %U /home/amber/Desktop' gives same error window first but when I press "ok" in error window, pcmanfm opens fine in /home/amber/Desktop
[22:15] <AmberJ> No idea what %U does.
[22:15] <MrChrisDruif> Alright, then you can submit a bug to pcmanfm to get it fixed for EVERYONE
[22:16] <AmberJ> But without %U, pcmanfm starts fine
[22:16] <MrChrisDruif> Bug/patch
[22:16] <AmberJ> MrChrisDruif, do you mean 'ubuntu-bug pcmanfm' ?
[22:17] <wxl> AmberJ: yep
[22:17] <MrChrisDruif> Something like that, yeah
[22:17] <MrChrisDruif> pcmanfm has launchpad project afaik
[22:17] <MrChrisDruif> You can raise a bug on there and include a solution as well
[22:19] <AmberJ> MrChrisDruif, I'm confused. Do I need to submit this to pcmanfm launchpad project page ? or, ubuntu's "ubuntu-bug pcmanfm"?
[22:19] <AmberJ> or, both?
[22:20] <wxl> same thing AmberJ
[22:20] <AmberJ> ok
[22:20] <MrChrisDruif> Listen to wxl
[22:21] <AmberJ> you mean THE CHICK?
[22:21] <AmberJ> ;)
[22:21] <MrChrisDruif> Yup
[22:21] <MrChrisDruif> No, I mean THA SEXY CHICK!
[22:22] <MrChrisDruif> ;-)
[22:22] <MrChrisDruif> We'll continue this in -offtopic if you don't mind
[22:22] <wxl> los pollitos dicen pio pio pio
[22:22] <phillw> AmberJ: the %U pulls in the UID, so that another user on the computer cannot edit your ~home area
[22:24] <AmberJ> phillw, So, should I suggest removing %U from 'Exec=/usr/bin/pcmanfm' in the bug report?
[22:25] <AmberJ> Or, should I add to bug report that 'Exec=/usr/bin/pcmanfm %U' should be replaced by "Exec=/usr/bin/pcmanfm /home/user"? (but this won't be portable)
[22:26] <phillw> from the GUI launching of pcmanfm? no. If your pcmanfm is not starting correctly, my guess would be the use of sudo pcmanfm at some point instead of gksudu pcmanfm
[22:27] <phillw> sudo <application> == broken application
[22:28] <AmberJ> Do we need sudo when auto-starting pcmanfm during login? philipballew
[22:29] <AmberJ> oops, sorry philipballew. I meant to hilight phillw.
[22:29] <phillw> no, you do not. But I've come late to this one. What is the error that you are getting?
[22:30] <AmberJ> phillw, When I try to autostart pcmanfm during login using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_I_can_autostart_a_program_when_logging_into_Desktop ...
[22:30] <AmberJ> I get this: http://i.imgur.com/AMvjc.png
[22:31] <phillw> ahh, you want the window to open... pcmanfm already starts on boot.
[22:31] <AmberJ> So, I tried launching pcmanfm from terminal using different ways:
[22:31] <wxl> oh THAT'S the problem
[22:31] <AmberJ> I noticed that 'pcmanfm' worked from my terminal but 'pcmanfm %U' gives the same error "No such file or directory"
[22:31] <AmberJ> And, 'pcmanfm %U /home/amber/Desktop' gives same error window first but when I press "ok" in error window, pcmanfm opens fine in /home/amber/Desktop
[22:31] <wxl> derp
[22:31] <AmberJ> What?
[22:31] <wxl> pcmanfm already starts on boot
[22:32] <AmberJ> I was *busy* copy/pasting :D
[22:32] <phillw> yes, because you are asking pcmanfm to open %U
[22:32] <wxl> you ultimately just need to open a new window
[22:32] <AmberJ> And, how do I open a new window?
[22:33] <phillw> wxl: took a while to get there. Sorry for being late to this, I could have saved some confusion but was busy elsewhere :(
[22:35] <AmberJ> *bump*
[22:35] <Unit193> I'm almost back it it counts
[22:36] <wxl> phillw: so correct me if i'm wrong but his autostart .desktop should have Exec=pcmanfm and we're good right?
[22:36] <AmberJ> If you can help me, it counts. Otherwise not :D
[22:36] <AmberJ> Unit193, that^ was for you :P
[22:36] <phillw> I've never asked pcmanfm to open a window on start
[22:37] <Unit193> I have a desktop shortcut for it, actually (And yes, I know that's a weird way to do it)
[22:37] <phillw> but, as it works in terminal, it *should*
[22:38] <wxl> ok so AmberJ try Exec=pcmanfm (backup to Exec=/usr/bin/pcmanfm but you shouldn't need this) in your .desktop and you should be good. if so, no bug needed
[22:39] <AmberJ> wxl, but what if someone in future follows FAQ wiki page and faces the same problem due to %U being in there?
[22:39] <wxl> AmberJ: i'll take care of that, just do the checking
[22:39] <AmberJ> Right. Let me check...
[22:40] <AmberJ> wxl, 'Exec=pcmanfm' works fine.
[22:41] <wxl> great thx
[22:41] <AmberJ> I'm *not* submitting the bug report now.
[22:41] <wxl> will fix wiki
[22:41] <AmberJ> Thanks everyone :)
[22:43] <phillw> glad it got sorted!
[22:43] <phillw> wxl: go make a note on the FAQ about the slight difference to auto-open a pcmanfm window :)
[22:52] <wxl> AmberJ: http://is.gd/6pQHhS
[22:52] <AmberJ> Correct wxl. That's what worked for me :)
[22:54] <AmberJ> wxl, I don't know if this will be useful (since my problem is already solved) still...when trying to solve this problem, I bumped into this and it sounds familiar: http://www.pclinuxos.com/forum/index.php?topic=87969.0
[22:55] <AmberJ> I hope one can post links to forums of other linux distros (when it can be useful) in this channel(?)
[22:57] <AmberJ> Add it to /topic then :D
[22:58] <wxl> hahahah
[22:58] <phillw> AmberJ: as it is marked [solved] and from the middle of last year, there seems little point awakening a dormant thread.
[22:59] <AmberJ> wxl: And, define 'religion' in a page on lubuntu wiki :P
[23:00] <AmberJ> phillw, I didn't meant to 'awaken' that thread...I'm way too lazy to do that :D I just posted it here so that *maybe* you guys can infer some useful info out of it.
[23:00] <AmberJ> If it is NOT useful, feel free to ignore it :)
[23:39] <AmberJ> Did my message reach this channel? Or, was I disconnected before it?
[23:39] <AmberJ> <AmberJ> That reminds me some part of my notification (on top right corner) is out of my monitor. Any ideas what could be causing this?
[23:39] <AmberJ> <AmberJ> If anyone can hilight me, I can get a screenshot of notification
[23:43] <AmberJ> Nevermind. Next time (tomorrow!) :)
[23:43] <AmberJ> Thanks everyone again :)
=== Ukikie is now known as Guest91153
=== Guest91153 is now known as Unit193