UbuntuIRC / 2008 /12 /22 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:36] <fiyawerx> can you customize the partitions that mythbuntu installs itself on / uses for storage for audio / video media?
[00:36] <fiyawerx> as far as sizes, lvm, etc..?
[01:26] <bobbob1016_> Can anyone help me figure out why MyMote (a mythtv remote for the ipod touch) only seems to work with mpegs?
[03:03] <culinarian> I'm confused. I enabled MySql in myth control center, thinking that might have been part of my problem accessing my windows shares. Other than that I only fiddled with my frontend screen resolutions and installed Smb4k. Now when I try to su in terminal, it tells me "authentication failure." Like I said.. I'm confused. Maybe I need to get to a more remedial linux irc channel. Can anyone make any suggestions?
[06:12] <AnnonyMouse> hey guys. nice work with mythbuntu
[06:12] <AnnonyMouse> playing around. looks pretty cool
[06:18] <AnnonyMouse> is anyone online & available to help me out, pls?
[06:18] <AnnonyMouse> having trouble loading media, and I'm pretty sure I've got my basic config right
[06:57] <stiev3> AnnonyMouse, ask your question, stay in the channel, hopefully someone with a clue can help you out at some point
[06:58] <AnnonyMouse> sweet. thnx
[06:59] <AnnonyMouse> set up client-server split system. server's running & clients configured & connecting. trying to set up external volume HDD as media repository, but not picking it up in the interface
[07:02] <stiev3> if you've properly mounted the device, and have your paths correct, it could be a file permissions issue.
[07:03] <foxbuntu> AnnonyMouse, you need to add it as a Storage Directory in the backend setup or in the frontend for specific plugins if you are using it for the frontend only
[07:03] <AnnonyMouse> ntfs volume is mounted OK (seeing it over SMB share), & permissions are "chmod -R a+rw"
[07:04] <foxbuntu> why is it NTFS?
[07:04] <AnnonyMouse> NTFS is the most universal large volume FS
[07:04] <foxbuntu> ...and that still has nothing to do with setting it up as I preivously stated
[07:04] <AnnonyMouse> I have mixed environ: Mac's & Ubuntu
[07:05] <foxbuntu> AnnonyMouse, XFS?
[07:05] <foxbuntu> should work fine with Mac and Linux
[07:05] <AnnonyMouse> foxbuntu: XFS, tempting... but overly complicated @ the mo'
[07:05] <foxbuntu> and be native rather than patched to work
[07:05] <foxbuntu> overly complicated?
[07:06] <foxbuntu> sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb1 ?
[07:06] <AnnonyMouse> foxbuntu : think I'll add a local HDD dir (ETX3)
[07:06] <AnnonyMouse> see if that's gellin
[07:06] <AnnonyMouse> not the format
[07:07] <AnnonyMouse> but disk mobility on non-lin machines
[07:07] <foxbuntu> you said Mac and Linux
[07:07] <AnnonyMouse> why XFS, if I may ask?
[07:07] <foxbuntu> its much faster
[07:07] <AnnonyMouse> sry...mac, lin, win, etc, etc
[07:07] <AnnonyMouse> rly?
[07:07] <foxbuntu> when dealing with video data
[07:07] <AnnonyMouse> reliability?
[07:08] <foxbuntu> just as good as any other
[07:08] <AnnonyMouse> thnx! i'll look ino that
[07:08] <foxbuntu> btw...what you are considering doing with the USB disk is a bad idea
[07:08] <AnnonyMouse> *into*
[07:08] <AnnonyMouse> rly?
[07:09] <foxbuntu> yea...if you add it as a disk to the system to record to and then move it, it will upset the backend and fill up the logs
[07:09] <AnnonyMouse> the idea I had is using an old ubuntu box (patched/upgraded) as a NAS
[07:09] <AnnonyMouse> no recording @ this stage
[07:09] <AnnonyMouse> only media serving
[07:10] <foxbuntu> so you are going to go USB to sudo-NAS to network to Frontend?
[07:12] <AnnonyMouse> pardon?
[07:13] <foxbuntu> your idea
[07:13] <AnnonyMouse> mythbuntu is my network fileserver/NAS
[07:13] <AnnonyMouse> didn't understand question
[07:13] <foxbuntu> so, you are attaching a USB HDD to the Mythbuntu Backend
[07:13] <AnnonyMouse> correct
[07:13] <foxbuntu> which is serving Media to your frontends over your network?
[07:14] <AnnonyMouse> affirmative
[07:14] <foxbuntu> ok
[07:14] <foxbuntu> now, is your *old* hardware USB 2.0 or just 1.1?
[07:16] <AnnonyMouse> that's a bit of a bummer. HDD is 2.0, but machine's bus is only 1. but that's ok cause samba pumps it fast enough, to I knwo it's @ least possible. setting up proof of concept 4 now, so I only wanna get my ducks in a row
[07:17] <AnnonyMouse> little server does little else
[07:17] <foxbuntu> SMB cant make USB faster
[07:18] <AnnonyMouse> no. but it's a bottlenet in the chain, so if media moves fast enough over such a protocol, it'll be fine....for now
[07:19] <AnnonyMouse> planning on buildig a proper kick-ass box next year, but I want to some homework first
[07:19] <Zinn> AnnonyMouse: Please watch your language.
[07:19] <AnnonyMouse> what? where? sry?
[07:19] <AnnonyMouse> Zinn : sry, what r u referring 2?
[07:20] <AnnonyMouse> doh! Zin = mod-bot
[07:21] <foxbuntu> AnnonyMouse, indeed
[07:21] <AnnonyMouse> anyhow, thnx foxbuntu
[07:21] <foxbuntu> gl
[07:21] <AnnonyMouse> will try that suggestion quickly
[07:21] <foxbuntu> later
[07:22] <AnnonyMouse> thnx
[07:22] <stiev3> my next guess would be, if you have the path right, and we're talking MythVideo default settings, in videos general settings you want to turn on video * browses files.
[07:23] <AnnonyMouse> stiev3 : pls elabotate
[07:23] <AnnonyMouse> file-types?
[07:24] <stiev3> Setup > Media Settings > Video Settings > General Settings\
[07:24] <AnnonyMouse> takes a bit of tiem : have 2 "ssh -CX ..."
[07:25] <AnnonyMouse> (headless server; trying 2 keep it ligtweight)
[07:25] <stiev3> you can read the descriptions of options, but if mythvideo hasn't had a chance to scan the video path, and you're on default settings, you won't be able to see the videos when you go to browse
[07:25] <AnnonyMouse> sounds a bit like what I'm getting
[07:26] <stiev3> and as far as storing media on something you plan on moving around, when mythvideo scans, it stores all of the paths in the database. So if you went to move the storage device, at some point it'll ask "where'd you put these files"
[07:27] <stiev3> except it does it one by one and gets messy
[07:28] <AnnonyMouse> oooooooh
[07:28] <AnnonyMouse> well, I'm not planning on moving the drive around too much
[07:29] <AnnonyMouse> will more likely ad more than removing
[07:30] <stiev3> and to scan, you'd want to do Setup > Video Manager . Lets you sort out your movies, has an imdb script that it'll run on each file to fill in the database.
[07:33] <pteague> what's the north america dvd encoding format? is it ntsc or pal ?
[07:33] <stiev3> ntsc
[07:35] <pteague> k, guess i need to go back through the archive settings...
[07:36] <AnnonyMouse> brb
[07:37] <AnnonyMouse> think it may b a sql perms issue
[07:37] <AnnonyMouse> guessing here
[07:37] <AnnonyMouse> will have 2 reinstall
[07:40] <pteague> project-x requires java huh?
[07:40] <AnnonyMouse> stiev3 : buddy wands to have configuration where he can remotely control the play-out. is this possible?
[07:41] <AnnonyMouse> he's presently using VLC's HTTP interface, but that's not a pretty as mythbuntu's
[07:41] <stiev3> if your Video Manager is empty then there is something wrong with your path (has happened to me) or something else I don't know about
[07:43] <stiev3> remotely control the play out, as in a remote front end or.. ?
[07:43] * Yagisan waves hello
[07:44] <AnnonyMouse> not rly sure, 2 b honest. he has a machine with a nice monitor/tv (no kb or mouse), and he wants to remotely control it
[07:44] <AnnonyMouse> howdy
[07:45] <AnnonyMouse> he runs VLC's http daemon, which gives him a very simple interface
[07:45] <AnnonyMouse> not vry pretty
[07:46] <pteague> is there a reason my frontend is using ssh-agent with /usr/share/mythbuntu/session.sh ?
[07:46] <stiev3> he can install mythfrontend and connect to the backend and buy any number of remotes or other means of controlling it that aren't a keyboard or mouse.
[07:46] <Yagisan> I'm trying to spec up what will hopefully be a diskless mythbuntu front-end out of my "spare parts" boxes, and was looking at a guide to how much ram the front end should have. What do you recommend ?
[07:46] <AnnonyMouse> hehehe. could work...
[07:47] <stiev3> 2 gigs for hd is what I've always been told.
[07:47] <pteague> i bought a hauppauge pvr-500 dual-tuner with a usb remote... the pvr-500 is plugged into my backend & i use the usb remote on my frontend... works fine
[07:50] <pteague> my frontend is an intel d945gclf 1.6ghz mini-itx board with 1gig of ram & it works just fine... except my dvd drive seems to get a bit too hot on occasion when playing dvds causing it to crash out of mythtv
[07:51] <Yagisan> pteague, I don't intend to let anyone put dvd's in my front end - it's to replace the dvd player (and countless dvd's the kids break)
[07:51] <pteague> as for harddrive space i'm currently using 3.5G, but i've got some extra things installed
[07:51] <Yagisan> I'll be going for a diskless setup
[07:52] <pteague> Yagisan: i'm just saying :)
[07:52] <Yagisan> she who must be obeyed has decreed it's not allowed to make any more noise than the dvd player did
[07:52] <AnnonyMouse> guys, thnx 4 ur help, but I think I'll have 2 scatch the current installation & restart
[07:53] <pteague> i did have an old compaq presario 500mhz with something like 512mb ram that worked *decently* as long as it was kept very cool... 5-10 minutes the video would hang for just a second... when it got hotter this last spring it got ridiculous
[07:54] <Yagisan> pteague, I've managed to get an athlon 64 x2 4400 for the front end :D and a geforce 8500 gt (fanless) so it should be ok - I may just toss 2GB ram in it to be sure
[07:54] <pteague> cool
[07:55] <pteague> that's the *only* problem with my d945gclf ... the cpu is fanless, but the onboard intel video card has the loudest fan & i keep forgetting that's the noise maker >_<
[07:55] <Yagisan> of course the case is an ugly old thing that had a P2-300hz in it - but thats now gutted
[07:55] <stiev3> 2.3GHz AMD, 2 gb ram, TF7050 integraded mobo with hdmi port = my diskless.
[07:56] <stiev3> and I'm just now trying to get hdmi audio going on it nvidia 7050 pv
[07:56] <pteague> i've got a laptop hard drive in mine... it's pretty quiet
[07:56] * Yagisan is being called away for daya duties - back in about an hour or so
[07:57] <pteague> i was looking at using a flash drive, but i didn't want to have to mess with setting everything up & then setting it to mount / as read-only... & then having to change something >.>
[10:51] * Yagisan gets back
[10:52] * Yagisan wonders if installing the front end onto an 8GB usb stick would actually be less hasle than a "diskless" setup
[10:55] <laga> depends. :)
[10:55] <laga> diskless is nice if you have more than one frontend
[10:57] <stiev3> as a complete noob, it's not that bad dealing with diskless clients as it stands.
[10:58] <stiev3> i have yet to hit a problem that at least one person hasn't documented a solution to on the forums
[10:59] <laga> one of these days, i will fix them all..
[10:59] <laga> it's already quite good, but i want to make it smoother
[11:00] <stiev3> you're doing well if I can get them going
[11:03] <laga> thanks :)
[11:05] <Yagisan> laga, the specific requirement is *silent* - I can't quite afford that - so I'm working on less moving parts == quieter
[11:13] <Yagisan> ohh - shiny - finally can get mpeg4 acceleration in *nix on my nvidia cards
[17:33] <fpr02> Hi all, my question is about the Mythbuntu 0.21-fixes Intrepid repository
[17:33] <fpr02> it looks the the uk mirror has up to date packages whilst the US one has stopped updating
[17:44] <laga> superm1: go fix your mirror :)
[19:37] <ali1234> hi. my mythtv has no listings data after 19th december. i use OTA guide on UK digital terrestrial. i didn't reconfigure anything, and there are no error messages in the log or dmesg. does anybody have any ideas what happened?
[19:39] <ali1234> oops nvm i accidentally my aerial splitter...
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`
[22:52] <giver> I'm trying to determine how to tune 8psk channels with mythbuntu,there is no provision to set to use 8psk when scanning
[22:53] <giver> using an skywalker,btw
[23:01] <MythbuntuGuest83> i have a rather simple question.
[23:02] <MythbuntuGuest83> What if I have comcast digital cable, and want one all-in-one Mythbuntu solution what would i need to get my project a float?
[23:03] <MythbuntuGuest83> Is there a way to have one box that acts as a front/back end?
[23:10] <giver> all boxes can work frontend/backend,if you set them to do so
[23:10] <giver> anyone using a skywalker with mythtv?
[23:14] <NetSarC> hello ppl
[23:16] <NetSarC> i installed ubuntumyth, and played back a .mkv file with 23,963 fps (as i recall)
[23:16] <NetSarC> i was seeing some vertical lines was out of sync
[23:17] <NetSarC> i tried both 50hz and 60hz
[23:17] <NetSarC> quite anoying to watch (if you notice, as i do)
[23:17] <NetSarC> i've been searching and searching for a solution
[23:18] <NetSarC> without any luck
[23:18] <NetSarC> could this be a gfx card limit somehow?
[23:23] <NetSarC> well, 23.976 fps it was
[23:31] <MythbuntuGuest83> they're not gonna help you
[23:32] <NetSarC> oh no ?
[23:32] <MythbuntuGuest83> i've sat here quit a while w/o any response to my question so i doubt it
[23:32] <NetSarC> well, I gave it a shot
[23:32] <NetSarC> hehe
[23:32] <NetSarC> well, ppl arent always at their
[23:32] <NetSarC> computers
[23:33] <MythbuntuGuest83> yeah out of 30 ppl someones here
[23:33] <NetSarC> hmm :) no reason to answer my question if ppl dont have anything to help with
[23:50] <MythbuntuGuest37> hi i can`t download any updates my internet coneccion works fine but i can`t update any thing not even my grafics hard
[23:51] <MythbuntuGuest37> i ment card