UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /04 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== jjesse__ is now known as jjesse
=== MacSeal is now known as hit-girl
=== hit-girl is now known as help
=== help is now known as hit-seal
=== hit-seal is now known as help
=== help is now known as Guest4562
=== Guest4562 is now known as hit-seal
[08:17] <bambee> Riddell: when you've time, could you add my pubkey "bambi@bambi-XPS-L502X" (see lp) to ftpmaster.kde.org (the machine which contains the uploaded tarball, don't remember its exact name). Thanks in advance
[08:17] <bambee> morning btw :)
=== Stecchino_ is now known as Stecchino
[10:54] <Riddell> bambee: what's your lp username?
[10:56] <bambee> Riddell: bambi
[11:02] <Riddell> bambee: what shall I do with bambi@linux-EX58-UD4P key?
[11:02] <davmor2> Riddell: How's things dude?
[11:08] <Riddell> davmor2: brain better if not great yet, eyes still wonky, windy weather tretcherous
[11:10] <davmor2> Riddell: wow you even managed to make yourself sound like the shipping forecast then, well at least in my head ;)
[11:17] <Riddell> obviously I've been listening to too much Radio 4 :)
[11:38] <Riddell> bambee: added
[11:38] * Riddell wibbles a bit about bug 911659
[11:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 911659 in update-manager (Ubuntu Precise) "lucid -> precise upgrade failed: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'phonon-backend-gstreamer'" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/911659
[11:46] <bambee> Riddell: thanks
[11:46] <bambee> Riddell: bambi@linux-EX58-UD4P is my desktop
[11:47] <Riddell> bambee: wanting to package something?
[11:47] <bambee> Riddell: yes, probably this evening (I am at work)
[11:47] <bambee> kde 4.8rc2 for example
[11:51] <Riddell> bambee: groovy, I expect to get started on that shortly so check with me to not duplicate
[11:53] <bambee> ok
[11:53] <schnelle> guys are you watching this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=275469 ?
[11:53] <ubottu> KDE bug 275469 in widget-taskbar "4 7 Regression: closed windows stay in the taskbar sometimes, taskbar doesn't react on clicks" [Normal,Reopened]
[11:53] <schnelle> seems that it is qt bug afterall
[11:54] <schnelle> and there is easy way to reproduce it ( see comment #125)
[11:54] <schnelle> so it would be nice to patch qt for precise :)
[11:56] <Riddell> schnelle: do you know if there is a qt patch?
[11:59] <schnelle> Riddell: John Stanley made few patches and they all fix the bug
[11:59] <schnelle> and he proposed patches to https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com
[12:01] <Riddell> schnelle: ok I've added to my todo, if you want you could make a launchpad bug which links to that bugs.k.o entry incase my todo gets lost
[12:02] <schnelle> Riddell: I will open lauchpad bug and will add you to subscribers :)
[12:02] <schnelle> thank you
[12:40] <schnelle> Riddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/911733
[12:40] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 911733 in Ubuntu "Patch Qt to fix annoying KDE bug 275469 (ghost taskbar entries)" [Undecided,New]
[12:40] <schnelle> I added you to subscribers
[12:43] <Riddell> thanks schnelle
[15:00] <allee> Seriously: can't we turn of qdebug in soprano? Too much continues garbage in .xsession-error :(
[15:01] <allee> that a build time thing AFAIU.
[15:01] <Riddell> allee: maybe I don't know if it's been suggested before
[15:08] <allee> Riddell: several times AFAIK. apachelogger? ScottK ? ^^
[15:09] <Riddell> allee: the obvious questions are 1) how and 2) what options does that leave people who do want to read debugging from soprano?
[15:14] <rdieter> Riddell: build with -DQT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT (that's what we in fedora do recently)
[15:15] <Riddell> rdieter: any complaints from people who do want to debug soprano?
[15:15] <rdieter> Riddell: none yet
[15:17] <Riddell> I expect soprano developers/debuggers are elite enough to compile it themselves :)
[15:23] <allee> Riddell: I've ping sopraono upstream. ( IMHO it's not good for nepomuk reputation if 99% in .xsession-errror is sematik desktop related. )
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[15:47] <afiestas> Is there any plans to package Qt 4.8 for 12.04 ?
[15:49] <Riddell> afiestas: yes, debfx current has the lock on that
[15:50] <afiestas> Riddell: lock ? as he is working on it?
[15:51] <Riddell> afiestas: he said he was (and since I'm busy on KDE RC2 I haven't had need to investigate)
[15:52] <Riddell> aw it needs xinput refresh and possible update according to http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/01/01/%23kubuntu-devel.html
[15:52] <afiestas> Riddell: okiz, I'd like to switch to Kubuntu again but I need Qt :p
[15:54] <Riddell> afiestas: or convince fabo to package it :)
[15:55] <fabo> it is packaged, just not built/uploaded :)
[15:55] <Riddell> fabo: oh the xinput patch got whatever it needed?
[15:56] <afiestas> fabo do you mind to send me the recipe ?
[15:56] <Riddell> this might also hvae a patch it needs for libreoffice https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40298
[15:56] <ubottu> Freedesktop bug 40298 in Spreadsheet "EDITING: Crash when moving cells, QX11PixmapData::createCompatiblePixmapData" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]
[15:56] <fabo> no, it has been disabled as a workaround. I should be able to take a look later today
[15:57] <Riddell> fabo: or poke cnd more frequently :)
[15:57] <Riddell> KRF also asked about building with -reduce-relocations
[15:57] <fabo> afiestas: if you don't mind about xinput patch, we should be able to put it in a ppa in the meantime
[15:58] <fabo> Riddell: -reduce-relocations is in
[15:58] <afiestas> fabo: will I be able to use a simple mouse ?
[15:58] <Riddell> oh good, happy KRF
[15:58] <fabo> afiestas: definitely
[15:59] <Riddell> fabo: what happened to the libqt-mm or whatever library you said was needed for the networkmanagement package?
[15:59] <fabo> Riddell: have you grabbed networkmanagement? I had issue with my provider so might have missed some messages
[15:59] <Riddell> fabo: no I've not tested it yet
[16:00] <Riddell> fabo: your provider isn't just ethernet?
[16:00] <fabo> Riddell: libqt-mm is used by next release 0.9.1 (in master branch). we should use the released versions from nm09 branch
[16:00] <Riddell> ah right
[16:00] <fabo> 0.9.0~rc3 is in the ppa
[16:01] <fabo> I tested locally, works for me
[16:01] <afiestas> fabo: perfect !
[16:01] <fabo> and it's the version available in sid
[16:01] <Riddell> I use a 3G mobile modem so I'm quite a useful test case for it
[16:02] <fabo> it's even in wheezy
[16:02] <fabo> 0.9~git20111126.1ef1677-1 = 0.8.98 = 0.9.0~rc3 :)
[16:02] <KRF> yeh. thanks Riddell + fabo ;)
[16:03] <KRF> just found another bug, though. seems like the gold linker is ignoring the ld flag --dynamic-list which is implied by Qt's -reduce-relocations
[16:03] <KRF> nasty stuff, in any case
[16:06] <Riddell> KRF: the gold linker?
[16:09] <fabo> binutils-gold
[16:09] <Riddell> so it that something for the binutils-gold maintainer to look at?
[16:09] <Riddell> how to get emacs to be in a useful mode for editing changelogs instead of an annoying one?
[16:10] <fabo> well, we have more bug reported by him than fixed by him :)
[16:10] * fabo looks in the room
[16:13] <KRF> Riddell: yep, gold. i'm about to file a bug upstream
[16:15] <fabo> Riddell: qtmobility ftbfs with Qt4.8, package fixed uploaded to Debian
[16:16] <Riddell> I've a funny feeling inside me that qt-at-spi just got a release too
[16:33] <cnd> Riddell, fabo: you can either leave the xinput patch disabled or refresh it
[16:33] <cnd> it should be a trivial refresh I would think
[16:33] <cnd> unless you are updating to a new release?
[16:33] <cnd> if you disable it, I'll refresh it when I port it to the new xinput implementation
[16:34] <Riddell> cnd: I've not looked into it but Qt 4.8 is a new release
[16:35] <cnd> ok, I haven't looked at 4.8 yet
[16:35] <cnd> unless you can figure out a trivial refresh yourselves, I suggest just disabling the patch for now
[16:35] <fabo> cnd: I look into it
[18:04] <bambee> Riddell: I upload packages directly to the ppa, right? (kde 4.7.97)
[18:04] <bambee> I mean, kubuntu-ninjas
[18:04] <Riddell> bambee: yes
[18:04] <Riddell> but you should first tell me which you're doing so we don't overlap
[18:04] <Riddell> I've got none on the go just now
[18:05] <Riddell> also I can do ec2 machines if that helps
[18:05] <Riddell> bambee: I've uploaded all the ones in yellow on the wiki page to the PPA
[18:06] <bambee> mhhh ok
[18:08] <bambee> Riddell: I will upload kdeadmin
[18:08] <bambee> Riddell: could you update https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging ?
[18:09] <Riddell> yes, shortly
[18:31] <bambee> Riddell: wiki updated (including the ones in yellow) ;)
[18:32] <Riddell> cool thanks bambee :)
[18:32] <bambee> yw :)
[18:33] <Riddell> can you do meta-kde too bambee?
[18:34] <bambee> sure
[20:20] <bambee> there is no option --color to bzr diff ? :O arrf...
[20:20] <bambee> that's useful... really...
[20:26] <ScottK> bzr diff > patch && vim patch
[20:26] <ScottK> or something like that.
[20:28] <yofel> bzr diff | vim -
[20:31] <ScottK> Much better.
[20:37] * bambee uses emacs
[20:37] * bambee hides
[20:38] <ScottK> bambee: No need to hide, just go sit next to Riddell.
[20:38] * bambee hugs Riddell
[21:24] <ScottK> Any objections to 4.7.4 going to oneiric-proposed once I have time for it?
[21:24] <ScottK> It looks like the pim related commits have finally died down.
[21:33] <cyphermox> ScottK: I remember you had some interest in ntrack due to the fact it gets used by kde-runtime; would you be open to sponsoring my upload?
[21:33] <ScottK> cyphermox: Not today. Perhaps later in the week. Busy with work.
[21:33] <cyphermox> ScottK: sure, not a problem
[21:34] <cyphermox> thanks a lot; worst case someone will get to it before then, since it's in the queue
[21:38] <ScottK> If not, give me a ping.
[23:05] <Riddell> hola
[23:05] <Riddell> ScottK: 4.7.4 yes please
[23:06] <Riddell> cyphermox: can sponsor now if needed