UbuntuIRC / 2010 /09 /27 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[01:22] <Jordan_U> !password
[01:22] <ubottu> Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords
[01:22] <IdleOne> Heya Jordan_U
[01:22] <Jordan_U> IdleOne: Sorry, mistyped #ubuntu-bots :)
[01:23] <IdleOne> hehe no problem
[01:36] <elky> club trolls, including their dear leader, are currently paying attentions to -women. please keep on the lookout and report any PM attempts here.
[01:59] <elky> club is persistantly trolling -women now
[01:59] <maco> elky: those 3 users currently in there whom i do not recognise?
[01:59] <elky> I'd guess so
[02:00] <elky> they're a creepy bunch too, so they'll be watchign the logs for here.
[02:05] <elky> ikonia, ping?
=== MaverickOne is now known as IdleOne
[02:29] <elky> If someone sees genii around, ask him what the hell is going on.
[02:35] <elky> nhandler, out of curiosity, are you in the club channel?
[02:35] <nhandler> elky: No. I was actually about to join and idle in there after your last comments (but then my internet connection dropped)
[02:36] <elky> nhandler, ok thanks.
[02:36] <elky> I've had numerous of them who are not in -women PMing me also.
[03:14] <Amaranth> elky: I am
[05:28] <ubottu> Jordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu (IndiGod)
[05:31] * nhandler is talking to IndiGod
[07:35] <elky> Amaranth, still up?
[07:50] <elky> nevermind
[10:44] <ikonia> elky: pong
[12:13] <mahen23> i need some ops help in #diaspora
[12:16] <Amaranth> Err
[12:19] <EOF> yo
[12:21] <Seeker`> how can we help you?
[12:25] <EOF> voice me :)
[12:28] <Seeker`> why would we do that?
[12:29] <EOF> i don't know, it's probably a bad idea
[12:30] <EOF> but so is a movie about 15-year-old moms with superpowers, but it exists
[12:31] <topyli> EOF, need any help from the operators then?
[12:32] <EOF> hmm
[12:32] <Seeker`> so, now you've determined that giving you +v would be a bad idea, is there anything else we can help you with?
[12:32] <topyli> heh
[12:32] <EOF> ( ) <<i just wanted to hug you guys
[12:32] <EOF> and leave you with a loop
[12:33] <EOF> SLEEP:
[12:33] <EOF> GOTO SLEEP
[12:33] <Seeker`> thanks. Seeya.
[12:35] <Seeker`> EOF: I thought you were leaving us?
[12:35] <EOF> no
[12:35] <Seeker`> -11:32:53- :EOF : and leave you with a loop
[12:35] <EOF> i was leaving you *with*
[12:35] <EOF> as in give
[12:35] <Seeker`> that implies some sort of leaving on your part
[12:36] <EOF> and pinging me back here simply made me renotice this cannel out of qite a few
[12:36] <Seeker`> there was a point in that. Please read the topic
[12:37] <EOF> i think that there should be an ubuntu LXDE live and install media
[12:37] <Seeker`> yeah, not really on topic for here. If there isn't anything we can help you with, please /part this channel
[12:37] <EOF> compiz is for people with ADD
[12:38] <Mamarok> *sigh*
[12:38] <EOF> lol
[12:38] <EOF> sorry guys
[12:38] <EOF> i'm not usually drunk at 7AM
[12:38] <EOF> but it's one of those nights
[12:38] <Seeker`> do you know what will make it better? typing /part
[12:40] <Seeker`> EOF: you leaving?
[12:40] <EOF> well
[12:40] <EOF> i rarely ever *leave* a channel
[12:40] <Seeker`> !ops | EOF
[12:40] <ubottu> EOF: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!
[12:40] <ubottu> Seeker` called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (EOF)
[12:40] <EOF> i just *leave* it open
[12:41] <Gary> EOF: please read the channel topic again
[12:41] <EOF> you just keep saying my name
[12:41] <EOF> and i have to reply as a good summaritan
[12:41] <Seeker`> Gary: just kick him :P
[12:41] <EOF> adn wow, you guys are bored
[12:42] <Gary> EOF: we run a no-idle policy here
[12:42] <Seeker`> ty
[12:43] <lhavelund> heh
[12:43] <lhavelund> "requested by Gary (EOF)"
[12:43] <lhavelund> how appropriate.
[12:44] <Gary> of more fun was my comment to ubottu - <Gary> @comment 28836 no idle policy, user was drunk
[12:44] <lhavelund> heh
[12:44] * lhavelund leaps at Gary
[12:44] <Seeker`> I don't believe he was
[12:45] <Seeker`> just an excuse
[12:45] <Seeker`> he was probably 10
[12:45] <lhavelund> his reasons aren't really relevant :p
[12:45] <lhavelund> I'm wondering why I'm not packing up and going home right now.
[12:47] <lhavelund> 61
[14:18] <ubottu> BluesKaj called the ops in #kubuntu (Lymphocyte)
[14:21] <ubottu> Lymphocyte called the ops in #kubuntu ()
[14:22] <bazhang> yikes
[14:23] <Pici> <.<
[14:34] <bazhang> ugh. the "its the same in development and stable version" has begun
[16:43] <AbhiJit> hello
[16:43] <AbhiJit> what is our policy for advertisement?
[16:43] <AbhiJit> in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat
[16:44] <AbhiJit> i dont want to compalint. but i just come to know you that one user advertised just a commercial product there to me in pm. nothing wrong in it. product is great. but i just wanted you to know. is that ok to advertise like that?
[16:45] <jpds> Spam is spam.
[16:46] <Pici> AbhiJit: Can you paste here what was advertized and who it was from?
[16:46] <jpds> It sometimes comes in a can.
[16:46] <AbhiJit> Pici, jpds but you dont tell him my name.
[16:46] <AbhiJit> i paste it wait
[16:46] <Pici> AbhiJit: Thats fine, we won't.
[16:47] <AbhiJit> http://paste.ubuntu.com/501574/
[16:48] <AbhiJit> i dont want to hurt him or to scare him. just go smoothly with him Pici jpds
[16:49] <jpds> AbhiJit: Best thing to do in those cases is just /ignore the person.
[16:49] <AbhiJit> jpds, yah
[16:49] <ikonia> not really advertising
[16:49] <AbhiJit> i see
[16:49] <AbhiJit> may be
[16:50] <AbhiJit> actually its in pm thats why i suspected its advertise.
[16:50] <AbhiJit> and i dont know that user
[16:50] <ikonia> looks like he's just responding to your comment of I want to develop linux apps
[16:50] <jpds> Going from Java to "REAL Basic" is just like... woah.
[16:50] <ikonia> "here have you tried this - it's free"
[16:50] <AbhiJit> yah
[16:50] <AbhiJit> its not free actually. 30 day trial
[16:53] <AbhiJit> ok
[16:54] <AbhiJit> may i go?
[16:56] <ikonia> please
[16:56] <AbhiJit> :)
[16:56] <AbhiJit> ok
[18:12] <ubottu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (P1asmaster appears to be abusive - 4.5)
[18:24] <ubottu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (tomaw|homeless appears to be abusive - 6)
[18:34] <ubottu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (vor1an appears to be abusive - 6)
[18:34] <maco> oh jeez... a vorian impersonator now
[18:59] <Pici> lawl
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
[20:32] <ubottu> DJones called the ops in #ubuntu (flyguy)
[20:32] <Pici> He did the same thing in -offtopic.
[22:34] <ubottu> In ubottu, Gogi said: but no icon is appering on my screen
[22:35] <ikonia> Gogi: hello
[22:37] <ikonia> Gogi: can we help you today ?
[22:39] <ikonia> Gogi: I can see you active in #ubuntu - can we help you with anything here in #ubuntu-ops
[22:39] <Gogi> my finger print sensor is not working on ubuntu.what to do?
[22:39] <Gogi> n greetings to you
[22:40] <ikonia> Gogi: this channel is not a support channel, is the operator (admin) channel for the ubuntu core irc channels
[22:40] <Gogi> then what can i ask here?
[22:40] <ikonia> Gogi: why did you join this channel
[22:41] <Gogi> my wlan was not working so i was chatting on support channel there they gave me this link
[22:42] <ikonia> Gogi: ok, they gave you the wrong link, this channel is for administration/abuse issues in the ubuntu channels
[22:43] <Gogi> oops.i am stupid.well please pardon me
[22:43] <ikonia> not a problem
[22:43] <ikonia> Gogi: always good check a channel topic with the "/topic" command
[22:44] <Gogi> but can tell which type of question can i ask at this channel
[22:45] <Gogi> ok i got
[22:45] <ikonia> Gogi: check the topic
[22:45] <Gogi> thanks for your assistance.
[22:45] <Gogi> have a great time.
[23:17] <cyberspace1> hi?
[23:17] <ikonia> hello cyberspace1
[23:18] <cyberspace1> it's my second time on irc
[23:18] <ikonia> ok
[23:18] <cyberspace1> i'm wondering about a few details
[23:18] <ikonia> ok, how can we help
[23:19] <cyberspace1> if i type the first letters of your name and hit tab, the rest of your name shows up
[23:19] <ikonia> ok
[23:19] <cyberspace1> in this mode, if i send you a message,
[23:19] <cyberspace1> do you get a notification?
[23:20] <cyberspace1> like :
[23:20] <ikonia> cyberspace1: you may want to ask in #freenode for irc basic help
[23:20] <cyberspace1> ikonia, 1try?
[23:20] <ikonia> cyberspace1: this channel is really for only dealing with issues to do with the ubuntu channels
[23:20] <cyberspace1> i see
[23:20] <ikonia> #freenode is general IRC/network help/support
[23:20] <cyberspace1> i'm going to look for freenode
[23:21] <ikonia> just join the channel #freenode
[23:21] <cyberspace1> ok
[23:21] <cyberspace1> thanks
[23:22] <cyberspace1> freenode is quiet
[23:23] <ikonia> you're not in #freenode
[23:50] <cyberspace1> ikonia, i was in freenode-unreg
[23:50] <cyberspace1> but i got the answer