UbuntuIRC / 2011 /02 /21 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:17] <bdrung> TheMuso: can you help me finding the reason for portaudio19 to FTBFS? portaudio19 builds in my natty pbuilder instance but fails on the lp farm: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/portaudio19/19+svn20101113-1
[00:18] * TheMuso looks
[00:20] <TheMuso> bdrung: Weird. What environment are you building it in locally?
[00:21] <bdrung> TheMuso: it builds on maverick, and in pbuilder (sid, maverick, and natty). all amd64
[00:22] <TheMuso> Ok. Give me a bit, and I'll try it in sbuild.
[00:22] <bdrung> thanks
[00:44] <TheMuso> bdrung: hrm builds fine here in sbuild.
[00:53] <robert_ancell> StevenK, can you sync libsoup2.4 from debian experimental?
[00:53] <StevenK> robert_ancell: Sure. Is there a bug?
[00:53] <robert_ancell> StevenK, Bug #718480
[00:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 718480 in libsoup2.4 (Ubuntu) "Merge with Debian 2.33.6-1" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/718480
[00:55] <StevenK> robert_ancell: No? :-) Looks like glib-networking has to be promoted first, and the bug you linked has no rationale for a sync
[00:57] <robert_ancell> StevenK, oh, glib-networking was supposed to be promoted, see bug #718477 - why has it not?
[00:57] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 718477 in glib-networking (Ubuntu) "[MIR] glib-networking" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/718477
[00:57] <StevenK> robert_ancell: It's been approved, it's waiting for an archive admin to do it -- which I'm doing now
[00:57] <robert_ancell> ok, and why is there no rationale for a sync then?
[00:58] <StevenK> robert_ancell: Because there's no comment listing the Ubuntu changes and that's it's perfectly fine to drop them
[00:58] <robert_ancell> there are no ubuntu changes, it's just not being autosynced
[00:58] <StevenK> Oh, duh
[00:59] <StevenK> robert_ancell: Sorry, I should really learn to read.
[00:59] <robert_ancell> :P
[00:59] <robert_ancell> I blame the complex process
[00:59] <StevenK> robert_ancell: glib-networking promoted, remind me to sync libsoup2.4 in an hour
[01:00] <robert_ancell> ok, thanks
[01:15] <ohsix> cjwatson: another thing re: the livecd/installer; something that checks dmesg every 30 seconds or so for media errors and tells the user the disc might be damaged or need to be burned differently would be cool, cuz it's hard to really see if you don't know where to look
[01:51] <ScottK> lamont: Seems to work fine here (tested with tls/smtp-auth using both policy server and milters). I didn't try postscreen. Here's some additional changes for pacakge modernization (and some stuff I found from Debian bugs): http://pastebin.com/AmdCTBtZ
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[02:50] <robert_ancell> StevenK, time for soup? libsoup?
[03:04] <StevenK> robert_ancell: Sorry, fighting with tools.
[03:12] <StevenK> robert_ancell: Done, sorry for the delay.
[03:12] <robert_ancell> StevenK, thanks, np
[06:54] <pitti> Good morning
[06:54] <micahg> good morning pitti
[06:55] <RAOF> Howdie pitti
[07:08] <twb> Never mind, I worked it out.
[07:11] <dholbach> good morning
[07:33] <TheMuso> ogra_: Alsa driver, lib, tools and plugins are entering natty now. Utils is coming in the next day or so, as we finalize a few changes relating to setting audio settings. You need not worry, your omap changes are still included, and will be usable.
[07:33] <TheMuso> setting audio volume even.
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[08:00] <tkamppeter> pitti, hi
[08:00] <pitti> hey tkamppeter, how are you?
[08:03] <didrocks> good morning
[08:04] <tkamppeter> pitti, fine. I only want to ask you whether you will update CUPS to 1.4.6 before FF. I wanted to ask you on Fri, but it seems that you have taken that day off.
[08:04] <pitti> tkamppeter: right, I was on holiday Thu/Fri
[08:04] <pitti> cups | 1.4.6-1 | natty | source, amd64, i386
[08:04] <pitti> tkamppeter: ^ you mean this? :-)
[08:04] <tkamppeter> Yes.
[08:05] <pitti> tkamppeter: retroactively done
[08:05] <tkamppeter> pitti, you did on Sat, great. I did not "bzr pull" on CUPS that day.
[08:06] <tkamppeter> pitti, the Avahi patch appplied without changes?
[08:06] <pitti> tkamppeter: yes, it did; 1.4.6 only had some five bug fixes, it wasn't that intrusive
[08:07] <pitti> tkamppeter: btw, we can update to 1.4.x versions after FF as well; the microreleases usually only get bug fixes
[08:08] <tkamppeter> pitti, OK. Yes, I remember. Mike said that these releases are bug-fix-only.
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[08:19] <smb> @pilot-in
[08:19] <udevbot> Error: "pilot-in" is not a valid command.
[08:19] <smb> @pilot in
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: smb
[08:21] <pitti> good morning smb, happy piloting!
[08:23] <smb> pitti, Morning. But you know that I am a similar good pilot as Indiana Jones? ;-P
[08:23] <pitti> smb: just use your whip then :)
[08:23] <smb> pitti, Did not help him either when trying to land. :)
[08:32] * dholbach hugs smb
[08:33] <smb> :)
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[09:50] <cdbs> debian-archive-keyring in maverick doesn't contain the new Sid and squeeze keys.
[09:51] <cdbs> Should I SRU?
[09:52] <cdbs> The problem with that is, pbuilder-dist sid create fails in maverick
[09:52] <pitti> cdbs: sounds good to me
[09:52] <pitti> for lucid as well, if you feel inclined :)
[09:52] <cdbs> pitti: okay, /me gets to work!
[09:53] <pitti> cdbs: thanks!
[10:09] <cdbs> pitti: looks like I must backport the whole package, the package contains files signed by the Release team. If I modify stuff, I can't re-sign
[10:11] <pitti> cdbs: sounds fine as long there are no structural changes in the package (new binaries, newer dependencies etc.)
[10:12] <cdbs> pitti: the package had changed a lot structurally, but its b-ds look good to run on maverick/lucid. The whole key generation technique has changed, and this seems to be the only way
[10:12] <cdbs> shouldn't cause regressions, its a key package
[10:12] <pitti> cdbs: i. e. the binaries look the same?
[10:13] <cdbs> pitti: hmm? I didn't get you. The binaries of what?
[10:13] <pitti> cdbs: the .debs
[10:13] <cdbs> the binaries are much the same, but the natty package is better in forming the .gpgs
[10:13] <pitti> *nod* sounds fine then
[10:13] <cdbs> it uses jetring, unlike the maverick package which is hard-coded by the release team, and cannot be modified without key access
[10:14] <cdbs> pitti: ^
[10:14] * cdbs gets to work
[10:14] <pitti> cdbs: jetring is in universe, though
[10:14] <cdbs> pitti: d-a-k is also in universe
[10:14] <pitti> ah, right
[10:15] <cdbs> pitti: the release number should be the old one + .1, right? This is a whole package backport, so things may differ
[10:15] <cdbs> 2010.08.28 is the natty version, maverick/lucid is 2009.01.31ubuntu1
[10:15] <pitti> cdbs: I'd use 2010.08.28~maverick and ~lucid
[10:16] <cdbs> :o
[10:22] <cdbs> pitti: its a native package, so 2010.08.28~maverick.1 or?
[10:23] <pitti> cdbs: the .1 doesn't really matter
[10:23] <cdbs> okay
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[10:58] <cdbs> pitti: meh, build fails in maverick, because of Debian bug #560692 . Natty binary works well, I just tested on my EC2 instance
[10:58] <ubottu> Debian bug 560692 in gnupg "[gnupg/1169] gnupg: first-run check error with self-contradicting message" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/560692
[10:59] <cdbs> so will need to SRU that first. :(
[10:59] <pitti> perhaps at this point it becomes a matter for maverick-backports?
[10:59] <cdbs> maybe?
[11:01] <cdbs> pitti: well, I have a workaround, create the homefir manually.
[11:01] <cdbs> *homedir
[11:06] <persia> 560692 looks SRU-worthy, and backports is by-policy-not-for-bugs
[11:07] <cdbs> EC2 helps a lot, I can't go ahead build 3 packages at a time on my laptop . :)
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[11:32] <lool> doko: Did you get my email about binutils-multiarch?
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[11:48] <cjwatson> is anyone on the desktop team looking at doing an MIR for libquvi? it's a build-dep of totem-pl-parser
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[12:52] <Riddell> mvo: yo
[12:52] <Riddell> mvo: is -proposed enabled during upgrades?
[12:52] <mvo> Riddell: no
[12:53] <Riddell> mvo: is there a way to do so?
[12:53] <mvo> Riddell: it will not be disabled, but if the user has not enabled it, the upgrade will not do that either
[12:53] <Riddell> I need a test case for bug 721269
[12:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 721269 in kdepim-runtime (Ubuntu Maverick) "newer kdepim in lucid than in maverick" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/721269
[12:53] <Riddell> mvo: ok so just enabled -proposed before upgrade and it'll stay enabled?
[12:53] <mvo> Riddell: that should be no problem, if the tester just enabled proposed that should work
[12:53] <mvo> yeah
[12:53] <Riddell> groovy, thanks
[12:57] <nobuto> Could someone review this merge request Bug #718122? This include some bug fixes described in Debian's changelog.
[12:57] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 718122 in ttf-takao (Ubuntu) "Please merge ttf-takao 003.02.01-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/718122
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[13:27] <debfx> cjwatson: have you read my email about the kubuntu package set?
[13:29] <cjwatson> debfx: yes, but not acted on it yet, sorry
[13:29] <cjwatson> it's in the queue :-/
[13:33] <debfx> ok, just wanted to make sure that it's not lost in your inbox ;)
[13:48] <\sh> slangasek: I think bug #525154 introduced a nice regression regarding unattended installation of ubuntu in a chroot where statd can't be started inside nfs-common.postinst because all the "pls upstart start this service" is diverted to /bin/true ... since before the bugfix this worked out of the box, now I have an nfs-common package failing to install properly
[13:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 525154 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu Natty) "mountall for /var races with rpc.statd" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/525154
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[14:11] <hyperair> http://laudecioliveira.org/blog/?p=282
[14:11] * hyperair rofls
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[15:11] <ari-tczew> cjwatson: did you look on MoM why it;s hanged?
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[15:44] <pitti> cjwatson: FYI, checked libquvi for MIR and sent the report; I sub'ed you, as you seem interested in seeing this progressing
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[15:49] <cjwatson> pitti: thanks
[15:52] <ari-tczew> mdeslaur: do you know script sponsors-patch?
[15:53] <mdeslaur> ari-tczew: yes
[15:53] <ari-tczew> mdeslaur: I encourage to use it for sponsoring patch in bzr, like nbd today.
[15:53] <jamespage> doko: please could you MIR review bug 676904 for me? its required to support a long pending sync from Debian
[15:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 676904 in jansi-native (Ubuntu) "[MIR] jansi" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/676904
[15:54] <ari-tczew> mdeslaur: It will merge branches and upload package via dput.
[15:55] <debfx> I wonder whether bug #722563 is caused by a bug in glibc, X or VirtualBox.
[15:55] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 722563 in virtualbox-ose (Ubuntu) "vboxvideo DRI driver crashes Xorg on startup" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/722563
[15:58] <mdeslaur> ari-tczew: that tool doesn't fit my workflow, but I'll try it again soon.
[16:03] <ttx> dpm: is the whole translations process (including binarypkgmangler) explained somewhere ?
[16:04] <slangasek> \sh: please file a bug, with logs; statd would not have been startable inside a chroot even before the fix for bug #525154, and should still not-start in the same way after the fix, but maybe something else has broken
[16:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 525154 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu Natty) "mountall for /var races with rpc.statd" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/525154
[16:06] <\sh> slangasek: will do
[16:07] <dpm> hey ttx! Here's an overview: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/TranslationLifecycle
[16:08] <dpm> and here's some more info on pkgbinarymangler: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Internationalisation/Packaging
[16:09] <ttx> dpm: cool ! thanks.
[16:11] <dpm> ttx, if something is not clear there, just ping me if I can give a hand
[16:12] <ttx> dpm: no, it makes sense, thanks :)
[16:12] <dpm> cool :)
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[18:00] <jono> I see Unity, indicators and some other things are held back, is it safe to dist-upgrade or should I wait?
[18:01] <seb128> jono, it's safe to dist-upgrade
[18:01] <seb128> jono, it should only remove libindicator2
[18:02] <seb128> the stack got rebuilt since
[18:02] <seb128> if it wants to remove other things for some reason maybe comment there though
[18:03] <jono> thanks seb128
[18:03] <seb128> you're welcome
[18:30] <ari-tczew> I just got kernel panic after put CD into dvdrw >.<
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[20:33] <smb> @pilot out
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
[20:49] <ScottK> lamont: Did you get my ping back re postfix?
[21:07] <Otacon22> ohsix, it is happening again
[21:08] <ohsix> you'll have to refresh my memory
[21:40] <debfx> RAOF: the last xorg-server upload breaks X with the virtualbox driver: bug #722563
[21:40] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 722563 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "vboxvideo DRI driver crashes Xorg on startup" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/722563
[21:41] <RAOF> debfx: Thanks.
[21:43] <debfx> seems like the dri driver fails to load and then X crashes while trying to load a driver from the alternates dir
[21:46] <highvoltage> debfx: I ran into that this afternoon too, quite nasty
[21:47] <kklimonda> 2 /b 30
[21:48] <RAOF> debfx: Do you have an Xorg.0.log for a successfull boot with the previous X server? It looks like vboxvideo is doing crazy things.
[21:49] <ricotz> bdrung, hello
[21:50] <debfx> RAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/570269/
[21:51] <RAOF> Bah. It's playing silly buggers.
[21:53] <RAOF> Impressive to SEGV in libdl, though.
[22:19] <Otacon22> ohsix, the indicator-session-applet is using too much memory
[22:20] <ohsix> ah
[22:34] <bdrung> ricotz: hi
[22:34] <ricotz> bdrung, did you read the last comment?
[22:35] <bdrung> just no
[22:35] <bdrung> w
[22:37] <ricotz> bdrung, should be the best to follow the current decisions with dropping them
[22:39] <RAOF> debfx: Oh, whoops. I think I know what the problem is. Do you want to test?
[22:40] <bdrung> ricotz: i checked -3 and debian/gpgv-win32.install says: "usr/share/win32/"
[22:41] <ricotz> bdrung, hmm, http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnupg/gnupg/trunk/debian/gpgv-win32.install
[22:42] <bdrung> ricotz: i looked at the dsc file
[22:42] <ricotz> bdrung, i pulled it from svn, it wasnt uploaded while i merged it
[22:48] <bdrung> ricotz: you are right that we have to drop mingw32 from B-D (because it is in universe)
[22:48] <bdrung> so the install location discussion is irrelevant
[22:48] <debfx> RAOF: sure
[22:49] <ricotz> bdrung, ok
[22:49] <bdrung> ricotz: "debian/[control,rules}" => [ -> {
[22:50] <RAOF> debfx: Want prebuilt packages (what arch?) or a source package?
[22:51] <ricotz> bdrung, alright
[22:53] <ricotz> bdrung, fixed
[22:53] <debfx> RAOF: if you have amd64 binaries that's fine, otherwise I'll take the source package
[22:54] <RAOF> I'll make with the building then.
[23:26] <ari-tczew> when is Feature Freeze? while night Wednesday -> Thursday?
[23:26] <ari-tczew> or Thursday -> Friday?
[23:27] <highvoltage> it's in effect from Thursday
[23:27] <sparr> I've just discovered that there is a spammy comment to a bug on launchpad attributed to me but not visible on my activity history. Is anyone here in a position to discuss how that could have come to be?
[23:28] <lifeless> sparr: #launchpad
[23:29] <sparr> thanks
[23:36] <RAOF> debfx: http://www.cooperteam.net/Packages - you'll want xserver-xorg-core and xserver-common. And to ignore the dependency problems for all your drivers; they'll work.
[23:40] <alisalaah> I am a developer, who has never developed for a Linux distro but knows how to code and such.. wondering how i would browse some bug fix sites and get involved etc
[23:41] <alisalaah> found good information on almost anything out there except; how to contribute to Linux
[23:41] <highvoltage> alisalaah: great! starting with ubuntu is a great way to get involved
[23:41] <axp2> alisalaah: try 100 papercuts on launchpad
[23:42] <highvoltage> alisalaah: this page has lots of information and links to more: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu
[23:42] <axp2> https://launchpad.net/~papercuts-ninja
[23:48] <axp2> alisalaah: i would go to the site that highvoltage suggested first to get a good overview of how to get started. if you decide you want to try fixing some small bugs (in various packages and languages) then papercuts ninja is a good mailing list
[23:48] <axp2> this is where i started fixing bugs
[23:49] <alisalaah> reading now :)
[23:50] <virtuald>
[23:51] <broder> alisalaah: http://harvest.ubuntu.com/opportunities/ will also show you bugs that have been labelled as "bitesize" - meaning that somebody thought they would be easy to take on