UbuntuIRC / 2009 /08 /25 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] * micahg is always interested
[00:01] <micahg> [reed]: you might know the answer to this
[00:01] <micahg> is #developers on imo the best place to ask about components/upstream bug issues?
[00:02] <[reed]> well, there's #firefox that has a useful helper base
[00:02] <[reed]> but if you need to get to a core developer, then #developers is best
[00:03] <[reed]> you can always e-mail me if you have questions and I'm not around
[00:03] <micahg> ok, great, thanks
[00:03] <micahg> asac asked me to subscribe you to a bug
[00:04] <[reed]> what bug?
[00:05] <micahg> mozilla bug 511955
[00:05] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 511955 in Drag and Drop "Incorrect cursor positioning , while using drag and drop" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=511955
[00:06] <[reed]> the absolute best way to get a bug fixed is to find the bug that regressed it
[00:08] * micahg doesn't know how to do that yet
[00:09] <[reed]> then #firefox, #qa, and #developers are your friends
[00:09] <[reed]> :)
[00:09] <[reed]> ok
[00:09] <[reed]> dinner time for me
[00:09] <[reed]> later
[00:09] <micahg> bye and thanks
=== bdrung_ is now known as bdrung
[00:49] <fta> are the tons of "XRemoteClient Error" coming from firefox 3.6/3.7 or from something else in karmic?
[00:52] <BUGabundo> humm
[00:52] <BUGabundo> e get a bunch of X something
[00:52] <BUGabundo> not sure that's it
[00:58] <fta> [reed], ^^
[01:03] <BUGabundo> [reed]: FYI my Fullscreen bug is still present on todays daily build
[01:03] <BUGabundo> night
[02:22] <smeea> hello guys, i'm pleasure of using your nightly builds of firefox3.7 .deb's and i want to know about recent changes like bugfixes, new features and other improvements in firefox3.7 branch. is there any RSS-feed or whatever for this?
[02:23] <smeea> or i should ask for this in #mozilla?
[02:23] <micahg> smeea: you can look at mozilla central
[02:23] <micahg> changelogs for the nightly builds
[02:23] <micahg> *we do not keep
[02:23] <micahg> *or have
[02:24] <micahg> smeea: http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/
[02:24] <micahg> I believe they have a feed at the bottom of the page
[02:26] <smeea> micahg: tnx
[02:56] <LLStarks> fta, has asac been messing with fontconfig recently?
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[11:01] <fta> LLStarks, i don't think so, (he's on holidays), but check changelogs
[11:55] <gnomefreak> its way to early to compile drivers :(
[12:08] <gnomefreak> anyone here know anything about setting up lexmark all-in-one. it seems we still dont support lexmark for some damn reason
[13:08] <gnomefreak> eagles0513875: do you know how to set up virtualbox by chance?
[13:08] <eagles0513875> what u need vbox to do
[13:09] <gnomefreak> eagles0513875: use scanning/printing
[13:10] <eagles0513875> hold on
[13:10] <eagles0513875> never really did anything of the sort
[13:10] <gnomefreak> eagles0513875: im looking at the wiki atm
[13:10] <eagles0513875> gnomefreak: if need be there is #vbox
[13:10] <eagles0513875> channel
[13:14] <gnomefreak> cant run it not enough memory it seems
[13:14] <eagles0513875> gnomefreak: what you trying to run kubuntu vm
[13:15] * gnomefreak getting more nad more pissed off
[13:15] <gnomefreak> eagles0513875: windows
[13:15] <eagles0513875> bleh windows
[13:15] <gnomefreak> thats the only way to use scanning
[13:15] <eagles0513875> O_O cant you do a lil hacking at it
[13:15] <gnomefreak> lexmark support for linu sucks badly
[13:16] <gnomefreak> not really they only give you the .exe no source package
[13:16] <eagles0513875> i wonder if you can take apart the exe
[13:16] <eagles0513875> ndiswrapper is only for wifi stuff right
[13:16] <eagles0513875> anyway im off to lunch
[13:17] <gnomefreak> nope ndis.. is for wifi drivers
[13:28] <armin76> [reed]: pong
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[14:29] <rickspencer3> hey guyses
[14:30] <rickspencer3> I assume that the Japanese build of Firefox has localized links in the Mozilla Firefox folder in bookmarks (point to Japanese instead of English pages)
[14:30] <rickspencer3> could anyone confirm that for me?
[14:42] <armin76> [reed]: saw your mail, i'll answer
=== bdrung_ is now known as bdrung
[16:15] <armin76> [reed]: ping
[16:44] <gnomefreak> there its fixed damnit now i just need ink
[18:31] <[reed]> armin76: pong
[18:54] <armin76> [reed]: that thing can be more than one person?
[18:55] <[reed]> armin76: yes, I'd say 2-3 at the max... just the core people involved
[19:27] <[reed]> anybody know when asac will be back?
[19:31] <micahg> [reed]: next week
[19:32] <[reed]> k
[20:21] <sveinung> andv: hello
[20:21] <sveinung> I noticed that mozilla-devscripts v 15 now are in Debian
[20:22] <bdrung> sveinung: yes (the lintian fix release :)
[20:23] <sveinung> so have you found any new problems with it or is it OK to upload?
[20:23] <sveinung> (by it, I mean all-in-one-sidebar)
[20:25] <sveinung> bdrung: Thats the one :)
[20:28] <andv> sveinung, hi
[20:28] <andv> sveinung, I need to add something to the branch tomorrow then it's ready
[20:29] <sveinung> andv: Ok, thank you
[20:29] <andv> sveinung, for the first upload we need asac
[20:29] <andv> then I can sponsor you
[20:29] <andv> myself
[20:30] <andv> unfortunately asac forgot to upload all-in-one before leaving for vacations
[20:30] <andv> and he pushed mozilla-devscripts only
[20:30] <andv> anyway he'll be back in around 6-7 days
[20:31] <sveinung> andv: OK
[20:31] <andv> so we just have to wait some days
[21:02] <jcastro> fta: did one of the chromium guys respond to you? I've got nothing so far
[21:02] <fta> jcastro, nope
[21:15] <BUGabundo> boas
[21:36] <BUGabundo> fta ping
[21:36] <BUGabundo> fta can you enlight me on the last comment ? https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=502133
[21:36] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 502133 in Widget "F11 no longer leaves fullscreen mode" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]
[21:37] <fta> BUGabundo, it's a robot
[21:38] <BUGabundo> an automated post?
[21:38] <fta> i mean, he closed all the bugs with a script, i've got bugmails for other bugs with the same message
[21:38] <BUGabundo> ok
[21:38] <BUGabundo> thanks
[21:39] <BUGabundo> so I need to test with todays or tomorrow daily
[21:39] <BUGabundo> and reopen if not fixed :(
[21:39] <BUGabundo> twitter just did the same thing to me : http://post.ly/2unm
[21:39] <BUGabundo> and got something like 8 spam bots on my µblog accounts
[21:39] <BUGabundo> what's up with *today*? is it bot day?
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg