UbuntuIRC / 2010 /09 /02 /#ubuntu-motu.txt
Initial commit
[02:28] <crimsun_> ScottK: (RE: slicer) ok. Not sure how much time I have this weekend, but I'll look into it.
[03:03] <lfaraone> crimsun_: you use sbuild, rigth?
[03:03] <crimsun_> lfaraone: yes
[03:03] <lfaraone> crimsun_: I just tried to do "mk-sbuild sid --debootstrap-mirror="http://debian.lcs.mit.edu/debian" --skip-updates --distro=debian", and it installed the base system
[03:04] <lfaraone> crimsun_: but failed with "/finish.sh: line 6: apt-get: command not found"
[03:04] <lfaraone> crimsun_: schrooting in, I see that in fact apt-get is not installed.
[03:06] <lfaraone> crimsun_: is that invokation somehow wrong? (I adapted it from the SecurityTeam tutorial)
[03:08] <crimsun_> lfaraone: should work fine; I have a similar line in my mksh hist
[03:09] <lfaraone> crimsun_: hmmm. maybe it's just a problem with unstable being... unstable? :)
[03:14] <crimsun_> lfaraone: I'm attempting to reproduce it, but the mirror is pretty lagged, so I don't know if I'll be able to do so in a timely fashion.
[03:15] <crimsun_> (this is on 10.04.1 LTS, BTW)
[03:16] <lfaraone> crimsun_: same here. I just tested with squeeze and got the same error.
[03:47] <crimsun_> lfaraone: hmm, no, it seems to complete dandy locally.
[03:52] <ScottK> crimsun_: Thanks.
[03:55] <lfaraone> crimsun_: odd. will just `dpkg -i`-ing apt and running finish.sh be enough?
[03:56] <lfaraone> (I'm running it now, it seems to be installing a *bunch* of packages, libgtk was in there)
[03:57] * ajmitch tries mk-sbuild & notices that one of the NZ mirrors is about 2 weeks out of date again
[04:00] <ajmitch> lfaraone: I get the exact same error as you did, running mk-sbuild on lucid
[04:08] * lfaraone is glad he's not crazy :)
[04:09] <ajmitch> not too crazy, you mean :)
[04:10] <sconklin> jmarsden, I sent you email before I realized you hung out here
[05:39] <jmarsden> sconklin: Got it, thanks, will reply in email (just got home from local ham radio club)
[06:15] <micahg> maco: I've got a few bugs if you want to ACK/sponsor :)
[06:16] <maco> ack? i can ack things?
[06:16] <micahg> maco: you can ack sync request for universe for people that can't upload the package
[06:18] <maco> assuming i can get the build-depends on lucid, i can sponsor something before i go to bed. if i need a maverick system to debulid -S, then itll have to wait til daytime (im on a cell connection right now so cant download tarballs, but i can ssh to a lucid server if building there will work)
[06:19] <micahg> maco: well, bug 628576, bug 627803, and bug 627798 need sync request acks
[06:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 628576 in png++ (Ubuntu) "Sync png++ 0.2.3-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/628576
[06:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 627803 in phpmyadmin (Ubuntu) "Sync phpmyadmin 4:3.3.6-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/627803
[06:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 627798 in minitube (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync minitube 1.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/627798
[06:20] <micahg> maco: which means you also agree on two of those that no FFe is required
[06:22] <micahg> maco: bug 626588 is a merge that I also didn't think needed an FFe
[06:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 626588 in request-tracker3.8 (Ubuntu) "Please merge request-tracker3.8 3.8.8-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/626588
[06:23] <micahg> maco: none are urgent, so don't worry if you can't get to it :)
[06:24] <maco> im looking at the png++ one now
[06:24] <micahg> maco: thanks :)
[06:30] <maco> ugh cdbs makes ugly debdiffs
[06:30] <maco> so i just say "sync ack" and subscribe archive admins?
[06:31] <micahg> maco: yep
[06:34] <micahg> maco: I'm going to sleep, so if you have any questions about those bugs, either leave me a ping here or comment in the bug and I'll get back to you in the morning
[06:35] <maco> have a good one
[06:35] <micahg> maco: you too, thanks
[06:45] <micahg> maco: sorry, came back for a minute, I forgot, when you ack, you should change status to confirmed
[06:45] <maco> oh ok
[06:45] <micahg> so the AAs know they can process it
[06:46] <micahg> maco: thanks, really (hopefully) off now :)
[06:55] <nenolod> someone should really update audacious to 2.4.0 in ubuntu before maverick is released
[08:01] <huats> morning
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[13:28] <AnAnt> Hello
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[13:46] <lfaraone> dholbach: pardon the old email I just accidentally sent, when I started Evolution it decided to send a bunch of MOTU mails I composed back in april.
[13:46] <dholbach> lfaraone, no worries :)
[13:47] <lfaraone> ugh, I think I sent one out to devel-permissions too.
[13:47] <dholbach> lfaraone, I'm skilled at deleting mails :-P
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[16:23] <blizzkid> lo all. I know this is not really a support chanel, but I need some ppl with indepth knowledge of Ubuntu. Could anyone of you briefly explain how a usb stick gets mounted on insert (lucid)?
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[18:10] <ari-tczew> tumbleweed: around?
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[19:00] <jono> siretart, around?
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[20:31] <micahg> siretart: I'll take a look at that couchdb bug tonight
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[21:17] <siretart> jono: yes
[21:25] <ajmitch> hi siretart :)
[21:29] <siretart> hi ajmitch :-)
[21:36] <ari-tczew> kklimonda: did you saw? someone is also affected by issue in relation g-s-d - kolourpaint4
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[21:44] <kklimonda> ari-tczew: I've forwarded patch upstream and it should get fixed one way or another before release.
[21:45] <ari-tczew> kklimonda: I don't believe :)
[22:21] <bdrung> tumbleweed: thanks for your work on u-d-t
[22:21] <bdrung> "Use @ubuntu.com e-mail address for Ubuntu Members" is nice
[22:46] <tumbleweed> bdrung: np
[22:47] <bdrung> tumbleweed: i was thinking about tweaking sponsor-patch to support syncs, too
[22:49] <tumbleweed> bdrung: you mean like ack-sync or without syncpackage?
[22:50] <bdrung> tumbleweed: like ack-sync
[22:50] <bdrung> tumbleweed: to "merge" ack-sync into sponsor-patch
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[22:51] <tumbleweed> seems reasonable. Of course currently sponsor-patch doesn't touch bug statuses and subscribers
[22:53] <tumbleweed> but sponsor patch would require more robust task-detection than ack-sync currently has (tasks[0])
[22:54] <bdrung> tumbleweed: yes. sponsor-patch should gain a parameter to touch bug statuses and subscribers (= write to LP)
[22:54] <bdrung> (maybe default for -s)
[22:54] <tumbleweed> sounds good
[22:55] <bdrung> tumbleweed: sponsor-patch does the task selection correctly
[22:55] <tumbleweed> oh, good
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[22:57] <bdrung> tumbleweed: if there are more than one -> ask the user
[22:57] <bdrung> tumbleweed: sponsor-patch has a proper error handling (in contrast to ack-sync)
[22:58] <tumbleweed> yes, that works. (although it would be possible to automatically determine which bzr branch relates to which task, which we don't currently do)
[23:02] <bdrung> tumbleweed: add a TODO item for that :)
[23:04] * tumbleweed also has some catching up to do on the sponsor queue. I have ignored it for about a week
[23:08] <bdrung> tumbleweed: and i was on vacation
[23:08] <tumbleweed> bdrung: yeah, otherwise you'd have got everything I missed, you normally do :)
[23:09] <bdrung> :)
[23:10] <bdrung> 921 mails in 10 days...
[23:10] <tumbleweed> yeah, my inbox doesn't handle holidays well
[23:11] <bdrung> tumbleweed: i had to fetch the mails in steps. now they are 1391 (~ 650 threads)
[23:13] <bdrung> tumbleweed: only 58 mails in my main inbox (the remaining ones are moved into folders)
[23:15] <tumbleweed> that's still a fair amount. I find myself catching up for weeks after a holiday. I should just ignore them.
[23:18] <micahg> bdrung: I had trouble backporting vlc 1.1.3 to lucid
[23:18] <micahg> bdrung: welcome back, BTW :)
[23:20] <bdrung> micahg: thanks.
[23:20] <bdrung> micahg: did i gave you my patch?
[23:20] <micahg> bdrung: yes, I had to edit it still due to a msising dependency, but it still failed
[23:21] <bdrung> micahg: maybe it fails because of this dependency?
[23:21] <micahg> well, it was amd64 specific
[23:21] <micahg> s/missing/version too high/
[23:22] <micahg> oh, dh_install failed
[23:41] <lfaraone> I noticed that ubuntu-sugar-remix-meta appears to be copypasted from ubuntu-sugar-remix, and has scripts to use germinate, but doesn't actually use them. (ie, addit'l (arch all) packages were added directly via the "Depends:" field)
[23:41] <lfaraone> Is the proper fix to this to stop using germinate, or to get a seed?
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