UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /29 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:10] <apachelogger> wow
[00:10] <apachelogger> really bad thunder :(
[00:10] * apachelogger is scared
[00:30] <Quintasan> damn
[00:30] <Quintasan> goin to bed
[00:30] <Quintasan> night
[01:06] <txwikinger> How do I create a dependency in a cmake file?
[01:11] <tsimpson> try with add_dependencies
[01:12] <tsimpson> http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/cmake-2-8-docs.html#command:add_dependencies
[01:12] <tsimpson> I think that is what you want
[01:13] <JontheEchidna> ScottK: do you have an opinion on how bug 583526 should be approached, from an SRU standpoint?
[01:13] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 583526 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "fake_embolden patch breaks monospace fonts" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/583526
[01:35] <ScottK> JontheEchidna: Is kubuntu_09_use_ft_glyph_embolden_to_fake_bold something that can be upstreamed?
[01:35] <JontheEchidna> ScottK: that's causing the regression, so very no
[01:36] <ScottK> Right, but assuming it's fixed.
[01:36] <ScottK> And does the nex patch fix this one or make it not fix the original problem?
[01:36] <JontheEchidna> If the rendering of chinese charaters could be fixed, I'm sure that upstream would appreciate it
[01:37] <JontheEchidna> From the looks of it, the next one is untested with what the first one was trying to fix
[01:37] <JontheEchidna> I wonder if we could get freeflying to look at it, since I think he's the origin of the other patch
[01:37] <ScottK> I guess my approach would be test the new one to verify it works and doesn't cause regression.
[01:37] <ScottK> That's a good idea.
[02:40] <JontheEchidna> amichair: I have it! KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(widget->winId());
[02:45] <JontheEchidna> amichair: works, too
[02:46] <CIA-92> [kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100529014604-xqc5p1rv5zm11uh3 * src/daemon/hookevent/hookgui.cpp Use KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow() to bring the hook dialog to the front
[05:22] <freeflying> ScottK: kubuntu_09_use_ft_glyph_embolden_to_fake_bold and the other one should be push to upstream
[05:23] <ScottK> freeflying: Both together?
[05:23] <freeflying> ScottK: yes
[05:23] <ScottK> freeflying: Thanks.
[05:24] <freeflying> ScottK: np
[09:51] <Quintasan> \o
[10:00] <tsdgeos> lo guys
[10:01] <tsdgeos> something is weird with latest updates
[10:01] <tsdgeos> wants to install cmake-data and uninstall all other cmake-* packages
[10:01] <tsdgeos> which is not good
[10:15] <Riddell> tsdgeos: in 10.04?
[10:15] <Riddell> tsdgeos: do you have backports enabled?
[10:16] <Riddell> tsdgeos: looks like it's compiled on i386 but not amd64 so the data and main package will be out of sync
[10:16] <tsdgeos> Riddell: yes, yes
[10:17] <Riddell> NCommander: could you pimp the build of https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cmake/2.8.1-4~lucid1/+build/1761994
[10:21] <Riddell> tsdgeos: here's my build of the packages for amd64 http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/cmake/
[10:22] <tsdgeos> oki!
[10:22] <NCommander> Riddell: bumped
[10:26] <Quintasan> Riddell: I have a package for KTorrent 4.0 in case we are interested
[10:28] <Riddell> Quintasan: I'm sure we care
[10:28] <Riddell> Quintasan: but I'm about to go out, put it somewhere (PPA, revu, whatever) and ping people until someone takes a look
[10:31] <Quintasan> apachelogger: if you have some time please take a look at new package for KTorrent -> https://launchpad.net/~quintasan/+archive/ppa
[10:31] * apachelogger is all busy with not going mad over u1
[10:32] <apachelogger> how to get file state info: dbus query loads of unreltaed data -> parse useful one -> if (local && server && strcmp (local, server) == 0) -> do stuff
[10:32] <apachelogger> that sort of makes me sad :(
[10:38] <valorie> [13:41] <debfx> the vlc phonon backend doesn't support artist/title metadata for streams :(
[10:38] <valorie> it works for last.fm streams
[10:38] <valorie> np:
[10:41] <debfx> valorie: it doesn't work for some online radio stations using http
[10:41] <valorie> we've gotten reports like that in #amarok
[10:41] <debfx> I had a look at the gstreamer backend, it contains a workaround to parse the NowPlaying metadata into artist and title
[10:41] <valorie> seems to depend on the stream
[10:43] <valorie> I don't know if I've ever tried the gstreamer backend
[10:44] <valorie> maybe in the ancient past, when I couldn't have told you what a backend was
[10:47] <debfx> I think it's shoutcast that doesn't work
[10:47] <tsdgeos> yeah
[10:48] <tsdgeos> migth well be
[10:48] <tsdgeos> the thing is that there is no spec for shoutcast, or at least there was not last time i looked (like 2 years ago)
[10:48] <tsdgeos> so all you do is look what others do and copy it :D
[10:53] <valorie> kubotu: np
[10:53] <kubotu> valorie hasn't played anything recently
[10:53] <valorie> you lie!
[10:53] * valorie is listening to Prelude 12/21 by AFI on DECEMBERUNDERGROUND [Amarok2]
[11:30] <apachelogger> iThread, uThread, wiiThread
[11:30] <apachelogger> QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
[11:30] <apachelogger> (Parent is UbuntuOne::SyncDaemon(0xa24e560), parent's thread is QThread(0x9f54df0), current thread is UpdateItemStatesThread(0xa4f3298)
[11:39] <apachelogger> time to roll out a qpointer and do fancy thread magic
[12:08] <apachelogger> http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/ubuntuone-dolphin1.ogv
[12:13] <Quintasan> apachelogger: wtf, why so pink?
[12:13] <apachelogger> !fluffy!
[12:13] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about fluffy!
[12:13] <apachelogger> http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fluffy/124142040948771?ref=ts
[12:30] <Quintasan> kubotu: np
[12:30] <kubotu> Quintasan listened to "Kie nai Omoi" by Haga Keita 7 minutes ago; -- see http://www.last.fm/user/Quintasan for more
[12:47] <apachelogger> hm
[12:47] <apachelogger> Total Estimated Cost to Develop = $ 70,442
[12:47] <apachelogger> Riddell: I am highly underpaid in gsoc ;)
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
[12:54] <JontheEchidna> apachelogger: so that's ~2,000 sloc?
[12:54] <apachelogger> Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 2,491
[12:54] <apachelogger> http://pastebin.ca/1873799
[12:55] <JontheEchidna> This is k-n-h: http://paste.ubuntu.com/441322/
[12:57] <JontheEchidna> which we both did for free :D
[13:08] <CIA-92> [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100529120757-2u6gtlf3iwyykr6h * (28 files in 9 dirs) merge KIO (really fileview) branch
[13:09] <CIA-92> [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100529120905-w771y0wj6vv6qbhc * CMakeLists.txt Change project name
[13:23] <CIA-92> [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100529122307-ogvi6c7sphtkx8oz * src/auth/ (AuthHandler.cpp CMakeLists.txt) get rid of python linking and use binary instead
[13:25] <CIA-92> [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100529122507-y8rs7y3w2npzrboe * src/auth/CMakeLists.txt don't pointlessly link against qca
[13:41] <CIA-92> [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100529124145-zq7dyu0mhdn8a8nq * src/ (auth/CMakeLists.txt kcmodule/ubuntuone.desktop) Fix category
[13:54] <CIA-92> [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100529125442-8gmfnltacxasyhwa * src/auth/ (5 files) Implement an authdenied signal-slot chain
[13:55] * apachelogger thinks about releasing either tp or alpha
[13:55] <apachelogger> more like alpha really
[14:03] <debfx> 0.01 alpha 1? ;)
[14:12] <CIA-92> [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100529131214-meg5g54q6mpppt3u * src/auth/ (AuthHandler.cpp AuthHandler.h) Delete m_accessToken after fail or success
[14:13] <apachelogger> debfx: 0.0.0 alpha1 :P
[14:19] <debfx> apachelogger: in that case it should be alpha0 :D
[14:19] <apachelogger> debfx: wouldnt it be no alpha then?
[14:20] <debfx> ScottK: could you do me a favor and push virtualbox-ose 3.2.0 to lucid-backports?
[14:20] <debfx> apachelogger: pre-alpha release
[14:20] <apachelogger> which would make it a tp I suppose
[14:20] <apachelogger> this is too confusing
[14:21] <apachelogger> Nightrose: miss release manager, what version should I be using?
[14:21] <debfx> well 0.0.0 isn't a valid version anyway except if you starting counting at 0
[14:24] <apachelogger> we do that, dont we?
[14:44] <CIA-92> [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100529134444-aitb4nj34j44pk2k * src/ (5 files in 5 dirs) Krazy++
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[16:41] <ScottK> debfx: What's the bug #?
[16:42] <ScottK> apachelogger: 0.0.0~alpha1 and you can be below zero.
=== Guest74020 is now known as michael-k
[16:56] <debfx> ScottK: bug #587278
[16:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 587278 in lucid-backports "Please backport virtualbox-ose and virtualbox-guest-additions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/587278
[16:59] <ScottK> debfx: Someone needs to say in the bug that the unmodified package builds, installs, and runs.
[17:02] <debfx> ScottK: and that someone can be me?
[17:02] <ScottK> debfx: Yes.
[17:20] <debfx> ScottK: done
[18:15] <bulldog98> debfx: the rekonq package, would be clever to split it into two parts (-data package)?
[18:15] <bulldog98> and add an -dbg package, because it’s going to be default in maverick
[18:26] <shadeslayer> Riddell: heh guess what,the 32 bit package for kdegames has kajongg but the 64 bit version does not have it
[18:28] <shadeslayer> for both lucid and maverick
[18:28] <shadeslayer> how is that even possible? :P
[18:41] <debfx> bulldog98: the package in debian already has a -dbg package, once 0.5.0 is released I will sync it to ubuntu
[18:42] <debfx> bulldog98: the binary package is only about 500kb, that's not worth splitting up
[18:42] <bulldog98> ok debfx then I’ll do it the same way in the rekonq daily ppa
[18:43] * bulldog98 changes the debian files
[18:43] <shadeslayer> debfx: btw any idea about my issue?
[18:43] <shadeslayer> with kdegames
[18:45] <debfx> shadeslayer: what issue?
[18:46] <shadeslayer> debfx: kajongg in kdegames builds with 32 build but not 64 bit build
[18:46] <debfx> o_O
[18:46] <shadeslayer> like it appears under 32 bit binaries but not under 64 bit binaries
[18:46] <shadeslayer> debfx: check it out in ninja ppa
[18:48] <debfx> shadeslayer: kajongg is an arch all package
[18:49] <shadeslayer> debfx: ah...
[18:49] <shadeslayer> thats why... i was preplexed in the beginning
[18:49] <shadeslayer> *perplexed
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[18:59] <bulldog98> could it be that kontact has libkontactinterface4 as missing dependence?
[19:01] <bulldog98> Riddell: do you need help with KDE SC 4.4.4 packaging?
[19:07] * bulldog98 is interested in packaging KDE SC 4.4.4 for lucid
[19:12] <shadeslayer> debfx: btw who authourizes access to ktown? anyone who already has access or just Riddell
[19:17] <debfx> shadeslayer: no idea
[19:17] <shadeslayer> hmm
[19:17] <shadeslayer> debfx: thanks :)
[19:18] <debfx> ^^
[19:18] <shadeslayer> debfx: btw any ideas how long will 4.4.80 take?
[19:18] <shadeslayer> to be packaged fully and released
[19:19] <debfx> shadeslayer: don't ask me, I'm just the new guy :p
[19:19] <shadeslayer> as far as i can see we still need to complete kdemultimedia,kdesk and plasma addons
[19:19] <shadeslayer> debfx: same here :P
[19:27] <shadeslayer> Riddell: mail sent to kdegames-devel ml about library naming issue ;)
[19:46] <Riddell> evening
[19:48] <shadeslayer> Riddell: hey :)
[19:49] <shadeslayer> Riddell: i hope you saw my kdegames comment... about renaming the source
[19:50] <Riddell> what was it renamed to?
[19:50] <shadeslayer> renamed to 4.4.80a ... youll have to rename it when you upload
[19:51] <Riddell> fair enough
[19:51] <shadeslayer> the original tarball is still in the ppa :P
[19:51] <Riddell> silly PPA
[19:51] <bulldog98> Riddell: I would be interested in packaging kde sc 4.4.4 for lucid
[19:51] <Riddell> hi bulldog98, lovely
[19:52] <Riddell> bulldog98: my task for the evening is to keep working on 4.5 beta but if you want to start 4.4.4 that's great
[19:52] <Riddell> bulldog98: first thing is to make a wiki page
[19:52] * bulldog98 asks himself how he can do so
[19:52] <Riddell> like this https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging
[19:52] <Riddell> probably call it https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging/4.4.4
[19:52] * bulldog98 gets the answer
[19:53] <shadeslayer> Riddell: btw mail to kdegames-devel also sent
[19:53] <Riddell> we'll only be building for lucid
[19:53] <Riddell> and everything above oxygen-icons can go, shouldn't be any new versions of them for 4.4.4
[19:53] <shadeslayer> Riddell: he doesnt have ktown access though ;)
[19:54] <Riddell> that'll be the next stage, give me a public ssh key and we can fix that
[19:54] <bulldog98> Riddell: https://launchpad.net/~bulldog98
[19:56] <shadeslayer> Riddell: any idea when 4.5 will be finished for lucid+maverick?
[19:57] <Riddell> bulldog98: any prefered one of the threee there? :)
[19:58] <bulldog98> Riddell: the last one
[19:58] <bulldog98> cause my main PC doesn’t start KDE at the moment
[20:00] <Riddell> bulldog98: ssh ftpubuntu@ktown.kde.org
[20:00] <Riddell> tars in stable/4.4.4/src
[20:01] <Riddell> start with kdelibs presumably, turn it into gzipped, rename to kde4libs, grab packaging from https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa/+index?start=50&batch=50
[20:01] <Riddell> build it
[20:01] <Riddell> ccache advised
[20:01] <Riddell> check for any new files and whatnot (shouldn't be any)
[20:02] <Riddell> let me know when it's built and we'll work out where to put it
[20:06] <bulldog98> Riddell: does pbuilder also works?
[20:09] <shadeslayer> Riddell: please merge https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/kdegames/ubuntu/+merge/26371
[20:09] <bulldog98> Riddell: in the wiki page do I have to write my real name or nickname into the name colum?
[20:10] <Riddell> bulldog98: yes but pbuilder finishes then deletes itself so you can't check for new files after the build is done, also you'd need to fiddle around getting 4.4.4 dependencies installed in it when building
[20:10] <Riddell> bulldog98: so I tend to use a simple debootstrap chroot
[20:10] <shadeslayer> Riddell++\
[20:11] <Riddell> bulldog98: anything we can identify you by, given the number of Jonathan's in kubuntu your nick is probably more helpful :)
[20:11] <Riddell> shadeslayer: looking
[20:12] * shadeslayer finally gets the hang of bzr
[20:12] <shadeslayer> its much much easier that git imo
[20:13] * bulldog98 likes git
[20:14] <shadeslayer> bulldog98: start using bzr ( which youll need for 4.4.4 ) and then youll see the diff.
[20:14] <shadeslayer> :P
[20:15] <Riddell> we won't use bzr for 4.4.4
[20:15] <Riddell> just grab the packaging from 4.4.3
[20:15] <Riddell> we don't have version branches of our packaging
[20:15] <shadeslayer> Riddell: ah.. because we have 4.4.80 in bzr now?
[20:15] <Riddell> right
[20:17] <shadeslayer> Riddell: btw any idea how difficult will it be to learn plasma coding? i know some C++
[20:18] <Riddell> shadeslayer: probably want to learn general qt programming first, then KDE programming, then plasma programming
[20:18] <shadeslayer> Riddell: hmm.. i was already onto Qt...
[20:19] <shadeslayer> Riddell: does plasma also have slots and signals ?
[20:19] <Riddell> yes
[20:19] <shadeslayer> ok
[20:20] <ScottK> debfx: Approved. Now you just need someone like Riddell to execute the backport.
[20:20] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I guess investigating Qt's graphicsview would be a good start too
[20:21] <ScottK> Riddell: Would you please do that backport in 550880? It's been waiting quite a while.
[20:21] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I've not done any plasma programming myself though so I don't necessarily know the pre-requisites for doing it, asking in #plasma probably a good idea
[20:21] <shadeslayer> Riddell: you mean http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/widgets-and-layouts.html
[20:21] * Riddell wonders what simutrans-pak64 is
[20:22] <shadeslayer> for !info simutrans-pak64
[20:22] <shadeslayer> !info simutrans-pak64
[20:22] <ubottu> simutrans-pak64 (source: simutrans-pak64): transportation simulator (data files). In component universe, is extra. Version 102.2.2-1 (lucid), package size 3283 kB, installed size 12804 kB
[20:22] <bulldog98> Riddell: for geting the debian folder I normaly only need to download the diff file, am I right?
[20:22] <Riddell> shadeslayer: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/graphicsview.html (plasma is based on graphicsview so I'm guessing that's a useful qt module to know about)
[20:23] <debfx> ScottK: thanks!
[20:23] <Riddell> bulldog98: that'll get it in diff format which isn't ideal. I'd dget the .dsc which will download the diff and the .orig then dpkg-source -x foo.dsc to extract it
[20:23] <ScottK> Riddell: I'm pretty sure debfx would be happy if you did 587278 too.
[20:23] <ScottK> debfx: No problem.
[20:23] <Riddell> making people happy is a good thing to do
[20:24] <shadeslayer> Riddell: thanks for the info :_
[20:24] <shadeslayer> :)
[20:26] <shadeslayer> lol... chromium scores 142 at http://html5test.com/ whereas rekonq scores... 143 \o/
[20:27] <Riddell> score!
[20:27] <Riddell> hmm, no sebas on the channel, guess we won't be seeing him around here any more
[20:27] <ScottK> Chromium's main attribute is speed.
[20:27] <shadeslayer> thats with Qt 4.7, with 4.6 its a measly 80
[20:27] <ScottK> Riddell: I chatted with him. He said he wouldn't disappear entirely.
[20:27] <shadeslayer> ScottK: and html5 video support in youtube
[20:28] <shadeslayer> rekonq+html5 == crash and burn
[20:28] <ScottK> Nice.
[20:29] <shadeslayer> from kde bug 240007
[20:29] <ubottu> KDE bug 240007 in general "rekonq crashes with Qt 4 7 + HTML5" [Crash,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=240007
[20:29] <Riddell> requested backports done
[20:29] <ScottK> Riddell: Thanks.
[20:29] <ScottK> Sput: FYI, chromium opens a new window faster than quassel previews the url.
[20:29] <shadeslayer> hehe.. ubottu doesnt show the . in 4.7 :P
[20:30] * debfx is happy now :D
[20:31] <Sput> what's up with sebas?
[20:32] <Riddell> he got bought by suse
[20:33] <Sput> aah, was he using kubuntu before? thought he was in here for being upstream, like I am :)
[20:33] <shadeslayer> Riddell: hehe :P
[20:33] <ScottK> A bit of both in his case.
[20:34] * Riddell wonders how much it would cost to get Sput to convert to kubuntu :)
[20:34] <shadeslayer> Any ideas if the k/ubuntu installer supports GPT tables?
[20:34] <Sput> Riddell: won't be happening, my few encounters with it weren't too happy
[20:35] <shadeslayer> Sput: what are you running now?
[20:35] <Sput> also, I must face the fact that I am just not compatible to binary distros :)
[20:35] <Sput> Gentoo, since about 10 years
[20:35] <Sput> and every time I tried something else, I came back
[20:35] <shadeslayer> Sput: must be some secret love potion gentoo brews...
[20:35] <ScottK> Riddell: We ought to get barry to work on him. He's a gentoo refugee.
[20:35] <shadeslayer> im thinking of dual booting arch myself :P
[20:35] <bulldog98> Riddell: how does „a simple debootstrap chroot“ works?
[20:36] <Sput> shadeslayer: that, or it's just that it works, maintenance is pretty comfy, it has a decent package manager and rolling releases :)
[20:36] <shadeslayer> bulldog98: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot
[20:36] <Sput> (this second-to-last point is where arch fails for me)
[20:36] <Sput> ah. how's chances that I can upgrade a pre-release intrepid version (some beta) to Lucid?
[20:37] <Sput> my mom prolly comes visiting me next week, and her laptop hasn't seen internet since shortly before the intrepid release
[20:37] <shadeslayer> Sput: hmm.. well ill probably be building KDE directly from trunk on arch
[20:37] <Sput> shadeslayer: see, I have a package manager that does that for me.
[20:37] <Sput> building software manually is so 1998
[20:37] <shadeslayer> Sput: well theres chakra as well on arch...
[20:38] <Sput> shadeslayer: yeah, tried it :) it was the best binary distro I've tried yet (my dad got it on his computer), but it just doesn't cut it for me
[20:38] <Sput> also, didn't the chakra maintainer get killed?
[20:39] <shadeslayer> one of them yes
[20:39] <shadeslayer> Sput: didnt get killed.. caught some disease of sorts
[20:39] <shadeslayer> Sput: http://chakra-project.org/news/index.php?/archives/54-Sad-news-we-lost-one-of-our-own.html
[20:39] <ScottK> Sput: If you update intrepid first (it's still available on old-releases.ubuntu.com), upgrade intrepid -> karmic and then karmic -> lucid it should work out.
[20:39] <Sput> well, he died
[20:40] <Sput> ScottK: hmm, can I tell that to the distro upgrade thingy? not very familiar with how that kind of stuff works on *buntu
[20:41] <ScottK> Sput: I'll be glad to help you out with it.
[20:42] <Sput> ScottK: let's hope I'll catch you when my mom comes visiting me then :)
[20:42] <shadeslayer> Sput: or you could just do a clean install :P
[20:42] <shadeslayer> takes 15 mins..
[20:42] <Sput> (her place doesn't have internet (yes I know), that's why I can only do it when she comes visiting me, which happens very rarely
[20:42] <Sput> shadeslayer: chances are that the new install won't be kubuntu then, though
[20:42] <shadeslayer> Sput: lol
[20:43] <Sput> do translations for KDE work in Lucid all right?
[20:43] <ScottK> Not perfect, but I understand pretty decent.
[20:43] <ScottK> Definitely better than Intrepid.
[20:43] <Riddell> find unless you're lithuanian
[20:43] <shadeslayer> nothing is perfect.... not even SSBSC...
[20:43] <Riddell> and really and language that can't decide how many plural forms it has is going to get confused :)
[20:44] <Sput> Riddell: German would be ok :)
[20:44] <Sput> Intrepid was not very pretty in that regard
[20:44] <ScottK> True, but if we hadn't used Rosetta, Lithuanian would be fine.
[20:44] <Sput> it was that famous "we broke all the translations" release, iirc
[20:44] <shadeslayer> btw seems that lucid wont start on my Intel P3 desktop :P
[20:44] <Sput> then again, considering the fact that my mom still runs it, overall it must have been quite stable
[20:45] <ScottK> For KDE 4.1, I think it was really good.
[20:45] <shadeslayer> Riddell: btw is the merge fine? im going to delete all packaging related folders from my HD now...
[20:46] <Riddell> shadeslayer: sorry getting distracted, will get to it in a minute
[20:47] <shadeslayer> np
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | ninjas packaging: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging/4.4.4 4.5 beta https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging
[20:49] <shadeslayer> Riddell: oh and just wanted to ask that if someone gets selected for UDS,how much of the trip is sponsored?
[20:49] <Riddell> shadeslayer: if you're selected for sponsorship it all gets sponsored (well not if you clear out the hotel mini bar)
[20:50] <shadeslayer> Riddell: haha
[20:50] <Riddell> anyone can come to UDS if they pay their way
[20:50] <shadeslayer> :)
[20:52] <shadeslayer> Riddell: oh btw i checked the build log for kdegames,and it showed some .pyc files being installed
[20:52] <shadeslayer> the .install files had no .pyc files...
[20:52] <Riddell> shadeslayer: in the PPA build?
[20:52] <shadeslayer> Riddell: yes
[20:53] <Riddell> no .pyc files in kajongg_4.4.80a-0ubuntu1~ppa3_all.deb
[20:54] <Riddell> you asked why kajongg didn't get built on amd64, it's because it's an arch all package which only gets built once (on i386)
[20:54] <shadeslayer> Riddell: yeah that was cleared by debfx
[20:54] <shadeslayer> :)
[20:55] <shadeslayer> Riddell: check https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+build/1762212/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.kdegames_4:4.4.80a-0ubuntu1~ppa3_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz
[20:55] <shadeslayer> and search for .pyc
[20:56] <Riddell> -- Installing: /build/buildd/kdegames-4.4.80a/debian/tmp/usr/share/kde4/apps/kajongg/client.pyc
[20:56] <Riddell> that's installing it into debian/tmp
[20:56] <Riddell> where everything gets installed
[20:56] <shadeslayer> Riddell: so that doesnt go into packaging?
[20:56] <Riddell> then dh_install uses the .install files to put what we want into the packages
[20:57] <shadeslayer> ok.. was just a bit concerned :)
[20:57] <Riddell> and since we didn't put .pyc into the .install files they don't get packaged
[20:57] <shadeslayer> why didnt we put them in btw?
[20:57] <Riddell> .pyc files are compiled python which is specific to a paticular build of python
[20:58] <Riddell> so it would break if python changed
[20:58] <shadeslayer> ok
[20:58] <Riddell> and python apps can be run fine from .py files so just use that
[20:59] <Riddell> there are ways of generating .pyc files at package install time which get updated whenever python gets updated
[20:59] <Riddell> but that's fiddly when we have our .py files not installed as normal python modules
[20:59] <Riddell> shadeslayer: merge looks good except there's a few debian/stamp-* files which shouldn't be there
[20:59] <Riddell> I'll remove those and merge
[20:59] <shadeslayer> ok..
[21:00] <shadeslayer> i wonder where those came from... maybe dh_clean didnt clean them out
[21:03] <shadeslayer> anyways.. gtg.. bye all
[21:33] <bulldog98> Riddell: what to do if I’m already usin maverick?
[21:33] <Riddell> bulldog98: make a lucid chroot
[21:35] <bulldog98> Riddell: I’m doing that
[21:35] <bulldog98> but
[21:36] <bulldog98> Riddell: done
[21:37] <Riddell> but?
[21:37] <bulldog98> Riddell: typo
[21:37] <bulldog98> sorry
[21:51] <apachelogger> well then
[21:51] <apachelogger> monkey man \o/
[21:52] <apachelogger> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSuEMJ_48YE&a=rM6OE8YBXII&playnext_from=ML
[21:55] <Riddell> without looking I'm guessing that's eurovision
[22:00] <apachelogger> Riddell: guess again ^^
[22:01] <Riddell> ok 4.5 beta installs and mostly runs on maverick, uploading
[22:01] <Riddell> oh apachelogger, could you teach me how to upload kde-l10n?
[22:02] <apachelogger> Riddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging/L10nOperatorGuide
[22:02] <apachelogger> if any questions arise, please ask :)
[22:02] <Riddell> lovely
[22:07] <lex79> you're uploading, but about ABI issue?
[22:08] <Riddell> lex79: what ABI issue?
[22:08] <lex79> kdepim 4.4 doesn't work with 4.5
[22:09] <lex79> JontheEchidna knows better
[22:09] <apachelogger> Riddell: is there any reason one would want to use KRun instead of QDesktopServices to open a http url?
[22:10] <Riddell> lex79: hmm, release team list suggested it should work fine
[22:11] <Riddell> lex79: however I'm expecting kolabsys to send us a packager soon and sort out kdepim to their high standards
[22:11] <Riddell> apachelogger: I'm afraid I don't know
[22:11] * apachelogger scrolls up his channel buffer and asks in the other devel channel then :)
[22:11] <lex79> ok
[22:24] <CIA-92> [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100529212341-s6hhi5pe51nv2wqg * src/kcmodule/ (CMakeLists.txt Module.cpp Module.h) * Comment out not-implemented junk * Make Urls work
[22:51] <ScottK> Riddell: Did you hear more from the kolab folks after UDS?
[22:53] <Riddell> ScottK: had a business lunch with padams (ooh, pizza), he seemed impressed by your contacts with the server team
[22:54] <Riddell> he said he'd be sending a packager our way to work with ninjas soon (as well as packaging enterprise branches)
[22:55] <txwikinger> Riddell: I have experimented with the kdevelop package. I can't reproduce the issue even with 4 cpus building in parallel
[22:56] <Riddell> txwikinger: :(
[22:56] <txwikinger> but it seems to be a race issue... the sequence of when things are in the logs is different on my build system compared with launchpad
[22:56] <txwikinger> I also have not found a way yet, to force sequential build on launchpad
[22:57] <txwikinger> Do you know anybody that is more expert in that
[22:57] * apachelogger goes all patchy on upstream
[22:57] <Riddell> not really, worth asking kdevelop devs I guess
[22:58] <txwikinger> well.. I rather thought some people who are make experts
[23:04] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: libkutils was split in to separate libraries improperly
[23:05] <JontheEchidna> applications built against 4.4 will either not run at all or crash when a config dialog is opened
[23:05] <Riddell> yeah so lots of rebuilds needed probably
[23:05] <Riddell> acceptable for maverick, troublesome for lucid
[23:12] <debfx> txwikinger: setting DEB_BUILD_PARALLEL to an empty string didn't work?
[23:12] <txwikinger> debfx: no difference
[23:13] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: I'm more worried about universe + lucid backports
[23:13] <JontheEchidna> so yeah. troublesome
[23:13] <JontheEchidna> :)
[23:13] <Riddell> did you contact ervin?
[23:14] <txwikinger> debfx...the odd thing is even I can build with more cpus on my system and it does not get out of sync like that
[23:19] <apachelogger> Nightrose: !
[23:19] <Nightrose> apachelogger: !
[23:19] <apachelogger> *hug*
[23:20] <Nightrose> *hug*
[23:20] <Nightrose> :)
[23:21] <apachelogger> holy french fries!
[23:21] <apachelogger> there is a bug
[23:21] <apachelogger> omg
[23:22] <Nightrose> ohnoes
[23:23] <apachelogger> brrrr
[23:23] <bulldog98> Riddell: what goes to Uploaders: ?
[23:23] * apachelogger takes a note and moves along since it is a rather unimportant one
[23:24] <Riddell> bulldog98: leave it at whatever debian has, we don't use that field
[23:24] <bulldog98> Riddell: ok
[23:24] <bulldog98> never seen that before
[23:26] * apachelogger is glad to say that ubuntuone authing is working in most cases, that you can break your deamon with one click, that he has an mostly implemented ubuntuone serverside API, that dolphin is able to display status information regarding ubuntuone and that there is a plasmoid that is buggy as hell and only can be used to look fancy ^^
[23:27] <bulldog98> Riddell: what’s with .NEWS-files?
[23:27] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: no, it slipped my mind
[23:27] <apachelogger> Nightrose: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy58DfwUrqM
[23:27] <debfx> txwikinger: so custom_include_paths.h is generated too late?
[23:27] <txwikinger> yes
[23:27] <bulldog98> apachelogger: when will an alpha be in your PPA?
[23:28] <apachelogger> one day
[23:28] <bulldog98> apachelogger: cool
[23:28] * apachelogger actually notes that syncdaemon needs manual patching for the time being
[23:29] <Nightrose> apachelogger: wth? :D
[23:29] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: ervin@kde.org?
[23:29] <apachelogger> Nightrose: you have been hijacked it seems
[23:29] <Nightrose> thiefes!
[23:30] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: yes
[23:30] <Riddell> uploading 4.5 beta to maverick!
[23:30] <ScottK> apachelogger: Isn't looks fancy, but buggy as hell considered complete for plasma things?
[23:31] <apachelogger> yes :P
[23:31] <txwikinger> I always have this; make[1]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[23:32] <bulldog98> Riddell: what comand to run if I want to test if the debian files work?
[23:32] <txwikinger> soyuz does not
[23:32] <txwikinger> even i see aall the cores running on the build
[23:33] * apachelogger pokes DarkwingDuck
[23:33] <apachelogger> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=375ENQbru8s
[23:37] <amichair> JontheEchidna: You rock!
[23:43] <apachelogger> +1
[23:43] <JontheEchidna> :D
[23:44] <Riddell> hmm?
[23:46] <JontheEchidna> Oh, last night I figured out how to solve an issue we had run in to with kubuntu-notification-helper and the hook dialog not coming to the front when activated
[23:47] <Riddell> bulldog98: never heard of a .NEWS file
[23:48] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: did you fix the init yet :P
[23:48] <bulldog98> Riddell: in the debian folder there are .NEWS files but there stands something about expirimental -> belong to Debian
[23:49] <bulldog98> Riddell: sort of mini changelog for single packages
[23:49] <Riddell> ignore it
[23:49] <bulldog98> Riddell: it was going to do so
[23:54] <debfx> txwikinger: have you managed to get kdevelop build non-parallel on your system?
[23:54] <CIA-92> [kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100529225348-l17rz70fpmnbbx6y * src/daemon/ (notificationhelpermodule.cpp notificationhelpermodule.h) Break out initialization into an init() function. In the constructor, set a singleshot timer for 5 seconds to run this function, so that the module can load quickly and block things less
[23:54] <JontheEchidna> apachelogger: ^ six minutes :D
[23:54] <txwikinger> debfx: parallel and sequential.. I never get errors on my build system
[23:55] <JontheEchidna> apachelogger: that also removed the need for some singleshots further down
[23:56] <Riddell> root@wido:/root/kde-l10n/kde-l10n-common# debian/build-l10n.sh
[23:56] <Riddell> Do you REALLY REALLY want to mess with the current build dir? (y/n)
[23:56] <Riddell> apachelogger: what does that mean?
[23:56] <debfx> txwikinger: yeah it works for me too
[23:56] <apachelogger> Riddell: there is already ./build/
[23:57] <Sput> hmmmmpf. rekonq's session management is unusable if it doesn't have a session stored on crash :>
[23:57] <apachelogger> Riddell: if you got all tars already you can run the script with -ncd (IIRC)
[23:57] <txwikinger> debfx: I start to tend to say it is soyuz that needs to be fixed, not kdevelop
[23:57] <apachelogger> which will then not-clean-directory ^^
[23:57] <Sput> also, Germany won the Eurovision Song Contest
[23:57] <apachelogger> or rather it will, but not the tars
[23:57] <txwikinger> Riddell: should I submit a bug against soyuz?
[23:58] <Riddell> txwikinger: it's unlikely to be a bug in soyuz
[23:58] <Riddell> more a quirk
[23:58] <txwikinger> rofl
[23:58] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: \o/
[23:58] <txwikinger> tell me soyuz never has bugs
[23:58] <debfx> txwikinger: have you managed to get it built sequential on soyuz?
[23:58] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: I still think singleshooting with timer 0 would be sufficient though
[23:59] <txwikinger> debfx: no.. I have not found a way to make soyuz work sequential
[23:59] <JontheEchidna> apachelogger: so kded intializes modules in a serial fashion, moving to the next after the constructor of the last is finished?
[23:59] <debfx> and on your system?