UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /04 /#ayatana.txt
Initial commit
[01:57] <snadge> so i heard a rumour that theres a ppa which fixes laggy window movement
[01:58] <snadge> but smspillaz has an alternative fix which conflicts
[01:58] <snadge> i think i ended up fixing the laggy window movement with a workaround.. adjusting the mouse polling
[01:58] <snadge> and my other system uses unity-2d :D
[01:59] <snadge> like a boss
[02:09] <snadge> im rooting for 12.04 .. can i start testing stuff? :D
[02:09] <snadge> or is that a bad idea
[02:10] <snadge> it cant be any worse than the production code we're using right now.. *bdom tish*
[09:46] <kamstrup> davidcalle: hey happy new year mate :-)
[09:47] <kamstrup> davidcalle: I am sure you filed a bug/feature request for overriding how results are merged from scopes into the lens, but I can't find it...
[09:47] <kamstrup> oh am I making this up? ;-)
[09:49] <snadge> ur trippin' .. nobody speaks in here.. sssshhhh ;)
[09:50] <snadge> i occasionally come in here to troll people.. unsuccessfully
[09:50] <davidcalle> kamstrup, happy new year :)
[09:51] <davidcalle> kamstrup, I've seen the awesome merger branch. Thank you!
[09:51] <davidcalle> Let me find this bug...
[09:53] <davidcalle> kamstrup, Hum, I remember wanting to file it...
[09:56] <kamstrup> davidcalle: hehe, maybe we only ever talked about it then
[09:56] <kamstrup> let me file on against libunity
[09:56] <davidcalle> kamstrup, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/911686
[09:56] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 911686 in unity "Lenses should sort results from multiple scopes" [Undecided,New]
[09:57] <kamstrup> ah thanks!
[10:01] <kamstrup> davidcalle: history repeats itself - see the comment I just added to the bug...
[10:01] <kamstrup> :-/
[10:01] <davidcalle> kamstrup, oh noes!
[10:01] <kamstrup> my words
[10:02] <kamstrup> it seems that me and pygobject don't get along very well...
[10:03] <davidcalle> kamstrup, :/
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[13:55] <mhall119> who's a good person to talk to about how Lenses will be displayed in SoftwareCenter?
[13:56] <mhall119> specifically package naming and scopes as add-ons
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[15:49] <gord> davidcalle, hey, before I forget you mentioned about http images in a lens not loading in the dash? (wasn't around at the time but was in my scrollback), do you have a bug for that? not got time to fix it atm but would like to keep it on my radar
[15:49] <davidcalle> gord, I have one, let me get it
[15:50] <gord> fantastic, I actually think we are just trying to load too many http connections from one source at once, so it just drops connections somewhere. a queue should hopefully fix it
[15:51] <davidcalle> gord, hum, I don't have one, let me file it ;)
[15:52] <davidcalle> Oh, and I really would like you to give a look at this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/878015
[15:52] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 878015 in unity (Ubuntu) "Non square icons don't fill result tiles as much as they should" [Medium,Confirmed]
[15:53] <gord> davidcalle yeah been on my list for a while, i'll get around to it eventually promise ;)
[15:56] <davidcalle> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/911831
[15:56] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 911831 in unity "Http icons sometimes replaced by undefined icons in the Dash" [Undecided,New]
[15:57] <davidcalle> gord ^
[15:57] <gord> yeah triaging it now
[15:58] <gord> cool, thanks :)
[16:00] <mick0> oh yes please fix that one :)
[16:46] <mhall119> didrocks: kenvandine: ping
[16:46] <mhall119> davidcalle: ping to you too
[16:47] <davidcalle> mhall119, hey
[16:47] <didrocks> hey mhall119
[16:48] <mhall119> didrocks: hey, you did the debian packaging feature of quickly, right?
[16:48] <mhall119> davidcalle: do you have a blog, and if so is it on planet.ubuntu.com?
[16:49] <mhall119> I'd like to see your lense work show up on more than just Google+
[16:49] <davidcalle> mhall119, I don't.
[16:49] <didrocks> mhall119: indeed
[16:50] <mhall119> didrocks: I'd like to do something just like that for lp:singlet, to generate and build packages for Unity lensees
[16:50] <didrocks> mhall119: yeah, I read your blog post, do you know that we already had (but a deprecated one) quickly template for lenses?
[16:50] <mhall119> davidcalle: would you be interested in starting a blog?
[16:50] <didrocks> mhall119: maybe you should just integrate your code snippet to it, as a quickly template
[16:50] <didrocks> and you will get the packaging feature for free :)
[16:50] <mhall119> didrocks: I heard about that after the fact, yes
[16:51] <mhall119> is that in the quickly trunk?
[16:51] <didrocks> mhall119: so, I'm happy to work on that with you if you don't mind
[16:51] <didrocks> mhall119: no, and I think that your work is more advanced, it was at the same of only vala lenses
[16:51] <mhall119> didrocks: that'd be awesome
[16:51] <didrocks> mhall119: excellent, can we talk about it tomorrow? (not sure of your time zone?)
[16:52] <mhall119> only vala?
[16:52] <mhall119> didrocks: I'm US/Eastern, so it's 12pm for me
[16:52] <didrocks> mhall119: yeah, but that's stone age for now (more than a year! ;))
[16:52] <didrocks> mhall119: ok, do you think you have some time tomorrow? I can give it a look in my morning
[16:52] <didrocks> and see how we can integrate it
[16:52] <mhall119> it's funny how quickly things become stone-aged on a 6 month cadence
[16:53] <mhall119> didrocks: yup, just give me a ping
[16:53] <didrocks> right, it's funny and frightning :)
[16:53] <mhall119> at least we're not doing 6-week cycles like Mozilla, that's scary
[16:53] <didrocks> mhall119: great! will ping you back then and nice work on singlet! I'm amazed how your reduced the boiler plate!
[16:53] <mhall119> didrocks: thanks
[16:54] <mhall119> !
[16:54] <didrocks> you*
[16:57] <mhall119> davidcalle: are you an Ubuntu member?
[17:00] <davidcalle> mhall119, sorry was in a meeting. I'm not a member and I have a blog ready for ohscopes, I've just never started it.
[17:01] <mhall119> davidcalle: you should definitely apply for membership, there are people who would definitely support you, and then we can get your blog syndicated on planet.ubuntu.com
[17:01] <mhall119> let me know when you have the ohscopes blog setup too, so I can spread the word
[17:02] <davidcalle> mhall119, I will, probably this week-end, for membership and blog.
[17:03] <mhall119> awesome
[17:06] <mhall119> davidcalle: I'm going to start trying to get some of these lenses and scopes into software center, which ones are in the best shape for me to start with?
[17:09] <davidcalle> Grooveshark scope , utilities lens + calculator scope + cities scope, torrents lens + piratebay scope are good too, but it's controversial and has an "adult" filter.
[17:11] <davidcalle> The package descriptions are not great. Feel free to change them :)
[17:11] <davidcalle> mhall119 ^
[17:12] <davidcalle> What is needed to have them in the archive?
[17:17] <kenvandine> mhall119, pong
[17:18] <mhall119> kenvandine: do you have some time on your schedule to help us package some scopes?
[17:18] <kenvandine> not really...
[17:18] <kenvandine> although it should be quick and easy
[17:19] <kenvandine> maybe i can do one as an example?
[17:19] <mhall119> kenvandine: that would be great
[17:19] <kenvandine> point me at one and i'll create the package sometime this week
[17:19] <mhall119> kenvandine: if you there's anything special or specific about doing lense packaging, a blog post about it would benefit the rest of the community
[17:19] <kenvandine> true :)
[17:20] <mhall119> davidcalle: you have some packaged already, right?
[17:20] <kenvandine> there isn't anything special really
[17:20] <kenvandine> just making sure things end up in the right directory
[17:20] <davidcalle> mhall119, well, everything in the PPA ;-)
[17:22] <mhall119> davidcalle: where's the ppa again?
[17:22] <mhall119> kenvandine: there are different "right directory" requirements when going through MyApps as opposed to Universe, right?
[17:22] <davidcalle> mhall119, https://code.launchpad.net/~scopes-packagers/+archive/ppa
[17:23] <kenvandine> mhall119, not sure actually, i think i heard something about putting things in /opt for MyApps
[17:23] <mhall119> davidcalle: looks like you've already got them all packaged? In that case we just need to get them submitted
[17:23] <kenvandine> however, i don't think unity will work with that
[17:23] <davidcalle> mhall119, I've talked to Stephane Graber and the ARB is fine with some files being out ot /opt
[17:23] <kenvandine> cool
[17:23] <mhall119> davidcalle: good
[17:24] <mhall119> davidcalle: do you know how they are going to identify a scope as an add-on to a specific lens package?
[17:24] <mhall119> in software center
[17:24] <davidcalle> mhall119, the problem is that scopes depends on lenses, and packages from myapps can't depend on each other...
[17:24] <kenvandine> probably a suggests
[17:24] <kenvandine> they can suggest it without depending on it
[17:24] <davidcalle> kenvandine, I think you are right, that's the way it's currently done.
[17:24] <mhall119> kenvandine: or an rdepends maybe
[17:25] <kenvandine> i think if you add the suggests software center does the right thing
[17:25] <mhall119> ok, so the lens package needs to list the scopes for it? that seems backwards
[17:25] <kenvandine> mhall119, i suspect so... but that is sub-optimal
[17:26] <mhall119> ok
[17:26] <kenvandine> you should probably ask someone on the software center team to confirm
[17:26] <kenvandine> maybe there is another way
[17:26] <mhall119> davidcalle: lets pick one lense to start with, and try and get it uploaded to 12.04
[17:26] <kenvandine> but i can't see one
[17:26] <mhall119> kenvandine: ok
[17:27] <mhall119> I'm still not clear if these should go through MyApps or REVU
[17:27] <davidcalle> mhall119, the utilities lens + calculator scope + cities scope (weather forecast), seems to be a good combo to start with.
[17:27] <mhall119> davidcalle: are both of those scopes for the utilities lense?
[17:27] <davidcalle> It's a calculator + forecast on city name, in the Home Dash.
[17:28] <davidcalle> Yes. The utilities lens is a hidden lens, not in the scope bar, just used to host "utilities" scopes.
[17:28] <davidcalle> the lens bar* :)
[17:29] <mhall119> how about the graphic design lens? is that in good shape?
[17:29] <davidcalle> mhall119, it is, but it has four scopes by default. So, more packages to put in the archive.
[17:31] <mhall119> we can do them one at a time though can't we?
[17:31] <mhall119> it'll require updating the lens package with the additional Suggests, but that shouldn't be difficult to do
[17:32] <davidcalle> mhall119, sure. If we pick this one, I should add a package checking in the lens daemon, to avoid displaying filters of not available scopes. Just in case.
[17:33] <mhall119> oh, are they coded into the daemon?
[17:34] <davidcalle> The filters are always in the lens daemon. You can't define filters form the scopes.
[17:34] <davidcalle> from*
[17:37] <mhall119> ok, I understand what you mean now
[17:37] <davidcalle> mhall119, lenses provide the category + filter structure and scopes fill it with data.
[17:37] <mhall119> and some filters don't make sense to have without a specific scope, I gotcha now
[17:37] <davidcalle> mhall119, indeed
[17:37] <mhall119> in that case, let's start with the utilities lens + calculator and forecast scopes
[17:38] <mhall119> kenvandine: ^^ can you look at the existing packages for those and let us know what, if anything, needs to be changed before going to the ARB?
[17:38] <mhall119> https://code.launchpad.net/~scopes-packagers/+archive/ppa/+packages
[17:38] <davidcalle> mhall119, as a bonus, it's a long-time requested Unity feature, a calculator.
[17:39] <mhall119> that'll be good to highlight then
[17:40] <davidcalle> kenvandine, unity-lens-utilities, unity-scope-cities and unity-scope-calculator. But you may just need to look at one, the packaging is done exactly in the same way for all.
[17:47] <davidcalle> mhall119, kenvandine, maybe before going to the ARB, we should wait for the libunity API changes to land. Or we choose Oneiric as a target.
[17:47] <mhall119> do we know what API changes are planned?
[17:47] <mhall119> I'm okay with targetting oneiric for now, that way I can use them right away :)
[17:49] <davidcalle> mhall119, they have started to land in the Unity PPA. I don't know exactly what is planned.
[17:49] <mhall119> ok, let's target oneiric then
[17:50] <davidcalle> mhall119, sounds good.
[17:50] <mhall119> kenvandine: someone has submitted a package branch for lp:singlet, I'll probably get with you to look over it once I merge
[18:09] <kenvandine> mhall119, cool
[18:10] <cybershoe> Good morning (for certain values of morning).
[18:10] <cybershoe> I have the domain "unitydesktop.com", from a project that never launched.
[18:10] <cybershoe> I want to offer it up to the Ubuntu team if anyone wants it, otherwise I'm just going to let it lapse.
[18:10] <cybershoe> Does anyone know who would be the appropriate person to contact about this?
[18:10] <mhall119> jono: jcastro: ^^
[18:11] <jcastro> wow, no clue there
[18:11] <jcastro> webmaster@ubuntu.com maybe?
[18:11] <jono> cybershoe, can you email me at jono@ubuntu.com about this
[18:11] <jcastro> or just mail jono. :)
[18:11] <cybershoe> jono: will do.
[18:11] <jono> cybershoe, I will put you in touch with the right person
[18:11] <jono> many thanks
[18:11] <cybershoe> No worries.
[18:12] <cybershoe> I settled on the domain name about a week before I found out you were branding the new UI as Unity. True story.
[18:13] <mhall119> jcastro: I think newz2000 still gets webmaster emails, and I don't think he'd be the one...
[18:14] <cybershoe> jono: gmailed
[18:14] <jcastro> cybershoe: heh, thanks for contacting us, thumbs up.
[18:24] <mhall119> 2/w 46
[18:24] <mhall119> bah
[18:25] <chabie> hello..
[18:27] <chabie> i have any problem wiyh my ubuntu..
[18:27] <chabie> help me!!
[18:27] <chabie> ping API
[18:29] <chabie> hello..
[18:29] <chabie> help me !!!
[18:29] <chabie> help me !!!
[18:29] <chabie> help me !!!
[18:29] <chabie> help me !!!
[18:29] <chabie> help me !!!
[18:29] <chabie> help me !!!
[18:29] <chabie> help me !!!
[18:29] <chabie> i can't play pes 2011 on my ubuntu..
[18:31] <chabie> glatzor..
[18:31] <glatzor> chabie, ?
[18:35] <mick0> chabie: you mean the soccer game, pes 2011?
[18:36] <mhall119> he must really like that game
[18:40] <chabie> yes that my mean..
[18:41] <mick0> I doubt that game has native support for linux.
[18:42] <chabie> what that ?
[18:44] <chabie> there is some one that can help me??
[18:45] <chabie> i really want to play that game on my ubuntu..
[18:45] <mhall119> chabie: the main ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu, there are more people available there to help you
[18:45] <chabie> :-&
[18:46] <chabie> oke.. thanks for your suggestion
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[21:00] <mick0> Is there a better way to get unity to notice new lenses then logging out and then in? All my tabs and open files gets sad..
[21:01] <balloons> unity --reset perhaps?
[21:04] <mick0> yep. that did it :) All windows end up on one workspace though.
[21:14] <balloons> unity --reset is definitely my friend
[21:14] <mick0> oh yes thats the stuff. My search for movies to see on (ofc legal) torrent sites top lists just got compleatly mouseless.
[21:15] <mick0> imdb in the dash :D
[21:18] <mhall119> mick0: theres a bug on LP to make that easier
[21:27] * charles is tickled at the idea of a torrent search lens
[21:44] <mick0> is it possible to make some part of the test in global results bold or a bit larger?
[21:45] <mick0> test should be text
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