UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /10 /#ayatana.txt
Initial commit
[10:10] <davidcalle> kamstrup, mhr3, hi guys. Will it be possible to sort a model alphabetically on a specific column?
[10:25] <mhr3> davidcalle, yes, it already is :)
[10:28] <davidcalle> mhr3, oh ok : ) About the model merging, how will it work on the user side? Results being inserted between others, or everything displayed only when the models are fully merged?
[10:30] <mhr3> davidcalle, feel free to play with it and find out :)
[10:30] <davidcalle> mhr3, ok ;-) Thanks.
[10:32] <mhr3> davidcalle, the thing is, it could differ between 2d and 3d, so not sure how it'll behave exactly
[10:36] <davidcalle> mhr3, I understand.
[11:29] <Andy80> hi
[11:29] <Andy80> anyone of you knows how to avoid that Unity top bar manage the F10 key? I need it to step-by-step debug with QtCreator, but if I press it, it opens any other menu on top (Skype, Dropbox, ecc....)
[11:49] <kamstrup> davidcalle: there's an example of merging from Python in libunity trunk
[11:49] <kamstrup> it requires a patches pygobject though
[11:51] <davidcalle> kamstrup, I will wait for the new libunity to land in Precise to test it. I still need to support Oneiric lenses for a bit. But thanks for the info.
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[15:23] <arpu> smspillaz, hello can you look at this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/874897 its a buisness stopper for us on ubuntu
[15:23] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 874897 in unity (Ubuntu) "flash peer assistent pop up noch clickable" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[15:39] <mhall119> is it possible to write custom category renderers in Python?
[17:59] <mgedmin> *headdesk*
[18:00] <mgedmin> so, anyone with a touchpad do this: open a web page, flick the touchpad, then press and hold Ctrl
[18:00] <mgedmin> suddenly inertia scrolling switches to zooming
[21:39] <davidcalle> mhall119, mick0, BerndSch : Hi guys, the "Utilities" branch has a new packaging, copied on the packaging of the askubuntu lens, which is currently being included in the Software Center. So, if you want an example to update your branches for submission to https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/, you have two. :) The main difference with what we have now is that everything except the .service and the .lens/.scope is in /opt.
[21:39] <mick0> davidcalle: ok.
[21:40] <mick0> Does that apply for oneric also?
[21:42] <davidcalle> mick0, yes, in fact, it's oneiric specific. As all the current lenses will need to be updated with the Precise changes when they land.
[21:42] <davidcalle> the libunity Precise changes*
[21:43] <mick0> ahh ok
[21:50] <mhall119> davidcalle: awesome, are you submitting those to the ARB now?
[21:51] <davidcalle> mhall119, tomorrow evening. I have two other packages to submit at the same time (well, at least one other) and I need to make some sort of icon.
[21:52] <mhall119> davidcalle: cool, let me know when you do, I want to follow the process to make sure it's smooth
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[21:55] <mick0> davidcalle: Im not sure I understand exactly the process here. Do I need to do anything else then updating the branch to new packaging?
[21:56] <davidcalle> mhall119, sure. I will also make some sort of checklist of important stuff to verify before submitting. Then, we'll be able to publish everything smoothly.
[21:56] <davidcalle> mick0, no, just make sure that your scope works well when the daemon and the potential icons are in /opt/<some folder>
[21:57] <davidcalle> Well, actually this is the only important thing on the checklist :)
[21:57] <mick0> davidcalle: Ok, will do :)
[21:58] <mhall119> davidcalle: that just requires that the .service and .lens point to those in /opt/ right? Or is there something else that I need to change?
[21:59] <davidcalle> mhall119, that's it. Except if you have some hard links to icons and such in your files.
[22:00] <davidcalle> ...to icons your lens comes with.
[22:00] <mhall119> ok, cool, thanks
[22:00] <mhall119> I'll re-work singlet to point them to /opt/
[22:21] <mgedmin> the <Super> binding is starting to annoy me
[22:22] <mgedmin> I can press <Super> then <Esc> in my normal speed and the dash shows up after I've released <Esc> then doesn't go away
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[22:25] <mhall119> mgedmin: yeah, the super button has a bit of a delay for me too
[22:25] <mhall119> which is annoying
[22:25] <mhall119> hoping it's improved in 12.04
[23:55] <snadge> can someone fix the god damned focus problem already?
[23:56] <snadge> its beyond a joke now.. its in 12.04 as well, its not a new thing.. everybody knows what the fuck im talking about.. and if they don't they're either stupid or a liar
[23:59] <snadge> i dont want to switch to gnome-shell.. it sucks balls for different reasons
[23:59] <snadge> and xfce is just pathetic
[23:59] <snadge> the simplest option appears to be to make unity suck less ;)