UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /10 /#ubuntu-cym.txt
Initial commit
[10:47] <brobostigon> good morning everyone.
[14:41] <markjones> http://james-iry.blogspot.com/2009/05/brief-incomplete-and-mostly-wrong.html
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
[17:33] * brobostigon returns
[19:31] <cgriff> markjones: Ti wedi derbyn ymateb o rt@ubuntu.com?
[19:34] <markjones> mae gen ti ebost, cgriff
[19:55] <cgriff> Diolch mr Jones
[19:55] <cgriff> Newydd ychwanegu pob arholiad i'm galendar bb :p
[19:57] <cgriff> markjones: Reit wel, rhaid inni gadw'r gosodiadau Google Apps fel y mae, os gweinydd gwe 'da ti?
[19:58] <cgriff> *oes
[19:58] <markjones> say again in English, boyo
[19:59] <markjones> i'm not one for the tehnical jazz
[19:59] <cgriff> Right wel, we have to keep the Google Apps settings as it is, do you have a web server?
[19:59] <markjones> I have a VPS...
[20:00] <cgriff> Ti ddim am "technical shizz" ond ti'n trio cyfieithu "technical shizz" i'r Gymraeg ;)
[20:00] <markjones> :P
[20:00] <markjones> yeah, I know
[20:00] <markjones> i'll manage it
[20:00] <cgriff> Like I said, I might as well take out a year's VPS with Linode for myself
[20:00] <cgriff> 512 package
[20:01] <markjones> you already have a shell account
[20:01] <cgriff> I could make an ubuntu-cym user or something and use their ~/public_html/ for web stuff
[20:01] <cgriff> I know but 128MB isn't going to get me very far :p
[20:02] <markjones> fine...
[20:02] <cgriff> What do you think is best?
[20:02] <markjones> i can always get an upgrade
[20:03] <cgriff> I'm a sucker for memory hoggers like MySQL you see which in itself can use that much RAM in a session :/
[20:03] <markjones> ew, MySQL
[20:04] <cgriff> markjones: You're PoC anyway so how'd you like to do the web-presence?
[20:04] <cgriff> btw I'll see if it's possible to give you adminship on GApps
[20:05] <markjones> i thing a blog style website would be cool
[20:05] <brobostigon> i use sqlite on my vps personally, much less resource hungry.
[20:05] <markjones> what spec vps would you like, cgriff?
[20:06] <markjones> I can upgrade and you send/give me monies
[20:06] <markjones> (we go halves)
[20:24] <cgriff> brobostigon: mark and I are trying to find a decent but reasonably priced VPS, have you got any input to consider? :)
[20:25] <brobostigon> cgriff: my first and only vps i have ever had is the one i am with now, bitfolk, and upto now my experience has been good,
[20:27] <cgriff> brobostigon: Okay thanks :)
[20:27] <brobostigon> cgriff: :)
[20:54] <cgriff> http://www.tickld.com/images/730.png - Heh :p