UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /18 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <xok> DAMN... ;-D
[00:02] <xok> I've found the solution.. :-D
[00:02] <xok> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDNetboot
[00:02] <xok> at the bottom.. :-D
[00:02] <xok> exactly my problem described.. :-D
[00:02] <xok> thank you all.. :-)
[00:03] <Luija1006> I got this error when I try to print: Open office "error while printing", the error started when I upgraded some packages, because before the upgrade every print was fine, solution?
[00:05] <xok> wow, solution worked perfectly.. :-D
[00:05] * xok is very, very happy... :-)
[00:06] <oxymoron> maco: --addmode <output> <name> how to know which output, I have manually added new resolution now but need to know output
[00:07] * genii sips
[00:08] <oxymoron> maco: "xrandr --addmode <output> <name>" how to know which output, I have manually added new resolution now but need to know output
[00:08] <oxymoron> genii: :P
[00:08] <maco> oxymoron: when you type "xrandr" it tells you teh name
[00:09] <oxymoron> maco: Not the name, the output?
[00:09] <maco> "default"
[00:09] <maco> (on my computer it's LVDS1 while the VGA is VGA1)
[00:10] <oxymoron> maco: so output should be default?
[00:11] <maco> yes according to your pastebin
[00:12] <oxymoron> maco: cvt and xrndr doesnt seem to work.
[00:12] <maco> oxymoron: then the driver's not good enough. oh well.
[00:12] <maco> theres really not much that you can do if youre not a reverse engineer & programmer
[00:12] <maco> well except find someone that is, and bribe them
[00:13] <oxymoron> maco: It works adding the resolution but nothing happens when choosing it in systemsettings
[00:13] <maco> then the driver doesnt support it
[00:13] <maco> you're stuck. it needs a change to the code
[00:13] <oxymoron> maco: Well I am sort of a programmer, but not really ...
[00:14] <oxymoron> maco: Google is my best frind hopefull I guess ...
[00:16] <cannonfodder> hey you guys....is there an online lookup of a websites traffic? something along the lines of the whois directories but i want to see a certain web sites traffic
[00:16] <maco> there's really not a whole lot google (the search engine) can for code-not-written though. google (the company) could of course hire people to write code but glwt
[00:17] <maco> cannonfodder: nope
[00:17] <null___> HOWTO: Add the Medibuntu Repository and GPG Key on kubuntu 10.04
[00:17] <maco> null___: follow the exact same instructions as you find on medibuntu.org for every other version of ubuntu?
[00:18] <Luija1006_> where does firefox stores its extensions?
[00:19] <maco> Luija1006_: ~/.mozilla/firefox/{BLAH}.default/extensions/
[00:19] <maco> Luija1006_: where {BLAH} is a weird mix of letters and numbers
[00:19] <maco> (varies from system to system)
[00:22] <Luija1006_> Hello people please I need help: Kate is having error opening .js greasemonkey scripts: when I click edit with greasemonkey this error windows appears http://i39.tinypic.com/24msuna.png , but in 9.10 kate opened the greasemonkey scripts perfectly, whats going on?
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[00:28] * xok has finished installing KUBUNTU over the network with NFS.. :-)
[00:29] <Luija1006> People where is Kate located?
[00:30] <oxymoron> maco: http://pastebin.com/Yx1kcNm2 xorg log file ....
[00:30] <xok> Luija1006, "which kate"
[00:34] <RSA> what is kubuntu from ubuntu?
[00:34] <Mamarok> !kubuntu | RSA
[00:34] <ubottu> RSA: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde
[00:35] <razed1> !kde
[00:35] <ubottu> KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde4
[00:35] <RSA> oh ok and if i ask question about dbus, does that refer to kubuntu or ubuntu or both?
[00:35] <Mamarok> both
[00:35] <Mamarok> dbus is a freedesktop.org standard
[00:36] <RSA> oh ok
[00:36] <RSA> yeah i had that problem, its called dbus
[00:36] <razed1> huh... wouldn't installing both KDE and Gnome be somewhat resource intensive, not to mention redundant?
[00:36] <razed1> i mean i know they have different software sets, but i don't really see one having much of an advantage over the other
[00:37] <Mamarok> razed1: completely installing both might be needed on a computer used by different users who use different desktops
[00:37] <razed1> aha! good call
[00:37] <RSA> how do i enable dbus?
[00:37] <Mamarok> else one can just install separate apss, they don't need the full desktop, only the libraries
[00:37] <razed1> i was thinking in terms of a single user
[00:38] <Mamarok> RSA: it should be enabled by default. What exactly is your problem? A bit more details of the context might be needed
[00:38] <RSA> I was testing the function, i test a lot to learn from it, so i switched the function off, and than system went to shut down, cant use the keyboard at start up of the interface now, how do i activate dbus?
[00:39] * DarthFrog slyly notes that RSA might learn even more if he solves this one on his own. :-)
[00:40] <RSA> oh ok
[00:40] <RSA> how do i do that, on the internet you mean?
[00:41] <DarthFrog> razed1: What resources are you concerned about by having GNOME and KDE side by side? Only one runs at a time in a single user system, so the only resource consumed will be disk space.
[00:42] <DarthFrog> RSA: I don't know now to solve your problem. It was just a smartass comment on my part. :-)
[00:42] <RSA> Really?
[00:42] <RSA> Well than you must be so smart ass by now.
[00:43] <DarthFrog> Or better! :-)
[00:43] <Mamarok> DarthFrog and RSA: please, this is a support channel...
[00:43] <RSA> Well, you seem to look for something, keep looking.
[00:44] <f3n2x> hi guys, does anyone know why kwin is so slow and unresponsive with the restricted nvidia driver?
[00:45] <Mamarok> RSA: how did you switch it off, killed the daemon?
[00:47] <f3n2x> it runs smooth for about 10 seconds and then starts slowing down
[00:52] <f3n2x> nobody got an idea what could be the cause?
[00:54] <amason__> f3n2x: i am unfortunately running the nvidia drivers here without issue
[00:54] <Mamarok> unfortunately?
[00:54] <amason__> i would prefer not to be, but i'm at work and don't have choice.
[00:54] <amason__> no KMS
[00:55] <amason__> no xrandr
[00:55] <Mamarok> I don't get it, why is something running well unfortunate?
[00:55] <amason__> its a pain in the backside when i undock / dock
[00:56] <amason__> i have to manually configure the video displays
[00:56] <amason__> as i have dual head when docked
[00:56] <amason__> with my intel chipset ( which also ran perfectly ) i had a small script to set the desktop to dual head when i docked
[00:56] <amason__> and back when i undocked
[00:57] <amason__> and when i plugged in a projector it just worked
[00:57] <f3n2x> does your vsync work?
[00:57] <amason__> yes as far as i know
[00:57] <amason__> i don't get any tearing
[00:57] <f3n2x> it's strange
[00:58] <f3n2x> i got tearing but only at the top of the screen
[00:58] <amason__> Mamarok: i also don't think nvidia is supporting the newer versions of X so whilst i'm on kubuntu its fine but if i wanted to switch to another distro i would be sol.
[00:58] <f3n2x> if i disable vsync theres tearing all over the place
[00:59] <amason__> f3n2x: do you have the issue with gnome or xfce?
[00:59] <f3n2x> no its just kwin
[00:59] <amason__> rather xfwm4 or compiz
[00:59] <amason__> ah ok
[00:59] <f3n2x> if i switch to compiz in kde its smooth
[00:59] <amason__> does it go away if compositing is disabled ?
[01:00] <f3n2x> if compositing is disabled its even worse :(
[01:01] <f3n2x> then it's like singlebuffering with bufferclears every few seconds
[01:01] <f3n2x> but i guess thats a different issue
[01:02] <amason__> f3n2x: your running lucid ?
[01:02] <amason__> with the nvidia driivers from the ubuntu repos ?
[01:03] <f3n2x> it's been like that since 4.2 or so
[01:03] <f3n2x> yes lucid
[01:03] <f3n2x> with the driver from the restricted drivers manager
[01:04] <amason__> does it also happen with nuevo (however you spell it ) drivers ?
[01:05] <f3n2x> iirc no
[01:05] <Luija1006> Hello people how I can install my language: Spanish, Panama to the system? (I dont see it in the lists, but if you install with a Live CD choosing english it will appear, but this time I instaled from a English Live CD)
[01:06] <amason__> f3n2x: i guess file a bug with nvidia, not sure how you would go about doing that though..
[01:07] <hannah> Is it possible gemerate xorg.conf file with xserver running
[01:08] <Typos_King> hannah: I'd prefer not to :)
[01:08] <Luija1006> Hello people how I can install my language: Spanish, Panama to the system? (I dont see it in the lists, but if you install with a Live CD choosing english it will appear, but this time I instaled from a English Live CD)
[01:08] <Typos_King> I guess you can make/paste your own, wont' be used till xserver restart though
[01:08] <Luija1006> choosing spanish*
[01:09] <Typos_King> Luija1006: maybe you'll just need to reinstall, and choose 'spanish' this time around :)
[01:09] <amason__> hannah: i don't think so.
[01:09] <boby> help?
[01:10] <Luija1006> Typos_King: -_-
[01:10] <Luija1006> I need to install the language packages, you know how to do it?
[01:10] <Typos_King> Luija1006: I don't think you can switch languages once the installation is through
[01:10] <Typos_King> well
[01:11] <Typos_King> you 'think' you need to install the language packages, yes, not sure if that's how that works, I can is what you 'think' it does
[01:11] <Typos_King> s/I can/I can see/
[01:11] <Luija1006> If you click install another language, spanish España is in the list, but no spanish panama, it appears when you install an live cd with spanish, no other way to install it?
[01:11] <Mamarok> Typos_King: of course you can
[01:11] <darkdelusions> Can anyone tell me why nvidia-setting will not save my xorg for my dual monitors I keep getting the error Failed to phrase existing X config
[01:12] <darkdelusions> I ran it under kdesu
[01:12] <Mamarok> Luija1006: start the package installer and search for the language you are looking for, those should be all in the repos
[01:12] <amason__> darkdelusions: try #nvidia
[01:12] <boby> after clean install of kubuntu 10.04 it freezes on spash screen. I enter console and run apt-get update, upgrade and dist-upgrade. Now it keeps showing me login screen no matter how menz times I eneter my user and pass
[01:13] <amason__> darkdelusions: they would probably have the best idea.
[01:13] <Mamarok> boby: do you know how to run a console in command line?
[01:13] <Typos_King> Mamarok: ... I see
[01:13] <boby> yes
[01:13] <hannah> Typos_King: I need to do it because turning off xserver then computer crashes ...
[01:13] <boby> i enter to x from konsole with startx
[01:14] <Mamarok> boby: then go to the TTY1, and move your $HOME/.kde/ folder elsewhere, then back to TTY 7 and try again
[01:14] <darkdelusions> amason__: meh the power of google is faster :) just wante to see if anyone know off the top of there head
[01:14] <Typos_King> hannah: what makes you think a xorg.conf file will give fix it?
[01:14] <hannah> Mamarok: Do you know whre to find source code of default xserver xorg confi file?
[01:14] <Typos_King> hannah: I mean, do you know why is crashing?
[01:14] <Mamarok> boby: no, you go to TTY with Ctrl+AltQF1
[01:14] <Mamarok> -Q
[01:15] <boby> Ctrl+Alt+F1?
[01:15] <Mamarok> yes
[01:15] <boby> and move my home folder
[01:15] <Mamarok> no need to kill X or startx
[01:15] <boby> *my kde folder
[01:15] <amason__> darkdelusions: google is usually faster
[01:15] <hannah> Typos_King: Because I applied a manual Sis 671 driver and need to force xserver use it and it crashes as in ant war and you cant see anything on the screen
[01:16] <Mamarok> boby: yes, your .kde folder
[01:18] <hannah> Typos_King: cannot geerate xorg.conf and cant find default
[01:19] <Mamarok> bedtime, good night everyone
[01:19] <Luija1006> Mamarok: Thanks, my language is now installed :)
[01:19] <Mamarok> Luija1006: you can switch languages in SystemSettings -> Region & Language
[01:19] <Luija1006> yeah I know I did that, thanks
[01:19] <Mamarok> as well as switching the keyboard
[01:27] <alket1> I am using Ubuntu for 3 years and never looked back, now I have spare time and want to try Kubuntu, what is major differnece except KDE ?
[01:29] <amason__> alket1: nothing afaik
[01:29] <alket1> thank you amason__
[01:29] <Mamarok> !kubuntu | alket1
[01:29] <ubottu> alket1: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde
[01:29] <Mamarok> amason__: there is a difference
[01:30] <amason__> Mamarok: there is ?
[01:30] <amason__> what is different outside of the DE ?
[01:31] <amason__> from X to the kernel I thought it was all the same save for the splash screen?
[01:33] <Typos_King_> alket1: difference being, ahe... just different window manager and desktop manager :)
[01:34] <alket1> ok thank you
[01:34] <Typos_King_> alket1: kubuntu uses kde by default for both, and kde is more a so-called 'eye-candy' than others
[01:34] <Mamarok> amason__: so a different desktop is not a difference?
[01:34] <alket1> but Gnome can be eye-candy too
[01:34] <alket1> i like 10.04 default design in Ubuntu
[01:35] <amason__> Mamarok: if you have a look at whatn alket1 said "what is major differnece except KDE "
[01:35] <amason__> he/she was already aware the desktop was different
[01:36] <Mamarok> amason__: well, the initial question was if there was a difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu and you said no
[01:36] <amason__> no
[01:36] <Mamarok> read again
[01:36] <amason__> it wasn't
[01:36] <amason__> i think you should read again
[01:36] <alket1> ok i got let drop it, so my final question is NetWork manager
[01:36] <Mamarok> oh, I missed the two last words :)
[01:36] <alket1> is it same ?
[01:36] <Mamarok> no
[01:37] <Mamarok> since the network manager is part of the desktop
[01:37] <alket1> ok thank you all
[01:37] <alket1> bye
[01:37] <amason__> it is the same
[01:37] <Mamarok> amason__: not here
[01:37] <amason__> Mamarok: nm-applet is made by network manager guys but its not part of network manager
[01:37] <Mamarok> amason__: I don't talk about the applet
[01:38] <amason__> then its the same
[01:38] <Typos_King_> alket1: yes , indeed, kde can be more GUIsh per se than gnome, I prefer it because I use most kde apps, as I find them more practical and useful, than gnome's, I use a few gnome ones
[01:38] <Mamarok> *sigh*
[01:38] <Mamarok> Typos_King_: he has left already
[01:38] <Typos_King_> I noticed, yeah
[01:38] <Mamarok> amason__: have a look at the gonme network manager and then compare, it is not
[01:39] <Mamarok> gnome*
[01:39] * Mamarok needs sleep
[01:39] <amason__> ok ,disregard the desktop
[01:39] <amason__> everything else is the same
[01:39] <amason__> from X down to the kernel
[01:39] <amason__> the same
[01:39] <Mamarok> now I agree
[01:40] <amason__> he/she specifically said "except KDE"
[01:40] <amason__> so excepting that KDE is different the rest is the same
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[01:56] <darkdelusions> Is there a way to change my wallpaper on a secondary monitor that I cant seem to find anything on
[02:02] <acasa1> oi
[02:02] <acasa1> hi!!!
[02:03] <Typos_King> allo
[02:04] <acasa1> fala mano...
[02:04] <acasa1> tc de onde...
[02:05] <Typos_King> ahe..
[02:05] <Typos_King> who?
[02:05] <Typos_King> !br | acasa1
[02:05] <ubottu> acasa1: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[02:06] <acasa1> Ok
[02:06] <acasa1> by
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[02:30] <conley> Why does alsa put my fraking disabled hd sound as an option in kmix, and even worse, before my dedicated soundcard, so things like firefox output to it instead
[02:46] <ForgeAus> how do I switch back my default WM to KDE, LXDE stole the default
[02:49] <jschall> I can't get my mic to capture, I can turn up the mic volume and hear myself on my speakers, but it won't capture in skype or in ventrilo or anything else running in wine. Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller. I don't have pulseaudio.
[02:51] <ForgeAus> grrr stupid connection dropouts :(
[02:56] <ckipping> hello?
[02:58] <ForgeAus> hello?
[03:34] <ForgeAus> no dropbox in the repos?
[03:34] <ForgeAus> !info dropbox
[03:34] <ubottu> Package dropbox does not exist in lucid
[03:37] <bawww> while we're on the subject, does anyone know you can disable dropbox autosyncing ?
[03:39] <mase_wk> ForgeAus: isn't dropbox a proprietary application ?
[03:40] <mase_wk> i don't think that would be in the repos unless it's in the partner repos
[03:41] <draik> How do I add myself to the new /etc/sudoers file?
[03:41] <mase_wk> visudo as a user that has sudo or root privs
[03:42] <draik> mase_wk: There is no /etc/sudoers file. There is now a /etc/sudoers.d/ directory, but no file for me to modify.
[03:43] <ForgeAus> heheh MacOSX has Dropbox built into finder but I don't know if it does the same thing as the nautilus plugin one does
[03:43] <mase_wk> draik: so what happens if you run visudo ?
[03:44] <mase_wk> is this a default install? ie not a vm-template install (debbootstrap etc..)
[03:44] <draik> mase_wk: Permission Denied. Fresh install
[03:45] <mase_wk> you need to do it as someone who has root privs
[03:45] <mase_wk> when you install kubuntu the first user will have sudo privs
[03:45] <draik> yeah, just realized I didn't type sudo before that. Sorry. Now I have it
[03:45] <draik> Thank you mase_wk
[03:45] <mase_wk> k
[03:45] <mase_wk> np
[03:51] <draik> How do I set a static IP address on a desktop?
[03:51] <draik> I have this on a network with 2 other computers and my PS3 (wireless)
[03:56] <mase_wk> draik: /etc/network/interfaces
[03:57] <mase_wk> otherwise you can assign a static lease from your router
[03:57] <mase_wk> based on the mac address
[03:57] <swapy> draik: use network manager
[03:59] <ForgeAus> what do I need to share/serve samba?
[03:59] <mase_wk> ForgeAus: the samba package should provide you with the necessary software
[04:00] <mase_wk> it should handle the dependancies
[04:00] <draik> mase_wk: Thanks. I'll try that.
[04:01] <ForgeAus> but is there any built in KDE gui to config it?
[04:02] <mase_wk> i don't think there is one built in, smb4k might work. I have never really tried using a gui tool so don't take it as gospel. it could be for client stuff onnly
[04:02] <draik> mase_wk: What is the syntax for having a static IP address in the /etc/network/interfaces file?
[04:04] <mase_wk> draik: its too long to paste in here but there is a good example in the man page description which you can copy paste. man interfaces will bring up the man page
[04:06] <rbucks> has anybody had trouble getting wireless on kubuntu with acer aspire one?
[04:07] <ForgeAus> ahh found it
[04:07] <ForgeAus> not sure if you need to kdesudo but in advanced system settings theres a samba icon for serving
[04:08] <ForgeAus> ahh found it
[04:08] <ForgeAus> not sure if you need to kdesudo but in advanced system settings theres a samba icon for serving
[04:23] <swapy> quite sad irc
[04:34] <robert__> hey everyone can someone please tell me how to fix the problem with flashplayer once and for all?
[04:36] <robert__> anyone online?
[04:36] <robert__> anyone?
[04:36] <robert__> beuller?
[04:42] <draik> robert__: Your question is slightly vague. What issue, specifically? If someone can answer your particular issue, you'll get a response.
[04:42] <robert__> well basically
[04:42] <robert__> when i use flash
[04:42] <robert__> i'll be playing a video
[04:42] <robert__> and after a few minutes
[04:42] <robert__> it starts getting choppy
[04:43] <robert__> and going frame by frame
[04:43] <robert__> and
[04:43] <robert__> when i play a flash multiplayer online game
[04:43] <robert__> i get abou 2 seconds into it
[04:43] <robert__> and it tells me the framrate is too low
[04:43] <robert__> i tried configuring the framerate in firefox
[04:43] <robert__> and it did nothing
[04:44] <robert__> i've set it to low quality and it doesn't help
[05:00] <bobby> hello
[05:03] <bobby> Hey is any one on right now
[05:06] <Crell> Hi folks. Random question. Does the Kubuntu 10.04 Live CD include qtparted? I thought it did at least in earlier versions, but I'm not finding it on the disk.
[05:11] <conley> Is there any way to disable mouse accel? Is it dependent on window manager, because I'll switch to gnome or xfce (or something else) if I have to.
[05:24] <bobby> I'm trying to connect to mid-west USA team irc channel can any one help me
[05:26] <RobertSaganek> I'm trying to connect to mid-west USA team irc channel can any one help me
[05:27] <Rondo> I'm having strange problem. desktop cannot connect to internet. kTorrent and admin menu for router, but no IRC or web
[05:27] <Rondo> so I am connected... but not?
[05:30] <Rondo> how could ktorrent be working, but not irc or firefox? except that I can use brower to look in router to confirm connection and wan activity
[05:32] <RobertSaganek> Hello everone
[05:37] <tsimpson> RobertSaganek: #ubuntu-midwest is probably is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList is the full list
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[06:51] <sobczyk> is it normal that xorg takes up 800MB? (in kde system monitor)
[06:54] <moetunes> no
[06:55] <moetunes> uses 3.4mb here
[07:05] <noaXess> good morning
[07:06] <noaXess> how can i force removing a package that has errors on removing, but i know that i don't need it?
[07:07] <noaXess> i get this... http://paste.ubuntu.com/435342/
[07:12] <moetunes> noaXess: tried removing it with apt or aptitude?
[07:23] <eagles0513875> hey guys i need some help asap for some reason apt keeps telling me segmentation fault or a segmentation faulty tree i found something on a forum that fixed it before and now its not working :(
[07:24] <eagles0513875> RaGNORAK: you manage to get lucid installed on ur 2 tb hdd
[07:30] <noaXess> moetunes: with dpkg and apt-get
[07:32] <noaXess> moetunes: and now with aptitude remove/purge.. no way
[07:33] <moetunes> noaXess: looks like the dpkg script isn't set up right or can't find whatever - I'd look into bugs for that
[07:33] <moetunes> !bugs
[07:33] <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots
[07:34] <moetunes> or search launchpad
[07:34] <eagles0513875> anyone have any idea why i keep getting a segmentation fault with apt
[07:34] <noaXess> moetunes: this package was installed on karmic.. now i have upgraded to lucid..
[07:35] <moetunes> noaXess: but how did you install it - from a ppa or...
[07:36] <moetunes> eagles0513875: does sudo dpkg --configure -a do anything?
[07:36] <noaXess> moetunes: hm.. yes.. it was from a ppa.. that is now disabled
[07:36] <eagles0513875> moetunes: Segmentation faulty tree... 50%
[07:36] <eagles0513875> when i try to install something
[07:37] <moetunes> eagles0513875: does sudo dpkg --configure -a do anything?
[07:37] <eagles0513875> moetunes: sry irc client crashed
[07:38] <eagles0513875> what was the last thing you said
[07:38] <moetunes> eagles0513875: does sudo dpkg --configure -a do anything?
[07:38] <RaGNORAK> well i didnt manage to get my 2tb HDD
[07:38] <RaGNORAK> :|
[07:38] <eagles0513875> moetunes: no
[07:38] <eagles0513875> RaGNORAK: why not
[07:38] <moetunes> noaXess: never seen anything like No diversion `any diversion of.. before
[07:38] <RaGNORAK> little problem with the fundings
[07:38] <eagles0513875> moetunes: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux-help/80216-apt-get-segmentation-fault.html <----tried doing what was suggested in 3rd post and it worked but now its not working
[07:38] <eagles0513875> RaGNORAK: in a way its a good thing
[07:38] <RaGNORAK> planned a trip with my friends instead
[07:39] <eagles0513875> RaGNORAK: gives them time to get gpt compiled into the kernel
[07:39] <noaXess> moetunes: ok.. thanks.. bbl
[07:39] <moetunes> luck
[07:41] <phoenix__> eagles0513875: did you read this -->http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Debian/2008-06/msg01532.html
[07:42] <eagles0513875> phoenix__: it updates just fine but when it comes to retrieving packages it gives me the error
[07:43] <phoenix__> eagles0513875: can you paste the output
[07:44] <eagles0513875> phoenix__: http://pastebin.com/m5ibEBYg
[07:44] <eagles0513875> that is when trying to install something
[07:44] <eagles0513875> apt-get update updates fine
[07:47] <phoenix__> eagles0513875: try this http://www.springenwerk.com/2008/05/speicherzugriffsfehleresen-97.html
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[08:00] <eagles0513875> phoenix__: humm now its workign O_o
[08:06] <phoenix__> eagles0513875: good
[08:06] <eagles0513875> phoenix__: tried a different package and it seems to be working O_o
[08:07] <phoenix__> eagles0513875: did you increase the cache limit
[08:08] <eagles0513875> phoenix__: no
[08:08] <phoenix__> eagles0513875: try that if you get the error in future
[08:08] <eagles0513875> phoenix__: ok
[08:45] <eagles0513875> hey guys i am having issues with tex-live trying to install it but one of its packages has an unmet dependency which is guile
[08:45] <eagles0513875> any ideas on how to fix it
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[09:37] <kss> День добрый господа.
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[09:37] <moetunes> !ru | kss
[09:37] <ubottu> kss: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[09:38] <moetunes> I hope it is russian...
[09:39] <kss> moetunes: yes. it is russian. Sorry iam newb.
[09:39] <moetunes> kss: not a problem mate :]
[09:43] <phoenix__> anyone there
[09:43] <phoenix__> i want to get bass redirection for the creative live 5.1 sound card
[09:46] <jstar-tw> hi, I got issues with my desktop computer. I thught it was hard disk related, I bought a nwe one and still having prolem
[09:46] <jstar-tw> like impossible to format the disk with the windows installer, install working with kubuntu but after reboot got 'read error'
[09:48] <moetunes> might be the cable to the hd ...
[09:49] <hyp3r> Hy @ all, i have here a strange problem, maybe someone can help me :)
[09:49] <hyp3r> my problem is the file view on kde, i mean only the structure. i go to a folder and all files inside are displayed black, thats happend only in some applications. krusader and ktorrent shows this error, dolphin works fine (also ls commands show the files correct) any ideas ?
[09:50] <hyp3r> gtk problems maybe ?
[09:52] <hyp3r> @jstar-tw is this a extrnal hdd ?
[09:52] <hyp3r> *external
[09:52] <jstar-tw> hyp3r: internal SATA2
[09:53] <hyp3r> hm, have you tryed a other sata cabel ?
[09:55] <jstar-tw> yep, got nothing to boot in then
[09:55] <hyp3r> also a different place on mainboard tried ? sata1, sata2, sata3...
[09:56] <jstar-tw> hyp3r: not that
[09:57] <jstar-tw> but how could I know if it the HDD, the cable or the motherboard ?
[09:58] <noaXess> how can i remove a package that was installed from a ppa, but the ppa isn't available now?
[09:58] <hyp3r> well, you have changed the hdd and you have the problem again, so hdd is fine, after the change the sata cabel you know, the cabel works also fine, last station is the mainboard (sata port corrupt or mainborad corrupt)
[09:59] <hyp3r> (or ram or cpu ^)
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=== warlock is now known as supinps
[10:00] <supinps> hello
[10:00] <supinps> hi julien
[10:03] <supinps> helo
[10:04] <supinps> hello
[10:04] <rork> hi supinps
[10:04] <supinps> hi
[10:04] <supinps> hi rork
[10:05] <supinps> r u der
[10:05] <rork> yep, as are many others just reading the channel :)
[10:05] <rork> !asj
[10:05] <rork> !ask
[10:05] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)
[10:05] <supinps> i am new to irc
[10:06] <noaXess> how can i remove a package that was installed from a ppa, but the ppa isn't available now?
[10:06] <rork> np, so were we all once.
[10:10] <supinps> hello rork, I just launched the application Konversation,,, Is this just like a chat client
[10:10] <rork> supinps: yes, but for the irc networks only, it's not an instant messenger
[10:11] <supinps> then what is it
[10:11] <supinps> if its not IM
[10:15] <rork> supinps: IRC is a network with channels (chatrooms) and users. Multiple users are connected to one channel. It is possible to private chat with someone but from my point of view the channels are most important. In that it's different from IM's where your contact list is the most important
[10:15] <supinps> ok thank you
[10:16] <rork> supinps: maybe I have to correct my definitions though, for messages are sent instantly :)
[10:16] <supinps> We have so many channels in irc
[10:16] <supinps> can you tell how to find them
[10:21] <rork> supinps: currently there are 33261 channels in total, there should be an option to get a list of them but I don't know how to get it using konversation as I'm using another IRC client. If you look for help for certain software or for a certain topic you can look for a channel on the software's website under help or you can just try to join the channel with #topic, where topic is the name of the topic. e.g. #football will (probably) get you in a
[10:21] <rork> channel where they talk about football and if you need help with kubuntu you can join #kubuntu (which is the channel you are in now). To join a channel use the command `/join #channel` (without the `) in the messagebar.
[10:21] <FloodBotK2> rork: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.
[10:22] <supinps> thank you bro
[10:22] <moetunes> type /list and look in the freenode tab
[10:23] <supinps> thank you, I found a channel about physics
[10:28] <sunnydrake_> hi i have problem with ubuntu 10.04 floppy mount.. problem is this version mount floppy only without fstab i need to pass not-default iocharset=utf8 to mount where i can modify default mount for fd0 ???
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[10:33] <moetunes> sunnydrake: tried to unmount it then remount?
[10:33] <sunnydrake> yep
[10:35] <moetunes> sunnydrake: you could add a line to fstab for it afaik
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[10:36] <sunnydrake> but it remounts only if not added to fstab.. if i add it to fstab .. mount: /dev/fd0 "not a correct block device"
[10:36] <ct529> hi guys. I am using 10.04 64 bit
[10:36] <ct529> I have difficulties with the graphic card
[10:37] <ct529> it is nvidia quadro 1600 M, with nvidia driver nvidia-current
[10:37] <sunnydrake> and if not in fstab /dev/fd0 on /media/disk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks) .. it possible some udev/kernel module load?
[10:37] <ct529> when I try to compile packages which rely on gls I get the error GLX extension missing on server
[10:37] <ct529> but mesa is properly installed
[10:38] <ct529> if i run glxinfo, I get segmentation fault
[10:38] <ct529> and the message Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
[10:38] <sunnydrake> sorry missed udisks line :)
[10:38] <ct529> anyone with a suggestion?
[10:38] <sunnydrake> i have smae problems with ati
[10:39] <Guest12892> ct529: did you upgrade from 9.10?
[10:39] <sunnydrake> what i done removed via synaptic all ati dirvers + manually deleted kernel module and then reinstalled via synaptic(you can try jockey too)(
[10:39] <sunnydrake> yep
[10:41] <ct529> Guest12892: yes
[10:42] <ct529> Guest12892: do you think it could be related?
[10:43] <Guest12892> ct529: i had the same problem, tried many things, but no success.finally done clean install
[10:47] <ct529> Guest12892: cannot do a clean install
[10:51] <ct529> Guest12892: there are different headers for glx installed at the same time???????
[10:54] <ct529> is there a way to discover which package provides which file? that is find the package from the file?
[10:54] <noaXess> i use wicd in lucid,, how to remove knetworkmanager?
[10:54] <Luija1006> hello people I need help: After upgrading with Kpackage kit now I cannot print, it tosses and error when printing: "Error while printing", no details are shown, solution?
[10:57] <sunnydrake> ct529: i found that i had different libGL istalled one from ati and one from mesa it deleted both but this caused me a lot of pia and manual removial of kernel module
=== havaisan is now known as nirppu
[11:00] <AhmedBH> Hi, anyone knows how do i close evolution mail from windows list from the panel and gets notification of a new incoming mail ?
[11:05] <Luija1006> hello people I need help: After upgrading with Kpackage kit now I cannot print, it tosses and error when printing: "Error while printing", no details are shown, solution?
[11:09] <greatwall> jhbhjb
[11:09] <greatwall> kjh jnhuhuihhkj
[11:17] <Luija1006> hello people I need help: After upgrading with Kpackage kit now I cannot print, it tosses and error when printing: "Error while printing", no details are shown, solution?
[11:48] <amichair> where can I read about the various KNR suspend states and their effect on devices and battery?
[11:48] <Luija1006> hello people I need help: After upgrading with Kpackage kit now I cannot print, it tosses and error when printing: "Error while printing", no details are shown, solution?
[11:49] <amichair> Luija1006: you've been very pacient... I hope someone comes soon who will be able to help you :-)
[11:50] <Luija1006> amichair: lol :)
[11:51] <zahran> help please
[11:52] <zahran> cannot detect usb hard disk
[11:56] <tdn> How do I automatically copy files from my CF-card into ~/incoming upon insertion?
[11:56] <tdn> Luija1006, have a look in the CUPS logs.
[11:57] <tdn> Luija1006, also try to open the URL http://localhost:631/ in a browser.
[11:57] <Luija1006> tdn: CUPS logs? also i tried opening the page and it says it has problems loading it
[11:58] <Luija1006> can't connect
[11:58] <tdn> Luija1006, open terminal, write: tail -f /var/log/cups/*log
[11:59] <zahran> help please. cannot detect usb hard disk. ubuntu 9.10
[12:00] <Riddell> amichair: kubuntu netbook has no special suspend states, it's the same linux build as any other ubuntu version
[12:02] <amichair> Riddell: I figured as much (other than defaults perhaps) - any idea where I can read about them? I found my netbook drained dead where it should have been suspended, trying to configure it properly
[12:02] <zahran> help please . cannot detect usb hard disk . ubuntu 9.10
[12:07] <Riddell> amichair: I don't know of any paticular place, google for linux and acpi
[12:07] <amichair> Riddell: the search continues :-) Thanks!
[12:10] <Luija1006> tdn: luis@Acer:~$ tail -f /var/log/cups/*log
[12:10] <Luija1006> ==> /var/log/cups/access_log <==
[12:10] <Luija1006> ==> /var/log/cups/error_log <==
[12:10] <Luija1006> E [17/May/2010:15:23:39 -0500] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file "/usr/share/cups/drv/sample.drv"!
[12:10] <Luija1006> E [17/May/2010:15:37:18 -0500] [CGI] Unable to scan "@LOCAL"!
[12:10] <FloodBotK2> Luija1006: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.
[12:10] <Luija1006> E [17/May/2010:15:37:26 -0500] [CGI] Avahi connection failed
[12:13] <Riddell> Luija1006: sounds like it's time to file a bug
[12:14] <Luija1006> Riddell: orly?
[12:20] <Unreachable> ..
[12:26] <asina12> Hi...my laptop came presinstalled with windows xp, is it possible for me to use the recovery cd to create a virtual image of winxp?
[12:29] <amichair> asina12: many laptops have another little partition on the harddisk with such a recovery image to let u return to the initial state it was shipped with. They also usually come with a utility to burn a backup image to cd/dvd (from within winxp).
[12:32] <asina12> amichair: thanks, I will check it. So its confirmed that i can't use the recovery cd?
[12:33] <Torch> asina12: which recovery cd? the windows one that came with your notebook?
[12:33] <amichair> asina12: no, I'm just saying you probably don't need it because there are simple built-in tools that came with your laptop to do this
[12:35] <amichair> asina12: I hope I understood your question correctly :-)
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[12:38] <asina12> amichair: well, I can confirm that there is a partition that I can use to reset to factory default, but i can't find the utility to burn it
[12:40] <asina12> Torch: hi Torch, the recovery cd is the one that will reinstall windows. There is also another recovery cd that will install the drivers
[12:46] <noaXess> i use wicd in lucid,, how to remove knetworkmanager?
[12:48] <asina12> noaXess: have u tried sudo 'apt-get remove plasma-widget-networkmanagement'?
[12:48] <noaXess> asina12: Package plasma-widget-networkmanagement is not installed, so not removed
[12:49] <noaXess> asina12: but it's there..??
[12:51] <asina12> noaXess: what is the output of 'sudo dpkg -S knetworkmanager'?
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[12:51] <Gabb0r> moin
[12:51] <noaXess> asina12: http://paste.ubuntu.com/435484/
[12:53] <asina12> noaXess: sorry, try 'sudo dpkg -S $(which knetworkmanager)'...
[12:53] <noaXess> asina12: network-manager-kde: /usr/bin/knetworkmanager
[12:53] <noaXess> so remove that package?
[12:54] <asina12> noaXess: yes, remove 'network-manager-kde'
[12:54] <noaXess> ok... asina12 thanks..
[12:54] <asina12> noaXess:ur welcome, noaXess
[13:05] <DexterF> hi
[13:05] <DexterF> I installed the dropbox package, now my gtk theme is messed up and right clicking into the desktop gives me a gnome dialogue. which I find a tad scary.
[13:06] <DexterF> what happened here?
[13:06] <DexterF> (I use an ubuntu9.10/kde3 remix btw)
[13:06] <kotz> hola alguien habla castellano?
[13:06] <Mamarok> !es | kotz
[13:06] <ubottu> kotz: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.
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[13:13] <DexterF> *and* "kotz" is the the basic form of the german verb kotzen, meaning "to vomit"
[13:13] <DexterF> scnr
[13:13] <Mamarok> DexterF: behave, it's not in all languages
[13:13] <DexterF> Mamarok: scnr
[13:14] <Mamarok> DexterF: you should, this is a support channel and it definitely doesn't belong here
[13:15] <DexterF> ok, support question: where does kubuntu store gtk theme and icon settings?
[13:15] <DexterF> kotz: sorry mate :)
[13:27] <noaXess> what about java in lucid? i want sun-java6 but can install/find it..
[13:27] <noaXess> i need java.. for different java apps
[13:30] <amichair> noaXess: u need to add the partners repository
[13:30] <noaXess> amichair: just enable it or via add-apt-repository?
[13:30] <amichair> noaXess: it should already be on the list, you just need to enable it
[13:32] <Hazamonzo> aarh! Why might xorg be eating 25% of my CPU from time to time?? Its driving me nuts. There is no reason i can see that it should
[13:32] <noaXess> amichair: there is just the karmic partner entry.. i upgraded from karmic to lucid.. so just change karmic to lucid right?
[13:33] <amichair> noaXess: I suppose...
[13:44] <amichair> noaXess: all ok?
[13:44] <noaXess> yeah... had also a wlan problem. cause i needed remove network-manager and all dependencies
[13:44] <amichair> can anyone recommend a good alternative to Ark?
[13:52] <silv3r_m00n> hi there , I copied some data from ubuntu partition to another ext4 partition and after reinstalling ubuntu , when I copy that data back to this main partition , for some files it says "could not read /media/disk/file"
[13:52] <silv3r_m00n> why ?
[14:06] <silv3r_m00n> anybody ?
[14:11] <ForgeAus> whoever was looking for an ark replacement I'd go for xarchiver...
[14:12] <ForgeAus> (note: actually I should say alternative, replacing ark isn't such a great idea)
[14:13] <ForgeAus> some stuff like konqueror, possibly dolphin and other kde stuff may require/expect ark to be there, so better if you install both and just use xarchiver
[14:13] <ForgeAus> (note: the gnome verson of ark is called file roller I think, but I havn't used it so I don't know what its like)
[14:15] <ForgeAus> of course instead of using an archiving tool you could always use krusader (a twin-panel file manager) thats gui, or if you prefer terminal mc will do...
[14:44] <thesaint> I've got a question, anyone feeling particularly wise this morning?
[14:44] <CryojenX> Hey I've got a mystery here. I don't think my computer is shutting down properly, when I start up I he a grinding sound for a split second and i get a bunch of I/O errors during the bootup process
[14:45] <maco> grinding?
[14:45] <maco> um that doesnt sound like a software / OS problem
[14:45] <maco> that sounds like your hard drive is about to kick the bucket and you ought not turn that thing on except for once more: when you do the backup and replace the drive
[14:45] <CryojenX> thats the closest i can describe, but i never had a problem til i installed Linux, was thinking maybe for some reason the hard drive wasnt being shut down properly
[14:47] <CryojenX> It's a Mac Pro and still pretty new, never had problems before
[14:47] <CryojenX> well, at any rate, what file would i look at to check out the error messages?
[14:49] <thesaint> If I've (as admin) loaded the necessary plugins and added the resrtricted repositories to play mp3 and I'm playing mp3's on two of seven user accounts on my computer, shouldn't I , in theory, be able to play them on all accounts?
[14:50] <maco> thesaint: sounds right yeah
[14:51] <maco> CryojenX: um dont know a file, but to do a hard drive diagnostic test, youd use smartctl
[14:51] <maco> CryojenX: thats in teh smartmontools package
[14:51] <thesaint> maco: that's what I thought, but something has gummed up the works.
[14:52] <maco> thesaint: did you install them using apt or did you use the "get more stuff" buttons that pop up on occasion?
[14:52] <CryojenX> thx, I just checked the boot.log and it doesnt have any errors whatsoever... odd
[14:52] <maco> possibly the latter do something with . files?
[14:52] <maco> CryojenX: thats because theres no bootlogger and hasnt been in 3+ years
[14:53] <CryojenX> fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
[14:53] <CryojenX> /dev/sda2: clean, 169558/37576704 files, 3902359/150288384 blocks
[14:53] <CryojenX> * Starting AppArmor profiles [80G Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox
[14:53] <CryojenX> [74G[ OK ]
[14:53] <CryojenX> * Setting sensors limits [80G
[14:53] <FloodBotK2> CryojenX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.
[14:53] <thesaint> maco: apt-get
[14:53] <CryojenX> sorry my bad
[14:54] <thesaint> maco: well, actualkly used kpackagekit
[14:55] <maco> hmm weird
[14:56] <thesaint> maco: when I go onto my wife's account it shows that the plugins are there but when I press play in amarok it says that the song is playing but the progress bar does not move. Does fine with any other format (WMA, OGG, etc)
[14:57] <thesaint> maco: may be an amarok issue, I guess
[14:57] <maco> can you play them with mpg123?
[14:57] <thesaint> maco: i've not tried. hold on.
[14:58] <thesaint> maco: wait, that won't matter I'm on my account.
[14:59] <maco> heh
[14:59] <thesaint> maco: It's early and I'm without coffee.
[15:00] <thesaint> maco: ok, i'll go try and see if that works. if not should I assume a plugin issue and not Amarok?
[15:00] <maco> yeah then id assume a weird codec issue
[15:00] <thesaint> maco: thanks for the help.
[15:03] <manas> hey
[15:03] <manas> all
[15:03] <manas> im new to kubuntu although i have worked on ubuntu before
[15:04] <manas> anyone here????????????
[15:06] <manas> hey there
[15:06] <manas> anyone here
[15:08] <DexterF> manas: if you got a question shoot
[15:08] <DexterF> if everyone would reply to "anyone here?" the servers would break down
[15:09] <manas> is there a software center in Kubuntu like the on ein Ubuntu
[15:09] <DexterF> KPackageKit is now in kde4, I think
[15:09] <BluesKaj> Howdy
[15:09] * DexterF liked adept better
[15:09] <manas> aahh
[15:09] <manas> ok
[15:09] <manas> and where doi find it
[15:10] <manas> fount it thanks
[15:10] <DexterF> gtk question: some 3rd party deb (dropbox, precisely) walked all over my gtk theme and icon setting, I have no clue how to revert. I hava e backup but wouldn't know in which file this is stored. help?
[15:12] <manas> how do i uninstall a program in Kubuntu??
[15:12] <DexterF> manas: plenty of ways. kpackagekit, synaptic, or on a terminal with aptitude. see man page.
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[15:21] <bLiNdRaGe> so i have to do some dev in kubuntu in vmware because i have to use a floppy (and my laptop doesn't have a floppy drive)
[15:22] <bLiNdRaGe> so i create a .flp file in vmware, connect it, then in kubuntu type sudo fdisk -l and /dev/fd0 doesn't show
[15:22] <bLiNdRaGe> any idea why?
[15:33] <petr_> ruddd
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[15:34] <hotarobot> hello
[15:34] <hotarobot> hokkey: russia-canada 3-0
[15:48] <hotarobot> asshols where are you?
[15:51] <vince> Here
[15:51] <vince> :p
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[16:14] <sergiomiguelrp_> hi everybody, has someone used: dixie, sauron or maintain?
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[16:45] <supinps> hello
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[16:48] <supinps> hello
[16:57] <benkevan> hello
[16:59] <hotarobot> benkevan hello
[16:59] <hotarobot> supinps hello
[17:00] <hotarobot> sergiomiguelrp_ hello
[17:00] <hotarobot> vince hi
[17:01] <miazgator> hey people, I've discovered that Konqueror is the only browser with no lagged controls while watching youtube
[17:01] <miazgator> in fullscreen
[17:03] <benkevan> this channel is so quiet
[17:04] <benkevan> miazgator: my chromium is fine
[17:04] <Gamarok___> hello people
[17:05] <Kubry> hello
[17:07] <hotarobot> Gamarok___ hello
[17:07] <hotarobot> Kubry hi
[17:07] <hotarobot> benkevan hi yes
[17:09] <Kubry> There's a new version of https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
[17:11] <miazgator> can't visit facebook with konqueror
[17:12] <miazgator> it asks me about opening some file
[17:12] <miazgator> no way to enter fb
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[17:13] <miazgator> benkevan good for you
[17:13] <miazgator> I need a solution for gnome
[17:13] <miazgator> Firefox 3.6.3 has better flash performance than chromium
[17:13] <miazgator> for me
[17:15] <benkevan> well that pretty much bites :o) .. and flash is nothing but performance problems HAHAHA.. #ubuntu may be better suited for GNOME related questions
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[17:40] <Zorael> Can someone recommend a good KDE id3 tag manager, like exfalso? Something a bit more powerful than Amarok is.
[17:42] <DarthFrog> I've always used EasyTag.
[17:44] <Zorael> Hmm, I'll give that a try then, thanks.
[17:56] <rohan> is there any way to remove ubuntu-desktop (or kubuntu-desktop) completely, with ALL its dependencies? basically if i want to "convert" an ubuntu system to kubuntu, or vice-versa
[17:57] <DarthFrog> You want to rip out GNOME? Why?
[17:57] <phoenix__> is there a way to redirect bass
[17:59] <DarthFrog> rohan: Ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package. Uninstalling it won't do anything. What happens if you try to uninstall one of the most basic GNOME libs? that should trigger a cascade of dependencies. You could then go and uninstall all the dependent packages.
[18:03] <rohan> DarthFrog: thanks.. though i found something better - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome
[18:03] <rohan> also has purekde
[18:04] <DarthFrog> There you go. All wisdom is to be found on the InterTubes. :-)
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[18:21] <wedo> hello
[18:22] <DarthFrog> !hi|wedo
[18:22] <ubottu> wedo: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!
[18:22] <wedo> i need help with launchers
[18:22] <DarthFrog> Rocket or grenade?
[18:23] <wedo> i want to create a launcher for aprogram but want it to check if the program is running already only open its window not a new instance
[18:24] <DarthFrog> Can you write a script? Parse the output of "ps aux | grep <program executable".
[18:24] <DarthFrog> Have your launcher run the script.
[18:25] <wedo> i dunno a lot about scrips
[18:26] <jimmy51_> !skype
[18:26] <ubottu> To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga
[18:34] <human> I have the problem with KDE system monitor. It shows large emounts of virtual memory used! for mysql it shows 148MB and 0.8 MB of physical memory. And the same for another applications. If I add together all the virtual memory, I get a log of GB. But my comp does not have so many memory. I think it should replace MB with KB.
[18:35] <IIVQ> Hello
[18:35] <human> Does anybody have the same problem
[18:35] <benkevan> !hi | IIVQ
[18:35] <ubottu> IIVQ: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!
[18:35] <IIVQ> Question: I have a virgin machine I installed kubuntu on a few days ago. Haven't tweaked it too much, but occasionally it freezes
[18:36] <IIVQ> mouse keeps moving but no reaction whatsoever, other than prtScr+B
[18:36] <IIVQ> capslock doesn't give a reaction
[18:36] <IIVQ> any idea how I could see what happened / why it froze?
[18:37] <IIVQ> it uses 10.04 amd-64 btw, on an intel core i7
[18:39] <IIVQ> anyone?
[18:39] <human> IIVQ
[18:40] <human> try to use GNOME
[18:40] <human> if it happens in GNOME too the cause is not in Kubuntu
[18:40] <IIVQ> no human, not me
[18:41] <human> ok
[18:41] <human> Do you use Kompiz?
[18:41] <human> try KDE3 too)))
[18:41] <human> or try to use it without compiz.
[18:41] <IIVQ> I have KDE4
[18:42] <human> IIVQ, does the freeze every time or only after loading?
[18:42] <IIVQ> don't know what compiz is
[18:42] <human> How long do it happens after loading?
[18:42] <IIVQ> human: I think it happened most of the times, sometimes after 10 minutes, sometimes after hours
[18:42] <cuznt> when i restart my wife's kubuntu 4.4 it goes to a prompt. a terminal kind
[18:42] <cuznt> is there a way to start KDE from that?
[18:42] <IIVQ> though I'll try installing a thermometer on the desktop so I can keep an eye on it
[18:43] <IIVQ> cuntz: startx or startkde
[18:43] <cuznt> ty
[18:43] <IIVQ> cuntz: does that work?
[18:43] <human> IIVQ, So, it does not happen right after loading, only after some time after work in the KDE4?
[18:44] <cuznt> no
[18:44] <human> Gentlemen, please, start your system monitors and look at the physical memory emounts it shows!
[18:44] <human> Does it shows large unreal amounts of MB like mine?
[18:44] <cuznt> $display is not set or can not conect to x server
[18:44] <human> cuznt!
[18:45] <human> please, start you KDE system monitor
[18:45] <human> IIVQ
[18:45] <DarthFrog> cuznt: "export DISPLAY=:0"
[18:45] * cuznt is rebooting
[18:46] <human> IIVQ, sometimes my kde4 freezes me too
[18:46] <human> Gentlemen!
[18:46] <human> Open your system monitors, please!
[18:46] <DarthFrog> cuznt: Actually, reading what you previously wrote, it should be "startx"
[18:46] <DarthFrog> human: Give it up please.
[18:46] <IIVQ> yes human
[18:46] <IIVQ> sorry
[18:46] <human> What?
[18:46] <IIVQ> human
[18:46] <IIVQ> mine only shows 910 MB used
[18:47] <BluesKaj> IIVQ: pls use the proper nick when addressing others , if you probs with spelling just use tab key to finish typing the nick , thanks.
[18:47] <human> and what about virtual memory for Quassel?
[18:47] <IIVQ> I don't have quassel
[18:47] <IIVQ> BluesKaj: I am using tab
[18:47] <human> See at the virtual memory for any application you use.
[18:47] <human> It shows a lot of MB
[18:48] <human> Are there any administer?
[18:49] <human> Have anybody looked at the virtual memory amounts. Are there realistic?
[18:50] <tsimpson> human: virtual memory is not all RAM
[18:51] <human> I have the problem with KDE system monitor. It shows large emounts of virtual memory used! for mysql it shows 148MB and 0.8 MB of physical memory. And the same for another applications. If I add together all the virtual memory, I get a log of GB. But my comp does not have so many memory. I think it should replace MB with KB.
[18:51] <DarthFrog> human: http://www.redhat.com/magazine/001nov04/features/vm/
[18:51] <tsimpson> human: -> virtual memory is not all RAM <-
[18:51] <human> DarthFrog, I know what is virtual memory!
[18:51] <human> I have only 786 in swap!
[18:51] <tsimpson> it's not swap either
[18:52] <human> But the summ of virtual memory of all processes the KDE shows is more that 10GB!
[18:52] <human> See it in your system monitors
[18:52] <human> Do you have the same digits?
[18:53] <tsimpson> a process can "map" files into its memory space, this is what you're looking at
[18:53] <tsimpson> it's not RAM and it's not swap
[18:53] <jimmy51_> what's the recommended "skype" replacement for kubuntu (ekiga/etc)?
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[18:54] <CryojenX> Hey, I'm trying to get Apache working but my router isn't letting anything in from outside even though I have the port open, any suggestions?
[18:54] <jimmy51_> CryojenX: does it work locally?
[18:54] <CryojenX> yup
[18:54] <DarthFrog> CryojenX: Are you port forwarding?
[18:54] <tsimpson> Ekiga, Twinkle or Wengophone. according to the wiki
[18:54] <CryojenX> yup
[18:55] <IIVQ> jimmy51_: for doing skype?
[18:55] <IIVQ> you can only use "real" skype to contact others using skype, IIRC
[18:55] <IIVQ> and it works like a charm
[18:55] <IIVQ> Kubuntu is scary in how good it supports hardware
[18:55] <IIVQ> installing a printer should be a pain in the ass
[18:55] <IIVQ> not easier than on windows
[18:55] <tsimpson> CryojenX: check the output of "sudo netstat -lnp|grep apache", it should show something like this:
[18:56] <tsimpson> tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4266/apache2
[18:56] <IIVQ> you're taking all the fun out of it
[18:56] <jimmy51_> IIVQ: my wife wants to set up something like skype between her and her family members
[18:56] <jimmy51_> IIVQ: voice, video, etc.
[18:56] <IIVQ> ok
[18:56] <DarthFrog> IIVQ: That kind of fun, I won't miss.
[18:56] <IIVQ> so you're not yet bound to skype?
[18:56] <human> IIVQ, Skype works in Kubuntu
[18:56] <IIVQ> DarthFrog: I won't either
[18:56] <CryojenX> tsimpson: tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1494/apache2
[18:56] <IIVQ> human: I know
[18:57] <IIVQ> DarthFrog: just those random freezes
[18:57] <human> Gentlement, my system cannot use so many memory!
[18:57] <jimmy51_> IIVQ: nope, haven't chosen anything yet. that's why i'm asking..... what's the recommended app?
[18:57] <jimmy51_> it needs to have a windows build too
[18:57] <DarthFrog> human: If your system is working, don't worry about it.
[18:58] <DarthFrog> human: It's not the memory system that's wrong, your understanding of virtual memory is.
[18:58] <tsimpson> human: I told you, it's not using memory
[18:58] <tsimpson> CryojenX: did you enable a firewall?
[18:59] <CryojenX> nope, just got the router
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[18:59] <DarthFrog> CryojenX: Do you have a LAN? Can you access Apache from another machine on the LAN?
[18:59] <CryojenX> good question, let me check
[18:59] <human> virtual memory is the memory amount that addressed as RAM, but located in HDD
[18:59] <tsimpson> human: no, it has nothing to do with RAM
[19:00] <tsimpson> it's just an address space
[19:00] <human> tsimpson
[19:00] <DarthFrog> human: It can be, yes. But this is just addressable.
[19:00] <tsimpson> you need to decouple the idea of "RAM" and "virtual address space"
[19:00] <DarthFrog> Perhaps calling it "imaginary
[19:00] <DarthFrog> is better than virtual here.
[19:00] <CryojenX> DarthFrog: No, cant access it via other box
[19:01] <DarthFrog> CryojenX: Then the problem is not with your router, likely.
[19:01] <CryojenX> hmm
[19:01] <tsimpson> CryojenX: is there anything interesting in /var/log/apache2/?
[19:01] <CryojenX> looking
[19:01] <DarthFrog> CryojenX: do: "sudo iptables -F" and try again.
[19:01] <human> tsimpson, explain me, why firefox uses 233 of virtual memory and 33 of physical?
[19:01] <tsimpson> there should be an access.log and an error.log
[19:02] <tsimpson> human: because it maps some files (like history, bookmarks, passwords and icons) into its address space
[19:02] <CryojenX> and other_vhosts_access.log
[19:02] <tsimpson> those take up no RAM, but are accessible from the process, as if they were
[19:02] <human> I have only 10GB in my root drive and have not mounted anything else!
[19:02] <tsimpson> things can be mapped more than once
[19:03] <DarthFrog> human: Do you understand the concept of address space?
[19:03] <tsimpson> lots of GTK apps map the same stuff in several processes
[19:03] <tsimpson> same with KDE and plain X
[19:03] <human> Yes
[19:03] <DarthFrog> human: You are confusing an address space with disk space.
[19:03] <CryojenX> tsimpson: access.log error.log other_vhosts_access.log
[19:04] <tsimpson> CryojenX: anything in them?
[19:04] <CryojenX> looking
[19:04] <tsimpson> the other_vhosts_access.log probably contains some "(internal)" stuff
[19:05] <human> DarthFrog, maybe. I think I should read some texts, but it is strange. How cat I see the used swap space?
[19:05] <tsimpson> "free -m" from a terminal
[19:05] <DarthFrog> human: Use "top" or, better yet, "htop".
[19:05] <tsimpson> it shows used RAM and swap separately
[19:06] <tsimpson> and note that swap usage generally never goes down, even though it's not used any more
[19:06] <CryojenX> - - [16/May/2010:09:39:37 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 486 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100423 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.3"
[19:06] <human> Gentlemen do anybode knows if Kubuntu works at 4 Core processors like AMD Phenom II X4?
[19:07] <tsimpson> human: it does
[19:07] <DarthFrog> human: Of course it does.
[19:07] <CryojenX> several of those
[19:07] <Kemeros> hey! anyone has an idea how to show missing text in the system notification helper? It trunks part of the text, don't know why. Using 10.04
[19:07] <tsimpson> crashev: that a successful request from the same machine
[19:07] <DarthFrog> human: Linux scales very well both ways, from embedded to supercomputers
[19:07] <tsimpson> CryojenX: that a successful request from the same machine
[19:07] <tsimpson> crashev: ignore than please :)
[19:08] <CryojenX> ya i figured
[19:08] <DarthFrog> CryojenX: Did you try the iptables suggestion?
[19:09] <tsimpson> "sudo iptables -L" will show if you have a local firewall enabled
[19:09] <CryojenX> Darthfrog: yeah it didnt seem to do anything
[19:10] <DarthFrog> CryojenX: Other networking is OK on the machine? Routing, etc., is working?
[19:10] <CryojenX> yeah seems ok
[19:10] <CryojenX> I'm on it ^_^
[19:11] <DarthFrog> CryojenX: From the other machine on the lan, what happens when you try: "telnet <apache machine's IP address> 80"
[19:11] <claxon> hej
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[19:12] <DarthFrog> CryojenX: If it responds with Escape character is '^]', then type "GET" into the telnet session.
[19:14] <Kemeros> When i get system notifications, some of the text seems to be cut off and can't read the whole message. Tried to look in all the settings i could find but can't fix it. Any ideas? Using Kubuntu 10.04
[19:15] <CryojenX> hmm, whole lotta good that did, the other machine is my mother's half-arse vista machine minus telnet
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[19:18] <CryojenX> hmm, is it possible it's not listening on my ethernet interface?
[19:20] <DarthFrog> CryojenX: Use a LiveCD boot on your mother's machine to try the telnet troubleshooting.
[19:21] <CryojenX> good idea
[19:21] <IIVQ> where is xsession.errors located?
[19:25] <tsimpson> IIVQ: ~/.xsession-errors
[19:25] <IIVQ> thx
[19:25] <IIVQ> I just found out
[19:27] <CryojenX> ah ok, I can access apache over the LAN
[19:33] <slow-motion> hi
[19:33] <zelhar> hello
[19:34] <zelhar> can I have a problem with Kubuntu's update manager since upgrading to lucid
[19:34] <oxymoron> Whats the format for connecting through VNC server to another computer? ip and where to put password? :S
[19:36] <zelhar> can anyone help me ?
[19:37] <Pici> zelhar: Ask a complete question and we might be able to help.
[19:38] <zelhar> I have a problem with Kubuntu's update manager since upgrading to lucid
[19:38] <zelhar> I get this error https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagekit/+bug/546607
[19:40] <jimmy51_> it looks like ekiga requires a tone of gnome stuff. is there something else i can install that is already covered with qt/kde libs?
[19:40] <RobiX> is there an admin - it's because of banning
[19:41] <tsimpson> jimmy51_: maybe kphone
[19:42] <CryojenX> tsimpson: I'm able to access my server within the LAN, still not from outside tho
[19:43] <tsimpson> CryojenX: have you checked that the ports are forwarded properly, to the right internal IP etc?
[19:43] <crazy6> after an upgrade to 10.04, I can't log in anymore; kdm comes up, but it just drops back to KDM after a second
[19:43] <CryojenX> tsimpson: I believe so, unless I'm missing something.
[19:44] <oxymoron> HELP WITH krdc/krfb NOW please?
[19:44] <tsimpson> it should "just work" if you forward external port 80 TCP to <your internal IP> port 80 TCP
[19:44] <oxymoron> My girl send me the "" info and a password, how da heck to I connect to her computer? :S
[19:44] <tsimpson> at least it does here
[19:44] <CryojenX> is it possible my ISP may be blocking port 80?
[19:45] <tsimpson> oxymoron: you can't, it's an internal IP
[19:45] <maco> ssh
[19:45] <maco> she need to have an ssh server running though
[19:45] <maco> oxymoron: ^
[19:45] <oxymoron> tsimpson: I have her public IP as well.
[19:45] <maco> oh wait remote desktop? nevermind
[19:46] <oxymoron> maco: I want to connect to her computer and fix Spotify installation, is KRDC the right thing os do I need ssh isntead of VNC?
[19:46] <tsimpson> oxymoron: try krdc (KDE Remove Desktop Client)
[19:46] <tsimpson> KRDC does "windows" and VNC IIRC
[19:46] <maco> sure you can do remote desktop. i just dont know how
[19:46] <oxymoron> tsimpson: Yeah I have krdc open but it says cannot connect to server and it doesnt ask for the password? :S
[19:46] <maco> oxymoron: are you on teh same LAN?
[19:46] <tsimpson> CryojenX: it may
[19:47] <maco> oxymoron: if if not, did she set up port forwarding?
[19:47] <tsimpson> oxymoron: she may need to forward the port
[19:47] <maco> oxymoron: if not, she needs to go configure her router
[19:47] <oxymoron> maco: krfb she uses to send me VNC invite I guess and then I should connecto to her in krdc but I dont know the format, It should be something with ip:port-password? :S
[19:47] <oxymoron> maco: Well its not on same LAN and port forwardning for 5900 I dont know really.
[19:48] <maco> well knowing her internal ip (the 192.168 one) is useless
[19:48] <oxymoron> maco: Krfb says it listen automaticly on port 5900
[19:48] <oxymoron> maco: I know here public IP as well, so no problemmo
[19:48] <maco> doesnt matter what the machine's listening on if you cant get past the router
[19:48] <maco> but is the router forwarding to her port 5900?
[19:49] <oxymoron> damn it, then I guess I have to guide her through router config xD
[19:49] <maco> if the router's not saying "hey look traffic on 5900, i need to forward that to THIS internal ip" then its not going to work
[19:49] <zelhar> OK, another question: After the upgrade the Ubuntu repository I used was added to the "other software" part, and if i disable it there, then it seems like I can't update my system- because with it I get update packages and when I disable it and reload I don't get any update options
[19:49] <nimrod> i burned a live cd of kubuntu 10.04 LTS
[19:49] <oxymoron> I think Netgear router should do it automaticly, just torrents that need forwardning I htink.
[19:49] <nimrod> and after i boot
[19:49] <crazy6> is there some way I can call dpkg-reconfigure for all packages?
[19:49] <nimrod> and got to install kubuntu, the screen goes blank and nothing happens
[19:50] <nimrod> i have no idea whats wrong
[19:50] <oxymoron> maco: Btw you helped me with SiS graphics yesterday I think, thanks :)
[19:50] <CryojenX> ok this is interesting. my httpd.conf file has nothing in it
[19:50] <nimrod> and the cd burned correctly as well
[19:50] <IIVQ> hmmm
[19:50] * oxymoron is brb, foodtime
[19:50] <maco> zelhar: why are you surprised that disabling a repository makes updates from it no longer available?
[19:50] <nimrod> used imgburn to burn it
[19:50] <nimrod> ö.ö
[19:50] <IIVQ> I have no idea about the file manager
[19:50] <IIVQ> sorry
[19:50] <maco> zelhar: would be *Really* broken if a disabled repo was still giving you updates
[19:50] <IIVQ> about the crashes
[19:50] <zelhar> because I still have the main repo enabled, just not the one in "other"
[19:51] <IIVQ> I'll get here again if my box crashes again
[19:51] <maco> zelhar: so the only updates that are available are in that disabled repo and the main repo doesnt have any for ya
[19:51] <zelhar> but the disabled repo is one of theo official mirrors of Ubuntu
[19:52] <maco> so dont disable it?
[19:53] <zelhar> yea sure, but it just slow to load it
[19:55] <phoenix__> i want to redirect bass to subwoofer, is there a application or plugin that i can use
[19:56] <nimrod> do you guys have a link where i can install 9.10?
[19:56] <nimrod> ill just upgrade when ive got it
[19:56] <nimrod> 10.04 is giving me hell
[19:58] <Scunizi> nimrod: do you have a gforce motherboard? or sli motherboard?
[19:59] <nimrod> no idea what kind
[19:59] <nimrod> lol
[20:00] <nimrod> how do i check?
[20:01] <Scunizi> nimrod: you might try this.. when booting the cd, on the first screen that shows up you can typically hit F6 to edit the kernel boot line.. at the end of that line is "quiet splash".. just before that type in "pci=nomsi" without the quotes and then hit enter to continue the boot process.. then try an install.
[20:01] <nimrod> alright
[20:01] <nimrod> ty
[20:02] <crazy6> is there a way to do a dist-downgrade back to 9.10 ?
[20:02] <Scunizi> you're welcome.. but we don't know if that will fix the install process or not :)
[20:02] <Scunizi> crazy6: no.. only by reinstalling
[20:02] <nimrod> after i hit install kubuntu
[20:02] <nimrod> it just sit there black screen
[20:02] <nimrod> lol
[20:02] <nimrod> sits*
[20:02] <Scunizi> nimrod: on the first screen that shows up when booting the disk push F6
[20:03] <nimrod> alright
[20:03] <Scunizi> crazy6: why?
[20:03] <nimrod> how would i know what kind of mother board i have?
[20:03] <nimrod> motherboard
[20:03] <nimrod> *
[20:03] <crazy6> Scunizi: upgrade to 10.04 generate a problem wherein I can't log into KDE anymore
[20:04] <Scunizi> nimrod: using sudo lshw on a terminal .. but you have to get to a terminal first.. find the listing for the motherboard and then google it for what it is.. but that's no guarantee anyway..
[20:04] <nimrod> im on windows xp
[20:04] <Scunizi> crazy6: do you get a terminal prompt or black screen ?
[20:04] <nimrod> lol
[20:04] <CryojenX> it appears my ISP is blocking both port 80 and port 8080
[20:05] <Scunizi> nimrod: you trying to do a wubi install?
[20:05] <crazy6> Scunizi: black screen for a second, goes back to KDM
[20:05] <nimrod> no
[20:05] <nimrod> live cd
[20:05] <nimrod> on a patïtion
[20:05] <nimrod> +r
[20:05] <FloodBotK2> nimrod: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.
[20:05] <crazy6> Scunizi: I'm looking through log files, but I'm not sure which ones to check... and I'm not sure which error is actually the root of it
[20:05] <Scunizi> CryojenX: that's typical.
[20:06] <CryojenX> should I set it up to listen on a nonstandard port?
[20:06] <Scunizi> crazy6: kdm is the desktop.. the login screen?
[20:06] <Scunizi> CryojenX: sure.. you might also have to use a service like dyndns.com if you don't have a static ip address
[20:07] <crazy6> Scunizi: the loging manager; that screen works, but I can't get to the desktop, it just drops back to the login screen
[20:07] <thopiekar> hi
[20:08] <thopiekar> I've got a problem w/ kaffeine to search for DVB-S channels.. I get kaffeine(7316) DvbDevice::frontendEvent: tuning failed when trying to search for channels on Astra 1
[20:08] <Scunizi> crazy6: try CTRL+ALT+F2 to get to a TTY then sudo service kdm restart .. that should loop you back to the login screen again .. I'm shooting in the dark here so not sure if that will work..
[20:09] <Scunizi> nimrod: you might be better off with the alternate cd install.
[20:09] <CryojenX> scunizi: Should I use any particular port or just pull one out of my rear? ;)
[20:09] <thopiekar> I thought I is because if the x64 version of kubuntu I use but same here when trying it from a x32 livecd
[20:09] <thopiekar> s/I/it/
[20:09] <nimrod> and that is?
[20:10] <Scunizi> nimrod: the alternate cd install is available on the download page.. it's a different iso you have to burn.. it's a text based installer and *NOT* a live cd
[20:10] <linda_> hey can someone here help me? I'm having trouble setting up a network share on my home network with NFS
[20:10] <crazy6> cu SSSss=
[20:10] <crazy6> asdfasdf
[20:10] <crazy6> ddfsdf
[20:10] <crazy6> [6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[5~[5~[5~[6~/quit
[20:10] <crazy6> oops
[20:10] <FloodBotK2> crazy6: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.
[20:10] <crazy6> sorry
[20:11] <linda_> I want an upload on my kubuntu lucid desktop in which I can write stuff from my kubuntu lucid laptop
[20:11] <crazy6> apparently scroll lock is mapped to that key on an apple keyboard; sorry for the flood
[20:11] <jmp242> Has anyone gotten a Sil 3132 chipset to work as a esata with port multiplier with Kubuntu 10.04?
[20:11] <thopiekar> can someone help my w/ my dvb-s / kaffeine probelm?
[20:12] <RobiX> is public logging in here allowed, or not?
[20:12] <thopiekar> *pleaseee :)
[20:12] <crazy6> Scunizi: Yeah, so,I am in a terminal already. restarting KDM doesn't seem tofix the problem.
[20:12] <linda_> if I click network in dolphin I can see both my laptop (shiny) and my desktop (tuxbox) listed, but not my shares
[20:12] <nimrod> and how does that work Scunizi?
[20:12] <tsimpson> RobiX: this channel is already logged, if you wish to publish logs you need to contact the Ubuntu IRC Council for permission
[20:13] <Scunizi> nimrod: like the live cd.. download, burn iso, leave cd in drive and reboot machine.. installer shows up as a text based installer.. you won't see the desktop until after the install is done and you've restarted into your new system..
[20:13] <nimrod> ok
[20:13] <nimrod> so i cant mess it up?
[20:13] <nimrod> lol
[20:14] <tonydark00> ciao
[20:15] <tonydark00> ci siete?
[20:15] <tonydark00> italiani???
[20:15] <maco> !it
[20:15] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)
[20:15] <Scunizi> nimrod: you can just choose the defaults.. however if you're creating a dual boot situation and you already have drive space allocated for ubuntu make sure you point the installer to that space.. you'll need at minimum 2 partitions for ubuntu to install.. 1 at 2 gigs for /swap and the rest for / known as root.. some will create a 3rd partition for users data .. it's called /home and is typically the largest of the 3 partitions..
[20:16] <nimrod> alright
[20:16] <Scunizi> crazy6: sorry I'm stuck.. might ask in #ubuntu or #kde
[20:17] <jmp242> Or, anyone have any recommendations for a esata card that supports the sil port multipliers under Linux?
[20:19] <Scunizi> linda.. you need to install samba to add a share like that.. hope you have a lot of hair.. I lost some trying to configure it but got it done.. the only problem I now have is when I put data in the share from the machine that is hosting the share, the other (guest) machine can see and read the data but not open or write to it or any sub directories created by the host machine.
[20:19] <Scunizi> linda_: so I'm always sudo chmod -R 777 <path to share> to make it read/write/execute for everyone..
[20:21] <linda_> thanks, i wanted to use NFS because I only have linux computers here, I did not see the point of having samba then
[20:21] <linda_> but maybe I just have to use that again
[20:21] <linda_> :/
[20:22] <CryojenX_> Ok, this is getting irritating. I changed Apache to a nonstandard port, and still cant get through
[20:24] <CryojenX> oops
[20:25] <Scunizi> CryojenX: you won't be able to access it from inside the lan unless you use http://localhost:port number
[20:26] <CryojenX> Scunizi: ya i'm doing that, I just cant access it from outside still
[20:26] <Scunizi> CryojenX: are you remote logged into a machine that is outside your network?
[20:27] <CryojenX> no, just going thru my WAN IP
[20:28] <Scunizi> CryojenX: lots of routers won't allow you to exit your lan and come back in as they see that as "spoofing" .. it's a security measure.. call a friend to access it.. he'll have to manually type the address ... http://<IP address:portnumber> to do it.
[20:29] <linda_> thanks for your help Scunizi, however, I just got a link to another tutorial on the internet and I have my NFS share working now
[20:29] <Scunizi> linda_: ah.. good..
[20:29] <CryojenX> tried it with an outside proxy with no luck
[20:29] <linda_> turns out I had to do sudo exportfs -a after the nfs-kernel-server restart
[20:30] <Scunizi> CryojenX: after changing the port number did you restart apache?
[20:30] <CryojenX> ya
[20:30] <linda_> for a minute I still wasnt sure if I had it working because the files copied so fast, but apparently NFS is much faster than SMB
[20:30] <linda_> and since I want to transfer quite a number of GB :P
[20:30] <Scunizi> CryojenX: are you port forwarding the port to your machine in the Router?
[20:31] <CryojenX> Netstat says it's listening on the right port
[20:31] <CryojenX> yup
[20:31] <Scunizi> CryojenX: pm?
[20:31] <CryojenX> pm?
[20:31] <Scunizi> CryojenX: private message..? we can open a private message window
[20:31] <CryojenX> oops sorry, been a long time since i've done IRC
[20:35] <kaddi> hi, since I upgraded to lucid I find that sometimes a window that is moving out on the left side of my screen reappears on the right side. Is that a feature? And if so how can I use it actively not only by accident?
[20:40] <jseabold> I need to install the java-plugin on a computer without an internet connection but can't find the .deb files for kubuntu karma. Anyone have a link?
[20:40] <jseabold> *karmic
[20:48] <Scunizi> jseabold: packages.ubuntu.com I think
[20:49] <jseabold> Scunizi: Thanks, yeah I'm browsing around in there now trying to figure out which ones I need...
[20:49] <Scunizi> jseabold: sun-java-jre and sun-java-plugin I think
[20:50] <jseabold> Scunizi: Thanks! I'll give it a go. I think it needs to be java6 though.
[20:50] <Scunizi> yea
[20:51] <Erod> Java is in the partner repository nowadays.
[20:53] <jseabold> I think I can just install the old one from packages.ubuntu then update? I need it to access Cisco Clean Access agent at my university...
[20:53] <Erod> Ah yes, that was Karmic? It should be there then alright, they changed it for Lucid.
[20:54] <jseabold> Yeah, I'm on Karmic. Once I can get online I can update ;)
=== licensed_ is now known as licensed
[21:08] <markhinoz> anybody knows about file sharing through irc?
[21:09] <skramer_> hi, I have another question regarding Kontact and Akonadi
[21:09] <skramer_> after every reboot, Akonadi says there are no resource handlers / agents
[21:10] <skramer_> and I have to aa-complain mysqld-akonadi for it to work
[21:10] <skramer_> so what do I have to do to make it permante
=== ubuntu is now known as PongChess
[21:13] <jseabold> Hmm anyone know how I can get packages + dependencies from packages.ubuntu? All the java stuff seems to codepend on each other. Is there a metapackage?
[21:19] <tsimpson> jseabold: see https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/add-applications/C/offline.html
[21:21] <kaddi> hi, since I upgraded to lucid I find that sometimes a window that is moving out on the left side of my screen reappears on the right side. Is that a feature? And if so how can I use it actively not only by accident?
[21:22] <jseabold> tsimpson: perfect thanks!
=== eristik2 is now known as eristikophiles
[22:04] <CartoonCat> Ok, nother issue. USB devices are not beeing seen correctly. (they are not listing in /dev/usb, but lsusb does see them)
[22:09] <volty> hi, updated to 10.4, cannot open some files (says cannot open file) due to some strange chars in the file name, how can I fix this? I wrote these files with 8.04,
[22:14] <Sonsee> hi all. I have kde4 on ubuntu 9.10. I love it, but I have one little problem with konqueror. When I`m watching video on youtube I cannot push the buttom "right-down" to resize the video(make it bigger).
[22:15] <Sonsee> In all other browsers no problems
[22:15] <Sonsee> can someone help?
[22:19] <Sonsee> no one?
[22:19] <Sonsee> )
[22:19] <CartoonCat> Sonsee: you firefox? =)
[22:19] <Sonsee> no
[22:19] <Sonsee> konqueror
[22:19] <CartoonCat> its likely a issue with flash, for me, konq + flash was horrible
[22:20] <Sonsee> I have firefox too, but it works))
[22:20] <CartoonCat> sry brain gave the wrong word, i meant use
[22:20] <Sonsee> well )
[22:20] <Sonsee> I like konqueror
[22:21] <Sonsee> I know that I can use it)
[22:21] <Sonsee> kde said
[22:21] <Sonsee> kde channel
[22:21] <Sonsee> said
[22:21] <CartoonCat> make sure you have the latest flash
[22:21] <Sonsee> that it`s distro issue
[22:21] <Sonsee> I`m sure
[22:21] <Sonsee> I have it ;)
[22:21] <FloodBotK2> Sonsee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.
[22:22] <CartoonCat> lol
[22:22] <CartoonCat> do not use your enter key as punctuation(sp)
[22:22] <Sonsee> ok, I won`t
[22:23] <CartoonCat> it could be a distro specific issue, but iirc gentoo gave me issues too with konq + flash (random things didnt work, or didnt work as expected)
[22:24] <lisandropm> hello! a firend of mine is running ubuntu (latest, I think) and wants to try KDE. Is there a metapackage to install KDE?
[22:25] <PasNox> bonsoir
=== GarthPS|away is now known as GarthPS
[22:26] <PasNox> j'ai ma carte mere qui a grillé, je l'ai donc changé, tout marche bien sauf que maintenant
[22:26] <PasNox> le prompt des tty ( ctrl+alt+FXXX ) est tout cassé
[22:26] <PasNox> il se retrouve tout e nbas a droite sur la derniere ligne
[22:26] <PasNox> des que je tape un truc et que je valide, je ne vois plus le reste
[22:26] <PasNox> que puis je faire pour ca ?
[22:27] <lisandropm> PasNox: je cros qui en cette channel on dois parle anglais
[22:27] * lisandropm doesn't speak frech too much, his writing skuills are worst
[22:28] <PasNox> lisandropm: oups sorry, i forgot that, thanks !!
[22:28] <lisandropm> :)
[22:29] <PasNox> Evening, My motherboard died, so i changed it. All works fine now, perhaps the tty prompts ( ctrl+alt+FXXX) are now broken, they are displayed at bottom right ( last line ) so when i write a command the nvalidate, i ca no longer see the prompt
[22:29] <PasNox> any idea ?
[22:40] <crazy7> hrm, ok, I don't know if installing fglrx package screwed me or not, but now my system doesn't boot... not even sure where to start... it doesn't seem to run init, but it still responds to a ctrl+alt+delete
[22:44] <crooks3o6> Has anyone gotten a wacom tablet functioning correctly in 10.04?
[22:51] <Edcarlos> boa noite a todos
[22:54] <miazgator> hi, I've got a problem with Konqueror not being able to open facebook
[22:55] <miazgator> it looks like facebook thinks I am viewing from a mobile phone
[22:55] <miazgator> where can I upload a screen shot?
[22:59] <crooks3o6> imgur.com
[22:59] <miazgator> anybody there?
[23:00] <crooks3o6> Why not use a different browser?
[23:00] <crooks3o6> Konqueror isn't exactly the best browser.. quite a few sites don't support it properly e.g facebook
[23:01] <miazgator> I was visiting facebook like yesterday
[23:01] <miazgator> and Konqueror is ONLY browser which works with flashplayer perfectly
[23:02] <crooks3o6> flash seems to work fine in firefox..
[23:02] <miazgator> Chromium and Firefox play fine in fullscreen until I try hovering over buttons too fast or mess with volume
[23:02] <miazgator> (in youtube)
[23:02] <miazgator> no it doesn't crooks3o6
[23:02] <miazgator> not for me
[23:03] <miazgator> for me only Konqueror has superior flash performance
[23:03] <miazgator> all the rest is laggy in fullscreen while doing anything with buttons
[23:03] <crooks3o6> so what happens when you go to www.facebook.com? It reroutes you to m.facebook.com?
[23:04] <miazgator> ye
[23:04] <miazgator> that's ridiculous
[23:04] <crooks3o6> hmm it does the same thing for me
[23:05] <crooks3o6> maybe there's a way to have konqueror report a different browser type?
[23:06] <crooks3o6> settings > configure konqueror > browser identification > uncheck send identification
[23:06] <crooks3o6> fixed
[23:08] <hackintosh> xandinho
[23:09] <hackintosh> xandinho
[23:09] <miazgator> thx crooks3o6 I love you
[23:09] <miazgator> :P
[23:09] <crooks3o6> no prob
[23:09] <crooks3o6> That should fix most other buggy sites as well
[23:09] <crooks3o6> konqueor isn't a common browser so most people don't have it coded into their sites
[23:12] <crazy7> I'm starting to think that I should keep a clean install on a USB stick somewhere, so I can just slam it back onto the system quickly, considering how often I am experiencing failures
[23:16] <miazgator> I wish I could use Konqueror in Gnome without installing mass dependancies
[23:17] <miazgator> no other browser gives me so good flash support
[23:17] <slow-motion> n8
[23:17] <miazgator> all the rest is laggy on fullscreen controls for some reason, just not Konqueror
[23:17] <miazgator> there must be somekind of a secret in this
[23:44] <crazy7> how do I regenerate initrd?
[23:50] <Torch> crazy7: mkinitramfs iirc
[23:51] <crazy7> Torch: any way to do it if my system won't boot? that's what I beleive the problem is, that fglrx installer messed up my initrd
[23:51] <Torch> crazy7: that sounds unlikely
[23:52] <crazy7> Torch: well, after I install it, my system now hangs after fsck reports that my root fs is clean
[23:52] <crazy7> well, not hangs... sits there... it'll respond to a ctrl+alt+del
[23:52] <Torch> crazy7: if it doesn't boot to X, boot it with init=/bin/bash and fix it from there
[23:53] <crazy7> Torch: the init=/bin/bash goes in instead of the initrd line, or at the end of the kernel line?
[23:53] <Torch> crazy7: at the end of the kernel line
[23:55] <crazy7> Torch: hrm, ok, it shows me a little bit of dmesg output... "Running /scripts/init-bottom", then some messages about USB configuration for a device, the "root@(none):/#" prompt , but then I can't type anything
[23:57] <Torch> crazy7: can't type or is it not being echoed? blindly type a "find /" <return> and see if the disk is busy then.