UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /25 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:05] <slangasek> rascal999: you can't run an upstart-managed service in a chroot
[00:11] <rascal999> slangasek: i'm not
[00:11] <rascal999> it's a vm, that's the only difference
[00:13] <slangasek> rascal999: if you're not running in a chroot, why is /sbin/initctl a "Fake initctl"? That's not the behavior of the upstart package shipped in Ubuntu
[00:25] <progre55> hi guys. I've got a core 2 duo, and my second CPU has been showing "0% usage" for a while now.. I'm kinda concerned.. any suggestions, please?
[00:29] <SpamapS> progre55: start a bunch of CPU hungry stuff... gzip -c /dev/zero > /dev/null works. ;)
[00:31] <progre55> SpamapS: only 1 CPU shows 99-100% and the other one is still 0%
[00:45] <SpamapS> progre55: weird
[00:45] <progre55> SpamapS: oh, nvm. apparently it was the widget that went wrong.. I was using the system monitor widget to see the cpu usage, but htop shows that both cpu's are being used :)
[00:46] <SpamapS> haha indeed
[01:04] <Riddell> james_w: did you do syncs yesterday? they're not flushed
[01:45] <Drakeson> could you please try and see if emacs23 works in current maverick? (e.g. do an "emacs -Q" and see if it appears)?
[01:46] <Drakeson> I am not sure if I broke my system or a library is changing
[01:49] <Jayd3e> what are the first steps one would have to take to start learning to become a developer?
[01:50] <baddog_> Drakeson, X protocol error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) on protocol request 2
[01:50] <baddog_> Seems like it might be broke
[01:50] <Drakeson> Jayd3e: the first one should be "find a project you would want to develop in"
[01:51] <Drakeson> baddog_: thanks, I get the same error. Now I don't need to build yet another chroot to make sure :D
[01:51] <baddog_> :P
[01:51] * baddog_ goes to see if a bug is already there
[01:52] <Drakeson> I cannot even guess which library got updated since around May 21 that broke emacs
[01:52] * Drakeson whishes he know a dpkg equivalent of "git whatchanged"
[01:53] * baddog_ files a bug (first ever!)
[01:57] <blue_anna> what would cause the session menu to not show on the login screen?
[02:15] <RAOF> Drakeson, baddog_: That's probably (more) fallout from the big GTK c-s-d/argb change.
[02:15] <baddog_> oooh.
[02:15] <RAOF> Drakeson: Also, /var/log/dpkg.log
[02:17] <ScottK> RAOF: Speaking of CSD, it seems very clear the kwin developers are firmly against it. Is this something GTK is really comitted too or are they experimenting? Do you know?
[02:19] <RAOF> ScottK: A variety of people have been wanting it for some time (including X devs). I think *we're* pretty committed to it, and I don't think there are any in-principle objections GTK-side.
[02:20] <ScottK> Interesting.
[02:20] <ScottK> It seems like an odd thing for people wanting desktop consistency to want, but OK.
[02:20] <Drakeson> RAOF: thanks. So, is this emacs that should be patched to be prepared for client-side-deco or the gtk libs should just work?
[02:21] <RAOF> ScottK: There's no reason why kwin people need to care at all; my understanding is that it'll only be switched on if the window manager says “hey, I can handle client-side-windows”.
[02:21] <RAOF> Sorry, client-side-decorations.
[02:22] <ScottK> It seems then like a lot of trouble for something that will always need a fallback position if c-s-d isn't supported.
[02:23] <Drakeson> honestly, I am [only] a bit biased against CSD since I remember some nasty windows apps (like yahoo messenger) who happened to draw their aweful window decorations, too. Hopefully this doesn't happen here ...
[02:23] <RAOF> Drakeson: That's already possible - csd in GTK would make that less likely, as there'd be a nice standardised interface.
[02:25] <Drakeson> RAOF: that's good to hear.
[02:26] <Drakeson> Should I try to patch emacs for now, or it is gtk libs that will have to get fixed ?
[02:26] <RAOF> I'd start by looking at emacs.
[02:26] <Drakeson> RAOF: I see, thanks
[03:00] <kyle_> could anyone tell me what to mount my partition at? I am installing over an old distro and have another os on here already. I want to over write sda1 (ext2) I chose use as Ext2 file system and think the mount point should be "/" but am unsure. Advice?
[03:01] <kyle_> wait i think i am in the wrong node. Sorry
[03:01] <ScottK> kyle_: Yes. You are. You want #ubuntu.
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[06:44] <baddog_> emacs23 is complaining about not having makeinfo, which doesn't seem to be in the repos anywhere ._.
[06:44] <baddog_> on Maverick
[06:49] <spiv> baddog_: I think that's part of the texinfo package, which I don't think has changed since lucid?
[06:49] <baddog_> ooh. maybe
[06:49] * baddog_ is new to all this ^_^
[08:02] <pitti> Good morning
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[08:09] <dholbach> good morning
[08:12] <ara> morning dholbach!
[08:12] <dholbach> hola ara!
[08:16] <robert_ancell> cjwatson, can you add gucharmap to the ubuntu-deskop upload list?
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[10:02] <apw> can anyone point me to the wiki page which lists the support lifetimes for various bits of each series
[10:03] <SwedeMike> series, as in releases?
[10:04] <lifeless> http://www.ubuntu.com/products/ubuntu/release-cycle%20
[10:04] <SwedeMike> it's actually on the first page of wiki.ubuntu.com, also first hit on google <ubuntu release schedule>
[10:06] <cjwatson> also for >=lucid: apt-cache show PACKAGENAME | grep ^Supported:
[10:06] <apw> lifeless, that is close, but it only carries the general life times. somewhere there is a more specific page on lifetimes for each kernel variant etc
[10:06] <apw> cjwatson, yeah its jaunty that i am trying to find the same information
[10:07] <lifeless> apw: are the variants separated into server/desktop ?
[10:07] <apw> lifeless, no this is more detailed again, for arm branches and the like
[10:07] <apw> there were some 20 or so lines in the table i think
[10:07] <lifeless> ok, that I haven't seen - sorry
[10:08] <cjwatson> mvo: can you see why e.g. lynx still has Supported: 5y for maverick? I moved SUPPORTED_HINTS aside to SUPPORTED_HINTS.LTS in the platform.maverick seeds in an effort to make that go away, but it doesn't seem to have taken ...
[10:09] <cjwatson> Riddell: the syncs were probably me - it was OK to flush them
[10:10] <cjwatson> Riddell: oh, except for the way I imagine the flush partially failed because you didn't know to remove the syncs that will only work once my LP patch is rolled out :)
[10:11] <cjwatson> so you can probably rm -rf sync-queue/rejected/jriddell-20100525-010510 as lp_queue
[10:12] * cjwatson starts another autosync pass
[10:12] <mvo> cjwatson: let me have a look
[10:13] <cjwatson> smoser: FYI, if you follow up to an RT ticket to say "thanks", it reopens the ticket automatically ... I'm resolving RT#39454 again
[10:31] <Chipzz> cjwatson: the irony :)
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[13:08] <ogra> cjwatson, pitti, i'd like to make bug 568736 an SRU because i plan to build the 10.07 image based on the lucid seed, i talked to slangasek already at UDS, he said he would be fine with it if another ubuntu-sru member agress (i want to ask in advance before i mark the bug SRU)
[13:08] <ubottu> Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list.index(x): x not in list (https://launchpad.net/bugs/568736)
[13:09] <ogra> (it requires a netbook-meta upload to take effect but its armel only
[13:09] <ogra> )
[13:12] <cjwatson> ogra: I'm fine with that change in an SRU
[13:12] <ogra> great, thanks
[13:12] * ogra changes the bug then
[13:45] <pitti> asac, didrocks, StevenK: hm, seems the go-home-applet launches netbook-launcher instead of going back to n-l-efl?
[13:46] <didrocks> pitti: that's weird, some people are telling that and others are telling it's working fine. I remember of an explicit fix from jamiebennet about it
[13:46] <ogra> pitti, i thik thats a known bug
[13:46] <ogra> didrocks, i can confirm
[13:46] <pitti> didrocks: do you see any reason why we need it at all? the standard "show desktop" applet seems to work just fine?
[13:47] <ogra> it only happens though if your graphics card is actually composite capable
[13:47] <pitti> right, it is
[13:47] <ogra> pitti, drag n drop features
[13:47] <didrocks> pitti: well, this applet is a little bit more than "show desktop"
[13:47] <ogra> it adds urls to the favorites if you drop them on the applet
[13:47] <didrocks> pitti: if you drag and drop an url, it's added as a favorite
[13:47] * pitti disables DRI and checks agao
[13:47] <didrocks> ok, ogra is faster than I :)
[13:47] <ogra> heh
[13:48] <ogra> pitti, mv /usr/bin/netbook-launcher /usr/bin/netbook-launcher.bak && ln -s /usr/bin/netbook-launcher-efl /usr/bin/netbook-launcher will fix the issue
[13:48] <ogra> its ugly but works :)
[13:49] * pitti disabled the DRM udev rule
[13:49] <pitti> works fine now, thanks
[13:49] <ogra> proper solution wuld be to be able to uninstall netbook-launcher but there is a dependency issue
[13:49] <pitti> right, I'm just going to fix that to be an |
[13:49] <ogra> it works then as well
[13:49] <ogra> yeah :)
[13:49] <pitti> but I wanted to make sure that go-home-applet is useful for efl
[13:49] <ogra> it is
[13:49] <pitti> cheer!
[13:49] <pitti> s
[13:50] <ogra> though with the new upanel i'm not sure it will still work :)
[13:50] <ogra> we're supposed to get a simple gtk container that replaces the panel and only provides hooks for the indicators
[13:51] <pitti> didrocks: do you know if there's a packaging bzr for it? I only see an upstream trunk, and no vcs-bzr
[13:51] <ogra> not sure if an "applet" will work in that (it shouldnt since we dont want gnome deps)
[13:51] <didrocks> pitti: no, I sometimes push directly to ubuntu/go-home-applet
[13:52] <pitti> didrocks: that's fine, thanks
[13:54] <pitti> ogra, didrocks: reading the code, it calls netbook-launcher directly; favourite d&d doesn't actually work
[13:55] <ogra> aww
[13:55] <pitti> ... with -efl, I mean
[13:55] <didrocks> pitti: I don't know, I hadn't the time to test n-l-efl too much :(
[13:55] <pitti> it'd need to check the running process
[13:55] <pitti> ok, thanks so far!
[13:56] <ogra> pitti, btw i have netbook running on my touchbook
[13:56] <ogra> there is an issue with the battery though, it doesnt load with the kernel i rolled
[13:56] <ogra> once i have that solved i'll put a dd-able image on people.c.c ;)
[13:58] <Ixan> has there been a regression with preseed from rc1 to 10.04? my preseed script doesn't execute correctly anymore. I've used wget with -O -|sh to download a script and run in-target. it just echoes everything to the log in console 4 now, doesnt execute the script at all.
[13:58] <Ixan> script runs fine from the console during the installation though, using the identical string given to preseed/late_command
[14:00] <smoser> cjwatson, whoops. thank you (was that thanks ok ? )
[14:04] <cjwatson> smoser: IRC doesn't reopen RT tickets ... so far :-)
[14:04] <cjwatson> Ixan: nothing I know of, happy to investigate based on full preseed file (with any passwords removed) and log files
[14:05] <cjwatson> Ixan: I recommend running the installation with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer as a boot parameter to get the most useful log files
[14:06] <Ixan> okay, i'll append that. I'll try to remove the stdout pipe now and see if it can write to a file then execute it instead. will be bothersome later , if that doesn't work either :)
[14:07] <cjwatson> I'm not aware of any of wget, sh, or preseed having changed in a way which might be relevant. of course if the script uses debconf then piping it to sh that way would never have worked reliably
[14:07] <cjwatson> so that could be a source of problems
[14:08] <cjwatson> (note it might use debconf indirectly e.g. by installing a package)
[14:17] <rascal999> slangasek: shall i reinstall initctl then?
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[15:07] <ccheney> is there a tool like that which displays for totem codecs that i could have run to ask a user to install a package?
[15:10] <ccheney> looks like something like packagekit could do it but its not on the cd currently so would be problematic to use it
[15:10] <ccheney> so i guess my question is more is there anything on the cd that could do it, or example code to do something like what totem/gst does
[15:10] <cjwatson> I believe it's gstreamer-codec-install
[15:11] <ccheney> cjwatson: ok
[15:11] <cjwatson> apt-get source gnome-codec-install
[15:12] <ccheney> yep about to grab it now, just had to update my sources.list since i am at a hotel :)
[15:12] <ccheney> cjwatson: thanks for the pointer
[15:13] <cjwatson> that's ok, I don't know much more about it, mvo would know more
[15:17] <mvo> ccheney: what excatly do you want to do? "apturl apt:2vcard" is one way of doing it, in maverick we will get native session PK api support
[15:17] <mvo> ccheney: you can also use aptdaemon, it depends a bit on your use-case what is best (easieist is certainly apturl)
[15:17] <ccheney> mvo: i know the package already to install i just to prompt the user for if they want it, the java stuff for OOo that can't fit on the CD
[15:18] <ccheney> s/to/need to/
[15:22] <mvo> ccheney: apturl is probably best then for now (lucid)
[15:22] <ccheney> ok
[15:23] <ccheney> mvo: will look into it, thanks for the help
[15:23] <mvo> ccheney: np. it has a relatively good man-page nowdays and work on both gtk/kde
[15:23] <ccheney> great :)
[15:29] <cjwatson> I've synced in the bulk of entirely new source packages from unstable now; not contrib or non-free yet, and not yet sources which produced binaries that clashed with existing binaries in the archive
[15:29] <cjwatson> I also excluded everything that already had publication records in the Ubuntu archive, indicating that they'd been removed at some point; those will all need manual investigation
[15:30] <cjwatson> but that's 352 new source packages so should keep everything busy for a while
[15:30] <Daviey> cjwatson: Have you created a list?
[15:30] <cjwatson> nope
[15:30] <ccheney> mvo: is there a way display something to explain to the user why apturl is displaying its box, would that be done with zenity or some other way?
[15:30] <cjwatson> may do at some point if it's hard enough to process :)
[15:31] <Daviey> cjwatson: Just fancied having a browse.. low hanging fruit and all that. :)
[15:31] <mvo> ccheney: currently not, its a nice idea though. do you need it for lucid or maverick? if the later I can add a feature for it
[15:32] <ccheney> mvo: maverick primarily i may try adding it to lucid if its approved after getting it working for maverick
[15:32] <cjwatson> the packages that previously had publication records are:
[15:32] <cjwatson> afflib arc-colors b2evolution bcov bml boost1.39 bsl dyndns fast-user-switch-applet flush gcc-3.3 gcx gdm-themes git gjay glee graphy grub-choose-default guidance-power-manager ibutils kbiff kfocus kqemu libjboss-buildmagic-java libjpeg7 libunicode-map8-perl libxr life mscore ns3 ojs php-clamav ploader pyjamas python-couchdbkit python2.5 qca qgis re2 saga snowball splashy sugar-0.84 sugar-0.86 sugar-artwork-0.84 ...
[15:32] <cjwatson> ... sugar-artwork-0.86 sugar-base-0.84 sugar-base-0.86 sugar-browse-activity-0.86 sugar-chat-activity-0.84 sugar-hulahop sugar-presence-service-0.84 sugar-presence-service-0.86 sugar-read-activity-0.84 sugar-toolkit-0.84 sugar-toolkit-0.86 t2html task texfam ubuntulooks urg ust wacom-tools wine xfmedia xtel xulrunner
[15:32] <ccheney> mvo: i can always do it in a different way for lucid if its acceptable
[15:33] <mvo> ccheney: ok, for lucid its probably best to just add zenity around it (or a small python script)
[15:33] <ccheney> ok
[15:34] <Daviey> cjwatson: suprised to see git :/
[15:34] <cjwatson> I imagine that's the project name clash thing being resolved
[15:34] <cjwatson> probably wants to be synced
[15:35] <Daviey> ahh
[15:43] <ccheney> hmm there is a small problem with using zenity in that it wouldn't easily be translatable I think?
[15:45] <cjwatson> it would be the caller's responsibility to handle translation
[15:45] <sebner> cjwatson: funnily, autosync synced gdm3 (which is 2.30.2-3), out gdm in maverick is 2.30.2-0ubuntu1
[15:45] <cjwatson> sebner: heh, I missed that, bound to be the odd mistake
[15:45] <cjwatson> should I remove that again?
[15:45] <cjwatson> seb128: ?
[15:46] <seb128> cjwatson, yes please
[15:47] * sebner guesses a blacklist add is needed too
[15:47] <cjwatson> yes, I'll take care of that
[15:48] <cjwatson> (done)
[15:49] <sebner> :)
[16:02] <lool> Hmm where's doko
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[16:43] <lool> ~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~/win 1
[16:43] <lool> Ups
[16:43] <lool> Interesting
[16:43] <ogra> heh
[16:44] <ogra> pitti, i'm trying to make sense of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~work-items-tracker-hackers/launchpad-work-items-tracker/trunk/annotate/head:/config/maverick.cfg for the mobile team specs (nothing shows up on the tracker yet) could it be that "mobile-|preinstalled-sd-card" needs to be in brackets ?
[16:54] <blue_anna> can I get help getting i2c-core module for my build? it's not in my kernel and I don't see an alternative in the repositories
[16:56] <ogra> blue_anna, try #ubuntu-kernel for kernel related questions
[16:56] <blue_anna> thanks
[17:02] <slangasek> rascal999: if you don't know why you have a fake initctl in place, reinstalling upstart may not fix the problem
[17:12] <maco> bdrung: Re: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-May/030754.html <-- i bzr branch'd ubuntu-dev-tools and pbuilder'd it for Lucid, and "syncpackage" is very Not Happy http://paste.ubuntu.com/439419/
[17:13] <bdrung> maco: you need the launchpad credentials, see manage-credentials how to get them
[17:14] <bdrung> maco: or we need to improve syncpackage to use the anonymous launchpad login. i have to leave now. see you later.
[17:15] <bdrung> (or drop me a mail)
[17:18] <maco> hrm. need to figure out what a "consumer" is
[17:20] <maco> um yeah that didnt work
[17:20] <maco> it spit the html source of a 403 at me
[17:20] <pitti> ogra: it shouldn't be necessary to add parentheses
[17:21] <ogra> pitti, hmm, then i wonder why nothing shows up at all
[17:21] <ogra> pitti, i mean i wont complain, http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-mobile.html promises an easy dev cycle :)
[17:22] <pitti> ogra: hm, nothing mobile-ish on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/all.html, too
[17:23] <ogra> pitti, there is one special case (not sure why, we could just rename it) https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/preinstalled-sd-card-images-for-omap
[17:23] <pitti> ogra: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+specs?searchtext=mobile only has one spec, though, and that one has no WIs
[17:23] <ogra> that should at least show up
[17:23] <ogra> pitti, ugh
[17:24] <pitti> ogra: I removed the empty line after work items:, should turn up next cycle
[17:24] <ogra> https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-m-lightweight-panel-for-efl and https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-m-image-builds-without-root should definately be there too
[17:24] <pitti> i. e. in an hour
[17:24] <pitti> ogra: no, they aren't targetted at maverick
[17:24] <pitti> "Series goal: None"
[17:24] <ogra> gah
[17:24] * ogra fixes
[17:26] <seb128> cjwatson, pitti: could bug #571329 be accepted to updates now?
[17:26] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 571329 in xsane (Ubuntu Lucid) "No translation for xsane in lucid" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/571329
[17:27] <pitti> seb128: right, tagged v-done
[17:27] <seb128> pitti, thanks
[17:27] <pitti> and moved to -updates
[17:27] <seb128> thanks ;-)
[17:29] <robbiew> boy...firefox could cause people seizures in Maverick...flickerific
[17:29] <robbiew> lol
[17:30] <cjwatson> right, I've been dealing with things that are marked green and over the aging period on the pending SRU page, but I haven't been able to go through v-needed bugs and check whether they should be v-done
[17:32] <seb128> cjwatson, btw could you pocket copy things you accept to maverick too? pitti has been doing that usually, that avoid having to do another version upload to maverick, ie less work
[17:32] <seb128> cjwatson, well as long as lucid and maverick versions are identic
[17:33] <cjwatson> seb128: yes, I've been doing that
[17:33] <cjwatson> may be a couple behind, I haven't done it since last week
[17:33] <seb128> ok, thanks
[17:37] <apw> cjwatson, are we expecting a debootstrap backport for lucid ?
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[17:37] <ogra> apw, iant maverick support already in ?
[17:37] <ogra> *isnt
[17:38] * ogra tests
[17:38] <ogra> yes, seems to work
[17:38] <cjwatson> apw: yes, debootstrap already had maverick support when lucid released
[17:38] <cjwatson> so no need for a backport
[17:41] <apw> cjwatson, hrm, i'll go hit things till it stops lieing to me :)
[17:42] <ogra> apw, upgrade to the final release ! :P
[17:42] <cjwatson> apw: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debootstrap/1.0.20ubuntu1
[17:42] <apw> it says its up to date ... must be some other tool whining
[17:42] <apw> cjwatson, thanks must be smb's fault
[17:43] * smb slaps apw
[17:47] <apw> such cheek
[17:47] * mneptok pops some corn and begins taking wagers
[17:57] <smb> apw, Maybe just the mkschroot not having a maverick section. Feel free to fix it
[17:57] <apw> smb, could be... will check
[18:02] <persia> mk-schroot shouldn't care: it ought rely on debootstrap. That said, if mkschroot differs from mk-schroot, I'd like to know how and fix it :)
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[19:52] <tlb> what's the best way to get a new package(a small pam module) into Ubuntu?
[19:52] <Laney> get it into Debian
[19:54] <tlb> Laney, so what's the best way to get a new package(a small pam module) into Debian? :)
[19:54] <Laney> haha
[19:54] <Laney> find a sponsor and get said sponsor to upload it
[19:54] <Laney> try #debian-mentors on oftc
[19:54] <mathiaz> tlb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages
[19:55] <tlb> ok thanks :)
[19:56] <Laney> maybe the maintainers of pam itself would be interested: try mailing pam@qa.packages.debian.org :)
[19:56] * Laney runs before one of them sees
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[20:43] * mneptok does the "Going To DebConf 10" dance
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[23:05] <Sarvatt> looks like pkg-config in maverick is screwed up
[23:05] <Sarvatt> pkg-config --cflags xorg-server
[23:05] <Sarvatt> -fvisibility\=hidden -I/usr/include/xorg -I/usr/include/pixman-1
[23:07] <Sarvatt> that -fvisibility\=hidden is making everything using xorg-server.pc fail
[23:07] <geser> does the .pc file contain the \= or only a =?
[23:09] <geser> know bug
[23:09] <Sarvatt> Cflags: -I${sdkdir} -fvisibility=hidden
[23:09] <geser> Debian bug #583009
[23:09] <ubottu> Debian bug 583009 in pkg-config "Attempts to escape = char in Cflags" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/583009
[23:09] <Sarvatt> yeah
[23:10] <Sarvatt> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=583005 too, tons more i'm sure
[23:10] <ubottu> Debian bug 583005 in pkg-config "xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd: FTBFS: ../../src/rhd_driver.c:517: error: invalid storage class for function 'RHDPreInit'" [Serious,Open]
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