UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /11 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <kkerwin> streetfighter: Doing ok?
[00:01] <streetfighter> that is taking me too much time ?
[00:02] <kkerwin> Well, I just wanted to make sure that you weren't confused.
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[00:04] <zacarias> how do you change your default login manager when you have severl desktops? I'm running Kubuntu but, when I logout, I always have GDM.
[00:06] <Torch> zacarias: might be sufficient to just modify /etc/X11/default-display-manager
[00:06] <Torch> zacarias: haven't tried though
[00:08] <zacarias> Torch: I'll try that. Tx
[00:17] <Zacarias> Torch: Well, I tried that and I ended up with no DM. I just have a prompt, I made login, but no X. How do I start X?
[00:17] <Torch> Zacarias: if that does not immediately work, i suggest you undo your changes.
[00:19] <Torch> Zacarias: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm
[00:20] <Torch> Zacarias: it might ask if you want to set kdm as your default display manager
[00:20] <Zacarias> Yes, I did it from the prompt. Now I'm trying to reboot. It will probably work.
[00:20] <Torch> Zacarias: it does not for me because i don't have any other dm installed, but i dimly remember... ok.
[00:21] <Zacarias> Torch: ok, I'll try that also. (I'm writing from a Mac). There it is, the GDM.
[00:27] <speedyone> hey
[00:31] <Zacarias> Torch: it did work! Thanks
[00:32] <Torch> Zacarias: yw
[00:37] <streetfighter> good day every body and thank you kkerwin
[00:38] <Programmer_> any idea why when i do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade everything on my system wants to uninstall
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[01:10] <ScottyK> Is kubuntu 11.10 too much to handle on an old computer with an AMD XP 1500 CPU, and 1.5GB RAM?
[01:17] <lethu> ScottyK, not if you disable all the resource demanding eye-candy
[01:18] <lethu> ScottyK, otherwise I would advise going with a lighter desktop environment
[01:18] <lethu> like OpenBox
[01:19] <lethu> or xfce
[01:27] <ScottyK> Lethu - I was thinking Xubuntu as the backup, thanks for heads up!
[01:30] <lethu> ScottyK, yw
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=== Administrator is now known as Guest9457
[02:16] <Guest9457> I'm trying to upgrade to kubunutu 11.10 from ubuntu 10.10 without doing a clean install how would I go about doing that?
[02:17] <EvilResistance> Guest9457: you'd have to do incremental upgrades...
[02:17] <EvilResistance> Guest9457: are you trying to switch from KDE to GNOME/Unity, or do you want to keep KDE?
[02:18] <Guest9457> I'm already using GNOME and want to go into KDE
[02:18] <EvilResistance> Guest9457: ah.
[02:18] <Guest9457> I'm going Ubuntu ===> Kubuntu
[02:18] <EvilResistance> Guest9457: i see. you can *start* by installing kubuntu-desktop from the repos
[02:18] <EvilResistance> i saw your statement and reread your older one
[02:18] <Guest9457> okay
[02:19] <Guest9457> how would I go about doing that?
[02:19] <EvilResistance> Guest9457: in terminal: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
[02:19] <EvilResistance> note you'll have a TON of stuff that gets downloaded
[02:20] <EvilResistance> (the gnome stuff will still exist, i know there's a method for removing it but i dont remember what it is)
[02:20] <Guest9457> it will leave a bunch of kde jive in with my gnome right?
[02:20] <EvilResistance> it'll add a bunch of KDE stuff to your installation
[02:20] <EvilResistance> the GNOME stuff will still exist...
[02:20] <EvilResistance> but it wont display well in KDE
[02:20] <Guest9457> okay that's fine
[02:21] <EvilResistance> after its done installing all the stuff from kubuntu-desktop, you'll need to do release upgrades twice... once to get to 11.04 Natty, and then another time to get to 11.10 Oneiric
[02:21] <EvilResistance> that command is sudo do-release-upgrade
[02:21] <EvilResistance> BUT BEFORE YOU RUN THAT
[02:21] <EvilResistance> back up your files
[02:21] <FloodBotK3> EvilResistance: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[02:22] <Guest9457> oh yeah I meant 11.10
[02:22] <EvilResistance> in case the thing explodes and your system breaks.
[02:22] <Guest9457> I'm already on oneiric
[02:22] <EvilResistance> Guest9457: ah. if you're on oneiric, just install kubuntu-desktop
[02:22] <EvilResistance> then you'll be fine
[02:23] <Guest9457> neat thanks
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[03:28] <Programmer_> any idea why when i do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade everything on my system wants to uninstall
[03:33] <EvilResistance> Programmer_: are you trying to upgrade to the next version of ubuntu, or no?
[03:33] <EvilResistance> (dist-upgrade is kinda wonky btw)
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[03:39] <Guest62415> tring to network 2 linux computers for file sharing i do the right click on a folder go to the tab share and it has a tab to install samba it will not let me shae.thought samba was for linux to windows? how can i fix this?
[03:41] <Programmer_> EvilResistance, whatever dist-upgrade does
[03:41] <Programmer_> now i cant even boot the new kernel for some reason
[03:48] <w30> part
[03:56] <Guest62415> so, does anyone know why it wants my to install samba?
[04:38] <almoxarife> <Guest62415>, so you can share folders
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=== Guest3860 is now known as tamoxin
[05:19] <arinov_> i want connect kubuntu to network printer for windows via samba
[05:19] <arinov_> when i brows network it see nothing
[05:19] <arinov_> printer works with ubuntu, but in kubuntu i cant find it
[05:20] <arinov_> help me to fix it, what packages i have to install?
[05:20] <arinov_> computer with printer available and i can download files from shared folder
[05:21] <arinov_> but i cant see printers
[05:31] <arinov_> and how can i set static ip, network manager does not use my custom connection
[05:33] <arinov_> is there anybody? =)
[05:34] <EvilResistance> this is one of the slightly slower periods, you may have to wait a couple of hours to get a decent response...
[05:34] <EvilResistance> !Patience
[05:34] <ubottu> Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.
[05:34] <arinov_> ok
[06:36] <arinov_> help me with smb printer configuration please
[06:44] <betornillo> ?
[06:49] <arinov_> betornillo: i am trying to connect to windows netork printer via samba
[06:49] <boehmer> hello
[06:49] <boehmer> somebody can help with issues with akonadi?
[06:49] <arinov_> printer configuration program cant find printer
[06:50] <boehmer> when using kmail it complains akonadi doesn't work. i figured out that i might have multiple mysql's running. the report says akonadi server and nepomuk aren't registered at d-bus
[06:50] <boehmer> i once used fedora and moved my /home to kubuntu
[06:51] <boehmer> since then it's screwed. when writing mails kmail completely freezes after some sentences or when sending the mail
[06:51] <boehmer> definitely need to fix that issue but fail on my own:( already worked through http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting
[06:59] <arinov_> is there a commercial support of kubuntu?
[07:02] <ts2> arinov_: yes, the same as for Ubuntu
[07:03] <ts2> but unless you want to buy a contract from Canonical, you'll have to search it out from a third party
[07:05] <arinov_> ts2: why in ubuntu my printer via samba works fine out of the box, but not in kubuntu?
[07:05] <arinov_> what is wrong?
[07:05] <arinov_> the same version
[07:06] <arinov_> the same cups
[07:06] <arinov_> the same printer, network and system
[07:06] <ts2> I can't say, but it should work exactly the same as far as I can think of
[07:06] <ts2> but I don't use a printer at all now, so I can't really offer any help
[07:06] <arinov_> ok
[07:07] <ts2> arinov_: the only thing I found was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows
[07:08] <ts2> but it looks Ubuntu (gnome) based
[07:08] <arinov_> ubuntu printer configuration tool works, kubuntu's does not
[07:08] <arinov_> i am trying to find out why
=== Guest47097 is now known as waky
[09:14] <Savior> hi
[09:14] <Savior> can someone tell me how to install a new system language?
[09:28] <saksham> hi
[09:29] <saksham> hello
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=== Guest441 is now known as bdizzle
[09:38] <bdizzle> hi, I need some help with setting the application command and work path on the icon settings
[09:39] <bdizzle> I am trying to set it up so that when I click the icon, it launches konsole, then pipes two or three commands to konsole to run the program I want
[09:40] <bdizzle> I also need help permanently setting a system variable path. I tried using export, but it has a case of memory loss as soon as I close the terminal window
[09:50] <bdizzle> or another idea would be to somehow get terminal to acknowledge the command "root" to open CERN's ROOT so that I don't have to go into konsole, type ". /$HOME/root/bin/thisroot.sh" and then "root" each time I want to use the program
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[11:43] <FloodBotK3> !netsplit
[11:43] <ubottu> netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit
[12:17] <joan__> please, does anybody know how to ged rid of gnoem and unity? I installed them because there's an app caled Sigil for editing epub files that doesn't work in kde
[12:17] <joan__> *gnome
[12:18] <joan__> I've searched on the Internet but haven't found anything that *really* works
[12:20] <Peace-> joan__: seach this pure kde
[12:20] <Peace-> joan__http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde
[12:20] <Peace-> joan__ http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde
[12:20] <joan__> ok, let's see
[12:26] <HorusHorrendus> bambee: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libmygpo-qt/+bug/914720 <- I think (I'm not good in understanding this bug, it sounds strange) they want to have libmygpo-qt in main ... I think you packaged it for the ppa or?
[12:26] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 914720 in libmygpo-qt (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libmygpo-qt" [Undecided,New]
[12:26] <HorusHorrendus> wanna get your package into main or take care of that stuff ;)
=== Prateek is now known as Guest61866
[12:59] <SeanTater> When reinstalling (k)ubuntu, do you need to install/setup anything in order to detect an existing software RAID array
[13:14] <eichi> hello. I changed /etc/hostname but not /etc/hosts -> now sudo seems not to run anymore! what can I do now?
[13:15] <eichi> thats why I cant change the /etc/hosts now ;D
[13:19] <SeanTater> eichi: for future reference I think this is what the program "hostname" is for. ;P But the only way i can think of that you could change /etc/hosts is by booting into recovery mode and then selecting a root prompt when it boots
[13:19] <SeanTater> There might be a way of getting around it though --
[13:20] <SeanTater> Maybe you could open it with a graphical text editor? I think they use policykit instead so it might work, but I wouldn't swear to it
[13:23] <eichi> SeanTater: which gui editor I can use, which promts for password?
[13:24] <eichi> but no problem, I use recovery mode
[13:24] <eichi> its just kubuntu in virtual box ;) boots in seconds
[13:26] <eichi> hm, I thought ESC gives my grub promt?
[13:27] <DerezzedGoat> eichi: you may need to press and hold earlier
[13:28] <eichi> DerezzedGoat: okay, sounds like a reaction game ;) I will try
[13:29] <eichi> hm. maybe its a problem with virtualbox, that it pipes the ESC to late to guest system :(
[13:31] <SeanTater> Failing that, you could always boot the install CD and edit the file from there.
[13:32] <SeanTater> You'll still need to use sudo but I don't think there's a password on the install/live cd
[13:34] <caius_> hello
[13:35] <caius_> can someone help me in solving a kubuntu problem?
[13:35] <eichi> okay, now use a ubuntu live cd in VM - never thought that changing hostname in linux can costs my so much time ;D
[13:35] <eichi> caius_: maybe?
[13:36] <aprol> hi aLL
[13:36] <caius_> eichi: i installesd yesterday kubuntu 11.10
[13:36] <SeanTater> eichi: Usually it doesn't ;P
[13:36] <eichi> caius_: thats the idea of this channel - but you have to tell your problem first - hard to help you at the moment
[13:36] <SeanTater> eichi: You could probably mount the virtual disk as a volume but I don't know off hand how. It's probably tougher tha booting a live cd
[13:36] <caius_> iǜe got a system message that there are updates availeble
[13:37] <caius_> i wanted to install them
[13:37] <SeanTater> eichi: unfortunately I have to go; bye
[13:37] <caius_> but the system hang up
[13:37] <eichi> SeanTater: bye
[13:39] <caius_> today i wanted to install pidgin and muon said that there is another program for software install is already running
[13:40] <caius_> and i have to close it first
[13:40] <eichi> caius_: maybe your update process canceled at some point?
[13:40] <eichi> try
[13:40] <eichi> sudo apt-get --configure -a
[13:40] <ts2> !aptfix
[13:40] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[13:41] <ts2> ^ the first command kills anything that may be locking the dpkg database
[13:42] <eichi> ts2: oh it was dkpg thought apt-get has this too ;)
[13:42] <eichi> dpkg
[13:42] <ts2> eichi: apt-get is just a front-end to dpkg anyway
[13:42] <eichi> I know
[13:43] <eichi> does not mean, that it pipes *all* comments that exists in dpkg to dpkg. know one knows...just the man page ;)
[13:44] <caius_> when it`s finished i will try again to install software
[13:44] <caius_> i will let you know
[13:44] <caius_> thanks guys
[13:45] <caius_> it works!
[13:45] <ts2> eichi: the only thing apt does that dpkg does not do is give you the ability to resolve dependencies and download packages automatically, everything else is all dpkg
[13:46] <caius_> Thank you so much for help !!!
[13:47] <caius_> Bye
[13:55] <go8765> is this ppa good to update weechat? or i haveing problems with dependences https://launchpad.net/~number5/+archive/ppa
[14:05] <ts2> go8765: PPAs vary wildly in quality, you'd need to contact the owner of it for any support
[14:07] <FloodBotK3> !netsplit
[14:07] <ubottu> netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit
[14:25] <go8765> ts2: and what about update of Konversation? i found only 1.3 version in synaptic
[14:28] <ts2> go8765: you can use https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas to search for PPAs, but remember that they are created by third parties
[14:46] <sergey_> fdgdfg
[14:46] <sergey_> mode -i
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[15:53] <sithlord48> anyone know how to set up the "new" subversion plugin for dolphin ?
=== emily is now known as Guest98817
[16:02] <Guest98817> my kubuntu hangs almost every other boot, according to system log just after
[16:03] <Guest98817> 11/1-2012 16:20:47 et-system dbus[939] [system] Activating service name='org.kubuntu.qaptworker' (using servicehelper)
[16:03] <Guest98817> anoone got clues
[16:04] <Guest98817> kernel log says:11/1-2012 16:14:57 EXT4-fs (sda6) re-mounted. Opts: commit=0
[16:04] <Guest98817> and then nothing
[16:05] <sithlord48> disk read error? have you fscked that disk?
[16:05] <Guest98817> running kubuntu 11.10+
[16:06] <sithlord48> ok have you checked the disk for errors? did you just install ? was it after an update?
[16:07] <Guest98817> after update
[16:07] <Guest98817> I think, it has been running fine since 11.10 came out, just a week ago or so did it start
[16:08] <Guest98817> maybe I should try the fsck disk... haven't done that yet
[16:20] <sithlord48> i would start with fsck.
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[16:53] <janik> hi @ all
[17:09] <helderc> how can I use the ubuntu one service at kubuntu
[17:10] <daviddoria> how do I connect to a windows share? I went to "add network folder" -> microsoft windows network drive -> name: test , server: OtherComputer, Folder: nameOfSharedFolder, but a progress bar appears for several minutes and then it breaks
[17:13] <Riddell> daviddoria: can try smb://server/share in dolphin address bar to check it works
[17:14] <Riddell> helderc: not well supported currently, the daemon runs but setup of it needs gnome bits installed
[17:15] <helderc> ah, ok ... thanks Riddell
[17:16] <daviddoria> Riddell, nope, it just has a progress bar at the bottom that says "loading folder" indefinitely
[17:17] <daviddoria> i just tried it from windows machine (\\server\share in Run) and it connected immediately
[17:18] <Riddell> daviddoria: then I'm afraid I don't know more since I don't run windows. it would need checking if it works generally or just not on your setup and if it can be done on the command line
[18:23] <lordjj> Anyone knows where I can find a small ASCII Art of a coin? :P
[18:27] <simonedeo> hi
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[19:09] <excognac> hi all. Unusual desktop behaviour, suddenly closed LibreOffice without saving and so. I think something really went wrong. Anyidea where to start?
[19:26] <paja> is there around any native english speaker? I need just about 5 min help for checking abstract of my thesis.. If there were somebody, i would very appreciate it
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[19:27] <BarkingFish> paja: not really kubuntu related, but I'm happy to take a look for you.
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[19:27] <Pici> paja: theres also ##english
[19:28] <BarkingFish> that would be better for you paja, since I speak english like a native, but I'm not wholly native to the English language
[19:28] <paja> BarkingFish: thanks and sorry for disturbing this channel .. next time ill use this channel
[19:29] <paja> BarkingFish: Ok, maybe it is better, I may try it there :) thanks anyway!
[19:29] <BarkingFish> no problem, paja :)
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[22:53] <almoxarife> i would rather konqueror open a new window as a tab, so that i have one instance of the browser with multiple tabs opening when, do'able?
[23:13] <Hunty6> Hi! I am trying to install Kubuntu in single boot on my Asus G51J (supports it) but unfortunately the live CD and the USB Stick I have made won't load properly. I already have Kubuntu 10.04 installed in dual boot with Windows 7 and I am trying to boot 11.10 from the live CD so I can completely remove both 10.04 and Windows 7 and only run under 11.10. The loading goes pretty well, there is no error in the files (according to the live CD) but when I
[23:13] <Hunty6> chose either to install or boot from live CD, all I get is a ''Broken screen'' where I only have big white & black squares along with lots of pixels. Any chance someone knows how to get it to work ? Thanks for the answer!
[23:36] <aequitas_> hi