UbuntuIRC / 2010 /04 /01 /#launchpad-meeting.txt
Initial commit
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== daniloff is now known as danilos
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
[17:01] <Ursinha> #startmeeting
[17:01] <Ursinha> Welcome to this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating the resolution of specific Launchpad bugs and issues.
[17:01] <MootBot> Meeting started at 11:01. The chair is Ursinha.
[17:01] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[17:01] <Ursinha> [TOPIC] Roll Call
[17:01] <Ursinha> Not on the Launchpad Dev team? Welcome! Come "me" with the rest of us!
[17:01] <MootBot> New Topic: Roll Call
[17:01] <gary_poster> me
[17:01] <sinzui> me
[17:01] <allenap> me
[17:01] <Ursinha> me
[17:01] <rockstar> me
[17:01] <chex> me
[17:01] <Ursinha> awesome
[17:02] <Ursinha> bigjools is missing
[17:02] <Ursinha> matsubara, hello buddy
[17:03] <Ursinha> I asked al-maisan if he can join us in behalf of soyuz
[17:03] <Ursinha> moving on
[17:03] <Ursinha> [TOPIC] Agenda
[17:03] <Ursinha> * Actions from last meeting
[17:03] <Ursinha> * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts
[17:03] <Ursinha> * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)
[17:03] <Ursinha> * DBA report (stub)
[17:03] <MootBot> New Topic: Agenda
[17:03] <Ursinha> * QA stats of the week
[17:03] <Ursinha> * Proposed items
[17:03] <Ursinha> [TOPIC] * Actions from last meeting
[17:03] <MootBot> New Topic: * Actions from last meeting
[17:03] <Ursinha> * Ursinha to send email to TLs about QA summaries
[17:03] <Ursinha> * I haven't, I suck. Will do that before my EOD
[17:03] <Ursinha> * matsubara to triage open oops-tools bugs
[17:03] <Ursinha> * sinzui to follow up in work with losas to set the increase threshold for the product release finder monitoring script
[17:03] <Ursinha> * allenap to discuss with deryck about OOPS-1544A949 and file a bug for OOPS-1545E465.
[17:03] <ubottu> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1544A949
[17:03] <ubottu> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1545E465
[17:03] <Ursinha> * OOPS-1544A949 is really bug 433995 <https://launchpad.net/bugs/433995>.
[17:03] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 433995 in malone "Cannot edit importance, status or assignee after changing project inline" [High,Triaged]
[17:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 433995 in malone "Cannot edit importance, status or assignee after changing project inline" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/433995
[17:03] <Ursinha> * Bug 547063 <https://launchpad.net/bugs/547063> has been filed for OOPS-1545E465.
[17:03] <ubottu> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1544A949
[17:03] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 547063 in malone "None isn't acceptable as a value for BugActivity.person" [High,In progress]
[17:03] <Ursinha> * matsubara to fix linked bug for OOPS-1545E465
[17:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 547063 in malone "None isn't acceptable as a value for BugActivity.person" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/547063
[17:03] <ubottu> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1545E465
[17:03] <Ursinha> * done.
[17:03] <ubottu> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1545E465
[17:03] <Ursinha> * gary_poster to discuss OOPS-1541O1653 with salgado and file a bug for it.
[17:03] <ubottu> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1541O1653
[17:03] <Ursinha> * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/547054
[17:04] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 547054 in launchpad-foundations "AssertionError: Don't try to render this page when the user is logged in." [High,Fix committed]
[17:04] <Ursinha> * matsubara to email stub asking the dba report
[17:04] <Ursinha> * done.
[17:04] <Ursinha> matsubara, what about yours?
[17:04] <matsubara> not done the triage, please re-add
[17:04] <Ursinha> yes sir
[17:04] <matsubara> I think I fixed the linke bug for that oops
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
[17:04] <Ursinha> [action] matsubara to triage open oops-tools bugs
[17:04] <MootBot> ACTION received: matsubara to triage open oops-tools bugs
[17:05] <Ursinha> matsubara, it's marked "done", so I guess you did
[17:05] <danilos> me
[17:05] <danilos> :)
[17:05] <Ursinha> sinzui, what about yours?
[17:05] <Ursinha> danilos, you're late boss
[17:05] <Ursinha> :P
[17:06] * danilos is sorry, lucid is all over him now
[17:06] <Ursinha> excuses, excuses...
[17:06] <sinzui> Ursinha, I have not done that
[17:06] <Ursinha> sinzui, do you intend to?
[17:07] <sinzui> yes. I think it is not as important as the real oopses and blockages that my team have
[17:07] <Ursinha> [action] sinzui to follow up in work with losas to set the increase threshold for the product release finder monitoring script
[17:07] <MootBot> ACTION received: sinzui to follow up in work with losas to set the increase threshold for the product release finder monitoring script
[17:07] <sinzui> wrong action
[17:08] <sinzui> Ursinha, the losas will not make changes to the scripts. they invited me to submit a patch
[17:08] <Ursinha> sinzui, ah, ok
[17:08] <Ursinha> sinzui, so it's up to you to send a patch and fix that
[17:08] <Ursinha> ?
[17:08] <sinzui> correct
[17:08] <Ursinha> [action] cancel last item
[17:08] <MootBot> ACTION received: cancel last item
[17:09] <Ursinha> sinzui, is there a bug for that?
[17:09] <Ursinha> I can file one and then remove the action item
[17:09] <Ursinha> we can follow up in the bug then
[17:09] <sinzui> not that I am aware of. I do not even know which project minds that code
[17:09] <Ursinha> sinzui, I'll go figure that out
[17:09] * sinzui has a team and QA crisis last week and this week
[17:10] <Ursinha> [action] Ursinha to file a bug about setting the increase threshold for the product release finder monitoring script
[17:10] <MootBot> ACTION received: Ursinha to file a bug about setting the increase threshold for the product release finder monitoring script
[17:10] <Ursinha> sinzui, QA crisis?
[17:11] <Ursinha> we can discuss that during the qa stats section...
[17:11] <Ursinha> [TOPIC] * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts
[17:11] <Ursinha> oops section is all foundations today: four bugs
[17:11] <MootBot> New Topic: * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts
[17:11] <sinzui> the suggest packages feature on the product page was bad. I did not want users to see an incomplete feature
[17:12] <sinzui> We could not fix the feature because we were blocked on another feature.
[17:12] <Ursinha> sinzui, ah, I recall the discussion
[17:12] <Ursinha> gary_poster: I filed bug 553361 re. the referrer oops. is it hard to fix?
[17:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 553361 in launchpad-foundations "OOPS when accessing launchpad with no referrer, eg. via wget" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/553361
[17:12] <Ursinha> gary_poster: also filed bug 553368 re. the DiscoveryFailures
[17:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 553368 in launchpad-foundations "Better handling of errors when trying to login when the op is down" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/553368
[17:12] <Ursinha> gary_poster: and bug 474774 is responsible for about 30 oopses a day, any chances of being fixed soon? :)
[17:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 474774 in launchpad-foundations "Non-ascii in the URL causes an OOPS" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/474774
[17:12] <Ursinha> gary_poster: is bug 547054 really fixed? I still see a few oopses in lpnet
[17:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 547054 in launchpad-foundations "AssertionError: Don't try to render this page when the user is logged in." [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/547054
[17:13] <gary_poster> 553361: we'll get that this cycle. I'm not sure what the right solution is, but whatever it is, it shud be easy.
[17:13] <gary_poster> it is scheduled for this cycle
[17:13] <Ursinha> gary_poster, great
[17:13] <gary_poster> 553368: will probably triage low
[17:14] <Ursinha> 553361 has about 1k oopses in lpnet partial summaries :/
[17:15] <gary_poster> 474774: noure we'll have time this cycle, but maybe.
[17:15] <gary_poster> not sure
[17:16] <gary_poster> 547054: if we are still getting OOPSes, then I suppose it is not fixed. The remaining situations should be fairly low priority, but I'll ask salgado about them.
[17:16] <Ursinha> thanks gary_poster
[17:17] <gary_poster> thank you
[17:17] <Ursinha> we have one bugs' oops, that allenap already found the bug and triaged as high: bug 365092
[17:17] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 365092 in malone "Some bugs have BugMessage records with no corresponding MessageChunk records" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/365092
[17:17] <Ursinha> oops-prune, expire-ppa-files and calculate-bug-heat have been failing
[17:17] <ubottu> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=prune
[17:17] <Ursinha> the last one, according to spm, was running while the check ran, should we change something to fix that?
[17:17] <Ursinha> the failing scripts, that is
[17:18] <allenap> Ursinha: It's named calculate_bug_heat (note the underscores) in the script. Could that cause this?
[17:18] <allenap> chex: ^
[17:19] <Ursinha> allenap, that's just my typo, sorry
[17:19] <chex> allenap: ok, looking at it
[17:19] <allenap> As in, does this check refer to ScriptActivity, or is it an OS thing.
[17:21] <Ursinha> who should take care of the running scripts, losas or foundations?
[17:21] <allenap> Ursinha: I can talk to chex about this outside of the meeting.
[17:21] <Ursinha> thanks allenap :)
[17:22] <chex> allenap: sorry, I need more context here, not quite following, my apologies
[17:22] <Ursinha> [action] allenap to talk to chex after the meeting about the calculate_bug_heat failing script
[17:22] <MootBot> ACTION received: allenap to talk to chex after the meeting about the calculate_bug_heat failing script
[17:22] <Ursinha> about the other two
[17:23] <Ursinha> [action] Ursinha to investigate about oops-prune and expire-ppa-files failing scripts
[17:23] <MootBot> ACTION received: Ursinha to investigate about oops-prune and expire-ppa-files failing scripts
[17:23] <ubottu> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=prune
[17:23] <ubottu> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=prune
[17:23] <Ursinha> moving on
[17:23] <Ursinha> we have three critical bugs, all fix committed
[17:23] <Ursinha> I suppose they were rolled out yesterday
[17:24] <Ursinha> moving on
[17:24] <Ursinha> [TOPIC] * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)
[17:24] <MootBot> New Topic: * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)
[17:24] <Ursinha> or chex :P
[17:24] * Ursinha pokes ChanServ
[17:24] <Ursinha> errr
[17:25] * Ursinha pokes chex
[17:25] <chex> wow
[17:25] <chex> sorry folks.. here is the LOSA report for this week
[17:25] <chex> - Launchpad Full Production V10.03 was rolled-out on Wednesday morning, some replication issues
[17:25] <chex> caused the roll-out to take a hour longer than expected.
[17:25] <chex> Some notes:
[17:25] <chex> : The SSO DB Migration project is now complete, SSO is now using its own master DB.
[17:25] <chex> : A Handful of scripts needed to be modified to work after the rollout,
[17:25] <chex> mostly due to master/slave Postgres access changes, and have been fixed.
[17:25] <chex> : There will be readonly downtime tomorrow at 09:00 UTC while we switch the authDB master
[17:26] <chex> for LP which will complete the "SplitIt" project.
[17:26] <matsubara> Ursinha, keep poking ChanServ and it'll kick ban you hehe
[17:26] <chex> - ImportD large imports still causing problems:
[17:26] <chex> : Pear had to be restarted last Thur 25-Apr after a large git import,
[17:26] <chex> Bug# 536486 is still relevant.
[17:26] <chex> and thats all for this week, any comments/questions?
[17:26] <Ursinha> bug 536486
[17:26] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 536486 in launchpad-code "Svn import of ruby taking 2.7G RSS" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/536486
[17:26] <gary_poster> (yay about SplitIt!)
[17:28] <Ursinha> chex, mwhudson was working on bug 536486, it seems, but has no assignee now
[17:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 536486 in launchpad-code "Svn import of ruby taking 2.7G RSS" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/536486
[17:28] <Ursinha> rockstar, do you know something about that?
[17:28] <rockstar> Ursinha, well, it's a bug in bzr-git and jelmer is investigating it.
[17:28] <rockstar> The Kernel import has the same issue.
[17:29] <Ursinha> rockstar, bzr-git? so not launchpad actually?
[17:31] <rockstar> Ursinha, yes, at least that's what we believe.
[17:31] <rockstar> But what "launchpad" means is a bit fuzzy. It's the import worker that has the issue.
[17:31] <Ursinha> rockstar, right.. can you explain that in the bug, please?
[17:32] <Ursinha> maybe add another bugtask to bzr-git
[17:32] <rockstar> Ursinha, I'm sure I can have someone else do it.
[17:32] <Ursinha> rockstar, thank you very much
[17:32] <chex> Ursinha: thank you guys, this is a serious problem we need to address somehow..
[17:33] <Ursinha> [action] rockstar to find someone to look at bug 536486 and update it
[17:33] <MootBot> ACTION received: rockstar to find someone to look at bug 536486 and update it
[17:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 536486 in launchpad-code "Svn import of ruby taking 2.7G RSS" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/536486
[17:33] <chex> rockstar: you as well, sorry. :)
[17:33] <Ursinha> anyone else?
[17:34] <Ursinha> [TOPIC] * DBA report (stub)
[17:34] <Ursinha> stub is excused due to our "late" meeting, he already sent the report to the list
[17:34] <MootBot> New Topic: * DBA report (stub)
[17:34] <Ursinha> [TOPIC] * QA stats of the week
[17:34] <MootBot> New Topic: * QA stats of the week
[17:34] <Ursinha> our list of untriaged bugs of this week:
[17:34] <Ursinha> Soyuz (soyuz): 27
[17:34] <Ursinha> launchpadlib (launchpadlib): 25
[17:34] <Ursinha> OOPS Tools (oops-tools): 16
[17:34] <Ursinha> Launchpad Developer Utilities (lp-dev-utils): 9
[17:34] <Ursinha> Launchpad Auto Build System (launchpad-buildd): 6
[17:34] <Ursinha> Launchpad Development Wiki Moin theme (launchpad-dev-moin-theme): 5
[17:34] <Ursinha> Launchpad Bazaar Integration (launchpad-code): 5
[17:34] <Ursinha> Launchpad Bugs (malone): 5
[17:34] <Ursinha> Launchpad Foundations (launchpad-foundations): 4
[17:34] <Ursinha> Launchpad Translations (rosetta): 3
[17:34] <Ursinha> Launchpad Buildbot Configuration (lpbuildbot): 2
[17:34] <Ursinha> trac-launchpad-migrator (trac-launchpad-migrator): 2
[17:34] <Ursinha> launchpad-loggerhead (launchpad-loggerhead): 2
[17:35] <Ursinha> Launchpad News WordPress Theme (launchpad-news-wordpress-theme): 2
[17:35] <Ursinha> Launchpad QA Utilities (lp-qa-tools): 2
[17:35] <Ursinha> Launchpad Help Wiki Moin theme (launchpad-help-moin-theme): 2
[17:35] <Ursinha> Launchpad CSCVS (launchpad-cscvs): 2
[17:35] <Ursinha> Launchpad itself (launchpad): 1
[17:35] <Ursinha> Launchpad Documentation (launchpad-documentation): 1
[17:35] <Ursinha> Tickcount (tickcount): 1
[17:35] <Ursinha> I see soyuz is looking much better now!
[17:35] <Ursinha> rockstar, you have bugs this week :)
[17:35] <rockstar> Ursinha, only one, and I have no idea how to just dismiss the bug like I want to.
[17:36] <Ursinha> about the other projects, it would be nice to triage the bugs
[17:37] <rockstar> It looks like everyone is doing well triaging.
[17:37] <Ursinha> rockstar, yes, indeed
[17:37] <Ursinha> I'm talking about the smaller projects
[17:37] <Ursinha> like loggerhead, lp-buildd
[17:38] <Ursinha> well, I'll poke people after the meeting about them :)
[17:38] <gary_poster> consider launchpadlib poked
[17:38] <Ursinha> [action] Ursinha to talk to people about the untriaged bugs of smaller projects
[17:38] <MootBot> ACTION received: Ursinha to talk to people about the untriaged bugs of smaller projects
[17:38] <rockstar> Is loggerhead really the sole responsibility of Launchpad? I thought it was generally a community project that we happened to be eating.
[17:38] <Ursinha> gary_poster, thanks :)
[17:39] <Ursinha> rockstar, that's a good question; those projects are the ones under the lp-project group
[17:39] <Ursinha> rockstar, and that's exactly what I'd like to figure out, which ones we have to keep track of
[17:39] <rockstar> Well, technically Tarmac should also be there (I think it's currently in the bazaar group, which is wrong)
[17:40] <gary_poster> Ursinha: to really make me weep, you can include lazr.restfulclient, lazr.restful and wadllib in the list... :-) ...and probably other lazr.* packages
[17:40] <rockstar> Ursinha, also, I think we want to disavow all knowledge of CSCVS one day.
[17:40] <Ursinha> gary_poster, those ones aren't included in lp project, right?
[17:40] <gary_poster> Ursinha: right. You might be able to just point it to lazr project
[17:41] <gary_poster> Though that be a bad idea
[17:41] <gary_poster> since it includes stuff like Storm
[17:41] <Ursinha> [action] Ursinha to send one email to lp list about the untriaged bugs in lp-project and others
[17:41] <MootBot> ACTION received: Ursinha to send one email to lp list about the untriaged bugs in lp-project and others
[17:42] <Ursinha> gary_poster, I'll send one email to lp list then we can discuss it better
[17:42] <gary_poster> cool, Ursinha
[17:42] <Ursinha> [TOPIC] * Proposed items
[17:42] <Ursinha> Anyone?
[17:42] <MootBot> New Topic: * Proposed items
[17:42] <Ursinha> I'll consider that a no :)
[17:42] <Ursinha> well
[17:43] <Ursinha> Thank you all for attending this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. See https://dev.launchpad.net/MeetingAgenda for the logs.
[17:43] <Ursinha> happy Easter for those who have it :)
[17:43] <Ursinha> #endmeeting
[17:43] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 11:43.
[17:43] <gary_poster> Thanks Ursinha
[17:43] <Ursinha> thanks everyone
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk