UbuntuIRC / 2011 /02 /20 /#ubuntu-ca.txt
Initial commit
[12:26] <ule> Good morning, Bonjour!
[13:11] <BluesKaj> Howdy
[15:52] <ule> I think it is so cold in Canada today... because nobody say nothing on the channel
[15:52] <ule> :P
[15:53] <BluesKaj> is it cold where you are , ule ?
[15:55] <ule> No!! I think it is 28 C right now.
[16:00] <ule> bbl, take a shower
[16:23] <ule> BluesKaj: Where are you from?
[16:23] <BluesKaj> Northern Ontario, ule...and you ?
[16:24] <ule> BluesKaj: I'm from Brazil
[16:25] <ule> BluesKaj: nice to meet you
[16:25] <BluesKaj> ok , nice to see you too , ule
[16:26] <ule> BluesKaj: I'm learning english in a Canadian school. So.. I want to be with canadians to get more vocabulary, slangs, and idiomatic expressions..
[16:27] <BluesKaj> ok, looks to me like you're already well versed in common canadian english
[16:29] <ule> ya
[16:29] <ule> I hope improve my English every day
[16:29] <ule> BluesKaj: Are you linux administrator? What do you do?
[16:30] <BluesKaj> yes it's abit cool here today ..not too bad for winter at -6C
[16:30] <ule> BluesKaj: OMG.. so cold
[16:31] <IdleOne> -11C here
[16:31] <IdleOne> actually it is warm
[16:32] <BluesKaj> ule, no I'm an ordinary user , retired now so I have lots of time to hangout in chatrooms and try to help new users and learn from the experts at the same time
[16:32] <IdleOne> cold is -20C and lower
[16:32] <BluesKaj> IdleOne, anything near frezing i Brazil is probly very cold :)'
[16:32] <IdleOne> true
[16:33] <ule> IdleOne: I only know how much cold is -20C when I open my fridge.
[16:33] <BluesKaj> ule your fridge is probly about +3
[16:33] <IdleOne> I think he meant the freezer
[16:34] <ule> BluesKaj: ow yeah.. freezer
[16:34] <BluesKaj> of course the frezer is colde
[16:34] <BluesKaj> err freezer
[16:34] <ule> my freezer is always in -18C
[16:34] * BluesKaj checks the KB batteries ..brb
[16:35] <ule> ok.
[16:40] <BluesKaj> well ule , I don't think I could stand the heat in Brazil , anything above 27 or so is uncomfortable to me :)
[16:42] <ule> ya, me too.. I like when the weather is in 18
[16:45] <ule> so.. I have to leave now.. I'm so hungry!! Lunch time
[16:45] <ule> I'll return here more times.. good bye all
[21:41] <hakimsheriff> Hi people