UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /13 /#ubuntu-women-project.txt
Initial commit
[09:15] <akgraner> elky, ping
[09:16] <elky> pong?
[09:16] <akgraner> hey
[09:16] <elky> 'sup?
[09:16] <akgraner> so there is supposed to be a meeting today at 1200UTC
[09:16] <akgraner> can you chair it?
[09:17] <akgraner> the only *new* item I had for the agenda was elections - and our session here at UDS isn't til tomorrow so I can't add any new information on that either today
[09:19] <elky> akgraner, I don't know. I want to get home at some point, daylight saving seems to have meddled with our "best times"
[09:19] <akgraner> elky, *nods* - I understand
[09:20] <akgraner> thanks though :-)
[09:20] <czajkowski> can we postpone it?
[09:21] <akgraner> czajkowski, we talked about that at the last meeting and pleia2 suggested that just b/c the 4 *maybe* couldn't make it - the meeting should still happen
[09:21] <czajkowski> aye that's true, just need to get a chair so
[09:21] <akgraner> maco, svaksha hypatia - any of you all want to chait it
[09:22] <akgraner> chair
[09:23] <akgraner> let me just email the list right quick :-) and if no one volunteers then I guess -- it's postponed :-)
[09:23] <pleia2> thanks akgraner :)
[09:23] <akgraner> welcome
[09:23] <akgraner> :-)
[09:27] <elky> Given it's 4:30am for Toronto right now, I'm not going to even bother being hopeful for maco or hypatia.
[09:28] <czajkowski> hmmm
[09:28] <czajkowski> anyone else who wants to try and chair?
[09:28] <czajkowski> learning experience for folks
[09:28] <elky> There's not even a real agenda, it's like, toddler pool learning, with less pee.
[09:29] <AlanBell> I am happy to give anyone a quick Mootbot-UK lesson if required
[09:29] <czajkowski> elky: rather pesamistic
[09:30] <elky> czajkowski, pessimistic how?
[09:30] <czajkowski> regarding the agenda, it's good to just touch base which is the idea of a meeting
[09:30] <elky> There /is not/ a full agenda, hence they do not actually have to time manage as such.
[09:31] <elky> Which means it's an easy meeting to learn with.
[09:31] * czajkowski isnt going to bother
[09:31] * czajkowski goes back to uds work
[09:31] <elky> Which means it's introduction to a skill, like, say, swimming.
[09:31] <Pendulum> elky: I know what you meant, I thought that was a pretty disrespectful way of saying it
[09:37] <akgraner> I just sent an email to the list - it's pretty last minute so no worries if no one volunteers - the big things to remind people about are - 1)World Play Day Competition submissions end May 14, 2010 - 2359 UTC and 2) Elections - get your wiki's in if you want your name on the poll for leadership committee
[09:37] <czajkowski> akgraner: thanks
[09:38] <akgraner> czajkowski, welcome :-)
[11:42] <elky> Also, some people don't necessarily feel, once they look in to it, that they can make /that/ decision.
[11:42] <elky> erk., wrong channel
[13:13] <elky> It looks like it's past 1200 UTC
[13:14] <elky> Is anyone here waiting for the meeting?
[13:14] <IdleOne> I don't think so elky
[13:16] <elky> nigelbabu, svaksha, hypatia?
[13:17] * nigelbabu is here, but listening to UDS
[13:25] <priyankanm> hi
[13:26] <elky> priyankanm, hi, here for the meeting?
[13:26] <priyankanm> yes
[13:26] <elky> IdleOne, nigelbabu still about?
[13:27] <IdleOne> yup
[13:27] <nigelbabu> yes
[13:27] <elky> 4 sounds like enough for a meeting! \o/
[13:27] <elky> #startmeeting
[13:27] <Mootbot-UK> Meeting started at 12:27. The chair is elky.
[13:27] <Mootbot-UK> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [PROGRESS REPORT], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[13:28] <elky> [LINK] http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/May2010/Agenda
[13:28] <Mootbot-UK> LINK received: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/May2010/Agenda
[13:28] <elky> [TOPIC] UDS action items/blueprint
[13:28] <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: UDS action items/blueprint
[13:29] <nigelbabu> Well, this session is still not yet
[13:29] <elky> akgraner, says that there isn't anything new about this since the UDS meeting is conveniently tomorrow instead of before now.
[13:29] <nigelbabu> so, we can defer this action topic?
[13:29] <elky> nigelbabu, it's still on the agenda, and amber asked it be mentioned
[13:29] <elky> And yes, it's mentioned so it can be deferred, not just skipped
[13:30] <elky> [TOPIC] Wiki Translations - Status update
[13:30] <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Wiki Translations - Status update
[13:30] * elky pokes IdleOne
[13:30] <IdleOne> Well
[13:30] <nigelbabu> the uds session is on flamboyant room at 1000 CEST, poke me if you have trouble participating remotely
[13:31] <IdleOne> Since the last meeting I have not done any translation I did notice a couple of updates to the wiki but right now things have slowed down a bit.
[13:31] <IdleOne> That said I do plan on resending a email to the ML soon to ask/re-ask for help again :)
[13:32] <IdleOne> Just so we can keep it fresh in peoples minds
[13:32] <elky> It looks like we have a few new contributors
[13:32] <elky> or were they just ones I didn't notice until now?
[13:33] <IdleOne> elky I haven't been keeping up with Translations other then French.
[13:33] <elky> triple_j and joss are ones I had not noticed before
[13:33] <IdleOne> triple_j aka Jiackie
[13:33] <IdleOne> Jackie*
[13:33] <IdleOne> and joss is new
[13:34] <elky> i'm seeing them in recent changes as i'm lazy and that's all i'm looking at
[13:34] <IdleOne> I have been pre-occupied with some life stuff lately :/ I do apologize for not keeping up to date
[13:34] <elky> :)
[13:34] <nigelbabu> IdleOne: :)
[13:35] <elky> That's ok, teams exist for a reason.
[13:35] <IdleOne> :)
[13:35] <elky> next item?
[13:35] <nigelbabu> lets move on :)
[13:35] <elky> [ACTION] World Play Day announcement - Status update
[13:35] <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: World Play Day announcement - Status update
[13:35] <elky> er,...
[13:35] <elky> [TOPIC] World Play Day announcement - Status update
[13:35] <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: World Play Day announcement - Status update
[13:36] <nigelbabu> How many submissions do we have now?
[13:36] <elky> I haven't checked today, nor have I been through to check that they're all valid
[13:36] <AlanBell> you may have some more later (now I have fixed my SMTP access)
[13:36] <Pendulum> but we're doing okay with submissions?
[13:36] <nigelbabu> what time are we closing?
[13:36] <elky> One invididual has sent in over a dozen pics of the one child, so we might have to be a little mean
[13:36] <nigelbabu> I could do a blog post telling we are closing at such and such time, last call
[13:37] <elky> since some of them are practiacally duplicates if it weren't for something changing on the monitor
[13:37] <elky> but yes, there's quite a lot of entries
[13:37] <elky> nigelbabu, that'd be good.
[13:38] <nigelbabu> elky: so what is the cut off time?
[13:38] <IdleOne> I would assume that if a person wins one prize they can't win another?
[13:38] <elky> nigelbabu, 2359UTC
[13:38] <elky> IdleOne, yes
[13:38] <nigelbabu> elky: 13th 2359?
[13:38] <elky> nigelbabu, 14th 2359
[13:38] <nigelbabu> elky: ok, I'll take an action to blog about it
[13:39] <elky> [ACTION] nigelbabu et al to blog it
[13:39] <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: nigelbabu et al to blog it
[13:40] <nigelbabu> Anything else we need to talk about related to play day?
[13:40] <elky> Anything else regarding the comp?
[13:40] <nigelbabu> ;)
[13:40] <nigelbabu> Nothing more I believe :)
[13:41] <elky> [TOPIC] Elections!
[13:41] <Mootbot-UK> New Topic: Elections!
[13:41] <elky> [ACTION] nigelbabu et al to blog it ;)
[13:41] <Mootbot-UK> ACTION received: nigelbabu et al to blog it ;)
[13:41] <elky> :P
[13:41] <nigelbabu> well, ok :)
[13:43] <pleia2> yeah, I should probably do that too :)
[13:43] <nigelbabu> pleia2: do you want me to stagger my post?
[13:44] <pleia2> nigelbabu: nah, I won't get to it for a couple days
[13:44] <nigelbabu> pleia2: ok, I'll work on it today :)
[13:44] <pleia2> I'll try to get to it sunday, if not monday
[13:44] <pleia2> great :)
[13:44] <elky> [LINK] http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/UbuntuWomen/LeadershipNominations/June2010
[13:44] <Mootbot-UK> LINK received: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/UbuntuWomen/LeadershipNominations/June2010
[13:44] <elky> so far it's lyz, leigh and myself nominated
[13:44] <pleia2> we should also nudge the people we think are awesome to get them to add themselves ;)
[13:45] <elky> Yup
[13:45] <nigelbabu> yes, /me pokes Pendulum
[13:45] * AlanBell actually pokes Pendulum
[13:45] <pleia2> hehe
[13:45] <Pendulum> nigelbabu: you had a proxy you didn't know about there :P
[13:46] <nigelbabu> hehe :)
[13:46] <pleia2> group photo time!
[13:47] <elky> Represent, yo!
[13:47] <nigelbabu> elky: aob?
[13:47] <elky> nigelbabu, translation?
[13:48] <nigelbabu> um, AOB make smore sense
[13:48] <elky> I'm allergic to TLAs
[13:48] <nigelbabu> hehe, Any other buisness?
[13:49] <elky> Oooh. Right.
[13:49] <elky> Don't think so, unless anyone has something to raise?
[13:50] <elky> I'll take that as a no
[13:50] <IdleOne> Am I mistaken in thinking I read something about UW thinking about a new logo?
[13:50] <elky> vish was poking at something
[13:50] <nigelbabu> IdleOne: Yep, vish has been working on it
[13:50] <elky> two-tone, white on orange
[13:50] <nigelbabu> based on the new color schedule and new logo
[13:51] <IdleOne> ahh ok. Maybe that would be a good competition ?
[13:51] <nigelbabu> good idea actually
[13:51] <IdleOne> Just throwing that out there.
[13:51] <elky> yeah, though vish might get a bit miffed if we run one now.
[13:52] <IdleOne> yeah, don't want to upset anyone
[13:52] <elky> We'll see what comes of it first
[13:52] <nigelbabu> if we're not happy, we could run a competition
[13:53] <elky> I'm reluctant to run a competition for everything.
[13:53] <elky> (says the person who initiated two competitions)
[13:54] <IdleOne> agreed, I just thought that tapping into the amazing artist the the community has would be nice
[13:54] <IdleOne> artists*
[13:55] <elky> IdleOne, yep, it'd be nice, but we risk becoming The Group That Runs Competitions.
[13:55] <priyankanm> :)
[13:55] <elky> Whereas the competitions were marketing us, and now we should get down to business until next year
[13:55] <IdleOne> I see your point
[13:56] <elky> When i first suggested these comps, I was thinking "meh, we might get a tshirt"
[13:57] <elky> and as you can see, we got more than a tshirt in sponsorship.
[13:58] <elky> Anyway, we, well people who will be at the next meeting, can discuss it more then. Vish might have finished the concepts by then
[13:59] <IdleOne> sounds good
[13:59] <elky> Any additional further business?
[13:59] <IdleOne> nope
[14:00] <elky> [ENDMEETING]
[14:00] <elky> Hrm...
[14:00] <IdleOne> bots are lagged
[14:00] <elky> split maybe
[14:01] <AlanBell> it is a #endmeeting if I recall
[14:01] <elky> #endmeeting
[14:01] <Mootbot-UK> Meeting finished at 13:01.
[14:01] <elky> it is indeed
[14:02] <elky> I'd just gone hunting through -meeting to find it :)
[14:02] <AlanBell> the next version of mootbot will have a fully sane command set
[14:02] <elky> you mean, standardisation?
[14:02] * elky gasps.
[14:03] <IdleOne> AlanBell: the bot can only be as sane as the programmer :)
[14:03] <AlanBell> and utf-8 support
[14:03] <AlanBell> IdleOne: so what are you saying here?
[14:03] <IdleOne> nothing
[14:07] <AlanBell> a late comment on the subject of the logo, I was hoping to get the font soon, but I believe it will be released "when ready" and they want a lot of glyphs done and all the metrics locked down
[14:07] <AlanBell> but it is going to be an awesome font
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