UbuntuIRC / 2009 /12 /04 /#ubuntu-arm.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
[11:21] <siji> hi all
[11:21] <siji> good evening
[11:21] <siji> How to disable VSYNC in Ubuntu+Bealge Board
[13:08] <fta> asac, http://codereview.chromium.org/download/issue463027_1001.diff
[13:14] <asac> ok
[13:14] <asac> but does that help?
[13:14] <asac> i dont think that would fix builds < armv7
[13:14] <asac> i agree its right to split this up though
[13:15] <asac> is there no good codebrowser for chromium?
[13:15] <asac> with cross reference?
[13:15] <asac> fta: ?
[13:16] <fta> no, there's google code search but it's not uptodate
[13:19] <fta> asac, i wanted to setup an lxr but the deb package is a mess
[13:34] <asac> kk
[16:07] <rek> where can i find the repositories?
[16:07] <ogra> ports.ubuntu.com
[16:32] <rek> i man
[16:33] <rek> where can i find what to put in etc sources list
[16:33] <rek> hi ogra i remember you are in germany now
[16:33] <ogra> deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports <distro> main universe
[16:35] <fta> asac, chromium succeeded on lucid! \o/ (took 9 hours, 43 minutes, 23.6 seconds)
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
[16:35] <ogra> rek, right, thats where i live
[16:36] * asac dances
[16:36] <ogra> 9h isnt bad !
[16:36] <rek> ?
[16:36] <rek> ogra it's for a smartq 5
[16:37] <fta> a big part of these 9h is due to the testsuite
[16:37] <asac> fta: 9 hours is wrong imo
[16:37] <asac> i think it started right when i uploaded
[16:38] <asac> and that was aboug 24h ago ;)
[16:38] <asac> about
[16:38] <asac> hmm maybe a few hours later
[16:38] <fta> Build needed 21:39:16, 6295520k disk space
[16:38] <fta> hm
[16:38] <ogra> rek, smartq 5 is ARMv5, right ?
[16:38] <rek> i have karmic main universe restricted multiverse i want jaunty
[16:38] <fta> bad lp
[16:39] <rek> i think it's arm
[16:39] <asac> 17:36 < asac> chromium for lucid bits are here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/nss3.12.3
[16:39] <asac> 17:36 < asac> anyone give it a check?
[16:39] <asac> 17:37 < asac> https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/nss3.12.3/+build/1377663 ;)
[16:39] <ogra> sure ... the version counts :)
[16:39] <asac> dont ask me about the team name ;)
[16:39] <fta> asac, can't you ask for a rename?
[16:39] <ogra> rek, but if its v5 you will need to replace karmic with jaunty in your line
[16:39] <asac> no
[16:39] <asac> that team is still needed
[16:40] <asac> ;)
[16:40] <rek> ok i'll try
[16:40] <asac> just was too lazy to get a new native ppa
[16:40] <fta> asac, or ask for more generic team?
[16:40] <ogra> ubuntu-arm-browser ?
[16:41] <asac> atm native ppas are not avialable to anyone but employees unfortunately
[16:41] <rek> ?
[16:41] <fta> or just an arm native ppa
[16:41] <asac> i will try to get that revisited
[16:41] <ogra> i think its blocked on XEN
[16:41] <asac> i would think that motu/core-dev together with a damn good reason should be ok too
[16:41] <asac> ogra: reall ppas yes
[16:41] <asac> real
[16:41] <ogra> we'd need spare HW for PPA work
[16:42] <rek> locale not supported by C library why?
[16:42] <asac> ogra: it was about policy for native ppa
[16:42] <ogra> right
[16:43] <ogra> rek, prefix your commands with LANG=C then that goes away ... or run locale-gen <yourlocale>
[16:43] <rek> don't understand
[16:43] <rek> it happens also if i do apt-ge
[16:44] <ogra> right, prefix the commands with LANG=C or generate the proper locale
[16:49] <rek> what's a locale?
[16:50] <rek> what does "umet dependencies/it's not going to be installed " means.... every time i try to get a new application
[16:50] <rek> unmet
[16:50] <ogra> that means that a depending package is missing
[16:51] <ogra> a locale is a set of translations etc
[16:51] <rek> so i cannot have a single application working damn?
[16:52] <ogra> what exactly are you trying to do ?
[16:52] <rek> sudo apt-get install amsn for example
[16:53] <rek> i did apt get f now
[16:53] <rek> var log apt missing damnit another error?
[16:54] <ogra> did you do apt-get update after adding the line to sources.list ?
[16:54] <rek> yeah
[16:54] <ogra> and the smartq has ubuntu installed already ?
[16:54] <rek> yes
[16:55] <rek> ok
[16:55] <rek> now it works
[16:55] <rek> wait
[16:55] <ogra> well, then its likely that a package amsn depends on failed to build and nobody fixed it
[16:56] <rek> gimme a name of a cool application i can install
[16:56] <ogra> no idea
[16:56] <ogra> http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/jaunty.html has the list of packages that didnt build in jaunty
[16:57] <ogra> as you can see there are a lot of broken packages in universe
[16:57] <rek> why can't we have a flah?
[16:57] <rek> flash
[16:58] <ogra> ask adobe :)
[16:58] <rek> is that true?
[16:58] <ogra> they own flash
[16:59] <rek> how can i have a sound recorder?
[16:59] <ogra> probably with: apt-get install gnome-sound-recorder
[16:59] <rek> how can i hae skype?
[16:59] <ogra> no idea
[17:00] <ogra> ask skype ... its proprietary
[17:00] <rek> suggestions?
[17:09] <asac> rek: check the download page. get the all static tar gz .. .unpack it somewhere in your home and run the skype command inside
[17:09] <asac> but for arm ;) ...
[17:09] <asac> hehe
[17:09] <asac> sry didnt check the channel
[17:09] <asac> try gnash
[17:10] <ogra> yeah, gnash might work as flash replacement
[17:13] <rek> gnash?
[17:13] <rek> sure?
[17:14] <rek> and skype?
[17:14] <ogra> there is no skype for arm
[17:14] <rek> can i have the sources and compile them all?
[17:14] <ogra> its proprietary ... as long as skype doesnt offer an arm build ...
[17:15] <ogra> same as with adobes flash
[17:15] <rek> strange
[17:15] <rek> is there something like skype out there?
[17:15] <ogra> the protocol is proprietary
[17:15] <ogra> so no
[17:16] <ogra> they recently released the source for the client but it still uses a binary blob which would have to be compiled for arm
[17:16] <rek> blob? can i do something?
[17:17] <ogra> no
[17:48] <lool> ogra: N810 and N900 have Skype for ARM though :-)
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
[21:18] <pwnguin> woo! Estimated Delivery Date:12/8/2009 (updated)
[21:18] <pwnguin> nokia n900 on the way
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
[22:38] <pwnguin> were there any notes from the arm track at UDS?
[22:39] <pwnguin> particularly, I'd like to review the stuff i heard about arm board descriptors or something like that
[22:41] <ojn> device trees? yes.
[22:41] <ojn> one sec
[22:42] <ojn> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-L/RemoteParticipation see gobby instructions. Notes were taken there (they were still there when I checked a week and a half ago)
[22:53] <pwnguin> quite a few gobby docs
[22:56] <pwnguin> hmm. what's the difference between a flattened tree and a list?