UbuntuIRC / 2010 /04 /01 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
=== kermiac_ is now known as kermiac
[02:17] <mccolgan> Quiet today. Not even a single message while I was on.
[02:44] <leftyfb> I filed a bug against gnome-appearance-properties in ubuntu lucid beta that seems to be fixed in the latest updates today. I found the changelog for the package and was going to associate it with the bug, but i'm not sure which change (there are 2 mentioning button_layout) actually fixed the problem.
[02:48] <leftyfb> ok, so I found out which change fixed it
[02:48] <leftyfb> so how do I properly close this bug?
[02:48] <leftyfb> I was thinking it would be nice to associate this change with the bug, then close it
[02:50] <leftyfb> bah
[02:50] <leftyfb> envermind
[02:50] <leftyfb> REALLY aggravating
[02:50] <leftyfb> someone else filed the same bug as mine. And for whatever reason, people commented on his and fixed it through his
[02:51] <leftyfb> as usual, the bugs I file get duplicated hours or days later and those get all the attention
[02:51] <leftyfb> don't know why I bother
[02:57] <mccolgan> Is it possible ot mark his as a duplicate of yours?
[02:59] <leftyfb> It is
[02:59] <leftyfb> but at this point, that would hide all the work from search results
[03:00] <leftyfb> I just don't understand why the majority of bugs I report are duplicated sometimes weeks after and get all sorts of activity when mine gets nothing
[03:00] <leftyfb> I spend the time to go through the possible duplicates to make sure i'm not filing one myself. Am I the only one?
[03:02] <leftyfb> it's very discouraging to want to even bother filing them in the first place ... why should I when it will go unnoticed until someone else files the exact same thing and then mine is marked as a duplicate or just ignored completely
[03:02] <micahg> leftyfb: the triagers get a lot of email and sometimes individual reports can fall through the cracks
[03:03] <leftyfb> there's also the issue of the dupes not bothering to check if the bug their filing already exists
[03:03] <leftyfb> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/552087
[03:03] <leftyfb> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/552132
[03:03] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 552087 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID() (dup-of: 552132)" [Undecided,New]
[03:03] <micahg> leftyfb: well, there is a duplicate finder on submission, but it's limited
[03:03] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 552132 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID() (affects: 40) (dups: 2)" [High,Fix released]
[03:04] <micahg> leftyfb: those have the same title but might not be dupes
[03:04] <leftyfb> the first(mine) is clearly a lower bug # ... and both have the exact same title
[03:04] <leftyfb> they're definitely dupes
[03:04] <micahg> leftyfb: why?
[03:04] <leftyfb> i've already read through the other bug. It's the same problem
[03:04] <micahg> apport should mark it a dupe then
[03:04] <leftyfb> i've already marked mine as a dupe
[03:05] <leftyfb> no sense in hiding the bug with all the work from search results
[03:05] <leftyfb> the point is, people aren't bothering to look at the possible dupes that come up and most of the bugs I report go ignored while the same bugs filed after by someone else get attention
[03:06] <leftyfb> once or twice is one thing, but the majority of the bugs I file turn out this way
[03:07] <micahg> leftyfb: if you would've waited for the retracer to retrace, it might have marked it as a dupe for you
[03:08] <yofel> same can be said for the newer bug... still has a coredump.gz
[03:09] <micahg> so neither should have been public
[03:09] <micahg> idk why the dev didn't notice the coredump and delete it
[03:10] <yofel> actually the retracer never got time to retrace it, it's not *that* fast
[03:10] * micahg just deleted it
[03:10] <micahg> yofel: retracer was broke for about 2 weeks
[03:10] <yofel> well, I sure got a lot of retracer mails the last 2 or 3 days
[03:10] <yofel> so it should be fixed
[03:10] <micahg> yofel: right, it's catching up on the backlog :)
[03:11] <yofel> ok, makes sense then
[03:11] <leftyfb> so i'm not sure I follow any of this
[03:11] <leftyfb> retracer?
[03:11] <yofel> leftyfb: crash reports that have a coredump should *never* be made public
[03:12] <leftyfb> ok, I don't know why that is or even what that means
[03:12] <yofel> leftyfb: and you'll notice that a 'Apport Retracing Service' is subscribed to the bug
[03:12] <yofel> leftyfb: and the bug is tagged with 'needs-i386-retrace'
[03:12] <leftyfb> I made by bug public so it would get noticed
[03:12] <yofel> leftyfb: yes, and you exposed possible private information to the outer world with that
[03:13] <leftyfb> heh, no private information in my case. It was a fresh install of ubuntu with the user/pass as ubuntu/ubuntu
[03:13] <yofel> leftyfb: as the coredump contains whatever you application had in the RAM at that time
[03:13] <leftyfb> but noted for next time
[03:13] <Damascene> may some one looks at Yaron request
[03:13] <Damascene> https://bugs.launchpad.net/vte/+bug/263822
[03:13] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 263822 in vte (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "RTL (right to left) support in terminal (BiDi) (affects: 12) (dups: 4) (heat: 114)" [Low,Triaged]
[03:14] <leftyfb> I don't see "needs-i386-retrace on my bug at all
[03:14] <micahg> leftyfb: I deleted the coredump and the tag
[03:14] <micahg> on both bugs
[03:14] <leftyfb> micahg: I have the page loaded from before you guys made any changes ... still shows the coredump.gz
[03:15] <leftyfb> did a page search for the word "needs" comes up empty
[03:15] <micahg> leftyfb: pk
[03:15] <micahg> ok
[03:15] <micahg> leftyfb: try need
[03:15] <leftyfb> ah
[03:15] <leftyfb> ok, so what does retrace mean?
[03:16] <micahg> leftyfb: to get a stacktrace by installing the symbols locally and
[03:16] <leftyfb> I don't understand what you just said
[03:17] <micahg> it tries to get a proper stacktrace by installing all the symbols packages
[03:17] <leftyfb> installing "symbols packages" where?
[03:17] <micahg> leftyfb: on the retracer machine
[03:18] <leftyfb> so your retracer machine is missing a package it needs to properly mark some bugs as dupes?
[03:18] <micahg> leftyfb: no
[03:22] <leftyfb> ok, lets assume I know nothing about what retracing, stacktrace means or what "symbols packages" are, how launchpad automatically marks bugs a dupes or what the requirements are for one of my bugs to get noticed properly are .... mind explaining some of this to me? I was told this would be the proper place for these types of questions.
[03:22] <micahg> leftyfb: based on the stacktrace produced, duplicates are marked
[03:22] * micahg doesn't have too many details
[03:23] <leftyfb> yofel: ?
[03:24] <Damascene> is this a library related to empaty http://jira.freeswitch.org/browse/LBDING-18
[03:24] <yofel> okay, let me try...
[03:25] <yofel> leftyfb: what the retracer does is: it retraces a bug, checks if there is already a bug reported with the same backtrace and marks it a duplicate of that bug removing the attachements if yes, or it attaches a proper stacktrace, marks the bug public and sets the importance to medium
[03:26] <yofel> (removing the coredump.gz after retracing)
[03:26] <leftyfb> how often is this retracer run?
[03:26] <leftyfb> should I just delete my coredump and mark the bug as public so it shows up in possible dupe results?
[03:27] <yofel> leftyfb: no idea, as micahg mentioned the retracer was broken for a while and is now catching up
[03:27] <yofel> and no
[03:28] <yofel> leftyfb: actually neither bug should have been made public, the other bug was handled wrong as well, crash reports are to be handled by the retracer (unless a developer reports it and knows he needs no backtrace)
[03:28] <yofel> but they should still have removed the coredump on the other bug in this case
[03:29] <leftyfb> so is there anything I should be doing differently when filing a bug to get it noticed before duplicates created after?
[03:30] <yofel> leftyfb: no, unless you know the exact cause of the bug and know which developer to contact directly just let the retracer take care of the job
[03:31] <leftyfb> so the reason the other bug got noticed instead of mine was because they marked it as public before I did?
[03:33] <yofel> leftyfb: someone marked it confirmed before yours it seems, but the fact stays that the reporter should have *not* set the bug public
[03:33] <leftyfb> who marks these bugs as confirmed?
[03:34] <yofel> users
[03:34] <leftyfb> so anyone?
[03:35] <yofel> actually the proper way to handle bugs is reporter->confirmer(bugsquad/user)->triager(bugsquad)->developer
[03:35] <yofel> in this case the entire bugsquad part was skipped
[03:35] <yofel> and now the bugs ended up in a messy state
[03:36] <leftyfb> not much worse than 75% of my bugs that all get marked as duplicates of bugs reported after mine
[03:44] <mrand> leftyfb: while there is a slight preference for using the earlier bug, there are many factors, none of them hard rules. If one already has dup's assigned to it, or if there is already an intelligent discussion on one, then it's likely to become the master.
[03:46] <leftyfb> the latter bug should never have been filed in the first place if mine was first and the second is clearly a duplicate. It seems the second person is ignoring the shown duplicates.
[03:46] <yofel> *deep sigh*
[03:46] <mrand> leftyfb: when they are all marked as private, we end up with many being submitted. That's just the nature of things.
[03:47] <yofel> bug 552063 is another one that was messed with and bug 552552 seems to be the only one where the retracer actually had time to do its job
[03:47] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 552063 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID() (affects: 4) (heat: 20)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/552063
[03:47] <ubot4> yofel: Bug 552552 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/552552 is private
[03:49] <leftyfb> so filing bugs and having the bug actually acted upon is like winning the lottery
[03:49] <leftyfb> and by acted upon, I mean not marked as a duplicate of a bug filed after the fact
[03:51] <yofel> leftyfb: here, see bug 552552 how a retraced bug should look like
[03:51] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 552552 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID() (affects: 1) (heat: 160)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/552552
[03:53] <leftyfb> and yet it's still not marked as a duplicate
[03:54] <leftyfb> of mine or the other
[03:54] <yofel> actually the oldest report is bug 550836
[03:54] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 550836 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "[LUCID] gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID() (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/550836
[03:54] <yofel> but here even the title was changed so I guess the retracer gave up from the beginning
[03:55] <yofel> leftyfb: yes, as the retracer never run on the other bugs, so it didn't take them into account when searching for dups
[03:56] <leftyfb> ok, so the retracer was broken
[03:56] <yofel> leftyfb: it was not, the reporters broke the bugs
[03:57] <yofel> the retracer has strict rules how a bug has to look like, if you change that it won't run
[03:58] <leftyfb> and what about all the bugs i've reported over the years that all get marked duplicates of bugs filed days or in some cases, weeks after mine? Up until recently I was only filing a bug and not making any changes to it, waiting for something to happen with them... only to find out weeks later that it's marked a duplicate of a bug that's been getting a ton of activity
[03:59] <yofel> leftyfb: are we talking about bug reports or crash reports there? auto-duplicating works only for crashes
[04:00] <leftyfb> both
[04:00] <leftyfb> probably mostly manual bug reports
[04:00] <leftyfb> but some were crash reports
[04:01] <yofel> well, as we said sometimes the retracer was broken, and for manual reports it's not easy to always identify if a bug was already reported
[04:01] <yofel> and sometimes reporters just don't take the time to look
[04:01] <leftyfb> so it's a lottery
[04:04] <yofel> sometimes it is, it's our job to make sure it isn't, but with ~41k unconfirmed bugs we just aren't fast enough with what staff we have
[04:05] <yofel> we should educate reporters somehow though to not mark crash reports public :/
[04:05] <yofel> (before the retracer finished)
[04:05] <leftyfb> yeah, none of this is explained
[04:27] <kermiac> hey yofel :) I shouldn't have added [LUCID] to the title for bug 550836? I thought the retracer only used the uploaded files & didn't care what the title of the bug report is
[04:27] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 550836 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "[LUCID] gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID() (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/550836
[04:44] <Damascene> his bug has a patch attached to it that has been forwarded upstream and requires their input or incorporation,
[04:45] <Damascene> sorry
[06:06] <bbordwell> A bug report requesting an out of date package in the repositories to be updated should get the tag "need-packaging" correct?
[06:07] <micahg> bbordwell: no
[06:07] <bbordwell> micahg, oops, thanks
[06:07] <micahg> bbordwell: bug #?
[06:07] <bbordwell> bug 538900
[06:07] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 538900 in gtk-gnutella (Ubuntu) "[lucid] gtk-gnutella needs updated (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/538900
[06:08] <micahg> bbordwell: .8 is in unstable
[06:09] <bbordwell> micahg, I installed it from source and in the top right corner it says 96.8 stable
[06:10] <bbordwell> Though I could be wrong
[06:10] <bbordwell> it i mean
[06:10] <bbordwell> also, according to wikipedia a new stable is released every year, it has been one year
[06:10] <bbordwell> Version 0.96.8 is a stable release, containing critical bug fixes for the previous release 0.96.7
[06:10] <micahg> bbordwell: it should've been updated in debian earlier
[06:11] <micahg> bbordwell: 0.96.8 is in unstable
[06:11] <bbordwell> ah, debian unstable you mean?
[06:11] <micahg> yes
[06:12] <bbordwell> okay, sorry i thought you meant it was an unstable release of gtk-gnutella.
[06:18] <micahg> bbordwell: I changed it to an FFe sync request
[06:20] <bbordwell> micahg, Thank you :) no big deal to me but it does seem strange to get a warning about ancient software on a beta...
[06:20] <micahg> bbordwell: what beta?
[06:20] <bbordwell> lucid
[06:20] <micahg> bbordwell: it's not lucid, it's the gnutella dsoftware
[06:26] <micahg> bbordwell: for those types of bugs, good to check debian
[06:27] <bbordwell> micahg, Thank you, I am new to bugsquad and so far I have only gotten familiar with upstream bugs at GNOME
[08:58] <bala> team: what is the package for grub loading error
[09:01] <bbordwell> bala, I was looking at that bug and I was not sure what to do with it. The fact that it did not work after a fresh install suggest a ubiquity bug
[09:02] <bbordwell> either that or grub
[09:02] <bbordwell> can i get the bug #?
[09:04] <bala> bbordwell: GRUB loading.
[09:04] <bala> error: no such partition
[09:04] <bala> grub rescue>
[09:07] <bbordwell> bala, just file it against ubiquity, Then someone that knows more about ubiquity will see and and if they disagree they will reassign it to grub.
[09:08] <bala> bbordwell: oh k fine, so the bug now is in ubiquity
[09:08] <Fria_> SVK is useless in ubuntu, it have at least 2 bugs stoping it from working at all
[09:09] <bbordwell> bala, can you give me a link to that bug? I want to ask the original bug reporter a questoin
[09:09] <bbordwell> question*
[09:10] <bala> bbordwell: oh s
[09:12] <bala> bbordwell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/553016
[09:12] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 553016 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "GRUB loading error (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]
[09:17] <Fria_> It seems that SVK application is totally useless on Karmic. Can someone set it's priority to high? its a summary of 3 bugs - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/svk/+bug/553109
[09:17] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 553109 in svk (Ubuntu) "SVK is useless in Karmic - at least 3 bugs (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]
[09:41] <Damascene> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vte/+bug/263822 what do you think of yaron suggestion?
[09:41] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 263822 in vte (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "RTL (right to left) support in terminal (BiDi) (affects: 12) (dups: 4) (heat: 114)" [Low,Triaged]
[09:42] <Damascene> he want to remove the dups from his bug because it might get fixed alone
[09:49] <bbordwell> I feel that this bug is ready to be marked as triaged with an importance of low, could a member of BC please do so? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/547225
[09:49] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 547225 in evince (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Evince fails to properly display this "type" of pdf (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[10:19] <jibel> Damascene, hey, I've seen you talked to yaron about the bidi issue. It's a long standing discussion.
[10:20] <jibel> Damascene, there a 2 different issues there.
[10:21] <jibel> Damascene, firstly, the VTE not supporting rtl language. Upstream is not intended to fix it.
[10:21] <jibel> Since it won't be fixed upstream, the hebrew translation team decided to remove the hebrew translations from the CLI (e.g) dpkg
[10:22] <jibel> That's the second issue.
[10:23] <jibel> Damascene, they did it in debian and are doing the same in Ubuntu.
[10:25] <jibel> Damascene, so, following their point of view, the dpkg bug 251705 must be processed separately and is not a dup of bug 263822
[10:25] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 251705 in synaptic (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "dpkg uses wrong encoding for Hebrew (dup-of: 263822)" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/251705
[10:25] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 263822 in vte (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "RTL (right to left) support in terminal (BiDi) (affects: 12) (dups: 4) (heat: 114)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/263822
[10:30] <Damascene> jibel, I've different thinking I guess
[10:30] <Damascene> we can promote another terminal to be used for the rtl locales
[10:32] <Damascene> mlterm for example works fine
[10:32] <jibel> Damascene, I must admit that I don't really understand their position. Removing translations is not a way to fix a translation problem.
[10:33] <Damascene> but it's better than no fix :)
[10:33] <jibel> indeed
[10:34] <Damascene> what do you thing of using mlterm instead?
[10:42] <jibel> A way to promote it could be to set it as a recommend of any RTL language-support- package and ask to use it as the default terminal during installation ?
[10:42] <jibel> that won't fix the embedded terminal problem.
[10:43] <Damascene> why?
[10:44] <BUGabundo_vacati> morning
[10:45] <jibel> the embedded terminal is a VTE component part of the gnome environment.
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[10:46] <duanedesign> I have seen a link given to bug reporters educating them on how to manage the 'Status' of there bug. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
[10:54] <jibel> Damascene, but I think the real problem is that there is no coordinated effort to find a proper solution.
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[10:56] <Damascene> there should be, could you remove yaron bug duplicate state.
[10:57] <Damascene> then we will find a way out
[10:58] <kermiac> duanedesign: is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status what you're referring to?
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[11:06] <jibel> Damascene, I see 2 actions to be taken:
[11:06] <duanedesign> kermiac_: perfect!
[11:06] <jibel> Damascene, 1. propose mlterm as default term for rtl languages
[11:07] <jibel> Damascene, 2. blacklist RTL languages in the VTE
[11:07] <Damascene> how to achive that?
[11:07] <Damascene> open new bug for each?
[11:07] <jibel> Damascene, that would fix most of the issues I guess.
[11:09] <Damascene> jibel, should I open new bug for that?
[11:10] <jibel> Damascene, It would be best to send an email to get feedback from community first. I don't know which ML is better.
[11:12] <Damascene> ok thanks
[11:12] <jibel> Damascene, you could ask to dpm.
[11:12] <Damascene> sorry but what is ,ML and dpm
[11:14] <jibel> sorry. ML: mailing list, and dpm is david planella the Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
[11:15] <jibel> Damascene, you can find him on ubuntu-translators
[11:15] <Damascene> np, thanks
[11:16] <jibel> Damascene, thanks to you. It would be a great achievement to have proper defaults for bidi users.
[11:17] <Damascene> I hope to reach that point
[11:35] <genux_> I have joined the bugsqaud team.. but was wondering how do I go about starting to help out.. I am a kubuntu Lucid user.
[11:35] <genux_> I suppose what I was wondering how do you get a mentor as such.
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=== kermiac is now known as kermiac_
[15:26] <bencrisford> !info ubuntu-edu-preschool
[15:26] <ubot4> bencrisford: ubuntu-edu-preschool (source: edubuntu-meta): Preschool Educational Application Bundle. In component main, is optional. Version 1.72 (karmic), package size 18 kB, installed size 48 kB
[16:08] <bala> Team: what is the package for bug appear by keyboard, mouse ex: keyboard layout
[16:10] <leftyfb> gnome-keyboard-properties
[16:10] <leftyfb> you can find out by opening the application and looking in your running processes list
[16:12] <bala> leftyfb: ya i got it thank you...
[16:54] <dgtombs> seb128: if you're here i'm David Tombs from bug 481197. i can reproduce the problem right now
[16:54] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 481197 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "unable to mount location - failed to retrieve share list from server (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/481197
[16:56] <deuxpi> I am not able to reassign a bug to "ubuntu-mono"...
[16:58] <seb128> dgtombs, hey
[16:58] <dgtombs> hi
[16:58] <seb128> dgtombs, no, I think the break on such change is known
[16:58] <seb128> no need of extra details
[16:59] <dgtombs> ok cool.
[16:59] <seb128> running gvfsd-smb doesn't handle settings change dynamically
[17:00] <dgtombs> hmm but i could reproduce it right after login
[17:00] <dgtombs> nothing changed while gvfs-smb-browse was running
[17:00] <seb128> dunno then
[17:00] <seb128> sorry I'm busy on beta2 issues today
[17:00] <seb128> that one seems rather low importance
[17:00] <dgtombs> yeah no prob. just offering :)
[17:01] <seb128> comment on launchpad we will comment if we have questions
[17:01] <seb128> thanks
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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[18:25] <yofel> hm, is bug 553400 a bug? and if yes where would that go to? I had that once, but then just booted usually and used sysrq+i to get to a shell
[18:25] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 553400 in ubuntu "No keyboard with init=/bin/bash (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/553400
[18:28] <greg-g> yofel: judging by the reporter's LP/Wiki page, I'm giong to say he knows what he is saying. That sounds like a kernel issue (I think), but I would ask in #ubuntu-kernel first
[18:29] <yofel> ok, thanks
[18:32] <greg-g> yofel: np
[18:39] <marmuta> Hi, is there any documentation on private bug reports somewhere?
[18:39] <marmuta> I keep getting notified about duplicates of private bug #526791 but am unable to look into it.
[18:39] <ubot4> marmuta: Bug 526791 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/526791 is private
[18:40] <yofel> marmuta: I'm looking at it
[18:40] <marmuta> Thanks
[18:41] <yofel> also private bugs are only accessible by the reporter, directly subscribed person and bug control members (and package maintainers I think)
[18:41] <yofel> *persons
[18:42] <marmuta> I see, good to know. Is this in the wiki too somewhere? I haven't found it.
[18:43] <greg-g> just marked it public, I didn't see any personally identifiable information in any of the attachments
[18:43] <greg-g> erm, I mean sensitive info
[18:44] <marmuta> Great, thank you :)
[18:44] <yofel> why am I even trying... *sigh*
[18:44] <greg-g> yofel: ?
[18:44] <yofel> greg-g: we just did the exact same thing twice
[18:44] <greg-g> we can confirm each other, in case one of us missed something
[18:44] <greg-g> I'm actually a little nervous when I do it for someone else's bug report when I'm not double checked
[18:45] <greg-g> I do it for my own easily/quickly because I know what to look for :)
[18:45] <yofel> heh, me too
[18:45] <yofel> ok, didn't find anything either
[18:45] <greg-g> so, thanks for double checking my work, yofel
[18:45] <greg-g> awesome
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
[19:55] <JoshuaL> I have a problem with lucid, sleep mode does not work. how can i make a proper bug report for this?
[19:57] <micahg> which package has the restart notifier in it?
[20:09] <micahg> hggdh: do you know which package the restart notifier is in?
[20:22] <qense> micahg: update-notifier
[20:22] <qense> too late
[21:01] <vish> qense: tagging patch isnt sufficient.. you need to subscribe the review team as well
[21:01] <vish> "patch"*
[21:07] <bencrisford> pedro_: i saw your email, thanks for the reply :)
[21:11] <pedro_> bencrisford, awesome! next time we might want to create a bug day page just like the ones we do for the others bug days so we can keep track of what's going on while doing the triage ;-)
[21:11] <pedro_> bencrisford, if you want to organize something like that just let me know and i'll be glad to help you out ;-)
[21:11] <bencrisford> pedro_: i was meaning to look into arranging things like that.. this is my first bug day, so im kind of new to everything
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUG_vacations
[21:36] <BUG_vacations> evening
=== ubuntujenkins__ is now known as ubuntujenkins
[21:43] <bencrisford> BUG_vacations: hey
[21:44] <BUG_vacations> hey hey bencrisford
[21:44] <bencrisford> hows the vacation?
[21:45] <qense> vish: ah, I didn't know that. Thanks!
[21:46] <BUG_vacations> nicccceeee
[21:46] <BUG_vacations> spending money :\
[21:51] <bencrisford> BUG_vacations: :)
[21:51] * bencrisford just lent his 4 year old 2nd cousin his linux format magazine :P
[21:52] <BUG_vacations> ahah
[22:13] <cyphermox> I seem to have an issue with the initrd (missing driver or something) when trying to pxe boot a system. what package would that fall into?
[22:26] <yofel> cyphermox: you could ask in #ubuntu-kernel, I think the kernel package (linux) could be responsible here but I'm not sure
=== arand_ is now known as arand
[23:03] <genii> I'd wonder if his pxe booting issue is actually a bug or just some misconfiguration