UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /09 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
Initial commit
[02:33] <Chesamo> What's up, tronyx?
[02:33] <tronyx> sitting on my ass
[02:33] <tronyx> you?
[02:35] <muzha> hey tronyx
[02:35] <tronyx> hi
[02:35] <muzha> tronyx, sup brothah?
[02:35] <tronyx> nada
[02:35] <muzha> word
[02:35] <tronyx> o.o paul?
[02:36] <muzha> jawohl :)
[02:36] <tronyx> change of name my love?
[02:36] <muzha> tronyx, just keeping a low profile sweet thang
[02:36] <tronyx> i see mon ami
[02:37] <muzha> tronyx, s'new these days? did you wrap up that course?
[02:37] <muzha> or is that a sore subject
[02:37] <tronyx> sore subject
[02:37] <tronyx> lol
[02:37] <muzha> aye
[02:37] <muzha> no worries
[02:37] <tronyx> but i love you nonetheless
[02:37] <muzha> tronyx, back atcha ;)
[02:38] <tronyx> so many people in this channel
[02:38] <tronyx> ping ajmorris
[02:38] <tronyx> haven't heard from ajmorris in a long time
[02:38] <muzha> yeah
[02:38] <muzha> I saw him a few nights ago
[02:39] <muzha> uh oh
[02:39] <tronyx> RAWRRRRRRR
[02:39] <muzha> /part outa here
[02:39] <tronyx> =p
[02:39] <tronyx> just checking
[02:40] <muzha> :P
[02:40] <tronyx> howdy ibuclaw
[02:40] <tronyx> jesus i hate being on call
[02:40] <muzha> tronyx, aye mate
[02:41] <tronyx> and i still hate the security section of the forums lol
[02:41] <ibuclaw> tronyx, =P
[02:41] <tronyx> <3 ibuclaw
[02:41] <muzha> hayyyyy ibuclaw
[02:41] <ibuclaw> muzha, try using wireshark for that
[02:41] <tronyx> the security forum is the epitome of not using the search function
[02:42] <muzha> tronyx, yeah man
[02:42] <muzha> fucking absurd
[02:42] <tronyx> trolls, people who don't use the search function, and general....shennanigans
[02:42] <ddecator> er, no offense, but maybe this should move to the -team channel? haha
[02:42] <ZachK_> !language | muzha
[02:42] <Votebot> muzha: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[02:42] <tronyx> "THING UBUNTY IS SECURE!? How about this rkhunter log on fresh 19.298 install!!! PWNT WINE IN VIRUSES!!!.@# LINUZ!'
[02:42] <muzha> tronyx, goddamn right
[02:43] <tronyx> i love security, we all know this
[02:43] <ZachK_> muzha: nice to see you too paul
[02:43] <muzha> you too ZachK_ :)
[02:43] <tronyx> and if there was ever an original post in that section, i would respond so fast
[02:43] <tronyx> but alas, it's always the same
[02:43] <ZachK_> muzha: what's with the nick?
[02:43] <muzha> ZachK_, keeping a low profile. This is my alias fyi
[02:43] * tronyx waves to ZachK_
[02:43] <ZachK_> muzha: ah...
[02:43] <ZachK_> hey tronyx long time no see man! where the hell have you been!?!?!
[02:44] <tronyx> oh i am always here in some form or another ;)
[02:44] <tronyx> it's like the bat signal, just ping me and i will get back to you, otherwise i just lurk lol
[02:44] <ZachK_> tronyx: ah..well nice to see you back
[02:44] <muzha> tronyx, yeah
[02:44] <tronyx> good to see you as well ZachK_ =D
[02:44] <ZachK_> tronyx: hey....you like wiki work?
[02:44] <tronyx> what do you mean do i like wiki work?
[02:44] <ibuclaw> muzha, as soon as you said 'fscking absurd' your cover was blown ;)
[02:44] <tronyx> like wiki markup language?
[02:44] <muzha> ibuclaw, you should know this nick o.O
[02:45] <ZachK_> like actual wiki work..editing, making pages...
[02:45] <tronyx> well, it's marking up languages
[02:45] <tronyx> what are you getting at ZachK_ my love?
[02:45] <ibuclaw> muzha, I don't keep track of names and changes. Personalities stick out though.
[02:45] <ZachK_> tronyx: do you want to do wiki
[02:45] <muzha> ibuclaw, aye, they sure do
[02:45] <tronyx> depends ZachK_
[02:45] <tronyx> what do you have in mind?
[02:46] <ZachK_> tronyx: Summer of Documentation
[02:46] <tronyx> i have an erection
[02:46] <tronyx> go on
[02:46] <muzha> SoDomy
[02:46] <tronyx> just kidding, but you can continue...
[02:46] <tronyx> lol
[02:46] <tronyx> Iron Man 2 is a good movie btw
[02:46] <muzha> tronyx, what's the hardest thing about killing a 5 year old?
[02:47] <muzha> tronyx, my dick
[02:47] <ibuclaw> Where's the Summer of Documentation?
[02:47] <tronyx> oh god
[02:47] <ibuclaw> Laid off with all the other tech writers.
[02:47] <tronyx> what do we document ZachK_ ?
[02:47] <muzha> P.S. let's move this to #ubuntu-beginners-team tronyx
[02:47] <ZachK_> it's a project by the WIki FG/Lead which is targeted at doing a major overhaul of the wiki/help.ubuntu site
[03:05] <aluex> hi
[03:06] <aluex> I met a problem when have upgraded my ubuntu
[03:06] <aluex> the version now is 10.04
[03:06] <aluex> and i used UNR 9.10
[03:06] <aluex> it works well
[03:07] <aluex> but something goes wrong under 10.04
[03:07] <aluex> everytime i start up, many nautilus opens
[03:08] <ddecator> as in many nautilus windows open up on every login?
[03:08] <aluex> yes
[03:09] <aluex> too many
[03:09] <ddecator> do they all open the same thing?
[03:09] <aluex> i didn't notice.
[03:09] <aluex> they are unvisible
[03:09] <aluex> but i can see them from task list
[03:09] <aluex> on the panel
[03:10] <ddecator> and each one just says "Nautilus"?
[03:10] <aluex> they are too many and i cannot see the title
[03:10] <aluex> only the icon
[03:11] <ddecator> strange. are you able to click them and bring up a window?
[03:11] <aluex> no,nothing happens after a click
[03:11] <aluex> and computer becomes slow
[03:12] <aluex> whatsmore,my main menu lost the item "Applications"
[03:12] <ddecator> just "Applications"?
[03:12] <aluex> Yes
[03:13] <ddecator> very odd, the three menus are part of the same applet. well, first off, sorry for the trouble you are having
[03:13] <aluex> x(
[03:14] <aluex> i mean,"Applications" is still there,but it's empty
[03:14] <aluex> and nothing happens after clicking "Edit menus"
[03:14] <ddecator> ah, i was just going to ask you to do that, haha
[03:15] <aluex> what could i do..?
[03:15] <ddecator> if you run 'top' in a terminal, is nautilus taking up most of the CPU?
[03:16] <aluex> ok,i will have a try.
[03:16] <aluex> back in few minutes
[03:19] <aluex> back
[03:19] <aluex> this time nautilus works well
[03:20] <aluex> and i m confused
[03:20] <ddecator> well at least that's improvement =)
[03:20] <ddecator> what about Applications?
[03:20] <aluex> still not..
[03:20] <ddecator> does Edit Menus still not work either?
[03:21] <aluex> no.it doesn't
[03:21] <Appl6> aluex: aptitude show alacarte is it installed?
[03:21] <aluex> what's that?
[03:21] <ddecator> allows you to edit gnome menus
[03:22] <ddecator> !info alacarte
[03:22] <Appl6> aluex: Sorry, "aptitude show alacarte" is a command for the terminal.
[03:22] <ddecator> ...there isn't a bot in here other than the logger, is there
[03:22] <aluex> ?
[03:22] <Appl6> aluex: Run it and the State: line will say if it's installed.
[03:23] <aluex> installed
[03:23] <Appl6> aluex: OK, try "sudo aptitude reinstall alacarte"
[03:23] <aluex> ok
[03:24] <ddecator> if it still doesn't work after that, try running just 'alacarte' in a terminal and see what output you get (should just open the menu editor)
[03:24] <aluex> oh
[03:26] <aluex> still in process...
[03:27] <ddecator> when you run 'alacarte'?
[03:28] <aluex> Traceback (most recent call last):
[03:28] <aluex> File "/usr/bin/alacarte", line 36, in <module>
[03:28] <aluex> main()
[03:28] <aluex> File "/usr/bin/alacarte", line 32, in main
[03:28] <aluex> app = MainWindow(datadir, version, sys.argv)
[03:28] <aluex> File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/Alacarte/MainWindow.py", line 48, in __init__
[03:28] <aluex> self.editor = MenuEditor()
[03:28] <aluex> File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/Alacarte/MenuEditor.py", line 36, in __init__
[03:28] <aluex> self.__loadMenus()
[03:28] <aluex> File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/Alacarte/MenuEditor.py", line 48, in __loadMenus
[03:28] <aluex> self.applications.dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.applications.path)
[03:28] <aluex> File "/usr/lib/python2.6/xml/dom/minidom.py", line 1918, in parse
[03:28] <aluex> return expatbuilder.parse(file)
[03:28] <ddecator> aluex: pastebin long output please
[03:28] <aluex> File "/usr/lib/python2.6/xml/dom/expatbuilder.py", line 924, in parse
[03:28] <aluex> result = builder.parseFile(fp)
[03:28] <aluex> File "/usr/lib/python2.6/xml/dom/expatbuilder.py", line 211, in parseFile
[03:28] <aluex> parser.Parse("", True)
[03:28] <aluex> xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: no element found: line 1, column 0
[03:28] <aluex> pastebin?
[03:29] <ddecator> pastebin.ubuntu.com
[03:29] <ddecator> it allows you to put a lot of output into a text field and it gives you a link so we can look at it without the channel being filled with output messages =)
[03:30] <bootstrap> This is interesting. I installed digiKam, went to applications/graphics to run it, and it isn't listed. I went to edit the menu, and digiKam is listed, along with DNGConverter which is not being displayed in menu either. I checked their properties to see if the command was correct, it was. Back to menu they are listed now. I have to 'edit menu' click on properties before they are shown in menu. Any Ideas?
[03:30] <aluex> oh ,i see.
[03:30] <aluex> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/430333/
[03:30] <aluex> this is convenient
[03:31] <ddecator> yes it is. have you updated through the terminal or with the update manager to make sure you have the most recent versions of packages?
[03:31] <aluex> yes
[03:32] <ddecator> bootstrap: not sure. i've had it take a minute for something to show up before, so maybe the timing was a coincidence?
[03:32] <bootstrap> I checked a bit more, it is only happening with KDE programs.
[03:33] <bootstrap> Is konqueror installed by default with ubuntu 10.04?
[03:35] <aluex> ddecator, my system is up-to-date
[03:37] <ddecator> bootstrap: it is on kubuntu i believe, but not ubuntu
[03:37] <ddecator> aluex: let me look for any bug reports a sec
[03:37] <aluex> ok.
[03:37] <bootstrap> ddecator: yeah it was present after I installed ubuntu though
[03:38] <ddecator> bootstrap: a fresh install of ubuntu?
[03:38] <bootstrap> ddecator: Yes. I did install in a partition next to kde though, but I have never seen this happen before.
[03:39] <ddecator> bootstrap: and i've never heard of it happening before..
[03:40] <bootstrap> ddecator: I did already have three primary partitions, so I had to install it in the kde partition but...
[03:42] <bootstrap> ... I don't understand
[03:42] <ddecator> aluex: looking at bug 79205, it suggests running 'rm ~/.config/menus/applications.menu' which will reset your applications menu
[03:42] <ddecator> if that doesn't work, there is another possibility
[03:43] <ddecator> bootstrap: i don't either unfortunately, but that's not exactly my area
[03:43] <aluex> ddecator, ok,i then have a try
=== muzha is now known as paultag_
[03:53] <aluex> ddecator, thank you
[03:54] <aluex> it fixed
[03:54] <Appl6> bootstrap: Try "aptitude why konqueror"
[03:54] <ddecator> aluex: np =)
[03:55] <aluex> but nothing happens after clicking "Edit menus"
[03:55] <aluex> "Applications" is back
[03:56] <bootstrap> Appl6: i digikam Recommends kipi-plugins
[03:56] <bootstrap> i A kipi-plugins Recommends konqueror
[03:56] <bootstrap> Is that why I have konqueror?
[03:57] <Appl6> bootstrap: Yes. Package managers have changed to install not just the "depends" packages which are NEEDED, to also installing the "recommends" packages.
[03:57] <Appl6> bootstrap: So when you installed digikam it "recommends" installed kipi-plugins, which "recommended" konqueror, and so you got konqueror.
[03:58] <bootstrap> Appl6: ah, ok, thanks, I was doing ten things at once when it I installed it, wasn't paying attention. Thank you.
[03:58] <Appl6> bootstrap: It's an issue because some packages have "recommends" like "I'm a browser and it would be recommended if you had fonts on your computer, but you can just look at the images if you want."
[03:58] <kidtp> hello
[03:59] <kidtp> i am having trouble with youtube videos. any help?
[03:59] <kidtp> they lag when i play them
[03:59] <Appl6> bootstrap: And other packages are like "I'm a regular photo editor. It is recommended that you install everything every produced for KDE so you get a KILLER EXPERIENCE."
[03:59] <bootstrap> Appl6: I see.
[03:59] <kidtp> i have tried a couple different things and none have worked
[03:59] <bootstrap> Appl6: Yeah I have dolphin now too, I just found.
[04:00] <aluex> oh. poor aluex..
[04:00] <Appl6> bootstrap: Yeah, some applications are arguably broken if you don't have their "recommends", and others will pull in like all of KDE.
[04:01] <kidtp> I also just switched to ubuntu today and my mic and webcam do not work. i thought it was just internal equipment that got messed up but i plugged in an external mic and it still did not work
[04:01] <Appl6> bootstrap: If you install packages from the command line, you can do "apt-get --simulate install PACKAGE", which will show you all the stuff that it would have installed if you did it for real. If it's too much crap, you can do "sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install PACKAGE" to avoid the recommended packages.
[04:02] <bootstrap> Appl6: Alright, good to know, thanks very much.
[04:03] <ZachK_> kidtp: what ubuntu version
[04:03] <kidtp> tbh idk
[04:03] <Appl6> bootstrap: Sure.
[04:03] <kidtp> Zachk: i installed the newest version today. 64 bit
[04:03] <ZachK_> kidtp: hmm
[04:04] <ZachK_> kidtp: ask around about your issue..sorry that i can't help atm as i must go fetch some dinner but i shall return k?
[04:04] <kidtp> zachk: ok
[04:04] <kidtp> zachk: i will most likely be here : )
[04:04] <Appl6> kidtp: System -> About Ubuntu
[04:05] <Appl6> kidtp: The first line should tell you what version you're running.
[04:05] <kidtp> appl6: thank you. i am using 10.04
[04:06] <aluex> alacarte still cannot run
[04:06] <Appl6> kidtp: So I have neither a webcam nor a microphone, nor have I ever tried to set one up. It would be great if someone would step up now =), but failing that let me take a look on the Internet.
[04:07] <kidtp> appl6: tyvm
[04:08] <Appl6> kidtp: Have you ever used any Linux distribution before?
[04:08] <Appl6> kidtp: As in, before today.
[04:09] <Appl6> aluex: Is alacarte giving you the same error you had before? The python backtrace?
[04:09] <kidtp> appl6: nope. i was getting aggrivated with windows becasue it doesnt move as fast as i would like so i spent this week researching and then today i installed it (note: i am only 14)
[04:09] <aluex> Appl6, yes
[04:10] <aluex> almost the same
[04:11] <Appl6> kidtp: The reason I ask is because Linux has major hardware compatibility issues. Basically, you buy something like a mic or something at the store, and the chances it works on Windows are like 99.999%, and the chances it works on Linux are like 50%.
[04:12] <Vantrax> Appl6, that was true a few years ago, no so much today. Linux actually supports more hardware than windows does.
[04:12] <Appl6> kidtp: The problem is people who make hardware only write drivers for Windows, and not for Linux, so we have to figure out how to use them on our own, and that's difficult and time-consuming.
[04:12] <Appl6> Vantrax: Yes, it supports much more old hardware. If you consider only hardware released recently, the picture is much different. graphics cards *cough*
[04:13] <Vantrax> Appl6, it supports any current graphics card release from the major vendors.
[04:13] <Vantrax> ATI and Nvidia supply linux drivers
[04:13] <Vantrax> im using the Nvidia ones on my laptop now
[04:13] <kidtp> kidtp:hmm, i foudn someone in another ubuntu channel that is giving me all these command lines to put in
[04:13] <kidtp> i just talked to myself...
[04:13] <Appl6> kidtp: OK, listen to them! haha
[04:14] <Appl6> Vantrax: You can't be serious. People are constantly having serious issues, kernel panic level issues, with buggy proprietary drivers.
[04:14] <kidtp> appl6: how do i put a command in? lol
[04:14] <Vantrax> im using the Nvidia ones installed via envy-ng with not a single problem
[04:15] <Appl6> Vantrax: Proof by anecdote, awesome. I don't think this is worth continuing.
[04:15] <Appl6> kidtp: Go to Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal
[04:15] <Appl6> kidtp: It's an extremely important application; people will give you commands to run all the time.
[04:15] <Vantrax> Appl6, ok, if you want to go another step, i run a fleet of linux machines with a mix of intel, ati, and nvidia cards
[04:15] <Vantrax> with no problems at all
[04:16] <Vantrax> over 700 machines running Linux
[04:16] <Vantrax> its still proof by anecdote, but the scale is larger, and covering alot of models
[04:17] <Appl6> kidtp: You can right click the Terminal and select "Add to panel" if you want it to show up just to the right of the System menu.
[04:17] <kidtp> appl6: ok thanx :) now i have to figure out what to do now that the guy stopped helping me
[04:18] <Vantrax> kidtp, try to get him back by typing using his name in the chat, or open a private chat with /msg <name> <message>
[04:18] <kidtp> appl6: it is asking me for a password. would that be my login password?
[04:18] <Vantrax> yes
[04:18] <Appl6> kidtp: By the way, I'm also in #ubuntu, so I can watch from there.
[04:19] <kidtp> vantrax: was that yes aimed at me?
[04:19] <kidtp> appl6: ok cool
[04:20] <bootstrap> kidtp: the yes was aimed at you
[04:20] <Appl6> kidtp: Yes, use your login password.
[04:20] <kidtp> it isnt letting me type anything
[04:20] <bootstrap> it may not look like it is
[04:20] <Appl6> kidtp: It doesn't display it so that people looking over your shoulder can't read your password
[04:21] <Appl6> kidtp: It's like the all asterisks thing, except with no asterisks, ha.
[04:21] <kidtp> wow lol
[04:21] <kidtp> that is kinda silly imo
[04:21] <kidtp> and i just typed in this command and dont know what it is doing...is that bad?
[04:21] <Appl6> kidtp: What command?
[04:21] <kidtp> 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'
[04:22] <Vantrax> thats safe
[04:22] <kidtp> ok cool
[04:22] <Vantrax> good one to install
[04:22] <kidtp> what does it do?
[04:22] <Vantrax> i would run sudo jockey-gtk too and check if you have restricted drivers available
[04:23] <kidtp> ok thanks
[04:23] <Vantrax> kidtp, installs a bunch of stuff like flash and java
[04:23] <kidtp> ohhhhhhhh
[04:23] <Vantrax> vid codecs
[04:23] <kidtp> vantrax: this should help with my youtube problems i hope
[04:23] <Vantrax> yes
[04:23] <kidtp> once it is done do i close it?
[04:24] <Appl6> kidtp: sudo means "run this as administrator (root)". apt-get is what you use to install or uninstall stuff. install means install. ubuntu-restricted-extras is the name of thing you're installing, and it has the stuff Vantrax mentioned.
[04:24] <Appl6> kidtp: You probably want to leave it open; you use it for a lot.
[04:24] <kidtp> appl6: ok thanks
[04:24] <Vantrax> its whats called a meta package, it has a ton of smaller packages in it, but is bundled for convenience
[04:25] <Vantrax> afk a bit for lunch
[04:25] <atilla> Any clue on how to install sound drivers? i have karmic .10 and have been unable to get any sound even after following other forums.
[04:25] <kidtp> i was thinking about switching back to windows because of all the problems i encountered but now i realize all linux takes is a little time and effort and it can be better
[04:27] <Appl6> kidtp: Most of the problems are encountered the first time you install. After that it should be pretty smooth sailing. The killer is when you find a bug that no one fixes, or where no one knows how to make something work.
[04:28] <kidtp> appl6: you have been a lot of help. i still have one more problem tho. actually two but ill take it one at a time :) . the first is with a music streaming website called napster. i get an error message when i try to play a song. any ideas?
[04:30] <Appl6> kidtp: Whenever you get an error, you should always put the full text of the error on pastebin.ubuntu.com.
[04:30] <Appl6> kidtp: I mean, if you want other people to help you with it.
[04:31] <kidtp> appl6: ok, i will try that. my second problem is itunes...i have an ipod touch and obviously i cant sync its apps with any other music program. this is no big deal because i have like 5 other computers which i can put itunes on, but is there anyway to put itunes on linux?
[04:33] <aluex> Appl6, alacarte still cannot run
[04:33] <Appl6> aluex: OK, I will get back to you in a few minutes. I know you've been waiting for a while, but I can't find anything on Google, so I've been looking at the source code.
[04:34] <aluex> eh,thank you in advance.
[04:34] <aluex> never mind
[04:34] <Appl6> kidtp: There's a program called Wine for Ubuntu that lets you run some Windows programs. A lot of people have used Wine to run iTunes successfully, but I have no experience with Wine.
[04:34] <kidtp> appl6: ok i will try it. thanks for all your help
[04:35] <Appl6> kidtp: If you want help with the napster error, post it on pastebin and copy the link here.
[04:35] <kidtp> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/430352/
[04:35] <kidtp> appl6: like that?
[04:36] <Appl6> kidtp: I think so, but that error doesn't tell me much =\. Can you give me a link to the exact napster page you were trying to use?
[04:39] <kidtp> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/430353/
[04:39] <kidtp> the only problem is
[04:39] <kidtp> i pay to use this site
[04:39] <kidtp> so i am not sure if the links will work
[04:40] <Appl6> kidtp: Oh, I see. It sounds like a Flash problem, which the ubuntu-restricted-extras may have fixed. In order to use the new Flash though, you have to restart Firefox.
[04:42] <kidtp> appl6: ok that code did not help with napster. luckily napster is a minor problem that can be forgot about. you said you have no experience with wine?
[04:42] <Appl6> kidtp: I think the second post here should fix it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1142190
[04:45] <Appl6> kidtp: No, I don't have experience with Wine. However, this is Wine's page dedicated to installations of iTunes (because so many people want it): http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=1347
[04:47] <kidtp> appl6: Note: you'll need to have the Canonical "partner" repository to get access to the adobe-flashplugin package. this is what it says under the second post and i do not understand :( sorry for being so ignorant
[04:48] <Appl6> kidtp: It sounds like iTunes on Wine actually isn't working as well as I thought, ha. Though there are a lot of options for playing music in Linux. You could start with Rhythmbox which comes preinstalled (Applications -> Sound and Video -> Rhythmbox).
[04:49] <kidtp> appl6: ok i will move my itunes to a different computer-problem solved :)
[04:49] <Appl6> kidtp: Did you run the two commands that the guy mentions? If there is no error, then you don't have to worry about his note.
[04:49] <Appl6> kidtp: If there is an error, I'll show you how to do what the note says.
[04:49] <kidtp> appl6: sadly, there is always an error. you may begin explaining lol
[04:50] <Appl6> kidtp: Haha.
[04:50] <Appl6> kidtp: Well, first, what's the error?
[04:50] <kidtp> appl6: Package adobe-flashplugin is not available, but is referred to by another package.
[04:50] <kidtp> This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
[04:50] <kidtp> is only available from another source
[04:50] <kidtp> E: Package adobe-flashplugin has no installation candidate
[04:50] <Appl6> kidtp: OK, yeah, note time =).
[04:51] <kidtp> appl6: :)
[04:51] <Appl6> kidtp: When you install a package (a package is something you install, like an application or codecs), it has to be downloaded from somewhere.
[04:52] <kidtp> appl6: yes
[04:52] <Appl6> kidtp: The place where it's downloaded from is called a repository. Packages are split into repositories based on certain characteristics, having to do with the licenses on the source code. Licenses are another issue.
[04:52] <kidtp> kidtp: mhmmmm
[04:53] <kidtp> omg
[04:53] <Appl6> kidtp: Go to System -> Administration -> Software Sources
[04:53] <kidtp> appl6: im there
[04:53] <Appl6> kidtp: You see the "main", "universe", "multiverse", those are different repositories.
[04:54] <Appl6> kidtp: Go to the Other Software tab.
[04:54] <kidtp> appl6: i do not see those
[04:54] <kidtp> appl6: i see main and partners
[04:54] <Appl6> kidtp: Ummm...
[04:55] <Appl6> kidtp: Press Printscreen to take a screenshot of what you see. Put it on www.imagebin.org
[04:56] <kidtp> appl6: lol where is printscreen?
[04:56] <Appl6> kidtp: It is usually on the far top right of your keyboard, above and to the right of Backspace.
[04:56] <Appl6> kidtp: Called "Prt Sc" or something.
[04:58] <kidtp> appl6: ok, on my keyboard it shows home and then under it [prt sc] i dont know how to do the prt sc
[04:58] <Appl6> kidtp: Usually you have to hold a Function key (usually Fn, between Ctrl and Alt on the left side) and then press Home.
=== Phrea is now known as Phrea_
[05:00] <kidtp> appl6: where on imagebin?
[05:00] <Appl6> kidtp: At the bottom left, Add your image.
[05:01] <kidtp> appl6: ok it is up there under kidtp
[05:02] <Appl6> Appl6: It's usually nice if you find it and paste the link here, but it's OK, I found it.
[05:03] <Appl6> kidtp: Yikes.
[05:03] <Appl6> kidtp: If you look up, I asked you to look for "main", "universe", etc. _before_ switching to the Other Software tab.
[05:03] <Appl6> kidtp: So you'll see them if you go back to the Ubuntu Software tab.
[05:04] <kidtp> appl6: haha ok yup. now what do i do? lol
[05:04] <Appl6> kidtp: Anyway, your sources list looks a little screwy. It's not supposed to have the same item twice, and the 1st and 4th are the same.
[05:05] <Appl6> kidtp: So delete the 4th one, and check the 1st one.
[05:05] <kidtp> appl6: ok now what
[05:05] <Appl6> kidtp: Close.
[05:05] <Appl6> kidtp: It should ask to reload, do it.
[05:06] <aluex> Appl6, i m going to get offline. please contact me by email at aluex.cpp@gmail.com if any solutions are found. thank you
[05:06] <Appl6> aluex: Alright.
[05:06] <kidtp> appl6: mhmmm got that
[05:06] <Appl6> kidtp: In the terminal, try "aptitude search adobe-flash"
[05:07] <kidtp> appl6: a lot of things came up
[05:07] <Appl6> kidtp: Good, is one of them "adobe-flashplugins"?
[05:08] <Appl6> kidtp: If yes, then try that guy's two command again.
[05:08] <kidtp> appl6: give me a couple minutes
[05:08] <Appl6> kidtp: OK.
[05:08] <kidtp> appl6: no....
[05:09] <Appl6> kidtp: Can you pastebin the output of the aptitude search command, please?
[05:10] <kidtp> p addresses-goodies-for-gnustep - Personal Address Manager for GNUstep (Good
[05:10] <kidtp> p apache2-mpm-prefork - Apache HTTP Server - traditional non-threa
[05:10] <kidtp> p apache2-prefork-dev - Apache development headers - non-threaded
[05:10] <kidtp> p apt-forktracer - a utility for tracking non-official packag
[05:10] <kidtp> p asterisk-prompt-fr-proformatiqu - French voice prompts for Asterisk
[05:10] <kidtp> appl6: it kicked me out for flood lol
[05:11] <Appl6> kidtp: Yeah, that's why we use pastebin.
[05:11] <kidtp> appl6: i dont think i did what you asked for
[05:11] <Appl6> kidtp: They don't want incredible amounts of crap pasted in the channel, because no one else can keep their conversations going.
[05:11] <kidtp> appl6: you use a lot of words that idk and it makes it hard for my tiny brain to comprehend lol
[05:12] <Appl6> kidtp: Go to the terminal (should be open from last time), type "aptitude search adobe-flashplugin", and hit enter.
[05:12] <Appl6> kidtp: You can actually just copy paste it, without the quotes.
[05:13] <kidtp> no results
[05:14] <Appl6> kidtp: Argh. Paste the results of the command "grep partner /etc/apt/sources.list"
[05:15] <kidtp> ## 'partner' repository.
[05:15] <kidtp> # deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner
[05:16] <Appl6> kidtp: Yay buggy programs. In the terminal, "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list", which should bring up a Notepad-like window (called a text editor). I want you to put this line before the "deb-src" line:
[05:16] <Appl6> deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner
[05:18] <kidtp> appl6: now what?
[05:18] <Appl6> kidtp: Save and exit. Then "aptitude search adobe-flashplugin" again (you can get old commands that you typed by pressing the Up and Down arrows).
[05:19] <kidtp> appl6: wait, do i do it before everyone or just the first one?
[05:19] <Appl6> kidtp: Just paste that line once.
[05:20] <Appl6> kidtp: It should be:
[05:20] <Appl6> ## 'partner' repository
[05:20] <Appl6> NEW LINE HERE
[05:20] <Appl6> # deb-src http <stuff here> lucid partner
[05:20] <Appl6> kidtp: Just once.
[05:21] <kidtp> appl6: ummmm no
[05:21] <kidtp> appl6: i have 2 lines between those lines
[05:22] <Appl6> kidtp: grep partner /etc/apt/sources.list
[05:22] <kidtp> appl6: yes
[05:22] <Appl6> kidtp: I want to see the output, please.
[05:23] <Appl6> kidtp: If it's only 3 or 4 lines you can paste it here.
[05:23] <kidtp> ## 'partner' repository.
[05:23] <kidtp> # deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner
[05:24] <Appl6> kidtp: The grep command works like this "grep WORD_TO_LOOK_FOR FILE_TO_LOOK_INSIDE".
[05:24] <kidtp> appl6: ok
[05:25] <kidtp> appl6: im sorry but that is all the came out : ('
[05:25] <Appl6> kidtp: So that was "look for the word "partner" in the file /etc/apt/sources.list". I asked you to add a new line that had the word partner in it to /etc/apt/sources.list.
[05:25] <kidtp> yes
[05:25] <kidtp> appl6: i will copy and paste what i have
[05:26] <Appl6> kidtp: Can you "cat /etc/apt/source.list" and pastebin it, please?
[05:26] <Appl6> kidtp: Sorry, "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"
[05:28] <kidtp> appl6: how do i pastebin
[05:29] <Appl6> kidtp: Go to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/, put your text there, click Paste, then copy and paste the link here.
[05:29] <kidtp> appl6: oh ok
[05:30] <kidtp> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/430372/
[05:32] <kidtp> appl6: if you are aggrivated now and bored of my problems i can seek help in the morning. it makes no difference to me
[05:33] <Appl6> kidtp: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/430375/
[05:33] <Appl6> kidtp: I made the change to your file, so "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list", replace your existing file with what I just pastebinned.
[05:34] <Appl6> kidtp: It's not a problem if you don't understand what I ask you to do; it's just an issue if I ask you to do something and you don't. Then I think things are a certain way and they aren't, which makes it hard to figure out what's wrong.
[05:35] <kidtp> appl6: ok i replaced the text
[05:35] <Appl6> kidtp: If you don't understand, then by all means ask and get clarification.
[05:35] <Appl6> kidtp: OK, "grep partner /etc/apt/sources.list"
[05:36] <kidtp> appl6: ok thanks :) btw do you get payed to help people? because i know i wouldnt put up with someone like me for this long lol
[05:36] <Appl6> Appl6: Nope. I just felt like doing this today, so I signed on.
[05:37] <kidtp> ## 'partner' repository.
[05:37] <kidtp> deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner
[05:37] <kidtp> # deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner
[05:37] <Appl6> kidtp: OK, good.
[05:37] <Appl6> kidtp: Now "aptitude search adobe-flashplugin"
[05:37] <kidtp> appl6: ......nothing
[05:38] <Appl6> kidtp: It's OK. "aptitude update"
[05:38] <Appl6> kidtp: Then do the aptitude search thing again.
[05:38] <kidtp> appl6: still nothing
[05:39] <Appl6> kidtp: Yikes. One sec.
[05:39] <kidtp> appl6: im hopeless
[05:41] <Appl6> kidtp: Um, what was the output of "aptitude update"?
[05:42] <Appl6> kidtp: A lot of stuff or a little bit.
[05:42] <kidtp> appl6: a lot
[05:43] <kidtp> appl6 nvm i lied
[05:43] <kidtp> appl6: very little.
[05:44] <kidtp> E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)
[05:44] <kidtp> E: Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?
[05:44] <Appl6> kidtp: Ha.
[05:44] <bootstrap> sudo!
[05:44] <Appl6> kidtp: Yeah, you gotta tell me these things man. If you get an error I need to know.
[05:44] <kidtp> appl6: i didnt know it was an error...i thought it was E for excellent
[05:45] <Appl6> kidtp: Alright, so "sudo aptitude update", and then "aptitude show flashplugin-nonfree". The second line should say "State:", tell me what the State line says.
[05:45] <bootstrap> Appl6: Thanks again, you were a great help to me earlier. And, your patience is astounding, have a good night.
[05:46] <Appl6> bootstrap: You're quite welcome. Good night.
[05:46] <kidtp> appl6: not installed it says
[05:47] <Appl6> kidtp: OK, so "aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree"
[05:47] <Appl6> kidtp: Wait.
[05:47] <Appl6> kidtp: "sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree" instead
[05:48] <kidtp> appl6: done
[05:49] <kidtp> appl6: now what
[05:49] <Appl6> kidtp: Close all Firefox windows. Paste here the output of "ps -ef | grep firefox" (the | is a pipe symbol, shift backslash, by the enter key).
[05:50] <kidtp> travis 21280 18112 0 00:50 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto firefox
[05:51] <Appl6> kidtp: OK, now open firefox and try to listen to a napster song.
[05:52] <kidtp> appl6: I. LOVE. YOU!
[05:52] <Appl6> kidtp: I'm glad it's working.
[05:52] <kidtp> appl6: do you think this fixed youtube too?
[05:52] <Appl6> kidtp: Yes.
[05:53] <Appl6> kidtp: Though usually youtube works without having to do this.
[05:54] <kidtp> appl6: your awesome : )
[05:55] <Appl6> kidtp: Once you get used to linux, things won't be nearly this difficult, and you shouldn't have to setup flash again.
[05:56] <kidtp> appl6: so if i turn off my computer will i have to go through this all again?
[05:56] <Appl6> kidtp: Hahahaha, no.
[05:56] <kidtp> appl6: thank god lol
[05:56] <Appl6> kidtp: If Ubuntu cleans up their updates, you possibly won't have to do this for the rest of your life.
[05:56] <kidtp> appl6: so the only way to fix my mic problem is to find one that is compatible with linux?
[05:57] <Appl6> kidtp: No, I have no idea if your mic and webcam are compatible with Ubuntu or not.
[05:57] <Appl6> kidtp: It's absolutely worth a try to get them set up.
[05:58] <kidtp> appl6: ok thanks....umm not to be stalkerish but is there a way to add a buddy list or something incase i need your help with this again? lol
[05:58] <Appl6> kidtp: I'm quite new to IRC, so I don't know how buddies work here. You can add applpiguy on AIM though.
[05:59] <kidtp> appl6: well i added you on this and i made your name fixer on my screen lol...anyway i will add you on aim tomorrow maybe. i need sleep now
[06:00] <Appl6> kidtp: Alright, bye.
[06:00] <kidtp> appl6: thanks for all the help and putting up with me. i hope to learn more about commands in the future and maybe i wont need help soon.
[06:01] <Appl6> kidtp: You're welcome. And learning commands will always be helpful, not just for installing stuff.
[06:01] <ZachK_> kidtp: ah terminal commands?
[06:02] <kidtp> zachk_: ya
[06:02] <ZachK_> kidtp: how new are you to ubuntu/linux?
[06:02] <kidtp> zachk_:about 5-6 hours new : )
[06:02] <ZachK_> kidtp: ah well welcome to the dark side
[06:02] <kidtp> zachk_:haha ty
[06:03] * ZachK_ is forced to use windows at the moment though....ARRGGGHHHH
[06:03] <Appl6> ZachK_: Maybe cygwin could dull the pain? What do you "need" Windows for?
[06:03] <kidtp> just a general question. in the future when i am looking for a job. i am hoping to get into programming. which is why i switched to linux. is linux a good and easy way to transition into programming or will it make it more difficult?
[06:04] <ZachK_> kidtp: i'm a beginner in programming myself but python is the easy way to go
[06:04] <kidtp> zachk_: that is what i was looking into.
[06:05] <ZachK_> kidtp: i'd join #ubuntu-beginners-dev
[06:05] <ZachK_> it's our programming channel
[06:05] <Appl6> kidtp: You can learn programming well in any OS. If you like applying programming to your OS, like "once a week I want you to look for all files that are larger than 1GB and give me a list of them on the Desktop so I can see what space is wasted", you NEED Linux.
[06:06] <kidtp> appl6: that is what i am hoping to do
[06:06] <Appl6> kidtp: Linux allows you to program your environment much better than Windows does. However, I would advise against learning Linux specific libraries. Most software development is targeted at Windows (you can do the programming on Linux, but it has to work on Windows).
[06:07] <kidtp> appl6: next year i am taking a programming course for my first year of highschool and i want to be ahead of the game. i want to be the nerd of the group that knows more than the teacher
[06:07] <Appl6> kidtp: Haha. Well probably you'll be learning Visual Basic on Windows machines though.
[06:07] <ZachK_> python works on windows...case in point
[06:08] <ZachK_> Appl6: agreed
[06:08] <Appl6> kidtp: Yeah Python is definitely a good choice. Widely supported, very popular, great libraries, cross-platform (works on most operating systems).
[06:08] <kidtp> appl6: i was looking at the course outline stuff and it says we might not even get to java which i think is the only programming language they are going to teach
[06:08] <ZachK_> kidtp: how old are you man?
[06:08] <kidtp> zachk_: 14
[06:08] <ZachK_> kidtp: oh cool
[06:09] <ZachK_> kidtp: are you looking to join the beginners team?
[06:09] <Appl6> kidtp: If you want to be way ahead of the class, you can get started on Java programming.
[06:09] <kidtp> zachk_: whats the beginners team?
[06:09] <Appl6> kidtp: Did you read anything about NetBeans or Eclipse in the course outline?
[06:09] <ZachK_> kidtp: the Ubuntu Beginners Team
[06:09] <kidtp> appl6: no i did not lol
[06:09] <ZachK_> kidtp: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam
[06:10] <kidtp> zachk_: i hadnt heard of it but im thinking something like this is going to be full of older people or people that know more than me
[06:10] <ZachK_> kidtp: i'm 19
[06:10] <ZachK_> kidtp: and i am a Mentor for the team
[06:10] <ddecator> i'm 19 too, haha
[06:10] <ZachK_> kidtp: but trust me...i don't know a whole lot myself....
[06:10] <ZachK_> ddecator: really?
[06:10] <ddecator> ZachK_: yup
[06:11] <ZachK_> ddecator: what month/year?
[06:11] <ddecator> ZachK_: june '90
[06:11] <ZachK_> ddecator: march gotcha!
[06:11] <ZachK_> oh wait...march ,91
[06:11] <ZachK_> never mind
[06:11] <ddecator> ZachK_: except you just turned 19 and i'm about to turn 20, haha
[06:11] <ZachK_> ddecator: ARGH!
[06:12] <kidtp> appl6: ok well thanks for everything and i hope to talk to you again
[06:12] <kidtp> good night everyone
[06:12] <ZachK_> kidtp: would you please pm me?
[06:12] <Appl6> kidtp: You're welcome, bye.
[06:13] <kidtp> zachk_: that depends...how do i do that? lol
[06:13] <kidtp> zachk_ hey
[06:13] <ddecator> kidtp: /msg ZachK_ <message>
[06:13] <pedro3005> each client has their own GUI method, but generally, /msg ZachK_
[06:14] <kidtp> where does it appear?
[06:14] <ddecator> it'll open a new chat window for the private conversation
[06:15] <kidtp> and i dont have to type /msg anymore right
[06:15] <kidtp> just type in the box?
[06:15] <ddecator> right
[06:16] <kidtp> zachk_ where'd you go? im tryign ot talk to you and you arent responding
[06:16] <ddecator> ZachK_: ping
[06:17] <ZachK_> ddecator: yes?
[06:17] <ddecator> ZachK_: ^^
[06:17] <ZachK_> ddecator: Im talking to him now
[06:17] <ddecator> ZachK_: good deal =)
[06:18] <Appl6> kidtp: You can do "aptitude install eclipse" to install Eclipse, which is where you can work on your Java programs. Then download this free book that gets you started on Java programming: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/eckel/TIJ-3rd-edition4.0.zip
[06:18] <Appl6> kidtp: Sigh, "sudo aptitude install eclipse", I mean.
[06:18] <ddecator> (python ftw)
[06:19] <kidtp> appl6: thanks
[06:19] <Appl6> ddecator: He said he was taking a Java course this coming year. I think it'd be better to work towards that.
[06:19] <Appl6> ddecator: Otherwise yeah, I'd go Python, too.
[06:20] <ddecator> Appl6: ah, haha, missed that part of the convo
[06:20] <pedro3005> Python <3 hey guys
[06:20] <Appl6> kidtp: And check these out, these are videos on how to get programs started in Eclipse: http://eclipsetutorial.sourceforge.net/totalbeginner.html
[06:23] <kidtp> appl6: thanks : ) i can see myself now--Travis, the nerd who has no friends,but makes something of his life!--lol
[06:24] <Appl6> kidtp: Haha, well you just need to find nerd friends.
[06:24] <kidtp> appl6: lol i have seen them...i think ill stick with my current friends : )
[06:24] <Appl6> kidtp: Or do what I do, act normal all day and then use up all the accumulated nerdiness when I'm alone.
[06:25] <kidtp> appl6: lol sounds liek a perfect plan : )
[06:28] <intelinside2020> NickServ identify silverline0
[06:31] <intelinside2020> please anyone help me....i want to play UNREAL TOURNAMENT in ubuntu....this is the only thing which makes me to go to windows so if u could help it wil be very usefull for me....
[06:32] <ZachK_> intelinside2020: what ubuntu version
[06:32] <intelinside2020> it is 9.10
[06:33] <intelinside2020> the game is not a install type..it is a poratable edition which can be played without installation...
[06:34] <ZachK_> intelinside2020: ok...
[06:34] <ZachK_> intelinside2020: gimme a secf
[06:34] <intelinside2020> k
[06:38] <ZachK_> intelinside2020: still there my man?
[06:38] <intelinside2020> s wait for u...
[06:38] <ZachK_> intelinside2020: ok you know of WineHQ?
[06:38] <intelinside2020> i use only wine and front end playonlinux
[06:39] <ZachK_> intelinside2020: ok unreal should play on Wine HQ as it's listed platinum
[06:39] <intelinside2020> can i try installing winehq through packet manager
[06:40] <kermiac> not sure if it relates to "portable version", but this might be worth a try - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Native/UnrealTournament
[06:41] <intelinside2020> pls wait for a sec
[06:43] <intelinside2020> http://imgur.com/LkAvx.png
[06:43] <intelinside2020> pls see the above link
[06:44] <intelinside2020> it shows itr is starting
[06:45] <intelinside2020> thn this link shows me a error http://imgur.com/P1RDZ.png
[06:45] <intelinside2020> pls see the both images and pls reply
[06:45] <ZachK_> intelinside2020: hmm
[06:45] <ZachK_> intelinside2020: how did you install?
[06:46] <kermiac> intelinside2020: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9101232&postcount=12
[06:46] <kermiac> I haven't tried it though
[06:46] <intelinside2020> ZachK_ it was actually a poratable edition
[06:47] <ZachK_> intelinside2020: not that it is but that just might be your issur
[06:47] <ZachK_> "issue
[06:47] <intelinside2020> sory i cant get u
[06:48] <pedro3005> I would recommend you to look at http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=90
[06:49] <intelinside2020> pedro3005 is this cost me
[06:49] <pedro3005> hm?
[06:50] <intelinside2020> will it cost me som amount
[06:51] <ddecator> wine is free =)
[06:52] <intelinside2020> how to install this WineHQ becouse i hav a wine already running
[06:53] <intelinside2020> wat is tht silver,platinum,gold ...i dont und pls help
[06:54] <ddecator> intelinside2020: silver platinum etc. is how well the application runs in wine
[06:55] <intelinside2020> oooh k now i und...pls tel me how to install it
[06:56] <intelinside2020> can i install using packet manager or ubuntu software center
[06:57] <ddecator> yes, just install the 'wine' package
[06:58] <ddecator> or 'wine1.2' if you want the latest build
[06:58] <intelinside2020> iam installing frm ubuntu software manger now because in packet manager it says it is installed already...
[07:01] <intelinside2020> after installing it wat should i do...
[07:02] <ddecator> check on the wine website to see if the application you want to use is listed as working well under wine. if it is, then get the windows .exe and just double click it (that should auto-launch wine. if it doesn't, right-click and say you want to open it with wine)
[07:03] <intelinside2020> ddecator until it installs i need another help...i need a Turbo C and C++ compiler like in windows...
[07:03] <ddecator> intelinside2020: i've never had to work with C or C++, but you may get help with that in #ubuntu-beginners-dev
[07:03] <intelinside2020> i used G++ in ubuntu but it is not accepted in my College beczuse of some code changes in it
[09:50] <shahan> HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.... :) UBUNTU is my MOTHER OS
[09:51] <shahan> hi all
[10:20] <AJH101> Hi I am having trouble integrating pidgin and facebook - can anyone help? I have downloaded and installed the plugin but it is not available in the list to be enabled! any ideas?
[10:21] <AJH101> doh! just realised it is now in the list of account protocols! thanks anyway
[10:21] <ZachK_> AJH101: ah one sec...let me look as i use pidgin myself
[10:21] <ZachK_> AJH101: glad you got it working
[13:27] <Helpme_> Hello. Is someone available to offer help?
[13:27] <nigelbabu> !ask
[13:27] <Votebot> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)
[13:27] <Helpme_> Does that mean yes or does that mean no?
[13:32] <Helpme_> I downloaded Ubuntu 10.4 and did a pendrive install. After it starts to load up it gets to a GUI screen with dots under Ubuntu that change from White to Red. Then it starts to play a sound (a startup sound?) and then dumps to a text screen with the following message. (Process:330) GLib-WARNING **:getpwid_r(): failed due to unknown user id(0)
[13:33] <Helpme_> [15.547921] xor: automatically using best checksumming functions : PIII_sse
[13:33] <Helpme_> [15.568023] PIII_sse : 3862MB/sec
[13:34] <Helpme_> [15.568168] xor: using function: PIII_sse (3682.000 MB/sec)
[13:34] <Helpme_> The computer stops at this point with a looping sound.
[13:35] <Helpme_> Do you have any suggestions?
[13:37] <nigelbabu> from the boot menu press F6 which will display some boot options, then just press the Esc key. You'll now see that the "boot parameters" are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Just use the Backspace key to remove only "quiet splash".
[13:37] <nigelbabu> Then just hit Enter & try to boot
[13:37] <nigelbabu> Helpme_: ^
[13:40] <Helpme_> Thank you. I will attempt your suggested course of action.
[13:41] <th5th> hello all
[14:02] <Helpme_> Earlier I had difficulty getting Ubuntu to load with a looping sound. I have entered Ubuntu at the GUI but I do not understand how to access an optical drive.
[14:02] <Helpme_> How do I do that?
[14:02] <nigelbabu> you got ubuntu working now?
[14:03] <Helpme_> I am currently typing from a Mozilla Firefox that is inside it, using webchat.
[14:03] <nigelbabu> great, so just pop the disc inside
[14:03] <nigelbabu> you should see the cd in the Places menu
[14:04] <Helpme_> Does it matter if the drvie is a DVD-Rom drive ?
[14:04] <Helpme_> (drvie = drive)
[14:04] <nigelbabu> not really
[14:06] <Helpme_> The drive spins and the light flashes but nothing happens. I do not see anything in Places to indicate an optical drive.
[14:09] <Helpme_> I went to System > Administration > Disk Utility and it shows the drive there.
[14:10] <Helpme_> Under Volume it shows "No media detected.".
[14:11] <Helpme_> I may have a defective drive.
[14:11] <Helpme_> Any tools that can help diagnose a defective drive?
[14:13] <nigelbabu> do you dual boot with windows?
[14:14] <Helpme_> This is a pendrive Linux installation. The hard drive has Windows XP Home on it.
[14:15] <nigelbabu> you could test the drive on windows to see if it works
[14:23] <lukjad86> Helpme_ Pendrive linux? I fiddled a bit with that
[14:24] <Helpme_> I think it's more of a hardware failure on my optical drive. I was having the same issues in Windows. Was hoping Linux would let me use it and then I would just diagnose the Windows problem.
[14:26] <lukjad86> Helpme_ Hm. If it really is hardware related, No OS can really help you there unless it's for backup
[14:39] <Helpme_> Why did my screen just fade out? Is that a screensaver or something?
[14:41] <Appl6> Helpme_: I think so. It will start to fade, and if you don't hit a key it will turn to screensaver.
[14:42] <Helpme_> O.k. Well, I guess it's off to get a new DVD-Rom drive... Thank you for your time and assistance with Ubuntu.
[14:42] <Helpme_> Wish I didn't have to do that. But Ubuntu pretty much confirmed... Defective DVD-Rom drive.
[14:43] <Helpme_> Good bye.
[14:46] <shahan> permission problem
[14:46] <shahan> !!!
[14:46] <shahan> I have some files permission problem
[14:48] <shahan> I am trying to save file in /var/www using BLUEFISH
[14:48] <shahan> from file>save as from BlueFish
[14:48] <shahan> but its doesnt save
[14:48] <nigelbabu> it wont, because you can't write outside your home folder
[14:49] <shahan> it says could not write file
[14:49] <shahan> nigelbabu: so.... If I want to save in a folder like /var/www/256
[14:49] <shahan> nigelbabu: from BlueFish without any root access.... what I have to do?
[14:50] <shahan> 256 is a folder
[14:50] <nigelbabu> I'd say give write permission for user on /var/www and all subfolders
[14:50] <shahan> nigelbabu: how to do it?
[14:53] <shahan> nigelbabu: what does it mean "chown -R user.user /var/www"?
[14:53] <shahan> nigelbabu: what is "user.user"?
[14:53] <nigelbabu> shahan: hold on
[14:54] <shahan> nigelbabu: ok
[14:55] <Akos> shahan: try sudo chown your_username:your_username /var/www
[14:56] <shahan> Akos: ok
[14:57] <nigelbabu> thanks for taking over Akos :)
[14:57] <Akos> nigelbabu: np, i deal with apache daily (:
[14:57] <shahan> Akos: but I only want to give permission only to /var/www/256
[14:57] <shahan> Akos: but I only want to give permission only to /var/www/256/
[14:58] <Akos> shahan: then do sudo chown your_username:your_username /var/www/256/
[14:58] <shahan> Akos: not the whole /var/www/256/
[14:58] <shahan> Akos: ok
[14:58] <shahan> Akos: if I want to make it default it again, what I have to do?
[14:58] <Akos> shahan: umm well what do you wish to do?
[14:58] <Akos> you just want to copy a file there?
[14:59] <shahan> yes... also deleting....
[14:59] <lukjad86> Remember, the www folder has special permissions not found most other places
[14:59] <Akos> shahan: do you wish to do this more than once? Or only this time?
[14:59] <shahan> Akos: more then once
[15:06] <Akos> well in this case, it's fine if you can write to the folder I believe, there's no need to set it back, or you could symlink to your home folder
[15:26] <shahan> mohi1: tnx for helping about permission
[15:26] <mohi1> bye shahan =]
[15:26] <shahan> good night
[15:35] <paultag> Akos, nigelbabu, user:user is the old syntax, now it's becoming "user.user"
[15:36] <paultag> Akos, nigelbabu, but the old syntax will still work. Just like chmod ( the number bitmask or the u+x syntax )
[15:36] <nigelbabu> paultag: ah,tks :)
[15:37] <paultag> sure thing
[15:37] <Akos> thx paultag (:
[15:37] <paultag> sure thing Akos
[15:37] <paultag> so how are you nigelbabu, Akos
[15:37] <Akos> good to know. When was the new way implemented?
[15:37] <paultag> a while ago. Let me check on details
[15:38] <Akos> i mean, is it the same way, user.user in debian too?
[15:38] <paultag> yeah Akos -- this was a change in "chown" a few years back
[15:38] <mohi1> paultag, so the old method will also work?
[15:38] <paultag> yeah mohi1
[15:38] <Akos> oh, okay then, i'll change to user.user from now on
[15:38] <mohi1> okay
[15:38] <paultag> Akos, it's not a big deal, but that is the "new" syntax
[15:38] <paultag> just figured you would want to know :)
[15:39] <paultag> in fact -- the man page still says ":"
[15:39] <mohi1> paultag, is chown better or chmod?
[15:40] <paultag> mohi1, chmod is to change the mods on a file ( read / write / exec ) and chown is to change the owner that those permissions affect
[15:40] <mohi1> hrm
[15:41] <paultag> mohi1, OK, so let's take an example
[15:41] <mohi1> cool
[15:41] <paultag> mohi1, let's say there is a file owned by mohi1 called "exec_one". I run ls -l on exec_one. The output is "-rw-r--r-- 1 tag tag 0 2010-05-09 10:41 exec_one"
[15:41] <paultag> Sorry, owned by "tag"
[15:41] <mohi1> lol k
[15:42] <paultag> mohi1, It has a script in it that you want to run. But you can't run it. Let's try
[15:42] <paultag> tag@Loki:~$ ./exec_one
[15:42] <paultag> bash: ./exec_one: Permission denied
[15:42] <mohi1> hmmm
[15:42] <paultag> So, let's make it runnable by me
[15:42] <paultag> mohi1, so I run:
[15:42] <paultag> tag@Loki:~$ chmod 744 exec_one
[15:42] <paultag> tag@Loki:~$ ls -l exec_one
[15:42] <paultag> -rwxr--r-- 1 tag tag 0 2010-05-09 10:41 exec_one
[15:42] <paultag> And let's run it
[15:43] <mohi1> ah got "x" mode
[15:43] <mohi1> cool
[15:43] <paultag> tag@Loki:~$ ./exec_one
[15:43] <paultag> HEllo!
[15:43] <paultag> So, do you know binary mohi1?
[15:43] <mohi1> so 744 means to which permission?
[15:43] <mohi1> paultag, no
[15:43] <paultag> just getting there :)
[15:43] <paultag> OK
[15:43] <mohi1> i know only a bit
[15:43] <paultag> So, you can see it's "rwxrwxrwx"
[15:44] <mohi1> ah
[15:44] <mohi1> i missed that sequence
[15:44] <paultag> rwxrwxrwx
[15:44] <paultag> 124124124
[15:44] <mohi1> gocha
[15:44] <paultag> and it's set up user, group, anyone
[15:44] <mohi1> ok
[15:44] <paultag> So, to say "Write and Read for the owner, read for everyone else"
[15:44] <paultag> you have to do
[15:44] <paultag> rw-r--r--
[15:44] <paultag> and that is
[15:44] <mohi1> so what about chown?
[15:45] <paultag> 4 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
[15:45] <paultag> 4+2 = 6
[15:45] <paultag> 4 = 4
[15:45] <paultag> 4 = 4
[15:45] <mohi1> eh ok
[15:45] <paultag> chmod 644 file
[15:45] <paultag> do you get that part mohi1?
[15:45] <mohi1> paultag, yes
[15:46] <paultag> cool
[15:46] <paultag> Now
[15:46] <paultag> mohi1, you can use the new syntax as well
[15:46] <paultag> mohi1, just say "chown +x file"
[15:46] <mohi1> ok
[15:46] <paultag> and that will give +x to everyone
[15:46] <paultag> or "chown u+x"
[15:46] <paultag> to give the user +x
[15:46] <mohi1> ok
[15:46] <paultag> or "chown ug+xw" to give user and group read and write
[15:46] <mohi1> fine
[15:46] <paultag> OK
[15:47] <paultag> erm chmod!!!
[15:47] <paultag> not chown!
[15:47] <paultag> chown changes who owns the file
[15:47] <paultag> if you want to use chown it's just "chown user:group file"
[15:47] <mohi1> i think no "+x" in chown
[15:47] <paultag> no
[15:47] <mohi1> ya ok
[15:47] <paultag> tag@Loki:~$ chmod +x exec_one
[15:47] <paultag> that works
[15:47] <mohi1> i am telling in chown
[15:47] <paultag> chmod - change file mode bits
[15:48] <mohi1> chown
[15:48] <paultag> chown - change file owner and group
[15:48] <mohi1> ok
[15:48] <paultag> any questions there mohi1?
[15:49] <mohi1> nothing in chmod and chown. but why your machine's name is Loki?
[15:49] <mohi1> :D
[15:49] <paultag> mohi1, because it causes trouble :D
[15:50] <mohi1> eh
[15:50] <paultag> mohi1, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loki
[15:50] <mohi1> paultag, mine is mohi@Devil:~$
[15:50] <mohi1> :D
[15:50] <paultag> ncie :)
[15:53] <mohi1> paultag, so he blocks the spams on your machine?? :P
[15:53] <paultag> mohi1, no way, see Loki is the norse god of Mischief. I always name my computers after gods and angles, and my development machine is _always_ "Loki"
[15:53] <paultag> mohi1, because I always cause mischief on my computer
[16:17] <Impunity> Morning :)
[16:18] <mohi1> morning Impunity
[16:19] <Impunity> I have a question regarding enabling forwarding of packets on Ubuntu server 9.04, i.e., having it route packets received from a VPN tunnel.
[16:19] <mohi1> shoot
[16:19] <mohi1> paultag, there??
[16:19] <paultag> yeah mohi1
[16:20] <paultag> oh nice, a person :)
[16:20] <mohi1> look above
[16:20] <mohi1> lol
[16:20] <Impunity> To enable forwarding I just edit what?
[16:20] <paultag> Impunity, OK, can you describe what you are trying to do a bit more in depth?
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[16:20] <Impunity> Yeah, I am going to go slow to try and make it clear
[16:20] <paultag> Impunity, is it a two nic device and you want to tunnel between an internal net and the outside or what
[16:21] <Impunity> No, I am just using one nic.
[16:21] <paultag> Impunity, so what are you trying to do?
[16:21] <Impunity> give me a few to explain
[16:21] <paultag> Sure thing
[16:21] <Impunity> Should I shoot a link to the picture of the network I created?
[16:21] <paultag> tyt, just ping me when you need me Impunity
[16:21] <Impunity> It would make it easier
[16:22] <paultag> anything helps
[16:23] <Impunity> Ok, this is the network: http://i41.tinypic.com/33axipt.png
[16:23] <paultag> OK Impunity, gotcha
[16:23] <Impunity> Basically I am tunneling into network /24 with WinXP VPN client
[16:24] <Impunity> All routes are know by all routers, except
[16:24] <paultag> Impunity, is node 0.100 connected to another network?
[16:24] <Impunity> the only system that can get to is the VPN server via a static network entry
[16:24] <paultag> Ahhh
[16:25] <Impunity> so can ping
[16:25] <Impunity> and can ping
[16:25] <Impunity> however, only can ping
[16:25] <paultag> Impunity, so the "user story" should be node 40.0.100 connecting 30.0.0
[16:25] <Impunity> Well, I use the vpn to establish a connection from to
[16:26] <Impunity> both tun devices can ping each other, e.g., via the TUN network
[16:26] <paultag> Impunity, what kind of connection? Do you want 40.0.100 to actually vpn into the 10.30 namespace?
[16:26] <Impunity> however, I want to enable forwarding from so that the tun devices can then reach network
[16:26] <Impunity> no
[16:27] <Impunity> I want it to be able to use the gateway of
[16:27] <paultag> Impunity, you are trying to do two different things
[16:27] <Impunity> Here is the important issues
[16:27] <Impunity> yes, let me clarify
[16:28] <Impunity> I need to enable forwarding
[16:28] <Impunity> I know how to pass routes to the two connecting vpn machines, and
[16:28] <paultag> Impunity, if you want to do that you need to set up that machine as a VPN machine
[16:28] <Impunity> It's just that drops packets when I try to send them to via the tunnel
[16:28] <paultag> Impunity, and to do that, replace R2 with 10.0.0
[16:29] <paultag> Impunity, and set it up with two NIC cards and bridge it
[16:29] <Impunity> I can easily add a nic
[16:29] <paultag> aye
[16:29] <Impunity> it's a vm
[16:29] <paultag> that's OK
[16:29] <Impunity> I am routing traffic through gns3, too
[16:30] <Impunity> I should be able to route traffic without connecting network to a vpn
[16:31] <paultag> Impunity, The only "simple" way to do what you want to do is to use SSH and hit that machine. You can't VPN on one nic
[16:31] <Impunity> I figured you just needed to enable the Ubuntu server for forwarding then make an iptables entry
[16:31] <paultag> Impunity, but then you have no auth
[16:31] <paultag> Impunity, iptables is global
[16:31] <Impunity> What do you mean by auth?
[16:31] <paultag> Impunity, you are much better off using a real VPN server and client
[16:32] <paultag> Impunity, username / password
[16:32] <Impunity> No way, I am learning openVPN for fun :)
[16:32] <Impunity> It is a real vpn server and client
[16:33] <Impunity> lol
[16:33] <paultag> Impunity, what is
[16:33] <paultag> Impunity, 10.0.100 ?
[16:33] <Impunity> My setup
[16:33] <Impunity>
[16:33] <paultag> it's all 10.* :P
[16:33] <paultag> Impunity, yeah, but VPN stuff does not work well on one NIC
[16:34] <paultag> Impunity, and to do it you have to do real vodoo
[16:34] <Impunity> no, it's all 10.10.0 , 10.20.0, 10.30.0...
[16:34] <paultag> Impunity, yes, my point
[16:34] <Impunity> Ok, then I add anotyher virtual nic
[16:34] <paultag> Impunity, yeah
[16:34] <paultag> Impunity, and replace R2 with the machine
[16:34] <Impunity> so, just route with the machine?
[16:34] <paultag> yeah Impunity
[16:34] <paultag> Impunity, you can use "route" to change the paths
[16:35] <Impunity> why not just push the default gateway for the client to the R2
[16:35] <paultag> Impunity, then have one side the VPN zone
[16:35] <Impunity> take a quick look at this...
[16:35] <paultag> Impunity, it won't make a difference. VPN Server needs to have one side be incoming requests, and one side the trusted VPN zone
[16:35] <Impunity> I want to do what this guy did.
[16:35] <Impunity> sec, just take a peek :)
[16:36] <Impunity> http://www.secure-computing.net/wiki/index.php/OpenVPN/Routing
[16:36] <paultag> yeah Impunity
[16:36] <paultag> Impunity, that's what I am saying
[16:37] <Impunity> so, how do you make the Linux box a router
[16:37] <boy_granada> hi
[16:37] <Impunity> I can just connect the two segments to it
[16:37] <paultag> Impunity, yeah, and then set up routes
[16:37] <paultag> Impunity, and you can TAP the two. It's trivial, actually
[16:37] <paultag> Impunity, I think you will enjoy it, and it will make that wayyyyy easier to do
[16:37] <Impunity> ahh
[16:37] <paultag> Impunity, doing VPN based on a entry vector off a single nic sucks
[16:37] <Impunity> lol
[16:38] <paultag> haha
[16:38] <Impunity> yeah
[16:38] <paultag> hey boy_granada
[16:38] <paultag> Impunity, I'll stick around. I'll be here
[16:38] <Impunity> cool, I am gonna need to change all this
[16:39] <paultag> Impunity, man route -- there is a _lot_ there
[16:39] <Impunity> yeah, I was making them
[16:39] <paultag> yup yup
[16:39] <Impunity> I just was not sure why packets were not moving out the routes I chose
[16:39] <paultag> Impunity, it's linux ;)
[16:39] <paultag> Impunity, if it works on the first try, it's misconfigured :P
[16:39] <Impunity> hah
[16:39] <Impunity> I love linux :)
[16:40] <Impunity> Just started using it, however
[16:40] <paultag> Impunity, it's great. You'll love it
[16:40] <Impunity> Ok, one more question
[16:40] <paultag> Impunity, you just have to be anal retentive with setups
[16:41] <Impunity> So, set up the VPN to listen on both interfaces, i.e., and
[16:41] <Impunity> use tap connections (bridged) instead of (tun) routed
[16:41] <paultag> Impunity, well, the VPN Server should be routing it
[16:41] <Impunity> then push routes to the clients
[16:41] <Impunity> right
[16:41] <paultag> Impunity, yeah, it will take care of it for you
[16:42] <paultag> Impunity, and FYI
[16:42] <Impunity> and to enable routing you don't need to do anything besides adding routes
[16:42] <paultag> Impunity, for setting up more then one NIC -- man interfaces, cat /etc/network/interfaces
[16:42] <Impunity> you don't need to push that boolean into the proc?
[16:42] <paultag> Impunity, yeah
[16:42] <paultag> Impunity, nope
[16:42] <Impunity> hell yeahs
[16:42] <paultag> Impunity, just set up routes. That will configure the IP stack
[16:42] <Impunity> gonna test that
[16:42] <paultag> sure
[16:42] <Impunity> nice
[16:43] <Impunity> Thanks, Paul
[16:43] <paultag> Impunity, I just did this two days ago for a networking final :)
[16:43] <paultag> Impunity, sure thing. I'll be here
[16:43] <Impunity> heh
[16:43] <Impunity> nice
[16:43] <Impunity> I did my final on postfix
[16:43] <paultag> nice :)
[16:46] <paultag> BRB, food time
[16:53] <bootstrap> Anyone use 'GNOME Color Chooser'? I have a silly question.
[16:54] <Impunity> What's really silly is that I've never used an Ubutu gui
[16:58] <Impunity> Paul, you done with your grub, yet?
[17:01] <geoffk> I have recently upgraded to 9.10, just before the release of 10.04
[17:01] <geoffk> I am having power management problems.
[17:02] <geoffk> i cannot wake up my desktop from the keyboard or mouse
[17:03] <geoffk> When shutting down, the disk spins down, but I have to switch off the machine from the power button.
[17:03] <geoffk> Any help to resolve this problem will be much appreciated.
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[18:43] <Impunity> Hey, Paul, you there?
[18:46] <Impunity> root@hosta:~# route -n Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U 0 0 0 tap0 U 0 0 0 eth1 U 0 0 0 eth2 UG 100
[18:46] <Impunity> crud, doesn't format properly through a paste...
[18:48] <Chesamo> ...Hosta? I recognize that hostname from when I worked at IBM.
[18:48] <phillw> Impunity: use http://pastebin.com
[18:49] <Impunity> Yeah, I use pastbin when I am coding
[18:49] <Impunity> I just used hosta, b, c, d and etc for my labs
[18:49] <Impunity> You guys ever use GNS3?
[18:49] <Impunity> That stuff is absolutely amazing
[18:50] <Impunity> I still can't get over the job they did running router IOSs using Dynamips
[18:57] <Impunity> I have two interfaces on this linux server eth1 and eth2, IPs are and respectively....
[18:57] <Impunity> I can vpn in and hit both of these interfaces
[18:58] <Impunity> how come I can't ping the ip address on the subnet going out eth2 (ip
[18:58] <Impunity> freakin boggles my mind
[18:58] <Impunity> gotta be a forwarding issue...
[18:58] <Impunity> anyone have any ideas?
[18:59] <Chesamo> Networking isn't my field, sorry
[18:59] <Impunity> I pushed the route to the remote client
[19:02] <Impunity> anyone here an expert on Linux routing with iptables, route add, etc?
[19:20] <kidtp1> how do i make it so my computer is brighter? wwith windows there was the battery options, and yesterday i had no problem with the brightness but today it is dark, it is like i ma on power saver option in windows. any ideas?
[19:22] <boy_granada> i think you can change the setting for that under sytem/preferences/power management.. :)
[19:22] <kidtp1> ok thanks this is a lot better
[19:22] <boy_granada> no probs. :)
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[19:27] <mohi1> hey kidtp1
[19:27] <kidtp1> hello mohi1
[19:27] <mohi1> kidtp1: how is the day going on with ubuntu?
[19:28] <kidtp1> mohi1: so far so good. had some trouble with the brightness but i had help. havent had much time to mess up yet tho. woke up 30 minutes ago
[19:29] <mohi1> cool and have a nice bay. here its 23:58 :)
[19:30] <kidtp1> mohi1: ahh. it is 14:29 here
[19:30] <Chesamo> EST, kidtp1?
[19:30] <kidtp1> chesamo: yup :)
[19:31] * Chesamo is in EST, that's why her interest was piqued
[19:31] <kidtp1> =)
[19:31] <mohi1> paultag: there?
[19:32] <kidtp1> does anyone know a command or a program i can run to make my mic and webcam compatible with linux?
[19:32] <Chesamo> kidtp1: they're called drivers ;-)
[19:33] <kidtp1> hmm
[19:33] <kidtp1> and what driver will i need
[19:33] <Chesamo> Dependent on the hardware. Might want to check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam
[19:33] <kidtp1> thanks
[19:34] <Chesamo> No poblem
[19:34] <Chesamo> problem*
[19:35] <kidtp1> the first sentence made me sad : (
[19:35] <Chesamo> Yeah... it's an unfortunate thing.
[19:39] <kidtp1> chesamo: this will help me but i was mainly looking for already put in webcam help lol. i wasnt specific but this should help anyway. i have an external webcam so thanks. any ideas on the mic? i have tried external and the built in one and neither seem to work
[19:40] <Chesamo> kidtp1: Try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting
[19:41] <mohi1> kidtp1: try system>preferences>multimedia selector
[19:44] <kidtp1> mohi1: i do not have that
[19:44] <kidtp1> chesamo: what is  pulseaudio record meter
[19:45] <mohi1> i think its on older versions
[19:45] <mohi1> ok i am off
[19:45] <kidtp1> mohi1: bye
[19:45] <Chesamo> It's brought up by the "pavumeter --record" command in Terminal
=== Chesamo is now known as Ches|Away
=== Ches|Away is now known as Chesamo
[20:46] <Impunity> anyone have a decent resource for creating a linux time server
[20:54] <nigelbabu> !away
[20:54] <Votebot> You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»
[20:55] <Impunity> anyone know a simple way to sync the time between two linux systems
[20:56] <Impunity> guess I could use the "date" command and manually do it...
[20:56] <Chesamo> Have them both sync to network time?
[20:57] <Impunity> Okay, how do you do that?
[20:57] <Impunity> Especially when they are not connected to the Internet
[20:57] <Impunity> Just decided to throw that wrench in the gear
[20:58] <Chesamo> Ah. That is quite the wrench.
[20:58] <Chesamo> Have you tried going into each systems' BIOS and setting the time in there? *NIX uses the BIOS time.
[21:00] <Impunity> I could, but it's a VM
[21:01] <Impunity> date +%T -s "10:13:13"
[21:02] <Chesamo> You have a VM lacking a network connection?
[21:03] <Impunity> Yeah, I am running 5 VMs through 3 7200 routers in GNS3
[21:03] <Impunity> I don't want to change the IPs and go into bridge mode just to have access to the Internet
[21:03] <Impunity> I just manually did it
[21:03] <Chesamo> Fair enough.
[21:04] <Impunity> however, I would like to just set up the VPN server as a time server
[21:04] <Impunity> I don't want to use that Webmin garbage, though
[21:04] <Impunity> lol
[21:04] <Impunity> GUI are for pu*****
[21:18] <kidtp1> hello. incase anyone was having similair problems with your microphone---system>preferences>sound.....input tab- make sure mute is not checked :P
=== Phrea_ is now known as Phrea
[21:43] <kidtp1> my audio just shut off and it says i dont have the right plugins to play media
[21:43] <kidtp1> any suggestions?
[21:43] <Chesamo> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
[21:58] <Impunity> Hey, Paul, you there?
[22:14] <kidtp> hello
[22:14] <kidtp> does anyone in here use skype?
[22:15] <Chesamo> I do
[22:20] <kidtp> chesamo: i cant seem to get my mic to work in it
[22:20] <Chesamo> Does your mic work in the system?
[22:20] <kidtp> chesamo: it works everywhere else just not in skype
[22:21] <Chesamo> Let me get my laptop and open up Skype to see what options you have
[22:21] <kidtp> chesamo: i have tried my built in and external mics
[22:23] <Chesamo> Under Sound Devices, what is selected for Microphone?
[22:25] <kidtp> pulse audio server
[22:25] <Chesamo> Does the test sound work?
[22:25] <kidtp> yes
[22:25] <kidtp> but not the call
[22:26] <Chesamo> Can you recieve sound while making a call?
[22:26] <kidtp> yes
[22:26] <Chesamo> Hm...
[22:27] <Chesamo> Go into your audio settings
[22:27] <kidtp> where?
[22:27] <Chesamo> System > Preferences > Sound
[22:27] <kidtp> ok
[22:28] <kidtp> im there
[22:29] <Chesamo> Under the "Input" tab, what does it say?
[22:30] <kidtp> there is the volume thing and then under it there is a box that says above it "choose a device for sound input" the box is empty
[22:30] <Chesamo> Is it? Hmm
[22:30] <Chesamo> Go to "Hardware"
[22:30] <Chesamo> What is the profile for your audio hardware?
[22:31] <kidtp> analog stereo output
[22:31] <Chesamo> Change it to analog stereo duplex
[22:31] <kidtp> done
[22:32] <Chesamo> Go to Input
[22:32] <Chesamo> Is there a device there?
[22:32] <kidtp> no
[22:32] <kidtp> i changed it to digital stereo and there is one now
[22:32] <Chesamo> Interesting.
[22:33] <kidtp> oh wait no
[22:33] <kidtp> i get it
[22:33] <kidtp> i think i got it
[22:33] <kidtp> im gona give it a try now
[22:33] <Chesamo> Okay
[22:33] <Chesamo> You'll have to restart Skype
[22:35] <kidtp> oh ok
[22:40] <kidtp> no it didnt work
[22:41] <kidtp> ok im going to restart my computer
[22:41] <kidtp> brb
[22:50] <kidtp> ok im back
[22:50] <kidtp> i got the mic to work but there is static
[22:50] <kidtp> a lot according to him
[22:51] <Chesamo> Interesting.
[22:52] <kidtp> the soudn preference window froze and shut off my sound...
[22:52] <Chesamo> Oh? odd.
[22:52] <kidtp> nvm
[22:52] <kidtp> it unfroze
[22:52] <kidtp> but it is weird
[22:52] <kidtp> to get it to work
[22:52] <kidtp> i have to click on one thing and then i can change it to another setting
[22:52] <kidtp> otherwise it wont work
[22:52] <kidtp> i have to start on one setting
[23:50] <ZachK_> kidtp: ping