UbuntuIRC / 2010 /04 /11 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:07] <BUGabundo> asac: fta: what was that about:confix to reeanble process separation ?
[00:55] <asac> chrisccoulson: isnt libnss3-0d empty?
[00:56] <asac> hmm. the .0d links are in there
[02:00] <ripps> Does google do anything different when it builds google-chrome compared to how chromium-browser is built? After trying both, (both the same -dev version number) I think that google-chrome is just a tiny bit faster. This is a completely subjective comparison, but I was wondering if google did anything special with it's builds, like how firefox uses profiling with it's windows builds.
[02:13] <asac> ripps: only thing that is probably differentis that they use a different gcc version or something
[03:13] <cwillu_at_work> asac, moments away from tests :)
[03:13] <cwillu_at_work> it only took 24 hours longer
[03:28] * cwillu_at_work waits for ff to install
[04:10] * cwillu_at_work waits for ff to launch
[04:23] <cwillu_at_work> seems to be working
[04:24] <cwillu_at_work> asac, karmic's 3.5.3 built from source shows the extra scrollbars in google maps
[04:26] <cwillu_at_work> asac, amusingly, the error console is _missing_ its scrollbar :
[04:28] <cwillu_at_work> although that may be related to my build more than anything
[04:54] <cwillu_at_work> performance with the patch seems quite a bit better; I'll do some proper a/b testing tomorrow
[04:54] <cwillu_at_work> patched firefox gets the slower beagle :)
[08:34] <lonejack> hi, I've some problems with sites made with silverlight. I tryed to install the moonlight plugin by synaptic but the version is too much old (1.x). So, I tryed to install the new version directly from novell site... So, does anybody know if exist any reason why the ff should not work?
[08:35] <micahg> lonejack: lots of reasons
[08:35] <micahg> lonejack: which Ubuntu version?
[08:36] <lonejack> What make me wonder is that I've a friend that work with debian and his system works wery well. VErsion 9.10
[08:38] <micahg> lonejack: it might work
[08:40] <lonejack> micahg: but it doesn't. Can we investigate why?
[08:41] <micahg> lonejack: which version of Firefox?
[08:41] <lonejack> 3.5.9
[08:41] <lonejack> 64 bit
[08:42] <lonejack> ubuntu
[08:42] <lonejack> Novell moonlight 2.2
[08:42] <micahg> I'm not sure what the compatability status of moon 2.2 with Firefox 3.5 is
[08:44] <micahg> we've actually had some problems with 3.6 as well
[08:45] <micahg> what version was your friend using?
[08:45] <lonejack> I understand but, after moonlight synaptic installation, what other choose did I have?
[08:46] <micahg> lonejack: idk, I'm just saying that I don't know offhand the compatability of the upstream moon
[08:46] <micahg> I know that 2.2 is in Lucid and we are having a few issues with Firefox 3.6
[08:47] <lonejack> Squeeze
[08:48] <micahg> ?
[08:48] <lonejack> in beta version
[08:48] <micahg> Lucid != Squeeze
[08:50] <lonejack> Do I told Lucid?
[08:50] <micahg> ?
[08:53] <DanaG> Anyone know if the ubuntu-mozilla-daily packages are supposed to have the Lorentz crash-isolation feature?
[08:53] <lonejack> micahg: why U wrote "Lucid != Squeeze"? I know that my friend works with debian in beta version and he can see a lot of sites make with silverlight....
[08:53] <DanaG> When I last tried the PPA (a few hours ago), it didn't.
[08:53] <micahg> lonejack: ah, ok, I thought you were saying Lucid is Squeeze
[08:53] <ddecator> DanaG: FF 3.7 has had it for a while, but it hasn't worked (since i last tested)
[08:54] <micahg> DanaG: 3.6 and 3.7 should
[08:54] <DanaG> The version of Mozilla's own releases is 3.6.3plugin1
[08:54] <DanaG> The version on PPA is 3.6.4pre.... yet it didn't isolate plugin crashes.
[08:54] <micahg> DanaG: yes, bit should
[08:54] <micahg> DanaG: what happens?
[08:55] <DanaG> google for "flashcrash" -- that page about "bug hasn't been fixed in years".
[08:55] <DanaG> Firefox just freezes.
[08:55] <DanaG> Doesn't crash.... just freezes.
[08:55] <ddecator> it's been doing that for a while..
[08:55] <micahg> DanaG: yeah, seems like we have the same problem in 3.6 as 3.7 now
[08:55] <DanaG> The official beta 3.6.3plugin1 does isolate those crashes.
[08:56] <ddecator> when you use the source?
[08:56] <micahg> which isn't good because upstream thought it was a separate xulrunner -> firefox issue, but 3.6 has its own xul
[08:56] <micahg> DanaG: yeah, we need to track down the issue
[08:56] <DanaG> Oh, and the thunderbird 3.0 dailies still don't allow non-integer layout.css.csspixelsperdevpx
[08:56] <DanaG> 147 DPI display... means I need that to be 1.5.
[08:57] <micahg> DanaG: i don't remember when that was fixed
[08:57] * micahg goes to look
[08:58] * micahg thought upstream fixed that in trunk
[08:58] <micahg> DanaG: does it work in Firefox 3.6 or 3.7?
[09:00] <DanaG> hmm, which issue now... dpi, or crash-isolation?
[09:00] <ddecator> dpi
[09:00] <micahg> DanaG: dpi
[09:01] <DanaG> It's fixed in Firefox 3.6; now only Thunderbird is left to fix.
[09:01] <micahg> DanaG: then it will get fixed in Thunderbird 3.1
[09:01] <DanaG> Cool.
[09:11] <lonejack> but in general these problems with moonlight when will be solved?
[09:12] <micahg> lonejack: well, squeeze and karmic have the same version of moon
[09:13] <micahg> lonejack: maybe before release, maybe after
[09:14] <lonejack> micahg, your advice is to remove the plugin and install the one that stays on repo?
[09:15] <micahg> lonejack: i don't know if I have any advice ATM
[09:17] <lonejack> micahg, exsuse me what it means ATM?
[09:17] <ddecator> lonejack: At The Moment
[09:17] <micahg> lonejack: at the moment
[09:17] <ddecator> whoa
[09:17] <micahg> ddecator: exactly at the moment ;)
[09:18] <lonejack> every time is the right time to learn something new...
[09:18] <ddecator> lonejack: well said
[09:23] <lonejack> ok, last question. is there a difference between install FF pluging from repo or directly from direct download?
[09:24] <ddecator> repo has more testing and is generally more compatible
[09:24] <ddecator> but generally a lot of them are more for ease of install
[09:25] <ddecator> you shouldn't notice a difference
[09:26] <micahg> lonejack: we're dropping a lot of the addons from lucid
[09:35] <lonejack> micahg, ddecator: there is a new(beta) version on moonlight. is it wasted time to try to install it?
[09:36] <micahg> lonejack: idk
[09:38] <micahg> lonejack: they say it works
[09:38] <micahg> lonejack: I'd say give it a try
[09:39] <lonejack> this moonlight plugin has something mystic.
[09:40] <lonejack> also the 3.0 doesn't work...
[09:41] <micahg> lonejack: try a new profile: firefox -ProfileManager
[09:41] <lonejack> today it's sunday not christmas
[09:42] <ddecator> ..what?
[09:42] <lonejack> micahg, I launched that cmd from terminal. It has opened a new ff window
[09:42] <lonejack> is it correct?
[09:43] <micahg> lonejack: no, you have to close firefox first, or use: MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 firefox -ProfileManager
[09:46] <lonejack> micahg, something has chaged I obtain a message from terminal: "(firefox:3887): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times"
[09:47] <lonejack> then a dialog choose user profile
[09:47] <ddecator> lonejack: that's normal
[09:47] <ddecator> create a new profile
[09:50] <lonejack> i did. so I went on a page written in silverlight... It show me a message that inform me that is necessary to install moonlight... Click here??? Moonlight is already installed!!!
[09:51] <lonejack> No I did a mistake. The moonlight disappered..
[09:52] <ddecator> that's what creating a new profile does
[09:52] <ddecator> it's a clean version, no add-ons, default settings
[09:53] <lonejack> at this point what I have to do? Install it doing click or synaptic?
[09:53] <ddecator> (you launch the profile manager again later to switch back to your normal profile)
[09:53] <ddecator> not sure what micahg wanted you to do
[09:54] <micahg> lonejack: wanted to see if a clean profile helped moon
[09:54] <lonejack> micahg, this is a test, ok: what U prefer: Install it doing click or synaptic?
[09:55] <micahg> lonejack: either
[09:55] * micahg needs to go to sleep though, so catch me later with the results
[09:57] <lonejack> ok, direct download first.
[09:59] <lonejack> micahg, it works
[10:00] <ddecator> lonejack: that means that there is likely an add-on or a setting on your default profile causing the issue
[10:00] * ddecator would guess an add-on
[10:02] <ddecator> lonejack: if you run "firefox -ProfileManager" again, you can select your normal profile again, then disable your add-ons one at a time to see which one(s) is/are conflicting with moon
[10:06] <lonejack> Ok. but before I prefer to try to install the plugin from synpatic...
[10:07] <ddecator> ok. i'm not sure if the version in synaptic is the latest stable they have on their site..
[10:07] <ddecator> you said you're running 9.10?
[10:08] <lonejack> yes
[10:09] <lonejack> it doesn't work
[10:09] <ddecator> karmic is still using 1.0.1, yes?
[10:10] <lonejack> forthermor the moonlight(after synaptic installation) isn't shown in the FF extension...
[10:10] <ddecator> the synaptic one should show up under plugins as silverlight
[10:10] <lonejack> 1.0.1, right
[10:11] <ddecator> so 2.x works, just not the 1.0.1 in the repo
[10:12] <lonejack> from synaptic I installed libmoon,moonlight-pligin-core/mozilla
[10:12] <lonejack> but on FF extension isn't shown
[10:12] <ddecator> do you see silverlight under FF plugins?
[10:14] <ddecator> or it might say moonlight, i can't remember for sure. but the synatpic one should be under FF plugins
[10:15] <lonejack> ok, now I undestand what you mean. When I installed the 2.2 from downlonad the moonlight was appearing on the extensions, instead now it appear as Silverlight plugin...
[10:15] <ddecator> right. from website = extension. from synaptic = plugin.
[10:16] <ddecator> moonlight 2.2 is in lucid already
[10:16] <ddecator> for karmic, you can continue to use the version from the site
[10:16] <lonejack> Ok. Now I've SL plugin installed but on the site I'm looking "please install ML.."
[10:17] <ddecator> right, the one from synaptic is outdated and doesn't seem to work right
[10:17] <lonejack> So it seems that on the next UBUNTU version (probably) it should work...
[10:18] <ddecator> -should-, but according to micah there are reports of it not working for some people with FF 3.6 and 3.7
[10:19] <ddecator> but that might be due to moonlight being behind silverlight, so it can't handle everything
[10:19] <micahg> ddecator: more likely an issue with the migration to xul192
[10:19] <lonejack> is a nightmare...
[10:19] * micahg is out for real now
[10:19] <ddecator> whoa
[10:20] <ddecator> well there's your answer, haha
[10:20] <lonejack> ddecator, thank you very much for your help!!!
[10:20] <ddecator> lonejack: np =)
[10:21] <lonejack> So have you a good sunday...
[10:21] <lonejack> bye
[10:21] <ddecator> you too, cya
[14:04] * cwillu gets out a stick and prepares to pokes asac with it
[14:05] <asac> cwillu_at_work: ho
[14:05] <asac> whats up?
[14:06] <cwillu> finally got a root image booting up
[14:06] <cwillu> haven't tried the karmic's stock firefox yet, but my 3.5.3 rebuild shows scrollbars on gmaps
[14:07] <cwillu> and also by virtue of not having tried karmic's stock firefox, I haven't done a proper a/b test between the rebuild with the bitdepth patch, but the rebuild sure as hell feels alot faster
[14:08] <cwillu> i.e., it feels responsive while scrolling a page of text,
[14:08] <cwillu> I'm heading off to work in an hour or so, and then I'll poke you for real :p
[14:10] <jdstrand> asac: good morning/afternoon
[14:11] <jdstrand> chrisccoulson_: good morning/afternoon
[14:11] <jdstrand> asac, chrisccoulson_: so, what's the verdict?
[14:26] <asac> chrisccoulson_: there?
[14:26] <asac> chrisccoulson_: whats your eval? is the P.*FromOrigin Function broken and doesnt check if a link exists?
[14:38] <asac> chrisccoulson_: so what we should do before droppin the links is checkkng the binary extensions like traybiff and enigmail if they link against the .0d thing
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[15:11] <cwillu_at_work> asac, firebug shows the extra scrollbars in its ui
[15:12] <cwillu_at_work> asac, overflow: hidden seems to trigger an separate scrollbar
[15:18] <cwillu_at_work> asac, that's odd: in firebug on a bugger element: background: url(...image) no-repeat scroll 0 0;
[15:18] <cwillu_at_work> if I remove scroll, it pops back in
[15:18] <asac> cwillu_at_work: yeah-.
[15:18] <asac> feels odd
[15:19] <cwillu_at_work> hmm, does the same thing on my desktop
[15:20] <asac> on your desktop you get a scrollbar?
[15:20] <cwillu_at_work> no
[15:20] <cwillu_at_work> but the same behaviour of it popping back in after I delete it
[15:20] <asac> cwillu_at_work: you said you see the same in chrome?
[15:20] <asac> or just html?
[15:20] <cwillu_at_work> firebug had an extra scrollbar, yes
[15:20] <asac> hmm.
[15:21] <asac> cwillu_at_work: what element is that?
[15:21] <asac> hmm. mxr is slow
[15:21] <cwillu_at_work> the html tab
[15:21] <cwillu_at_work> it went away at some point, not sure when
[15:21] <asac> jdstrand: ok so ... did chris upload that to -security ppa?
[15:21] <asac> otherwise let me do and then test
[15:22] <asac> in hardy thats reproducible right?
[15:22] <asac> cwillu_at_work: ok. the tab could be a valid one?
[15:22] <jdstrand> asac: there is no new tbird in ppa
[15:22] <cwillu_at_work> don't believe so
[15:22] <jdstrand> asac: the version of nss is still 3.12.6-0ubuntu0.9.10.2
[15:23] <jdstrand> asac: ie, the one with the fips cleanup
[15:23] <asac> kk
[15:23] <asac> i was talking about tbird
[15:23] <asac> jdstrand: thats hardy to karmic?
[15:23] <jdstrand> asac: karmic. hardy-jaunty didn't get a new nss
[15:24] <asac> kk
[15:24] <jdstrand> asac: and presumably lucid
[15:24] <jdstrand> asac: though it has tbird 3 so I don't know
[15:25] <asac> jdstrand: do you have the tbird bug id at hand`
[15:25] <asac> ?
[15:25] <jdstrand> asac: 559918
[15:25] <asac> jdstrand: lucid is a new branch. that hasnt the problem
[15:25] <jdstrand> cool
[15:25] <asac> bug 559918
[15:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 559918 in nss "Thunderbird cannot initialize the security component when libnss3-0d 3.12.6 is installed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/559918
[15:26] <jdstrand> that the one
[15:28] <asac> jdstrand: what heading line should i use in changelog?
[15:29] <asac> "Regression upload for nss3 security/stability update - USN-910-2" ?
[15:29] <asac> oh thats the wrong usn ;)
[15:29] <jdstrand> asac: you don't need a USN.
[15:30] <jdstrand> asac: how about "Regression upload for recent nss3 security/stability update"
[15:30] <jdstrand> asac: with the LP number
[15:31] <asac> i just skipped it
[15:31] <asac> oh i failed
[15:31] <asac> so let me use that
[15:32] <asac> ' * fix LP: #559918 - Thunderbird cannot initialize the security component when libnss3-0d > 3.12.6 is installed; we drop the dangling .so.0d links that became obsolete when we moved to non-versioned SONAMES for nss3 and nspr4 - update debian/thunderbird.links' --fixes 'lp:559918'
[15:32] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 559918 in nss "Thunderbird cannot initialize the security component when libnss3-0d 3.12.6 is installed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/559918
[15:32] <asac> thats what it is now ;)
[15:32] <jdstrand> asac: excellent
[15:33] <asac> http://pastebin.com/7jzH2U0a
[15:33] <jdstrand> asac: huge thanks :)
[15:33] <asac> thats the diff
[15:33] <asac> heh. not too early
[15:33] <asac> lets first get this properly tested ;)
[15:33] <asac> (and built)
[15:33] <jdstrand> :)
[15:33] * asac found he doesnt have the right orig ,)
[15:34] * asac goes for launchpad
[15:34] <asac> so ... killing my decades old irc server from my internal net made my normal bandwith go up ;)
[15:35] <asac> get 1.2M/s now when downloading from lp
[15:35] <jdstrand> heheh
[15:36] <asac> i replaced it with mini 10 with poulsbo chip ;)
[15:37] <asac> let me screen the recent tbird bug noise quick
[15:37] <asac> bug 559923
[15:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 559923 in thunderbird "package thunderbird build1 nobinonly-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/thunderbird', which is also in package thunderbird-mozilla-build 0:3.0.4-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/559923
[15:37] <asac> hmm
[15:37] <asac> is that a moz build?
[15:37] <asac> or some random guy?
[15:39] <jdstrand> I've confirmed that the nss upload fixes fips. another guy confirmed performing the debian/rules stuff manually on libnssdbm3.so fixes it
[15:39] <jdstrand> I'm going to upload that
[15:39] <jdstrand> err... publish that
[15:40] <asac> yeah. missing .chk should be safe
[15:40] <asac> if we see and improvement somewhere its probably and improvement for everyone ;)
[15:40] <jdstrand> chrisccoulson_ also tested it and said it worked
[15:41] <asac> goodie
[15:41] * asac pushes now
[15:41] <asac> well in two seconds ;)
[15:52] <asac> [PPA ubuntu-mozilla-security] [ubuntu/karmic] thunderbird (Accepted)
[15:56] <cwillu_at_work> asac, further testing will have to wait an hour or two, my sd card just self-destructed
[15:56] <cwillu_at_work> protip: don't buy surplus intelligence agency storage devices, they're not a bargain
[15:58] <jdstrand> asac: looks like i386 is queued to start in an hour. amd64 is building now. I'm going to go afk for a while
[15:59] <jdstrand> nss is pocket copied, and I'm just waiting on the publisher to finish before I publish nss SUN-927-2
[15:59] <jdstrand> s/SUN/USN/
[16:00] <asac> SUN ;)
[16:00] <asac> enjoy
[16:01] <asac> 09:25 < ogra> asac, same image as mentioned on friday ... http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/lucid-netbook-armel+omap.img
[16:01] <asac> oops
[16:01] <asac> ;)
[16:01] <asac> cwillu_at_work: ^^^
[16:01] <asac> you can try that image ;)
[16:01] <cwillu_at_work> the image isn't the problem :p
[16:02] <asac> but tats lucid ;)
[16:02] <asac> just for next time ...
[16:02] <micahg> asac: can you look at the pyxpcom bug to see if sugar really needs it
[16:03] <cwillu_at_work> I'm writing two new cards right now
[16:03] <cwillu_at_work> and it's hard for me to express how little javascript performance matters to me before I can scroll the screen at better than 5 fps :p
[16:04] <asac> micahg: i am sure sugar needs it for some parts
[16:04] <micahg> asac: so the question is do we get sugar in archive for Lucid?
[16:04] <asac> cwillu_at_work: well. do what you want. i would just suggest to use most recent stuff
[16:05] <cwillu_at_work> duh :p
[16:05] <asac> micahg: you mean: are we ok to drop it ?
[16:05] <asac> i assume its in
[16:05] <cwillu_at_work> but I'm only going to change one thing at a time
[16:05] <micahg> asac: no, it's out ATM because it can't be built
[16:05] <asac> thats fine then imo
[16:05] <cwillu_at_work> it's gonna be a few months before we release anything on top of lucid anyway
[16:06] <asac> cwillu_at_work: kk. what are you working on if i might ask?
[16:06] <asac> or secret sauce ;)?
[16:07] <micahg> asac: ScottK wanted to get some version of sugar in for Edubuntu
[16:07] <cwillu_at_work> industrial hci
[16:07] <cwillu_at_work> applied real-time-strategy games, basically :p
[16:07] <asac> nice ;)
[16:08] <cwillu_at_work> I'm actually planning an isometric system overview screen later this year :)
[16:08] <asac> micahg: do you understand what pyxcpom is needed for exactly?
[16:08] <micahg> asac: I think they use it for their web browser
[16:09] <micahg> asac: not exactly, I can try to track down one of the maintainers
[16:09] <asac> yeah
[16:09] <asac> that would probably be ok
[16:10] <micahg> asac: does that mean we should try to get it in?
[16:11] <asac> no
[16:11] <asac> first understanding what the are using it for
[16:11] <micahg> asac: ok
[16:11] <asac> and if they can stop doing that ;)
[16:11] <asac> (if its risky)
[16:13] <micahg> lfaraone: are you familiar with Sugar's usage of python-xpcom?
[16:14] <micahg> asac: BTW, fennec and prism built for Hardy :)
[16:15] <micahg> asac: on another note, not really sure about IPC in 3.6.4
[16:15] <lfaraone> micahg: yes, it's depended on by hulahop iirc.
[16:15] <micahg> lfaraone: is there a way around it?
[16:15] <lfaraone> micahg: well, the Browse activity is a Python + GTK wrapper around it.
[16:16] <micahg> lfaraone: can we use python-gtkmozembed?
[16:17] <lfaraone> micahg: I don't think so. Hulahop gives access to the whole xpcom API to its clients, and I think Browse uses more than gtkmozembed provides.
[16:17] <lfaraone> I'll check with upstream.
[16:18] <micahg> lfaraone: ok, thanks, please let us know
[16:18] <micahg> asac: I don't think we should have IPC on the release CD if we can avoid it
[16:22] <lfaraone> micahg: from a cursory reading of http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/browse/repos/mainline/blobs/master/browser.py ( a small component of Browse :)), it looks like that is the case, unfortunately.
[16:22] <micahg> asac: ^^^
[16:24] <lfaraone> micahg: if I had a month to rewrite it, and a few years more PyGTK experience, I might be able to write a reduced-functionality version which accomplishes the same thing, but final freeze is shortly approaching.
[16:28] <asac> lfaraone: micahg: is that "just" one package requiring it?
[16:29] <micahg> asac: it seems to be one package that uses it and the otehrs depend on it
[16:32] <asac> maybe that packag ecan build in-source pyxpcom or something?
[16:32] <asac> usually upstreams already include that in their tree
[16:32] <asac> micahg: lfaraone ?
[16:35] <micahg> will be back in an hour
[16:44] <lfaraone> asac: sorry. Uh, sure, we could embed pyxpcom in hulahop, but pyxpcom will need to be rebuilt (I think) whenever there's a change to xulrunner.
[16:46] <lfaraone> ++-+-
[16:47] <lfaraone> ~.
[16:47] <lfaraone> .
[16:47] <cwillu_at_work> hunspell or myspell?
[17:25] <lfaraone> asac: is it not feasible to enable building pyxpcom in xulrunner? I think debian's xulrunner has it.
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[18:20] <jdstrand> asac, chrisccoulson_: fyi-- just tested tbird on amd64 and it works fine. I can connect using pop3s with libnss3-0d installed. with old version I could not.
[18:21] <jdstrand> asac, chrisccoulson_: see my comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nss/+bug/559918/comments/13
[18:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 559918 in thunderbird "Thunderbird cannot initialize the security component when libnss3-0d 3.12.6 is installed" [High,Fix committed]
[18:22] <jdstrand> asac, chrisccoulson_: waiting on armel, i386 and ia64 to finish building (all have started)
[18:22] * jdstrand -> afk for a bit
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[19:01] <micahg> asac: just wondering why you used source format 3 for enigmail
[19:01] <bdrung> micahg: because it's great ;)
[19:02] <micahg> bdrung: we're going to need to backport it though
[19:02] <bdrung> not good
[19:03] <micahg> bdrung: which, source format 3 or the need to backport?
[19:03] <bdrung> micahg: the combination: the need to backport a 3.0 (quilt) formatted package
[19:09] <micahg> bdrung: that's why we can
[19:09] <micahg> 't migrate the mozilla stack to 3.0
[19:09] <fta> micahg, fyi, per doko's request, i've suspended all the dailies
[19:09] <micahg> fta: oh, so his rebuild can finish?
[19:09] <fta> yep
[19:10] <micahg> fta: how long?
[19:10] <fta> until it's done :P
[19:10] <micahg> fta: would we be able to do just firefox once I figure out why IPC doesn't work?
[19:11] <fta> should be ok
[19:11] <micahg> fta: ok, thanks, I'll let you know
[19:15] <micahg> lfaraone: pyxpcom is a different upstream source now
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[19:46] <BUGabundo> wow
[19:46] <BUGabundo> fta: chromium is *eating* http:// from the URL bar
[20:39] <LLStarks> hey guys, would a text area input bug be filed under "form controls"?
[20:40] <gavin> are you asking about bugzilla.m.o ?
[20:40] <LLStarks> yah
[20:40] <gavin> it depends. what's the bug?
[20:40] <LLStarks> text areas only work 25% of the time with 3.7 nightlies
[20:40] <LLStarks> sometimes you need to click or type elsewhere first
[20:41] <LLStarks> ridiculously annoying
[20:41] <LLStarks> if you use message boards
[20:43] <gavin> does it happen for all textareas or only specific ones?
[20:43] <gavin> is it a recent regression?
[20:44] <micahg> it sounds familiar for some reason
[20:44] <LLStarks> gavin, i really don't know how to distinguish text areas
[20:44] <LLStarks> for example, ubuntuforums is affected
[20:44] <gavin> well, I mean does it happen on multiple sites, or just ubuntuforums?
[20:44] <LLStarks> a lot of sites
[20:45] <LLStarks> with message boards
[20:45] <gavin> do those sites use the same message board software?
[20:45] <LLStarks> doesn't matter if phpbb, smf, vb, etc
[20:45] <gavin> ok
[20:45] <LLStarks> micahg, i've brought it up before, never bothered to file a bug yet.
[20:46] <micahg> LLStarks: ah, that's why
[20:46] <micahg> LLStarks: does it happen with upstream builds?
[20:46] <LLStarks> latest nightlies
[20:47] <LLStarks> has been like this for a week or two
[20:47] <LLStarks> haven't tested outside of umd
[20:47] <gavin> go ahead and file it in Core : General
[20:47] <gavin> if yo can find a 1-day regression range using nightlies, that'd be perfect
[20:47] <micahg> LLStarks: that's why I asked if upstream builds were affected
[20:48] <LLStarks> Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9.3a4pre) Gecko/20100407 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.7a4pre - Build ID: 20100331033712
[20:48] <gavin> feel free to CC me too (gavin.sharp)
[20:48] <LLStarks> what do i regress against? xulrunner 1.9.3?
[20:49] <LLStarks> or better yet, what's that site that lists changes for zeroing in for regression testing
[20:49] <gavin> not sure what you mean - I assumed by "latest nightlies" you meant "latest mozilla.org firefox nightlies"
[20:49] <LLStarks> i remember it being a mercurial site
[20:49] <gavin> https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/
[20:49] <LLStarks> bingo
[20:49] <LLStarks> thanks
[20:49] <gavin> if you get the changeset IDs from the relevant builds using about:buildconfig, you can enter them into http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/pushloghtml?fromchange=1b944ebb5ca6&tochange=35059e8e8ce8
[20:49] <gavin> to get a list of changes between the two builds
[20:50] <LLStarks> what would be some keywords to search for?
[20:52] <LLStarks> gavin, how can get older mozilla-central build?
[20:52] <LLStarks> *builds
[20:52] <LLStarks> *can i
[20:52] <gavin> http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/
[20:52] <gavin> (the mozilla-central ones)
[20:53] <LLStarks> thanks again
[21:01] <LLStarks> window is shrinking
[21:01] <LLStarks> tedious and fun
[21:11] <LLStarks> damnit. this is harder than i though. as soon i think i've cornered the bug, it pops in the build i think is pre-regression
[21:15] <micahg> asac: ping
[21:16] <bdrung> asac: ping (too)
[21:16] * micahg waits for asac_the_second to pop in :)
[21:17] <bdrung> let's clone him. then everyone can have his own asac ;)
[21:22] <LLStarks> gavin: http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/pushloghtml?fromchange=2cc5ad2cf917&tochange=5108c4c2c043
[21:23] <bdrung> asac: https://code.launchpad.net/~bdrung/ubufox/m-d-0.21/+merge/22973
[21:23] <LLStarks> do i have to go commit-by-commit for further drill down?
[21:26] <LLStarks> jeez. these tinderbox builds are huge.
[21:26] <LLStarks> 80mb+
[21:28] <LLStarks> i have a hunch that the textarea focus commit is the culprit
[21:28] <micahg> LLStarks: there are several in that range
[21:29] <LLStarks> where can i get commit binaries?
[21:29] <LLStarks> the gzip i dl'ed is source
[21:30] <LLStarks> at least we have a good range
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[22:04] <gavin> LLStarks: yeah, I would suspect one of ehsan's changes
[22:04] <gavin> CC him on your bug?
[22:04] <gavin> :ehsan
[22:06] <LLStarks> ah
[22:06] <LLStarks> you suspect the focus one too?
[22:06] <LLStarks> cork and i figured as much
[22:08] <jdstrand> asac, chrisccoulson: unless you guys object, I am going to be publishing USN 927-3 for tbird within the next few minutes
[22:09] <chrisccoulson> jdstrand, i'm ok with that
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[22:10] <jdstrand> cool
[22:10] <asac> jdstrand: bug reporter confirmed the fix?
[22:10] <micahg> chrisccoulson: BTW, asac said we can drop noscript as it's a target that moves too quickly
[22:10] <asac> yes
[22:10] <chrisccoulson> micahg - ok, thanks. i will get that removed tomorrow
[22:10] <micahg> asac: what to do about sugar?
[22:11] <jdstrand> asac: I confirmed it. the bug reporters all just removed libnss3-0d and went on their way
[22:11] <chrisccoulson> jdstrand - thanks for sorting it btw
[22:11] <jdstrand> asac: if it were my original update, I would publish
[22:12] <jdstrand> ie, I am satisfied it is fixed
[22:12] <asac> k
[22:12] <jdstrand> chrisccoulson: sure, though you should really be thanking asac :)
[22:12] <asac> e?
[22:12] <asac> me?
[22:12] <chrisccoulson> thanks asac too :)
[22:12] <asac> didnt do much ;)
[22:12] <asac> micahg: i dont know
[22:12] <jdstrand> I just kind of pushed the bug along :)
[22:13] <chrisccoulson> i took my laptop out with me today, but ended up not being able to get 3G coverage, else i would have helped push it along today
[22:13] <asac> heh
[22:13] <asac> 3g
[22:13] <jdstrand> no worries
[22:13] <asac> micahg: in the end its chrisccoulson's call. imo its too late to add something like the pyxpcom
[22:13] <chrisccoulson> asac - yeah, i thought i'd give my 3G dongle some proper use, but i ended up in an area with no coverage :(
[22:14] <chrisccoulson> else i would have been around much earlier ;)
[22:14] <jdstrand> heheh
[22:14] <asac> micahg: whats the package that requires it?
[22:15] <micahg> asac: sugar-hulahop which has some other sugar packages depending on it
[22:15] <chrisccoulson> micahg / asac - i agree, it's too late to be working on introducing new packages now, we already have enough to be working on to get lucid in to shape
[22:15] <micahg> chrisccoulson: the problem is sugar is useless w/out it
[22:16] * micahg is trying to get vlc sorted out with upstream xul192 fixes along with galeon in haryd
[22:16] <micahg> *haryd
[22:16] <micahg> *hardy
[22:19] <LLStarks> micahg, do any of the umd packages lorentz code?
[22:19] <LLStarks> *contai
[22:19] <LLStarks> **contain
[22:21] <micahg> LLStarks: both should
[22:21] <LLStarks> 3.6 and 3.7?
[22:21] <LLStarks> any way i can check?
[22:22] <micahg> LLStarks: the code seems to be there
[22:38] <mahfouz> why are there freezes now for 3.6?
[22:38] <mahfouz> it used to be only for 3.7
[22:38] <micahg> mahfouz: lorentz landed on 3.6
[22:38] <mahfouz> you mean the dom.ipc stuff?
[22:38] <micahg> mahfouz: I suggest switching to firefox-stable
[22:38] <micahg> mahfouz: yes
[22:39] <mahfouz> ah, i see
[22:39] <mahfouz> yeah, I can work around it
[22:39] <mahfouz> was just wondering
[22:39] <micahg> mahfouz: we'll probably have a call for testing later this month once we figure out why we're crashing and upstream isn't for 3.6
[22:45] <micahg> asac: do you remember why you uploaded thunderbird locales w/out an orig.tar.gz? is that because it's not released upstream like that?
[22:45] <asac> micahg: yeah
[22:45] <asac> we have all assembled on our own
[22:46] <micahg> asac: ok, can we do one more upload before releasE?
[22:46] <asac> probably
[22:46] <asac> should be before freeze
[22:47] <skipper_> asac: i uploaded m-d 0.22 and finished ubufox. please have a look at the later.
=== skipper_ is now known as bdrung
[22:48] <LLStarks> dammit bindwood
[22:48] <LLStarks> stop sucking
[22:48] <micahg> asac: should I prepare an upload in a PPA after I test?
[22:49] <micahg> LLStarks: BTW, reporters in Bugzilla always get copied
[22:49] <micahg> LLStarks: assuming you have your prefs set that way
[22:51] <LLStarks> ?
[22:52] <micahg> LLStarks: you keep adding yourself to the CC list on your own bugs :)
[22:52] <LLStarks> oh
[22:52] <LLStarks> i'm just anal
[22:52] <bdrung> what is a .jsm file?
[22:53] <asac> javascript module?
[22:53] <bdrung> aha
[22:54] <bdrung> i wonder why /usr/share/xul-ext/bindwood/modules/bindwood.jsm must be executable
[22:55] <LLStarks> what is m-d?
[22:55] <bdrung> LLStarks: mozilla-devscripts
[22:56] <bdrung> *the* tool for packaging xul extensions
[22:58] <chrisccoulson> bdrung - it shouldn't, that's my mistake ;)
[22:58] <chrisccoulson> couchdb_env.sh needs to be executable
[23:06] <bdrung> chrisccoulson: m-d makes couchdb_env.sh executable automatically
[23:07] <chrisccoulson> bdrung - ok. i still need to keep that patch i added though to stop it from changing permissions at run-time