UbuntuIRC / 2010 /09 /11 /#ubuntu-sugarteam.txt
Initial commit
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
[13:19] <satellit_> defarning_afk: FYI did upgrade to USR 902 today (..update/..upgrade) 133 upgraded 2 not upgraded :(gnome-system-tools ubuntu-sugar-remix) any reason USR kept back?
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
[14:10] <USR-48f0> I just installed xfce (sudo apt-get install xfce*) works with sugar-emulator -f for nice integration with sugar...this was after 133 upgraded
=== USR-48f0 is now known as USR-902
[14:12] <USR-902> logout gives switcher with sugar and xfce selections
[14:12] <USR-902> nice
[14:14] <USR-902> tried gnome and kde neither would install due to dependencys
[14:16] <USR-902> you might consider a USR-xfce build also
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
[14:49] <satellit_> FYI on USR-907: read e-texts-21.xo downloaded from ASLO with surf-115.xo: works nicely though no audio for auto reading otherwise very nice
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
[14:52] <satellit_> During xfce install I also got Ubuntu Desktop Edition (gnome) to run without asking.....
[15:05] <manusheel> satellit_: This is neat.
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
[15:09] <manusheel> satellit_: Did Surf work well?
[15:10] <satellit_> manusheel only as ,xo http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Surf-115.xo for download
[15:11] <satellit_> have not tried a .deb
[15:11] <satellit_> or rpm
[15:12] <manusheel> satellit_: Sure.
[15:12] <satellit_> is there a link for surf-115 as deb?
[15:13] <manusheel> satellit_: Not yet. Luke informed us that surf package was broken on USR.
[15:14] <satellit_> ok
[15:15] <satellit_> look at read e-texts 21 as a nice application to try to put in USR
[15:16] <satellit_> it is it's own reader and downloader. (do not need read for it)
[15:18] <manusheel> satellit_: Great.
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
[15:29] <manusheel> * is going to the temple. Will be back in an hour.
[15:29] * manusheel is going to the temple. Will be back in an hour.
[15:58] <satellit_> dfarning: have sugar emulator running full screen in Ubuntu Desktop Edition. I right click on ubuntu icon in left top bar, "edit menus" /education/sugar/properties /command: usr/bin/sugar-emulator -f /close (I added -f) works
[16:00] * satellit_ this is USR 907 with xfce added (brought in Ubuntu Desktop Edition with it.
[16:04] <satellit_> easy to edit ircactivity.py for #ubuntu-sugarteam in gedit so it logs in automatically on start
[16:30] <satellit_> dfarning: look at this .xo (I do not know where it came from) but it works in USR http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Browse-115w.xo I think link was mentioned on freenode a while ago....
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
[16:48] <satellit_> correction read e-texts talks. have to unmute speaker in frame and increase volume.....: ) reads text fine
[16:49] <satellit_> EeePC1000HE
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
[18:58] <shan> manusheel, i am getting the following error when running emulator through jhbuild
[19:01] <shan> http://pastebin.com/EPLVYGDY
[19:02] <shan> the line shown is however valid in python and is given in the patch
[19:07] <manusheel> shan: Ok.
[19:07] <manusheel> shan: Checking it.
[19:08] <manusheel> shan: So, is the emulator getting started?
[19:09] <shan> manusheel: got it , its running now, looking into the code to be written now
[19:11] <manusheel> shan: Great.
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
[22:22] <satellit_> dfarning: bug? (terminal#_) icon on frame shuts down terminal. need to enter "sudo su"which works (Ubuntu is different than fedora su command which is what I expect the button calls)
[22:25] <satellit_> 2nd bug I do not have permission to mount USB's in USR anymore since updates....
[22:26] <satellit_> gvfs is installed
[22:40] <satellit_> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/636036 (terminal button)
[22:40] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 636036 in sugar-0.88 (Ubuntu) "(terminal#_) button on frame needs to send "sudo su" command (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]