UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /12 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
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[03:07] <doctormon> pleia2: http://doctormo.deviantart.com/art/Bit-of-Ubuntu-Bacon-278929479
[03:08] <cprofitt> lol
[03:08] <cprofitt> nice one doctormon
[03:09] <doctormon> cprofitt: :-)
[03:19] <mhall119> doctormon: lol
[03:54] <nigelb> hahaha doctormon
[03:54] <cprofitt> night all
[04:10] <nigelb> QOTD: "Not sure what this was but I'm sure you could clean an engine with it."
[04:10] <nigelb> (popey talking about some sort of alcohol)
[04:21] * bkerensa needs to find the portrait that doctormon did of me
[07:59] <dpm> morning all
[08:29] * balloons waves a hello world
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as ChrisDruif
[10:58] <dholbach> akgraner, anyone from Linaro up for some UDW action? :)
[11:51] <dholbach> mhall119, you still wanted to get a UDW session in? :)
[11:51] <dholbach> nigelb, you too, right? :)
[11:52] <nigelb> dholbach: I'm still trying to figure out hwo to do it. Will confirm next week when rally is over and everyone's back to normal schedule.
[11:53] <dholbach> nigelb, the good thing is: they're all online now :)
[11:54] <nigelb> dholbach: I know. Except everyone's busy.
[11:54] <nigelb> We were tossing out ideas yesterday
[11:54] <nigelb> LP setup takes 1 hour. So, talking about LP hacking is not too easy :)
[11:56] <dholbach> sure, but maybe it's worth sharing a bunch of tips there instead of a doing a full-blown hand-holding setup session :)
[11:57] <nigelb> yeah, that's the bit that needs figuring out.
[11:57] <nigelb> Option 2 - launchpadlib.
[11:57] <nigelb> But I'll defer to someone else for launchpadlib.
[11:58] <dholbach> ok
[11:59] <nigelb> eitherways, I'll ping you Monday morning :)
[12:05] <akgraner> dholbach, I just asked in our IRC channel and told them to ping you or I could explain it as well, and I gave them the links to the wiki page
[12:06] * jussi waves
[12:07] <akgraner> jussi, congrats!
[12:07] <jussi> :)
[12:07] <jussi> thanks
[12:08] <jussi> bah, baby attention needed, back later
[12:09] * nigelb waves back to jussi
[12:14] <cjohnston> congrats daddy
[13:10] <akgraner> Anyone tried the new Scribus release?
[13:11] <cprofitt> akgraner: not yet...
[13:11] <akgraner> I was curious it was very frustrating for me in 2009 maybe this time it won't be. :-)
[13:13] <akgraner> I am almost to the point where for video and audio editing as well as Desktop publishing I want a mac (notice I said almost), doctormo and popey's examples of their work give me hope for Linux in these areas though :-)
[13:18] <dholbach> hey akgraner :)
[13:19] <cprofitt> it would be nice if it improved.
[13:19] <cprofitt> hey dholbach
[13:19] <dholbach> hey cprofitt
[13:21] <akgraner> hey dholbach I'm asking around again about UDW sorry no one has volunteered yet :-/
[13:21] <dholbach> thanks akgraner
[13:21] <dholbach> :)
[13:23] <cprofitt> UDW?
[13:23] <cprofitt> Ubuntu Developer Week?
[13:23] <dholbach> yes
[13:24] <cprofitt> when is it and what are you in need of?
[13:24] <mhall119> dholbach: hey, put me down for a Singlet session
[13:24] <cprofitt> Jan 31st to Feb 2nd?
[13:25] <cprofitt> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek
[13:25] <dholbach> exactement
[13:25] <cprofitt> if that is the page I will push it via some posts
[13:25] <dholbach> mhall119, when? which title?
[13:25] <dholbach> cprofitt, it's not announced yet as the schedule is not sorted out yet
[13:25] <cprofitt> I wish I felt more confident with what I am doing... I would be willing to help... but not really on top of development yet
[13:26] <dholbach> cprofitt, don't feel bad for not doing EVERYTHING :)
[13:26] <cprofitt> dholbach: ok -- do you want me to post about slots being open?
[13:26] <dholbach> cprofitt, sure and if anybody wants to give a session, they can just go and ping me or mail me
[13:26] <mhall119> dholbach: how about 1600 n the 2nd?
[13:26] <dholbach> thanks a lot cprofitt
[13:26] <cprofitt> dholbach: :-) I won't feel bad...
[13:27] <cprofitt> sounds good.
[13:27] <dholbach> mhall119, sounds good to me - 30m? 1h? how much time do you need?
[13:27] <mhall119> I think 30m is enough time
[13:27] <dholbach> mhall119, also which title?
[13:27] <mhall119> call it "Simple Lenses with Singlet"
[13:27] <dholbach> ok cool
[13:27] <dholbach> thanks a lot
[13:27] <mhall119> no problem
[13:28] <dholbach> ROCK
[13:28] <balloons> <3 lenses
[13:32] <dholbach> cprofitt, it might have been good not to paste the email in that form :)
[13:32] <dholbach> but now it has happened - no big deal
[13:33] <cprofitt> sorry... I can undo that
[13:34] <cprofitt> modified...
[13:34] <cprofitt> I meant to do that... my apologies
[13:34] * dholbach hugs cprofitt
[13:34] <dholbach> no worries :)
[13:48] <cprofitt> while I do not feel ready to do a session... I do think I need to blog about my experience with the website guys
[13:48] <cprofitt> mhall119, cjohnston, nigelb all have been very helpful as I stumble through things... and that deserves a blog post
[14:04] * mhall119 hugs cprofitt
[14:04] <mhall119> jcastro: ping
[14:04] <cprofitt> http://ftbeowulf.wordpress.com/2012/01/12/becoming-an-ubuntu-contributing-developer/
[14:04] <cprofitt> let me know if you guys want anything tweaked in that blog post
[14:09] <cprofitt> hey jono
[14:11] <mhall119> dpm: ping
[14:17] <jono> hey cprofitt
[14:19] <mhall119> hey jono, where's the rest of the team?
[14:20] <mhall119> jono: merge proposal stats have been added to http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/unity-stats/
[14:20] <jono> mhall119, they are in the room I think, I am in a seperate meeting right now
[14:20] <mhall119> ok
[14:20] * balloons waves
[14:20] <mhall119> balloons: is jcastro there?
[14:21] <balloons> yes
[14:21] <jcastro> hi
[14:21] <jcastro> we should have a call
[14:21] <mhall119> ah, so he's just ignorning me then, I get it
[14:21] <jcastro> let me find headphones
[14:21] <mhall119> yes
[14:23] <dpm> hey mhall119
[14:25] <mhall119> hey dpm, I was speaking with davidcalle in #ayatana about the lens API changes in Unity 5.0, and mhr3 said he needed you to push the new API docs to the developer portal
[14:26] <jcastro> mhall119: ok, g+ing!
[14:27] <dpm> mhall119, mhr3 pinged me this morning and said he'd ping me again when the libunity package lands in the archive, which is where the docs are generated from. Docs are automatically updated unless the package name changes, but I can trigger a manuall update.
[14:27] <mhall119> dpm: ok, I just wanted to make sure the message got to you, thanks
[14:28] <dpm> mhall119, no worries, thanks! Let me forward you an e-mail I just wrote for someone else explaining how api docs are generated
[14:29] <mhall119> jcastro: http://paste.ubuntu.com/801776/
[14:48] <s-fox> o/
[14:53] <cprofitt> hey s-fox
[14:53] <s-fox> Hello cprofitt , how are you?
[15:02] <cprofitt> good, you?
[15:02] <snap-l> akgraner: I made some Scribus tutorial videos for an older version of Scribus
[15:02] <snap-l> They should still be out there on ye-olde-internets.
[15:03] <s-fox> Not bad cprofitt , just been working on my twitter page. Added a qr code :)
[15:03] <snap-l> akgraner: I still get e-mail from people who found them useful.
[15:03] <snap-l> akgraner: http://decafbad.net/projects/scribus-tutorial/ if you're interested.
[15:04] <akgraner> snap-l, good to know :-) I was DT'ing from using pages on my mac when I tried it before. I've been clean for a couple years now so maybe the influence won't effect me as much now! :-D
[15:04] <akgraner> snap-l, thanks!
[15:04] <snap-l> np
[15:37] <cprofitt> hey akgraner -- hope all is well.
[15:37] <akgraner> cprofitt, it is :-)
[15:38] <cprofitt> fantastic
[15:38] <akgraner> I pinged you yesterday to test that link you noted was broken...just wanted to make sure it was working for you now
[15:49] <cprofitt> ah... not sure
[15:49] <cprofitt> when it popped up for me it had two http://xxx http://vvvv.eee parts... so it could have been twitter having an issue
[15:50] <cprofitt> I could not find the original post to test it though
[16:33] <dholbach> james_w, hey - so how about pkgme at UDW? :-)
[17:27] <s-fox> Goodbye.
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC