UbuntuIRC / 2008 /12 /23 /#ubuntu-server.txt
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[00:05] <eolo999> other topic that annoys me is preseeding... compared to kickstart it seems a mess....
[00:14] <eolo999> thanks to all.
[00:24] <Swiateckix> Can anyone find the error http://www.swiatechs.com/dmesg2.txt ? :)
=== slim is now known as anfangs
[04:52] <ad|rig> install issue: after a botched Knoppix HD install, I decided to install Ubuntu as a server...now, I am at the Ubuntu install disk format where it has been at 100% for at least 45 minutes now
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
[05:43] <twb> On my Debian servers, I can cherry-pick safely from stable+1 adding the following line to /etc/apt/apt.conf:
[05:43] <twb> APT::Default-Release "testing";
[05:43] <twb> Ubuntu doesn't have stable/testing/unstable aliases. Will this DTRT if I set it to "hardy" ?
[05:55] <twb> Hmm, http://elliotli.blogspot.com/2008/11/dont-use-aptdefault-release-in-ubuntu.html
=== luke_ is now known as lukehasnoname
[09:22] <uvirtbot> New bug: #310845 in php5 (main) "php5 serialize() function corrupt strings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/310845
[10:30] <Gargoyle> mornin'
[12:09] <eolo999> hi, i'm trying to create a preseed config file but i'd like to use apt-cacher-ng to serve packages...someone can give me an example config?
[12:13] <eolo999> i use an 'ubuntu-minimal' CdRom so I download all the packages from the network and apt-cacher is a must...
[12:17] <_ruben> if apt-cacher-ng publishes its cache using nfs/http/ftp then you can point to its url in the preseed file just fine
[12:17] <_ruben> never used such methods though, got my own full local mirror (full, as in all the archs/dists i need)
[12:34] <eolo999> _ruben: so d-i mirror/http/proxy string should be enough?
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
[14:09] <Celephais> Hi, how can i decide which name assign to network interface?
[14:11] <Gargoyle> Celephais: Start with eth0 and count upwards
[14:12] <Celephais> Gargoyle, sorry for my poor english, i mean how can i decide which net interface is eth0, which is eth1, ecc
[14:13] <Gargoyle> Celephais: You mean physically?
[14:13] <Celephais> Gargoyle, yes, as an example i hace a 3com 100Mbit which now is eth1, put i want to nome it eth0
[14:13] <maswan> Celephais: /etc/iftab perhaps?
[14:14] <Celephais> maswan, the file doesnt exists
[14:15] <Celephais> ops sorry fro grammatical error
[14:15] <Celephais> for
[14:15] <Celephais> i mean i have a 3com 100Mbit which is eth1 and i want to name it eth0
[14:17] <maswan> ah, iftab used to be how you did it. these days it is some kind of arcane stuff in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
[14:17] <Celephais> ok thanks
[14:32] <Faust-C> morning
[14:40] <ghaleb_> hello, I'm trying to configure libnss-ldap to authenticate via ldap, I apt-get install libnss-ldap but can't find /etc/libnss-ldap.conf !!
[14:40] <Faust-C> ghaleb_: probably have to manually create it
[14:41] <Faust-C> ghaleb_: if in doubt do 'dpkg -L <pkg name> | more' and look for it
[14:41] <ghaleb_> Faust-C, thanks
[14:41] <Faust-C> yw
[14:42] <ghaleb_> Faust-C, it's not listed
[14:44] <Faust-C> ghaleb_: looks like youll have to manually configure it
[14:44] <ghaleb_> Faust-C, aha .. thanks very much .. I will look for template
[14:45] <ghaleb_> example*
[14:45] <Faust-C> heh yw, and good luck
[14:46] <ghaleb_> Faust-C, is it that simple!! http://home.subnet.at/~max/ldap/libnss-ldap.conf_no-ssl
[14:47] <Faust-C> ghaleb_: yeah but idk if i would not use ssl for ldap
[14:47] <Faust-C> but thats just me
[14:48] <ghaleb_> yeah .. I don't want ssl for now
[14:48] <Faust-C> well then go for it!
[14:48] <ghaleb_> okay thanks again
[14:59] <mhz> moin all
[15:00] <mhz> I have been googling around for a couple of minutes (about 15 minutes) and still can't find good info.
[15:00] <mhz> I need to install ubuntu server on a Itanium 64 bit box
[15:00] <mhz> I am not sure just about which flavour to download
[15:01] <mhz> 64-bit specific
[15:01] <mhz> generic x86
[15:01] <mhz> this will be not a testing server but a stable one
[15:01] <mhz> for production purposes
[15:01] <mhz> Any hints?
[15:01] <mhz> (things I should know about, risks, pros, cons, etc)
[15:04] <geekboxjockey> Howdy
[15:05] <geekboxjockey> I am having an issue with Ubuntu 8.04 domUs running on an 8.04 dom0 in Xen, does anyone have experience in this department?
[15:07] <Faust-C> geekboxjockey: you have to be more verbose on your problem
[15:08] <ghaleb_> Faust-C, it's not working, i tried smbldap-usershow <user> it showed, but using 'id <user>' it's not working, I guess something wrong in nsswitch
[15:08] <geekboxjockey> Ok, well I am experiencing locked file issues on group and password files when I try adduser as root on a new domU
[15:09] <geekboxjockey> IE I go to add a user and I cant, sometimes rebooting the VM fixes it but its a consistent problem on new VMs
[15:40] <agampher> alright, so... ive done the hands-on thing with a bunch of different linux distros. ive got somewhat of a grasp on linux and the file structure, how it works, etc. if i wanted to really start delving into how linux works (processes, security, networking, etc), what resource would you consider the best?
[15:41] <agampher> books, sites, whatever, doesnt matter
[15:52] <geekboxjockey> gentoo
[15:53] <geekboxjockey> and setup a toy server and learn to admin that
[15:53] <geekboxjockey> filesharing etc
[16:39] <jmarsden> agampher: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Reading-List-HOWTO/
[16:42] <agampher> jmarsden: thanks, just what i was looking for. most of the books on that list are fairly old, no issues in that regard?
[16:43] <jmarsden> Not really; maybe in security, but I'm not sure what else I'd recommend. Check for newer editions for some of the books... these combined with google are a very solid background IMO.
[16:44] <uvirtbot> New bug: #310941 in samba (main) "Samba crash, no /etc/samba directory, happened without reason, all of sudden, purge / reinstall doesnt work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/310941
[16:44] <jmarsden> The book on the kernel is probably too old now, since I think it deal with 2.4.
[16:45] <agampher> jmarsden: ok, thanks. sometimes googling linux terms is a bit overwhelming :)
[16:46] <jmarsden> Understood. Running Linux and the online guides in the HOWTO should help you quite a bit with that.
[16:46] <yann2> is there any supported tool that allows to create a local apt repository?
[16:46] <yann2> ie an apt-proxy like that would be in main?
[16:46] <agampher> jmarsden: thanks again
[16:47] <jmarsden> No problem
[16:48] <jmarsden> yann2: apt-proxy is in Universe and therefore supported by the MOTUs .. why shun Universe?
[16:51] <yann2> jmarsden > I reporte thjis this morning.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-mirror/+bug/310861 .. shouldnt have happened really :/
[16:51] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 310861 in apt-mirror "APT-proxy fails on single download error" [Undecided,New]
[16:55] <jmarsden> yann2: OK, so the issue is not supportedness, but one particular issue; I'd say fix apt-proxy or wait for others to look at the bug report and (hopefully) fix it, if you are unable to do that. apt-proxy is in Python and is fairly small, so it is probably relatively accessible/readable code.
[16:55] <yann2> jmarsden > so basically I got an apache support case open, but am running an old version of apache for hardy... because I am affected by a bug in a universe package on a separate vm
[16:57] <yann2> jmarsden > well I've had people investigating a bug which in the end may not have been soved because of a bug in universe, on a different server... i would feel better if that error would have come from main :P
[16:59] <yann2> jmarsden > but surely there is something in main that does the same? I mean, its quite a small tool, and probably widely used in enterprise
[17:00] <jmarsden> I think that's not a helpful distinction to make; if you don't trust Universe to be usable, Ubuntu as a whole is IMO pretty limited. I doubt there would be something in main that does that, but I don't have encyclopediac knowledge of main :)
[17:01] <yann2> jmarsden > I am a ubuntu support customer.. I don't want to drop it off completely :) what I need should be in main or have an alternative in main (if I understand the idea correctly)
[17:02] <jmarsden> Then maybe ask Canonical what they recommend for this task?
[17:03] <yann2> yes I thought I would ask here first :P
[17:04] <jmarsden> Here I think most people use Universe when it has what they need in it...? apt-cache search proxy might reveal something you can use?
[17:06] <zicada> greg kroa hartman demands to inform the world that cannical does not give back to the community in that google techtalk on the kernel
[17:06] <zicada> sort of a letdown honestly
[17:07] <zicada> mayhap things have changed since then tho, havent seen any stats
[17:42] <uvirtbot> New bug: #305264 in openldap "gnutls regression: failure in certificate chain validation" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/305264
[17:44] <jdstrand> uvirtbot: that is hardly new...
[17:44] <uvirtbot> jdstrand: Error: "that" is not a valid command.
[17:44] <jdstrand> uvirtbot: :P
[17:44] <uvirtbot> jdstrand: Error: ":P" is not a valid command.
[19:17] <famio> someone with experience mounting samba shares from active directory? i'm having problems regarding uids/gids mapping
[19:39] <agampher> quick question... any caveats with using likewise open? its in the ubuntu server documentation and seems super easy to use.
[19:40] <agampher> like, i joined the domain and authenticated in like 2 minutes
[19:40] <agampher> and mounted a share
=== jmedina is now known as jmedina_grinch
[20:52] <uvirtbot> New bug: #311005 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 102" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/311005
[20:57] <frippz> has anyone else experienced a similar problem to this one (http://pastebin.com/m11e37b8f) when you're trying to create a vm using vmbuilder?
[20:58] <frippz> I'm not really sure what the problem is...
[21:02] <donspaulding> I've just taken the hard drives out of a server that was running 8.10 and put them into an identical machine. Everything booted up fine but it says it doesn't recognize eth0.
[21:03] <donspaulding> is there some script I can run to redetect all the hardware?
[21:05] <jmedina_grinch> donspaulding: look at your /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net
[21:05] <jmedina_grinch> and remove the previous entry from the old adapter
[21:05] <jmedina_grinch> and restart
[21:06] <donspaulding> jmedina_grinch: thanks. would there be other udev files I'd need to remove? or is this typically just an issue with ethernet?
[21:06] <jmedina_grinch> only that
[21:06] <jmedina_grinch> yesterday I changed my hard disck
[21:06] <jmedina_grinch> only removed the line and restarted, and everything is normal
[21:06] <donspaulding> jmedina_grinch: ok, thanks.
[21:07] <jmedina_grinch> is the third time I change the HD
[21:12] <frippz> no one who knows why this is happening? http://pastebin.com/m11e37b8f
[21:13] <frippz> or if someone might be able to help me decipher the error :)
[21:15] <Faust-C_> is this correct
[21:15] <Faust-C_> sec
[21:17] <Faust-C> find . -type file -iname "*.jpg" -exec scp <im lost right here> {} \; -print
[21:17] <Faust-C> i want to find all the jpg's then scp or mv them somewhere else
[21:27] <Faust-C> find . -name "*.jpg" -exec mv {} ../../itdata/lastchance \; -print
[21:27] <Faust-C> maybe that will work
=== luke is now known as lukehasnoname
=== jmedina_grinch is now known as jmedina
[23:12] <N6REJ> hey guys i got a question... i'm trying to upload a svn to my lan server from my vista box directly onto /var/www even though i told samba to share it its not letting me do that
[23:15] <jmedina> N6REJ: and how did you tell that to samba?
[23:16] <agampher> lots of yelling and shaking of fists
[23:16] <N6REJ> through smb.conf
[23:16] <N6REJ> lol yeah really
[23:16] <N6REJ> told it to make it a guest ok directory
[23:16] <jmedina> and the share block is like?
[23:16] <agampher> vista doesnt really play well with my samba install either
[23:17] <N6REJ> jmedina: want me to pastebin it or paste it here?
[23:17] <jmedina> N6REJ: if you want
[23:17] <N6REJ> [apache]
[23:17] <N6REJ> path = /var/www/
[23:17] <N6REJ> browseable = yes
[23:17] <N6REJ> read only = no
[23:17] <N6REJ> guest ok = yes
[23:17] <N6REJ> create mask = 0775
[23:17] <N6REJ> directory mask = 0755
[23:17] <jmedina> but one thing, I never used vista
[23:18] <jmedina> and what about the /var/www permissions?
[23:18] <N6REJ> vista can see it and read
[23:18] <jmedina> samba can't override File system control access
[23:18] <N6REJ> drwxrwsr-x
[23:18] <jmedina> N6REJ: ls -ld /var/www
[23:18] <jmedina> I guess you are connecting as guest (without password)
[23:18] <N6REJ> yeah
[23:19] <jmedina> well the guess (nobody) can't write in /var/www/
[23:19] <N6REJ> and the user troy can't write in that folder eirther
[23:19] <N6REJ> idk how to change it though
[23:19] <N6REJ> least not properly
[23:19] <jmedina> when you give guest ok access to a share, samba maps the guest account to nobody by default
[23:19] <N6REJ> jmedina: i told it to use troy as the guest account
[23:20] <agampher> for me, vista put the domain/workgroup in no matter what
[23:20] <N6REJ> agampher: yeah same there
[23:20] <N6REJ> here
[23:20] <N6REJ> well domain anyway
[23:20] <jmedina> N6REJ: well you can change the access mod to the dir /var/www
[23:20] <N6REJ> not workgroup
[23:20] <N6REJ> jmedina: how?
[23:21] <agampher> vista just doesnt play well with samba, i believe i had to use webmin to navigate the samba configuration to get my head around it, i think i finally got it to work, but it was a pain
[23:21] <N6REJ> agampher: was easy for me.. took my drives with no problem what so ever... this is first time i've had an issue
[23:21] <N6REJ> anything in /home i can share easily
[23:22] <N6REJ> don't matter if its my mac, vista, xp *nix they all play nice together
[23:22] <agampher> how did you get vista to stop with the workgroup/domain nonsense?
[23:22] <N6REJ> got 6 shared folders right now
[23:22] <agampher> for the other shares
[23:22] <N6REJ> oh let me post my conf
[23:22] <agampher> pastebin if you will
[23:23] <agampher> that way i can just copy the whole of it :)
[23:27] <JuleTecki> Hi th/j qemu
[23:27] <N6REJ> agampher: http://pastebin.ca/1292665
[23:28] <agampher> N6REJ: thanks man
[23:28] <N6REJ> agampher: np
[23:28] <N6REJ> works fantastic
[23:28] <N6REJ> i even access my srever via hallhome.lan :D
[23:28] <agampher> never could get vista to play nice
[23:29] <agampher> all purdy and everything, were you planning on distributing this? ;)
[23:31] <N6REJ> lol no, but ny network is stealthed so hopefully it wont' be too bad lol
[23:31] <N6REJ> forgot about the date
[23:31] <N6REJ> till i hit send
[23:32] <N6REJ> oh sweet! i can delete the post :D
[23:32] <jmedina> for those who have problems with samba and vista take a look
[23:32] <jmedina> http://www.wikipeando.com/index.php/archives/183
[23:32] <N6REJ> all gone :D
[23:32] <jmedina> there are some configs
[23:32] <agampher> jmedina: thanks
[23:33] <agampher> or should i say: gracias
[23:33] <jmedina> in english:
[23:33] <jmedina> http://www.builderau.com.au/blogs/codemonkeybusiness/viewblogpost.htm?p=339270746
[23:33] <jmedina> :D
[23:33] <agampher> haha
[23:34] <akaritakai> Does anyone have any experience w/ samba on Ubuntu server?
[23:34] <agampher> akaritakai: welcome to the conversation, we were just talking about it
[23:34] <akaritakai> o_O
[23:34] <akaritakai> How likely is that? o_O
[23:34] <agampher> :)
[23:35] <agampher> http://www.builderau.com.au/blogs/codemonkeybusiness/viewblogpost.htm?p=339270746
[23:35] <agampher> was just posted
[23:35] <agampher> i apologize if you already have that link, i have entry/exit notifications suppressed
[23:35] <akaritakai> Oh, God...I thought I was just missing something simple...
[23:35] <N6REJ> lol
[23:36] <N6REJ> akaritakai: actually it was
[23:36] <akaritakai> I meant on the Linux end :P
[23:36] <N6REJ> no seriously i forget how i set it up
[23:36] <agampher> haha
[23:36] <N6REJ> but it was quite simple
[23:37] <N6REJ> agampher: anyway whats the problem?
[23:37] <N6REJ> ah akaritakai i meant
[23:37] <N6REJ> lol
[23:38] <N6REJ> sorry
[23:38] <agampher> i was trying to think of one
[23:38] <agampher> i have to work late
[23:38] <N6REJ> jmedina: can you tell me how to change the permissions to the proper level like you said?
[23:38] <N6REJ> agampher: lol
[23:38] <N6REJ> i'm logging soon my new pc just arrived :D MERRY XMAS TO ME
[23:38] <jmedina> N6REJ: chgrp troy /var/www/
[23:39] <N6REJ> jmedina: won't that mean troy won't own /home/troy anymore?
[23:39] <jmedina> N6REJ: nop
[23:39] <jmedina> chgrp change the group ownership to /var/www
[23:40] <N6REJ> AH!
[23:40] <N6REJ> kk
[23:40] <N6REJ> SWEET!
[23:41] <N6REJ> jmedina: u rock :D
[23:41] <N6REJ> jmedina: you do any dev work?
[23:43] <N6REJ> wahooooooooo its working now :D
[23:44] <N6REJ> svn checkout of j! underway :D
[23:44] <JuleTecki> Hi there, any one know why i cant shutdown virtual machines(qemu)? i can pause them and halt then if i logon to them, but not through virsh
[23:49] <jmedina> N6REJ: nop, I do admin
[23:50] <N6REJ> jmedina: ok np, i figured it out anyway :D thanks for your help
[23:50] <N6REJ> ciao