UbuntuIRC / 2009 /01 /03 /#ubuntu-motu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Laney> OK, maybe I'll do that. The reason I need it is because we want to install the examples on Debian but not have them built
[00:02] <directhex> Laney, check out my epic new debian/copyright for ikvm
[00:02] <Laney> directhex: svn?
[00:03] <murrayc_> Laney: I can't find anything saying that the encoding line is deprecated.
[00:03] <murrayc_> Laney: Nothing offica
[00:03] <murrayc_> Laney: Nothing official, I mean.
[00:03] <Laney> murrayc_: let me see, it was just lintian that told me
[00:04] <Laney> murrayc_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/98635/
[00:05] <murrayc_> Laney: It's OK. I found it: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/1.0/apc.html
[00:05] <Laney> that's the one
[00:05] <murrayc_> Laney: It was just that that standard didn't mention the deprecation elsewhere when mentioning the key.
[00:06] <directhex> Laney, of course svn!
[00:06] <Laney> directhex: I like the "Not bloody stated" license - think I'll start using that
[00:07] <directhex> Laney, i've mailed the original debianizer to ask him what he actually wanted to use
[00:07] <directhex> Laney, personally i'm all for WTFPL
[00:07] <Laney> tell him I won't fix his podsleuth bug if he doesn't reply
[00:07] <Laney> and then I'll set fire to his iPod
[00:07] <directhex> ehm... it's the same guy?
[00:08] <Laney> john goerzen right?
[00:08] <directhex> why, yes!
[00:09] <directhex> what a small world
[00:09] <Laney> leverage!
[00:13] <directhex> hm. do i want to play gears of war, with its chainsaw bayonets, or rock band, with its far more deadly six-stringed axe play?
[00:44] <crimsun> geez, 200 MB of build-dependencies just to generate a debdiff.
[00:45] <crimsun> if it weren't for RAOF's bug, i wouldn't even have to touch texmacs!
[00:49] <NCommander> hey directhex
[00:59] <directhex> hm?
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[05:31] <The_Kid123> Hi all, I'm looking to somehow get involved in helping with Ubuntu development. I've used ubuntu heavily since 7.10, but I intermittently used snce 6.06. I don't really know where specificly I'd like to help, but I'm interested in OS components from the command-line down, be it init scripting, installers, or wherever I could be of help. I'm willing to learn what I don't yet know. I'll start being on here more, so hopefully the appropriate person will
[05:32] <bobbo> The_Kid123: hey :)
[05:32] <bobbo> The_Kid123: the best place to start is by reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted
[05:32] <The_Kid123> alright, thanks
[05:33] <bobbo> The_Kid123: also, when you want to get started on some real bugfixing, we have a list of easy to fix bugs for new contributors @ https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize
[05:34] <The_Kid123> great, let me say that i'll be glad to be part of a ubuntu team
[05:35] <bobbo> we'll be glad to have you, we are always looking out for new contributors
[05:38] <The_Kid123> if I check a package, would I want to start looking for fixes in the deloper's most recent version, or stick with the version ubuntu uses?
[05:42] <bobbo> The_Kid123: you want to be looking at the latest version of the package
[05:42] <bobbo> the easiest way is to replace the deb-src lines in /etc/apt/sources.list with the current development version
[05:43] <bobbo> then you can apt-get source <packagename> to get the packages source
[05:43] <The_Kid123> alright
[05:43] <The_Kid123> thanks
[05:43] <The_Kid123> peace, everyone, esp u bobbo, I'm retiring
[05:43] <nhandler> bobbo: They can also use the pull-lp-source script from ubuntu-dev-tools
[05:44] <bobbo> nhandler: oh, didn't know that existed
[05:44] * bobbo goes to look
[05:45] <nhandler> There is also a pull-debian-source script
[06:15] <lidaobing> help review: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=fqterm
[06:15] <lidaobing> thanks
[07:20] <lidaobing> help review: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=ibus-table, thanks
[07:23] <lidaobing> I got an error when archive: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/?archive=3889, error infomation in http://paste.ubuntu.com/98827/
[07:48] <wikz> Hi, I uploaded my package with the ppa versioning and changelog which I shouldn't have. How do I rectify it ?
[07:53] <Hobbsee> to where?
[07:53] <wikz> revu
[07:54] <Hobbsee> just upload another one, and it'll overwrite it
[07:54] <Hobbsee> iirc
[07:54] <wikz> Hobbsee: cool thanks
[07:57] <rexbron> If any motu's have a spare moment to review my package I would greatly appreciate it. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=libffado
[10:14] <mib_f6bol3ak> hi
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[10:16] <shankhs> hi
[10:32] <tuxmaniac> it would be great to see someone review gresistor for Jaunty again. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gresistor
[10:32] <tuxmaniac> thanks in advance
[10:43] <hanska> woot, my first sync request :)
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[11:25] <shankhs> hi
[12:28] <tacone> i am getting this on a pdebuild: Unmet build dependencies: cdbs (>= 0.4.49)
[12:28] <tacone> my pbuilder is an intrepid one, with all repos enabled (cdbs is in the main, btw)
[12:29] <tacone> any help ?
[12:47] <maxb> tacone: How odd. Perhaps if you paste your entire build session on a pastebin, someone might spot something?
[13:20] <vorian> morning
[13:20] <Laney> howdy vorian
[13:21] <vorian> hi Laney, how's things?
[13:21] <Laney> not bad, just updating the copyright file for glom (fun for me!), yourself?
[13:22] <vorian> just starting the day :)
[13:49] <tacone> maxb: oddly, i had to install cdbs on my host system. after that, pbuilder worked.
[13:52] <bddebian> Heya gang
[13:57] <iulian> Hiya bddebian.
[13:59] <bddebian> Hi iulian
[13:59] <bddebian> iulian: I lost my connection, can you shoot me the git-core URL again?
[14:06] <iulian> bddebian: Aye, http://alioth.debian.org/~iulian-guest/git-cola_1.3.4.4-1.dsc
[14:07] <bddebian> Thx
[14:08] <iulian> Thank you.
[14:08] * iulian -> lunch
[14:10] <Laney> sebner: ping?
[14:20] <StevenK> Ah ha. I can't look up thc.emanuele-gentili.com because the domain name has expired.
[14:20] * Laney squats it
[14:21] <StevenK> It isn't mine, it's emgent's
[14:21] * Laney nods
[14:21] * Laney knows who to extort
[14:21] <StevenK> Hehe
[14:22] <Laney> Expiration Date: 01-dec-2008
[14:23] <StevenK> Oh, so he's had a month
[14:24] <bddebian> iulian: Uploaded
[14:25] <iulian> bddebian: Thanks again.
[14:25] <bddebian> No, thank YOU :)
[14:25] <bddebian> Now I'm off to my daughters gymnastics, later folks
[14:26] <iulian> Have fun.
[14:39] <quadrispro> hi bobbo!
[14:48] <quadrispro> anyone on bug #311114 ?
[14:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 311114 in ikiwiki "Please merge ikiwiki 3.00 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/311114
[14:58] <iulian> quadrispro: You obviously forgot to mention the bug number in the changelog.
[14:59] <quadrispro> iulian: done
[15:00] <james_w> quadrispro: has the issue been forwarded to Debian?
[15:01] <quadrispro> no, because that issue is due to Ubuntu policy
[15:05] <quadrispro> and there's this bug too -> bug #313477
[15:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 313477 in cmus "Please merge cmus 2.2.0-3 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/313477
[15:48] <CarlFK> I am trying to add a patch to a package that has no patches. can I use debhelper.mk / simple-patchsys.mk if the existing debian/rules doesn't?
[15:48] <CarlFK> http://dpaste.com/104893/ debian/rules
[15:48] <CarlFK> debian/rules:40: *** target file `clean' has both : and :: entries. Stop.
[15:48] <jorgenpt> Is it OK to submit others' debian packages to REVU? What's the equivilant to REVU for sid?
[15:49] <Laney> jorgenpt: mentors.debian.net
[15:49] <Laney> debian-mentors mailing list/irc chan
[15:50] <jorgenpt> And what about the former question?
[15:50] <Laney> probably "it depends"
[15:51] <Laney> why do you want to?
[15:54] <jorgenpt> Because I want the software to appear in Ubuntu
[15:54] <iulian> New packages which are uploaded to Debian will be automatically copied to Ubuntu.
[15:54] <jorgenpt> And the guy who made it hasn't got any big intentions to submit it to neither a debian mentor nor REVU.
[15:57] <Laney> you should probably ask if he minds
[16:01] <james_w> CarlFK: you can't mix CDBS and non-CDBS in debian/rules
[16:01] <CarlFK> james_w: that's what I figured. thanks
[16:05] <Laney> CarlFK: Quilt provides quilt.make which you can use very easily though
[16:09] <CarlFK> Laney: will it be any use if there is only one patch?
[16:09] <Laney> you should use a patchsys anyway
[16:10] <CarlFK> quilt is a patchsys?
[16:10] <Laney> yes
[16:14] <CarlFK> Laney: have a howto url?
[16:14] <CarlFK> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/Quilt
[16:14] <Laney> huh
[16:14] <Laney> that's not a very good howto
[16:14] <Laney> http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/howto/quilt.html
[16:17] <lfaraone> Hi, how do I get ubuntu's dch to behave exactly like the debian version? (no "intrepid", no "0.1-1ubuntu1", etc)
[16:19] <Laney> lfaraone: You'll want to remove the Ubuntu modifications to debchange in the devscripts package
[16:21] <lfaraone> Laney: there isn't simply a --config-option? :(
[16:21] <Laney> I don't think so :(
[16:21] * lfaraone is developing packages for Debian on Ubuntu, and finds it difficult.
[16:21] <lfaraone> (PbuilderHowTo doesn't explain how to use a different OS in chroot,e tc)
[16:22] * coppro pokes the MOTUs with the REVU button
[16:22] <Laney> pbuilder-dist makes having sid chroots easy
[16:23] <lfaraone> Laney: ah...
[16:23] <Laney> ln -s /path/to/pbuilder-dist pbuilder-sid
[16:23] <Laney> pbuilder-sid create; pbuilder-sid build foo.dsc
[16:23] <Laney> easy!
[16:40] <ScottK> lfaraone: Speaking for myself, someone adding a flag to get Debian standard operations to dch would be quite welcome.
[16:40] <CarlFK> Laney: I messed up by creating ~.quiltrc in my package dir (vim ~.quiltrc opps) - so now I have .pc/ in my package dir. I moved .quiltrc to ~ ( cat /home/carl/.quiltrc; export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches) what do I do with .pc ?
[16:40] <Laney> delete it
[16:41] <lfaraone> ScottK: what's devscripts written in again? /me might scratch that itch
[16:42] <ScottK> lfaraone: I don't recall what debchange is written in. It might be python. Not all the scripts are in the same languate. I know some are shell, python, and perl.
[16:43] <lfaraone> If it's python, I'll put it on my TODO list.
[16:45] <CarlFK> Laney: current rules has "build-stamp: configure-stamp" - do I replace configure-stamp with $(QUILT_STAMPFN) ?
[16:46] <Laney> CarlFK: No, add it
[16:47] <Laney> CarlFK: It's probably better to put it before configure: though
[16:47] <Laney> s/before/after.
[16:47] <Laney> /
[16:47] <blueyed> lfaraone: dch is perl
[16:47] <CarlFK> this? build-stamp: $(QUILT_STAMPFN) configure-stamp
[16:48] <CarlFK> er, your before/afger lost me ... :)
[16:48] <CarlFK> this: build-stamp: configure-stamp $(QUILT_STAMPFN)
[16:49] <Laney> I mean
[16:50] <Laney> leave build-stamp how it is
[16:50] <Laney> and make configure-stamp depend on $(QUILT_STAMPFN_
[16:50] <CarlFK> ah...
[16:51] <Laney> erm, not configure-stamp, configure
[16:52] <Laney> I can do things but not tell people about them...
[16:52] <CarlFK> this? configure: $(QUILT_STAMPFN)
[16:53] <Laney> yep
[16:53] <CarlFK> yay.
[16:53] <Laney> then it'll apply the patches before configuring
[16:53] <CarlFK> I used to know how to make makefiles...
[16:53] <lfaraone> doko__: oh, *cries*.
[16:53] <Laney> look in quilt.make, it's quite easy to understand
[16:53] <lfaraone> doko__: oops, wrong nick.
[16:53] <lfaraone> blueyed: bah, I'll have to rewrite it in python now :)
[16:54] <CarlFK> but that's been well over 5 years. I know the point, but forget the syntax
[16:58] <CarlFK> https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA says "For example: you're creating an experimental version of the myapp_1.0-1 package. Your PPA package would be named myapp_1.0-2~ppa1. "
[16:59] <CarlFK> so I bump the -1 to -2, and add ~ppa1?
[16:59] <Adri2000> lfaraone: anyway, you should probably file a bug so that your idea is not forgotten, and if you don't fix it, someone else will eventually do :)
[16:59] <CarlFK> the bump seems odd
[16:59] <Laney> yeah don't do that
[16:59] <Laney> oh, I see
[17:00] <Laney> "If you're creating an alternative version of a package already available in Ubuntu's repositories"
[17:00] <nhandler> The ~ iirc is lower than the -2
[17:00] <Laney> it depends what you're doing
[17:00] <nhandler> So if a 1.0-2 is released in Ubuntu, it will replace your version
[17:00] <Laney> Why don't they use +?
[17:00] <CarlFK> applying a patch
[17:00] <Laney> 1.0-1+ppa1
[17:00] <nhandler> Laney: Because that isn't always accurate
[17:01] <nhandler> Most of the time, you are testing out a package before it is uploaded to Ubuntu
[17:01] <Laney> that's not the case I'm talking about
[17:01] <nhandler> As a result, it will already have a bumped version. You just need the ~ppa1 so that it gets replaced when uploaded in Ubuntu
[17:01] <Laney> I'm talking about the case the lp wiki discusses
[17:01] <Laney> when you're trying to patch a Ubuntu version
[17:02] <nhandler> when you patch a bug in an Ubuntu version, you still bump the version
[17:02] <nhandler> Although the wiki isn't mentioning the -Xubuntuy part in the version
[17:02] <Laney> I don't see why
[17:03] <nhandler> Laney: Pretty much, you take what ever version the package would have if it were to be uploaded to Ubuntu right then and there. You then add ~ppa1
[17:03] <Laney> But this is for some random personal patch that isn't intended for Ubuntu
[17:04] <Laney> 1.0-1+ppa1 says "I've taken 1.0-1 and added something to it"
[17:04] <nhandler> Well, then it really doesn't matter then what he does
[17:04] <nhandler> He could completely change the version and it wouldn't matter
[17:05] <Laney> you still want to retain a sane upgrade path
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[17:07] <nhandler> Laney: Well, all I am saying is that it is up to him for what the version should be. Depending on the patch, he might not want an X.Y-Z~ppa1, because then X.Y-Z would replace it. There are ways to make his version greater than X.Y-Z so that if that version makes it into the repositories, his version will have a higher version number, so it won't be replaced. It all depends on what the patch does.
[17:09] <Laney> of course. I was just proposing an almost-equivalent-but-in-my-opnion-clearer alternative
[17:11] <nhandler> Ok, for me, the +ppa1 isn't any clearer than ~ppa1. But in the end, it is the package creator's decision
[17:11] <CarlFK> I am assuming my patch will be applied to the next version ubuntu releases
[17:12] <nhandler> CarlFK: Then I would use (version of next ubuntu release)~ppa1. That way, the next ubuntu release will replace your pacakge
[17:12] <Laney> yep, this is the right use-case for that
[17:12] <CarlFK> current is https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/python-poppler/0.8.1-1 so I am going with 0.8.1-2~ppa1
[17:13] <Laney> no, -1ubuntu1
[17:13] <Laney> unless you're going for an update in Debian
[17:13] <nhandler> Laney: If we have -1 in Ubuntu, it means we synced the package
[17:13] <Laney> yes, but we won't do if his patch gets in
[17:13] <Laney> then it'll be 1ubuntu1
[17:14] <nhandler> He should submit the patch to Debian then
[17:14] <lfaraone> Adri2000: care to "confirm" https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devscripts/+bug/313508 ?
[17:14] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 313508 in devscripts "dch should have an option to disable Ubuntu modifications" [Undecided,New]
[17:14] <nhandler> We don't want to create a delta unless it is really needed
[17:15] <CarlFK> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-poppler/+bug/312462 should I add debian to the "Also affects distribution" ?
[17:15] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 312462 in web2conf "document_new_from_data() arg1 must be without null bytes" [Medium,In progress]
[17:16] <CarlFK> web2conf is the code I was working on that is being blocked by the bug in pythyon-poppler
[17:17] <nhandler> Did you send your patch to python-poppler already?
[17:17] <CarlFK> yes
[17:17] <Laney> CarlFK: An upstream review would be nice
[17:17] <nhandler> And did they acknowledge it?
[17:18] <CarlFK> sort of: ali: CarlFK: it looks quite reasonable, but gmt is mostly maintaining that package, so I should check with him first
[17:18] <jorgenpt> So is it still possible to submit for Jaunty?
[17:19] <nhandler> jorgenpt: Yes
[17:19] <nhandler> CarlFK: If you do submit the patch to Debian, add a bug watch to the LP bug. But be sure to mention in the Debian bug that you also sent the patch upstream
[17:20] <Laney> (bts forwarded bugnumber url)
[17:21] <CarlFK> nhandler: im guessing as long as it gets fixed in trunk soon, the debian stuff isn't worth the effort
[17:21] <lfaraone> How do I run a diff between https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devscripts/2.10.26ubuntu4 and https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devscripts/2.10.26ubuntu3 ?
[17:22] <CarlFK> http://dpaste.com/104923/ W: python-poppler source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 0.8.1-2~ppa1
[17:22] <CarlFK> and W: python-poppler source: patch-system-but-direct-changes-in-diff poppler.defs
[17:22] <CarlFK> should I care about those?
[17:22] <nhandler> CarlFK: The second one you should fix
[17:22] <nhandler> Did you modify a file in the source?
[17:23] <nhandler> And quick question, w32codecs is only available from the medibuntu repositories, correct?
[17:23] <CarlFK> nhandler: yeah, followed http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/howto/quilt.html
[17:23] <CarlFK> I was wondering about that...
[17:24] <nhandler> So you used a quilt patch to modify poppler.defs?
[17:25] <CarlFK> quilt edit
[17:25] <CarlFK> guessing I want to do quilt pop
[17:25] <nhandler> Did you do a quilt new first?
[17:25] <CarlFK> Patch poppler.defs.diff is not applied - guessing I want to start over :)
[17:26] <CarlFK> yes
[17:26] <nhandler> Yeah, you probably didn't create the patch correct.
[17:26] <CarlFK> redoing it from scratch will probalby be easier than trying to fix my mess
[17:26] <nhandler> CarlFK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems
[17:27] <nhandler> They have a section on quilt there
[17:27] <nhandler> But could someone just confirm that w32codecs is only in the medibuntu repo?
[17:34] <CarlFK> nhandler: does this count: http://www.debian-multimedia.org/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/package/w32codecs.php
[17:35] <nhandler> CarlFK: I was just trying to verify that the package is not in the official Ubuntu repositories. debian-multimedia isn't an official Debian repository, so that is fine
[17:39] <CarlFK> nhandler: mplayer has /usr/share/doc/mplayer/examples/install-w32codecs.sh.gz
[17:40] <nhandler> CarlFK: That is ok. I was just reviewing a package that had a Depends on w32codecs. But since that isn't a package in the official repositories, it needs to be changed
[17:41] <CarlFK> seems correct
[17:43] <Adri2000> lfaraone: done
[17:44] <nhandler> And did the .desktop file policy change? I thought that icons in /usr/share/pixmaps were not meant to include a path or extension, and only have the filename
[17:45] <Laney> the icons themselves do, but the desktopfile doesn't give the extension
[17:46] <nhandler> Let me restate that last comment, should the .desktop file say "Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/Icon.png" or just "Icon=Icon"? There is a /usr/share/Icon.png file
[17:47] <Laney> the latter
[17:47] <CarlFK> http://dpaste.com/104930/ everything look ok?
[17:48] <Laney> nhandler: Does desktop-file-validate not complain?
[17:48] <nhandler> Right, it isn't complaining. I thought it used to. Did it get changed?
[17:48] * Laney shrugs
[17:49] <nhandler> Well, time to look at the source
[17:50] <jorgenpt> I posted a new and updated package to REVU for http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=bpython
[17:52] <CarlFK> is there a lag between uploading to ppa ( http://dpaste.com/104932/ ) and it showing up on https://edge.launchpad.net/~carl-personnelware/+archive
[17:53] <nhandler> CarlFK: That is normal
[17:53] <nhandler> It needs to build
[17:53] <nhandler> And be accepted
[17:53] <nhandler> Laney: In the NEWS file, it says "make the extension check for Icon key a warning instead of an error for now
[17:53] <nhandler> Time to figure out why I am not getting a warning
[17:53] <CarlFK> what is "be accepted" ? (does a human have to do something?)
[17:55] <nhandler> CarlFK: No. It is automated. You'll get an email. Then it will start building
[17:57] <lfaraone> Adri2000: thanks
[17:57] <lfaraone> Now if I only had a clue how to get a diff between two package versions in LP that I cannot fidn anywhere.
[18:01] <nhandler> lfaraone: Are they two subsequent versions?
[18:02] <nhandler> And I found out why I am not getting a warning about the extension. It doesn't show that warning if an absolute path is used. Now to figure out why I am not getting a warning/error about an absolute path for an icon in /usr/share/pixmaps
[18:07] <lfaraone> nhandler: yes
[18:07] <nhandler> Yes what?
[18:09] <vorian> yes sir!
[18:09] <nhandler> :D
[18:10] <lfaraone> nhandler: yes, they are subsiquent versions.
[18:12] <nhandler> lfaraone: You will want to download the two source packages and then use debdiff
[18:17] <james_w> "bzr diff -rpackage:2.10.26ubuntu3..package:2.10.26ubuntu4 http://package-import.ubuntu.com/d/devscripts/jaunty" would also work
[18:18] <jorgenpt> james_w: Oh, hey, you're the one that's a subscriber on my bpython package? :-p
[18:19] <nhandler> james_w: Would you happen to have any idea why desktop-file-validate does not complain about using an absolute path for an icon in /usr/share/pixmaps?
[18:19] <james_w> nhandler: I thought that was a valid thing to do
[18:20] <james_w> well, an absolute path at least, checking whether the absolute path is in /usr/share/pixmaps would be possible, but seems like overkill.
[18:20] <nhandler> james_w: I thought you were only meant to use the Icon name, no extension or path if it was in /usr/share/pixmaps. I also thought desktop-file-validate used to complain about it
[18:21] <james_w> jorgenpt: how does it compare to ipython?
[18:23] <jorgenpt> It's similar, but I prefer bpython over ipython. It has neat stuff like argument inspection and inline syntax hilighting
[18:26] <jorgenpt> (and saving history to file, posting to pastebin, and other random features)
[18:28] <lfaraone> How do I tell debdiff to give me colored diffs?
[18:53] <lfaraone> ScottK: ok, I've added that option, do you want a patch or simply a debdiff? (and should I submit to debian's BTS as well as LP?)
[18:53] <lfaraone> ScottK: ("--debian")
[18:58] <Adri2000> lfaraone: no, don't send that patch to debian, it's only useful to ubuntu
[18:58] <lfaraone> Adri2000: debian however has ubuntu-stuff in it.
[18:58] <Adri2000> in dch ?
[18:58] <lfaraone> Adri2000: (debian's package has the "check if this is ubuntu or debian" subroutine)
[18:58] <lfaraone> Adri2000: Yeah. I was amazed too.
[18:59] <lfaraone> Adri2000: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/devscripts/devscripts_2.10.43.tar.gz and look in debchange.pl for "ubuntu"
[18:59] <CarlFK> what is the distro spozed to be? (I want it to be installed on intrepid) E: python-poppler_0.8.1-2~ppa1_source.changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file intrepid
[18:59] <lfaraone> CarlFK: what are you running?
[19:00] <lfaraone> Adri2000: or better yet grep http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/d/devscripts/devscripts_2.10.43/changelog
[19:00] <CarlFK> lfaraone: intrepid on the box I built on
[19:00] <james_w> making it so you could use Ubuntu conventions on Debian might be useful
[19:00] <james_w> then it could be forwarded as well, with just the default changed for Ubuntu
[19:00] <lfaraone> james_w: ah...
[19:03] <CarlFK> lfaraone: but the package isn't avaible until jaunty, so I dget it, patched, left distro=unstable built. that was OK, but dput... got a reject letter: Unable to find distroseries: unstable
[19:03] <lfaraone> james_w: now that I look, tehre arlready is that option, heh
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[19:20] <MaduserTr> Is there a Document where I can see the changes between Standards Version 3.7.3 and 3.8.0?
[19:21] <nhandler> MaduserTr: Try http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2008/06/msg00001.html
[19:22] <MaduserTr> nhandler: thanks
[19:22] <DktrKranz> MaduserTr: alternatively, you could browse git repository (http://git.debian.org/?p=dbnpolicy/policy.git;a=shortlog) to see full changes
[19:22] <nhandler> You're welcome MaduserTr
[19:27] <MaduserTr> I try to pack wine-doors, but now I see this http://www.wine-doors.org/trac/browser/wine-doors/branches/0.2/COPYRIGHT
[19:28] <MaduserTr> Thinks this is no real GPL2?
[19:34] <tuxmaniac> it would be great to see someone review gresistor for Jaunty again. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gresistor
[19:34] <Elbrus> MaduserTr: /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt
[19:34] <MaduserTr> thanks
[19:35] <MaduserTr> but which package is this?
[19:39] <skorasaurus> hi, how should I request a package for jaunty to be updated ?
[19:39] <Adri2000> skorasaurus: you mean, to a new upstream version?
[19:40] <pochu> Laney: your current debdiff in u-u-s will need to go through binary NEW, but you probably don't want that...
[19:40] <Adri2000> MaduserTr: debian-policy
[19:41] <skorasaurus> Adri2000, yes.
[19:42] <Adri2000> skorasaurus: file a bug (if there isn't one already) and tag it 'upgrade'
[19:43] <pochu> Laney: the goocanvasmm one
[19:43] <MaduserTr> MaduserTr: thanks
[19:43] <MaduserTr> Adri2000: thanks
[19:44] <skorasaurus> Adri2000, there already is :/
[19:45] <Adri2000> skorasaurus: then do it yourself :)
[19:45] <skorasaurus> i'm unclear on why the upstream dev in debian is hesitant to package it.... http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=497897
[19:45] <ubottu> Debian bug 497897 in jabref "jabref: please upgrade to Jabref-2.4" [Wishlist,Open]
[19:45] <skorasaurus> jaunty, at least, already has the 3 packages available
[19:46] <skorasaurus> so, why wouldn't debian, upstream ?
[19:46] <skorasaurus> Adri2000, i'm learning how :p
[19:47] <Adri2000> it's possible that the libraries have been packaged and uploaded to ubuntu, but not to debian
[19:51] <blueyed> siretart: the cdrecord package from the ubuntu-burning PPA does not include a cdrecord binary?!
[19:52] * blueyed is having problems with erasing CDRWs using cdrkit/wodim.. :/
[20:19] <skorasaurus> hi, should I build a package, using the developer's debian package, or directly from source ? (the package is not in the debian repository)
[20:35] <NCommander> blueyed, does it have wodim?
[20:35] <NCommander> the cdrecord command was changed awhile back
[20:41] <maxb> skorasaurus: You mean the upstream already ships a debian/ directory in the source?
[20:44] <skorasaurus> maxb, nope,
[20:44] <skorasaurus> they have a debian package on the developer's website.
[20:44] <skorasaurus> maxb, its not packaged within the debian repositories, its a .deb
[20:45] <maxb> Well a .deb is a binary package so is not something you can use to build a package
[20:46] <maxb> Does upstream provide a .dsc / .diff.gz ?
[20:46] <skorasaurus> within the deb, is the control file, i see.
[20:47] <skorasaurus> maxb, no.
[20:47] <maxb> "control file" is a generic term that can refer to several different kinds of file. Which one precisely do you mean?
[20:48] <CarlFK> skorasaurus: post the url of "on the developer's website."
[20:48] <skorasaurus> CarlFK, http://gens.sourceforge.net/
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
[20:51] <CarlFK> skorasaurus: I see no .debs
[20:52] <maxb> skorasaurus: I see a .deb, but it does not appear that the developers have published the means to make the .deb from source
[20:52] <CarlFK> found one
[20:52] <maxb> Since upstream hasn't published their source packaging, your choice is no choice at all!
[20:54] <directhex> blueyed, cdrecord is non-free, so isn't included in the standard repo
[20:55] <CarlFK> skorasaurus: ask the author to check in the debian/ dir to http://gens.cvs.sourceforge.net/gens/
[20:55] <directhex> oh, gens. it's a real bugger to build properly
[20:55] <CarlFK> I am kinda surprised it isn't already there
[20:56] <maxb> Is that necessarily a good idea? I thought there was a slight preference for upstream not to ship debian/ dirs
[20:56] <CarlFK> well, 'someone' should have them
[20:57] <blueyed> directhex: /me knows, but apparently cdrkit has broken cdrw-recording for me... :/
[20:57] <CarlFK> if upstream is the only place they exist, i don't see any harm making them available
[21:58] <ScottK> lfaraone: File a bug in LP and subscribe u-m-s. I'd suggest something more like a --distro debian/--distro ubuntu flag so that it's just a question of which option is the default.
[22:04] <lfaraone> ScottK: uh, turns out that there already is such an option, it's just undocumented :/
[22:04] <lfaraone> ScottK: ("--distributor")
[22:04] <ScottK> lfaraone: Interesting.
[22:05] <lfaraone> ScottK: however it still will put "intrepid" into the dist bit
[22:05] <ScottK> Sounds like some patching is in order then.
[22:10] <maxb> lfaraone: Doesn't it default the dist to whatever was in the previous changelog entry?
[22:10] <maxb> Certainly I've had no problems since I started aliasing dch to 'dch --distributor not-ubuntu'
[22:13] <lfaraone> maxb: nope, it doesn't (afacit)
[23:58] <serialorder> question: I have a package that I want to replace the pt.po file with pt_PT.po there is also a pt.gmo file. There is a quilt patch system. I am wondering what the best way to go replacing the file would be