UbuntuIRC / 2010 /04 /21 /#edubuntu.txt
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[00:53] <Ahmuck-Sr> i'm trying to boot another set of ltsp clients to see how well they work, however they don't have a pxe boot option which means i'll have to create a etherboot cdrom. any hints
[01:10] <Ahmuck-Sr> i need to find the chipset of a thin client
[01:10] <Ahmuck-Sr> [19:10] <Ahmuck-Sr> after trying 3 different pc, different make, model, brand, the sound still drops out after about 4-6 minutes
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[13:09] <vmlintu> highvoltage: hi, I wrote about the ldap+kerberos thoughts in edubuntu-devel and also went through the old blueprints..
[13:39] <highvoltage> vmlintu: great! I'll get to my email in just a few moments, I saw yesterday on the debian-edu list that they're discussing kerberos too
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[13:58] <vmlintu> highvoltage: ok, I'll have a look at debian-edu
[14:08] <vmlintu> highvoltage: it seems like in debian-edu the plans are more or less same that we are working on right now
[14:09] <vmlintu> There's also talk about laptop authentication with pam-ccreds etc. We tried those, but there were quite a few problems. Now it looks like sssd from fedoraproject is the solution to this
[14:10] <vmlintu> There's more information about sssd here: http://www.opinsys.fi/user-management-with-sssd-on-shared-laptops
[14:10] <vmlintu> Basically it makes ldap/kerberos work also offline with minimum hassle. We are now testing it in one school and so far everything looks really good.
[14:21] <highvoltage> vmlintu: sounds great, I wonder if the debian-edu guys are aware of it
[14:22] <vmlintu> highvoltage: I think debian doesn't have sssd packaged, but it's in ubuntu
[14:23] <vmlintu> I just subscribed to debian-edu
[14:23] <vmlintu> We are now using sssd on lucid against our ldap/kerberos infrastructure running hardy
[14:33] <highvoltage> vmlintu: perhaps if debian-edu finds sssd useful they could get it into debian
[14:34] <vmlintu> I could only recommend that
[14:35] <highvoltage> yep, it's entirely up to them, would just be nice to have the implementations more or less similar if possible
[14:36] <vmlintu> sssd is part of the FreeIPA project that many blueprints suggested as a solution for user management in Ubuntu
[14:36] <vmlintu> http://www.freeipa.org/
[14:38] <highvoltage> vmlintu: will look at it a bit later, currently in the middle of fixing some release bugs :)
[14:38] <vmlintu> good to get those fixed
[14:39] <vmlintu> I'll be online most of the evening
[14:49] <highvoltage> ok great
[14:59] <sbalneav> Morning all
[15:00] <vmlintu> evening
[15:09] <highvoltage> greetings sbalneav
[15:39] <mhall119> morning
[16:06] <jongbergs> !hi
[16:06] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #edubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!
[16:08] <jongbergs> hi, i forgot to install italc during edubuntu installation, how do i install it from directly from dvd?
[16:09] <alkisg> jongbergs: you can just install it from synaptic like any other package...
[16:10] <sbalneav> Assuming you've got the dvd lines in your apt's sources.list, just installing it from synaptic should work
[16:10] <sbalneav> doh
[16:10] <sbalneav> alkisg: beat me to it :)
[16:10] <alkisg> :)
[16:16] <jongbergs> alkisg, sbalneav : thanks for the tip guys, i should verify first whether the dvd is in the list..
[16:16] <alkisg> jongbergs: if you have internet access you don't need to bother with the dvd - just double click it on synaptic...
[16:17] <jongbergs> alkisg: this computer do not have internet access..will this work?
[16:18] <alkisg> It should - give it a try...
[16:19] <jongbergs> alkisg: ok i'll give it a try..tell u back how it works out..thanks again
[18:38] <bencrisford> highvoltage: did you get my ping yesterday about the teams blueprint? should I add it to the meeting agenda
[19:02] <vmlintu> highvoltage: should I do something else about the wishlist stuff besides posting to the list?
[19:04] <sbalneav> How the heck do we turn off all the super-duper chatty help dialogs that keep popping up in the lower right?!
[19:04] <sbalneav> On my fresh testing install here, it's noisy as heck, but on my home box, nada :)
[19:07] <bencrisford> sbalneav: chatty help dialogs?
[19:08] <vmlintu> I've yet to see those too..
[19:14] <bencrisford> highvoltage: did you get my ping about getting my ping :P?
[19:14] <bencrisford> you disconnected 3 seconds after i sent
[19:14] <bencrisford> so i assumed not
[19:15] <bencrisford> "did you get my ping yesterday about the teams blueprint? should I add it to the meeting agenda" - that one
[19:18] <vmlintu> sbalneav: as you've been doing ldap related things before, do you have plans for 10.10 in that front?
[19:22] <sbalneav> vmlintu: Yes, hopefully
[19:26] <vmlintu> sbalneav: I remember there was a spec for user management tool, but I couldn't find it anymore
[19:29] <vmlintu> If there are plans on this front, I'd be really interested in seeing if I can help somewhere.
[19:30] <vmlintu> I wrote about our needs on edubuntu-devel and I understand that not everyone is facing the problems, but I hope that different use cases don't end up using incompatible solutions
[19:34] <highvoltage> vmlintu: posting to the list is fine, it's early days so it's more of a brainstorming phase atm. thanks!
[19:34] <highvoltage> bencrisford: no I plugged in a USB disk into my mac mini and it just froze up
[19:46] <stgraber> meeting in 15min
[19:58] <highvoltage> meeting in 2min
[19:59] <bencrisford> highvoltage: okey doke, mind if i say something about that blueprint
[20:00] <bencrisford> in the meeting i mean ;)
[20:32] <bencrisford> isforinsects: hi
[20:45] <highvoltage> isforinsects: specialization is?
[20:46] <bencrisford> highvoltage: i forgot to mention in the meeting, a suggestion on the wiki for edubuntu-advocacy to become a member of ubuntu-marketing
[20:47] <bencrisford> sounds like a good idea to me, what do you think?
[20:50] <highvoltage> bencrisford: I remember at some point there was a decision to just merge edubuntu-advocacy to into ubuntu-marketing...
[20:50] <highvoltage> bencrisford: but I don't think it ever happened, I think your suggestion is good it's probably not a bad idea to show the relationship to ubuntu-marketing in LP
[21:01] <bencrisford> highvoltage: shall i add edubuntu-advocacy to ubuntu-marketing then?
[21:04] <highvoltage> bencrisford: I can't think of a reason not to, my brain doesn't want to brain atm. Yes I think you can go ahead and do that
[21:04] <highvoltage> if there's any reason not to someone will probably speak up :)
[21:05] <bencrisford> highvoltage: haha, i know what you mean, ive been off school for 2 weeks barely sleeping, and now i'm back at school i seem to have forgotten how to :(
[21:06] <bencrisford> ill add the team, and if theres anything wrong with it, like you say, I imagine someone will say something :)
[21:08] <highvoltage> yup
[21:38] <bencrisford> highvoltage: what was your NerdScore again?
[21:39] <highvoltage> bencrisford: 80.
[21:39] <highvoltage> bencrisford: I'm surprised it wasn't lower
[21:39] <bencrisford> highvoltage: 95 :(
[21:39] <highvoltage> hehe :)
[21:40] <bencrisford> im too young to be *that* much of a nerd D=, I prefer the word 'geek' personally
[21:41] <vmlintu> highvoltage: I'm gonna bug you with one more thing - do you know what would be the best way of contacting the server team about the ldap stuff to know if they have some plans?
[21:43] <bencrisford> vmlintu: the ubuntu-server team?
[21:43] <bencrisford> i think they're on the #ubuntu-server channel :)
[21:43] * bencrisford finds mailing list
[21:44] <vmlintu> thanks, I'll try there.. the discussion there usually more about lamp than anything else, so it confused me..
[21:45] <bencrisford> ubuntu-server(AT)lists.ubuntu.com - thats the development mailing list i think
[21:45] <highvoltage> vmlintu: the ubuntu-server channel is ok, but the best way is really to use the mailing list
[21:46] <vmlintu> ok
[22:14] <bencrisford> im off for the night
[22:14] <bencrisford> see y'all tommorrow