UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /30 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
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[01:28] <hallyn> use gnome keyboard shortcuts to define alt-ctrl-enter to 'gnome-terminal'. when a terminal comes up, it doesn't appear to have my environment - puts me in / instead of /home/serge, doesn't share ssh keys with terminals launched from gnome menu, etc. worked fine in karmic, not in just-installed lucid...
[03:57] <ccheney> hallyn, hi!
[03:58] <ccheney> hallyn, are you the serge that was at trio on thursday? :)
[04:06] <ccheney> hallyn, i definitely see the same issue you are reporting on my install
[04:06] <ccheney> hallyn, you should probably file a bug
[04:06] <ccheney> hallyn, or report it to seb128 when you see him around
[04:27] <hallyn> ccheney: yup, hey
[04:28] <hallyn> ok, i'll make a note to file on tuesday. there was also another bug, with the installer
[04:28] <ccheney> hallyn, ok reporting both would be good :)
[04:28] <hallyn> it installed grub on /dev/sda, but /dev/sda was the usb stick. had to look at the 'advanced' view of the summary to see what had happened
[04:28] <ccheney> yea i am Chris I saw next to Nick who was sitting directly next to you from what I recall
[04:29] <hallyn> i may come around asking where bugs get filed around here
[04:29] <hallyn> the debian dude :)
[04:29] <ccheney> hallyn, for installer it is most likely ubiquity
[04:29] <ccheney> yea
[04:30] <hallyn> ok, thanks, bbl
[04:34] <hallyn> ccheney: oh hey, if you're still there, i can ask you my i'm-a-dumbass question. is there a cd image i can use to isntall 64-bit on intel?
[04:34] <ccheney> yea
[04:34] <ccheney> http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/
[04:35] <ccheney> the architecture is called 'amd64' as amd made it and named it
[04:35] <ccheney> intel has called their clone of it 3 or 4 different things over the years
[04:36] <ccheney> amd64 is essentially the same thing as x64_64 / x86-64 that you may see elsewhere, the reason for the difference in naming was due to amd contracting SUSE to port the toolchain before they finalized the name of the arch and actually even before they had silicon
[04:36] <hallyn> hm, when i made a live-usb from that one it wouldn't boot, so i assumed core i7 just wasn't supported
[04:36] <ccheney> it should work, i installed 10.04 on my i7-860, i don't recall if it was via usb or cd though
[04:38] <hallyn> hm. guess i'll try again then
[04:40] <ccheney> it may be that for some reason it doesn't want to boot off usb at all, you may want to verify that part does work with something else
[04:41] <ccheney> from what i recall i've had problems getting booting off usb to work reliably, i can't remember if it was a computer issue or a usb key issue though
[04:42] <hallyn> i was able to boot ubuntu-10.04-i386 and fedora-13-x86-64 from usb
[04:42] <hallyn> maybe i made a silly misstep
[04:42] <ccheney> ok, so it should be working then
[04:43] <hallyn> but gah where did tha tiso go
[06:18] <azteech> is there a Ubuntu specific chat room for the amd64 based OS?
[06:19] <jo-erlend> no. Why would there be?
[06:22] <azteech> was looking to see if there was a specific irc channel the targeted the amd64 (x86-64) release of Ubuntu is all.
[06:22] <jo-erlend> yes, but why?
[06:26] <azteech> jo-erlend .. because it is what I use on my desktop as of this week, and, since Ubuntu is debian-based, and they also have a amd64 irc room, was looking to see if one was available to log on to here .. is all ... have no specific problem to resolve ...
[06:28] <jo-erlend> hmm. Wonder why they do. Seems redundant to me.
[06:31] <azteech> my guess, and it is why I was looking, is there are problems that are specific to x86-64 that don't impact x86-32 ...
[06:31] <ccheney> i think debian probably only has amd64 channel due to legacy reasons
[06:31] <ccheney> it was originally started from what i recall when we were doing porting work to the amd64 arch back around 2003/2004
[06:32] <azteech> ccheney .. you mean the debian-amd64 channel?
[06:32] <ccheney> azteech, yea
[06:33] <azteech> ah, okay ... that sort of explains why there is little chatter these days .. in it then ... tks ...
[06:33] <ccheney> ok
[16:00] <hallyn> ccheney: yeah i can't even boot an amd64 cdrom. weird.
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[18:31] <fta> guys, the new python2.6 makes rhythmbox crash in maverick: bug 587589
[18:31] <ubot2> fta: Bug 587589 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/587589 is private
[19:05] <ccheney> hallyn: do you have the most up to date bios for your system?
[19:05] <ccheney> hallyn: also it a p55 or some other chipset?
[19:06] <ccheney> hallyn: i7 can be 1156 or 1366 and there are several chipsets, mine that works is a p55 chipset 1156 i7-860
[19:09] <hallyn> model : 30
[19:09] <hallyn> model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz
[19:11] <ccheney> oh a i7 laptop?
[19:11] <ccheney> you might be able to find information about it on the ubuntuforums site, i don't know if the kernel in 10.04 is new enough for that chipset or not
[19:12] <ccheney> though i do recall seeing people using the thinkpad x201 which i think uses the same chipset
[19:12] <hallyn> <grimace>
[19:13] <hallyn> hm, well so maybe the daily maverick cd build if there is sucha thing yet might work
[19:13] <ccheney> yea
[19:14] <ccheney> they haven't started generating yet
[19:14] <ccheney> they will be in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ when they are available
[19:14] <hallyn> well i'll tell you waht i'm not doing - installing 32-bit on an 8G laptop :)
[19:14] <hallyn> do you know when they start building those?
[19:14] <ccheney> hallyn: does the cd not even attempt to load the boot loader?
[19:14] <hallyn> well the cd must have been corrupt
[19:15] <hallyn> i can't boot kvm off that either
[19:15] <ccheney> hallyn: if i remember correctly there should be a way to get it to show you the kernel output
[19:15] <ccheney> oh ok
[19:15] <hallyn> the usb stick starts to boot,
[19:15] <ccheney> hopefully just corrupt cd then
[19:15] <hallyn> oh no
[19:15] <hallyn> hm. no the usb stick hasn't even been trying to boot now
[19:15] <hallyn> all right, maybe i'll walk to cvs and buy some new cds
[19:15] <hallyn> (i'm out of blanks :)
[19:15] <ccheney> if you still have trouble after verifying the cd is written correctly let me know, i have some other things for you to try
[19:16] <hallyn> well it'll be awhile bf i can test that so if they seem like likely ideas...
[19:19] <ccheney> hallyn: ok next idea if it does not work, is to if it shows the weird hieroglphics on the bottom of the screen hit a key, it shows you the regular old style screen were you can modify the kernel boot line, i think you can change it to where it will spew kernel info and hopefully show you where it hangs, you can also from that menu do a memory test and maybe an image test as well (or used to be able to)
[19:20] <ccheney> if it doesn't even get to the point where you can select items on the boot menu you may need to try using the alternate cd if still having problems to track down the issue
[19:20] <ccheney> if none of the above works ask someone on the austin team to look at it for you :)
[19:21] <ccheney> they may have some more tricks to try that they could do in person
[19:26] <hallyn> ok - of course since fedora works and lucid doesn't, i suppose i can take a clsoer look at the file contents
[19:26] <hallyn> (what happened before was i got the initial screen, then it said it couldn't read the image. Now It doesn't even try to boot any more)
[19:27] <ccheney> hallyn: well i think fedora 13 has newer kernel than ubuntu, so it might be related to that, but hopefully not
[19:28] <ccheney> it released nearly a month after ubuntu from what i recall
[19:29] <ccheney> hallyn: if it ends up being kernel related you can probably manage to get the new maverick kernel into a lucid install but it may take a bit of work