UbuntuIRC / 2009 /12 /04 /#ubuntu-kernel.txt
Initial commit
[00:32] <RAOF> Is anyone here more aware what's happening wrt nouveau? I'm looking at updating the DDX for Lucid at the moment, but it's untestable without the kernel modules. Should I upload an update nouveau-kernel-source as an interim measure? The current package FTBFS against 2.6.32 kernels.
[00:41] <dtchen> holy cow, I hate ad1988. That is all.
[00:42] <maco> haha
[00:42] <maco> dtchen: wait....the year?
[00:43] <dtchen> no, the HDA codec with a (seeming) billion different versions
[00:44] <maco> ok just checking...that was what i thought at first but then i re-tried the parsing
[00:51] <jk-> dtchen: thanks for the pointer earlier
[00:56] <dtchen> jk-: yw
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[08:19] <tseliot> apw, sconklin: I've just sent you an email with the details on the origin of the patches that I recommended for fast boot
[08:20] <tseliot> origins
[08:21] <tseliot> heh, I sent the email to myself too
[11:53] <pgraner> amitk: I see you've been busy on LKML :-0
[12:18] <amitk> pgraner: it took one last late-nighter to get them out the door. Should be easier now...
[13:10] <Keybuk> apw: I did just notice something odd
[13:10] <Keybuk> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2009-12-04 09:41 fb0 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/graphics/fb0/
[13:10] <Keybuk> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2009-12-04 09:41 fb1 -> ../../devices/platform/vga16fb.0/graphics/fb1/
[13:18] <apw> Keybuk, not expecting to see that?
[13:18] <Keybuk> no, I would have thought it would have gone "oh, no device"
[13:23] <Keybuk> if you write to that framebuffer, where does it go? :p
[13:44] <apw> yeah oddness
[14:44] <MTecknology> oh - also develop a tool to audit the logs
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[16:27] <apw> jk about/
[16:27] <apw> ?
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[16:50] <lamont> how well does a jaunty kernel deal with a hardy userspace?
[16:51] <pgraner> lamont: ask rtg he's run it
[16:51] <lamont> rtg?
[16:51] <rtg> lamont, works OK in server space except for AppArmor
[16:52] <lamont> cool
[16:52] <rtg> lamont, https://edge.launchpad.net/~timg-tpi/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=hardy
[16:53] <lamont> does it need a backported kernel?
[16:54] <rtg> lamont, that is, or was, the backported kernel
[16:54] <lamont> right
[16:54] * lamont needs a diff arch, so I guess I get to build that source
[16:54] <rtg> lamont, lemme guess, powerpc or sparc?
[16:54] <lamont> ppc
[16:55] <lamont> the hardy kernel hated on a few machines...
[16:56] <rtg> lamont, you might be better off starting with the ports kernel from Jaunty.
[17:40] <ghostcube> hmm ureadhead keeps crashing here some times
[17:53] <apw> ghostcube, dropping a core?
[17:53] <apw> if so get the core onto a bug
[17:54] <ghostcube> at boot it gets signal 4
[17:55] <ghostcube> and exit
[17:55] <ghostcube> must check how to file a bug about this
[19:19] <scroll> how should i allocate mem for task_struct?
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[19:46] <mcgrof> how many drivers are known to exist on the delta ?
[19:46] <mcgrof> any reason they can't go to staging?
[19:56] <dandel> i'm needing a bit of help figuring out what else to check against on bug 484943. (checked against latest git revision of kernel,)
[19:56] <ubot3> Malone bug 484943 in linux "resume crashes with ext3 error with wubi based install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/484943
[19:56] <dandel> interestly enough, it's not an ext3 only bug... it even effects ext4 installs on the same machine.
[20:11] <apw> mcgrof, about 10, mostly they are the sorts of things that staging rejected
[20:11] <apw> for instance aufs which is too big for them to cope with, and not the 'approved' way to do union mount
[20:12] <apw> though the approved way does not yet exist, and likely won't for 3 more releases
[20:20] <mcgrof> apw: is there any link to the discussion for aufs rejection for staging ?
[20:21] <mcgrof> apw: this would be the first time I hear of a driver being rejected for staging
[20:27] <apw> the inital load of drivers in staging were hoovered up from ubuntu
[20:27] <apw> and htat one was not taken. normally things in staging have to have a chance of getting into the kernel
[20:28] <apw> aufs does not as it stands, the objections are too great
[20:40] <dandel> apw, bug 484943 is involed with bug 338701 (same machine)
[20:40] <ubot3> Malone bug 484943 in linux "resume crashes with ext3 error with wubi based install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/484943
[20:40] <ubot3> Malone bug 338701 in linux "acpi_irq is not set properly." [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/338701
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[20:52] <jjohansen> mcgrof: basically upstream objects to the whole idea of a union filesystem, the blessed way in union mounts but they have had their own issues and haven't made it up either
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