UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /30 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[02:21] <MichaW> Hello?
[03:14] <hggdh> ?
[03:16] <MichaW> hggdh: Hi again. You guys mentioned I should upload my patched version of gnustep to a ppa. I've done so, but I'm unsure about how to create a version number for my version.
[03:18] <MichaW> 1.19-1ubuntu1 is the version in the repo for lucid. -3ubuntu1 for maverick.
[03:39] <hggdh> you could use 1.19-1ubuntu2~ppa1
[03:40] <hggdh> 1.19-1ubuntu2 might be the next Ubuntu update; appending ~ppa1 makes sure your version will be lower than it
[03:40] <hggdh> (the '~' does this)
[03:40] <MichaW> Thanks. I haven't fully got my head around the version strings yet.
[03:40] <hggdh> for Maverick you could use -3ubuntu2~ppa1, same reasoning
[03:41] <MichaW> I tried : 1.19.3-2~ppa1~lucid1
[03:41] <MichaW> Getting rid of the 'ubuntu' entirely as I wasn't sure I was allowed to use that.
[03:42] <hggdh> actually you *should* use it, since 1.19.3 would be an upstream (or Debian) version
[03:42] <MichaW> Right.
[03:42] <hggdh> and 1.19.3 is higher than the Maverick version
[03:42] * MichaW rebuilds & reuploads.
[03:43] <hggdh> and, with that, I get to watch a movie & then hit the bed. G'night all y'all
[03:43] <MichaW> Good night :)
[03:43] <MichaW> And thanks again.
[03:43] <hggdh> 'night, MichaW. Thank YOU for helping :-)
[05:35] <stenten> If a resume bug has a backtrace in Xorg.0.log, should that be assigned to linux or xorg-server?
[05:35] <stenten> bug 587136
[05:36] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 587136 in linux (Ubuntu) "[gm45] Toshiba Satellite U400 fails to resume from second suspend (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/587136
[06:41] <wise_crypt> hi all any workaround for Bug #472605
[06:41] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 472605 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar crashed with signal 7 in __kernel_vsyscall() (affects: 3) (dups: 1)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/472605
[06:43] <micahg> wise_crypt: the results of the bug were inconclusive
[06:43] <micahg> wise_crypt: if you're experiencing, you should probably file a new bug
[06:45] <wise_crypt> micahg: i have, it happened when i copy lots of file from cdrom but not if i copy them one by one
[06:46] <micahg> wise_crypt: if you can report an apport report, that would probably be best, do you have a file in /var/crash?
[06:46] <wise_crypt> ls /var/crash/ >> _usr_bin_Thunar.1000.crash
[06:48] <micahg> wise_crypt: sounds right, try ubuntu-bug /path/to/.crash
[06:50] <wise_crypt> micahg: i have sent it
[06:51] <micahg> wise_crypt: great, after the retracer retraces, feel free to come back and ping someone to look at it if it doesn't get any attention
[06:52] <wise_crypt> micahg: ok
[07:27] <wise_crypt> micahg: i am not sure to file it as bug when i run dmesg http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/sdwQRUrf i have I/O error form my cdrom
[07:28] <wise_crypt> *from
[07:29] <micahg> wise_crypt: have you verified the CDRom to be good?
[07:30] <micahg> wise_crypt: maybe ask in #ubuntu-kernel on tuesday and pastebin just the last 50 or so lines when you show it to the,
[07:30] <micahg> *them
[07:31] <wise_crypt> micahg: i think the cd is not good, or the optical went dusty
[07:31] <micahg> wise_crypt: k, then you probably shouldn't file a bug ;)
[07:31] <wise_crypt> micahg: ok
[07:31] <wise_crypt> micahg: :)
[07:32] <wise_crypt> thanks micahg
[07:32] <micahg> wise_crypt: np
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[08:40] <ivan-ivanic> Hello. I think bug #587425 importance should be set to 'Wishlist'.
[08:40] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 587425 in evolution (Ubuntu) "feature request : show date and time when printing appointment (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/587425
[12:39] <PrototypeX29A> hi
[12:41] <penguin42> hi
[12:59] <PrototypeX29A> something like this i'd like to see for ubuntu http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/00/Pulseaudio-diagram.svg
[13:00] <penguin42> it has it
[13:01] <PrototypeX29A> couldn't find anything general to sound architecture
[13:01] <penguin42> that's just normal PA and all the compatibility layers isn't it?
[13:01] <PrototypeX29A> i don't know
[13:02] <PrototypeX29A> it is some general architectural overview, which i always wanted so see :)
[13:02] <PrototypeX29A> but i'm not sure whether it is true for ubuntu
[13:02] <PrototypeX29A> because there it seems that software directly accesses alsa
[13:02] * penguin42 isn't 100% sure but that just likes Pulse and the way everything else interacts with it
[13:03] <PrototypeX29A> penguin42: yes there should be something more inclusive
[13:03] <PrototypeX29A> for other components
[13:04] <penguin42> I think that diagram has pretty much every component everyone could think of on it
[13:05] <penguin42> but I'm not a PA expert
[13:05] <PrototypeX29A> i'd like to become one, i really have to start from the scratch
[13:06] <PrototypeX29A> because i am not happy with reporting bugs like 'sound does not work' :)
[13:07] <PrototypeX29A> i am really unsure about the roles PulseAudio and ALSA play
[13:07] <PrototypeX29A> and other stuff like JACK
[13:08] * penguin42 can explain some
[13:08] <PrototypeX29A> is there documentation to it?
[13:08] <penguin42> PrototypeX29A: ALSA is the sound stack in the Linux kernel; it creates things like /dev/snd/* and /dev/audio (it is a replacement for OSS which was the older system)
[13:08] <PrototypeX29A> oh so ALSA runs in kernel space?
[13:09] <penguin42> PrototypeX29A: Apps can drive ALSA directly, but on Ubuntu and other PulseAudio users pulseaudio tries to stop that and push everything through PA
[13:09] <penguin42> PulseAudio then takes sound for all your apps and mixes it into one sound stream to give to Alsa
[13:09] <penguin42> (or possibly multiple sound cards on Alsa or even on remote systems I think)
[13:09] <PrototypeX29A> but alsa does some mixing too?
[13:10] <penguin42> normally no, normally it's one thing at a time
[13:10] <penguin42> (I think there is a way to get it to do mixing but I've never seen it used - normally if you use ALSA directly one app will stop any other app using sound or even make them hang)
[13:10] <PrototypeX29A> yes, but i have to use alsamixer to get some volume in the first place
[13:12] <PrototypeX29A> where does the gnome-volume-control come in play?
[13:12] <PrototypeX29A> i was thinking i was controlling alsa with it
[13:12] <penguin42> ah well, there's two sides to that; 1) I'm not sure alsamixer is actually driving Alsa directly these days or whether Pulse has actually diverted it, and 2) Since PA always drives Alsa in the end it does need Alsa to have turned the volume on
[13:12] <penguin42> gnome-volume-control (as in Lucid) drives Pulse not Alsa
[13:13] <PrototypeX29A> so it only affects software using PA?
[13:13] <penguin42> as of 10.04 yes
[13:14] <penguin42> actually I lie
[13:15] <PrototypeX29A> which part was a lie?
[13:15] <penguin42> hmm, I'm going to hold fire on what gnome-volume-control actually drives - I suspect it drives PA but I'm not 100% sure
[13:15] <virtuald> the cake
[13:15] <PrototypeX29A> virtuald: no spoilers, damn
[13:15] <virtuald> :>
[13:15] <PrototypeX29A> haven't played it yet
[13:16] <penguin42> PrototypeX29A: Certainly the 'applications' tab in gnome-volume-control looks like a pulse thing, it's pulse that can do per-app stuff, and I suspect the rest is as well
[13:16] <PrototypeX29A> so you did not lie?
[13:16] <PrototypeX29A> saying you lied was the lie?
[13:17] <PrototypeX29A> according to wikipedia there is some 'libasle Pulse' which I suspect is being library injected to get software which wants to access ALSA directly
[13:17] <penguin42> I suspect it wasn't a lie
[13:17] <virtuald> as i understand it pulse does (or should) control alsa
[13:18] <PrototypeX29A> libalsa
[13:18] <penguin42> PrototypeX29A: Yeh there is a stub libbrary which whenever an app opens /dev/snd/* something goes 'aha - you really go to pulse'
[13:19] <PrototypeX29A> but it only gets applications which use libalsa, not software that is actually accessing /dev/dsp or something?
[13:19] <penguin42> no, stuff that acccesses /dev/dsp will still get intercepted
[13:20] <penguin42> it intercepts open() calls
[13:20] <PrototypeX29A> then you would have to fake some standardlibs?
[13:21] <PrototypeX29A> that is evil as hell :)
[13:21] <penguin42> no, it intercepts the syscalls those libs make
[13:21] <penguin42> yeh pretty evil
[13:21] <penguin42> but ALSA used to do it to intercept OSS stuff, it's all horrid
[13:21] <PrototypeX29A> why? if ALSA runs in kernel space it can redirect the stuff on kernel level
[13:22] <penguin42> except PA accesses Alsa in the same way old apps used to access it, so it doesn't really know whats an old app and what's PA
[13:23] <penguin42> anyway, breakfast!
[13:23] <PrototypeX29A> i should have breakfast
[13:23] <virtuald> alsa has both kernel and user parts
[13:24] <virtuald> maybe your alsa driver gives the volume controls non-standard names
[13:24] <PrototypeX29A> user parts in what form? a library? a demon?
[13:24] <virtuald> and that's why pulseaudio can't use them?
[13:24] <PrototypeX29A> why can't pulseaudio use what?
[13:24] <virtuald> library i think
[13:25] <PrototypeX29A> maybe that is the library Pulse replaces?
[13:25] <virtuald> maybe :>
[13:25] <PrototypeX29A> if there really is no architectural description of that stuff, i should start writing it
[13:29] <PrototypeX29A> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/399715
[13:29] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 399715 in totem (Ubuntu) "alsamixer Master Front volume keeps zeroing (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,New]
[13:29] <PrototypeX29A> i think the guy assumed he was replying only to me
[13:30] <PrototypeX29A> but it supports my theory that some people will just go away after getting annoyed by some generic squad team response
[13:30] <PrototypeX29A> :)
[13:34] <PrototypeX29A> can anyone have a look at this bug and confirming that this is not an upstream gnome issue?
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[16:49] <RunePhilosof> Can I instruct debuild to only compile one of the binary packages?
[16:50] <penguin42> can someone help me group a set of apparently similar ath9k driver bugs?
[16:50] <penguin42> bug 452745 (expired) seems to have a similar backtrace to bug 509701 and bug 587540
[16:50] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 452745 in linux (Ubuntu) "wireless atheros ath9k hangs after using 20min or later (affects: 6) (dups: 1)" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/452745
[16:51] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 509701 in linux (Ubuntu) "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request (dup-of: 452745)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/509701
[16:51] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 587540 in linux (Ubuntu) "BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000011c (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/587540
[16:51] <penguin42> they all seem to be in skb_release_data after a ath9k_hw_setup_calibration
[16:52] <penguin42> but given the earliest one is ancient and expired how do I dupe it?
[17:08] <penguin42> ah 2 were already duped, I've duped the 3rd in an d moved the original from expired->confirmed with a comment (since it seems an odd state change)
[17:40] <WeatherGod> who do I see about ACPI issues?
[17:40] <WeatherGod> I got a bug with potentially useful information about controlling the fans of nvidia cards
[17:41] <penguin42> I think you can actually report it against acpi
[17:42] <WeatherGod> ok, I will give that a shot
[17:50] <WeatherGod> ok, could someone mark bug 484875 as triaged?
[17:50] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 484875 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Nvidia GPU overheating on Toshiba P100 (affects: 4) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/484875
[17:57] <WeatherGod> ok, could someone mark bug 484875 as triaged?
[17:57] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 484875 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Nvidia GPU overheating on Toshiba P100 (affects: 4) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/484875
[18:11] <mrand> Howdy WeatherGod: which project? Is it truly a problem with both Nvidia drivers and acpi?
[18:12] <WeatherGod> well, it is mostly a problem with nvidia, I believe, but the acpi people could possibly implement a workaround, I believe
[18:12] <WeatherGod> something changed in karmic that prevented the nvidia drivers from doing their old way of controling some fans, I believe
[18:14] <WeatherGod> I doubt we would get anywhere with nvidia (I have filed several bugs to them through their method and never heard back)
[18:14] <mrand> Ok. so we'll leave the nvidia side of it alone for now. What importance on the acpi task?
[18:15] <WeatherGod> well, it has the potential to destroy hardware, so high/critical?
[18:19] <mrand> My opinion: systems normally shut down before unrecoverable damage occurs, and doesn't appear to affect a large number of people, so I'm not inclined to say borderline medium/high.
[18:20] <penguin42> mrand: Maybe less so on graphics cards than CPUs on shutdown
[18:21] <WeatherGod> I agree with penguin42, I know many mobos have cpu protection, but do they necessarially have gpu protection?
[18:21] <mrand> penguin42: agreed, although in this case, the orig reporter seems to indicate the system did shut down
[18:22] <WeatherGod> also, random shutdowns could have the potential to corrupt user data
[18:22] <mrand> WeatherGod: indeed. Does it only affect laptops?
[18:22] <mrand> (i.e., are there other reports of similar behavior in launchpad, or maybe the forums?)
[18:22] <WeatherGod> well, this is specifically the toshibas for this graphics card (although there have been other similar issues with other nvidia cards)
[18:23] <WeatherGod> let me see if I can dig them up
[18:24] <penguin42> WeatherGod: What's difficult I guess is making a fix that has very low likelihood of breaking anything else, I guess you could bind it to the toshiba model numbers
[18:27] <penguin42> WeatherGod: bug 312869 may also be a dupe - but old ?
[18:27] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 312869 in acpi-support (Ubuntu) "acpi toshiba p100 (heat: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/312869
[18:29] <WeatherGod> yeah, old... there was a workaround involving a custom DSDT, but that became impossible to do in Karmic
[18:32] <WeatherGod> ok, I got mixed up with some other nvidia bugs I dealt with, I don't think I handled any other overheating reports
[18:37] <WeatherGod> btw, I went ahead and marked that older bug report as a dupe
[18:41] <penguin42> I think you can undupe stuff
[18:42] <WeatherGod> why undupe them?
[18:42] <penguin42> oh sorry, I thought you meant you got confused over some
[18:43] <WeatherGod> mrand, thanks for marking it triaged
[18:44] <WeatherGod> penguin42, np, I am a very infrequent customer here, but I have been triaging for about 7 months now
[18:44] <mrand> WeatherGod: You're welcome. Keep it up!
[18:45] <WeatherGod> I really need to get back to the IRC more often, but I have been spending a lot of time working with the scipy/numpy/matplotlib people lately
[18:47] <MichaW> Hi. I was advised yesterday to make a patch for a gnustep bug (bug #585179) which we would really like to see fixed in Lucid. I was advised I should raise it against Maverick and then SRU it to Lucid. I haven't been able to find any options on Launchpad to specifically raise the bug against Maverick. How would I go ahead with promoting it please?
[18:47] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 585179 in gnustep-base (Ubuntu) "gnustep - parsing of XML property lists broken (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/585179
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[19:08] <mrand> MichaW: That bug looks to be in good shape to get the right attention (pointer to the fix on upstream bug tracker showing it is fixed, etc). I'm not an expert on packaging stuff though, but one thing I'm unclear about is if Maverick goes with a newer version (1.20), how that makes things easier to backport to 1.19. I realize you probably don't have the answer...
[19:08] <mrand> Also, it would be better if Debian picked up the fix (so that we don't potentially have to carry a diff for Maverick), which adds another layer of to which I don't know the answer.
[19:08] <MichaW> mrand: Current maverick still has 1.19.3. I backported the fix to that version. Upstream will backport the fix to 1.20, should maverick go with that down the track.
[19:09] <MichaW> Hmm.. ok.. so try to get the bug fixed in Debian then you think?
[19:10] <MichaW> The main thing from our perspective is that a lot of our users are migrating to Lucid, and that's unfortunately affected by this bug.
[19:14] <micahg> MichaW: which package?
[19:14] <mrand> MichaW: having the fix in Debian is the preferred route to keeps diffs to an absolute minimum. Once we start a diff, processes become much more manual, which introduces time delays and chances for error. I guess what I'm saying is that getting the fix applied to our version right now would seem premature to me (in my unexpert opinion) if Debian is going to pick it up. But if we wait, then it is that much longer that it is broken in Lucid.
[19:14] <mrand> micahg: https://launchpad.net/bugs/585179
[19:14] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 585179 in gnustep-base (Ubuntu) "gnustep - parsing of XML property lists broken (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged]
[19:15] <micahg> MichaW: someone just has to merge before feature freeze if it hits unstable before then
[19:15] <MichaW> micahg: Oolite. The bug affects the loading of XML configuration files. So it affects our current releases which are not part of Ubuntu, but it also affects the version of Oolite shipped with Ubuntu (and Debian).
[19:16] <micahg> MichaW: and since it's in universe, you might get a little more wiggle room for merge time
[19:17] <MichaW> mrand: Looks like raising bugs to Debian is a lot more involed :( Mailing lists and whatnot. Well, I'll make a start on that.
[19:18] <mrand> MichaW: if it is that serious an issue, there may already be a ticket. If not, you create one just with an email to their bug system I believe.
[19:19] <MichaW> mrand: *nods* At first it looked like I would have to install Debian but might get away with just an email.
[19:21] <micahg> MichaW: if you have the patch, you can also use the submittodebian tool in ubuntu-dev-tools
[19:21] <micahg> MichaW: reportbug also works to submit bugs to debian with the -Bdebian flag
[19:22] <MichaW> micahg: Thanks. That helps.
[19:31] <cyn> Hi, there is this bug in the launchpad i'm trying to assign a package, according to the description is the package truecrypt, and this package appears in the list (choose.. link next to the package textbox), but when i write save changes it says: u'Package truecrypt not published in Ubuntu', is there a way to assign it?
[19:33] <cyn> it is the Bug #587366
[19:33] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 587366 in ubuntu "cant mount more than 8 containers with truecrypt (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/587366
[19:43] <micahg> !info truecrypt
[19:43] <ubot2> micahg: Package truecrypt does not exist in lucid
[19:46] <mrand> Howdy cyn: I don't see that it is a package available from Ubuntu. Is the bug a Ubuntu one, or a truecrypt one? If it is a problem with truecrypt, then it should be reported to them.
[19:46] <cyn> it seems a truecrypt bug,
[19:47] <cyn> so i leave the bug as it is?
[19:48] <mrand> cyn: actually, it should probably be closed as invalid since there is nothing we can do about it.
[19:49] <cyn> mrand: i'm quite new at this
[19:49] <cyn> i don't think i have rights to close it
[19:49] <cyn> or at least it doesn't appear in the possible status
[19:50] <cyn> ahh.. like invalid
[19:54] <mrand> cyn: Yep, you got it!
[19:55] <cyn> thanks
[19:55] <MichaW> micahg, mrand: I ended up emailing a bug report to Debian, seemed easier than using the submittodebian tool as that was including other Ubuntu patches to the package as well. I also see that the bug just got triaged for Ubuntu. Many thanks for your assistance.
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[20:28] <vish> yofel: hi , you use kubuntu right?
[20:28] <yofel> hi vish, yes
[20:29] <vish> yofel: we[papercuts] need someone to triage a few kde related bugs. would you be interested? :)
[20:30] <vish> i think we have ~20 new kde related bugs na d probably another ~10 confirmed kde bugs
[20:30] <vish> err ,
[20:30] <vish> ~10 new bugs
[20:31] <yofel> maybe, but no time for it today, how do I find them? I'll at least look at them tomorrow then
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[20:33] <vish> yofel: no hurry , the new ones are here > https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New
[20:34] <vish> yofel: there seem to be a few more with the kde tag > https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bugs?field.tag=kde
[20:34] <yofel> thx
[20:35] <vish> yofel: thank you :)
[20:35] <vish> yofel: you can join the papercuts team too , [but you might end up getting a lot of mail you are not interested in ;) ]
[20:38] <yofel> I'll think about it, but probably not, I've got enough other things on my TODO list currently
[20:39] * penguin42 wishes he understood how monitor resolutions worked in KVM
[20:41] <vish> yofel: hehe, the kde folks are always a busy bunch ;p anyways , thanks for helping out with the bugs , the kde bugs were not getting attention :( , last cycle we fixed only 3-4 kde bugs
[20:42] <vish> but that was better than the previous cycle , where 0-1 were fixed ;p
[20:46] <yofel> heh
[20:59] <ChogyDan> [repeat] anyone know how to track changes made to the default un-updated lucid install, that are made after release? Hibernation stopped working for me, and I am trying to track down which changed caused it.
[21:00] <stenten> ChogyDan: Which kernel are you in right now?
[21:00] <stenten> "uname -a"
[21:01] <ChogyDan> stenten: not sure exactly how to answer, but I can do -21, -22, and a custom build on an upgrade karmic-lucid install, and only -21 on a newly installed lucid
[21:02] <ChogyDan> I can through more kernels onto the new install, but I was trying have that be a baseline
[21:02] <ChogyDan> *throw
[21:02] <stenten> So the fresh install works fine?
[21:02] <ChogyDan> stenten: ironically no, but let me spill my whole thinking
[21:03] <ChogyDan> bug #577916
[21:03] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 577916 in linux (Ubuntu) "lucid regression: does not resume from hibernation (affects: 12) (dups: 1) (heat: 78)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/577916
[21:04] <ChogyDan> that is the original bug. I have a testing install where I thought hibernation worked fine through the betas. I upgraded my main install on release, and hibernation _did_ work fine there. But as the report says, it stopped at some point
[21:04] <ChogyDan> Now, I just today installed a fresh lucid, no updates, and it won't even boot after attempting to hibernate
[21:06] <ChogyDan> (My plan had been to go back to a working state, and upgrade slowly, pinpointing when hibernation fails, but that is fail)
[21:07] <stenten> Wow, that bug report is a disaster.
[21:08] <stenten> There are at least three other people reporting information onto it when they shouldn't be.
[21:08] <ChogyDan> the apport-collects?
[21:08] <stenten> And the other comments.
[21:09] <stenten> And the original reporter (you) don't have any info from apport.
[21:09] <ChogyDan> do you see the dup? that is me
[21:10] <stenten> Ah, much better :)
[21:12] <stenten> So your fresh, un-updated Lucid install isn't hibernating either?
[21:12] <ChogyDan> well, it is worse
[21:13] <ChogyDan> it won't even load the desktop! and alt-sysrq-k doesn't work, nor trying to with to the ttyts, I have to just hit the reset button
[21:13] <ChogyDan> *"tryint to switch to the ttyts"
[21:16] <stenten> But the liveCD worked?
[21:17] <ChogyDan> hibernate with the livecd? (everything boots fine, it is just trying to boot after hibernation that doesn't work, sorry if I was unclear there)
[21:19] <stenten> Oh, it won't load the desktop after hibernation. I thought you couldn't boot at all with the fresh install.
[21:19] <ChogyDan> correct
[21:21] <stenten> Can you boot into the upgraded install and try both default kernels?
[21:22] <ChogyDan> I have tried -21, -22, and -22custom, and all have the same issue as described in the reports
[21:25] <ChogyDan> also, I have been succesful in hibernating with some of those kernels before. I hadn't really been tracking, I just hibernated every night, so likely the -22custom got the most testing
[21:31] <penguin42> ChogyDan: The /var/log/dpkg.log lists any updates that have happened
[21:32] <stenten> I guess you could try locking the version of initramfs-tools and then upgrading.
[21:33] <ChogyDan> penguin42: I looked at that, but I don't know how I could parse that into something meaningful. Thanks thou
[21:34] <ChogyDan> stenten: well see, that is an interesting point. It is already updated!
[21:34] <ChogyDan> I suspect that it is a red hearing anyway.
[21:35] <penguin42> ChogyDan: Newer stuff is at the bottom. if you grep for " install " you can see each thing as it gets installed and when
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[21:39] <ChogyDan> hmmm, I think it is cut off. It doesn't look like it has logs for when this issue started
[21:39] <ChogyDan> but maybe im wrong, I look a bit more
[21:40] <stenten> ChogyDan: So initramfs-tools is already 0.92bubuntu78?
[21:40] <ChogyDan> stenten: ya, on the fresh install. That's why I was curious how to track updates made to the default install, post release
[21:41] <ChogyDan> (if those actually happen)
[21:41] <stenten> But you upgraded Karmic to Lucid after Lucid was released and hibernate was working for a time?
[21:41] <ChogyDan> yeah
[21:42] * micahg has never gotten hibernate to work in linux
[21:43] * Nafallo has hibernate working fine, even with half sized swap compared to physical memory
[21:44] <stenten> Yeah, I say it's fighting a losing battle.
[21:44] <stenten> You could try hibernating from the command line per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspendHibernateResume#Hibernating from text mode.
[21:45] <ChogyDan> stenten: don't worry about it. I've actually tried some of that, if it just did the same things
[21:46] <stenten> I guess if you really wanted to know, you could install the point releases of the Lucid development cycle and see where it starts to break.
[21:46] <ChogyDan> someone recommended tuxonice, so I will probably finish there
[21:46] <stenten> But I don't really know; I'm not really a kernel expert, and especially not a hibernate expert.
[21:47] <ChogyDan> stenten: maybe, but that seems like quite a long shot. I am first going to wait for Maverick alpha1, and see if it is still present there
[21:47] <ChogyDan> thanks for your help
[21:47] <stenten> Good idea. It's probably fixed in the new kernel.
[21:50] <ChogyDan> micahg: and my heart goes out to you, hibernation is a nice feature :)
[21:50] <micahg> ChogyDan: I know, it's one of the few things I miss from windows
[21:51] * micahg just needs time to file the proper bugs
[21:51] <ChogyDan> micahg: ubuntu-bug linux it will handle basic setup for hibernation issues
[21:52] <micahg> ChogyDan: yeah, I know about that, but I don't have time for the back and forth ATM, maybe at some later time
[22:11] <ivan-ivanic> Hello. I think this bug #587425 should be set to Wishlist. Thanks.
[22:11] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 587425 in evolution (Ubuntu) "feature request : show date and time when printing appointment (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/587425
[22:12] <ChogyDan> ivan-ivanic: shouldn't it be filed upstream?
[22:14] <ivan-ivanic> From "How to triage": 'If the requested enhancement is small and well-defined and/or the suggestion concerns an upstream project, the Importance of the bug should be set to 'Wishlist'. '
[22:15] <ivan-ivanic> I think I understood it well, if not please correct me.
[22:21] <ivan-ivanic> To be set to 'Wishlist' Bug #587582
[22:21] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 587582 in file-roller (Ubuntu) "Disable popup after decompression. [wish] (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/587582
[22:30] <anoteng> Any bug-controllers here willing to look at my bug control application? I sent it a month ago, and so far only my mentor and C de-Avillez has looked at it. it's here: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bugcontrol/msg02219.html
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[23:45] <bananafish> cmsdlds