UbuntuIRC / 2010 /04 /15 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[00:56] <nigelb> chrisccoulson, hey, got a minute?
[00:57] <chrisccoulson> nigelb - possibly ;)
[00:57] <nigelb> chrisccoulson, after the epiphany-browser update, the epiphany-extensions and epiphany-extensions-more dont work
[00:58] <chrisccoulson> they probably need to be sync'd from debian too
[00:58] <nigelb> epiphany-extensions need to be, epiphany-extensions-more isn't updated in debian yet
[01:00] <nigelb> chrisccoulson, so you'll by syncing it ?
[01:01] <chrisccoulson> nigelb - i can't sync packages, but you could request a sync
[01:02] <nigelb> chrisccoulson, aren't we in final freeze ?
[01:02] <Nafai> ugh
[01:02] <chrisccoulson> we will be in a minute ;)
[01:03] <nigelb> ouch, so isn't it going to be twisted since I need everything all the way from FFE?
[01:05] <Nafai> I didn't get my gnome-bluetooth bug fixed :(
[01:06] <nigelb> Nafai, bug fixes go in just fine :)
[01:07] <Nafai> oh good :)
[01:07] <Nafai> new to the process here
[01:08] <nigelb> only someone has to manually approve it :)
[01:09] <Nafai> regardless, I don't yet have upload permissions so someone else would have to take care of it anyway :)
[01:09] <chrisccoulson> Nafai - whats the bug?
[01:10] <Nafai> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-bluetooth/+bug/558841
[01:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 558841 in gnome-bluetooth "bluetooth "devices" menu item not working in bluetooth indicator" [High,In progress]
[01:10] <Nafai> the devices aren't showing up on the indicator
[01:10] <Nafai> I believe it is actually a bug in appindicator libraries
[01:10] <Nafai> and I have narrowed it down to the release where it is exhibited
[01:10] <Nafai> but it is confusing because there doesn't seem to be code changes that might cause that
[01:17] <bryceh> rickspencer3, http://insidesocal.com/click/2010/04/im-running-the-ubuntu-1004-bet.html
[01:20] * rickspencer3 looks
[01:21] <rickspencer3> "I've heard/read that the ability to turn off kernel mode setting might either be changing or going away in future kernels. I have nothing confirming or denying this. I only know that the Xorg developers really don't care about what users of older Intel video chips have had to go through for the past couple of years.
[01:21] <rickspencer3> "
[01:21] <Nafai> rickspencer3: also, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-bluetooth/+bug/558841/comments/7 :)
[01:21] <rickspencer3> ouch
[01:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 558841 in gnome-bluetooth "bluetooth "devices" menu item not working in bluetooth indicator" [High,In progress]
[01:22] <rickspencer3> bryceh, I assume that refers to upstream, not us ;)
[01:23] <bryceh> rickspencer3, right
[01:24] <bryceh> rickspencer3, it's a good signal that our decision to disable kms on 830 is going to be well received
[01:24] <rickspencer3> mmm
[01:24] <rickspencer3> nice
[01:24] <rickspencer3> Nafai so you're a bit blocked?
[01:24] <rickspencer3> have you debugged into the code and found where the UI states are set and such?
[01:29] <Nafai> yeah
[01:29] <Nafai> (to both)
[01:30] <Nafai> and they definitely are set correctly on the bt side, but aren't caught over on the appindicator side
[01:33] <rickspencer3> so the app indicator is not seeing the messages?
[01:34] <Nafai> correct
[01:35] <rickspencer3> but the messages are being sent?
[01:35] <rickspencer3> what is different about the bluetooth messages?
[01:35] <Nafai> well, the menu structure is being set, but the watcher over in libappindicator isn't picking up the changes
[01:36] <Nafai> hmm
[01:36] <rickspencer3> but is the applet ripping the dbus calls?
[01:37] <Nafai> I'm not sure I follow
[01:38] <rickspencer3> how does the gnome-bluetooth tell dbusmenu that there are devices present?
[01:38] <Nafai> what might be different here is in this case after the menu is set on the app indicator in the bt indicator, actions are added for each of the devices (when you turn on bluetooth and it sees each of the devices). these GtkActions are mapped to menu items
[01:38] <Nafai> libappindicator has some kind of proxy that listens to signals from the GtkMenu you have set and then makes appropriate calls to dbusmenu
[01:39] <Nafai> in this case, libappindicator isn't getting whatever the appropriate signal might be and thus isn't making the dbusmenu calls
[01:40] <Nafai> now, the other menu items that show up when you turn on bluetooth are already on the menu, but are just not visible
[01:40] <Nafai> so libappindicator is picking up the visibility toggle signal
[01:40] <Nafai> for those items
[01:42] <rickspencer3> Nafai, can you explain to me briefly how the indicator discovers available devices?
[01:43] <Nafai> sure, let me double check the code real quick to check my understanding
[01:47] <Nafai> ok. there is bluetooth client code that underneath uses bluez (I imagine) to listen to the actual bluetooth adapter. it is hooked up to a GtkTree model. When a row is added to this model via the client (i.e., the adapter sees another device), a callback is called that will update device list by iterating through the tree model, adding submenus and menu items based on the capabilities and type of the particular device
[01:48] <Nafai> it adds these to a GtkUiManager, btw
[01:49] <rickspencer3> how does the client hear from bluez?
[01:49] <rickspencer3> for example, that a device is added?
[01:52] <bcurtiswx> is there something wrong with the i386 builders.. or is there just THAT many packages waiting to be built?
[01:53] <chrisccoulson> bcurtiswx, 869 jobs in the queue
[01:53] <Nafai> that I'm not sure, that's in code separate from the applet, looks. I've taken for granted that it works, which my debug prints show that the devices are seen
[01:53] <Nafai> chrisccoulson: Gotta get things in before the freeze! :)
[01:53] <chrisccoulson> and one of them is building openjdk-6, which is pretty big
[01:54] <chrisccoulson> 27 hours
[01:54] <chrisccoulson> ouch
[01:54] <bcurtiswx> chrisccoulson: interesting.. so tomorrow i should expect a hail mary worth of packages then
[01:54] <chrisccoulson> probably ;)
[01:54] <Nafai> wwe
[01:54] <Nafai> er, wee
[01:55] <bcurtiswx> Nafai. lol
[01:55] <rickspencer3> Nafai there will still be time to get the fix in
[01:56] <rickspencer3> so the client sees the devices, have you confirmed that the TreeModel is updating properly?
[01:56] <Nafai> good
[01:56] <bcurtiswx> anyone here follow the NHL?
[01:57] <Nafai> yeah, or the update_device_list wouldn't be called.
[01:57] <rickspencer3> what object has update_device_list?
[01:57] <Nafai> I honestly think (and unfortunately nothing in the difference between the last working and the broken version helps me here) that there is something not being seen about the action that gets added for each device
[01:57] <rickspencer3> Nafai, yeah
[01:57] <rickspencer3> I'm trying to trace teh data through
[01:58] <rickspencer3> so can you confirm the treemodel is getting updated *properly*
[01:58] <rickspencer3> and that the right data is getting sent?
[01:58] <rickspencer3> oops dinner ready
[01:58] <rickspencer3> bbiab
[01:58] <Nafai> yeah, I'll do that next while you are eating :)
[02:01] <bcurtiswx> what is a "private source" ?
[02:12] <rickspencer3> back
[02:13] <Nafai> this would be easier to debug in Python :) Easier to display data structures, etc :)
[02:14] <rickspencer3> for surez
[02:15] <Nafai> let me add one more debug thing to make sure the menu is getting created correctly. I've only got a debug print where it gets added, but I'm not actually showing it
[02:31] <chrisccoulson> Nafai - you find python easier to debug?
[02:32] <Nafai> in some ways, definitely
[02:32] <Nafai> because of introspection
[02:32] <chrisccoulson> i never know what tools to use to debug python properly
[02:33] <Nafai> print :)
[02:33] <chrisccoulson> i suppose i just like C far too much ;)
[02:33] <chrisccoulson> gdb FTW :)
[02:33] <Nafai> I've never really used a python debugger
[02:33] <Nafai> well, the problem I'm having is I'm trying to examine a GtkMenu structure
[02:33] <rickspencer3> no debugger will help much with that
[02:33] <Nafai> in python, I'd just print it and the str representations would normally give me all I need
[02:33] <rickspencer3> the data structure will be pushed way down into the treemodel
[02:34] <RAOF> You know what both python & mono need? The ability to just dump the VM state so you can debug at your leisure.
[02:34] <rickspencer3> and spread around
[02:34] <Nafai> in C, I'd have to write code to walk the linked lists and so forth
[02:34] <rickspencer3> Nafai, can you not do a get_model() and then iterate on the roads in the debugger?
[02:34] <Nafai> RAOF: That would be cool and I can't imagine why that shouldn't be possible with Python (not knowing the full details of the underlying python vm)
[02:36] <Nafai> rickspencer3: I'm looking at the GtkMenu, not the GtkTreeModel. the GtkMenu stores the items in a glist, IIRC
[02:36] <Nafai> which is a bunch of void pointers
[02:36] <Nafai> so I have to walk the list, cast to the right object type, get the label property to see what I want
[02:37] <rickspencer3> well, you could at least verify that the count is correct as a start
[02:38] <Nafai> good point
[02:38] <Nafai> :)
[02:39] * Nafai is getting better at this with all your help
[02:39] <Nafai> :)
[02:41] <rickspencer3> heh
[02:49] <chrisccoulson> anyone here familiar with orbit?
[03:02] <rickspencer3> looks like my HD pitivi movie is going to take about an hour or two to render :0
[03:02] * rickspencer3 goes to clean kitchen
[03:02] <Nafai> chrisccoulson: My guess is that is a no :)
[03:02] <rickspencer3> hehe
[03:02] <rickspencer3> well, it's late
[03:03] <chrisccoulson> Nafai - i guess so. i don't think anybody understands orbit ;)
[03:03] <rickspencer3> pitivi has gotten really good
[03:03] <Nafai> chrisccoulson: isn't it eventually going away?
[03:04] <chrisccoulson> Nafai - yeah, gconf and bonobo are the big users
[03:05] <rickspencer3> CORBA
[03:05] * rickspencer3 shudders
[03:05] <chrisccoulson> heh
[03:05] <rickspencer3> wsdl
[03:05] <rickspencer3> soap
[03:05] * rickspencer3 pukes enterprise alphabet soup
[03:06] <Nafai> yeah, ewww
[06:46] <pitti> Good morning
[06:59] <TheMuso> pitti: Good morning to you.
[07:00] <pitti> hey TheMuso
[07:00] * pitti -> breakfast
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[07:53] <baptistemm> good morning
[08:08] <huats> morning
[08:09] <robert_ancell> huats, hello
[08:10] <huats> hey robert_ancell
[08:10] <huats> how are you ?
[08:11] <robert_ancell> huats, good, yourself? better luck with the package updates?
[08:11] <robert_ancell> also, you going to uds this year?
[08:12] <huats> robert_ancell, nope, I haven't been sponsored
[08:12] <robert_ancell> huats, :(
[08:12] <RAOF> AAArgh. Gosh darn it evolution. Is it *really* necessary for you to to use gigabytes of my ram *and* half my swap?
[08:13] <huats> but actually I don't deserve really it since I haven't been very very active for a few months (do you know I am a proud and lucky father of a almost 3 months old little boy)
[08:13] <RAOF> Congratulations!
[08:13] <huats> thanks RAOF
[08:14] <huats> that explains a lot my smaller contributions :)
[08:15] <robert_ancell> (they will get bigger ;) )
[08:15] <pitti> huats: ooh, congratulations!
[08:16] <huats> thanks pitti :)
[08:16] <huats> Theo + the building/running of my own company has been really really time consuming...
[08:16] <huats> (I am not saying it is not worth it)
[08:20] <didrocks> good morning
[08:22] <pitti> bonjour didrocks
[08:23] <RAOF> Good morning didrocks, pitti.
[08:23] <pitti> hey RAOF, good evening
[08:24] <didrocks> hey pitti, RAOF
[08:24] <didrocks> pitti: how was your dinner yesterday?
[08:25] <RAOF> Almost time to turn off all this computer equipment and dismantle the desk for moving!
[08:27] <didrocks> RAOF: sure, enjoy your evening!
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
[08:36] <pitti> didrocks: oh, wasn't dinner; my parents came by for congratulating, and we had some sparkling wine :)
[08:37] <mvo> ArneGoetje: could you please have a look at bug #563605
[08:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 563605 in language-pack-zh-hant "file overwrite error on upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/563605
[08:38] <didrocks> pitti: sweet :) you move this week-end to Munich?
[08:38] <pitti> didrocks: no, next one, for a week; then further on to Belgium for two weeks
[08:39] <didrocks> hum, right, it will be long for your family I guess…
[08:39] <didrocks> grrr, I have this stupid applet bug display again
[08:40] <seb128> hey didrocks
[08:40] <pitti> didrocks: I'll come back to Dresden afterwards
[08:40] <seb128> hey pitti
[08:40] <pitti> didrocks: I'll probably spend about a week every month in Munich
[08:40] <pitti> bonjour seb128
[08:40] <didrocks> good morning seb128
[08:41] <didrocks> pitti: oh, moving back and forth. Hope it won't be too tiring for you
[08:45] <pitti> didrocks: should be fine; trains are comfortable :)
[08:49] <ArneGoetje> mvo: looking...
[08:53] <seb128> pitti, technically bug #550195 is not fixed, the issue is still in the mixer dialog
[08:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 550195 in gnome-media "when volume is on 0 and moved up the volume doesn't update" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/550195
[08:53] <pitti> seb128: hm; it seems to behave just fine for me
[08:54] <pitti> but we can reopen it if you still see something broken
[08:54] <seb128> pitti, oh, indeed
[08:54] <seb128> pitti, it was fixed in 2.29.91-0ubuntu1
[08:54] <seb128> + bug 599663 - make changing the volume unmute (lp: #460390)
[08:54] <ubottu> Error: Launchpad bug 599663 could not be found
[08:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 460390 in gnome-media "Pulling volume down to bottom and up again leaves mute on" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/460390
[08:55] <seb128> pitti, thanks for closing it ;-)
[08:55] <pitti> ah, great
[08:58] <seb128> pitti, so it seems that gdm bug which didn't make any sense about login failing is a nvidia binary driver bug
[09:04] <pitti> seb128: bug 516520 you mean?
[09:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 516520 in gdm "pam_unix(gdm:auth): conversation failed" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516520
[09:04] <pitti> seb128: funny, I was just going to look at it again
[09:04] <pitti> I'm done with my current task and am about to catch up on bug mail again
[09:05] <pitti> seb128: oh, it seems to be the reason for some people, but not others
[09:07] <pitti> oh, seems it was confirmed to be an nvidia issue indeed
[09:07] * pitti dupes
[09:08] <seb128> pitti, right, the guy who was adding most of the recent comments said it's a nvidia issue for him tto
[09:08] <seb128> too
[09:09] <seb128> it's annoying when a bug is hijacked by n users having different issues
[09:10] <pitti> yeah, I asked to file new and separate reports for anyone not using nvidia 96
[09:16] <ArneGoetje> mvo: rebuilding langpacks
[09:16] <mvo> ArneGoetje: thanks
[09:17] <ArneGoetje> mvo: the gimp2.0 templates have moved from -gnome to the common langpacks... I have changed that by adding an override.
[09:18] * mvo nods
[09:22] <seb128> \o/
[09:22] <seb128> I managed to go over 300 bugs closed for lucid ;-)
[09:23] <didrocks> congrats seb128 :-)
[09:23] <seb128> didrocks, thanks
=== oubiwann` is now known as oubiwann
[09:24] <didrocks> seb128: where did you see that? http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/lucid-fixes-report.html told 296
[09:25] <seb128> didrocks, the url you were not listed on yesterday
[09:25] <seb128> the team one
[09:25] <seb128> I think the one you just looked at is one run behind
[09:25] * didrocks doesn't like the team one. I don't exist :)
[09:26] <seb128> didrocks, I'm sure I can fix some other 5 by next week to be over 300 on the other one anyway ;-)
[09:26] <didrocks> seb128: heh :-)
[09:27] <didrocks> well, 117 on the non updated one. Not so bad for a beginner :p
[09:27] <seb128> indeed
[09:27] <seb128> though I would not call you beginner
[09:27] <didrocks> well, let's say time parted and full time now :)
[09:45] <Ng> interesting, my rhythmbox process has a virt size of 1.1GB
[09:45] <Ng> it's just under 2 days old
[09:47] <Ng> what the what, why does it have libflashplayer.so mapped into its process?!
[09:48] <seb128> Ng, the music store
[09:48] <Ng> oh right
[09:48] <seb128> Ng, it's using webkit which loads everything a browser would load I think
[09:48] <Ng> yeah
[09:48] <Ng> fair point
[09:48] <Ng> still, 1.1GB virt seems somewhat unreasonable
[09:48] <seb128> indeed
[09:49] <seb128> those bugs are not nice to debug though
[09:49] <seb128> out of letting rhythmbox running under valgrind for 2 days
[09:49] <seb128> which I'm not even sure would work
[09:49] <seb128> valgrind is often too slow to get some usable
[09:50] <Ng> yeah
[09:51] <Ng> pmap doesn't show anything particularly outrageous, just lots of little anon allocations
[09:55] <mvo> it should probably disable the plugins unless it really needs them
[09:55] <mvo> the webkitview support that easily
[09:57] <seb128> I guess software-center does it?
[09:57] <mvo> yes
[09:57] <mvo> I can do a patch for u1 if rodrigo_ wants it
[09:58] * mvo does one anywa
[09:58] <mvo> y
[09:58] <rodrigo_> mvo, a patch for doing what?
[09:59] <seb128> rodrigo_, hey
[09:59] <seb128> rodrigo_, do you know if the music store needs flash in webkit?
[09:59] <rodrigo_> Ng, ugh, 1.1GB is a lot
[09:59] <mvo> rodrigo_: disaable plugins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414827/ should really be all that is needed
[09:59] <rodrigo_> seb128, no, it doesn't, but as you say, it loads all the plugins, not sure how to make it not load them
[10:00] <mvo> (unless you need them for some reason)
[10:00] <seb128> rodrigo_, that's where mvo kicks in
[10:00] <rodrigo_> mvo, ah, cool!
[10:00] <rodrigo_> mvo, submit a branch and I'll approve/merge it
[10:00] <Ng> rodrigo_: I was about to say "I only have 3 albums in rb and only listened to one album of previews from U1MS since I started it", but then I remembered my iPhone which has ~30GB of music on it, so I'm guessing it's the plugin(s) for that that's to blame ;)
[10:01] <rodrigo_> mvo, although, I guess we want the patch in the package, rather than waiting for a new release, right?
[10:01] <seb128> Ng, is your ipod connected? does the virt goes down if you disconnect it?
[10:01] <rodrigo_> mvo, well, submit the branch anyway, and will talk with kenvandine so that he submits the patch
[10:01] <mvo> rodrigo_: I don't know the way your team works, the packages does not seem to have a Vcs-Bzr header so I need to go to the web to look where to find the branch
[10:02] <rodrigo_> Ng, hmm, as seb128 says, try disconnecting the ipod?
[10:02] <seb128> mvo, it's using the canonical location
[10:02] <mvo> rodrigo_: ok, I can also just upload, whatever you prefer
[10:02] <mvo> seb128: aha, cool
[10:02] <Ng> seb128: I quit RB so my machine would stop swapping so much I couldn't type, but I'll start it up again and try an experiment
[10:02] * mvo will push a branch
[10:02] <rodrigo_> mvo, lp:libubuntuone is the trunk
[10:02] <seb128> Ng, thanks
[10:02] <mvo> thanks rodrigo_
[10:02] <rodrigo_> mvo, ok, as you prefer, but send me the patch so that I merge it into trunk
[10:02] <mvo> sure thing
[10:03] <Ng> ok, fresh rhythmbox starts with a 700MB virt, 70MB res - I assume that's because this is my first run with the new RB that shows U1MS by default
[10:03] <seb128> Ng, what is u1ms?
[10:04] <mvo> delta of 1 micro second?
[10:04] <mvo> just kidding
[10:04] <Ng> seb128: the music store
[10:04] <mvo> not enough sleep is not good for my humor
[10:04] <seb128> Ng, it uses 226M and 56M there
[10:04] <seb128> mvo, lol
[10:04] <Ng> seb128: 32bit vs 64bit maybe?
[10:04] <Ng> (I'm running 64bit)
[10:04] <seb128> 32 there
[10:04] <Ng> :)
[10:04] <seb128> and I've 1500 songs in my library
[10:10] <mvo> seb128: canonical location as in lp:ubuntu/lucid/libubuntuone ?
[10:11] <seb128> mvo, lp:ubuntu/libubuntuone
[10:11] <seb128> mvo, it's supposed to have the serie listed?
[10:13] <Ng> hmm, even after several attach/remove ipod events it's holding around 740MB virt 90MB res
[10:13] <mvo> seb128: I guess not, I'm just not using it that often yet, mostly using the old ~ubuntu-core-dev native branches
[10:13] <seb128> mvo, ok
[10:14] <rodrigo_> what if you disable the U1ms plugin and start again? how much memory it uses when you first startup?
[10:15] <Ng> rodrigo_: 500MB virt, 43MB res
[10:16] <rodrigo_> Ng, and if you enable it and start again?
[10:16] <rodrigo_> ah, 700mb, 70, right?
[10:17] <Ng> rodrigo_: roughly, just did that and it's 644/64 this time
[10:17] <rodrigo_> the music store plugin does not use much memory, just what the webkit widget does, so I guess most of that is the plugins
[10:18] <seb128> would be interesting to know how much difference mvo's patch makes there
[10:19] <rodrigo_> yes
[10:20] <mvo> I have 169M 44640 26716 with the patch
[10:20] <mvo> lets try without
[10:21] <milanbv> seb128: are you aware of bug 551809?
[10:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 551809 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/551809
[10:21] <milanbv> looks quite severe to me, with 50+ people experiencing it
[10:21] <milanbv> no response from upstream
[10:22] <mvo> and 161M 45100 26716 without, that does not make much sense
[10:22] * mvo looks into the details
[10:23] <seb128> milanbv, hey, not aware of it no, but a valgrind log would be useful
[10:24] <seb128> seems most users don't notice any issue out the crash icon displayed
[10:24] <seb128> so it's not really a concern for lucid
[10:26] <seb128> milanbv, the indicator-applet should be added on karmic upgrade btw
[10:26] <seb128> to reply to your bug comment
[10:26] <milanbv> seb128: I notice the crash because nautilus doesn't get the theme right after that
[10:26] <mvo> I pushed the branch, I have a call now, and can look into it again afterwards only (https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mvo/libubuntuone/webkit-no-plugins)
[10:26] <milanbv> not sure that happens to other users, seems a bug in nautilus
[10:27] <seb128> we did add it back for any upgrade to lucid because users removed the indicator-message one without knowing it would contain other icons
[10:27] <milanbv> but a valgrind log... I don't know how to reproduce the crash!
[10:27] <seb128> that's usually what you get when g-s-d stops running
[10:27] <seb128> theme got unset
[10:27] <seb128> and starting g-s-d back has some weird effects
[10:27] <milanbv> yeah, but while most apps get it right, nautilus doesn't
[10:27] <seb128> ie some softwares don't update the theme
[10:27] <milanbv> well that's another issue
[10:28] <seb128> right, that's a known one
[10:28] <milanbv> for the indicator, I'm going to close the bug again then
[10:28] <seb128> nautilus is not the only one to not get the theme right
[10:28] <milanbv> we'll see
[10:28] <seb128> thanks
[10:28] <milanbv> so I should try to run it in valgrind an wait...
[10:28] <seb128> I guess those people didn't get indicator-sound installed for some reason
[10:28] <seb128> or upgraded before we had the code to add the applet to the config
[10:28] <seb128> right
[10:28] <seb128> seems it's happening on upgrade though
[10:29] <milanbv> doesn't seem, but let's wait and see if more people come ;-)
[10:29] <seb128> so I would say maybe on icon theme cache update
[10:29] <seb128> try running gtk-icon-cache-update
[10:29] <seb128> and see if g-s-d gets valgrind errors
[10:29] <seb128> or try changing the themes
[10:29] <seb128> chrisccoulson: hey
[10:29] <seb128> how are you?
[10:30] <milanbv> OK
[10:30] <chrisccoulson> hey seb128, i'm good thanks. how are you?
[10:30] <seb128> I'm good thanks ;-)
[10:34] <pitti> hey chrisccoulson, good morning!
[10:34] <pitti> chrisccoulson: sorry for my sudden disappearance last night; I wasn't sure when/whether my parents would come for the little congratulation/drinking session, and just when you asked they rang :)
[10:34] <chrisccoulson> hey pitti, how are you?
[10:34] <pitti> chrisccoulson: I'm fine doing the removals etc. now
[10:34] <didrocks> good morning chrisccoulson :)
[10:34] <pitti> chrisccoulson: I'm great, thanks! how about you?
[10:35] <chrisccoulson> pitti - i'm good thanks. did i tell you which packages need removing?
[10:35] <pitti> chrisccoulson: I don't think so
[10:36] <chrisccoulson> pitti - stumbleupon (license issues) and livehttpheaders (that needs updating and it was always borderline whether it should stay anyway)
[10:37] <chrisccoulson> pitti - also, there may be some other removals for packages that haven't been ported from xul191 yet, as we still intend to only ship 1 xulrunner
[10:37] <pitti> chrisccoulson: in dubio pro abitus :)
[10:38] <bdrung> where is the wiki page that explains how a gui program can add apport support?
[10:40] <chrisccoulson> pitti - the other likely removal is sugar. it currently has a depends on pyxpcom which used to be provided by xul191, but is now distributed separately by mozilla
[10:41] <chrisccoulson> and we haven't packaged that yet, and it's never had a proper release either
[10:42] <pitti> chrisccoulson: I propose that you open a bug (or find an existing one) about that, subscribe ubuntu-archive and me, and just keep adding tasks for packages to be removed
[10:42] <chrisccoulson> heh, good job i'm not flying today!
[10:42] <chrisccoulson> pitti - yeah, i can do that
[10:42] <pitti> chrisccoulson: then we have both a papertrail and also a more solid/distributed way of tracking this
[10:43] <pitti> seb128: would you happen to know why we suddenly have the empathy icon in the task bar again, in addition to the msg indicator?
[10:43] <pitti> this is a fairly recent regression
[10:43] <seb128> pitti, taskbar?
[10:43] <pitti> panel
[10:43] <seb128> I didn't notice that no
[10:43] <seb128> dunno
[10:49] <chrisccoulson> pitti - you're not autostarting empathy are you?
[10:49] <pitti> no
[10:50] <pitti> it happens on the mini and on my desktop now
[10:50] <pitti> hm, fun; restarting empathy again, and it's gone
[10:50] <pitti> maybe it was fixed with yesterday's updates, or it's another weird race
[10:57] <rodrigo_> mvo, I'll propose your branch for merging, will be testing it later, since the music store web is down now
[11:01] <mvo> seb128: would you be interessted to test my debs for the disable plugins? I can upload them to people then
[11:01] <mvo> rodrigo_: I prepared a upload, but I would like some confirmation first that it actually helps :)
[11:01] <seb128> mvo, sure, i386
[11:02] <rodrigo_> mvo, wait then, the music store is down right now, so can't fully confirm it works
[11:02] <rodrigo_> mvo, I'd say it's ok, but let's make sure better :)
[11:02] <mvo> ok
[11:02] <seb128> rodrigo_, the store is working there
[11:02] <mvo> caution++
[11:02] <seb128> rodrigo_, at least I can browse it
[11:02] <rodrigo_> seb128, hmm
[11:02] <rodrigo_> I get a 503 error
[11:03] <seb128> but the store might be not the same since we are not the same country
[11:03] <seb128> +in
[11:03] <rodrigo_> seb128, you get the EU store, as I do
[11:03] <seb128> k, works for me...
[11:03] <mvo> http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/libubuntuone/
[11:04] <rodrigo_> unless it thinks you're in .de :)
[11:04] <seb128> where do you think I am? ;-)
[11:04] <rodrigo_> Germany and UK have their own stores, the rest of the EU gets the EU store
[11:04] <seb128> ask mvo :p
[11:04] <rodrigo_> seb128, oh, where are you?
[11:04] <mvo> haha
[11:04] <mvo> seb128 is definetely german!
[11:05] <didrocks> +1
[11:05] <seb128> I would say France but apparently germans think it's close enough from Germany that it can be considered half German
[11:05] <mvo> also he *claims* to live in .fr
[11:05] <didrocks> :)
[11:05] <rodrigo_> seb128, right, so probably geoip also thinks you're german :D
[11:05] <seb128> see ;-)
[11:05] * seb128 hugs mvo
[11:05] * mvo hugs seb128
[11:05] <rodrigo_> :)
[11:05] * mvo is curious for the result
[11:06] <rodrigo_> seb128, what does it say on the home page of the store? something like 'EU store' ?
[11:06] <seb128> hey robert_ancell
[11:07] <seb128> robert_ancell, "EU Store Top Picks"
[11:07] <seb128> ups
[11:07] <seb128> rodrigo_, ^
[11:07] <seb128> so yes it's the EU store
[11:08] <robert_ancell> seb128, EU store?
[11:09] <rodrigo_> seb128, ok, you are still French then :)
[11:09] <seb128> robert_ancell, sorry it was not for you, european music store in rhythmbox
[11:10] <didrocks> not really, I get the 504 :)
[11:11] <seb128> mvo,
[11:11] <seb128> before
[11:12] <seb128> $ pmap $(pidof rhythmbox) | grep flash
[11:12] <seb128> af86c000 9808K r-x-- /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so
[11:12] <seb128> b0200000 204K rw--- /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so
[11:12] <seb128> after
[11:12] <seb128> $ pmap $(pidof rhythmbox) | grep flash
[11:12] <seb128> $
[11:12] <mvo> good, so that works
[11:12] <seb128> and I got from 210m to 180m
[11:12] <seb128> that's the virt though
[11:12] <seb128> the res didn't change much on start
[11:13] <seb128> that will also fixes quite some crashers
[11:13] <seb128> we had random crashers due to flash reported
[11:13] <mvo> so worth a upload? I
[11:13] <seb128> yes!
[11:13] <mvo> uploaded
[11:13] <seb128> mvo, you are made of awesome ;-)
[11:13] <rodrigo_> seb128, can you go to some album page and confirm it works ok?
[11:13] <mvo> made of tiredness today :) sometimes that is the best state of mind
[11:14] <mvo> thanks for testing seb128 (and for the nice words :)
[11:14] <seb128> rodrigo_, I've browsed album and listened to some previews
[11:14] <rodrigo_> that's the page where there is a flash thing embedded, that we replace as soon as it's loaded
[11:14] <rodrigo_> seb128, and no problems?
[11:14] <seb128> rodrigo_, not that I can see
[11:14] <rodrigo_> ok, then worth an upload yes
[11:14] <seb128> rodrigo_, we can revert the change easily if we get a bug about it
[11:14] <rodrigo_> yeah, right
[11:14] <seb128> rodrigo_, there is no better testing than shipping to users ;-)
[11:15] <mvo> seb128++
[11:15] <mvo> that is *so* true
[11:15] <seb128> rodrigo_, "we replace as soon as it's loaded" is visible btw
[11:15] <rodrigo_> seb128, :)
[11:15] <seb128> you can see a "you should upgrade your flash version" label while loading sometime
[11:15] <seb128> in the next bellow the cover
[11:16] <rodrigo_> seb128, yeah, we need to wait for the page to be loaded to run the js to replace it
[11:16] <rodrigo_> there is a better way, which is to detect when the HTML is loaded and do it then instead of waiting for all images to be loaded
[11:16] <seb128> rodrigo_, great work btw in case I didn't say it yet ;-)
[11:16] <rodrigo_> just not enough time this cycle
[11:16] <rodrigo_> seb128, thanks :)
[11:17] <rodrigo_> seb128, if you file a bug about it, I'll take care of it as soon as I have some spare time
[11:17] <rodrigo_> ok, need to get out for some shopping, bbiab
[11:17] <seb128> rodrigo_, ok, will do, have fun, see you later!
[11:18] * ogra hugs whoever brought the proper calculator back into his desktop
[11:19] <seb128> rodrigo_, do you guys have access to private bugs?
[11:19] <seb128> there is a crasher which has some duplicates which seems to happen when buying an album but I'm not sure something saw it
[11:21] <seb128> rodrigo_, ok, it's bug #545184
[11:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 545184 in libubuntuone "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in soup_message_set_first_party()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/545184
[11:21] <seb128> which has been fixed already in lucid ;-)
[11:24] <seb128> rodrigo_, I've subscribed you to bug #561302, not sure who should be subscribed to crashers
[11:24] <ubottu> Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/561302)
[11:40] <Laney> is the cd size alright atm?
[11:40] <Laney> I just noticed that f-spot has an extraneous dep on nunit
[11:46] <tseliot> seb128: hi
[11:46] <seb128> tseliot, hey
[11:46] <seb128> Laney, cd space wins are always welcome since we can use those to add translations
[11:47] <Laney> Can you tell how much that dep drags in?
[11:48] <Laney> libnunit2.4-cil
[11:51] <seb128> let me look
[11:58] <seb128> Laney, it doesn't trigger any extra depends and is 117k deb, 388k installed
[11:58] <seb128> Laney, wouldn't really make a difference
[11:58] <Laney> oh, ok then
[11:58] <Laney> get it at the next merge or whatever
[11:58] <seb128> thanks
[12:01] <rodrigo_> seb128, #561302 is a dup of #560723
[12:01] <rodrigo_> seb128, marking it
[12:02] <seb128> rodrigo_, thanks
[12:03] <rodrigo_> seb128, ah, and for all libu1 bugs or rhythmbox plugin bugs, assing them to me or aquarius (sil in launchpad)
[12:03] <seb128> rodrigo_, note that the retraced stacktrace is better on the new one
[12:04] <seb128> rodrigo_, ok
[12:04] <rodrigo_> seb128, yeah, right
[12:09] <rodrigo_> seb128, btw, the other day I talked with statik about getting per package upload rights, what's the process to apply for that?
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[12:13] <seb128> rodrigo_, not sure but ask dholbach he probably has a the url to the wiki documentation for it
[12:13] <rodrigo_> ok
[12:39] <mvo> seb128: hm, I get a (ugly) dialog that my diskspace is low on lucid, just 2G left on /home
[12:39] <seb128> mvo, is the issue the look of the dialog or that 2G is not low?
[12:40] <seb128> mvo, what disk capacity to do have? I think it warns at 5% or something
[12:40] <mvo> well, both
[12:41] <mvo> not critical
[12:41] <mvo> just noticed it
[12:41] <seb128> mvo, what is the disk capacity?
[12:42] <seb128> I would like to figure if the warning was "normal"
[12:43] <seb128> mvo, g-s-d is set to display the warning if (free space < 2G && free_space < 5% disk space)
[12:43] <seb128> I think the dialog not being nice is known
[12:44] <chrisccoulson> whats wrong with the dialog? is it just the text wrapping?
[12:46] <milanbv> chrisccoulson: we'd need a ver clever algorithm to be less annoying
[12:47] <mvo> seb128: 80G, 2G left
[12:47] <milanbv> e.g. here my / is always around 600MB free
[12:47] <mvo> *shurg* not a big deal
[12:47] <seb128> mvo, ok, so it matches the criterious
[12:48] <milanbv> I'm afraid many people will check the box not to show it again
[12:49] <chrisccoulson> milanbv, i was asked to add the checkbox so people didn't have to see it again ;)
[12:50] <milanbv> sure, but if the dialog appears twice and people think it's wrong, they will check the box
[12:50] <milanbv> we'd need to be sure it makes sense to show it
[12:50] <seb128> it does
[12:50] <milanbv> not sure how, but here I'm fine until I reach ~100MB free
[12:50] <seb128> we could lower the 2G value though
[12:50] <chrisccoulson> the dialog shouldn't appear twice unless the space decreases even further though
[12:51] <milanbv> I think you should divide the limit by 2 once the dialog has been dismissed
[12:51] <milanbv> and to that until e.g. 200MB left
[12:51] <chrisccoulson> milanbv - the limit does decrease once you dismiss the dialog
[12:52] <milanbv> oh
[12:52] <milanbv> my use case is: I'm around 600MB
[12:52] <chrisccoulson> well, it doesn't persist across reboots though, but i don't think it should
[12:52] <milanbv> every time I run an upgrade, the dialog appears, sometimes twice
[12:52] <milanbv> not a big deal, but I'm sure all users would have check the box, making the dialog useless
[12:53] <milanbv> it should be persistent across reboots
[12:54] <milanbv> and only get to the original setting if I free more than 2GB
[12:55] <milanbv> (and the real sign that the algorithm is right is when we'll be able to remove the checkbox ;-))
[12:56] <chrisccoulson> maybe i'll do some hacking on that again when i've finished all my lucid tasks ;)
[12:56] <milanbv> that would be great!
[12:56] <milanbv> the goal IMHO is to remove the checkbox - that forces a good behavior for eerybody
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[13:46] <lool> ArneGoetje: heya
[13:46] <chrisccoulson> gjs is a perfect example of why not to use spidermonkey
[13:46] <lool> ArneGoetje: got: Préparation du remplacement de ttf-indic-fonts-core 1:0.5.4ubuntu2 (en utilisant .../ttf-indic-fonts-core_1%3a0.5.8ubuntu1_all.deb) ...
[13:47] <lool> /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/preinst: 19: rm_conffile: not found
[13:47] <lool> Ok, already reported and confir,ed
[14:00] <seb128> lool, hey
[14:07] <lool> seb128: hey!
[14:07] <seb128> lool, how are you? we don't see you much around recently
[14:10] <lool> seb128: I'm good; how are you yourself?
[14:10] <seb128> lool, I'm good too thanks, a bit tired and happy that lucid shapes nicely it has been a busy cycle ;-)
[14:10] <seb128> lool, looking forward some slacking and seeing everybody at UDS
[14:11] <seb128> "slacking", ie normal workload and not running to get things in shape for the lts
[14:13] <lool> hehe
[14:18] <pitti> chrisccoulson: sorry, lost track about those removals again -- is there a bug for it now?
[14:18] <ArneGoetje> lool: ?
[14:19] <chrisccoulson> pitti - not just yet, i'll work on that shortly when i figure out exactly what needs removing. i'm fighting gjs at the moment though
[14:19] <pitti> chrisccoulson: ok, no hurry; removals can happen until very late in the game
[14:21] <lool> ArneGoetje: LP #563804
[14:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 563804 in ttf-indic-fonts "package ttf-indic-fonts-core 1:0.5.4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso script pre-installation nuevo devolvió el código de salida de error 127" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/563804
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[14:31] <bcurtiswx> I'm going to assume my GDM is broken like a lot of other peoples
[14:33] <seb128> but it's not
[14:33] * bcurtiswx gets depressed
[14:34] <lool> ArneGoetje: slangasek uploaded the proposed debdiff
[14:34] <ArneGoetje> lool: heh... I was just fixing it myself
[14:36] <bcurtiswx> seb128: i go to system-->preferences-->appearance and click "ambiance" it still has a different look :(
[14:36] <ArneGoetje> lool: I don't see any proposed debdiff on that bug report...
[14:37] <seb128> bcurtiswx, why should the login screen user your current user config?
[14:37] <bcurtiswx> seb128: the login screen doesn't even show the current purple background with the ubuntu logo to login :-\
[14:38] <bcurtiswx> seb128: it broke after the recent lucid updates to gdm
[14:38] <lool> ArneGoetje: sorry picked the wrong bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-indic-fonts/+bug/563771
[14:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 563771 in ttf-indic-fonts "package ttf-indic-fonts-core 1:0.5.4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 127" [High,Fix released]
[14:38] <ArneGoetje> lool: that's a duplicate then
[14:38] <lool> ArneGoetje: Yes, marked as such
[14:39] <seb128> bcurtiswx, what does it show?
[14:39] <bcurtiswx> is there a way to screenshot at the login window?
[14:40] <seb128> use a camera
[14:40] <seb128> or describe what it looks like
[14:40] <seb128> when did that start?
[14:40] <bcurtiswx> i knew my cell phone would come in handy one of these days.. lol
[14:40] <ArneGoetje> lool: ok, thanks
[14:40] <bcurtiswx> seb128: it just started with updates i did this morning.. last update was around 10PM EST last night
[14:40] <bcurtiswx> brb
[14:43] <didrocks> I would be surprized that adding a parameter to the dbus call for the guest session will break that…
[14:43] <bcurtiswx> seb128: email seb128@ubuntu.com ?
[14:44] <seb128> bcurtiswx, yes
[14:47] <bcurtiswx> seb128: sent
[14:50] <bcurtiswx> and apparently my mouse settings are ignored (it turned my click to touch on the touchpad on) where i have it off
[14:51] <mdz> are the hundreds of empathy crashes in g_closure_invoke() potentially different bugs?
[14:52] <mdz> I just had a crash, and I can't tell if it's a duplicate or not
[14:53] <seb128> mdz, you scares me, hundred?
[14:53] <seb128> I'm looking
[14:54] * seb128 hates that we don't get emails about crash bugs
[14:55] <mdz> seb128: I'm just looking at the "Do any of the following bugs describe the bug you're trying to report?" list when trying to report the crash in LP
[14:55] <mdz> most of them are marked Fix Released
[14:55] <mdz> but they all look alike
[14:55] <mdz> maybe they are even duplicates; there's no way to tell from this view
[14:56] <seb128> mdz, I would recommend to send crashes anyway, retracers work quite well
[14:56] <seb128> mdz, and one function is not enough to say if yours is a duplicate
[14:56] <mdz> seb128: OK
[14:56] <mdz> it just seems like many empathy crashes have this same pattern
[14:57] <seb128> mdz, right, I say 19 open bugs matching the title
[14:57] <seb128> I'm looking through those right now
[15:02] <seb128> mdz, thanks for raising the issue
[15:03] <mdz> seb128: it is not a big deal, just an average crash. I just was curious if there was something funny about empathy which made crashes look the same
[15:04] <seb128> mdz, no that I know of no
[15:06] <bcurtiswx> seb128: any idea as to my images sent to your e-mail?
[15:07] <seb128> bcurtiswx, your desktop theme seems wrong too, I'm wondering if gnome-settings-daemon is crashing for you
[15:08] <seb128> bcurtiswx, is gnome-settings-daemon running?
[15:09] <bcurtiswx> seb128: ps -e | grep gnome has a gnome-settings-
[15:09] <bcurtiswx> is that going to be the daemon?
[15:09] <seb128> bcurtiswx, ok, and no crash in /var/crash?
[15:09] <seb128> bcurtiswx, yes
[15:09] <mdz> seb128: do you ever have problems with e-d-s running out of memory and invoking the OOM killer?
[15:09] <bcurtiswx> seb128: nope
[15:10] <seb128> mdz, no
[15:10] <mdz> seb128: it's been happening to me often lately
[15:11] <seb128> mdz, I read your comment on #ubuntu-devel earlier but we kept the e-d-s and evo 2.28 versions for karmic this cycle so they didn't change yet
[15:11] <seb128> yet -> a lot
[15:11] <mdz> mdz 2082 0.0 43.8 1338128 647688 ? Sl Apr09 1:22 /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-data-server-2.28 --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_DataServer_CalFactory:1.2 --oaf-ior-fd=36
[15:11] <seb128> mdz, not sure why that's happening or if that could be due to some google or online calendar
[15:11] <mdz> seb128: my calendar is not THAT full ;-)
[15:12] <seb128> it's using 93m 5m there
[15:12] <seb128> mdz, right, I'm just wondering if some configured calendar triggers a leak
[15:13] <mdz> seb128: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=462664 suggests that it's the caldav backend
[15:13] <ubottu> Debian bug 462664 in evolution-data-server "evolution-data-server: multiple massive memory leaks in the caldav backend" [Important,Open]
[15:14] <bcurtiswx> seb128: is there a debugging option for g-s-d?
[15:15] <seb128> mdz, not sure how much you rely on having your calendar activated in evo but you could try to disable it for a day and see if it's better? just to confirm that's due to it
[15:15] <seb128> bcurtiswx, you can look for errors in .xsession-errors or run it using --debug
[15:15] <seb128> bcurtiswx, --no-daemon --debug
[15:17] <mdz> seb128: I will do that when I go in to the office next (it's my office computer)
[15:17] <mdz> seb128: FWIW bug 305428 sounds very similar, though you've marked that one fixed recently
[15:17] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 305428 in evolution-data-server "evolution-data-server eats memory like crazy" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/305428
[15:18] <mdz> seb128: do you want me to a) reopen that one, b) open a new one, c) wait until I can try changing the settings?
[15:19] <seb128> mdz, looking
[15:20] <bcurtiswx> seb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414984/ snippet from the debug.. should all those be inactive?
[15:21] <seb128> mdz, if you could open a new one giving the url of the closed lp one and of the bts one and confirm later that without the calendar you don't get the issue that would be nice
[15:21] <mdz> seb128: will do
[15:21] <seb128> mdz, thanks
[15:21] <bcurtiswx> seb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414986/ is the .xsession-errors
[15:22] <seb128> bcurtiswx, no gnome-settings-daemon error there
[15:22] <seb128> bcurtiswx, do you have a .gconf dir in /var/lib/gdm?
[15:23] <bcurtiswx> should I be able to cd to /var/lib/gdm without a permission issue?
[15:23] <seb128> no
[15:23] <seb128> you can sudo ls /var/lib/gdm/.gconf
[15:24] <bcurtiswx> seb128: yes i know, j/w if that was the problem
[15:25] <seb128> the dir is limited in access to the gdm user
[15:25] <bcurtiswx> i get apps as my reply to the ls
[15:25] <mdz> seb128: filed bug 563879
[15:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 563879 in evolution-data-server "evolution-data-server consumes massive amounts of memory, invokes OOM killer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/563879
[15:28] * bcurtiswx shrugs
[15:28] <seb128> mdz, thanks
[15:28] <seb128> bcurtiswx, so it seems you have no theme set there, I don't know about the issue out of having g-s-d crashing for some reason
[15:29] <bcurtiswx> seb128: i try setting one in gnome-appearance-properties but it fails
[15:29] <mdz> seb128: my empathy bug (retraced) is bug 563851
[15:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 563851 in empathy "empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in empathy_dispatcher_chat_with_contact()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/563851
[15:29] <mdz> the retracer shows the crash is actually in empathy_dispatcher_chat_with_contact, but doesn't update the title
[15:29] <mdz> oh, it did update the title (had to reload)
[15:30] <mdz> so maybe the many g_closure_invoke bugs are failed retraces or something
[15:30] <seb128> mdz, no, I did that ;-)
[15:30] <mdz> seb128: ah :-)
[15:30] <pitti> I'm off for about an hour for taking a break and some errands
[15:31] <seb128> mdz, yes, I'm cleaning those, half of the list was the same bug which is fixed but duplicate matching didn't work because the glib debug symbols are lacking so the retracer can't say if they are the exact same stacktraces or not
[15:31] <mdz> it would be nice if the retracer could do that
[15:31] <seb128> indeed
[15:31] <seb128> worth opening a bug on apport if there is not already one
[15:31] <chrisccoulson> bcurtiswx, what do you mean by "it fails" when setting the theme? what happens?
[15:32] <bcurtiswx> chrisccoulson: I click on a theme (ambiance for example), and it doesn't change anything
[15:32] <bcurtiswx> chrisccoulson: it is on "custom" right now
[15:32] <bcurtiswx> but won't change
[15:32] <chrisccoulson> bcurtiswx, is the xsettings plugin even loaded in g-s-d?
[15:33] <bcurtiswx> chrisccoulson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414984/
[15:34] <chrisccoulson> bcurtiswx, it's not loading any plugins at all
[15:34] <chrisccoulson> are they disabled in /apps/gnome-settings-daemon/plugins in gconf?
[15:35] <bcurtiswx> where is /apps?
[15:35] <chrisccoulson> bcurtiswx, in gconf
[15:35] <bcurtiswx> ah, that
[15:36] <chrisccoulson> gconftool-2 -R /apps/gnome_settings_daemon
[15:36] <bcurtiswx> chrisccoulson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414992/
[15:37] <chrisccoulson> bcurtiswx, it looks like your install is broken ;)
[15:37] <seb128> bcurtiswx, dpkg -l gnome-settings-daemon?
[15:37] <chrisccoulson> the schema's aren't registered
[15:38] <bcurtiswx> http://paste.ubuntu.com/414994/
[15:39] <seb128> bcurtiswx, seems your upgrade broke on something
[15:39] <seb128> it's not configured
[15:39] <seb128> sudo apt-get -f install
[15:39] <chrisccoulson> indeed
[15:39] <bcurtiswx> where are the upgrade logs held?
[15:39] <seb128> mvo, ^
[15:39] <seb128> bcurtiswx, how do you upgrade?
[15:39] <seb128> update-manager?
[15:40] <bcurtiswx> i do sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and check if packages are removed, if not i continue the upgrade
[15:41] <seb128> and you are sure the most recent install finished clearly?
[15:41] <seb128> try to sudo apt-get -f install
[15:41] <bcurtiswx> seb128: thats why i asked where the logs are
[15:41] <seb128> the logs will not go away anyway
[15:41] <seb128> I don't think apt-get has logs though
[15:41] <seb128> update-manager has
[15:42] <bcurtiswx> i think the last upgrade failed on a font upgrade. but nothing else
[15:42] <seb128> right
[15:42] <chrisccoulson> also /var/log/dpkg.log
[15:42] <bcurtiswx> the -f is install gnome-applets
[15:42] <seb128> when it hits an error it stops
[15:42] <seb128> so it means you have a stack of packages which didn't get configured
[15:42] <chrisccoulson> and /var/log/apt
[15:42] <bcurtiswx> that would be it then
[15:43] <chrisccoulson> there should be something in there whicheever way you upgraded
[15:43] <seb128> the font issue was probably the one mentioned on the channel before which got a fix uploaded today
[15:43] <bcurtiswx> that should fix it... but why does it stop when one package fails? is it a cause of the dist-upgrade?
[15:43] <seb128> anyway I'm out for some errands too
[15:43] <seb128> see you later
[15:43] <bcurtiswx> seb128: thx
[15:43] <mvo> hm?
[15:44] <mvo> seb128: we have good logs now: /var/log/apt/history.log
[15:44] <mvo> ^--- bcurtiswx
[15:44] <mvo> if you could paste that file somewhere (pastebin or something)
[15:44] <seb128> mvo, oh, good to know ;-)
[15:45] <mvo> plus the term log with all the glorious dpkg details ;)
[15:45] <mvo> but the history.log is nicer because it shows a overview of what happend in what operation
[15:45] <bcurtiswx> mvo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/414997/
[15:46] <bcurtiswx> it did stop installing.. and the install -f fixed it... but why did it stop at that fail?
[15:46] <mvo> Error: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[15:46] <mvo> I'm sure its the font bug
[15:46] <mvo> ttf-indic-fonts-core
[15:46] <bcurtiswx> it is, but why would it stop setting up the successful packages because of that?
[15:48] <mvo> well, the theory behind that is that the user might want to investigate
[15:48] <mvo> I admit its lame for most people, useful on a devel distro
[15:48] <mvo> for release upgrades we have a "keep going" mode
[15:49] <xdatap> good evening
[15:49] <bcurtiswx> mvo: hmm, interesting. OK. would the keep-going mode stop the investigation?
[15:49] <bcurtiswx> or hinder it at all?
[15:49] <mvo> it might hinder it, but for 99% of the users its a win
[15:50] <bcurtiswx> mvo: OK, thx
[15:53] <rickspencer3> 149 megs coming in my dist-upgrade this morning!
[15:54] <rickspencer3> should be "interesting"
[15:54] <kenvandine> hehe
[15:54] <kenvandine> hey rickspencer3
[15:55] <rickspencer3> hi kenvandine
[15:55] <rickspencer3> new desktopcouch and gwibber
[15:55] <kenvandine> yup :)
[15:55] <rickspencer3> sweet
[15:56] <kenvandine> and apparently there will be another desktopcouch coming... bug 563901 just got assigned to me
[15:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 563901 in desktopcouch "replication exclusion doesn't work with MergableList value" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/563901
[15:56] <rickspencer3> statik mentioned this
[15:56] <rickspencer3> np
[15:56] <kenvandine> i know they were trying to figure out yesterday if that exclusion was working or not
[15:56] <kenvandine> it was unclear
[15:56] <kenvandine> i guess they nailed it down
[15:57] <rickspencer3> yeah
[15:57] <rickspencer3> always a problem when there are crashers
[15:57] <rickspencer3> it blocks testing other things and muddies the water
[15:57] <kenvandine> yup
[15:57] * kenvandine gets a coffee refill, brb
[15:58] <didrocks> rickspencer3: what do you think about bug #556686? can be bad, shouldn't be difficult to fix, but I guess it's too late in a UI freeze perspective for documentation
[15:58] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 556686 in window-picker-applet "[Lucid Beta2 Netbook Edition] close button inconsistency while maximized" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/556686
[15:58] * rickspencer3 looks
[15:59] <rickspencer3> didrocks, no f'ing way
[15:59] <milanbv> any idea why Apport doesn't start when OpenOffice crashes? is there a way to fix this?
[15:59] <rickspencer3> we need to be focused on crashers, etc...
[16:00] <milanbv> (getting it crashing when saving .doc and .rtf files!)
[16:00] <rickspencer3> data loss, things not working
[16:00] <rickspencer3> and if you don't have those to work on, then we shouldn't be making changes that make it harder for people who do
[16:00] <rickspencer3> </soapbox>
[16:00] <didrocks> rickspencer3: right, I agree (see my last comment) there were people pinging me and telling me that I shouldn't be the only person taking the decision…
[16:00] <rickspencer3> ok
[16:00] <rickspencer3> I'll comment
[16:01] <rickspencer3> but without the "f*ing"
[16:01] <rickspencer3> ;)
[16:01] <didrocks> :)
[16:01] <rickspencer3> didrocks, who said you shouldn't decide?
[16:02] <didrocks> rickspencer3: random people from QA pinging me on IRC, but nobody in the dev team or canonical :)
[16:03] <rickspencer3> didrocks, I have no reason to second guess you
[16:05] <rickspencer3> reboot time
[16:05] <rickspencer3> brb
[16:06] <djsiegel1> hey robbiew
[16:07] <robbiew> yo
[16:07] <robbiew> djsiegel1: ^
[16:07] <djsiegel1> So, I saw some notes on sound stuff and Rhythmbox vs Banshee questions.
[16:08] <djsiegel1> And was wondering if the design team could be included in the conversation about choosing applications for the distro?
[16:08] <djsiegel1> If it would be useful for us to do analysis and user testing to help these discussions?
[16:10] <djsiegel1> robbiew: for example, mpt did an empathy vs pidgin usability evaluation way back when
[16:10] <robbiew> djsiegel1: sure...I think that makes sense. rickspencer3 is the one to talk to
[16:10] <djsiegel1> oh, ok
[16:11] <robbiew> heh... I use both, b/c IRC in empathy is crap...and I hate xchat :P
[16:11] <djsiegel1> same here
[16:12] <robbiew> hopefully rickspencer3 survives his reboot
[16:12] <robbiew> lol
[16:13] <didrocks> or not… :)
[16:15] <rickspencer3> seb128, hi
[16:15] <rickspencer3> I just did dist-upgrade -> reboot
[16:15] <rickspencer3> and looks like gsd didn't run
[16:15] <rickspencer3> should I just try running it, or is there debug info that would help?
[16:16] <didrocks> rickspencer3: did your last dist-upgrade work?
[16:16] <rickspencer3> didrocks, seemed to
[16:16] <rickspencer3> I guess I could dpkg reconfigure or whatever
[16:16] <didrocks> dpkg -l gnome-settings-daemon
[16:17] <rickspencer3> rick@rick-desktop:~$ dpkg -l gnome-settings-daemon
[16:17] <rickspencer3> Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
[16:17] <rickspencer3> | Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
[16:17] <rickspencer3> |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
[16:17] <rickspencer3> not too confidence building
[16:18] <didrocks> I need the last line, do you have "ii" or "iU"
[16:18] <rickspencer3> ||/ Name Version Description
[16:18] <rickspencer3> +++-======================-======================-============================================================
[16:18] <rickspencer3> iU gnome-settings-daemon 2.30.0-0ubuntu4 daemon handling the GNOME session settings
[16:18] <didrocks> ok, dist-upgrade didn't finish
[16:18] <didrocks> apt-get install -f
[16:18] <rickspencer3> yeah, figured
[16:19] <didrocks> you don't have the gconf schema configured. There was an issue some hours ago about ttf-indic-fonts-core breaking the upgrade
[16:19] <rickspencer3> meh
[16:20] <rickspencer3> a bunch of stuff didn't finish in the dist-upgrade
[16:20] <didrocks> yeah, it stops at the first error
[16:20] <didrocks> so… all the things you have afterward aren't configured
[16:21] <rickspencer3> yup
[16:25] <chrisccoulson> rickspencer3 / didrocks - me and seb128 were just discussing the same issue a few moments before
[16:26] <rickspencer3> ok
[16:26] <rickspencer3> so my dist-upgrade finished this time
[16:26] <rickspencer3> I'll try to reboot again
[16:35] <rickspencer3> Nafai hi
[16:44] <seb128> rickspencer3, right, same issue we were discussing one hour ago there
[16:45] <rickspencer3> well, was easy to work around, is it a transient issue, or will it be ongoing?
[16:51] <seb128> rickspencer3, the issue which broke your update? I guess it's the same font one which we discussed before, a fix was uploaded earlier for it
[16:51] <rickspencer3> yeah
[16:51] <seb128> rickspencer3, but dunno if that's this one, you can look to your logs
[16:51] <rickspencer3> I already know
[16:51] <seb128> ok
[16:51] <rickspencer3> thanks to apport ;)
[16:52] <seb128> will teach you for not using the graphical tools :p
[16:52] <rickspencer3> hehe
[16:52] <rickspencer3> well, gwibber autostarted, and desktopcouch did not crash
[16:53] <seb128> update-manager is nice enough to go through the update without breaking
[16:53] <rickspencer3> and neither pegged my CPU
[16:53] <rickspencer3> yeah
[16:53] <seb128> it retries on error
[16:53] * seb128 hugs mvo
[16:53] <rickspencer3> I don't know why I am hooked on apt-get
[16:55] <seb128> pitti,
[16:55] <seb128> "(udisks:31224): udisks-WARNING **: Couldn't enumerate devices: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)"
[16:55] <seb128> pitti, is that something I should be concerned about it upgrade output?
[16:56] <seb128> it -> in
[16:57] <seb128> ok, dist-upgrade done, update-manager wants me to reboot, brb
[16:57] <pitti> re
[17:01] <mvo> wb seb128
[17:01] <seb128> re
[17:01] <pitti> hey seb128
[17:01] <seb128> hey pitti
[17:01] <pitti> seb128: udisks warning> hm, not sure what to make of this; the daemon doesn't do any detection through dubs
[17:02] <pitti> dbus, even
[17:02] <seb128> pitti, ok, I just mentioned it in case that would be useful
[17:02] <pitti> seb128: where did you see that?
[17:03] <seb128> pitti, dist-upgrade output at udisks installation
[17:04] <pitti> aah
[17:04] <pitti> seb128: it's from the udisks tool
[17:05] <pitti> seb128: this is from udisks' postinst, and it tries to restart udisks after upgrade
[17:05] <pitti> seb128: would you mind putting the upgrade log somewhere?
[17:05] <pitti> seb128: it's not such a biggie, the worst that can happen is that automount is broken after upgrade until the next boot
[17:05] <seb128> pitti, ok but there is nothing there out of the warning I think
[17:05] <pitti> but oh well, after upgrade a lot of stuff won't work any more
[17:06] <seb128> rickspencer3, pitti: tseliot: bug #553200 not sure if we should do something about it
[17:06] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 553200 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 "Mouse and keyboard stop working after selecting user" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/553200
[17:06] <pitti> seb128: right, but I'm interested in the upgrade/configuration order
[17:06] <seb128> like release note or something
[17:06] <seb128> gdm will freeze when trying to enter a password for people having those cards
[17:07] <seb128> or could we make jockey not install this driver for now or something?
[17:07] <pitti> we can easily disable it
[17:07] <pitti> but the bug status said that there was a newer version in the pipe which fixed that?
[17:07] <tseliot> seb128: yes, a release note would be fine
[17:07] <pitti> and it won't help for upgrades, of course
[17:07] <tseliot> it's something we can fix with an SRU
[17:07] <seb128> pitti, there is one but not sure when nvidia will publish it
[17:08] <pitti> tseliot: is 96 generall broken in that regard?
[17:08] <pitti> if so, then we should perhaps disable 96 and move people to nouveau during upgrade
[17:08] <tseliot> I'm not sure
[17:08] <seb128> "You ought to be able to work around this problem by disabling Composite or RenderAccel, though I haven't actually tried that."
[17:08] <pitti> we did that in the past, and I think that code will probably still work; mvo?
[17:08] <seb128> is stated on the bug from the nvidia guy who looked at the issue
[17:10] <seb128> pitti, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/history.log
[17:11] <pitti> seb128: oh, is there no apt term.log?
[17:12] <seb128> pitti, there is, same location
[17:12] <seb128> ups wait
[17:12] <pitti> seb128: hm, udisks depends on dbus
[17:12] <seb128> pitti, ok it's there now
[17:13] <pitti> seb128: was that a dist-upgrade from karmic, or just from lucid a few days ago?
[17:13] <seb128> pitti, lucid from a few days ago
[17:13] <seb128> I think I upgraded on saturday before
[17:13] <seb128> or maybe monday
[17:15] <pitti> hmm, I don't see a new dbus there, or the udisks error message
[17:15] <pitti> seb128: would have been interesting to see whether udisks was running after the upgrade
[17:15] <seb128> I copied it from the synaptic dialog
[17:16] <pitti> seb128: but oh well, it's at most a cosmetic bug
[17:16] <seb128> right let's not spend too much time on that
[17:16] <seb128> pitti, going back on this nvidia issue, I think we should do something
[17:16] <seb128> otherwise a class of users will have gdm blocking when trying to enter their password as first lucid experience
[17:16] <seb128> and I can see those being unhappy
[17:17] <seb128> not sure how much nvidia-96 is used though
[17:20] <pitti> right
[17:20] <pitti> well, I'm interested in how widespread that problem is
[17:20] <pitti> if it affects the majority of -96 users, we should just transition them to nouveau, I think
[17:22] <seb128> pitti, I will comment on the bug asking, maybe the nvidia guy knows
[17:24] <pitti> mvo: is u-m prepared for transitioning nvidia-96 to nouveau, or would that need new untested code?
[17:25] <mpt> ArneGoetje, do you maintain ibus in Ubuntu? Or do you know who does?
[17:29] <ArneGoetje> mpt: lidaobing is the maintainer
[17:29] <mpt> thanks Arne
[17:31] <mvo> pitti: hm, well. its simple, we can force remove it and then it will automatically uncomment nvidia in the xorg.conf
[17:31] <mvo> pitti: all it needs is a config file change in u-m
[17:31] <pitti> mvo: ok, thanks, good to know in case we need to do it
[17:31] <mvo> pitti: ok
[17:31] <mvo> pitti: just shout if you need it
[17:31] * pitti hugs mvo and his great u-m
[17:32] <mvo> :)
[17:32] <seb128> pitti, I've commented on the bug to ask Aaron if he has a clue if that affects all users or cards running this driver
[17:32] <pitti> seb128: cheers
[17:34] <mpt> mvo, is there some sort of regression test to make sure that update-manager auto-launches after the appropriate time?
[17:34] <mvo> mpt: you can use faketime, wait a sec and I give you the commandline you need
[17:35] <didrocks> taking some fresh air, biab
[17:36] <mpt> mvo, I don't really have time to do it myself. :-) I was just wondering if there's a test set up anywhere.
[17:36] <mpt> e.g. something the QA team does.
[17:36] <pitti> rodrigo_: libubuntuone claims to fix bug 544864, but that bug has different package tasks; should they be moved to libubuntuone?
[17:36] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 544864 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "rhythmbox assert failure: rhythmbox: /build/buildd/nspluginwrapper-1.2.2/src/npw-rpc.c:1225: do_recv_NPObject: Assertion `npobj != ((void *)0)' failed." [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/544864
[17:37] <mvo> mpt: nothing automatic, but I can setup a wiki page
[17:37] <pitti> tseliot: the x-x-input-synaptics and g-s-d combo together, will that change any behaviour?
[17:38] <pitti> tseliot: i. e. did the behaviour change just move from a g-s-d patch into synaptics itself?
[17:38] <rodrigo_> pitti, yes, sorry
[17:38] <pitti> rodrigo_: ok, please do so before I accept the package, then it'll be autoclosed, and we won't have a bogus task around
[17:39] <james_w> dobey: have a reviewer lined up for these branches?
[17:39] <tseliot> pitti: no, it won't change anything. The fact that they have (more or less) the same default values will only make them more consistent with each other and with upstream's default values
[17:39] <pitti> tseliot: ok, thanks
[17:40] <rodrigo_> pitti, done
[17:40] <mpt> mvo, it's scary we don't have an automated regression test for that. Maybe we should have a UDS session on setting up a regression test suite?
[17:40] <rodrigo_> pitti, there's still the nspluginwrapper task, not sure if it should be invalid?
[17:40] <dobey> james_w: i don't. do you mind?
[17:40] <james_w> dobey: sure
[17:40] <pitti> rodrigo_: I don't know either
[17:40] <rodrigo_> pitti, well, the crash is there, so yeah, keep it open for nspluginwrapper
[17:40] <james_w> dobey: any chance you could put a few words in the description next time?
[17:40] <james_w> dobey: all the proposals arrive the same, even claiming to fix the same two bugs
[17:41] <mvo> mpt: sure, but I doubt most of the reports of "its not auto-launching" are because its just intransparent to the user when it does and when it dosn't. using faketime its easy to test and for me it works very reliable
[17:41] <mpt> mvo, ok, as long as you've tested it recently. :-)
[17:41] <mvo> mpt: the problem is that we reset the counter a lot, like when the user installs stuff manually via apt-get, when update-manager was launchpad manually etc
[17:42] <mpt> yeah
[17:42] <dobey> james_w: the two bugs they both fix affect both projects, which is the reason they are listed in both changelogs
[17:42] <mvo> and this is not easy to communicate
[17:42] <mvo> "it launches every 7 days"
[17:42] <mvo> unless …
[17:42] <mvo> mpt: I just tested it, its "NO_FAKE_STAT=1 faketime -f +8d update-notifier"
[17:42] <mvo> so pretend to be 8d in the future
[17:42] <james_w> dobey: no, I mean bug 493807 and bug 506114
[17:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 493807 in ubuntuone-client "Please upgrade to 1.1.0 for Lucid Alpha Release" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/493807
[17:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 506114 in ubuntuone-client "Upgrade to 1.1.1" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/506114
[17:43] <mvo> (or --debug-updates)
[17:43] <mvo> to get more info
[17:43] <james_w> but in fact that might just be an LP bug
[17:43] <dobey> james_w: oh, because they are linked to the branch i guess, and we don't delete/recreate the branch all the time.
[17:44] * dobey unlinks those bugs
[17:44] <james_w> dobey: yeah, it's an LP bug that they keep showing up I think. But it doesn't help me understand the point of the change when I keep seeing those two and realising that they are nothing to do with this change
[17:45] <dobey> james_w: sorry. i've unlinked them
[17:45] <james_w> no problem
[17:45] <james_w> dobey: and these are purely bug fixes?
[17:46] <dobey> yep
[17:46] <james_w> cool
[17:52] <dobey> james_w: thanks!
[17:52] <Nafai> morning all
[17:58] <didrocks> (back for half an hour before dinner)
[17:58] <didrocks> good morning Nafai
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|capoeira
[18:04] <asac> Preparing to replace ttf-indic-fonts-core 1:0.5.4ubuntu2 (using .../ttf-indic-fonts-core_1%3a0.5.8ubuntu1_all.deb) ...
[18:04] <asac> /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/preinst: 19: rm_conffile: not found
[18:04] <asac> dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ttf-indic-fonts-core_1%3a0.5.8ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack): subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 127
[18:04] <asac> ArneGoetje: ^^
[18:04] <asac> guess thats known/fixed?
[18:07] <mvo> asac: known
[18:10] <asac> thx
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
[18:22] <seb128> chrisccoulson: is somebody working on sending an email about the thunderbird issue?
[18:22] <pitti> asac: yes, in ubuntu2
[18:23] <pitti> chrisccoulson: please send to ubuntu-devel-announce@, and ping me when you sent it, then I'll moderate it
[18:23] <chrisccoulson> seb128 - yeah, i think micahg is doing that. one second
[18:23] <pitti> or that
[18:50] <om26er> kenvandine, Hi! the latest upload of gwibber has a changelog entry for an already fixed bug 15days ago, though the description pretty much matches bugs 552410 which bug did it actually fix?
[18:50] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 15 in rosetta "PO file import errors should be more verbose" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15
[18:50] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 552410 in gwibber "Cannot add new accounts in gwibber" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/552410
[18:51] <kenvandine> om26er, which bug?
[18:52] <kenvandine> bug 535263 ?
[18:52] <om26er> change log says: Fixed account creation for accounts previously deleted bug 535263
[18:52] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 535263 in gwibber "Gwibber can show duplicate accounts" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/535263
[18:52] <kenvandine> right
[18:52] <kenvandine> we fixed a bug that was introduced in that change, and still related
[18:55] <asac> mvo: how does update manager schedule its daily refresh? is that done always at same time? what time i that by default?
[19:06] <dobey> james_w: i take it everything's ok and just needs archive approval then?
[19:12] <james_w> dobey: got distracted by thunderbird and then dinner
[19:12] <james_w> I'll get to in a couple of hours
[19:13] <dobey> james_w: ok, thanks
[19:17] <mvo> asac: at cron.daily time + a 30min random time
[19:17] <mvo> asac: if anacron is run its a bit unpredictable with normal cron not so much
[19:21] <asac> mvo: so cron.daily is the same on all ubuntu machines by default?
[19:21] <asac> i guess so
[19:24] <mvo> yes
[19:24] <mvo> why?
[19:34] <seb128> pitti, rickspencer3: "It should affect any card using the 96.43.* drivers."
[19:35] <seb128> the nvidia gdm login hang issue
[19:35] <seb128> that's the reply from the nvidia guy
[19:35] <pitti> seb128: thanks; so we should transition people to nouveau on upgrade and disable 96 in jockey; mvo, ok?
[19:36] <seb128> pitti, if we can't get an nvidia-96 update before lucid yes
[19:36] <seb128> pitti, or other option could be to downgrade the nvidia binary to < 43 if those don't have the issue
[19:36] <seb128> pitti, though I don't know nvidia drivers enough to judge if that's an option
[19:37] <rickspencer3> suxors
[19:37] <rickspencer3> :/
[19:42] <seb128> pitti, ok, I'm away for dinner now, I think I've nothing to add on that anyway
[19:42] <seb128> bbl
[19:42] <pitti> seb128: right, enjoy! I think my part is done as well
[19:46] <chrisccoulson> thanks guys :)
[19:47] <mvo> pitti: fine with me, I can do that tomorrow morning
[19:47] <pitti> chrisccoulson: thanks for handling this!
[20:30] * pitti waves goodnight
[20:30] <rickspencer3> 'night pitti
[20:47] <didrocks> good night pitti
[20:54] <james_w> dobey: I have the client stuck here doing the auth dance after I restarted it
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[20:59] <chrisccoulson> hey james_w
[20:59] <james_w> hey chrisccoulson
[21:00] <chrisccoulson> so, i've marked myself as willing to mentor this services-admin project now (and spoken to the student). do you know if i need to do anything else by the deadline tomorrow?
[21:00] <james_w> nope
[21:00] <chrisccoulson> (i've not had much chance to go through all the documentation yet)
[21:00] <chrisccoulson> thanks :)
[21:00] <james_w> just vote it up if you think it should be more highly ranked
[21:00] <chrisccoulson> yeah, i did that too
[21:04] <dobey> james_w: stuck how?
[21:05] <james_w> it wasn't leaving that state
[21:05] <james_w> it's now dropped to waiting to connect again
[21:08] <dobey> james_w: perhaps a server issue? i'm not sure which part you're specifically talking about, but i was connected to the server last night
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[21:10] <james_w> dobey: I'm running u1sdtool -s after restarting it with -q; -c; and it won't connect
[21:12] <dobey> hrmm
[21:13] <dobey> james_w: perhaps just bad timing then? i think there's a server redeployment happening at the moment
[21:13] <james_w> ok, I'll leave it for today then
[21:22] <dobey> james_w: i got connected, but it was pretty slow to do so. so i suppose you're hitting similar issue talking to the server itself
[21:25] <james_w> yeah, I'm on now
[21:26] <dobey> cool
[21:32] <james_w> gone again
[21:40] <asac> bug 551860
[21:40] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 551860 in metacity "Crash on login with accessibility enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/551860
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[21:57] * didrocks waves goodnight
[21:58] <kenvandine> later didrocks
[22:00] <seb128> re
[22:07] <Nafai> taking a late lunch/early dinner
[22:33] <chrisccoulson> hey seb128, how are you?
[22:34] <seb128> hey chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks, what about you? thanks for dealing with the thunderbird breakage
[22:34] <chrisccoulson> seb128, yeah, i'm good too thanks
[22:34] <chrisccoulson> and thank you for helping to deal with it too :)
[22:54] <asac> seb128: fyi, i targetted 551860 for release ... was told metacity crashes for all a11y users ... is that a dupe already filed somewhere?
[22:56] <seb128> bug #551860
[22:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 551860 in metacity "Crash on login with accessibility enabled" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/551860
[22:57] <seb128> asac, I don't know of any duplicate but I've been staying away from wms for a while, mvo robert_ancell and didrocks have been doing changes on those in the recent cycles
[22:57] <seb128> asac, I was about to go to bed but I will check with them tomorrow, thanks for raising the issue
[22:59] <asac> seb128: sure. no problem. just thought you would be good contact to redirect that to the right folks in the team
[22:59] <asac> and i saw your nick ;)
[22:59] <seb128> asac, would be useful to get a stacktrace if that's a crash though
[22:59] <seb128> ;-)
[22:59] <seb128> asac, we will have a look to that before lucid
[22:59] <asac> right. but its 100% reproducible according to reporters. so anyone wanting to debug it can do it ;)
[22:59] <asac> thanks
[22:59] <asac> i will ask paul to get an i386 backtrace
[22:59] <seb128> thanks
[22:59] <asac> dont wait for the armel tracers ;)
[23:00] <seb128> hehe, yeah, you coudl wait for a while ;-)
[23:00] <seb128> I will try on boot tomorrow
[23:00] <asac> seb128: good night!
[23:00] <asac> seb128: great.
[23:00] <seb128> but time to go to bed now
[23:00] <asac> ack
[23:00] <seb128> asac, thanks! you too
[23:00] <seb128> see you tomorrow
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[23:32] <TheMuso> Good morning.
[23:55] <raof> Good morning.