UbuntuIRC / 2010 /09 /02 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
[15:59] <easter_egg> Hi. I have a question about a ownership of a channel...
[16:02] <jpds> Which one?
[16:03] <easter_egg> The Ubuntu Brazilian Community is with a new concil and they are taking care for some projects that were dropped in the past. Theres one project called ubuntu-br-segurança and the channel for it is #ubuntu-br-seguranca. The owner of the channel is not seen on irc over a one year, he does not answer emails or anything too.
[16:03] <easter_egg> The owner nick is LinuxBA
[16:03] <easter_egg> He is the only member of access list of #ubuntu-br-seguranca too
[16:03] <easter_egg> No one can set the topics or add new people in access list.
[16:03] <easter_egg> Is possible to set a new owner? One the guys of brazilian concil is Andre_Gondim, if it is possible, someone can set Andre_Gondim the new owner of the channel?
[16:12] <easter_egg> jpds, the channel is #ubuntu-br-seguranca, the reasons is up there
[16:12] <jpds> jussi / Pici / nhandler / topyli: ↑
[16:16] <easter_egg> jpds, thanks =]
[16:40] <Pici> easter_egg: After a little bit of research, it looks like the user who owns that channel is actually online now.
[16:41] <Pici> easter_egg: I believe that alexos is the same user as linuxba.
[16:41] <easter_egg> whait, I will see
[16:42] <easter_egg> Pici, this is a grouped nick?
[16:43] <Pici> easter_egg: No. But the information available on https://launchpad.net/~alexos and /msg nickserv info linuxba makes me think they are the same person.
[16:44] <easter_egg> Pici, I'm trying to take with him now for know if he have access for the old account
[16:44] <Pici> easter_egg: If he doesn't, then I will make the channel modifications for you.
[16:45] <easter_egg> thanks, I will back here for say if all will be fine...
[17:15] <easter_egg> Pici, http://paste.ubuntu.com/487327/
[17:16] <easter_egg> he said that he forgot the password
[17:16] <easter_egg> of the nick LinuxBA
[17:17] <easter_egg> hyperbolic he said that he doesn't use the LinuxBA for last 2000 years
[17:18] <Pici> easter_egg: Okay, Let me grab a staffer to make the transfer. One moment.
[17:18] <easter_egg> thanks =]
[17:43] <Pici> easter_egg: All set.
[17:47] <easter_egg> Pici, if I want to keep some channels safe from oblivion is a good is a good practice to set the UbuntuIrcCouncil for the owner. Right?
[17:47] <easter_egg> is a good*
[17:49] <Pici> easter_egg: Yes.
[17:49] <easter_egg> ok =]
[17:49] <easter_egg> I will do that in all the brazilian channels
[17:52] <easter_egg> I will also suggest creating the UbuntuIrcCouncilBR account. If the the brazilian ops disappear we will call you
[17:52] <easter_egg> Pici, really thank you
[17:52] <Pici> easter_egg: No problem :)
[22:03] <easter_egg> Pici, I can't set the owner of #ubuntu-br-am... I get: -Notice- {from ChanServ} UbuntuIrcConcil is not registered.
[22:03] <easter_egg> Pici, UbuntuIrcConcil isn't a normal nick?
[22:04] <pleia2> UbuntuIrcCouncil
[22:04] <pleia2> (you're missing a "u")
[22:04] <easter_egg> ohh ;x
[22:04] <easter_egg> thanks
=== drubin_ is now known as drubin
[22:25] <easter_egg> Pici, -Notice- {from ChanServ} UbuntuIrcCouncil has too many channels registered.
[22:26] <jpds> Nice.
[22:31] <rww> time for Ubun2Irccouncil!
[22:33] <easter_egg> rww, how many channels is registered in UbuntuIrcConcil?
[22:42] <easter_egg> rww, I think is possible to register more than the limit
[22:42] <easter_egg> the freenode-staff is an exemple