UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /12 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[01:29] <kirkland> is there anyone around who could fairly urgently make a branch and a ppa private?
[01:42] <hloeung> kirkland: hey, I can help
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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=== Oleg|percona is now known as zamotivator|Oleg
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[11:29] <schnoodles> Hello i am getting the same problem this person is getting --> https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/183992
[11:29] <schnoodles> I even regenerated my ssh keys then it complained about the permission of them so i made it 600 and now it comes up with that error :\
=== zamotivator|Oleg is now known as zamotivator|away
[11:52] <ahasenack> hi, why don't you raise the timeout limit for package searches in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/ ? It times out every time for me
[11:55] <lifeless> please file a bug, include the oops id
[11:57] <ahasenack> ok
[11:58] <ahasenack> lifeless: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/816870
[11:58] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 816870 in Launchpad itself "Distribution:+search (package search) timeouts" [Critical,Triaged]
[12:01] <lifeless> ahasenack: ah, so we know already - thanks
[12:01] <ahasenack> cool
=== zamotivator|away is now known as zamotivator
[13:09] <pmatulis> i get bugmail stating that a "branch is linked", as in '** Branch linked: lp:ubuntu/lucid-proposed/openldap'. cam someone explain what this is for?
[13:15] <geser> pmatulis: that is the packaging branch for the package "openldap" in "lucid-proposed", it's get automatically created by importing the uploaded package into bzr
[13:39] <pmatulis> thanks for your answer geser. but i'm not a developer. what does it mean to "import an uploaded package into bzr" and, briefly, how is that done?
[13:51] <wolfgangbr1> mthaddon: hello. I was in touch with you on Tuesday. We were blacklisted and you unblocked us. This worked fine. Yesterday afternoon the same seemed to happen. Would it be possible for you to unblock us again? What is the criteria to get blocked?
[13:51] <mthaddon> wolfgangbr1: if you're causing an outage to our service, we'll have to blacklist you
[13:51] <mthaddon> wolfgangbr1: I'd really like to know more about what you're doing and why it's causing problems before giving you access again
[13:52] <pmatulis> geser: disregard
[13:54] <wolfgangbr1> mthaddon: We are having a group of people working here on a project at the same time (just this week and next). We created a number of branches (probably 5 or 6) on Monday. After that we were mainly just working on those branches through Bazaar. Not really committing much, mainly using the Bazaar Explorer.
[13:55] <mthaddon> wolfgangbr1: how many people were working on this at any one time?
[13:55] <mthaddon> wolfgangbr1: and which version of bazaar explorer are you using? any other tools?
[13:57] <wolfgangbr1> mthaddon: probably 6 or 7 people. I am using bzrlib 2.3.4, somebody else I checked with used 2.4.2.
[13:58] <mthaddon> wolfgangbr1: and what version of bazaar explorer?
[13:58] <wolfgangbr1> mthaddon: I am using 1.1.4 and somebody else 1.2.1
[13:59] <wolfgangbr1> mthaddon should we upgrade?
[13:59] <mthaddon> wolfgangbr1: ok, let me look into this a bit - there's no reason 6 or 7 people should be generating the number of connections we've seen from you, so I suspect there may be a bug of some sort
[14:00] <lamalex> rockstar, is there a faster way to test tarmac without having to branch two projects from lp every time i make a change
[14:02] <wolfgangbr1> mthaddon: thanks for looking into this.
[14:03] <wolfgangbr1> mthaddon: we have slightly changed our approach so that less people will be using Launchpad now. But it would still be great if you can find out if there is a bug. If you want me to I can check with everybody else which versions of Bazaar they are using.
[14:03] <mthaddon> wolfgangbr1: yeah, on Jan 9th we saw 362 "ESTABLISHED" connections from your IP to the codehosting server (looking at netstat)
[14:06] <wolfgangbr1> mthaddon: is each time you open or update a branch in Bazaar Explorer one connection?
[14:07] <mthaddon> I don't know, but it should only be keeping connections open for as long as you're actually updating a branch or what-have-you (/me waves hands, will have to defer to a developer there)
[14:08] <dobey> lamalex: what do you mean? also there is a #tarmac channel
[14:09] <wolfgangbr1> So if our 8 or 9 people here do a lot of work during the day then this could maybe well create those 362 connections
[14:09] <mthaddon> wolfgangbr1: you're now unblocked - I'll try and grab some devs to follow up on the issue but we may have to block you again if it happens again - just ping us here to unblock until we can figure out what's going on
[14:09] <binki> mthaddon: 362 conncurrent connections?
[14:10] <mthaddon> yep
[14:10] <binki> wow
[14:10] <wolfgangbr1> mthaddon: ok, thank you so much. I will let you know if it happens again.
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[14:54] <geser> pmatulis: in that case (not a developer), you can simply ignore the change notification
[14:54] <pmatulis> geser: heh, but i do want to understand what it means. i'm pretty clarified now though
[14:58] <pmatulis> geser: just unclear about the delay between the linked branch and 'fix committed' as shown here:
[14:58] <pmatulis> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/+bug/903901/+activity
[14:58] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 903901 in openldap (Ubuntu Lucid) "[Lucid] backport fix for ITS#6458" [Medium,Fix committed]
[14:59] <pmatulis> there is about a 3 wk delay
[15:00] <geser> pmatulis: IIRC importing openldap into bzr triggered a bug, looks it got fixed when it got imported now
[15:04] <pmatulis> geser: you lost me. but i need to move on
[15:15] <geser> pmatulis: see http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/ . The package import fails with importing a package sometimes (bugs), and the import of that package get stopped till the problem got fixed.
[15:24] <pmatulis> geser: i understand what you're saying now but where on the page do i see the bug?
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[15:36] <geser> pmatulis: when you look for a specific package you get to a page with the error why the import failed (some of those errors are also filed as bugs in LP but not all). If a package isn't listed on that status page then there was no problem with importing it into the packageing branch.
[15:37] <pmatulis> geser: do you mean it's not listed there b/c it is now fixed?
[15:39] <rockstar> lamalex, no. Technically you're not branching from LP though.
[15:40] <geser> pmatulis: yes, otherwise you wouldn't got a change notification about that branch linking
[15:41] <pmatulis> geser: alright, makes sense. is there no full log that i could check?
[15:41] <geser> not that I know off
[15:41] <pmatulis> thanks for your time geser
[15:47] <dobey> rockstar: see #tarmac
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[18:30] <iceroot> maybe someone can look at this? because i need launchpad today for some bugreports https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/184525
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[19:49] <sjamaan> qastaging's loggerhead seems not to work; it goes back to the main page
[19:50] <sjamaan> .. when I click on a "browse the code" link
[19:52] <sjamaan> Also, what's the difference between staging and qastaging? (qastaging explicitly says it will be reset; staging doesn't, but the docs seem to suggest it gets reset too)
[19:56] <sjamaan> On staging I just get "the resource could not be found" when I click "browse the code"
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== Oleg|percona is now known as Oleg|percona|awa
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