UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /08 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[02:22] <psusi> has the desktop team decided to move the min/max/close buttons back to the left, or is that a bug in precise?
[02:23] <psusi> err... maybe I have confused myself again... can't keep straight which side they are supposed to be on ;)
=== abhinav__ is now known as abhinav-
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
[23:46] <asac> have some problems with adding a new mailto handling app to the messaging menu... seems that the messaging menu somehow believes that it should display "Setup Mail.." instead of "Mail" and I am not sure how to teach it that the mail app has already been set up :/
[23:47] <asac> found that there is something like db_seen_db in the code and that i probably would have to change my app to tell indicate that the server was ever started. still feels odd though. I just want my .desktop file to be displayed and launched for now (similar to how thunderbird is displayed)
[23:51] <asac> yeah
[23:51] <asac> ok found that if i dont have myu client as default client then its displayed more or less appropriately