UbuntuIRC / 2011 /02 /20 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[01:36] <Unit193> Is there anyway to bridge wireless and ethernet? (wireless > wired into router wan port)
[04:04] <Kutakizukari> I have installed eclipse pdt, which I have to run by navigating to a folder a double clicking it. How can I add it to the menu list, or application launcher?
[04:05] <JoeMaverickSett> Kutakizukari: this FQA explains how to do it; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ :)
[04:08] <JoeMaverickSett> iirc, if you copy that .desktop file to the ~/Desktop, you should/will have a launcher on the Desktop.
[04:11] <Kutakizukari> Where do I need to copy it to get it to the start menu?
[04:12] <JoeMaverickSett> Kutakizukari: specifying the Category of the .desktop shall get it into the start menu, of course. as said in the FAQ
[04:13] <JoeMaverickSett> e.g. Category=Applications;System;
[04:14] <Kutakizukari> Was thinking that it would put it on the desktop and the start menu, just want it in the start menu.
[04:15] <JoeMaverickSett> Kutakizukari: no, only issuing the copy command to the Desktop would create the icon on Desktop, if you follow the FAQ it should get it into the start menu.
[04:15] <JoeMaverickSett> just creating a eclipse.desktop file under /usr/share/applications/ would only put it in the start menu.
[04:23] <Kutakizukari> Is this right? http://pastebin.com/RrpXnctC
[04:25] <JoeMaverickSett> Kutakizukari: all is well, except; NoDisplay should be set to "false" otherwise, i think it would be hidden from the menu.
[04:30] <JoeMaverickSett> Kutakizukari: now, is it in the start menu? :)
[04:31] <Kutakizukari> JoeMaverickSett, yes it is, now when I right click to properties to look for the eclipse file and change the icon image, then click ok it does not work.
[04:31] <Kutakizukari> keeps the termial image and reverts back to the default folder to look for the file.
[04:32] <Kutakizukari> do I copy paste the path in the eclispe.desktop file?
[04:34] <JoeMaverickSett> Kutakizukari: i think you should probably put the full path of the icon image in the .desktop file. "Icon=/path/to/pic.png"
[04:39] <Kutakizukari> JoeMaverickSett, bingo, thank you for your help and patients!
[04:39] <JoeMaverickSett> Kutakizukari: no problem, glad it worked out, enjoy Lubuntu ;)
[04:40] <Kutakizukari> Love it! :o)
[04:40] <JoeMaverickSett> hehe, who wouldn't? :)
[04:40] <Kutakizukari> but Im already married
[04:40] <JoeMaverickSett> XD
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
=== S`Surfer is now known as NRWlion
[08:10] <NRWlion> morning jarnos ;)
[08:56] <awesom-o> hello everybody
[10:32] <davyde> hi guy how can i set automatic login?
[10:34] <JoeMaverickSett> davyde: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ
[10:34] <JoeMaverickSett> has a guide on it. :)
[10:37] <davyde> and set my keyboard on it? now i have to give setxkbmap it every session
[10:54] <davyde> i need to change keyboard layout.. how can i do that?
[10:55] <JoeMaverickSett> davyde: there is a guide on that FAQ as well, have you tried it?
[10:55] <davyde> yes
[10:55] <JoeMaverickSett> davyde: so, it doesn't work?
[10:55] <davyde> there is no file in /etc/default/keyboard
[10:56] <davyde> i made a new one and put that 4 string but no result
[10:56] <davyde> i've installed lxde from ubuntu minimal
[10:57] <IAmNotThatGuy> davyde, setxkbmap -option grp:ctrl_shift_toggle us,(your layout)
[10:57] <IAmNotThatGuy> davyde, I am looking at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1455877
[10:58] <JoeMaverickSett> IAmNotThatGuy: grrhh, you got there before me!! :\
[10:58] <IAmNotThatGuy> JoeMaverickSett, lol
[10:58] <IAmNotThatGuy> davyde, that redirects to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1039107 also. look that too
[10:58] <davyde> same for automatic login when lxde start it ask me for Unlock Login Keyring
[11:01] <davyde> it tells me The login keyring did not get unlocked when you logged into your computer.
[11:04] <JoeMaverickSett> perhaps this might do; http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8909842&postcount=8
[11:05] <davyde> rebooting for keyring :P
[11:05] <JoeMaverickSett> :D
[11:06] <davyde> YES autologin perfect
[11:06] <JoeMaverickSett> davyde: worked!!?? :D
[11:07] <JoeMaverickSett> how about the keyring?
[11:07] <davyde> i found that a guy made a script that give setxkbmap it at the start
[11:07] <davyde> yes keyring is ok now i don't need to give password
[11:08] <JoeMaverickSett> ;D
[11:10] <davyde> how can give that command automatic? (setxkbmap it)
[11:11] <JoeMaverickSett> davyde: this might be what you're looking for; http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=943dd675fa6474e6721cd6b469f9c574&p=10231776&postcount=8
[11:12] <JoeMaverickSett> btw, it's abit strange that you don't have keyboard file in /et/default though.
[11:13] <davyde> now i have there is only the string i wrote.. xkbmodel it's right the one on example? ..
[11:16] <davyde> i'm tryin to understand how to use that script i don't want to add a layout or change it with a button combination i want that at the start my keyboad is in "IT"
=== S`Surfer is now known as NRWlion
[11:19] <KM0201> how do i get the trash icon on my desktop? or can I?
[11:19] <davyde> maybe i've only to add setxkbmap it at the end of .bashsrc?
[11:19] <davyde> no
[11:21] <JoeMaverickSett> davyde: according to the link i gave you, you could put it at the end of the .bashrc then source .bashrc
[11:25] <JoeMaverickSett> KM0201: http://www.pclinuxos.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=cij4vpll0qtnq4ihv6lfio2v32&topic=60949.msg709592#msg709592
[11:26] <KM0201> well thats kinda ridiculous.
[11:26] <KM0201> oh well, its not a big deal...
[11:26] <KM0201> lxde should implement something like gconf-editor.
[11:29] <KM0201> woops, wrong x
[11:30] <davyde> still here
[11:31] <davyde> i make a script keybit.sh how can it start automatically?
[11:31] <KM0201> ok, one final quirk... how can i set my workspace switcher, to have 4 workspaces, instead of just 2.
[11:32] <JoeMaverickSett> KM0201: Menu button > Preferences > OpenBox Configuration Manage > Desktops
[11:33] <silverlightning> hi
[11:34] <silverlightning> Do you know why lubuntu will not connect online?
[11:34] <silverlightning> the weird thing is that Ubuntu connects easily
[11:35] <KM0201> hmm, wasn't aware lxde was openbox.
[11:35] <silverlightning> lubuntu recognizes network and ask for password but still doesn't connect
[11:36] <KM0201> silverlightning, mac filtering maybe?.. if it's seeing the network and not accepting the password, then logic says it's either a bad password, or something "outside" of ubuntu.. ie.. the router.
[11:37] <silverlightning> I have googled and searched on the ubuntu forum, but I couldn't find anything
[11:38] <silverlightning> not can't be bad password, multiple times checked and I log on fine in Ubuntu, but a different laptop
[11:38] <KM0201> silverlightning, because it doesn't sound like an ubuntu problem... honestly, it sounds like your router is not letting the machine on for some reason.. this suggests either a bad password, or mac filtering is enabled.
[11:38] <silverlightning> yes, must be router thing perhaps
[11:39] <KM0201> silverlightning, what security are you running on the router?
[11:39] <silverlightning> but weird I logon fine from this computer, maverick
[11:39] <silverlightning> I'm not running it, I share it with my neighbor upstairs,
[11:39] <silverlightning> I only got the password really
[11:39] <silverlightning> hmm
[11:40] <silverlightning> I might have to talk to him
[11:40] <KM0201> yeah, thats a place to start....
[11:40] <silverlightning> thanks for the tip
[11:40] <KM0201> JoeMaverickSett, one final question.. id on't know how familiar you are with Gnome... but on Gnome, you can combine all open windows, into one "button" on the panel... you click that button, and you can choose what windowyou want... know of any way to do that w/ lxde?
[11:41] <silverlightning> I thought it might be something with the laptop or lubuntu, its' an old thing, I am trying as an extra workstation, mostly online stuff
[11:41] <KM0201> this keeps you from having windows/buttons stretched all the way across the panel, keeps things cleaner, etc.
[11:41] <KM0201> silverlightning, well, it depends on how old.. for instance, if your'e trying to connect to a WPA network, and the device on the "old" laptop, is only WEP compatible..
[11:42] <silverlightning> it's antique
[11:42] <silverlightning> tiny harddrive
[11:42] <KM0201> well, that doesn't really say much.. whats the security protocol on the network, and how old is 'antique'
[11:42] <JoeMaverickSett> KM0201: i don't know how to do it, but someone here might know. :|
[11:43] <KM0201> JoeMaverickSett, it's not a huge deal... i've got it down to just buttons(i frequently have a lot of windows open) but i like that feature in gnome.
[11:43] <silverlightning> from 1926, and I have handle I have to wind to get it going
[11:43] <KM0201> silverlightning, while humor is nice, it doesn't really help address your problem
[11:44] <silverlightning> a bit exaggerated but it originally came with windows millennium edition, and even has a diskette station
[11:44] <silverlightning> 6GB harddrive, 700 MHz processor, 500MB ram
[11:45] <KM0201> ok..
[11:45] <KM0201> so it's obviously pretty old.. now.
[11:45] <KM0201> do you know what protocol you're connecting to? (WEP, WPA, etc..?)
[11:45] <silverlightning> 11 years, or so, I got it handed down,
[11:46] <silverlightning> I wanted to try different light distros like lubuntu, or something else,
[11:46] <KM0201> ok... what network protocol are you trying to connect to.
[11:46] <silverlightning> in ubuntu it connects fine to wpa
[11:46] <KM0201> ok.
[11:46] <KM0201> it's unlikely a machine that old has support for WPA... i'm guessing that's the issue (unless your'e using an external wifi adapter)
[11:47] <silverlightning> could be
[11:47] <KM0201> it can see the network because all the scanner does, is scan for networks
[11:47] <KM0201> but it can't "connect" because the device doesn't support it.
[11:47] <KM0201> you could ask your friend to "tone it down" to WEP (which would be stupid) or buy a wireless USB adapter and connect through it.
[11:52] <negthorn> hallo
[11:53] <negthorn> can I use metacity instead of Openbox as my WM ?
[12:08] <leszek> hi
[12:30] <JoeMaverickSett> davyde: sorry, i was having dinner. save that script in a folder, e.g. ~/scripts issue sudo chmod +x <script-name>.sh then open the file "sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart" then put @/full/path/to/the/<script-name>.sh
[12:32] <JoeMaverickSett> davyde: if you're making a script for setxkbamp the easier way would be this; http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=943dd675fa6474e6721cd6b469f9c574&p=10231776&postcount=8
[12:35] <jarnos> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/festival/+bug/662630
[12:35] <jarnos> Bug 662630
[12:35] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 662630 in festival (Ubuntu) "festival: can't open /dev/dsp" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/662630
[12:58] <finwin> hi
[13:49] <alokito> whats the session name of lubuntu desktop?
[13:49] <alokito> I'm trying to configure tightvncserver
[13:52] <leszek> what do you mean by session name ?
[13:52] <alokito> like...
[13:52] <alokito> lxde-session logins to simple lxde
[13:53] <alokito> how do I login to default lubuntu desktop from cli?
[13:53] <leszek> with startlxde I guess
[13:54] <alokito> will that take me to lubuntu desktop or lxde default?
[13:54] <leszek> It should you take to the lubuntu desktop
[13:54] <alokito> hmm ok
[13:54] <alokito> I'll give it a try, thanks
[13:54] <leszek> as the lxde desktop is basically the lubuntu desktop
[13:55] <alokito> yes, but lubuntu desktop is customized with themes and all
[13:55] <alokito> they should have separate session names
[13:55] <alokito> like gnome and failsafe-gnome
[13:59] <leszek> alokito: you are right
[14:00] <leszek> then please take a look at /usr/share/xsessions and find the right session script, which you can open up with an editor
[14:02] <alokito> ok, thanks
=== NRWlion is now known as Harry
=== Harry is now known as NRWlion
[16:24] <ActionParsnip> hi guys
[16:27] <NRWlion> jeah Action ;)
[16:27] <ActionParsnip> in panel prefs, what is the default for file manager please?
[16:28] <NRWlion> dont know ... sorry
[16:28] <ActionParsnip> right click panel -> panel settings. Advanced tab
[16:28] <ActionParsnip> can you tell me what you have for file manager please
[16:33] <ActionParsnip> NRWlion: are you using Lubuntu?
[16:33] <NRWlion> ActionParsnip: yes i do
[16:33] <NRWlion> but only since one week ^^
[16:33] <NRWlion> i have migrated from winshit :D
[16:34] <ActionParsnip> NRWlion: can you take the steps I gave to give the command please. I'd really apreciate it :)
[16:34] <NRWlion> i am sorry?
[16:34] <MrChrisDruif> NRWlion: those comments could feed trolls, keep that in mind
[16:35] <MrChrisDruif> take=give NRWlion ;)
[16:35] <ActionParsnip> NRWlion: right click the bottom panel -> panel settings. Advanced tab
[16:35] <MrChrisDruif> The default file manager in Lubuntu ActionParsnip?
[16:36] <ActionParsnip> MrChrisDruif: I need the command in the advanced panel prefs for File manager
[16:37] <NRWlion> i am sorry my lubuntu is busy calculating photos :(
[16:37] <MrChrisDruif> pcmanfm ?
[16:37] <ActionParsnip> MrChrisDruif: yes, but there are options after it
[16:38] <ActionParsnip> MrChrisDruif: can you please right click panel -> panel settings. Advanced tab. Wat is set for File manager please?
[16:40] <MrChrisDruif> ActionParsnip: Not in Lubuntu atm
[16:40] <ActionParsnip> MrChrisDruif: thats cool, thatnks though :)
[16:43] <MrChrisDruif> but isn't the command pcmanfm?
[16:45] <ActionParsnip> pcmanfm %s
[16:45] <ActionParsnip> gtg
[16:45] <ActionParsnip> peace
=== identify_tardis is now known as mark76
[18:37] <exutux> hi there, there is a way for add some custom categories -> under systempanel menu ?
[18:37] <bioterror> what do you want
[18:37] <exutux> i mean a menu like Utility or Network and so on
[18:38] <exutux> bioterror: add my categories "My Guest Machines" for example
[18:39] <bioterror> what are those guest machines
[18:39] <exutux> bioterror: my vbox guest machines launchers
[18:40] <bioterror> hmmm
[18:40] <exutux> bioterror: under Network for example there is amsn..pidding...an all networks programs u know?
[18:40] <Unit193> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ#I%20don%27t%20know%20how%20to%20make/add%20a%20application%20to%20%22start%22%20menu.
[18:40] <exutux> so i'll like to have VBOX Menu in wich i put my launchers
[18:41] <bioterror> i have internet
[18:41] <Unit193> ^ change the catagory in the .desktop file
[18:41] <Unit193> *Categories
[18:42] <bioterror> exutux, /etc/xdg/menus/lxde-applications.menu
[18:42] <exutux> Unit193: sure but if Categories doesn't exist i cannot create my own custom
[18:42] <exutux> bioterror: i'll look there
[18:44] <exutux> bioterror: thanks i think that it's what i want
[18:44] <exutux> :)
[18:45] <bioterror> it should be
[18:45] <bioterror> xml hell it is
[18:45] <bioterror> :D
[18:46] <exutux> yeah :/
[18:46] <Unit193> My bad...
[18:47] <exutux> ok thanks guys...see you
[18:50] <exutux> bye
=== leszek_ is now known as leszek
[20:05] <davyde> hi
[20:06] <davyde> how floppy works? i insert one in floppy disk but no response
[20:08] <leszek> davyde: do you have a /dev/fd0 device ?
[20:08] <davyde> yes
[20:09] <KM0201> is anyone else not getting sound w/ Pidgin?
[20:09] <bioterror> sudo mount /dev/fd0 /mnt
[20:09] <davyde> i gave sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy
[20:10] <MrChrisDruif> KM0201: I'm using pidgin...no problems here
[20:10] <leszek> davyde: this should work if you have a /media/floppy folder
[20:10] <KM0201> MrChrisDruif, version?
[20:10] <davyde> i have
[20:11] <MrChrisDruif> 2.7.9, but never had problems...
[20:11] <MrChrisDruif> with other versions I mean...only connection problems with msn...
[20:12] <MrChrisDruif> Now I've got problems with gtalk
[20:12] <davyde> leszek with sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy it tell mount :specify filesistem (in italian)
[20:12] <KM0201> MrChrisDruif, MSN is easy enough to fix w/ msn-pecan
[20:13] <KM0201> never ha a problem like this before.
[20:13] <MrChrisDruif> KM0201: msn works great with newer version...since yesterday gtalk connection problems...but for me it's no biggie :P
[20:14] <MrChrisDruif> But what is msn-pecan?
[20:14] <KM0201> it's a msn-protocol(unsupported add on) that fixes MSN issues w/ Pidgin
[20:14] <leszek> davyde: what filesystem is on the floppy `?
[20:14] <KM0201> not being able to add buddies, not being able to sign on, etc.
[20:14] <MrChrisDruif> Ow...need to install it then :D
[20:14] <KM0201> yup.
[20:15] <MrChrisDruif> Can't add buddies <_<"
[20:15] <KM0201> install it, then go to Pidgin, and in your protocol list, instead of setting up your MSN account on "MSN"... look in the list for "WLM"(windos live messenger) and give it your MSN credentials.. it'll fix your probs.
[20:16] <MrChrisDruif> awesome-sauce...will do right now :D
[20:16] <KM0201> ok, got 2.7.10 installing now.
[20:16] <davyde> leszek i tried with another floppy and it works
[20:16] <davyde> TNKS
[20:16] <leszek> :)
[20:17] <MrChrisDruif> .10? Thought I would be getting it with the update....but it's till saying .9 to me <_<"
[20:17] <Unit193> KM0201: Using the getdeb repo?
[20:18] <KM0201> no, i found a PPA
[20:18] <KM0201> it's slower than crap though... so if its on getdeb, get it there
[20:18] <davyde> leszek how can i have it mounted automatically?
[20:18] <leszek> davyde: that is not possible
[20:19] <Unit193> The pidgin team has a LP PPA
[20:19] <KM0201> where?
[20:19] <KM0201> i added the pidgin repository, but it still had .9
[20:19] <leszek> davyde: you can though create a /etc/fstab entry for your floppy. That should give you a clickable entry in pcmanfm
[20:19] <MrChrisDruif> That what I've been saying :-/
[20:20] <MrChrisDruif> Pidgin ppa still has .9 :(
[20:20] <Unit193> KM0201: I think they are a bit slower on that update (getdeb has .10)
[20:20] <davyde> in etc/fstab i # the string with the floppy
[20:20] <MrChrisDruif> getdeb??
[20:20] <KM0201> Unit193, no big deal, this PPA is working, just slow.
[20:20] <leszek> davyde: do you have a floppy entry in /etc/fstab already ?
[20:21] <KM0201> MrChrisDruif, getdeb.net has a bunch of .deb packages... (most are usually in the repositories though)
[20:21] <davyde> yes but it has # before
[20:21] <leszek> ah than its commented out. So delete the #
[20:21] <leszek> save the file again
[20:21] <davyde> leszek i have #/dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
[20:22] <leszek> davyde: then create either a /media/floppy0 folder and delete the # in front of the line or change the mountpoint to /media/floppy
[20:22] <leszek> and delete the #
[20:23] <davyde> ok did it
[20:26] <davyde> and to have the clickable thing?
[20:27] <leszek> I think it should appear automatically after relogon or reboot
[20:27] <leszek> but I don't have floppy drives here anymore so I don't know for sure
[20:27] <davyde> nothing appear
[20:27] <KM0201> man, still no sound w/ pidgin
[20:28] <KM0201> this is strange, cuz it works fine w/ every other app.
[20:29] <KM0201> strange, still no sound in pidgin
[20:30] <davyde> leszek with the string non commented sudo mount didn't works
[20:30] <KM0201> man, this might be a deal breaker, i hate the idea of going back to Ubuntu.
[20:31] <leszek> davyde: error message ?
[20:31] <davyde> nothing mounted
[20:31] <davyde> no file in directory
[20:31] <davyde> commented works
[20:31] <leszek> sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 should work if you have the folder /media/floppy0
[20:32] <Unit193> KM0201: backup and delete your .pidgin (and maybe .purple)
[20:32] <davyde> i have the folder
[20:32] <leszek> than it should normally work
[20:32] <KM0201> Unit193, hmm, i can do that(don't really need to back it up)
[20:32] <leszek> davyde: if it isn't then simply comment the line out again
[20:33] <davyde> yes i keep commented
[20:33] <KM0201> Unit193, i only have .purple
[20:33] <davyde> should i unmount the floppy before keep it out?
[20:34] <KM0201> but no, that didn't work either
[20:35] <leszek> davyde: for data consistency yes
[20:36] <KM0201> Unit193, any ideas?..... i've goot sound set to "automatic" under pidgin.. but it's saying it can't open my audio device
[20:36] <davyde> leszek can i have a script that mount fd0 copy everything in a derectory and unmount fd0?
[20:37] <davyde> to have a thing that my dad can click and that's all?
[20:37] <leszek> davyde: yes you can create such a script, but you need to execute this script manually
[20:37] <davyde> manually also by click?
[20:38] <leszek> davyde: hmm... I don't know why it isn't working with the /etc/fstab entry
[20:38] <davyde> it's the same also in lxterminal
[20:38] <davyde> i think udev didn't know when a floppy is inside or not
[20:39] <leszek> davyde: thats impossible to know I guess
[20:41] <davyde> ok the script 1 #!/bin/bash 2 sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 3 cp /media/floppy0/*.* /home/fabio/music 4 sudo umount /dev/fd0
[20:41] <davyde> it's right?
[20:41] <leszek> cp /media/floppy0/*.* should be cp /media/floppy0/*
[20:42] <Unit193> KM0201: You set it to play a sound on chat event?
[20:42] <KM0201> well yeah.
[20:42] <KM0201> just like i always have, under sounds under tools/prefs
[20:42] <KM0201> unless there's something new i don't kno about
[20:42] <KM0201> i went through g therethe plugins, didn't see anythin
[20:42] <Unit193> (Just covering everything) pick your own file (where it says "default")
[20:43] <davyde> leszek the script is finished? what i should do after?
[20:44] <KM0201> all right, i just completely purged pidgin and the respected repos
[20:44] <leszek> davyde: make the script executable
[20:44] <davyde> i don't know how to make the script executable
[20:45] <davyde> sudo chmod +x disco.sh?
[20:46] <Unit193> KM0201:My last comment was unclear, set the sound file (what you did may also help) Also try setting the audio output to ALSA
[20:46] <KM0201> set the sound file?... you mean choose a custom sound?..
[20:46] <KM0201> and yeah, i tried changing it to ALSA
[20:48] <KM0201> hmm, brb.
[20:53] <KM0201> i think i just figured it out
[20:53] <KM0201> for some reason, my gstreamer plugin wasn't insalled for playing mp3's(and i'd not tried to play any yet)...
[20:54] <Unit193> Can you hear this? ;)
[20:54] <KM0201> yes
[20:54] <KM0201> it's strange, thats for sure, certainly never had this prob before.
[20:55] <KM0201> now it's still showing "resource not found.
[20:55] <KM0201> makes no sense
[20:55] <Unit193> What package did you install?
[20:56] <KM0201> just pidgin
[20:56] <KM0201> sudo apt-get install pidgin .. i completely purged, etc.. all the "2.7.10" stuff
[20:57] <KM0201> well i gotta run out ral quick, brb
[21:12] <KM0201> ok, back