UbuntuIRC / 2011 /02 /20 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <yofel> weboide: you might want to go to #ubuntu-motu and ask how to proceed with bug 708504 - and if that should be a sync request now
[00:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 708504 in php5 (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] PHP 5.3.5 is available." [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/708504
[00:00] <yofel> and hurry up, we're 4 days away from feature freeze
[00:00] <weboide> yofel: thanks, I'll do that then
[01:16] <coz_> so with the 260.1936 released driver and the 270.18 beta.. do you think the nvidia issue can be fixed?
[01:21] <bjsnider> nvidia will release an update at some point in the near future. until then, give it a rest
[02:40] <voidmage> i take it nvidia proprietary drivers aren't working yet?
[02:41] <charlie-tca> voidmage: correct
[04:00] <xrdodrx> This may be a noob question...but what's the mac-like thing that's going on in Natty called?
[04:00] <xrdodrx> Like how the top panel changes
[04:00] <xrdodrx> and is it disable-able?
[04:02] <ChogyDan> xrdodrx: I think Unity
[04:06] <yofel> global menu, or appmenu, not sure
[04:06] <xrdodrx> It's weird :s
[04:06] <yofel> unity is the whole desktop shell, not just the menu integration inthe panel
[04:06] <xrdodrx> maybe I just don't get it
[04:07] <yofel> well, it is mac like..
[04:08] <xrdodrx> is there documentation about it?
[04:08] <xrdodrx> because I bet on release I won't be the only confused one :L
[04:08] <xrdodrx> Just because that's how macs do it doesn't make it better
[06:39] <amarin> hi
[06:40] <amarin> unity under ubuntu linux 10.10 cannot run chromium
[06:40] <amarin> it can
[06:40] <amarin> but if you click preferences the computer halts
[06:40] <bazhang> this is for 11.04 support
[06:40] <amarin> which one is 10.10.
[06:41] <rww> #ubunt
[06:41] <amarin> it just says +1.
[06:41] <rww> u
[06:41] <bazhang> #ubuntu and chromium runs fine
[06:41] <amarin> not 10.10 under unity.
[06:41] <bazhang> it does here
[06:41] <amarin> where are you.
[06:41] <bazhang> in #ubuntu
[06:41] <bazhang> as you should be
[06:42] <amarin> okay
[06:50] <hifi> umm, what
[06:50] <hifi> dpkg: warning: downgrading libdrm2 from 1:2.4.20+git20100513.a3305b07-0ubuntu0sarvatt to 2.4.23+git20110218.a697fb6a-0ubuntu0sarvatt.
[06:50] <hifi> (I did ask for this, but what makes it downgrading?)
[06:51] <rww> hifi: first version has an epoch of 1. second version has no epoch, so defaults to 0.
[06:52] <hifi> oh, that meant something
[06:53] <rww> epoch is the thing before the colon on the first one. it's the first part of the version string that's checked. 1 > 0, so going from epoch 1 to epoch 0 is a downgrade
[06:54] <hifi> so it was used that the ppa version would always override the released regardless which version
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[12:39] <SeraphX> hi, do i have to do something to enable radeon page flipping? X session protocol has no entry that it got enabled - unlike on intel
[12:41] <kenta> Hi. I'm trying out 11.04. but nautilus and gnome-core wont install. they depend on other packages that can't be installed. anyone got a clue?
[12:41] <penguin42> SeraphX: http://www.x.org/archive/X11R6.8.0/doc/radeon.4.html seems to suggest Option "EnablePageFlip" "off"
[12:42] <kenta> seems like nautilus and gnome-core depend on older packages.
[12:44] <SeraphX> kenta_ do you have natty installed already?
[12:44] <kenta> hell yes
[12:44] <SeraphX> wasnt sure... sorry...
[12:45] <kenta> for some reason gnome and nautilus got removed
[12:45] <SeraphX> for how long did this problem persist?
[12:45] <kenta> since i upgraded. 3 weeks ago
[12:46] <SeraphX> hmm... im not very experienced but id say you got rid of them when there was a break in the programs during dist-upgrade
[12:47] <SeraphX> have you tried to install them via synaptic
[12:47] <kenta> when trying to install nautilus it says "nautilus depeneds on nautilus-dadta 1:2.33 but 1:2.91.9-0ubuntubuild2 will install
[12:47] <kenta> "broken dependencies"
[12:48] <kenta> can't really try synaptic. since i have no gnome
[12:48] <SeraphX> well via apt-get .... then
[12:49] <SeraphX> however.... usually waiting for dependencies to be fixed is an option
[12:49] <kenta> yep
[12:49] <kenta> thats what i'm trying
[12:49] <SeraphX> at least i cannot help, maybe someone else can
[12:49] <kenta> yep. that was my idea too. but it's been a while now
[12:49] <kenta> ok
[12:49] <kenta> thanks anyways
[12:49] <SeraphX> just a sily question....
[12:50] <SeraphX> you did update in apt-get right?
[12:50] <kenta> yep
[12:50] <SeraphX> k :D
[12:51] <kenta> maybe someone knows about any ppt's i could add that will fix this?
[12:51] <SeraphX> back to my problem, so you d suggest to use a xorg.conf configuration file?
[12:53] <SeraphX> kenta: have you been using PPAs during upgrade to natty?
[12:53] <SeraphX> cause my nautilus version is
[12:53] <kenta> i've tried after i upgraded
[12:53] <SeraphX> have you removed them again?
[12:54] <kenta> yes
[12:54] <SeraphX> PPA purge is the program for it i think
[12:54] <kenta> yep. i have it
[12:54] <kenta> maybe thats what have screwed up packages
[12:54] <kenta> err.
[12:54] <SeraphX> that would be my guess
[12:55] <SeraphX> err.?
[12:56] <kenta> *angry sound*
[13:00] <SeraphX> have you tried to install a specific version of nautilus and gnome?
[13:03] <SeraphX> you could try this way: apt-get install nautilus2.32.2.1-0ubuntu5
[13:58] <edgy> Hi, whenever i get a notification, it appear in the top of the screen as well as on the bottom. I have no panel on the top, so why I am getting that?
[13:58] <penguin42> are they both the same style notification?
[14:00] <edgy> penguin42: yes i get exactly the same message at the exact same time, e.g kmail notifications
[14:00] <penguin42> weird
[14:09] <edgy> penguin42: when I minimize apps like kmail it used to go to a specific place in the bttom right, now I don't have it, what's its name?
[14:10] <penguin42> edgy: The window list in gnome or task manager in kde? The thing on the panel?
[14:22] <edgy> penguin42: yes, it's like the task manager but it would minimize the app to just a small icon
[14:22] <penguin42> oh, not seen something like that for a long time
[14:22] <edgy> penguin42: it's very difficult to describe but if you minimize qbittorrent e.g or close kmail I think you have them in that place
[14:24] <penguin42> oh, you mean the tray icons on the panel? Where things like indicator stuff is or the stuff prior to the indicator stuff was
[15:30] <alex_mayorga> (nm-applet:4467): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_is_toplevel: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
[15:30] <alex_mayorga> what's this?
[15:31] <penguin42> a bug
[15:31] <alex_mayorga> penguin42: ubuntu-bug nm-applet?
[15:32] <penguin42> coul be bug 704009?
[15:32] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 704009 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "nm-applet dumps core on resume from suspend (dup-of: 703039)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/704009
[15:32] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 703039 in libdbusmenu (Ubuntu Natty) "libdbusmenu-glib crashes nm-applet due to new GVariantBuilder code" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/703039
[15:33] <alex_mayorga> penguin42: so not worth filing?
[15:34] <penguin42> dunno; I'd say probably not - there seems to be a new libdbusmenu from that as of 2 days ago and with any luck it may fix it
[15:34] <alex_mayorga> penguin42: so I should first update and wait?
[15:35] <penguin42> alex_mayorga: Yeh, see if it still happens with the new libdbusmenu version at the end of bug 703039, if it still does then report it
[15:35] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 703039 in libdbusmenu (Ubuntu Natty) "libdbusmenu-glib crashes nm-applet due to new GVariantBuilder code" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/703039
[15:37] <alex_mayorga> E: Unable to locate package libdbusmenu-glib
[15:41] <alex_mayorga> I do have libdbusmenu-glib3 at 0.3.98-0ubuntu1 though
[15:42] <alex_mayorga> another one I see often is ** (nm-applet:4467): WARNING **: _nm_object_get_property: Error getting 'WpaFlags' for /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/16: (19) Method "Get" with signature "ss" on interface "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" doesn't exist
[15:42] <alex_mayorga> known?
[15:50] <penguin42> it looks like libdbusmenu-glib3 comes from libdbusmenu
[15:51] <penguin42> alex_mayorga: So actually it sounds like that libdbusmenu problem is still an ongoing one?
[16:34] <vincenzoml> hi all
[16:34] <vincenzoml> I see in current natty skype has a place in the panel; why dropbox doesn't?
[16:35] <vincenzoml> I mean, do we have a notification area or what?
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[17:27] <charlie-tca> zeitgeist-daemon is crashing my installation process today
[17:27] <charlie-tca> bug 722235
[17:27] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 722235 in zeitgeist (Ubuntu) "zeitgeist-daemon crashed with OSError in makedirs(): [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/ubuntu/.local/share/zeitgeist'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/722235
[17:43] <gr8Q> i could not 'edit connections' from gnome desktop everything is grey out! what should i do
[18:46] <BUGabundo> evening
[18:48] <charlie-tca> hello
[19:14] <coz_> hey guys
[19:25] <charlie-tca> hello
[19:27] * BUGabundo renames charlie-tca to hellobot
[19:28] <charlie-tca> hm, at least you know someone is listening though?
[19:29] <coz_> I noticed that the indactor applet failed several time on boot today... ah well :)
[21:59] <viator> howcan iupgrade from metbook edition/mavrick todesktop edition/natty
[21:59] <BUGabundo> !upgrade > viator
[21:59] <ubottu> viator, please see my private message
[22:02] <viator> ok those notes are great and all but its no for ppl going from netbook to desktop
[22:02] <viator> ill try google i guess
[22:04] <viator> the lazy way would be to just burn the cd and write over my install
[22:04] <penguin42> viator: Upgrade netbook-netbook and just ensure you have ubuntu-desktop package installed, it will elt you choose during login
[22:07] <viator> the commands dist-upgrade right?
[22:07] <viator> its been a while
[22:07] <penguin42> no, use do-release-upgrade -d
[22:08] <penguin42> it cleans some stuff up for you at the same time
[22:10] <dmb_> is unity 2d available in natty yet?
[22:10] <dmb_> i try to install it, but it depends on something that wants to remove a crapload of stuff
[22:10] <viator> i got it
[22:10] <viator> thanks
[22:12] <Daekdroom> dmb_, you have to wait for it to be rebuilt against libindicator3
[22:13] <viator> is 2d just to save resources
[22:13] <viator> or for people with driver issies
[22:13] <viator> issues*
[22:19] <viator> lets see how much stuff this breaks
[22:19] <viator> heheh
[22:27] <zniavre> good evening
[22:28] <zniavre> anyway to reset unity-2d please ?
[22:30] <Daekdroom> viator, driver issues
[23:35] <ktosiek> Hi! quodlibet in repo is broken
[23:36] <ktosiek> it works after running this line:
[23:36] <ktosiek> cd /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/quodlibet/plugins; for d in editing events playorder songsmenu; do sudo rm $d/__init__.py; sudo ln -s $PWD/$d.py $d/__init__.py; done
[23:37] <ktosiek> anyone knows if it's ubuntus or upstream bug?
[23:56] <pr0ph3t> hi all
[23:56] <g0bl1n> any news on NVidia Optimus ?
[23:56] <g0bl1n> support
[23:57] <pr0ph3t> to install virtualbox on natty, is the contrib version on the repositories?
[23:58] <BUGabundo> not ours
[23:58] <bjsnider> g0bl1n, nvidia has said that optimus will not get any linux support