UbuntuIRC / 2010 /04 /22 /#ubuntu-website.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <cjohnston> MTecknology: did you see the email re: moving from drupal to wp?
[00:01] <MTecknology> cjohnston: where at?
[00:18] <stas> cjohnston: link plz :)
[00:19] <cjohnston> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/2010-April/000953.html
[00:23] <stas> cjohnston: great news, imho wordpress is a far better platform for that kind of job, plus it's much easier to extend it
[00:23] <cjohnston> I agree.. although not all do
[00:24] <stas> cjohnston: what are the main issues people are concern of?
[00:25] <cjohnston> stas: looks like learning curve is a big one
[00:26] <stas> hmm, i had a chat on #wordpress a couple of weeks ago, where I asked the dev team about their rush in changes to the UI
[00:27] <cjohnston> are they making major ui changes again?
[00:27] <stas> and the answer was that the current UI won't suffer changes in the nearest future and the main focus will be on the functionalities they introduce in 3.0 and security
[00:27] <cjohnston> they just did that in 2.8 didnt they
[00:27] <stas> yes they did it twice during last year or two
[00:27] <stas> but not anymore afaik
[00:28] <cjohnston> hmm
[00:29] <stas> cjohnston: https://irclogs.wordpress.org/chanlog.php?channel=wordpress-gsoc&day=2010-03-29#m139
[00:29] <stas> here's the chatlog
[00:31] <stas> yep, here it is: janewells
[00:31] <stas> we don't plan to do any major ui overhauls like happened in 2.5 and 2.7 anytime in the next few years, and will just make small imrovements over time
[00:32] <stas> so it seems to be safe for adoption
[00:37] <MTecknology> I don't like wordpress much
[00:37] <MTecknology> for some jobs it's great - but for most jobs it just doesn't do it for me
[11:11] <Agafonov> Hi! http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct contains outdated link to CoC (points to 1.0.1, current is 1.1, according to https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct/). Am I to fill a bug somewere?
[13:05] <MTecknology> newz2000: you catch that?
[14:37] <newz2000> Agafonov: go ahead and file a bug, I'll have to look into what needs to be done
[14:37] <newz2000> thanks
[14:39] <cjohnston> newz2000: bug 568347
[14:39] <ubot3> Malone bug 568347 in ubuntu-artwork "about:home uses old branding" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/568347
[14:39] <cjohnston> is it start-page that if affects? i forget
[14:46] <newz2000> cjohnston: that would likely be ubufox the firefox plugin
[14:48] <Agafonov> newz2000: Bug #568424
[14:48] <ubot3> Malone bug 568424 in ubuntu-website "Outdated link to CoC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/568424
[14:48] <newz2000> thanks Agafonov
[15:02] <cjohnston> im causing too much spam to myself
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[17:48] <cjohnston> newz2000: another bug was filed for the broken link
[17:51] <l3on> newz2000: around ?
[18:28] <newz2000> hey
[18:28] <newz2000> l3on: what's up?
[20:04] <cjohnston> newz2000: ping
[20:05] <cjohnston> or anyone else.. what is the RC link on the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule page supposed to point to?
[20:06] <cjohnston> this is the link from Steve's email: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004
[20:06] <newz2000> cjohnston: hey, I'm back
[20:07] <cjohnston> hey
[20:07] <cjohnston> im over the 4 bugs that have been reported today already for that link
[20:07] <newz2000> that or http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004overview1
[20:07] <newz2000> oops, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004overview
[20:08] <newz2000> I'm not sure which, This link I posted has the download locations on it
[20:08] <cjohnston> ok then if i change to your link on the wiki page?
[20:08] <newz2000> I think so
[20:08] <newz2000> Just leave a comment in the change log so the release team doesn't freak
[20:09] <cjohnston> Replacing ReleaseCandidate link with a working link
[20:09] <cjohnston> good?
[20:14] <newz2000> sorry, phone rang
[20:15] <newz2000> that link is wrong, use the 2nd one I sent
[20:15] <newz2000> cjohnston: ^
[20:15] <cjohnston> I did
[20:15] <cjohnston> i thought
[20:20] <cjohnston> It has the second link you posted
[22:35] <stas> guys anyone had a look at single sing-on service? aka canonical identity provider?
[22:36] <stas> i can't get it, is that another openid implementation or something new?
[22:39] <stas> looks like openid and oauth