UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /30 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
=== zniavre__ is now known as zniavre
[14:01] <knome> kwwii, jaunty group photo *cough*
[14:01] <knome> kwwii, *uds jaunty
[16:51] <islington> anyway to add metadata for a wallpaper in gnome?
[18:48] <knome> vish, re: phoronix, can you suggest some good tests?
[18:59] <vish> knome: hei , not sure , i havent used it .. maybe folks from #ubuntu-x can help?
[19:00] <knome> ok... they seem to be a bit unresponsive though :P
[19:01] <vish> knome: oh , they actually do respond when they are around ..
[19:01] <knome> ;]