UbuntuIRC / 2008 /12 /15 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
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[04:07] <ozatomic> Hey guys, just setting up a backend/frontend box and its seemed to have pickup my card alright which is a leadtek 2000H Rev J
[04:08] <ozatomic> i can select the cards from the video sources
[04:08] <ozatomic> sorry i mean from 2. Capture Sources. When when i goto 3. Video sources and then scan channels it doesn't find any cahnnels for analog or digital
[04:11] <ozatomic> i have signal streangth of 99% aswell
[04:46] <Templar_Xion> So, does Mythbuntu support the Happauge WinTV2USB?
[04:47] <Templar_Xion> I knew about a year ago zero USB TV Tuners were supported, wondering if that has changed.
[07:46] <Saga_> Hi people -- I'm new to MythTV. I recently bought a machine mainly for MythTV (Media Center). I'm looking for something that can run movies off the network (and/or) on hard drives as long as it uses dm-setup. I'm really new, really.
[08:34] <linux-hdtv> Hi, i am looking for a cheap graphics card able to render full HDTV on Linux.
[08:36] <laga> Saga_: well, since you bought it for mythtv, why don't you use that? although mythtv is more of a DVR
[08:45] <Saga_> Hello laga, I'm looking up on Wiki and Installation Manual. Seems like there are servers and clients involved. I only need to set up a single machine. :o
[08:46] <Saga_> laga, And yes, I'm planning to use this for recording too.
[08:47] <Saga_> laga, I'm thinking -- Should I just install Ubuntu on this, set up SFTP and whatnot, then basically transfer the movies to there....But then again, the user interface should be very friendly for my family.
[09:10] <linux-hdtv> both my Nvidia GeForce 7600 GS and my ATI Radeon HD3200 drop frames, even with proprietary drivers ...
[10:18] <bouke> !help
[10:18] <Zinn> !help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi
[10:19] <bouke> i need some help to configure mythbuntu with technotrend s2 3200 dvb-s2 card.
[11:26] <culinarian> how can I view shares on a windows box through mythbuntu, mythtv etc? My system shows Samba running but I don't see where to select network shares from another computer on the network.
[13:56] <jphillip> culinarian do you want to just view them once or mount them on boot every time?
[13:57] <culinarian> not sure, i'm really new to all this
[13:57] <culinarian> the how to's i've seen all involve alot of term work that i'm a little queasy with
[13:57] <culinarian> and I still don't understant the linux filesystem arch.
[14:09] <jphillip> well if you launch a file browser and type in the address bar smb:\\x.x.x.x
[14:09] <jphillip> it should show you shares on that computer
[14:09] <culinarian> xxxx being the ip of my windows box?
[14:09] <jphillip> yep
[14:10] <culinarian> file browser being something like Thunar?
[14:17] <jphillip> yep
[14:18] <jphillip> you should be able to ctrl+l if it doesn't give you an address bar, thats how you do it in gnome land at least
[14:20] <culinarian> I'm using the mythbuntu release that has the xfce4 (i believe). I just tried it with the live frontend with no luck. rebooting my installation to try there... samba may not have been loaded in the live environment.
[14:21] <jphillip> yes it uses xfce
[14:22] <culinarian> hmm, go to location... I start typing and the [open] button grays out and I get a "do not enter" symbol on the location line...
[14:38] <jphillip> culinarian hmmm apparently thunar does not support that, you are going to need to mount them yourself first
[14:39] <jphillip> culinarian http://opensource.weblogsinc.com/2005/11/28/howto-use-cifs-instead-of-smbfs/
[14:43] <culinarian> ok, thanks for the help... this'll give me something to play around with until I break something else :)
[14:44] <jphillip> ideally if you put it in fstab then every boot it should be there
[14:45] <culinarian> I'll keep that in mind when I get to that step. thanks again
[14:57] <kirkland> superm1: did you get that mythtv/mysql/debconf bit sorted out, or did you need me to send you another patch?
[14:57] <kirkland> superm1: i see you uploaded yesterday, but i don't see it in the changelog
[15:00] <bobbob1016> I'm trying to configure mymote, a mythtv remote control for the iphone, and I can't seem to get it working. I've been google-ing and no luck. Has anyone gotten it working?
[15:07] <superm1> kirkland, i had to do two uploads. the first one FTBFS due to 2.6.28 being the kernel
[15:07] <superm1> kirkland, in my pbuilder i didn't have 2.6.28 so didn't see it coming
[15:08] <kirkland> superm1: doh
[15:08] <kirkland> superm1: but my patch started working for you? it wasn't working last time we talked....
[15:09] <superm1> kirkland, it required some modifications to the other postinst to start working too
[15:09] <superm1> kirkland, minor stuff really
[15:10] <superm1> kirkland, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mythtv/mythtv/mythtv-fixes/changes 148 was yours, i did a bunch of other stuff ahead of it
[15:11] <kirkland> superm1: cool ;-)
[15:11] <superm1> kirkland, i realized after i made all those changes that there probably still is a bit of a security hole here. mysql is being called with pw on the command line
[15:11] <superm1> that likely means anyone who is snooping by can see it in action
[15:12] <kirkland> superm1: right, i wondered if you cared
[15:12] <superm1> well it's so quick (1 sql command at a time) i'm not sure it's a critical issue
[15:13] <kirkland> superm1: it would be a problem for something in main
[15:14] <superm1> kirkland, so how is it usually solved then?
[15:21] <kirkland> superm1: see the ecryptfs-utils stuff, where i do this quite a bit
[15:21] <kirkland> superm1: basically:
[15:21] <kirkland> superm1: the utility needing the password must support taking it in on stdin
[15:21] <kirkland> superm1: and then you'd use something like:
[15:21] <kirkland> printf "%s" "$password" | mysql --password -
[15:22] <kirkland> printf and echo are dash "builtin's"
[15:22] <kirkland> so they don't show up in proctab
[15:32] <bobbob1016> Ok, after some playing around with the config, I am up to just getting mysql working. I need to do the "enable multiple access" thing at the end of this http://www.mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO-6.html#ss6.2 but I can't seem to get the mysql prompt, can anyone help with this?
[15:51] <superm1> kirkland, well the issue is that you still have to pass a command to mysql too though
[15:51] <superm1> and normally that command is passed on stdin...
[15:51] <kirkland> superm1: tricky ...
[15:52] <kirkland> superm1: perhaps that's what they're getting out of that perl blip?
[15:52] <superm1> kirkland, i mean the only thing i could think is to redirect that password to say fd3 and try to pass it in from there, but i dont know the syntax
[15:52] <superm1> kirkland, yeah that's what i think the original maintainer's intention was, but that perl blip had problems where you could escape the password
[15:53] <superm1> by using extra characters
[15:53] <kirkland> superm1: interesting ...
[15:53] <superm1> so what's the lesser of two evils really
[15:56] <superm1> i'm pretty sure it would be something similar to this, but i'm not sure of the syntax; echo "pass" 1>3 | echo "show databases;" | mysql -umythtv -p <3
[16:00] <superm1> kirkland, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/password-security.html i wonder if that last comment is actually true on linux systems
[16:02] <kirkland> superm1: i'm asking kees/jamie
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[17:13] <kees> superm1: ah, yeah, forgot about that. just don't 'export', and you should be safe. environ is private.
[17:13] <superm1> kees, well unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on the mysql utility, probably only for mysqldump
[17:14] <kees> superm1: ah, bummer. you know about ~/.my.cnf ?
[17:14] <kees> [client]
[17:14] <kees> user = USER
[17:14] <kees> password = PASSWORD
[17:14] <kees> etc?
[17:15] <superm1> no, wasn't aware of that, but how would that be usable / beneficial for postinst though?
[17:15] <superm1> just create a tmp config with permissions only for root and use that?
[17:29] <superm1> kees, ^
[17:36] <kees> superm1: yeah, I think you can aim to a file
[17:36] <kees> maybe not, hrm
[17:36] <alien_> mce remote blaster fails several times a day...the receiver always works, but the blaster will die for no apparent reason and I can never find anything in the logs. Had the problem with 7.10, but found a workaround...fresh installed 8.10 and I cant get it to work. Anyone had this issue before?
[17:36] <kees> hrm, nothing jumps out at me
[17:37] <superm1> kees, well in any case i think the exact behavior isn't especially high priority as i was saying to kirkland, it's just 2-3 quick SQL commands during postinst only, but if we come up with some solution it's worthwhile putting in
[17:38] * kees nods
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