UbuntuIRC / 2010 /04 /02 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[01:21] <mario_andres> marioandres
[01:23] <mccolgan> huh
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[03:00] * kobrien looks for something to do.
[03:01] <micahg> kobrien: about 40k bugs need looking at :)
[03:03] <kobrien> micahg: :) something for a n00b?
[03:03] <kobrien> long time user and coder, looking to start contribing
[03:03] <kobrien> suppose I should read
[03:05] <micahg> kobrien: depends what you want to do
[03:05] <kobrien> micahg: I've been on launchpad confirming bugs, but I can code...
[03:06] <micahg> kobrien: well, I can point you to the bug triage guide if you like
[03:06] <kobrien> i've read it
[03:06] <micahg> kobrien: or you can find a bug that's been triaged an unassigned and try to create a patch
[03:07] <kobrien> micahg: sounds like a sensible way to start, thanks
[03:08] <micahg> kobrien: the other thing you can do is go here: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ find an FTBFS and make a patch to fix it
[03:08] <kobrien> kk
[03:09] <kobrien> ah, interesting
[03:41] <kobrien> anyone looking at lighttpd?
[03:44] <kobrien> seeing as how it won't start under lucid
[03:47] <micahg> kobrien: maybe on teh server team idk
[03:48] <kobrien> kk
[03:55] <kobrien> these dev scripts are making things handy
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[10:05] <vish> lp down again?
[10:08] <vish> locked rather
[10:23] <Ciemon> Yeah.. only for 15 mins apparently
[11:08] <simion314> hi, i found a bug, i am not sure how to search this bug, i think that it is very possible that it had been reported already but i can't find it(i am not an native english speacker and maybe my google query is not good)
[11:16] <om26er> simion314, what is the problem?
[11:17] <simion314> om26er: hi, i installed kubuntu 10.04 , upgraded it , at login mu laptop reboots
[11:17] <simion314> i can't find with google nothing abut this
[11:17] <simion314> so i do not search corectly or this bug was not reported and i should report it
[11:18] <simion314> but is strange that nobody complains about it in bugs or forums, so should i file a bug report?
[11:18] * om26er dont know what to say
[11:19] <om26er> for kubuntu the package might be kdm
[11:19] <simion314> om26er: and i have no idea what info to atache to the bug, i will search a little while on google, maybe find something and maybe i will wait for beta2
[11:19] <BlackZ> simion314: feel free to report it, we will take care to mark it as duplicated, if it has been reported
[11:20] <simion314> BlackZ: ok,
[11:20] <BlackZ> simion314: please, be more detailed possible
[11:20] <BlackZ> also, specify the steps for reproduce the bug, if possible
[11:21] <BlackZ> but I think you can't atm, launchpad is in read-only mode, so you must wait
[11:23] <simion314> BlackZ: the strange thing is that the livecd had same problem but using the option to turn off acpi,apic and modeset it booted and i installed, i know that kms is not stable for my card, but in my installation is not working, i will try other boot options
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[12:03] <smif1984> I all, i'm a new bugsquad member.. Can someone point me in the good direction for starting triaging bugs? I've read the docs, but i just need to know where to start...
[12:04] <BUGabundo> welcome smif1984
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[12:41] <davide_> is there any video/podcast on how to triage bugs?
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[12:52] <zeroseven0183> Hi! Yes, check out this video http://blip.tv/file/3219368
[13:06] <davide_> thanks 070183!!
[13:09] <davide_> i have a question about bug 429674, a bug about gnome-terminal shortcuts. In the discussion there is a sufficient number of workaround so that the users can overcome the problem. What should be done with it?
[13:09] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 429674 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "Cannot disable keyboard shortcuts (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/429674
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[14:47] <mario_andres> hi everybody
[14:48] <davide_> hi mario
[14:50] <mario_andres> I would like to begin to resolve bugs, I have read all your information in wiki.ubuntu.com / Bugs
[14:51] <mario_andres> but i do not know how to follow
[14:52] <vish> mario_andres: any particular package/app you like to fix the bugs in ?
[14:52] <dako3256> can someone change this to wishlist, Bug #259019
[14:52] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 259019 in mutt (Ubuntu) "Mutt colors parse error while reading apt-logs (heat: 4)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259019
[14:52] <mario_andres> may be, nautilus
[14:53] <vish> mario_andres: neat , have you seen this > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix
[14:53] <mario_andres> yes
[14:57] <mario_andres> where can i find a list of bugs ?
[15:00] <vish> mario_andres: this is the list of nautilus bugs > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus
[15:00] <mario_andres> thanks
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[18:27] <nigelb> crimsun, apport now doesn't allow you to apport-collect on bugs not started by you (I think)
[18:28] <bcurtiswx> this could be a problem...
[18:28] <bcurtiswx> what if a reporter goes missing and someone else has the issue?
[18:28] <nigelb> open a new bug
[18:29] <nigelb> I really dont like people cluttering one "my mic doesn't work" with 10 different hardware and refusing to open new bugs
[18:45] <vish> jcastro: hi , i mentioned deleting the duplicate project for murrine, right? and you were wondering how to do it.. well , i was wondering the same, needed to delete a couple of our projects , i just found out how \o/ we need to file a question in lp like > https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/106292 [just mentioning in case you were still wondering how :) ]
[18:45] <vish> or maybe you already deleted it
[18:45] <jcastro> ah yeah
[18:45] * vish checks
[18:46] <jcastro> also, nice job on that testdrive icon!
[18:46] <jcastro> whichever one you end up choosing
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[18:46] <vish> jcastro: thanks.. i'm getting the "td" done right and will propose the merge
[18:47] * nigelb pokes vish about reviewers team icon :D
[18:48] <vish> nigelb: yup , in my list , but i seems testdrive is also release critical :)
[18:48] <vish> it*
[18:48] <vish> needs UIfe and stuff
[18:48] <nigelb> testdrive is in universe for lucid?
[18:49] <vish> must be , i dont know
[18:50] <nigelb> hm
[18:56] <yofel> nigelb: afaik apport-collect should work if... (you're the reporter || you're subscribed to the bug) && the bug is not a duplicate
[18:56] <nigelb> yofel, so if you're not the reporter but subscribed, it should work?
[18:59] <yofel> nigelb: that's what the apport-collect rejection message that you get in the not allowed cases indicates at least (oh, and the bug has to be still open)
[19:01] <yofel> nigelb: _('You are not the reporter or subscriber of this '
[19:01] <yofel> 'problem report, or the report is a duplicate or already '
[19:01] <yofel> 'closed.\n\nPlease create a new report using "apport-bug".'))
[19:02] <yofel> nigelbabu: got disconnected?
[19:03] <nigelbabu> yeah
[19:03] <nigelbabu> if you said something I missed it
[19:03] <ntucker> hello #ubuntu-bugs
[19:03] <ntucker> can anyone advise on the most helpful way to report a bug if I have no idea what component the bug is in?
[19:04] <ntucker> the "Reporting Bugs" instructions direct me to use ubuntu-bug but that requires a pid or package name, and ... i don't know any of that
[19:06] <yofel> nigelbabu: that's what the apport-collect rejection message that you get in the not allowed cases indicates at least (oh, and the bug has to be still open)
[19:06] <yofel> nigelbabu: _('You are not the reporter or subscriber of this '
[19:06] <yofel> 'problem report, or the report is a duplicate or already '
[19:06] <yofel> 'closed.\n\nPlease create a new report using "apport-bug".'))
[19:07] <nigelbabu> ntucker, what do you want to report a bug about?
[19:07] <ntucker> the notification popup dingus
[19:07] <jcastro> bdmurray: ping
[19:07] <nigelbabu> ntucker, exact problem you are facing?
[19:08] <ntucker> its behavior is bizarre
[19:08] <nigelbabu> yofel, ah, so you can subscribe and still collect... hmm :)
[19:09] <nigelbabu> ntucker, ubuntu-bug notify-osd should work for that :)
[19:10] <ntucker> ok, thanks nigelbabu, but my question is really a general one: how does one report a bug against an unknown component and allow the bug triage process figure out which component it is?
[19:10] <nigelbabu> file against linux package
[19:10] <nigelbabu> ubuntu-bug linux
[19:11] <hggdh> er. Which notification popup?
[19:11] <ntucker> ok, this should probably be in the instructions for filing bugs. i will see about getting that added
[19:11] <vish> nigelbabu: any reason you make the release team the first one to show in lp scripts?
[19:11] <ntucker> hggdh: notify-osd sounds correct. i just couldn't remember the name of it
[19:11] <nigelbabu> vish, huh?
[19:11] <hggdh> ntucker: that's where I was heading to ;-)
[19:12] <vish> nigelbabu: next to user names , the release team icon is the first one before ubuntu-members
[19:12] <ntucker> hggdh: huh?
[19:12] <nigelbabu> vish, I didn't right the code. I just added reviewers team to it
[19:12] <hggdh> ntucker: open the bug against notify-osd
[19:13] <vish> nigelbabu: ah , k.. i thought it was something that you requested ;p
[19:13] <nigelbabu> vish, nope
[19:13] <ntucker> hggdh: sure, i will. but there is still a general problem with the bug reporting process that i am going to try to smooth out. i'm sure many people have a difficult time knowing what component their bug is in
[19:16] <bdmurray> jcastro: hey
[19:16] <jcastro> bdmurray: nm, I figured it out!
[19:17] <jcastro> bdmurray: I asked deryck for some data that you might want to see
[19:17] <jcastro> bdmurray: basically a per package list of ones with the most patches
[19:17] <jcastro> so we can target them for patch days
[19:17] <jcastro> nigelbabu: normally around now is when bdmurray pastes a URL to a graph he's been generating for 6 months and hasn't told anyone about
[19:18] <nigelbabu> yeah, how can I get a graph for patches?
[19:18] <nigelbabu> I've been think of asking brian and forgetting all the time
[19:19] <bdmurray> http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/patches/
[19:19] <bdmurray> ;-)
[19:20] <bdmurray> nigelbabu: I updated firefox-lp-improvements for you yesterday
[19:20] <nigelbabu> bdmurray, thank you thank you thank you :)
[19:23] <jcastro> nigelbabu: woo hoo, now we can set goals!
[19:24] <jcastro> bdmurray: I was just kidding about the graph thing, I didn't know you actually had a graph.
[19:24] <nigelbabu> jcastro, yes! the graphs are cool bdmurray :)
[19:24] <jcastro> bdmurray: you made my day though!
[19:24] <nigelbabu> jcastro, so the idea for the patch day to have one contact for every hour
[19:24] <jcastro> what do you mean?
[19:25] <nigelbabu> similar to the old hug days
[19:25] <nigelbabu> person A would be around in the channel to help for 1 hour and then hands over to next person
[19:25] <nigelbabu> everyone can ping A about any doubts
[19:25] <jcastro> oh ok
[19:26] <nigelbabu> so you're for wednesday or friday?
[19:26] <nigelbabu> friday would be after toolchain release
[19:27] <jcastro> nigelbabu: let's ask a platform guy what day they actually usually start merging
[19:27] <nigelbabu> who would that be?
[19:27] <jcastro> somewhere around there
[19:27] <jcastro> james_w always has good insight on things like this
[19:27] <jcastro> or any ubuntu developer that's also a DD
[19:29] <nigelbabu> jcastro, you'll poke or you want me to poke?
[19:30] <jcastro> let's both poke
[19:31] <nigelbabu> hehe, in -devel then :)
[19:31] <vish> heh , irc can hurt someone ^ ;p
[19:36] <jpiche> if someone filed a bug back in an alpha and a couple days later commented that it was fixed and when I try to duplicate it it doesn't happen, do I mark it as Invalid?
[19:37] <vish> jpiche: which package? if it is a desktop bug , and fixed in an update "fix released" , if mysteriously gone , invalid
[19:38] <jpiche> banshee, bug 403634
[19:38] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 403634 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Banshe crashes when I scroll over the tray icon (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/403634
[19:38] <jpiche> (i accidentally clicked invalid already when looking at the options)
[19:38] <nigelbabu> jcastro, ok, so who's next target? :D
[19:39] <nigelbabu> since james seems to be away
[19:39] <vish> jpiche: should be OK , just comment on the change
[19:39] <vish> jpiche: use the "unknown fix" response , if you are using lp scripts
[19:40] <jcastro> nigelbabu: I can catch james on monday
[19:40] <jpiche> vish, okay thanks
[19:40] <jcastro> nigelbabu: maybe a post to -devel
[19:40] <nigelbabu> jcastro, what should I be asking? when the archive opens?
[19:41] <jcastro> one sec
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[20:30] <nigelbabu> bdmurray, shouldn't I be seeing an icon for reviewers team in the new firefox improvements script?
[20:36] <nigelbabu> okay, forget, some trouble here, got fixed now :)
[21:31] <bcurtiswx> launchpad greasemonkey scripts.. isn't there a deb package with all of it now.. and where is it?
[21:33] <BUGa_vacations> yes
[21:33] <BUGa_vacations> but I've missed it a bit
[21:34] <BUGa_vacations> plus for chromium you still to manuall install it
[21:36] <micahg> bcurtiswx: https://launchpad.net/~gm-dev-launchpad/+archive/ppa
[21:36] <bcurtiswx> micahg: ty
[22:12] <Amarant> i need help, i have bug/problem but theres no appearant way to report this (launchpad is very uncooperative)
[22:12] <Amarant> samu@Xeen:~$ dmesg |tail -n 2
[22:12] <Amarant> [ 26.178161] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[22:12] <Amarant> [ 38.258271] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[22:13] <Amarant> and this is printed to tty1 every now and then
[22:14] <Amarant> another problems, include, gdm freeze and random gnome freeze
[22:14] <Amarant> using ubuntu 10.04 beta
[23:06] <BalleClorin> Can a controller please change bug #546917 to triaged. I'm suggesting medium importance (moderate impact on a core application)
[23:06] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 546917 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "fglrx fails to install in lucid (affects: 11) (heat: 40)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/546917