UbuntuIRC / 2010 /09 /02 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <micahg> dupondje: not offhand
[00:04] <dupondje> where is the 'default' sound saved btw ?
[00:04] <micahg> dupondje: idk, I turned it off almost immediately on Linux (over 2 yrs ago) so I never played with it
[00:05] <dupondje> heh :)
[00:05] <dupondje> well sound doesn't really matter
[00:05] <dupondje> popup would be cool ^^
[07:31] <kancerman> what settings changed in the dailies to make firefox 4 betas completely incompatible with AMO extensions ??
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[13:56] <fta> asac, one of the g-o-s rule in the network-manager ppa has been failing for weeks, could you please ping whoever is concerned? i tried but got no answer
[14:28] <axx_> hi all
[14:28] <axx_> has anyone been using Mail Tweak for Thunderbird?
[14:29] <axx_> I installed yesterday and now TB won't load completely, it gets stuck after I enter the master password
[14:29] <axx_> all I did was reorganise the account order
[14:34] <axx_> ohhh this is ugly, it appears the only reason TB was freezing was because another user was logged… now that I've logged the other user out TB loads fine, even without -safe-mode
[15:50] <micahg> kancerman: not all extensions, there was a version bump though, so it takes time for extensions to catch up
[15:53] <lfaraone> micahg: hmm. if my package sugar-firefox-activity doesn't modify firefox at all, no custom vendor.js, no XPIs or themes of any sort, but the result looks different just because of the GTK theme that Sugar runs in, is that okay?
[15:55] <micahg> lfaraone: I still don't have all the details for the branding deal, maybe asac can answer?
[15:55] <lfaraone> asac: ping.
[15:55] <fta> chrisccoulson, jdstrand, mdeslaur: fyi "[Branch ~chromium-team/chromium-browser/channels] Rev 261: linux/stable (5.0.375.127 -> 6.0.472.53)"
[15:55] <lfaraone> http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/7913/screenshotey.png is what it looks like in Sugar with no modifications.
[15:56] <lfaraone> which is god-awful, you can't read the bookmark text, etc.
[15:56] <mdeslaur> fta: 6.0 needs NEW packages you mentioned?
[15:57] <fta> mdeslaur, yes, *-codecs update (maybe gyp too, i have to check) and libvpx (NEW in lucid)
[15:58] <jdstrand> what a pain
[15:58] <jdstrand> and perfectly timed since the -proposed update just got copied today
[15:58] <fta> none are used by anything else atm
[15:59] <fta> at least, until firefox is bumped to the one supporting webm
[16:00] <fta> as i said, lots of security fixes: http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/2010/09/stable-and-beta-channel-updates.html
[16:00] <fta> jdstrand, mdeslaur: ^^
[16:00] <jdstrand> fta: if you are planning to provide these updates for lucid, can you ping me and mdeslaur when you have packages ready and we will build in the ubuntu-security-proposed ppa? we will need a master bug detailing what needs to be done (eg, NEW packages, new versions, what is and is not affected, etc)
[16:01] <jdstrand> fta: mentioning that url in the bug would be keen too
[16:01] <chrisccoulson> firefox is using it's own libvpx i think isn't it?
[16:02] <micahg> chrisccoulson: in 4.0, yes
[16:02] <micahg> chrisccoulson: for xulrunner, we could try to use system vpx
[16:03] <chrisccoulson> yeah, we could do
[16:03] * micahg doesn't know if there's an option yet though
[16:04] * micahg is testing upgrade to TB 3.1.3 and then uploading if all is good
[16:15] <micahg> chrisccoulson: any fixes we need to get in thunderbird before I upload?
[16:15] <chrisccoulson> micahg - i don't think so
[16:16] <micahg> chrisccoulson: any strong feelings about my patch name: fix_build_w_nspr_less_than_486.patch
[16:16] <kancerman> micahg: when I go to the AMO website ( up to this point ) almost all the extensions I look forward to downloading from their installation pages the download button is lightened and tells me to install & use firefox ... is what I should've said
[16:17] <chrisccoulson> micahg - no, i'm not too fussed about patch names, as we don't really have a lot of consistency already
[16:17] <chrisccoulson> as long as it works, then it's ok ;)
[16:17] <kancerman> micahg: so I can't tell incompatibles even with the version bump ;)
[16:18] <micahg> maybe mozilla 591125
[16:18] <ubot2> Mozilla bug 591125 in Networking: HTTP "Sanitize the app name for the UA string" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591125
[16:19] <micahg> chrisccoulson: yeah, it works, generally, the convention has been lpXXX_bzXXX_attXXX_name.patch, but I didn't have time to upstream it yet and we don't if have an LP bug, and I wasn't sure when I added it which bugzilla bug it would be :)
[16:19] <kancerman> the odder thing is that browser wide flash isn't loading ... not that I'm too worried ( youtube is just fine ... )
[16:21] <micahg> chrisccoulson: patch cleanup will have to be next cycle ;)
[16:21] <chrisccoulson> micahg - yeah, sounds good
[16:25] <micahg> chrisccoulson: have you looked at the main rdepends for xulrunner at all this cycle?
[16:25] <chrisccoulson> micahg - yeah, there's not much change from last cycle
[16:25] <micahg> chrisccoulson: well, I'm just wondering if there were any upstream compatibility updates for any of them? is this worth me looking into before final freeze?
[16:27] <chrisccoulson> micahg - i wouldn't worry too much. the main one really is yelp, but we're already on the latest gecko based version of that (and development focus is on the webkit based yelp 3.0 anyway)
[16:29] <micahg> chrisccoulson: k
[16:46] <fta> jdstrand, mdeslaur: bug 628924
[16:46] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 628924 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "chromium update: 5.0.375.127 -> 6.0.472.53 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/628924
[16:49] <jdstrand> fta: thanks
[16:49] <jdstrand> fta: looks good
[17:17] <micahg> chrisccoulson: I assume my uploads will still end up in unapproved, right?
[17:18] <chrisccoulson> micahg - yeah, they will do until we're unfrozen
[17:18] <micahg> chrisccoulson: k, I'm going to push the gnome-shell update w/xulrunner as well
[17:18] <micahg> s/update/wrapper
[17:18] <chrisccoulson> cool
[17:19] <micahg> oh, I need to update gjs as well
[17:20] <micahg> chrisccoulson: would it be bad to wait till tomorrow to push xulrunner so I can update gjs as well and we can see if the update/xul change actually works
[17:21] <chrisccoulson> micahg - no, tomorrow is fine
[17:21] <micahg> chrisccoulson: k, because we probably won't get another release before final, so this seems like the only time to test this
[17:21] <micahg> chrisccoulson: thunderbird 3.1.3 is uploading
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[17:23] <micahg> chrisccoulson: speaking of wrappers, should I just make the changes you outlined in the mongodb merge and not wait
[17:23] <chrisccoulson> micahg - i tried it, but it breaks the test-suite
[17:24] <chrisccoulson> (dropping the rpath)
[17:24] <micahg> chrisccoulson: k, well, I can look at that over the weekend
[17:24] <micahg> chrisccoulson: we probably need to add LD_LIBRARY_PATH for it
[17:24] <chrisccoulson> yeah, that would work ok
[17:25] <micahg> chrisccoulson: is this license for the wrapper ok for gnome-shell, I copied the one that Clint added for mongodb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/487333/
[17:26] <chrisccoulson> micahg - yeah, i think so, but i'm not a legal expert though :/
[17:27] <micahg> chrisccoulson: I could grab the one that siretart included in gxine...
[17:28] * micahg still hasn't done much with licensing
[17:31] <[reed]> why again does Ubuntu put up with Debian craziness?
[17:31] <[reed]> http://planet.fedoraproject.org/
[17:31] <[reed]> oh
[17:31] <[reed]> this is Fedora
[17:31] <[reed]> not Debian
[17:31] <[reed]> lol
[17:31] <[reed]> oops
[17:31] <[reed]> s/Debian/Fedora/ then!
[17:31] <[reed]> third post down
[17:32] <micahg> wow
[17:32] <micahg> post was removed though
[17:32] <vish> ugh!
[17:32] * micahg has about 150 of those CDs :)
[17:33] <micahg> which will make lovely coasters in 2 months
[17:33] <vish> micahg: i guess they also have a COC or something :D
[17:37] <chrisccoulson> for some reason, i'm not at all surprised to see a post like that
[17:38] <chrisccoulson> i just hope that people in the ubuntu community don't lower themselves to that level
[17:44] <vish> micahg: [reed]: http://dinosaur-os.com/post/1053912414
[17:44] <vish> chrisccoulson: seems like a failed attempt at a joke :)
[19:06] <chrisccoulson> hi micahg
[19:06] <micahg> hi chrisccoulson, what's up?
[19:06] <chrisccoulson> micahg - we should start maybe building a list of bugs we'd like to fix in maverick
[19:07] <micahg> chrisccoulson: as in the next 2 weekd?
[19:07] <micahg> *weeks
[19:07] <chrisccoulson> so, if there's anything you want to work on (or think i should work on), let me know and i can get someone to approve the bug nominations
[19:07] <chrisccoulson> yeah, in the next 2 weeks ;)
[19:07] <chrisccoulson> it seems a crazily short period between beta and final freeze
[19:07] <micahg> chrisccoulson: k, where, gobby doc?
[19:08] <micahg> blueprint?
[19:08] <chrisccoulson> micahg - anywhere really. we can just discuss bugs on-channel if you like (and the list shouldn't be very long anyway)
[19:08] <micahg> chrisccoulson: k, I'll look over the weekend
[19:08] <chrisccoulson> thanks
[19:08] <micahg> chrisccoulson: I'd definitely like to take care of the xul wrapper stuff
[19:09] <chrisccoulson> yeah, sounds good
[19:09] <chrisccoulson> people keep pinging me about bug 239952, which i'd really like to get fixed for maverick (and lucid too)
[19:09] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 239952 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "firefox - the associated helper application does not exist (affects: 49) (dups: 2) (heat: 280)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/239952
[19:10] <micahg> chrisccoulson: that's fixed in 4.0
[19:10] <chrisccoulson> yeah, i've just tested the commit that fixes it
[19:10] <chrisccoulson> it needs some source backporting for 1.9.2 to remove the gio parts though
[19:11] <micahg> chrisccoulson: ugh, that makes it harder to get branch approval
[19:11] <chrisccoulson> i'll try and get approval for it anyway. if not, then we can try and ship it as a distro patch
[19:11] <chrisccoulson> and i think that one is worth it (it has quite a high annoyance factor)
[19:12] <micahg> chrisccoulson: agreed
[19:12] <chrisccoulson> the mimetype stuff is a mess though
[19:12] <chrisccoulson> i've spent the whole day trying to understand why it doesnt work, so i can understand why the patch fixes it
[19:12] <micahg> in 1.9.2 or 2.0
[19:12] <chrisccoulson> micahg - both ;)
[19:13] <micahg> heh
[19:13] <chrisccoulson> the actual commit was to fix an unrelated problem, but it fixes this bug indirectly
[19:13] <micahg> yeah, it seemed to fix a few
[19:28] <micahg> chrisccoulson: I think maybe we should do a prism update as well, but I have to fix the FTBFS with the current trunk first
[20:28] <kenvandine> BUGabundo, hey... i just asked for another log
[20:28] <kenvandine> BUGabundo, but on another note... notifications from your statusnet posts are causing my gwibber to crash
[20:29] <kenvandine> i have been chasing a bug in libproxy that is segfaulting on caching of avatars
[20:29] <BUGabundo> its not crashing
[20:29] <kenvandine> but i haven't been able to reliably reproduce it
[20:29] <kenvandine> this isn't related
[20:29] <kenvandine> anyway
[20:29] <BUGabundo> it has been running prety smooth for a few days now
[20:30] <kenvandine> every notification i get from your statusnet account is crashing my gwibber-service
[20:30] <BUGabundo> darn SSL
[20:30] <kenvandine> when it downloads your avatar
[20:30] <BUGabundo> can you circunvey it ?
[20:30] <kenvandine> oh.... i bet that is it!
[20:30] <kenvandine> humm
[20:31] <BUGabundo> kenvandine: that log contains a lot of personal info
[20:31] <BUGabundo> not willing to disclouse most of it :\
[20:31] <kenvandine> well look at it, see if there is anything of interest
[20:31] <kenvandine> i am confident gwibber is at least attempting to notify
[20:31] <kenvandine> i might add a couple lines of code for debugging and get you to run a branch
[20:32] <BUGabundo> [2010-09-02T20:26:27-00:00, Gwibber ] Fábio André Damas
[20:32] <BUGabundo> New blog post: Severed Fifth: um novo paradigma musical http://blog.skkeeper.info//?p=396
[20:32] <BUGabundo> yeah, its there
[20:32] <kenvandine> notifications finally work right in gwibber now, as of last night :)
[20:32] <kenvandine> ok... so notify-osd is getting it
[20:32] <kenvandine> but you aren't seein git
[20:32] <kenvandine> are you seeing other notifications?
[20:32] <BUGabundo> everything else is being published by notif
[20:32] <BUGabundo> mail, pidgin, downloads
[20:33] <kenvandine> so this bug has to be a notify-osd bug though
[20:33] <kenvandine> since we proved notify-osd got the notification
[20:33] <kenvandine> can you run a script for me?
[20:34] <BUGabundo> sure
[20:35] <kenvandine> grab lp:notify-osd
[20:35] <kenvandine> and look in the examples dir
[20:36] <BUGabundo> $ bzr lp:notify-osd
[20:36] <BUGabundo> bzr: ERROR: unknown command "lp:notify-osd"
[20:36] <BUGabundo> wrong repo ?
[20:36] <BUGabundo> err
[20:36] <BUGabundo> nvm
[20:36] <BUGabundo> branch
[20:36] <kenvandine> :)
[20:38] <BUGabundo> kenvandine: looking
[20:38] <BUGabundo> what for?
[20:38] <kenvandine> one sec
[20:38] <kenvandine> ./append-hint-example.py
[20:38] <kenvandine> for example
[20:38] <kenvandine> run that
[20:39] <BUGabundo> done
[20:39] <kenvandine> did you see the notifications?
[20:39] <BUGabundo> no
[20:40] <BUGabundo> but saw one from email
[20:40] <kenvandine> ok, your notify-osd is broken somehow
[20:40] <kenvandine> and your email is using notify-osd?
[20:40] <BUGabundo> yes
[20:40] <kenvandine> i assume
[20:40] <BUGabundo> and pidgin
[20:40] <kenvandine> ok
[20:40] <kenvandine> humm
[20:40] <BUGabundo> if you ping me, I get it
[20:40] <kenvandine> no idea... i guess file a bug against notify-osd
[20:40] <kenvandine> something is broken there
[20:40] <BUGabundo> this is a pretty clean system too
[20:40] <BUGabundo> clean isntall from last week
[20:40] <BUGabundo> daily live cd maverick
[20:41] <kenvandine> weird you get them from some things
[20:41] <kenvandine> but this simple test script doesn't work
[20:41] <BUGabundo> let me rerun and pay more attention
[20:41] <kenvandine> actually i'll move this bug to notify-osd
[20:42] <BUGabundo> just got a strange message
[20:42] <kenvandine> it should display the notification for pretty long
[20:42] <BUGabundo> I can't see where it did come from
[20:42] <BUGabundo> assuming from the example
[20:42] <kenvandine> paste please
[20:43] <BUGabundo> [2010-09-02T20:41:45-00:00, append-hint-example ] Cole Raby
[20:43] <BUGabundo> Did really everything in the race work according to regulations?
[20:43] <BUGabundo> yep, its from the example
[20:43] <BUGabundo> so, so far its only gwibber failing
[20:44] <kenvandine> oh, you did get that in a notification?
[20:44] <kenvandine> not sure how you could have missed it
[20:44] <kenvandine> it lasts on the screen for like 30s
[20:44] <kenvandine> and gets pretty big
[20:45] <BUGabundo> yeah, I noticed it was big
[20:45] <BUGabundo> but didn't last that long
[20:45] <BUGabundo> and I get a lot of long notes from pidgin MUCs
[20:45] <kenvandine> i moved this bug to notify-osd, it is definately not a gwibber bug
[20:45] <kenvandine> notify-osd got the notification and queued it
[20:45] <kenvandine> so nothing else gwibber could do
[20:46] <BUGabundo> okay
[20:46] <BUGabundo> thanks
[20:46] <BUGabundo> diner time
[20:46] <kenvandine> i'll comment again on that bug
[20:46] <BUGabundo> ping me if you need anything else
[20:46] <kenvandine> thx for helping me find the crasher :)
[20:46] <kenvandine> you and your cert :)
[20:46] <BUGabundo> np
[20:46] <BUGabundo> not mine
[20:46] <BUGabundo> just the statusnet site I use
[20:46] <kenvandine> well, yeah :)
[21:36] <fta> jdstrand, which dist should i use for lucid? chromium -> l-security and gyp/libvpx/codecs -> l-proposed or l-security?
[21:36] <jdstrand> fta: all lucid-security
[21:36] <fta> ok
[21:37] <jdstrand> fta: they will all end up in lucid-proposed, but it makes it clear where they built and are supposed to go
[22:18] <fta> jdstrand, all done
[22:18] <jdstrand> fta: cool. where can I get them?
[22:19] <fta> jdstrand, it's in the bug
[22:19] <jdstrand> ah
[22:26] <fta> jdstrand, is it ok for you?
[22:27] <fta> maybe i should bump the priority for security updates, low seems weak and slow to move in the queue :(
[22:28] <fta> there's no point in me working on fast updates if it's to spend days waiting for approval
[22:52] <micahg> fta: are you talking about in the changelog?
[22:52] <fta> yes
[22:52] <micahg> fta: our builders don't use that
[22:52] <fta> they do
[22:52] <micahg> AFAIK
[22:52] <fta> i'm sure of
[22:52] <fta> it
[22:53] <micahg> I was told they don't, only debian does
[22:53] * micahg could be wrong
[22:53] <fta> saw several people using that to bypass the queue on ppas
[22:54] <fta> i discussed with them and asked them to play fair, they stopped
[22:56] <micahg> hmmm, why was I told what I was told then
[22:56] <micahg> fta: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/BuildScores agrees with you :)
[22:57] <micahg> fta: builders are still relatively empty right now due to upload freeze
[22:58] <fta> uh?? nothing is building for me atm
[22:58] <fta> i mean, lots of stuff waiting
[22:58] <fta> https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/stable/+packages
[22:59] <micahg> fta: oh, PPAs have a small backlog, I thought you were referring to the proposed stuff for the archive builders
[23:00] <fta> micahg, nope, those are waiting for approval, not for a build slot
[23:01] <fta> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=
[23:02] <fta> but it seems there 1 week worth of packages waiting
[23:04] <micahg> wow 146 MB .orig.tar.gz and only 19k diff
[23:07] <fta> and it's a pruned tarball
[23:07] <fta> lzmified
[23:07] <micahg> still, it's huge
[23:07] <micahg> we should switch to lzma for the mozilla stuff
[23:07] <fta> so a pure tar.gz should really be huge
[23:08] <fta> iirc, lzma has been replaced by xy now
[23:09] <fta> wz
[23:09] <fta> grrr
[23:09] <fta> xz
[23:09] <micahg> yeah, I read something about that
[23:09] <fta> !info xz
[23:09] <ubot2> fta: Package xz does not exist in lucid
[23:09] <fta> !info lzma
[23:09] <ubot2> fta: lzma (source: lzma): Compression method of 7z format in 7-Zip program. In component main, is required. Version 4.43-14ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 58 kB, installed size 168 kB
[23:09] <fta> !info xz maverick
[23:09] <fta> ...
[23:09] <fta> .......
[23:09] <ubot2> fta: Package xz does not exist in maverick
[23:09] <fta> hm
[23:10] <micahg> !info xz-utils maverick
[23:10] <ubot2> micahg: xz-utils (source: xz-utils): XZ-format compression utilities. In component main, is required. Version 4.999.9beta+20100527-1 (maverick), package size 154 kB, installed size 356 kB
[23:10] <fta> well, at least, tar --lzma now uses xz for sure, breaking older tar
[23:11] <fta> hit that about a month ago
[23:12] <micahg> fta: yeah, we can't switch to that until after hardy is EOL, but we can at least switch to lzma
[23:13] <fta> sure
[23:13] <micahg> that should speed up the builds by a minute or 2
[23:13] <fta> it's just waaaay slower to compress
[23:29] <jdstrand> fta: sorry I missed your question. I was reviewing/uploading them
[23:30] <jdstrand> fta: they look good. I updated the bug
[23:30] <jdstrand> fta: thanks! :)
[23:31] <micahg> jdstrand: do the archive builders look at priority in the changelog?
[23:31] <jdstrand> fta: as for builds-- ubuntu-security* ppas have very high build scores, so they are building immediately
[23:33] <jdstrand> micahg: they didn't used to. but they afect things lightly these days. things building in the various security ppas aren't really affected by any of that (they have way high build scores
[23:33] <jdstrand> )
[23:33] <micahg> jdstrand: k
[23:33] <jdstrand> micahg: gotta head out though. have a great rest of the day :)
[23:33] <jdstrand> fta: you too, and thanks again :)
[23:34] <fta> enjoy your day, i'm heading to bed ;)