UbuntuIRC / 2011 /02 /21 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[00:15] <TheMuso> lol
[00:17] <RAOF> Well, works from a livesd
[00:18] <RAOF> Apparently it hates something in our new grub2
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[03:44] <boulabiar> I can't get to boot natty to the graphical mode with the last last kernel
[03:44] <boulabiar> ati 3200
[03:45] <boulabiar> any hints on how to get into gfx mode with the last .38 ?
[03:46] <bbordwell> boulabiar, natty support is in ubuntu+1
[03:47] <TheMuso> boulabiar: Are you sure that it boots ok with the previous kernel?
[03:47] <boulabiar> I am in the .37 now
[03:47] <boulabiar> TheMuso, i have no more acceleration after the upgrade, but I have gfx
[03:47] <bbordwell> boulabiar, are you using open source driver
[03:48] <TheMuso> boulabiar: WHich .38 kernel fails to work?
[03:48] <boulabiar> bbordwell, it should, but maybe there are some boot option which are messed by the upgrade
[03:48] <boulabiar> all of them
[03:48] <boulabiar> .38-1 to .38-4
[03:49] <bbordwell> boulabiar, can you boot into classic desktop, it is just unity that is not working?
[03:49] <boulabiar> I am in classic desk.
[03:50] <boulabiar> in .38 I don't have even gdm
[03:50] <boulabiar> the screen blinks many times, then I keep with the textual bootlog
[03:51] <boulabiar> it may come from a bad line in grub option or whatever
[03:52] <bbordwell> boulabiar, you could test to make sure its not a configuration problem by trying to boot on the daily cd
[03:53] <boulabiar> is there any easier option than that ?
[03:53] <boulabiar> download>burn>boot
[03:53] <boulabiar> I have the last sys. upgrade
[03:54] <boulabiar> (at least a version check of X, etc...)
[03:55] <boulabiar> what I have, and what I should have
[03:55] <boulabiar> xorg 1:7.6~3ubuntu6
[03:58] <boulabiar> 've done some modifs. I'll reboot to test them
[04:06] <boulabiar> TheMuso, http://pastie.org/1588077
[04:06] <boulabiar> the ntrig Pen segfaults X
[04:07] <RAOF> That sounds like a call for RAOF :/
[04:08] <boulabiar> I don't need the pen at least for this week, is there a way to disable it ?
[04:08] <RAOF> Remove xserver-xorg-input-wacom will do it.
[04:09] * boulabiar or rmmoding all the ntrig ?
[04:09] <boulabiar> ok
[04:09] <boulabiar> I can't remove wacom without removing input-all
[04:10] <RAOF> input-all is just a metapackage, you can happily remove it (for now, at least)
[04:11] <boulabiar> I will still have my mouse and keyboard ?
[04:12] <RAOF> As long as you don't remove any other xserver-xorg-input-* packages, yes.
[04:12] <boulabiar> great, removed
[04:12] <RAOF> (Particularly: -evdev for keyboard and external mice, -synaptics for touchpads)
[04:13] * boulabiar rebooting
[04:16] <boulabiar> RAOF, thanks man, now I am in .38-4
[04:16] <RAOF> Hm. And now I wonder how many more wacom problems we have :/
[04:17] <TheMuso> heh
[04:18] <boulabiar> the strange thing is that I don't have the hibernate option
[04:19] <boulabiar> that option disappeard everywhere after an upgrade
[04:25] <boulabiar> my ntrig pen still supported !
[04:26] <boulabiar> does the wacom problems came because of double loading with evdev or am I mixing things
[04:28] <boulabiar> ohhh
[04:28] <boulabiar> I have no more multitouch !! Only single touch with my ntrig screen and magic ttchpad
[04:29] <RAOF> evdev will drive everything, if you let it. It just doesn't do fancy things.
[04:29] <RAOF> Although multitouch should stwill work with your magic touchpad - I don't know why it doesn't.
[04:36] <boulabiar> RAOF, I think it should be handled by synaptics, I will ask Chase about it
[04:39] <boulabiar> hmm, I don't have sound applet, and the sound-input still broken...
[06:54] <pitti> Good morning
[07:00] <TheMuso> Hey pitti.
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[08:03] <didrocks> good morning
[08:05] <pitti> bonjour didrocks, ca va?
[08:05] <didrocks> pitti: excellent, thanks :) and you? how was your long week-end?
[08:06] <pitti> didrocks: really wonderful, thanks! sauna, swimming, strolling through the "Spreewald", massage, 4 course menus, and no computer
[08:06] <didrocks> waow! ;)
[08:07] <didrocks> so, totally relaxed? :)
[08:07] <pitti> how was your's?
[08:09] <pitti> RAOF: I suppose we can move https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-desktop-n-xorg-multihead-defaults to 11.10 at this point?
[08:10] <broder> :(
[08:10] <didrocks> well, with Julie not there for the week-end, I was thinking writing a short script for dealing with unity bugs in 2 hours, which ended in few more hours. But at least, we'll win a lot of time from now on :)
[08:18] <pitti> chrisccoulson: is the status of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-desktop-n-thunderbird-messaging-indicator current? if so, I suppose we should move that to o?
[08:18] <chrisccoulson> pitti - feel free to move that. m_conley from mozilla is working on that atm
[08:19] <pitti> chrisccoulson: also, can you please give me a heads-up for PGO? are we going to do that for natty, or is it too unstable?
[08:19] <pitti> chrisccoulson: oh, good morning!
[08:19] <chrisccoulson> pitti - it's too unstable right now
[08:19] <chrisccoulson> and good morning too :)
[08:21] <pitti> chrisccoulson: did you ever benchmark a PGO build?
[08:21] <RAOF> pitti: Yeah, we can. We're not going to have the new gnome-control-centre, and it's not worth doing the work twice.
[08:21] <pitti> i. e. is it actually worth it?
[08:21] <pitti> RAOF: *nod*, thanks
[08:21] <chrisccoulson> pitti - i did run a PGO build for a bit, but didn't get a chance to do any proper benchmarks. i didn't notice it being that much quicker though
[08:22] <chrisccoulson> but it was quicker to crash ;)
[08:22] <pitti> heh
[08:22] <pitti> chrisccoulson: so I'll move it to o for now, and around UDS we can reconsider whether to keep or ditch
[08:23] <chrisccoulson> pitti - i guess most of the WI's for -thunderbird-messaging-indicator can be closed actually
[08:23] <chrisccoulson> that ended up being a catch-all for some of my other tasks, which i've already done
[08:23] <pitti> chrisccoulson: oh, nice! mind to update the spec?
[08:23] <chrisccoulson> (ie, globalmenu integration and turning on breakpad for tbird are all done)
[08:23] <pitti> I'm currently revisiting our status for the FF on Thursday
[08:23] <chrisccoulson> yeah, i can update that
[08:24] <pitti> chrisccoulson: thanks; ah right, it also has the menubar stuff, not just the msg indicator
[08:24] <chrisccoulson> yeah, there wasn't really any other spec i could track that in, so it just got dumped there ;)
[08:25] <chrisccoulson> nice, i've closed quite a few WI's since last week now :)
[08:26] <fta2> pitti, hi, would be nice if apport was able to move the crash files away (or rename them) once they've been reported (or rejected)
[08:26] <chrisccoulson> fta2 - are you getting the constant crash dialogs too? ;)
[08:26] <chrisccoulson> killall update-notifier ftw ;)
[08:28] <pitti> fta2: they shouldn't trigger new crash dialogs, though, do they?
[08:29] <pitti> once update-notifier displayed a crash notification, that same .crash file should never bring up a notification again
[08:29] <pitti> unless you have "noatime" on /var/crash/
[08:29] <chrisccoulson> pitti - i seem to get the same sequence of crash notifications repeatedly every time something crashes
[08:29] <fta2> chrisccoulson, for once, no, i'm not getting this one. but i've got a few dozen crashes in the last few days, reported some of them, but it's getting difficult to track; so i'm not manually renaming the crash files
[08:29] <fta2> like _usr_bin_evolution.1000.crash-reported-bug722491
[08:30] <pitti> that sounds like a new u-n bug then
[08:32] <Sweetsha1k> Morning!
[08:38] <pitti> hey Sweetsha1k, good morning! had a nice weekend?
[08:43] <didrocks> pitti: just a note on the alt + tab switch patch. I'm getting smspillaz's point of view (should be downstream for him), but as I want to avoid one more dowmstream patch to compiz, I'm waiting on mpt who should have his say on HIG ;)
[08:43] <didrocks> morning chrisccoulson, Sweetsha1k
[08:44] <chrisccoulson> hi didrocks, how are you?
[08:44] <didrocks> chrisccoulson: I'm fine, thanks! You?
[08:44] <pitti> didrocks: sounds good, please reassign the bug as you see fit; thanks!
[08:45] <chrisccoulson> didrocks, yeah, i'm good thanks. had a nice relaxing long weekend :)
[08:45] <Sweetsha1k> pitti: Yes, it was great! I just would wish everyone would have voted like I did, but I guess that would defeat the purpose. ;)
[08:46] <didrocks> pitti: I'll track it down to avoid noise and see then :)
[08:46] <pitti> Sweetsha1k: ah, right; I was pretty surprised to see the result, hadn't expected any party to get the absolute majority these days
[08:47] <pitti> Sweetsha1k: in the meantime we had a little war here in Dresden on Saturday :/
[08:50] <Sweetsha1k> pitti: So the platform of the not too serious APPD is becoming an reality? they wanted to make some areas (including Dresden) into "Gewalterlebnisparks" were the extreme right and the extreme left could fight themselves without bothering the rest of the population ...
[08:50] <Sweetsha1k> s/were/where/
[08:50] <pitti> Sweetsha1k: it didn't get that far fortunately
[08:53] <micahg> pitti: that's one way to get the WI off the list :)
[08:53] <pitti> micahg: which one?
[08:54] <micahg> pitti: take away the milestone
[08:54] <pitti> micahg: I set the milestone of the entire BP instead
[08:54] <micahg> ah
[08:54] <pitti> (which is the same, just a little more explicit)
[08:54] * Sweetsha1k is confused. One instance of an irc-client should be enough for everybody. Nick Sweetshark already takes care of that.
[09:22] <seb128> hey
[09:22] <seb128> pitti, did you restart the retracers?
[09:23] <fta2> (he did, but most of my retraced failed, too many updates in between)
[09:24] <fta2> seb128, hi, i finally caught my evo crashes: bug 722491
[09:24] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 722491 in evolution "evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in send_dbus_message()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/722491
[09:24] <seb128> hey
[09:24] <rodrigo_> morning
[09:25] <seb128> hum, k, I stopped the retracers on friday to get some backlog and try retracing some xorg crashers by hang to see why retracing doesn't work
[09:25] <seb128> hey rodrigo_
[09:26] <seb128> pitti, why did you drop the wi for appmenu gtk3?
[09:33] <pitti> seb128: I thought we'd stay at GTK2 for natty and not ship GTK3?
[09:34] <seb128> pitti, in the default installation yes, we still want the GNOME3 ppa or universe things using gtk3 to work fine on unit
[09:34] <seb128> unity
[09:34] <pitti> ah, so this is meant to be "build a separate appmenu-gtk3 package"?
[09:34] <seb128> yes
[09:34] <pitti> hey seb128
[09:35] <seb128> hello pitti ;-)
[09:35] <pitti> seb128: I did some fixes to the retracers yesterday while I investigated Bryce's X.org retrace failures
[09:35] <seb128> pitti, right, that was in the "get the stack available for gtk2 and gtk3" items
[09:35] <pitti> seb128: and then restarted them, yes; shouldn't they be running?
[09:35] <seb128> pitti, oh, great, did you figure something?
[09:35] <seb128> pitti, I stopped them to have a chance to get some xorg crashes not retraced so I could try to retrace one by hand today
[09:35] <pitti> seb128: there was no exception in the log, it just looked like old locks after a reboot or so?
[09:36] <pitti> seb128: ah
[09:36] <pitti> seb128: well, current apport gets that right now (uploaded yesterday)
[09:36] <seb128> great
[09:36] <seb128> what was wrong?
[09:36] <pitti> i. e. it will mark them as apport-failed-retrace and keep the core dump
[09:36] <seb128> just for xorg?
[09:36] <pitti> seb128: no, not a special case for xorg
[09:37] <seb128> :-(
[09:37] <pitti> seb128: the root cause was that apparently our gdb in the chroots is getting old (still the 6.8 karmic version)
[09:37] <seb128> that's only time to be able to debug the issue?
[09:37] <seb128> oh ok
[09:37] <pitti> and apparently fails to read some newer debug symbols
[09:37] <seb128> you really want to clean the retracing failed bugs
[09:38] <pitti> I now fixed it to properly detect that case and fail to create a crash signature and StacktraceTop
[09:38] <seb128> nice
[09:38] <pitti> seb128: I tried to upgrade to newer gdb, but still fails with that ominous error
[09:38] <seb128> that explains why some source packages only have the issue
[09:38] <seb128> great work!
[09:38] <pitti> seb128: bryceh's immediate request was to stop the retracer from removing the core dumps for those crashes, which happens now
[09:39] <pitti> unfortunately I wasn't able to really fix the gdb 7.x breakage yet
[09:39] <seb128> well that was because the retracing was broken
[09:39] <pitti> I tried natty fakeroot in real natty chroot, still fails
[09:39] <seb128> oh ok, so updating gdb was not enough...
[09:39] <seb128> well I think we downgraded by thn because the lucid version was producing broken retraces
[09:40] <pitti> seb128: I dind't update gdb in the end
[09:40] <pitti> it only produces useless traces
[09:40] <pitti> that needs some more time to debug, presumably a fakechroot bug
[09:40] <seb128> right
[09:41] <seb128> btw do you tag apport-failed-retrace only those who failed retracing with current packages
[09:41] <seb128> or also those who failed due to packages being outdated?
[09:42] <seb128> we probably don't want to keep the second case ones around as privates with the crash infos, etc
[09:42] <pitti> seb128: the latter are usually closed as invalid; I'm actually not sure whether they are also tagged
[09:42] <seb128> ok, I was just trying to figure if you changed that as well or not
[09:42] <seb128> pitti, thanks for the work on those ;-)
[09:42] <pitti> ah, no, we don't tag the invalid ones as failed-retrace
[09:43] <seb128> great!
[09:43] <seb128> so it seems we just need someone to debug gdb now
[09:44] <pitti> right
[09:44] <pitti> and it would also be helpful to get back cron mail
[09:44] <pitti> apparently they are being sent into oblivion right now :(
[09:46] <seb128> that explains why I didn't get any email from those recently :-)
[09:47] <seb128> bah, gtk3 binaries got renamed, great that we didn't start using it in the default installation
[09:48] <pitti> from the Debian merge?
[09:49] <seb128> pitti, correct
[09:49] <seb128> they renamed the binaries to match the soname
[10:02] <seb128> didrocks, you havea libopenjpeg mir assigned for some weeks, if you don't have time for it can you bounce it back to mterry so it's reassigned?
[10:02] <didrocks> seb128: yeah, it seems more reasonable. Not sure I can do a good work on this one (as the utouch-* stack came between it)
[10:02] <didrocks> seb128: I'll change that, finishing Monday morning emails first ;)
[10:06] <seb128> didrocks, ok, thanks
[10:06] <seb128> I'm still dealing with emails backlog as well.
[11:00] <didrocks> hum, mpt isn't there today
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[12:33] <lool> didrocks: Oy; would you know who's looking after updating unity-2d to new libindicator?
[12:33] <didrocks> lool: ogra is in charge of it
[12:36] <lool> Ok; thanks
[12:46] <didrocks> pitti: if you need a very recent example for apport-failed-retrace: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/722537
[12:46] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 722537 in compiz "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New]
[12:49] <gnomefreak> was sounds removed from gnome-terminal on purpose or should i being filing a bug on it?
[12:52] <scott-work> didrocks: i wanted to thank you again for your help with setting gnome-classic as the default xsession in ubuntu studio
[12:52] <scott-work> didrocks: i got the patch uploaded and it works :)
[13:03] <fta2> gnomefreak, sound as in beeps?
[13:04] <fta2> i lost sound in xchat, i assume the reason is:
[13:04] <fta2> $ grep canberra-gtk-play ~/.xsession-errors
[13:04] <fta2> /usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-3.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: N
[13:06] <gnomefreak> fta2: all sounds in terminal. pcspkr has been removed for a while but if you go to sounds prefferences and set a sound it still doesnt play
[13:06] <gnomefreak> all other sounds work all browsers and music cd or file
[13:08] <gnomefreak> echo -e "\a" fails as well
[13:10] <pitti> kamstrup: hey, how are you?
[13:11] <pitti> kamstrup: I just finished the GI fixes for dbusmenu, and added two Python test cases
[13:12] <pitti> kamstrup: now for the overrides, what kind of simplifications did you have in mind? (sorry, I haven't used the API a lot yet)
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[13:16] <cyphermox> good morning
[13:16] <pitti> hey cyphermox, how are you?
[13:17] <kklimonda> seb128: hey
[13:17] <seb128> kklimonda, hello
[13:18] <kklimonda> seb128: I've prepared an update for glibmm (and subscribed ubuntu-sponsors), could you take a look at it (and gtkmm) later?
[13:19] <seb128> kklimonda, sure, thanks, sorry for not reviewing the other ones before
[13:19] <nessita> hello everyone!
[13:19] <nessita> a quick question about the messaging menu: when uninstalling the ubuntuone-control-panel, the matching file in /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications/ is properly removed, but the entry in the menu itself is not removed. Any idea how to clean up that entry?
[13:19] <kamstrup> pitti: DbusmenuMenuItem has a property_set(name,val) - mayme pythonize those with __set/getattr__ magic and stuff like that?
[13:20] <soren> Which source package contains the clock thing that I see in Unity?
[13:20] <pitti> that should be indicator-datetime
[13:20] <soren> pitti: Ta very much.
[13:21] <seb128> soren, what pitti said
[13:21] <pitti> kamstrup: ah, I even have these two calls in the test case already
[13:21] <pitti> kamstrup: I'll start with that then
[13:21] <seb128> soren, do you have issues with it?
[13:22] <kamstrup> pitti: I think i meant __getitem__ instead of __getattr__, but sounds like you already on top of that :-)
[13:22] <pitti> kamstrup: getitem (dict) sounds a bit safer, but getattr looks nicer :)
[13:23] <pitti> kamstrup: there is no corresponding override for general GObjects, though
[13:23] <kamstrup> pitti: there are also typesafe variants of these methods which may just as well use some automagic mapping types
[13:24] <didrocks> scott-work: excellent! you're welcome :)
[13:26] <soren> seb128: Not a new one, apparantly: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/692992
[13:26] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 692992 in indicator-datetime "The time is only updated every two seconds" [Medium,Confirmed]
[13:27] <kklimonda> seb128: also, would you be willing to add some comment, or endorsment, to my motu application at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KrzysztofKlimonda/MOTUApplication ?
[13:28] <seb128> kklimonda, will do
[13:28] <seb128> soren, ok
[13:31] <cjwatson> Hi. Assuming totem-pl-parser's build-dep on libquvi is deliberate, could somebody write an MIR for it?
[13:33] <pitti> hey cjwatson
[13:33] <pitti> cjwatson: ah, I'll check this with the last uploader
[13:34] <pitti> ah, sync from Debian
[13:34] <seb128> it's coming from debian and seems deliberated
[13:34] <seb128> cjwatson, thanks for pointing it though
[13:34] <seb128> -though
[13:36] <pitti> filed bug 722591 as a reminder, will do after my current task
[13:36] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 722591 in libquvi "[MIR] libquvi" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/722591
[13:36] <pitti> cjwatson: ^
[13:41] <cjwatson> great, thanks
[13:41] <cjwatson> it's one of the remaining blockers for the ppc64 bootstrap
[13:47] <Sweetshark> Hmm, who do I report the current git package on natty being broken to?
[13:47] <Sweetshark> s/who/whom/
[13:49] <Sweetshark> it says, it depends on > git-man and < git-man
[13:49] <pitti> apparently this needs a sync from Debian, hang on
[13:50] <pitti> hm, no
[13:51] <pitti> I bet i386 build is in NEW, checking
[13:51] <pitti> Sweetshark: NEWed, will be fixed in ~ 70 minutes
[13:51] <Sweetshark> k
[13:52] * Sweetshark fetches lunch ;)
=== cking is now known as cking-afk
[13:55] <fta2> why did that retrace failed? bug 721556
[13:55] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 721556 in unity "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in IconTexture::~IconTexture()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/721556
[13:55] <fta2> -ed
[13:57] <pitti> fta2: well, look at the output: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/64793629/Stacktrace.txt
[13:59] <fta2> pitti, i mean, the initial stack was not currupted
[13:59] <fta2> i could easily resolve it locally
[14:01] <pitti> might again be too old gdb
[14:01] <pitti> in the retracer chroots
[14:03] <fta2> i can crash compiz in 1 click, bug if the bug has no proper stack, noone will care about it :(
[14:03] <fta2> s/g/t/
[14:05] <seb128> fta2, install the debug packages locally and add the stacktrace manually to the bug?
[14:05] <janimo> didrocks, seb128 is gnome-panel used directly by gdm or any other component except as a standalone app in classic gnome desktop?
[14:05] <seb128> janimo, not that I know about
[14:06] <janimo> does anything break if it is removed in an already non-gnome desktop?
[14:06] <janimo> seb128, thanks for confirming
[14:06] <seb128> janimo, should not, you're welcome
[14:06] * janimo needs to remove some unused packages in the armel netbook seeds
[14:06] <seb128> hey tedg
[14:06] <tedg> Good morning seb128
[14:06] <seb128> tedg, how are you?
[14:07] <fta2> seb128, i know how to do it myself, i just expected the retracer to do it for the bug
[14:07] <tedg> Okay, hate IRC. You should file a focus stealing bug on XChat as it logs into new chats.
[14:07] <seb128> tedg, :-)
[14:07] <tedg> I hope one day we can move into the 1990's and use Jabber.
[14:07] <pitti> hey tedg
[14:07] <seb128> fta2, they do it, but it seems gdb has issues in the retracers environment
[14:07] <tedg> Good morning pitti
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[14:21] <fta2> who's taking care of libnotify4?
[14:21] <fta2> bug 721777
[14:21] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 721777 in libnotify4 "notify-send crashed with SIGABRT in g_return_if_fail_warning()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/721777
[14:28] <seb128> nobody is actively working on it
[14:28] <fta2> :(
[14:29] <seb128> seems you are the only one to get that issue though
[14:29] <seb128> so it doesn't really qualify as a high priority bug
[14:30] <fta2> well, maybe there are not enough testers
[14:31] <seb128> there is enough testers to keep us busy full time though
[14:32] <seb128> we have a list of natty issues which get bug reports daily or so
[14:32] <seb128> I'm not saying that your issue is not a bug
[14:32] <seb128> it's just that we can't work on every single bug and that one has never been mentioned there before
[14:33] <fta2> i understand the notify crash is not that critical, but compiz/unity crashing in 1 (or 2) basic clicks should be considered
[14:34] <seb128> compiz and unity crashes are considered and assigned
[14:34] <seb128> what number is your crash?
[14:34] <fta2> bug 721556
[14:34] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 721556 in unity "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in IconTexture::~IconTexture()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/721556
[14:35] <didrocks> well, I reassigned it to unity…
[14:35] <seb128> bug #721907
[14:35] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 721907 in unity "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in IconTexture::~IconTexture()" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/721907
[14:35] <seb128> fta2, it's fix commited
[14:35] <didrocks> right, the dup has been fixed today
[14:36] <fta2> gasp
[14:36] <fta2> but good
[14:41] <nessita> didrocks: hey there! would you know what can be causing bug #722483? I'm a bit puzzled since, even after removing ubuntuone-control-panel package (and checking that the file located in /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications/ is properly removed), the messaging entry for the control panel is still there in the menu
[14:41] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 722483 in ubuntuone-client "Duplicate entries in the message indicator" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/722483
[14:41] <didrocks> nessita: even after a restart?
[14:42] <nessita> didrocks: I haven't tried restart, no
[14:42] <didrocks> nessita: I think it only scan at start, tedg ? ^^
[14:42] <nessita> didrocks: I'll try a session restart, that should do, right?
[14:42] <didrocks> nessita: well, that's just a guess, but I would bet it :)
[14:43] <nessita> didrocks, tedg: even if the scan is at start, currently we're getting 2 entries in the menu, even if we have a single file in /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications/
[14:43] <nessita> that puzzles me :-)
[14:43] <didrocks> nessita: yeah, known bug for some items, I don't have handy though :)
[14:43] <nessita> didrocks: so, is not me, is you? :-P
[14:43] <nessita> where 'you' is the message menu
[14:44] <didrocks> nessita: IMHO, yeah, it's in the messaging menu side :)
[14:45] <nessita> ok, I'll restart this session to check if after package removal the entry is gone
[14:47] <tedg> nessita, didrocks, no it does file watches. Chances are you have one in your home directory as well?
[14:48] <nessita> tedg: not at all
[14:48] <nessita> tedg: and we're having several bug reports for that
[14:49] <tedg> nessita, The two items is because you added a shortcut group.
[14:49] <tedg> nessita, If you only want it in the panel you need to do a "OnlyShowIn"
[14:51] <nessita> tedg: not sure what you're referring to. Is that related to the .desktop file?
[14:52] <tedg> nessita, Yes, it has an extra "Ubuntu One" shortcut in it. That's why there's two "Ubuntu One"'s in the messaging menu.
[14:53] <nessita> tedg: you mean the "X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts=U1" entry?
[14:53] <nessita> tedg: or the [U1 Shortcut Group] entry?
[14:55] <tedg> nessita, Well, they work together :)
[14:55] <tedg> nessita, The Desktop-Shortcuts refers to the group name.
[14:56] <nessita> tedg: ok. You must know I'm not very skilled with this file, sorry for that. Shall I remove the [U1 Shortcut Group] section?
[14:57] <tedg> nessita, I'm not sure why someone put it there. You should remove both if you want it gone. If you just want it in the Unity panel you should add a "OnlyShowIn=Unity" to the shortcut group.
[14:58] <tedg> Or you could add groups that are more useful as well :)
[14:58] <nessita> tedg: we need it in the launcher Unity, and in the regular menu in non unity desktops
[14:59] <nessita> tedg: do you have some pointer for that last suggestion?
[15:03] <tedg> nessita, Uhm, there's a wiki page for it. But I can't seem to find it....
[15:03] <tedg> nessita, Basically you can just put a list of items in the "X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts" entry.
[15:04] <tedg> nessita, Then make "Shortcut Group" for each one with a Name and an Exec line. It'll do what ever you want.
[15:04] <nessita> tedg: sorry for being such an ignorant in this matter, I haven't dealt with .desktop file sin the past. WOuld you have an aexample I can look at?
[15:04] <tedg> nessita, /usr/share/applications/evolution.desktop
[15:05] <nessita> tedg: thanks :-)
[15:06] <nessita> ok, I'll reboot now
[15:16] <Sweetshark> pitti: Another packaging question: debian build the openoffice.org (to libreoffice) transitional packages from the openoffice source, while we created those along the LO ones from that source package. Because of that we have f.e. a openoffice.org-3.3.1~rc1-1ubuntu1~ppa1 while debian has stoped at openoffice.org-3.3.0-6. To keep stuff in sync we should do stuff as debian does. However openoffice.org-3.3.0-6ubuntu1 would be superceded
[15:17] <Sweetshark> pitti: we would however never really resync as debian is likely to just go on with 3.3.0-X forever ...
[15:18] <pitti> hm, tricky; we can't lower the version number
[15:18] <pitti> Sweetshark: oh, this is only in the PPA? then we still can
[15:18] <pitti> natty still has 1:3.3.0-1ubuntu1
[15:19] <pitti> Sweetshark: so I think it'd be easiest to sync openoffice.org from Debian (that's *only* the transitional packages now, right?), and drop them from our LibO as well
[15:19] <Sweetshark> pitti: yes it is only the transitionals
[15:21] <pitti> Sweetshark: so, I think if we can sync it'd be easier; if we wuold have to modify the transitional oo.o source as well (perhaps we need different version numbers in the Conflicts: there, or have different/extra package names), then I'd say do whatever is easier for you
[15:24] <Sweetshark> i dont think we need differences in the transitionals. Even if, copying stuff over different repos (when rene makes a change upstream) would be errorprone.
[15:26] <Sweetshark> should i generate new transitionals for the ppa too (from openoffice.org packaging source)?
[15:30] <pitti> Sweetshark: I don't think we need to be too concerned about upgrades from your PPA at this point (not at the price of having to modify the transitional packages from Debian)
[15:34] <Sweetshark> pitti:
[15:34] <Sweetshark> pitti: k
[15:45] <gnomefreak> what package would i file a bug on relating to gnome launcher panel in "ubuntu desktop edition" not sure if mutter, unity or what not
[15:45] <seb128> what do you call launcher?
[15:45] <seb128> could you describe the issue?
[15:45] <gnomefreak> seb128: the panel that holds the icons on the left side of screen
[15:45] <seb128> it's unity
[15:46] <gnomefreak> seb128: i cant remove some of the icons and at least 1 i add wont work
[15:46] <seb128> the special icons are not meant to be removable
[15:46] <seb128> i.e workspace, trash, places
[15:46] <gnomefreak> oh
[15:46] <gnomefreak> yeah those
[15:46] <gnomefreak> and the os icon
[15:47] <seb128> those are removable medias or other partitions being listed
[15:47] <gnomefreak> is there a way to customize an icon and fix it to panel
[15:47] <seb128> the same way they are listed in the gnome-panel places or nautilus
[15:47] <seb128> you can create a custom .desktop I guess
[15:48] <gnomefreak> oh i was just trying to add the weather applet and an irssi icon, but i will look into it. thanks
[15:48] <gnomefreak> i have people testing gnome-term sound since i lost it in the past week or so
[15:48] <seb128> you can't add applets to the unity launcher
[15:49] <seb128> there is an indicator-weather though in universe
[15:49] <gnomefreak> seb128: nor to the upper panel
[15:49] <seb128> no
[15:49] <gnomefreak> oh cool thanks ill install that
[15:50] <gnomefreak> thanks you have been helpful :)
[15:50] <seb128> you're welcome
[15:54] <gnomefreak> sorry seb one more question. how do i find the indicator-weather. its installed but not sure how to add it
[15:56] <seb128> tedg, ^
[15:56] <seb128> well indicators should be automatically loaded I think
[15:56] <tedg> gnomefreak, It's in Accessories
[15:57] <tedg> seb128, Not app indicators.
[15:57] <seb128> tedg, oh, I assumed that would be a sysindicator for some reason
[16:01] <gnomefreak> ok unity doesnt have Accessories menu, i dont see anything useful in control center. it is listed in Main Menu but the Main Menu is useless in unity
[16:01] <seb128> you can open the application place (bottom icon in the launcher)
[16:01] <seb128> then type weather to filter things
[16:03] <gnomefreak> oh weather thanks. i think i found a way to add a custom launcher to panel :)
[16:03] <gnomefreak> nope
[16:04] <gnomefreak> no == yes
[16:06] <didrocks> pitti: did you notice anything with the launchpad API? like the status not changing with apport?
[16:06] <didrocks> (the bug status)
[16:07] <gnomefreak> i dont see anyway to launch weather. drag+drop clicking ect fails to load it. it is a running process but no gui for it
[16:08] <didrocks> pitti: forget about it, you have to call lp_save() on each bug task, my bad
[16:23] <fta> gnomefreak, it's there, but without icon, so it's invisible, but still usable (if you find it). once configured, you'll have an icon.
[16:23] <fta> gnomefreak, see bug 720030
[16:23] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 720030 in weather-indicator "indicator invisible on first run" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/720030
[16:24] <gnomefreak> fta: i tried launching it 3 or 4 times and it runs as a process but doesnt show up. thanks ill look at bug
[16:25] <tedg> pitti, Will the python tests you added run without dbusmenu being installed? Do we need to set some env variable to tell it to use the local GIR files?
[16:25] <gnomefreak> fta: well at least you got the icon to show up. is there a way to configure it without seeing it?
[16:25] <fta> gnomefreak, it won't start 3 or 4 times, they put a lock to only allow one instance (useful with that many unity crashes leaving everything behind)
[16:26] <gnomefreak> fta: i killed the process each time
[16:26] <fta> gnomefreak, just right click between the indicators, it's there somewhere (but difficult to locate)
[16:27] <fta> gnomefreak, have a look at my video in the bug
[16:27] <gnomefreak> you have to right click between applets than move the cursor just a little bit
[16:27] <gnomefreak> fta: i did look at it
[16:28] <fta> i have indicator-applet-complete installed, so only one right click is needed
[16:29] <vish> Sweetshark: hi, this iconset name is actually "Humanity" , not Human » http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/artwork/commit/?id=0065a1be62155147c202707e2e93019f10bbf137
[16:29] <vish> Sweetshark: Human is a different icon set
[16:29] <fta> gnomefreak, you can also wait for the next update, they will fix this
[16:30] <vish> Sweetshark: the older one until rev 10 is human » https://code.launchpad.net/~openoffice.org-human-icons/openoffice.org-human-icons/tango+human
[16:31] <gnomefreak> fta: thanks i got it :)
[16:31] <vish> Sweetshark: so rev 11 is Humanity; while rev 10 is Human.. (yea, Ubuntu is crazy with the Human names ;p)
[16:33] <gnomefreak> ok that is much better than the gnome-applet
[16:34] <fta> is it? not for me
[16:36] <Sweetshark> vish: well, it was always called "human" in OOo/LO ...
[16:37] <Sweetshark> and it is hardcoded like that in the source now.
[16:37] <vish> Sweetshark: right, it was the Human icon theme earlier.. but ccheney did not rename it when he updated the icons, since he had to upload a new package(i suppose)
[16:37] <gnomefreak> fta: yeah i like it cause it lists most info you/i could want without opening up a dialog window
[16:38] <gnomefreak> moving it would be nice
[16:38] <vish> Sweetshark: that would have meant uploading a new package and then moving it to main. and i think he just went for the quickest way..
[16:38] <gnomefreak> fta: does forcast work for you? i cant get it to work here
[16:39] <vish> Sweetshark: you'd see this in the copyright » "combination of humanity-icon-theme and OpenOffice Industrial Icons"
[16:39] <vish> Sweetshark: so, it really doesnt matter much to me, but just wanted to let you know the copyrights are a mismatch there :)
[16:40] <vish> and i dont know anything about the legalities :)
[16:40] <Sweetshark> vish: do you really want to rename the package, create transitionals and all that jazz, and do the same upstream?
[16:40] <fta> gnomefreak, it does, mostly
[16:41] <vish> Sweetshark: well, i dont know about the copyright issues, but if someone later asks why humanity authors have been named as the authors of Human icon theme, atleast i thought i'd let you know ;)
[16:42] <gnomefreak> i cant get it to open forcast maybe i set something wrong
[16:42] <Sweetshark> vish: I dont thing, I dont think the legal stuff is problematic (although it would be great to have the icons as LGPL/MIT as the rest of LO).
[16:42] <gnomefreak> nope oh well for now it works that is my main concern :)
[16:43] <vish> Sweetshark: cool! OK.. or if human authors say that the icon theme is not human, just a headsup
[16:44] <Sweetshark> vish: Well, I somebody comes up with the old "human" theme, we might get a problem, true.
[16:46] <Sweetshark> vish: But before I hack around _that_ in the LO source, I will implement a generic theming in LO so that there is no need to hardcode anything into LO. Then every style can give itself a name (in the zip file or whatever) and the problem is gone (modulo packaging names etc.).
[16:46] <vish> that sounds awesome!! :)
[16:47] * vish hopes someone fixes the theming issues in LibO too.. ;)
[16:47] <Sweetshark> vish: But first lets get a halfway decent 3.3.1 release into natty ;)
[16:47] <vish> :D
[16:49] <gnomefreak> fta: you hae to exit the indicator than restart it to use forcast
=== smspillaz is now known as smspillaz|zzz
[17:38] * vish renames didrocks to didbot! just received 250+ mails from him ;p
[17:39] <didrocks1> oupsss, just been disconnected
[17:39] <didrocks1> 18:38:27 didrocks | vish: hope you liked the spam ;)
[17:39] <vish> hehe! :)
[17:40] <didrocks1> vish: more seriously, I wrote a script over the week-end to help syncing bug state for unity and all related component, with the unity rules we have :)
[17:40] <didrocks1> the first sync is of course… spammy, even if I tried to reduce the initial noise (don't sync fix released bugs and such)
[17:40] <vish> ah! see i knew that couldnt have been done by a human changing one bug at a time ;p
[17:40] <didrocks1> no, 3s by bug isn't possible ;)
[17:41] <vish> didrocks1: just to make sure.. for Bug #721121 you'll be adding a new .desktop file in unity that uses the home icon?
[17:41] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 721121 in unity "Icon in Launcher should be home folder icon" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/721121
[17:41] <didrocks1> vish: also, you probably didn't see that it opened 240 bug tasks as well
[17:41] <vish> yea..
[17:41] <didrocks1> vish: ok, on this one, I really don't know, did you read mark's comment?
[17:42] <vish> didrocks1: right, he wants to update that icon to something else _and_ he wants the home icon on the launcher
[17:42] <vish> so 2 bugs
[17:42] <vish> didrocks1: for updating the icon we already have another bug
[17:43] <vish> neither me nor DanRabbit have any idea what to change it to.. :(
[17:43] <didrocks1> vish: right, but I don't know with the current bamf how we can separate the "nautilus.desktop" pointed icon and the launcher displayed
=== didrocks1 is now known as didrocks
[17:44] <vish> didrocks: there was something mentioned about nautilus-unity.desktop
[17:44] <didrocks> vish: in the future, bamf will be able to do that, hopefully (based on tab support), but for now, hum :/
[17:44] <didrocks> vish: right, but I'm afraid that whe you start it, you will be matched against nautiuls.desktop
[17:44] <didrocks> vish: this need a try :)
[17:45] <didrocks> there was a hook for that case in maverick, not sure it survived natty though
[17:45] <vish> didrocks: ok , pls give it a try first and then we'll see if that doesnt help :)
[17:46] <vish> its not too much work for me, but then i'd get bug saying wrong icon displayed here and the sort..
[17:46] <vish> bugs*
[17:46] <didrocks> vish: I understand totally, not sure I'll have time to do a proper test right now, so if you want to speed up things… :)
[17:47] <vish> we should get jcastro to bitesize it ;)
[17:47] <vish> oh it is already one..
[17:49] <didrocks> right, so maybe just post a proposed solution to sum up it and then, see if someone can test that :)
[17:49] <vish> ok.. :)
[17:49] <didrocks> great, thanks! :)
[17:50] <vish> np.. thanks..
[18:33] <pitti> good night everyone
[18:37] <bigon> what are the plan for the renaming of the libgtk3.0-0 pkg ?
[20:42] <nessita> hello everyone! is anyone available to sponsor a new package? branch was pushed to is https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-file-storage-api/ubuntuone-file-storage-api-0.0.1
[20:42] <micahg> does anyone recognize this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/570244/, I'm trying to fix the FTBFS with gnome-web-photo
[20:59] <chrisccoulson> micahg - missing some build depends ;)
[20:59] <chrisccoulson> (can't remember which though)
[20:59] <chrisccoulson> i was going to look at that at some point
[21:00] <chrisccoulson> i guess it needs an extra dependency when running autoreconf
[21:00] <micahg> chrisccoulson: well, I added dh-autoreconf
[21:04] <kklimonda> micahg: does it build-depend on gnome-common ?
[21:04] <micahg> kklimonda: no, and the FTBFS is only in natty
[21:04] <micahg> err, nm that last part :)
[21:05] * micahg tries it with gnome-common
[21:05] <micahg> cd ..
[21:05] <micahg> oops
[21:05] <kklimonda> GNOME_DEBUG_CHECK is defined in the macro provided by gnome-common and the error suggests that you don't have it :)
[21:15] <micahg> kklimonda: worked, thanks :)
[21:24] <kklimonda> great
[21:54] <bigon> robert_ancell: what are the plan for the renaming of the libgtk3.0-0 pkg ?
[21:55] <robert_ancell> bigon, the plan?
[21:55] <bigon> well the pkg has not been renamed I think
[21:55] <robert_ancell> yes
[21:55] <robert_ancell> it should have been
[21:56] <robert_ancell> in 3.0.0-1ubuntu1
[21:57] <bigon> libgtk3.0-0 3.0.0-0ubuntu1
[21:57] <bigon> this one still exists
[21:58] <robert_ancell> ah, we just need to rebuild all the rdepends and it can then be removed
[22:06] <cjwatson> bigon: it's already listed in the archive not-built-from-source list, queued for removal
[22:07] <cjwatson> (once rdepends are rebuilt, as robert_ancell says)
[22:07] <cjwatson> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html
[22:07] <bigon> ok ok thnx
[22:07] <cjwatson> IOW it *was* renamed
[22:09] * cjwatson does that enormous NBS pass listed - it's obviously been a while
[22:19] <fta> robert_ancell, hi, the last update you did of evolution crashes for me (~ new_notify_dbus), known?
[22:20] <fta> bug 722491
[22:20] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 722491 in evolution "evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in send_dbus_message()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/722491
[22:20] <robert_ancell> fta, thanks, will look into that
[22:20] <fta> great
[22:20] <fta> let me know if you need more info
[22:34] <bigon> any objection if I'm starting to rebuild packages in universe with new libgtk-3-0 pkg name?