UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /18 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[00:20] * cjohnston is still really sore
[00:22] <Pendulum> cjohnston: I don't want to know
[00:22] <cjohnston> I'm sure you are worse... but between the planes and the bed
[00:23] <cjohnston> my back is hurting
[00:23] <Pendulum> :(
[00:23] <cjohnston> plenty of work for me to do coming up though
[00:24] <cjohnston> another call
[00:24] <Pendulum> g'luck
[00:52] <cjohnston> luck is not needed
[00:52] <cjohnston> heh
[00:58] <Pendulum> well that was meant as "hope it's not a long or overly taxing call"
[00:58] <cjohnston> lol
[00:58] <cjohnston> bs
[00:58] <cjohnston> as most are
[01:03] <Pendulum> yep
[03:25] <doctormo> hey Pendulum
[03:31] <nigelb> doctormo: heya!
[03:32] <nigelb> doctormo: had a nice UDS?
[07:05] <czajkowski> Aloha
[07:05] <czajkowski> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo3PytyJwpg
[07:05] <czajkowski> video from Friday night
[07:13] <dholbach> good morning
[07:17] <czajkowski> tis rather quiet this morning in here
[07:20] <dpm> good morning everyone
[07:20] <dholbach> hola dpm
[07:20] <dpm> hey dholbach, moin
[07:37] <dholbach> hola ara!
[07:38] <ara> morning dholbach :)
[08:33] <dholbach> popey, pleia2: going to be at the CC meeting later on?
[09:20] <popey> dholbach: yup
[09:24] <czajkowski> For those who like big bang theory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1-Q_8EbB8A Ubuntu :)
[10:22] <dholbach> popey: awesome
[10:23] * popey checks the time of the meeting to be sure
[10:23] <popey> so 12:00 BST
[11:27] <dholbach> SO! WHO OF YOU WAS IT!
[11:27] <dholbach> I think I'm getting the Ubuflu... just after UDS this time
[11:28] <Pendulum> aww :(
[11:28] * Pendulum hugs dholbach
[11:29] <dholbach> I'll make sure I'll survive :)
[11:29] * dholbach hugs Pendulum back
[11:30] <jussi> dholbach: it was mark. He wasnt so well at UDS...
[11:31] <dholbach> sladen is the usual suspect - he always was it :)
[11:31] <dholbach> ask jcastro
[11:32] * czajkowski is dying sick since saturday
[11:32] <czajkowski> got it from the guy at our dinner on friday night
[11:33] <czajkowski> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo3PytyJwpg friday night all stars
[11:33] <popey> hah, sladen was fine
[11:33] * popey has no ubuflu \o/
[11:38] <jussi> me either!
[11:39] <dholbach> that's what I thought yesterday too! ;-)
[13:13] <akgraner> Good Morning! :-)
[13:18] <Pendulum> hiya akgraner
[13:19] <akgraner> Pendulum, :-)
[13:22] <nigelb> hola
[13:23] <nigelb> czajkowski: thank you thank you thank you! (for the video)
[13:24] <czajkowski> heh
[13:26] <nigelb> JFo rocks as usual ;)
[13:27] <Pendulum> nigelb: you have to come to the next UDS so you can see JFo rock in person!
[13:27] <nigelb> Pendulum: I definitely have to!
[13:27] <nigelb> popey: any plenary videos available yet?
[13:27] * nigelb really would like to see momubuntu with slides
[13:27] <popey> yeah, loads of them
[13:27] <popey> oh, that one isnt
[13:28] <cjohnston> mornin
[13:28] <czajkowski> gah I'm getting tons of mail and none of it is the mail I want!!
[13:28] <nigelb> haha, what is the mail you want?
[13:28] <cjohnston> trhe mail i sent her
[13:29] <nigelb> lol
[13:29] <cjohnston> s/trhe/the
[13:29] <czajkowski> cjohnston: your mail goes to a special place
[13:29] <cjohnston> trash or spam
[13:29] <nigelb> yeah, spam box :D
[13:30] <nigelb> I wish US visa stuff wasn't so complicated, sigh
[13:30] <cjohnston> :-/
[13:33] <Pendulum> :(
[13:34] <nigelb> I'll probably end up saying for next UDS 'I'm not there because I didn't get a visa' grrr
[13:36] <nigelb> Anyone saw what elky did for the UW competition?
[13:36] * nigelb is liking the audio
[13:39] <akgraner> yeah the video is awesome...
[13:39] <akgraner> Tweeted, dented and facebooked it earlier...
[13:40] <nigelb> I need to blog it
[13:40] <nigelb> Sigh, I'm on the planet so much after uds started
[13:42] <nigelb> anyone missing gobby and remember me being in the session, poke me if the gobby is lost, I have copies of most sessions I've attended (mostly community)
[13:43] <cjohnston> the community web page one
[13:43] <cjohnston> dont remember if you were ther
[13:44] <nigelb> I wasn't, sorry :(
[13:46] <nigelb> cjohnston: is the open week and developer week gobby still around?
[13:46] <cjohnston> edunno
[13:46] <nigelb> akgraner: ^ ?
[13:46] <cjohnston> dunno
[13:46] <cjohnston> not logged in
[13:47] <Pendulum> i'm about to get on gobby, do y'all want me to check?
[13:47] <akgraner> nigelb, I'll take a look - not logged into to gobby right this sec...
[13:47] <akgraner> Pendulum, can you please?
[13:48] <nigelb> I restored raound 3 gobby's so far
[13:48] <nigelb> so anything more I can help out :)
[13:48] * akgraner is allergic to gobby... :-/
[13:48] * nigelb likes it so far
[13:48] <cjohnston> +1
[13:48] <nigelb> except I got only a bright pink
[13:48] <Pendulum> what was it called?
[13:48] * czajkowski loves gobby
[13:49] <nigelb> um, some tution something?
[13:49] <Pendulum> i'm not seeing it
[13:49] <Pendulum> can you throw it up there?
[13:49] * nigelb goes to login
[13:50] <nigelb> Done.
[13:50] <akgraner> nigelb, I know how to use - but gobby and I are not friends at them moment.. sorta like wiki's and I a year ago
[13:51] <nigelb> akgraner: only trouble is you get practice only once in 6 months, so it might take several years before you become friends ;)
[13:51] <nigelb> Pendulum: check community-m-tuition-sessions now?
[13:52] <Pendulum> nigelb: you're a star :)\
[13:52] <akgraner> nigelb, I'll stick to just being and acquaintance of gobby...:-)
[13:52] <akgraner> s/and/an
[13:52] <nigelb> akgraner: haha ;)
[13:52] <nigelb> Pendulum: nah, just following czajkowski's advice. Save every minute
[13:52] <Pendulum> akgraner: you don't have any action items listed on this. :P
[13:52] <akgraner> Pendulum, I don't? whew!
[13:53] <akgraner> was I supposed to...
[13:53] <czajkowski> aye save locally :D
[13:53] <nigelb> Pendulum: ooh, thats a rare community bluprint. No akgraner actions!
[13:53] <czajkowski> ALWAYS
[13:53] <Pendulum> akgraner: don't think so, but just thought you'd be happy to know :)
[13:53] * akgraner does the happy dance :-)
[13:53] <nigelb> czajkowski: Just restored 4 documents :)
[13:54] <czajkowski> :)
[13:54] <Pendulum> Just because I know I should, doesn't mean I remember to do so :)
[13:54] <Pendulum> (luckily for me between nigelb and czajkowski I suspect most sessions I attended are covered)
[13:54] <czajkowski> aye
[13:54] <nigelb> In one session I attended, the gobby got wiped clean durign the session
[13:54] <nigelb> I think czajkowski was there too
[13:54] <Pendulum> although I need to check some of the non-community sessions I think I picked up action items in
[13:54] <akgraner> Pendulum, nigelb czajkowski as you all are looking through those if there is something I have action items on but not assigned to the bluebrints can you all assign me...:-) please..:-D
[13:55] <czajkowski> oh i remember that
[13:55] <nigelb> akgraner: hehe, sure :)
[13:55] <nigelb> I think it wsa the development wrkflow review
[13:56] <nigelb> Instead of deleting the new ones, I wish they'd delete the lucid ones. the document list is so cluttered
[13:56] <Pendulum> nigelb: I don't think any of the deleted ones were intentional
[13:56] <Pendulum> although I do think they could clean out the lucid ones nwo
[13:56] <Pendulum> *now
[13:57] <czajkowski> nigelb: aye they did from karmic I guess it was just a missed item
[13:57] <czajkowski> ^^pendulum
[13:57] <Pendulum> *nods*
[13:57] <jturek> hey czajkowski, btw, i got a hold of a guy at goole for that ogg/google listener deal, they are looking into it
[13:57] <nigelb> ah
[13:58] <czajkowski> jturek: oh nice :D can you ask them to add uupc podcast as well as shotofjaq to listen :D
[13:58] <czajkowski> saves me adding the feed :D
[13:58] <jturek> i'll try :)
[13:59] <czajkowski> jturek: excellent
[13:59] <czajkowski> if lo gets added well and good, but I prefer the other two :)
[14:00] <jturek> i don't personally have a droid to test with so i'll ping you guys to check when they say its fixed
[14:00] <nigelb> sigh, looks like foundations lost a gobby without any backup
[14:00] <czajkowski> jturek: that's fine!
[14:00] <jturek> eek nigelb harddrive crash or something?
[14:01] <jturek> (came in late to your document restore convo)
[14:01] <czajkowski> jturek: using gobby at UDS
[14:01] <nigelb> jturek: nope. lots of gobby docs from uds went missing
[14:01] <jturek> ahh
[14:02] <popey> :(
[14:32] <nigelb> popey: oh, no video of jono
[14:32] <nigelb> grr
[14:32] <popey> hmm?
[14:32] <nigelb> jono's opening plenary
[14:33] <nigelb> i.e. the one before sabdfl
[14:35] <popey> not sure that's worth putting online
[14:35] <popey> its mostly admin about the location
[14:35] <nigelb> I just wanna see the crowd reaction to the video, and jono's funny slideshow (especially)
[14:37] <popey> ok
[14:37] <popey> well, I have nothing over and above what you already see online
[14:38] <nigelb> aw,ok
[14:39] <popey> as I said earlier, I've asked, and as soon as I get it, I'll let people know
[14:39] <nigelb> awesome, thanks :)
=== N is now known as jturek
[15:02] <highvoltage> dholbach: I wonder if people who go to every uds ends up having much stronger immune systems due to all the bugs they get exposed to
[15:03] <dholbach> highvoltage: no, at least not I
[15:04] <czajkowski> 1st uds I was fine, dallas came home very sick and this one I'm just all fluey
[15:05] * nigelb shudders
[15:05] <nigelb> I have a pretty weak immune system too
[15:06] <nigelb> dholbach lets get some bio-hazard suits at next UDS :D
[15:06] <popey> or less hugging :)
[15:06] <highvoltage> someone will probably do some medical study some day :)
[15:06] <dholbach> popey: that wouldn't make sense
[15:06] <popey> :)
[15:07] <maco> dholbach: ive heard veg*ns say they get sick less since switching. maybe give it another year of vegetarianism and you'll not get sick from uds anymore
[15:07] * maco does not get ubuflu
[15:07] <dholbach> maco: I don't know
[15:08] <nigelb> I'd rather get ubuflu than swtiching to vegitarian
[15:08] <czajkowski> me too
[15:08] <czajkowski> 1:)
[15:08] <maco> nigelb: you live in a country with some of the best vegetarian food in the world!
[15:08] <maco> nigelb: heck, your country's food turned dholbach vegetarian!
[15:08] <Pendulum> huh, most vegans & vegetarians I know get sick at least as much as meat-eaters
[15:08] <nigelb> maco: yes, which I hate with a passion
[15:08] <nigelb> I mean the vegetarian food
[15:08] <Pendulum> (a couple of them more often, but they've got underlying stuff going on)
[15:09] <dholbach> nigelb: WHAT?!
[15:09] <maco> Pendulum: i remember my friend peterson saying he hasnt been sick in 10 years
[15:09] <dholbach> nigelb: well, I was in the north of india - maybe it's better there :)
[15:09] <maco> mm yummy north indian food
[15:09] * czajkowski likes meat, just COOKED!
[15:09] <maco> nigelb: i could live on saags
[15:10] <nigelb> maco: that explains it. /me is south indian
[15:10] <nigelb> we have some yummy non-veg food
[15:10] <nigelb> I totally cannot live without fish
[15:10] <nigelb> dholbach: yes, I like north indian food compared to vegitarian south indian
[15:11] <dholbach> I wish I had more holidays :-)
[15:11] <nigelb> dholbach: where exactly where you?
[15:11] <dholbach> although I know I shouldn't complain
[15:12] <maco> im confused by the bit where you can be vegetarian in germany. glaztor is even more confusing. if i couldnt eat cheese when i was in germany i couldnt have eaten
[15:12] <dholbach> nigelb: Delhi, Agra, Fatehpur Sikri, Jaipur, Delhi, McLeodganj, Amritsar, Chandigarrh, Shimla, Delhi
[15:12] <nigelb> dholbach: WOW!
[15:12] <dholbach> nigelb: so basically where all the other tourists go too, I just missed how's it called again
[15:12] <maco> (ditto italy and france)
[15:12] <maco> calcutta?
[15:13] <nigelb> nah, its not on that route
[15:13] <dholbach> Varanasi
[15:13] <dholbach> was a bit too far off
[15:13] <nigelb> maco: its Kolkota
[15:13] <nigelb> aw, grr kolkata
[15:13] <popey> lol @ czajkowski
[15:13] <maco> nigelb: i think different places transcribe it differently. kinda like Wein for the capital of Austria versus Vienna
[15:14] <maco> er Wien
[15:14] <czajkowski> popey: :)
[15:14] <nigelb> maco: calcutta changed to kolkata officially
[15:14] <maco> nigelb: ohh when?
[15:14] <czajkowski> popey: there are certain things I like :)
[15:14] <popey> clearly
[15:14] <nigelb> quite some time back, when I was in school I think
[15:14] <maco> alrighty
[15:14] <nigelb> even Bangalore is being changed to Bengaluru
[15:15] <maco> so you can figure out which visiting americans last read about india more than 15 years ago?
[15:15] <nigelb> haha
[15:15] <nigelb> yeah, thats how we separate you out
[15:15] <nigelb> :D
[15:16] <Pendulum> I'm not sure much of it has been changed in American textbooks or anything
[15:16] <nigelb> btw, Kolkata changed in 2001
[15:16] <Pendulum> I suspect it's just how you separate the Americans out ;-)
[15:16] <nigelb> Kolkata is one of the more easier names to pronounce
[15:17] <nigelb> City names in kerala are sure bound to be a mouthful ;)
[15:18] <maco> where youre from is tough too
[15:18] <nigelb> Bangalore?
[15:18] <maco> no malayala
[15:18] <nigelb> hehe, malalam is the language
[15:19] <nigelb> oh grr
[15:19] <nigelb> malayalam
[15:19] <dholbach> write something in malayalam
[15:21] * nigelb tries
[15:22] <nigelb> നൈജില്‍
[15:22] <dholbach> nice
[15:22] <nigelb> that is supposed to be my name in malayalam. well it was supposed to be
[15:22] * dholbach tears himself away to not look at it for hours
[15:22] <qense> nigelb: LTR or RTL?
[15:23] <nigelb> LTR
[15:23] <qense> ok
[15:23] <nigelb> oh, wow
[15:23] <nigelb> dpl sent me a mail
[15:23] <nigelb> poking me about gwibber rfh
[15:24] <nigelb> I should get around to it
[15:26] <maco> the TB are currently debating the 10.10.10 thing
[15:26] <czajkowski> aye
[15:26] <czajkowski> tis rather amusing to watch
[15:26] <maco> rfh?
[15:27] <nigelb> maco: request for help
[15:27] <maco> oh
[15:27] <nigelb> dholbach: btw, my name in hindi would be नैजिल ;)
[15:28] * nigelb is loving google transliterate
[15:28] <maco> O_O theres a *transliterate*??
[15:28] <nigelb> yep
[15:28] <dholbach> I love looking at foreign characters
[15:28] <maco> wait you cant write your own name in malayalam on your own?
[15:28] <dholbach> maco: try arabic→english and type something, it'll auto-transliterate
[15:28] <nigelb> http://www.google.com/transliterate/
[15:28] <maco> but but its your name and your language
[15:28] <dholbach> or persian
[15:29] <nigelb> maco: well, I don't know the keymap
[15:29] <nigelb> I mean for the font
[15:29] <dholbach> oh, I meant translate.google.com
[15:29] <dholbach> whatever
[15:29] <maco> its russian does my name a little wrong
[15:30] <nigelb> maco: well, it took 5 tries to get the right pronounciation.
[15:30] <maco> adds the "ts" letter but shouldnt
[15:30] <maco> ah yeah i guess you need to type phonetic
[15:30] <nigelb> If I type naijil in english gives the correct indic pronounciation
[15:31] <maco> if i take the c out, its second suggestion is the correct cyrillic version of my name
[15:31] <nigelb> russian?
[15:31] <maco> japanese is not an option though
[15:31] <maco> yes
[15:31] <maco> i wanted to see what itd do about my "zi" (syllable doesnt exist in japanese)
[15:31] <nigelb> I dunno how your name is pronounced or I would have tried malayalam and hindi
[15:32] <maco> <Freenode:#ubuntu-meeting:sabdfl> ok then. 10.10.10 it is.
[15:33] <nigelb> Yaay!
[15:36] <nigelbabu> what the..
[15:36] <maco> haha
[15:36] <nigelbabu> oh, ctrl + z in byobu kills program. sigh.
[15:36] <maco> ctrl+z should be stop
[15:36] <maco> in a shell
[15:37] <maco> and then you can run "bg" to background it or "fg" to foreground it
[15:37] <nigelbabu> yeah, it stopped irssi for me
[15:37] <maco> stop just = pause though
[15:37] <nigelbabu> oh, so nigelb is still here
[15:37] <maco> yes
[15:38] <nigelbabu> so how do I get it. /quit this and then fg?
[15:38] <maco> yeah
[15:38] <nigelb> awesome
[15:38] <nigelb> that was fun
[15:38] <maco> heh
[15:38] <nigelb> note to self: ctrl + z instinct needs to go
[15:38] <maco> and now time for you to go learn all about job control in shells?
[15:39] <nigelb> nope, now time to generate new gpg keys and get to work on gwibber
[15:39] <maco> heh alrighty\
[15:39] <nigelb> oh, sigh, pbuilder
[15:40] <maco> oh weee!
[15:41] <nigelb> maco: new project this cycle. teach writing apport hooks to bug control folks
[15:41] <maco> they're talking about setting out dates for UDS far in advance so we're not all scrambling 2 months out!
[15:42] <nigelb> also sponsorship so people like me could get visa stuff going
[15:45] <nigelb> maco: oh I wish it were in asia
[15:45] <czajkowski> wekk dates have already been known a lot longer than 2 months, just look at the schedule still wont help folks looking for visa
[15:46] <czajkowski> they not mentioning changing annoucing date for sponsorship
[15:46] <maco> nigelb: thats what persia said
[15:46] * nigelb is just +1-ing persia
[15:46] <maco> czajkowski: dates and venues theyre talking about
[15:47] <popey> http://twitter.com/popey/status/14231655178 pls to be retweeting thanky!
[15:47] <maco> but if you know where it is and can get a letter to start the visa process far in advance of knowing whether youre sponsored...
[15:47] <czajkowski> maco: yes but i was commenting on what nigelb was saying re sponsorship
[15:47] <czajkowski> that's a lot more admin work though...
[15:47] <maco> you dont need to be sponsored to get a visa either though, do you?
[15:48] <maco> i know you (cz) and crimsun show up without being sponsored
[15:48] <nigelb> you do, for some of us
[15:48] * nigelb retweets popey
[15:48] <maco> nigelb: hang on there are two types of sponsor in here i think?
[15:48] <nigelb> maco: ok, wait, whats the difference?
[15:49] <maco> well i mean we tend to think of sponsor as being the part where they fly people there and have hotel rooms and all
[15:49] <maco> but a visa sponsor is different
[15:49] <czajkowski> maco: I dont need a visa
[15:49] <nigelb> I was gettign there
[15:49] <maco> thats just them needing to provide a letter saying "such-and-such is coming for $event and wont be staying longer"
[15:50] <maco> dont see why you couldnt get them to do the letter-for-visa stuff in advance of when monetary sponsorship stuff goes on if thats how long paperwork takes
[15:50] <Pendulum> nigelb: how expensive do visas tend to be?
[15:51] <nigelb> Pendulum: To US, something like 130$
[15:51] <maco> wow
[15:51] <Pendulum> maco: I could see it being prohibitively expensive for someone to apply for a visa that they then don't use because they don't get sponsorship
[15:51] <maco> Pendulum: gotcha
[15:51] <maco> i didnt realise you had to pay for visas
[15:51] <Pendulum> yeah, I thought they were pretty expensive
[15:51] <nigelb> maco: yes you do, unless you're going to a country with those agreements
[15:52] <nigelb> like we dont need visa for nepal
[15:52] <nigelb> and you folks dont need a visa for a *lot* of places
[15:52] <maco> yeah ive only been to EU, ca, and aruba (which i think follows EU rules as a dutch territory)
[15:52] * nigelb has been to Muscat, well lived there, for 6 years
[15:53] <dholbach> hey jono
[15:53] <maco> this is seeming rather racist to me :-/ all the places i can think of where you can get to the US on a "just show up and promise to leave within 6mo" deal are places that are predominantly white
[15:53] <jono> hey!
[15:53] <jono> dpm, mind if we reschedule our call? I feel like crap this morning
[15:54] <jono> full of cold
[15:54] <dholbach> jono: same here
[15:54] <nigelb> lol, its not ubuflu, its more like canonicaflu :D
[15:55] * dholbach hugs jono
[15:55] <jono> dholbach, ugh, get well soon dude
[15:55] * jono hugs dholbach
[15:55] <dholbach> you too
[15:56] <czajkowski> dholbach: hugging, that;s how it all started!
[15:56] <czajkowski> jono: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo3PytyJwpg
[15:57] <dpm> jono, sure, no worries. Shall we say Thursday?
[15:57] <nigelb> czajkowski: source of all problems http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jzGIaZcGcM
[15:57] * dpm hugs jono
[15:57] <jcastro> hmm
[15:58] <maco> jcastro: hi :)
[15:58] <jcastro> hey guys, any idea why my specs don't show up here? http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-community.html
[15:58] <jono> dpm, sounds good :)
[15:59] <nigelb> because jono hasn't approved ;)
[15:59] <nigelb> ?
[16:03] <nigelb> jcastro: tried setting a series goal?
[16:04] <nigelb> the ones that are there seem to have 'accepted for maverick' and those are not dont have it
[16:05] <jcastro> hmm, I'll try that
[16:11] <jcastro> hey dholbach
[16:11] <jcastro> I am confused
[16:11] <jcastro> https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-m-document-daily-builds
[16:11] <jcastro> ok so for this one
[16:11] <jcastro> the actions in the whiteboard don't match what's in the gobby document
[16:11] <dholbach> jcastro: that's just the stuff I filled in before we had a UDS session
[16:11] <jcastro> we're supposed to be going through each one and adding the todo items right?
[16:11] <jcastro> ah ok
[16:11] <dholbach> jcastro: jono made me do it :)
[16:11] <jcastro> perfect
[16:11] <jcastro> so as I go through each one I reconcile all that right?
[16:11] <dholbach> scrap them unless there's something very clever in there
[16:12] <jcastro> ok I will do this, I will add the ones from the notes
[16:12] <jcastro> at the bottom
[16:12] <dholbach> ok super
[16:13] <jcastro> is there a URL for what specs are mine?
[16:13] * dholbach has his call with his SoC student in a bit - very excited
[16:13] <jcastro> I can't find "the list"
[16:13] <jcastro> I bookmarked a bunch but now for example we added a bunch at UDS
[16:13] <dholbach> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/people/+me/+specs?role=registrant
[16:13] <dholbach> maybe?
[16:17] <jono> I am feeling like crap, full of cold, I am going to go and lay down for a few hours, back in a bit
[16:17] <jcastro> perfect
[16:17] <jcastro> now we can assign you more items!
[16:17] <nigelb> haha
[16:17] * dholbach hugs jono
[16:18] <dholbach> take care
[16:19] * jono slaps jcastro
[16:19] <jono> :)
[16:19] <jcastro> man
[16:20] <jcastro> I am so doomed this cycle
[16:20] <jcastro> I am only on my second spec and my WI are exponentionally growing
[16:20] <jcastro> MWAHAHAHAAH
[16:20] <nigelb> jcastro: ha, I realize that some WI on my list is actually a whole set of things
[16:21] <nigelb> so 5 items = 200 actual tasks
[16:22] <jono> jcastro, cry me a river :P
[16:22] <jono> j/k
[16:22] <jono> :)
[16:22] <jcastro> heh
[16:22] <jcastro> hey
[16:22] <jcastro> your lp name is [jonobacon] right?
[16:23] <jono> lol
[16:23] <jono> uh oh
[16:23] <jono> no its not
[16:23] <jono> it is [dholbach]
[16:23] <jono> ;-)
[16:23] <jcastro> hahah
[16:23] <jono> ok I am off
[16:23] <jono> biab
[16:23] * dholbach strangles jono passionately :)
[16:23] <dholbach> thanks man
[16:23] <nigelb> hhaha
[16:24] <jono> :)
[16:24] <jturek> wow, lots of hugging going on here...
[16:24] <dholbach> jcastro: an action can't be assigned to more than one person
[16:24] <nigelb> yah, they're trying to give each other ubuflu over irc
[16:24] <dholbach> jcastro: also you need a name in the beginning of every line
[16:25] <jcastro> dholbach: ok
[16:26] <dholbach> jcastro: I know it sucks :/
[16:31] <nigelb> dholbach: um, re:blackz, I -1'ed him
[16:32] <dholbach> nigelb: the reviewers team?
[16:32] <nigelb> nope, bug control
[16:32] <dholbach> I thought we had added him?
[16:32] <dholbach> oh ok
[16:32] <dholbach> as I said: I haven't had a look at a big variety of bugs
[16:32] <dholbach> take it with a grain of salt
[16:32] <nigelb> he asked me to review his application and I felt he really couldn't make it in
[16:32] <dholbach> ok
[16:32] <dholbach> your call - he asked me to reply and I did
[16:33] <nigelb> its actually brian's call ;)
[16:33] <nigelb> I did my -1
[16:33] <dholbach> ok
[16:34] <jturek> lol
[16:37] <jcastro> popey: ooh, can you add the audio link to the UDS header thing on the wiki? that would be grand
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
[16:38] <popey> ok
[16:41] <jcastro> czajkowski: do you have the notes on community-m-conferences?
[16:41] <popey> jcastro: done
[16:41] <jcastro> I can't seem to find them on the wiki
[16:41] <czajkowski> I do
[16:41] <jcastro> er, in gobby
[16:41] <jcastro> <3 popey
[16:41] <czajkowski> well let me double check
[16:42] <nigelb> jcastro: I cant believe you called it 'pedro button' :D
[16:42] <czajkowski> jcastro: whats your email addy ?
[16:43] <jcastro> czajkowski: jorge@ubuntu.com
[16:43] <czajkowski> jcastro: shared folder on U1
[16:45] <jcastro> czajkowski: NICE!
[16:45] * czajkowski loves U1
[16:45] <czajkowski> :D
[16:45] <nigelb> you finally got it working :)
[16:45] <czajkowski> well U1 qwas always working just tomboy was acting up
[16:46] <czajkowski> still not working 100%
[16:46] <czajkowski> but it'll do
[16:46] <nigelb> :)
[16:46] <nigelb> my evolution contact sync is b0rked
[16:47] <jcastro> man
[16:47] <jcastro> for sure next time
[16:47] <jcastro> we add the work items to the spec
[16:47] <jcastro> NOT to gobby
[16:47] <jcastro> so we don't have to copy and paste after
[16:47] <nigelb> or lose it
[16:47] <jcastro> heh
[16:48] <nigelb> a bunch of them got lost :(
[16:48] <czajkowski> jcastro: we did :p
[16:48] * czajkowski hugs jcastro
[16:48] <czajkowski> jcastro: help yourself to any more files in there you need
[16:49] * popey coughs up an etherpad
[16:50] <czajkowski> and then watch it crash
[16:50] <czajkowski> jcastro: eh I added me under the council names as I can poke the council. as I didnt think we could assign council tasks ?
[16:55] <jcastro> I didn't know if we could or not, I just put them up there for now
[16:56] <nigelb> Soo many mails, sigh
[16:58] <czajkowski> jcastro: well I was gonna create etherpad and then poke the lads and we could work on it but I'd follow up on it, if you can assign to council that's grand
[16:58] <czajkowski> nigelb: FILTERS!
[16:58] <czajkowski> now have a box for blueprints :D
[16:58] <popey> czajkowski: TRASH!
[16:59] <czajkowski> popey: GARBAGE
[16:59] <popey> czajkowski: MILK!
[16:59] <czajkowski> popey: WASTE BIN
[16:59] <nigelb> czajkowski: I have 25 filters already, sigh
[16:59] <czajkowski> popey: get with the game :D
[17:00] * JanC has > 200 filters... :-/
[17:00] <nigelb> JanC: you art awesome
[17:01] <JanC> well, it's more like Evolution makes it very easy to create them, but is no help to remove those that aren't used anymore ;)
[17:01] <jcastro> czajkowski: I more just wanted it in the whiteboard. I think the sane thing to do would be to poke the council in general and then they can each take on an item or whatever
[17:33] <jcastro> nigelb: by the way, on any of these specs if you want to jump in and add items for yourself on what you want to work on that's totally ok!
[17:33] <jcastro> thanks for the spelling fix
[17:33] <jcastro> <-- off to lunch
[17:34] <nigelb> jcastro: hehe, I have enough WI as such. I may take more tasks for bug squad though
[17:40] * dholbach calls it a day
[17:40] <dholbach> take care my friends
[17:41] <dpm> I call it a day as well, by everyone!
[17:41] <dholbach> bye guys
[18:04] <akgraner> cjohnston, adding the classroom calendar now :-)
=== JFo is now known as JFo-afk
[18:29] <jcastro> hey qense
[18:29] <jcastro> any idea on how to get this spun up? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationAreaTransition/Applications
[18:45] <qense> jcastro: hello
[18:46] <qense> jcastro: Was away for dinner, let me read first.
[18:46] <qense> jcastro: Also: did you see my pings yesterday?
[18:48] <jcastro> yeah
[18:48] <jcastro> about lightning talks?
[18:48] <qense> jcastro: yes, and about hotel booking deadlines and probably something else but I forgot what
[18:48] <jcastro> oh right
[18:48] <jcastro> yeah that won't be a problem
[18:48] <jcastro> all I need to know is where to submit for a lightning talk I guess
[18:49] <qense> no, nothing at all
[18:49] <qense> jcastro: did you receive the mail I forwarded to you?
[18:49] <jcastro> aha!
[18:49] <jcastro> there it is
[18:50] <qense> good
[18:50] <jcastro> qense: so do you think I should have a session on adopt an upstream/daily builds, etc?
[18:50] <jcastro> or a lightning talk?
[18:50] <jcastro> ugh
[18:50] <jcastro> I think I will do lightning
[18:50] <jcastro> I don't want to submit a paper
[18:50] <qense> jcastro: The talks are all full already and they're looking for someone who's a bit more high-profile than you -- no offence -- for the keynote, so I think a lightning talk is the only remaining option. ;)
[18:50] <jcastro> heh ok
[18:51] <qense> jcastro: Also, have you had time to read the pre-conference mail?
[18:51] <jcastro> I think I'll get flamed for doing a distro/GNOME topic at guadec
[18:51] <qense> Their flaming will be unjustly!
[18:51] <jcastro> I don't know if I will be there on the 26th
[18:52] <qense> alright
[18:52] <jcastro> let me think about that one for a bit
[18:52] <jcastro> I will mull the lightning talk one for today
[18:52] <akgraner> jcastro, who can I email about debconf... if you told me I forgot to write it down :-(
[18:52] <jcastro> email about what?
[18:53] <akgraner> going and press passes etc
[18:53] <jcastro> not sure
[18:53] <jcastro> it would be on debconf.org right?
[18:53] <akgraner> I was hoping you had *better* info :-D
[18:54] <jcastro> it's like 2 months away, so no, heh
[18:54] <qense> They don't do planning a conference two months in advance ;)
[18:54] <qense> ?
[18:54] <jcastro> no, I meant to say I am so not looking at that right now
[18:55] <qense> ah! :D
[18:55] <qense> jcastro: About the tray transition wiki page:
[18:55] <qense> I don't think blogging is enough, we need something where the users will be reminded of it often and report these issues.
[18:55] <jcastro> yeah
[18:56] <jcastro> so I guess mpt just started this page
[18:56] <qense> Could we misuse Planet Ubuntu and put links to stuff we want people to read with <blink> and <marquee> in the sidebar?
[18:56] <jcastro> I wish
[18:57] <jturek> qense: might have to dig out my netscape navigator gold floppies if you start using <blink>
[18:57] <akgraner> jcastro, is it something I can interview someone about and get it on the Fridge?
[18:57] <jcastro> akgraner: not quite yet, maybe after we get our stuff together
[18:58] <qense> Message to jono: there is also a <http://www.ubuntu.com/developers> link on the Planet Ubuntu (see the header navigation). This points to the 'Developer' subcategory of u.c/community, which you're going to remove in the near future.
[18:58] <jcastro> qense: what do you think about a tag like we did app indicators?
[18:58] <qense> jturek: We'll write patches for Chromium and Firefox
[18:58] <jcastro> I think "big table on the wiki" is doomed to fail
[18:58] <qense> jcastro: tags, sure, add another task for me and I'll figure out who to contact to make the tag an official one.
[18:58] <akgraner> jcastro, ok let me know.. :-)
[18:59] <jcastro> qense: ok so here's where I get confused
[18:59] <qense> jcastro: Yeah, the wiki page would be duplicate effort, copying information from the bug reports to the wiki.
[18:59] <jcastro> qense: is there a spec for this?
[18:59] <qense> jcastro: For this? Not that I'm aware of, but I think it's part of AppInd II, so I'd dump it there.
[18:59] <jcastro> ok
[18:59] <qense> jcastro: If you're adding a task for me, also make me report these bugs.
[18:59] <jcastro> ok
[19:00] <qense> these bugs = what's already on the wiki
[19:01] <qense> jcastro: Maybe we should bundle the awareness efforts for both AppInd and NotifAreaMustDie into one slick media campaign, otherwise we'd have two very similar things.
[19:02] <jcastro> I don't know how I got roped into the notification area
[19:02] <jcastro> I'm appind and global menu for this cycle
[19:02] <jcastro> but whatevs
[19:02] <jcastro> let me ask mpt
[19:02] <qense> alright
[19:03] <jcastro> bah
[19:03] <jcastro> gone for the day
[19:03] <qense> aw
[19:08] <qense> Is everyone getting ill right now? What disease has spread at the UDS?
[19:14] <qense> jcastro: Also: David Neary will be giving trainings on GNOME development the two days before GUADEC. He'll cover working with GNOME libraries and tools as well as getting things done in/with/by the GNOME community. Maybe something for some Canonical employees?
[19:15] <jcastro> I think rick will be the only one around before guadec
[19:15] <qense> jcastro: it is expensive training, with a limited amount of students
[19:16] <qense> or maybe it's cheap, I'm not that familiar with the pricing of this kind of stuff
[19:16] <qense> Does Rick still need training?
[19:16] <qense> :_
[19:16] <qense> :)
[19:17] <jcastro> nah
[19:47] <jturek> RTRV:PM:T3T1:1103-3:::ctag;
[19:48] <jturek> hah, sorry, wrong window... don't need to be typing TL1 commands into a IRC channel ;)
[19:58] <popey> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntini :)
[20:13] <JanC> wtf is "grape soda" ?
[20:14] <JanC> and what's "Crown Royal"
[20:14] <JanC> and what's "Tang"
[20:16] <qense> An ubuntini for me please. Stirred, not shaken.
[20:16] <JanC> qense: I thought you didn't drink alcohol? ;)
[20:17] <qense> I'll boil it before drinking.
[20:17] <JanC> actually, this gave me some idea
[20:18] <JanC> have to try it one of these days...
[21:18] <akgraner> cjohnston, thank you!
[22:03] <jcastro> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rxg2gjK4lHE
[22:03] <jcastro> wow!
[22:04] <akgraner> aren't you glad elmo bought that camera :-)
[22:13] <cjohnston> :-)
[22:13] <AlanBell> that was a good one
[23:22] <doctormo> Nice work, ben was stuggeling to get people to smile all week ;-)
[23:23] <akgraner> doctormo, you were even smiling :-)
[23:24] <AlanBell> it was a bit disconcerting sitting in the bar and an HD camcorder appears 20cm in front of my face
[23:24] <doctormo> akgraner: Ah well, I'm actually quite jovial once you get to knwo me :-P
[23:25] <akgraner> hehe - jovial I was going to say funny as h%^& :-P
[23:26] <akgraner> as words that appear, or sound longer than mayonnaise just don't work for me :-D
[23:29] <JanC> you mean words like "hottentottententententoonstelling" ?
[23:33] <akgraner> JanC, hehe - uh yes!
[23:35] <JanC> it's dutch for "exposition of hottentot tents" and is sometimes used as a "tongue breaker" (for obvious reasons ;) )
[23:36] <JanC> I could also make a 100-character word in Dutch if you wanted ;)
[23:41] <akgraner> JanC, hehe
[23:42] <JanC> basically, combined words are written as 1 long word in German & Dutch, while they are written as separate words in English