UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /25 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[03:05] <nigelb> akgraner: that somone knows you well ;)
[06:22] <jussi> so, many of you will be happy to know, that Im now using gnome... :/
[06:22] <maco> jussi: im not
[06:22] <jussi> (yes, I broke my kde and cant get it fixed) :P
[06:22] <maco> erm, not happy to know
[06:22] <maco> also not using gnome
[06:23] <maco> why cant you get it fixed? does it work for other users?
[06:23] <jussi> encryption has borked something and I cant get to the home dir to fix whatever the issue is...
[06:23] <maco> how are you getting to the home dir to use gnome?
=== jturek_ is now known as jturek
[08:09] <dholbach> good morning
[08:18] <dpm> good morning all
[08:18] <dpm> morning dholbach! How are you?
[08:18] <dholbach> hey dpm
[08:18] <dholbach> dpm: slowly getting better
[08:18] <dholbach> dpm: still not up to my usual 100%
[08:19] <dholbach> and you? how are you?
[08:20] <dpm> ah, damn :/, I hope you get better and better during the week. I'm fine, I recovered by the end of last week, just in time for the Catalan LoCo release party on the weekend
[08:30] <dholbach> nice
[08:30] <dholbach> how did it go?
[08:35] <dpm> it was awesome, I need to write a blog post today, but here are some pictures in the meantime: http://tinyurl.com/38td8bw and http://tinyurl.com/3yqdwaj ;)
[08:36] <dpm> it was here in Valencia, so the best thing was that I didn't have to drive hundreds of km to attend :)
[08:38] <dholbach> nice
[08:39] <dholbach> that looks great
[08:40] <czajkowski> Aloha
[08:40] <dpm> heya czajkowski
[08:41] <czajkowski> dpm: hey
[08:51] <jussi> czajkowski: I need some irish specific help... do you remember a movie made in ireland about 5 years ago that featured a couple of guys in wheelchairs? Im trying to remember the name of it....
[08:54] <czajkowski> um..
[08:54] <czajkowski> not heard of that
[08:55] <jussi> czajkowski: I know it came out in 2004 or 2005 (while I was there) but I ujust cant seem to find it :/
[08:57] <jussi> ahh, I found it. :) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0417791/
[09:02] <czajkowski> hmm
[09:26] <dholbach> hola randa_
[09:28] <randa_> hey dholbach
=== randa_ is now known as randa
[10:04] <nigelbabu> Sigh. Got served. BIOS doesn't let me install Ubuntu :(
[11:36] <dholbach> alright, I'll move back home again - see you later
[11:53] <AlanBell> jussi: boo
[11:53] <AlanBell> jussi: I have ordered the travel vouchers, should be delivered tomorrow
[11:54] <jussi> AlanBell: excellent
[11:54] <jussi> I was about to come chasin you
[11:54] <jussi> :D
[12:39] <Pendulum> this was brought up last night, but not in this channel, but if there's anyone going to debconf who might be interested in talking about Ubuntu-related topics (other than jcastro ;-) ), can you let me know sometime today?
[12:39] <Pendulum> there was someone asking around about it last night and I somehow ended up being the person with the contact info :-)
[12:41] <czajkowski> what kind of topics ?
[12:42] <AlanBell> who deals with trademark issues?
[12:42] <Pendulum> dunno, they were just looking for anyone ubuntu-related who might want to speak as far as I can tell
[12:42] <AlanBell> http://www.borehamwoodtimes.co.uk/education/north_london_education/north_london_independent_schools/the_holmewood_school/
[12:43] <Pendulum> AlanBell: I suspect Canonical might have some sort of legal dept/person who would look at that
[12:43] <czajkowski> aye
[12:43] <AlanBell> yes, I suspect so too
[12:43] <czajkowski> randa: do you know who in canonical to poke?
[12:44] <AlanBell> would it be Amanda Brock or someone else?
[12:46] <jussi> AlanBell: there is a trademarks email iirc
[12:47] <jussi> https://forms.canonical.com/trademarkviolation/
[12:56] <AlanBell> jussi: thanks
[12:56] <AlanBell> http://www.thsl.org.uk/ and all over their prospectus
[13:08] <randa> czajkowski: amanda brock
[13:08] <czajkowski> randa: thanks
[13:08] <randa> czajkowski: sorry, trademark would be MIchelle
[13:09] <czajkowski> AlanBell: see what randa said
[13:10] <AlanBell> randa: I submitted the form that jussi pointed to, will that go to Michelle?
[13:11] <randa> AlanBell: what form?
[13:11] <AlanBell> https://forms.canonical.com/trademarkviolation/
[13:11] <randa> Alan, yes I guess so
[13:12] <AlanBell> good
[13:12] <AlanBell> pretty spectacular violation isn't it!
[13:13] <randa> Alan, anything related to trademarks should go to MIchelle: michelle@canonical.com
[13:15] <AlanBell> ok, sent a mail
[14:25] <jcastro> good morning!
[14:25] <Pendulum> morning jcastro
[14:25] <jcastro> akgraner: your spreadsheet looks awesome!
[14:26] <akgraner> jcastro, thanks! I'm doing one for Dev and App weeks too.. so should have those to you all shortly
[14:31] <cjohnston> hey jcastro
[15:36] <qense> good afternoon
[15:36] <Pendulum> hiya qense
[15:42] <jcastro> hey dholbach
[15:50] <dholbach> hey jcastro
[15:52] <jcastro> dholbach: do you remember that function-looking script you ran on people.u.c that one day?
[15:52] <dholbach> jcastro: in the end I think I ran it locally
[15:53] <jcastro> do I need a copy of the archive locally?
[15:53] <dholbach> yes, that's how I did it
[17:04] <dpm> ok, time to call it a day, see you tomorrow everyone!
[17:27] <czajkowski> jussi: darling are you around?
[17:28] <cjohnston> hehe
[17:29] <nigelb> jcastro: poke?
[17:36] <jussi> *cough* darling?
[17:36] <jussi> czajkowski: yes Im here....
[17:37] <Pendulum> jussi: you better not be complaining there :P
[17:37] <jussi> Pendulum: no, but sari might be :P
[17:37] <nigelb> I hope his fiance isn't looking :D
[17:37] <czajkowski> jussi: see pm
[17:37] * czajkowski is tackling blueprints
[17:38] * nigelb wonders if laura fixed video issue
[17:38] <czajkowski> dont be daft
[17:38] <czajkowski> gave up
[17:38] <czajkowski> no point
[17:39] <nigelb> :/
[17:41] <nigelb> someone should make a british and irish english to american english translator, sigh
[17:41] <nigelb> I had to google daft
[17:42] <czajkowski> lol
[17:42] <czajkowski> sorry
[17:45] <nigelb> but during uds was funnier. I was out in a computer cafe and everyone was giving me strange looks when jono "translated" "she's a nice crack". was laughing too much
[17:46] <AlanBell> nigelb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EnglishTranslation
[17:46] <AlanBell> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EnglishTranslation/WordSubstitution this one too
[17:47] <AlanBell> but it certainly won't help with everything czajkowski comes out with :-)
[17:47] <dholbach> have a great rest of your day everyone! see you tomorrow!
[17:47] <czajkowski> oi
[17:47] <czajkowski> brats
[17:47] <czajkowski> :p
[17:48] <czajkowski> dholbach: nn
[17:48] <dholbach> bye :)
[17:48] * dholbach hugs you all
[17:48] <czajkowski> hmm shame the #tag #locoteams isn't used as much as it can be
[17:50] <czajkowski> but I'm gonna be doing some loco coun cil stuff and going to be pushing that tag
[17:50] <czajkowski> :)
[17:54] * czajkowski noms on a curly wurly
[17:54] <czajkowski> nyommy
[17:55] * nigelb googles again
[17:57] <nigelb> ah, so thats what it ise
[17:57] <czajkowski> :)
[17:59] <nigelb> ugh, falling asleep tat the keyboard... tme for bed. later folk
[18:00] <czajkowski> n
[18:00] <czajkowski> n
[18:32] <jcastro> nigelb: yo
[18:34] <doctormo> cjohnston: hey you want GC answers?
[18:40] <qense> jcastro: Nigel's gone to bed.
[18:41] <jcastro> I got his pm
[18:42] <czajkowski> jcastro: in blueprints, status of INPROGRESS or STARTED is that correct? what's the difference
[18:43] <jcastro> not sure
[18:43] * jcastro looks it up
[18:44] <jcastro> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto
[18:45] <jcastro> czajkowski: I would just do inprogress
[18:45] <czajkowski> jcastro: I ask as I've been marking my stuff as INPROGRESS but assignee nothing has changed under my nick
[18:46] <qense> czajkowski: That's correct, INPROGRESS is just an alias for ToDo
[18:46] <czajkowski> ah grand
[19:07] <daubers> evening
[19:46] <czajkowski> daubers: CAKE MAN!
[19:47] <daubers> o/
[21:26] <czajkowski> no jono ?
[21:27] <cjohnston> I haven't seen him this week