UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /13 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
[00:09] <hasp> greetings
[00:09] <hasp> can someone shed some light on the following bug:
[00:09] <hasp> https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/907450
[00:09] <_mup_> Bug #907450: juju does not work with Walrus when s3-uri has a suffix <juju:New> <txAWS:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/907450 >
[00:10] <hasp> what is the S3-URI being used for?
[00:31] <hazmat> hasp, its used to store charms so that they can be retrieved/deployed onto machines
[00:32] <hazmat> as well as some metadata regarding the location of the zookeeper servers
[00:37] <hazmat> hasp, we're using the txaws library to communicate with the s3 endpoint, i haven't dug into the bug very much but there's an strace there that shows the full wire communication
[02:10] <hspencer_> hi hazmat
[02:10] <hspencer_> thanks
[02:10] <hspencer_> i will check into it
[02:30] <james_w> I can't run services on lucid instances with juju, correct?
[02:37] <hspencer_> i think you can
[05:25] <SpamapS> hazmat: re the missing SSL dep, can you elaborate?
[08:20] <koolhead17> hi all
[08:21] <shaon> hello koolhead17 :)
[08:22] <koolhead17> hi shaon
[08:39] <jcastro> m_3: SpamapS: Hey so my room is small if you guys want to do juju document review
[08:42] <hazmat> SpamapS, g'morning lets meetup re that build jaunx
[08:43] <hazmat> james_w, you can run the client, but running services is problematic for two reasons 1) no charms are available for that release series, 2) the zk client version in lucid has bugs which need an sru
[08:44] <hazmat> both are addressable if its an important target
[08:50] <hazmat> SpamapS, jcastro that charm count is correct btw, i ended up filtering a few that aren't published anymore on lp (but where in the past), but we're definitely north of 80 total distinct
[09:00] <jcastro> hazmat: woo!
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[10:32] <hazmat> jcastro, where you at?
[11:03] <tyska> hello guys
[11:04] <tyska> some good new about this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/907450
[11:04] <_mup_> Bug #907450: juju does not work with Walrus when s3-uri has a suffix <Eucalyptus:New> <juju:New> <txAWS:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/907450 >
[13:02] <jcastro> m_3: can you come down to our end? meeting about events.
[13:04] * SpamapS will head down too
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[13:38] <koolhead11> phpbb3 package install bsd-mailx exim4 exim4-base exim4-config exim4-daemon-light along with it as < goshhhh> :(
[14:25] <james_w> hazmat, it becomes much less important in a few months obviously, but given my current task is to spin up dev envs for a service running on lucid in production it is less than ideal to do it on oneiric/precise
[15:03] <_mup_> juju/subordinate-spec r450 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com
[15:03] <_mup_> Some copy editing
[15:07] <_mup_> Bug #916057 was filed: all juju instances (in one environment) use the same credentials for zookepeper, preventing admin acl restrictions <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/916057 >
[16:59] <andrewsmedina> hi
[17:00] <koolhead11> hey there
[17:01] <andrewsmedina> anyone can explain me if juju only install ubuntu image on a vm instance or juju create a vm instace based on a image too
[17:01] <andrewsmedina> ?
[17:02] <koolhead11> andrewsmedina: whats your aim?
[17:02] <andrewsmedina> koolhead11: know more what juju does
[17:03] <koolhead11> andrewsmedina: juju.ubuntu.com :)
[17:03] <koolhead11> andrewsmedina: am familiar with LXC and juju
[17:03] <koolhead11> running on local amchine
[17:03] <andrewsmedina> koolhead11: I already read the juju docs
[17:04] <andrewsmedina> koolhead11: all already do the juju tutorial
[17:04] <andrewsmedina> but, somethings were not clear for me
[17:05] <andrewsmedina> koolhead11: when execute juju add-unit mysql for example
[17:05] <andrewsmedina> koolhead11: juju create another vm instance and install mysql service?
[17:05] <koolhead11> andrewsmedina: juju can be deployed on local machine or Vm via LXC and on cloud enviornmnet like openstack and AWS
[17:05] <koolhead11> andrewsmedina: yes a service unit
[17:06] <andrewsmedina> koolhead11: then juju makes de vm orchestration too?
[17:06] <koolhead11> andrewsmedina: yes.
[17:06] <andrewsmedina> koolhead11: then I can use juju for create vms on openstack and install the services for example?
[17:07] <koolhead11> exactly
[17:07] <koolhead11> :)
[17:08] <andrewsmedina> koolhead11: do you know about some docs that explain how use juju with openstack instead ec2/LXC?
[17:10] <koolhead11> andrewsmedina: the documentation expalins it
[17:10] <koolhead11> plus
[17:10] <koolhead11> enviornment.yaml needs to have these detials
[17:10] <koolhead11> lemem pastebin
[17:11] <koolhead11> http://paste.ubuntu.com/803181/
[17:11] <koolhead11> replace it with yours
[17:11] <koolhead11> and i found it somewhere on the documentation only
[17:11] <koolhead11> hazmat: thanks:P
[17:12] * koolhead11 leaves 4 home
[17:12] <koolhead11> laters
[17:20] <andrewsmedina> juju only install services on a ubuntu distro?
[18:11] <koolhead17> jcastro: around?
[18:13] <hspencer> mronin
[18:16] <koolhead17> hspencer: hola
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[23:11] * hazmat yawns
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