UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /13 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== schlaftier_ is now known as schlaftier
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
[03:32] <neil_d> I was wondering at the possibility of putting in an option in the LiveCD to boot without the GUI in one of the menus?
[03:33] <neil_d> maybe in the 'F6' menu
=== mdel-away is now known as mdel
[04:35] <LLStarks> was delta-debs a topic at uds?
[09:06] <BUGabundo_remote> m@rnlng cowboys&girls
[09:39] <ior3k> hey, is it safe to upgrade to maverick already?
[09:39] <ior3k> I mean, I know it's not safe, but are things horribly broken?
[09:40] <BUGabundo_remote> ior3k: eheh its "safe"
[09:40] <BUGabundo_remote> nothing broken
[09:40] <ior3k> well, here goes then :)
[09:40] <ior3k> thanks BUGabundo_remote
[10:39] <cwillu_at_work> ior3k1, if you know how to fix a broken system, it's almost always safe; there's only the occasional kitten eating bug :)
[10:39] <cwillu_at_work> my normal process before I leave on a service call is to aptitude -y update; aptitude -y full-upgrade, and then shutdown
[10:39] <cwillu_at_work> keeps me sharp :p
[10:40] <ior3k1> cwillu_at_work: haha
[10:40] <ior3k1> cwillu_at_work: usually I do, but with lucid pre alpha 1, kde was so horribly broken that it took me a long time to figure out the problem
[10:41] <ior3k1> anyway I'm using gnome now, so it probably makes things smoother
[10:41] <cwillu_at_work> ior3k1, if the lack of a desktop environment keeps you from getting _any_ work done, then ya, it's probably not safe :)
[10:41] <ior3k1> well, emacs works in the terminal too, haha
[10:43] <neo> successfully upgraded #maverick
[10:43] <BUGabundo_remote> coolio
[10:44] <BUGabundo_remote> any ipv6 experts around?
[10:46] <cwillu_at_work> BUGabundo_remote, no, but I did eat near a holiday inn express last night
[10:47] <virtuald> bugabundo_remote: i wouldn't call myself that but i can probably help you anyway
[10:50] * BUGabundo_remote start OT virtuald: I'm facing a weird bug in android, with a recent kernel, where at some locations, via WiFi, I loose network... from the logs I see some ipv6 activity, and I'm begging to suspect it's the same bug we faced in debian/ubuntu where some network equipment will not reply properly to AAAA records
[10:51] <BUGabundo_remote> logs here http://code.google.com/p/cyanogenmod/issues/detail?id=1365
[10:51] <BUGabundo_remote> fell free to ping me in #android-root or #cyangenmod
[10:51] <BUGabundo_remote> so we dont make much OT in here
[10:51] * BUGabundo_remote stop OT
[10:54] <BUGabundo_remote> virtuald: cwillu: ^^^^
[10:58] <virtuald> sorry i can't help with that
[10:58] <virtuald> i don't think it's ipv6 related
[11:04] <BUGabundo_remote> okay
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
[13:28] <BUGabundo_remote> rt @pgraner: Ubuntu Kernel Team selected 2.6.32 as the Linux Kernel for the Maverick Meerkat 10.10 release.
[13:28] <BUGabundo_remote> erk
[13:28] <BUGabundo_remote> this is a *BAD* call
[13:29] <kklimonda> my gwibber died quietly again :/
[13:29] <kklimonda> gui is up but I can neither close it nor does it get updates
[13:30] <patdk-wk> heh, uninstall gwibber :)
[13:30] <Ian_Corne> BUGabundo_remote: what?!
[13:32] <BUGabundo_remote> Ian_Corne: according to pgraner, kernel .32 was just choosen at UDS
[13:32] <BUGabundo_remote> for maverick
[13:33] <Ian_Corne> but that would be ...
[13:34] <patdk-wk> hmm, so nothing is going to change from lucid to maverick
[13:36] <BUGabundo_remote> lots of stuff in .33 that we want
[13:36] <BUGabundo_remote> ssd trim, the new power manager schedulers
[13:36] <BUGabundo_remote> new IO stuff
[13:36] <BUGabundo_remote> they won't be backporting all of that
[13:36] <BUGabundo_remote> what happen to Ubuntu being cutting edge?
[13:37] * BUGabundo_remote files a rant bug
[13:39] <patdk-wk> ya, defently need ssdtrim
[13:41] <BUGabundo_remote> rt @pgraner: @bugabundo: It was a typo on my part its 2.6.35
[13:41] <BUGabundo_remote> that's better!!
[13:41] <Ian_Corne> lol
[13:41] <patdk-wk> heh
[13:41] <Ian_Corne> that's pretty edgy :D
[13:41] <kklimonda> BUGabundo_remote: ahahaha
[13:42] * patdk-wk is just happy he has tcp md5 support
[13:43] <patdk-wk> plan on getting an ssd for the laptop this summer, so trim support would be good :)
[14:05] <dupondje> let alpha 1 come :) that we can upgrade
[14:05] <dupondje> I feel boring, 1 week no ubuntu updates :)
[14:06] <Jeeves_> dupondje: Not running maverick yet? :)
[14:06] <dupondje> no :)
[14:07] <Jeeves_> That will give you some updates :)
[14:08] <dupondje> not that much updated already prolly ?
[14:08] <Jeeves_> No, not that much.
[14:10] <BUGabundo_remote> dupondje: a bunch
[14:10] <BUGabundo_remote> come on , join us
[14:12] <dupondje> héhé :)
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
[15:53] <knittl> hi. i need quick advice on upgrading packages
[15:54] <knittl> sound-juicer, tomboy, update-notifier and update-notifier-common are kept back
[15:55] <knittl> if i do aptitude full-upgrade it wants to remove … no wait
[15:55] <knittl> it doesn't want to remove ubuntu-desktop anymore
[15:57] <knittl> sound-juicer and tomboy and update-notifier are broken
[15:59] <ChogyDan> knittl: is this maverick?
[15:59] <knittl> ChogyDan: yep
[16:01] <knittl> any ideas/tips?
[16:01] <ChogyDan> it might be just that the archives are out of sync. The builders have a couple day queue it looks like. If that's the case, you just gota wait
[16:01] <ChogyDan> https://launchpad.net/builders
[16:02] <knittl> ChogyDan: well, it's already keeping back for a few days
[16:02] <knittl> but ok, i'll wait
[16:03] <ChogyDan> knittl: try to upgrade that individually, you should get a more specific error
[16:03] <knittl> i could remove sound-juicer and keep the other three at the same version
[16:06] <knittl> hm, 19 hours queue
[16:07] <knittl> (i'm using i386)
=== brad[] is now known as brad[werk]
=== jonathonf_ is now known as jonathonf
=== issyl0 is now known as Evilissyl0
=== Evilissyl0 is now known as issyl0
[21:02] <TLF> for some reason i get GDM started in ctrl-alt-F1 and ctrl-alt-F7, where I can change that?
[21:03] <guntbert> TLF: I don't understand your question here better than in #ubuntu - and please don't crosspost
[21:04] <TLF> guntbert: it's because I'm unable to find a solution, sorry :(
[21:04] <TLF> and that prevents me to start GDM
[21:05] <TLF> it's just that, when GDM (login screen) is started, is started two times (in tty1 and tty7)
[21:06] <TLF> and for some reason, I can't login, neither because it restarts (GDM, not the whole system)
[21:06] <guntbert> TLF: ah that makes it clearer - maybe you rephrase your question so that the problem is clearly visible and put it again to #ubuntu
[21:06] <TLF> guntbert: how can I rephrase that?
[21:08] <guntbert> please describe what really happens when you boot (the "GDM started in ctrl-alt-F1 and ctrl-alt-F7" part was absolutely not understandable to me)
[21:25] <gnomefreak> TLF: on 10.04 or 10.10?
[21:26] <TLF> gnomefreak: 10.04 sorry to have post that here, but I saw no solution :(
[21:26] <gnomefreak> TLF: ask in #ubuntu we cant help you in here
[21:27] <TLF> gnomefreak: I did, but noone asked
[21:27] <TLF> +answered
[21:29] <gnomefreak> sorry but it is offftopic in here. try again or you can look for it in ubuntuforums. if you give it enough time someone will answer when they know. I would start by logging into TTY# and use sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop than the same but start instead of stop. anymore on the issue use #ubuntu but this is a good idea to report as a bug
[21:31] <TLF> goodbye, thank you very much
=== mrsun is now known as MrSunshine
[21:52] <BUGabundo> evening my friends
[21:56] <jonathonf> evening :)
[22:51] <DrHalan> are there plans to move the tab close buttons to the left too? its kinda inconsistent right now
[22:59] <lucitu> wow..it's open..
[23:00] <lucitu> got 158 updates today + 1 new gcc 4.5
[23:05] * patdk-wk quickly closes it