UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /25 /#ubuntu-learning.txt
Initial commit
[01:51] <paultag> howdy pleia2
[01:51] <pleia2> hey
[01:52] <paultag> So.
[01:52] <pleia2> so here's the spec for the -manual thing: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ubuntu-support-and-learning-center
[01:52] <pleia2> gah, kubuntu link
[01:52] <pleia2> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-support-and-learning-center
[01:52] <pleia2> all the content by learning, manual and doc is cc-by-sa, so you're perfectly welcome to pull it all into your project instead
[01:53] <paultag> Humm
[01:53] <pleia2> but since the -manual folks are pushing hard on this support and learning center, I would suggest working with them if possible :)
[01:53] <paultag> I don't like leaching
[01:53] * pleia2 digs up blueprint
[01:53] <paultag> the thing is that we have two different ideas
[01:53] <paultag> I want to pull as much academic work ( not all manuals and how to use ubuntu ), and I want to make it local
[01:53] <pleia2> ah
[01:54] <paultag> pleia2, see, I'd like to make nice hooks for them to pull off me, and I'd love a hook for me to pull from them
[01:54] <pleia2> I believe the backend for us will still be bzr
[01:54] <paultag> Ahh
[01:54] <pleia2> but the technical stuff is still being hashed out
[01:54] <paultag> pleia2, I have a really cool upload system
[01:54] <pleia2> we have a whole fun blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-m-documentation-teams-collaboration
[01:55] <pleia2> manual team is doing much of the site work, doctormo and learning is doing ease-of-use stuff, docs team is just going to chug along
[01:55] <paultag> pleia2, I'd love to collaborate, but I don't think we are trying to do the same thing exactly
[01:55] <pleia2> alright :)
[01:56] <pleia2> yeah, the aim here really is ubuntu exclusive
[01:56] <paultag> OK, cool
[01:56] <paultag> then we can get along
[01:56] <paultag> :)
[01:56] <paultag> pleia2, I'll be sure to document my API and how to get all the data off the server
[01:56] <pleia2> but if your uploader is clever, I'm sure manual folks would be interested in your tech
[01:56] <pleia2> cool
[01:57] <paultag> pleia2, it's based kinda on dput, it works in almost the same way
[01:57] <pleia2> ah, gotcha
[01:57] <paultag> and you need a gpg key sign to upload :D
[01:57] <pleia2> neat
[01:58] <pleia2> so there is like a keyring for contributors?
[01:58] <paultag> yeah :)
[01:58] <paultag> and also MySQL to double check
[01:58] * pleia2 nods
[01:58] <paultag> it has to both be in the keyring and active in the MySQL backend
[01:58] <paultag> it's pretty kickass. It's super scalable
[01:58] <paultag> pleia2, alright. Well let me finish up where I was going with it, and I'll offer up whatever I can :)
[01:59] <pleia2> great! :)
[01:59] <pleia2> looking forward to seeing it
[01:59] <paultag> thanks pleia2, you rock
[01:59] <paultag> pleia2, :)
[01:59] <pleia2> you too
[02:00] <pleia2> heading out in a few minutes to meet up with a local guy who is deploying linux at local public schools
[02:00] <paultag> nice :)
[02:00] <pleia2> it's really hard to do this in the US, but he's managed to be quite successful, has done it in 4 or 5 schools already
[02:01] <pleia2> he just sucks at documenting and publicity, so he's asked me for help :)
[02:01] <paultag> \o/
[02:01] <pleia2> yeah, I'm excited
[02:01] <paultag> pleia2, blog about how it goes! :)
[02:01] <pleia2> I will be a blogging machine! :)
[02:01] <paultag> :)
[02:02] <pleia2> it'll be cool to be promoting and telling people about a project that's already so successful
[02:04] <paultag> hell yeah