UbuntuIRC / 2008 /12 /22 /#ubuntu-testing.txt
Initial commit
[07:08] <ara> morning all :)
[08:47] <ara> morning davmor2
[08:47] <davmor2> Morning ara
=== PecisDarbs_ is now known as PecisDarbs
[12:31] * ara -> lunch
=== theseinfeld is now known as theseinfeld|away
=== theseinfeld|away is now known as theseinfeld
=== Arby_ is now known as Arby
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
[16:04] <davmor2> morning other side of the pond people
[16:07] <davmor2> Hows the States and Canada this morning?
[18:21] <davmor2> charlie-tca: Hello
[18:22] <charlie-tca> hello
[18:22] <charlie-tca> Thanks for your help with xubuntu desktop cd!
[18:22] <davmor2> You saw that then :)
[18:23] <charlie-tca> Yeah, gotta keep checking, right
[18:23] <charlie-tca> Kind of confirms I did not lose my mind :-)
[18:23] <davmor2> charlie-tca: no just cd's
=== asac_ is now known as asac