UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /13 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
[08:10] <robert_ancell> seb128, do you know where the photo experience blueprint is? what was that session called?
[08:10] <seb128> robert_ancell, desktop-maverick-photo-experience
[08:12] <robert_ancell> seb128, yeah, doesn't exist
[08:12] <seb128> robert_ancell, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-simple-image-management
[08:12] <seb128> robert_ancell, desktop-maverick-photo-experience on gobby
[08:13] <robert_ancell> seb128, it's desktop-maverick-simple-image-management
[08:13] <seb128> robert_ancell, what I said before?
[08:14] <robert_ancell> oh, missed that one
[08:14] <robert_ancell> :)
[08:18] <desrt> seb128: in session?
[08:18] <seb128> desrt, yes, you?
[08:18] <desrt> hackingbof :)
[08:19] <seb128> nice
[08:19] <desrt> ...not much of a bof, to be honest
[08:19] <desrt> anyway. was wondering: are you going to do backported glib releases to lucid?
[08:19] <desrt> in some PPA or something
[08:19] <seb128> I didn't plan to no but if that's useful we could discuss it
[08:20] <desrt> ok. i'll see you some time if you're free
[08:38] <chrisccoulson> bryceh - i've been looking at bug 546578 this morning, and i think i know what happens on the gnome-screensaver side now
[08:39] <chrisccoulson> the VT switching is happening before the fade has completed
[08:39] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 546578 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "[RS480] black screen after a few user switches" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/546578
[08:39] <chrisccoulson> and gnome-screensaver continues with the SetCrtcGamma calls, which complete successfully but have no effect on the gamma on the inactive VT
[08:40] <chrisccoulson> so,
[08:40] <chrisccoulson> we need some way for gnome-screensaver to signal that it has finished fading :)
[08:40] <chrisccoulson> or revert the fading mechanism to what we had in karmic, which didn't seem to have this problem
[08:43] <chrisccoulson> ^^pitti - what do you think is more appropriate for a SRU? :)
[08:49] <pitti> Nafai: alias kvmtest='kvm -m 768 -drive if=virtio,index=0,boot=on,file=$HOME/download/kvm-images/test.img'
[09:01] <Nafai> pitti: thanks muchly
[09:07] <pitti> chrisccoulson: ah, wb
[09:07] <chrisccoulson> hey pitti, how are you today?
[09:07] <pitti> chrisccoulson: I just responded/subscribed to bug 546578
[09:07] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 546578 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "[RS480] black screen after a few user switches" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/546578
[09:07] <pitti> chrisccoulson: I'm great, thanks!
[09:07] <chrisccoulson> thanks
[09:09] <chrisccoulson> pitti - i've not seen the issue with suspend, but on user switching
[09:09] <chrisccoulson> i'm not sure if it's the same issue on sleep
[09:09] <pitti> chrisccoulson: ah, sorry; but same reasoning with waiting until VT change, probably?
[09:09] <pitti> chrisccoulson: or just disable the fading :)
[09:09] <chrisccoulson> yeah, possibly
[09:10] <chrisccoulson> pitti - lucid uses a new mechanism for fading (xrandr)
[09:10] <pitti> ah, and karmic just repainted the screen?
[09:10] <chrisccoulson> i was just wondering if we could revert back to the old method (which is still used as a fallback for devices which don't support xrandr)
[09:10] <pitti> i. e. it didn't actually finish until the vt change?
[09:11] <pitti> chrisccoulson: it seems reasonable, too
[09:11] <chrisccoulson> pitti - i think the old fading method still worked on the inactive VT, but i'd need to verify that just to make sure
[09:11] * pitti -> back to session
[09:11] <chrisccoulson> but it would be an easy change to revert the fading mechanism to what was used before
[09:11] <chrisccoulson> thanks :)
[09:24] <bryceh> chrisccoulson, cool, we should get together with RAOF to discuss this
[09:25] <chrisccoulson> bryceh - yeah, can do. i will try and work out whether the old xf86vidmode gamma fade had this issue, because we only noticed it when gnome-screensaver moved to xrandr fade
[09:25] <chrisccoulson> so hopefully reverting that will just fix it for now :)
[09:25] <bryceh> yeah
[09:26] <bryceh> sounds sane for an sru, hopefully whatever the xrandr issue can be solved for MM
[09:26] <bryceh> RAOF and I are in the kernel version session
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[11:00] <huats> morning !
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[14:07] <chrisccoulson> pitti - i can recreate the ATA errors every time i connect the power cord
[14:07] <chrisccoulson> and i still get them without acpi-support
[14:22] <pitti> chrisccoulson: blergh
[14:23] <pitti> chrisccoulson: can you rename /lib/udev/rules.d/85-hdparm.rules to .disabled and check again?
[14:23] <pitti> chrisccoulson: or try to chmod 0 /usr/sbin/pm-powersave
[14:25] <chrisccoulson> it seems to be pm-powersave which does itr
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[15:37] <chrisccoulson> pitti - it is specifically /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/powersave-policy-sata-link-power which triggers my ATA errors
[15:37] <chrisccoulson> which has your name in it ;)
[15:38] <crimsun> chrisccoulson: that begins to sound like a hw/linux issue, not a pm-utils or pm-utils-powersave-policy thing
[15:38] <chrisccoulson> crimsun - yeah, possibly
[15:38] <crimsun> i.e., we probably need to quirk your hw
[15:39] <chrisccoulson> but at least i have a trigger now :)
[15:42] <chrisccoulson> `echo "max_performance" | sudo tee /sys/class/scsi_host/host1/link_power_management_policy` is what is triggering it
[15:42] <chrisccoulson> so, yeah, sounds very much like a kernel issue
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[16:42] <cjohnston> kenvandine: ping
[16:45] <kenvandine> hey cjohnston
[16:45] <cjohnston> Hey.. Can we meet?
[16:45] <kenvandine> sure, got a bug? :)
[16:45] <cjohnston> yes
[16:45] <kenvandine> ok, where are you?
[16:46] <cjohnston> palissandre
[16:47] <kenvandine> ok, session almost done here
[16:48] <kenvandine> want to go meet by the break area in ~10m?
[16:48] <cjohnston> okie.. thanks
[16:48] <kenvandine> cool
[16:48] <cjohnston> downstairs?
[16:51] <kenvandine> yeah
[16:51] <kenvandine> actually i am heading down there now
[16:51] <kenvandine> so whenever
[16:51] <cjohnston> ok
=== qense_ is now known as qense
[18:31] <sash_> hello everyone. lool from #ubuntu-mobile told me that mterry or didrocks from here could help me.
[18:33] <sash_> well, i am trying to package netbook-launcher in fedora, some libraries, too. because of a change in ld's behaviour (read http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/ChangeInImplicitDSOLinking and http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/UnderstandingDSOLinkChange if interested), it is not linkable by using default ./configure && make
[18:36] <sash_> i did ./configure && make LDFLAGS="--libs /lib/libm.so.6 /usr/lib/libXau.so.6" or change this is in my .spec-file
[18:36] <sash_> that works, but should be in the configure-script imho, because also without the new behaviour, it is not wrong ;)
[18:40] <bochecha> sash_, you're building netbook launcher for Fedora? Awesome! I'm building Unity for Fedora, we could probably use each other's help :)
[18:40] <sash_> bochecha: yes, i try. also have to package some libs.
[18:41] <bochecha> which ones?
[18:41] <bochecha> here's what I'm building: https://edge.launchpad.net/~canonical-dx-team/+archive/une/+packages
[18:41] <bochecha> is there any intersection with what you're doing?
[18:44] <LaserJock> I don't think Unity uses much from the older UNE interface (what the heck do we name that?)
[18:46] <didrocks> sash_: bochecha: can see next week, after UDS? I'll try to get some free time for you guys ;)
[18:46] <sash_> bochecha: libclutk, libclutk-dev, liblauncher, liblauncher-dev, libnetbook-launcher as i see
[18:46] <bochecha> didrocks, sure, I'm getting somewhere anyway ;)
[18:47] <sash_> didrocks: of course ;)
[18:47] <didrocks> great :)
[18:47] <LaserJock> sash_: are you going to be interested in the applets (go-home and window-picker) too?
[18:47] <sash_> yes
[18:48] <sash_> i want to have the whole netbook-remix in fedora
[18:49] <sash_> bochecha: its no official project yet. need to make the accounts. didnt package anything yet
[18:52] <LaserJock> sash_: good luck, it would be cool to see on Fedora
[18:53] <sash_> to be able to build netbook-launcher i converted the libs with alien, because i was lazy and just wanted to build netbook-launcher and it does build. i also packaged it in an rpm, but its not really installable yet ;)
[18:55] <bochecha> sash_, some of the bits of the old UNE are already in Fedora btw, like maximus or the window-picker applet
[18:55] <sash_> yes, i saw that
[18:57] <bochecha> sash_, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=484423
[18:57] <ubottu> bugzilla.redhat.com bug 484423 in Package Review "Review Request: netbook-launcher - A clutter-based desktop launcher" [Medium,Assigned]
[18:57] <bochecha> netbook-launcher was already submitted, it's being reviewed
[18:57] <sash_> bochecha: seen, how old ;)
[18:58] <bochecha> yeah, but at least you don't have to start everything from scratch
[18:59] <sash_> bochecha: i also stay in contact to cwickert, who reviewed it, and he will review mine, too. and i have to start from scratch. 1st point is ld in f13, second the netbook-launcher-version
[19:14] <sash_> ok, i used the specfile...
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[22:10] <bochecha> anyone would have a minute to review this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/liblauncher/+bug/580194
[22:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 580194 in liblauncher "liblauncher doesn't build on Fedora 13 (implicit DSO linking)" [Undecided,New]
[22:10] <bochecha> patch is attached